Sunday, November 30, 2008

12/01/08 Commission Agenda


DECEMBER 01, 2008



1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped)


3. MINUTES – November 17, 2008 Regular Commission Meeting



5.1 Presentation and Discussion on Recycling Program – Marvin Nisly, Nisly Brothers, Inc.

5.2 Consideration of Appointments to a Proposed Airport Zoning Commission and Proposed Airspace Ordinance – Reid Bell, Airport Manager

5.3 Consideration and Approval of Appointments to Tourism Committee & ED Board (3 yr terms) – Brian Hoffman, Chamber Director

5.4 Consideration and Approval of Amendment to 2008 City of Pratt Budget – Diana Garten, Finance Director

5.5 Consideration and Approval of Low Bid for Cooling Tower Repairs – Kelly Hemphill, Dir. of Electric Utilities

5.6 Consideration and Approval of the Purchase of a Wastewater Vehicle – Russ Rambat, Public Works Director

5.7 Consideration and Approval of 2009 Cereal Malt Beverage Licenses – Steve Holmes, Chief of Police


6.1 City Manager
6.2 City Attorney
6.3 Department Heads
6.4 Mayor
6.5 City Commission


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

11/03/08 Approved Commission Minutes


NOVEMBER 03, 2008

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located at City Hall.

PRESENT: Eric Nystrom Mayor
Glenna Borho Commissioner
Jeff Taylor Commissioner
Willy Peltier Commissioner

ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Diana Garten Finance Director
Russ Rambat Public Works Director
Steve Holmes Chief of Police
Kelly Hemphill Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director


Mayor Nystrom called the regular session to order. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Hlavachick.


A motion by Commissioner Taylor to approve the minutes of the October 20, 2008 regular Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Borho and carried unanimously.


No one in the audience wished to address the Commission.


Mayor Nystrom read the proclamation declaring November ‘National Hospice/Palliative Care Month’. Several representatives from Hospice joined the Mayor and Commission for pictures.


Mayor Nystrom explained that the committee had worked out this situation earlier and would not be addressing the Commission.


Director of the Pratt Area Humane Society Mike Hill informed the Commission that they had moved into their new building and things were going as well as could be expected with a lot of construction yet to do. Mr. Hill stated that he would be inviting the City and County Commissioners for a visit in a few weeks.

Mr. Hill then addressed the Commission on the utilities issue at the new location and reminded the Commission that the City had taken care of the utilities at the old facility per the contract signed by both the City and Humane Society.

Commissioner Borho commented that the new facility would also involve water and sewer. Mr. Hill stated that they have a gas boiler, heated floors and R30 in the walls. Mayor Nystrom commented that the City was not paying for the gas at the old facility. Mr. Hill informed the Commission that the old facility required electric space heaters, sometimes as many as eight or nine running at one time. Commissioner Peltier questioned how warm or cool they have to keep the new facility. Mr. Hill stated that you cannot get below 45 degrees and no warmer than 85 degrees in a twenty-four hour period. Commissioner Peltier commented that you could leave it at 55 degrees. Mr. Hill stated that they have it at 70 degrees, which is warm enough for people and animals.

Commissioner Taylor questioned what was in the contract as it had been a long time since it had been looked at. City Manager Dave Howard stated that the City donates $1,000 a month and gives them free electric and trash. Mr. Howard added that the new location would require sewer and water, so that would require a new contract. Commissioner Borho commented that they also have a new name. Commissioner Taylor suggested that we see what their utilities are going to be for a month or two before making any decisions. Mr. Howard stated that we could look at it again in January. Commissioner Taylor stated that would be good. Commissioner Peltier questioned if we would cover it until then. Mayor Nystrom suggested that we put a cap on it. Commissioner Peltier questioned if they were still using space heaters. Mr. Hill stated that they are not and the utilities should not be much higher, but that they do have to turn the air over twelve times an hour and that it runs on a 220. Mr. Hill added that the law states that this has to be done to pull air in and recirculate it.

Commissioner Peltier questioned why the dogs are not kept outside at night. Mr. Hill stated that it was a safety issue and that the barking could annoy neighbors. Commissioner Borho questioned if KPL was going to help them with the gas. Mr. Hill stated that they were not. Commissioner Borho asked how many staff were employed by the Humane Society. Mr. Hill stated that there was one full time employee and he had added a couple of college kids since it takes longer to figure out what they are doing with 37 kennels to take care of. Commissioner Borho asked if he had a kennel manager. Mr. Hill stated that he had an assistant and then someone on the weekends.

Commissioner Borho questioned Police Chief Steve Holmes if things were going okay for him concerning the shelter. Chief Holmes stated that they were going good and that they no longer have to fill out dog cards manually. Chief Holmes explained that Mr. Hill had a new program and he had trained his officers to do it and he will get a quarterly report now. Mr. Hill commented that this was a good program and would cut out redundant work. Mayor Nystrom questioned what the County’s contribution was. Mr. Hill stated that it was $400 a month.

Commissioner Borho questioned if it would work to address this again at the December 1st meeting and have a new contract at the next meeting to be effective January 1st. Mayor Nystrom stated that he was concerned with the utilities later on. Mr. Hill commented that the building was tight and energy efficient. Mr. Hill added that the electric was going to be high due to construction and late hours, but he would bring it down and reminded the Commission that the law requires them to have air conditioning. Mayor Nystrom commented that the turning of air over so many times an hour would drive up the cost. Commissioner Borho commented that the trash service has out-weighed the electric. Mr. Howard commented that the average of all utilities in the old facility was about $15,000. Commissioner Taylor suggested visiting this again at the next meeting with some figures to look at. All present were agreeable with revisiting this issue on November 17th.


Police Chief Steve Holmes stated to the Commission that there was a new owner at 212 West First Street and that they were applying for a 2008 CMB license. Chief Holmes commented that this was a new license and they had met the requirements, which meant that the local manager was present tonight. A motion by Commissioner Taylor to grant the 2008 CMB license to 212 West First Street, which was under the new owner, Century Fuels. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Borho and carried unanimously.


City Manager Howard informed the Commission that he would be addressing this issue on behalf of Chamber Director Brian Hoffman. Mr. Howard reviewed the street closings on the power point map presented to the Commission and informed them the biggest change would be on Ninnescah Street and Third Street. Mr. Howard explained that there were problems with people driving to the Post Office and then down Ninnescah Street and that Mr. Hoffman would like to close off part of Ninnescah Street starting farther north. Mr. Howard also pointed out that Forth Street was not closed off by Main Street and informed the Commission that the carriage rides were not going to be part of the festivities this year. Mr. Howard commented that things get started about 2:00 p.m. and if people need to access the Post Office they could hopefully walk. Mr. Howard stated that he had visited with Mr. Hoffman about contacting the businesses about the street closings. A motion by Commissioner Borho to allow the Chamber of Commerce to have street closings on November 22nd from 2:00 p.m. to 7 p.m. as shown on the map. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.


Building in Sixth Street park:

City Manager Howard informed the Commission that he had been approached by the Pilot Club about their using the little building left in the Putt Putt Golf area for storage. Mr. Howard stated that the building was small and that it was a perfect location for them. Commissioner Peltier questioned what they would store in there. Public Works Director Russ Rambat commented that it would probably be Christmas lights and various holiday decorations. A motion by Commissioner Borho to allow the Pilot Club to use the building by Putt Putt Golf. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.

Bill Shaffer house:

Mr. Howard reminded the Commission that the City had bought the house on Sixth Street belonging to Mr. Bill Shaffer and that he was working some deals on the tearing down of a couple of houses. Mr. Howard stated that the Fire Chief had asked if the department could use the Shaffer house for training for the next few months. Mr. Howard added that they would be using their smoke machine and would clean up any broken glass, etc. and board up the windows when they were finished. The Commission was in agreement to allow the Fire Department to use the house on Sixth Street for training. Commissioner Borho commented that it would be nice to be able to burn down derelict houses. Commissioner Taylor commented that there were too many liabilities with the embers and smoke.

Mr. Howard stated that there was a fairly new furnace in that house and he had thought about donating it to the Humane Society, but they had received the boiler. Mr. Howard commented that he had asked Fire Chief Kramer to take it out and store in their new location for possible use in their future sleeping quarters. Mr. Howard suggested that the furniture be donated to charity. Commissioner Borho commented that Hospice was having their auction this month. Mr. Howard stated that we could give it to them. Mayor Nystrom commented that it must not have much value or the family would not have left it. Mr. Howard commented that it was the City’s property now and we would dispose of it properly.

Attorney meetings:

City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum commented that he had attended the City Attorney’s meeting and that it had been a good meeting. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that there were new DUI laws and they had visited the new identity theft program that the City Commission had approved at their last meeting. Mr. Van Blaricum also mentioned that he would have something on the smoking ordinance at the next meeting and that he had received a lot of calls.

Discussion on Main Street Project:

Public Works Director Russ Rambat informed the Commission that he had had a meeting with a representative from KDOT last Friday concerning our future projects. Mr. Rambat stated that EBH Engineering had submitted two KLINK projects on the Main Street Project and both were scheduled for 2011. Mr. Rambat commented that the representative told him that KDOT can only fund one project a year. Mr. Rambat explained that the representative suggested that the City postpone the 2010 KLINK project and request the location for that funding be moved for a 2010 KLINK project that works with the end of the geometric project to Fifth Street instead. Mr. Rambat added that the application for the 2011 KLINK project for Fifth and Sixth Streets could be submitted as is and that once approved, the two projects could be combined into one and tied into the geometric project. Mr. Rambat explained that doing the three projects at one time makes sense and that the geometric project is an 80/20 and the KLINK is a 75/25, which would make their KLINK contribution $400,000. Commissioner Borho commented that we would be getting a total of about $1.2 million. Mr. Rambat stated that the representative suggested we apply for the 2012 KLINK funds for the section from the railroad tracks to the City limits that we had postponed to finish Main Street. Mr. Rambat added that the representative commented that we do not know if the funding will be there in 2012 when the time comes to do another piece of the project. Commissioner Borho commented that we could be jeopardizing the 2011 money, but there should be money available. Mr. Howard added that the only risk would be the northern project, but we might gain $200,000. Commissioner Peltier questioned if they care if you flip flop projects. Mr. Rambat stated that this was one large project that they were done by funding dates, not construction dates. Mr. Howard added that whether you do it in one phase or five, KDOT does not care. Commissioner Taylor added that the northern project could be funded some other way and Main Street cannot. Mayor Nystrom stated that he would like to see this on paper. Mr. Howard commented that 2011 seems to be a long way out, but there was a lot to do before then such as meetings with business owners and dealing with parking issues. A motion by Commissioner Taylor to go along with KDOT’s suggestions to reappropriate funds from the north Main Street Project to the south Main Street project in order to make it one complete project. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Borho and carried unanimously. Mr. Howard commented that the sooner KDOT gets our response, the better they will feel.

Concrete work:

Mr. Rambat informed the Commission that the concrete guys were back on Fifth Street until it snows. Mr. Rambat stated that the project might run into next year and that it was hard to get people to do concrete work.

Line Distribution:

Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill stated that the line guys were busy hanging Christmas decorations and that would be their main focus through November.

Power Plant:

Mr. Hemphill stated that the power plant had been testing the 14 mega watt boiler and doing minor repairs. Mr. Hemphill commented that things were operating as normal.

Mr. Hemphill stated that FEMA had offered a reward on project two and that we were working on an appeal process. Mr. Hemphill commented that FEMA was a lot more open to listening to appeals and concerns and that we were moving forward.


Mr. Hemphill stated that the reality of the cylinder situation was that Fairbanks Morse had ordered the heads. Mr. Hemphill explained that Fairbanks Morse stated that there were faults in the heads and we were waiting to hear from them. Mr. Hemphill admitted that we do not know what is going on. City Manager Howard stated that a team from Fairbanks Morse would be going to France to talk to the manufacturer. Commissioner Borho commented that Fairbanks Morse knows that it is not our fault so they are going to lay the blame on the manufacturer and it should be easy to prove fault. Mr. Howard commented that it is a complicated long drawn out issue, so we will see what happens in these meetings. City Attorney Van Blaricum commented that if Fairbanks Morse sold the cylinders to us, then they are liable. Mr. Howard commented that the warranty was up and was with another company. Mr. Howard added that we have correspondence that the technicians from Fairbanks Morse had concerns before the warranty was up. Mr. Howard stated that we would see if Fairbanks Morse was genuine with the guys in France and if not, we would bring it back to the Commission.

Ready for winter storms:

Mayor Nystrom questioned if the City was ready for an ice storm this winter. Mr. Hemphill stated that the trees were in better shape than usual. Mr. Hemphill commented that the lines were not as we were waiting for FEMA to complete their process before we rebuild them. Mr. Hemphill explained that the lines may stand in another ice storm, but there were no guarantees. Mr. Hemphill stated that there had been about twelve projects and some had only been a block long behind the motels and the Sonic. Mayor Nystrom commented that it was clear cut now in that area. Commissioner Borho commented that the tress being cut down had caught the attention of some people. Mr. Hemphill stated that that area should survive any ice we get. Mayor Nystrom commented that it would not be negligence on our part if it does not. Mr. Hemphill commented that we had done the best we can.

Recreation Board:

Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall commented that he would have recommendations for completing the fulfillments on the Recreation Advisory Board at the next Commission meeting. Mr. Pinkall encouraged the Commission to think of anyone that might be interested in being on the board.

Quiet Halloween:

Chief Holmes commented that it had been a quiet Halloween and no kids had been injured.

Sales tax for October:

Finance Director Diana Garten stated that sales tax for October was consistent with last year.

Taste of Home:

Ms. Garten commented that Taste of Home was coming to Pratt again this month.

Smoking Ordinance:

Mayor Nystrom questioned City Attorney Van Blaricum about an ordinance for smoking before year end. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he could have something to look at at the next meeting. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that he would be working off of the Cities of Lawrence and Newton. Mayor Nystrom commented that he had had positive response and that the people just want us to be fair. Mayor Nystrom questioned what you do with private clubs. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he would like to check out the other ordinances before saying. Commissioner Borho commented that the Knights of Columbus is already non-smoking and she felt it would be great to go non-smoking.

OPEN AGENDA (cont.):

Mr. Ryan Beisner addressed the Commission on the use of Lemon’s Park and Sixth Street Park for their winter disc golf tournament on February 28, 2009. Mr. Beisner commented that the colder the better for this one day tournament. Mr. Beisner stated that he had visited with Mr. Mark Eckhoff and he told him to clear it with the Commission. Mr. Beisner commented that they raise funds for donations to the food bank and that there was $257,000 raised nationwide for various organizations. Mr. Beisner explained that they were not looking for funds or to close the park. Mayor Nystrom questioned if there was a problem with them charging. Mr. Howard stated that he had not seen a contract that stated that, but that we would not want to close the park and then charge a fee. Commissioner Peltier asked if Mr. Beisner was just asking for use of the facility. Mr. Beisner stated that he was so that they could go ahead with equipment installation. Mr. Rambat commented that the equipment cannot get in the way of mowing and that if Mr. Eckhoff was fine with it, he was too. Mr. Howard added that the City had had no problems with them last year. A motion by Commissioner Borho to allow Pratt Disc Golf Club to use Lemon’s Park and Sixth Street Park on February 28, 2009 and to install permanent above ground equipment. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.


Upon proper motion, the meeting was adjourned.





Monday, November 17, 2008

11/17/08 City Commission Agenda


NOVEMBER 17, 2008



1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped)


3. MINUTES – November 03, 2008 Regular Commission Meeting



5.1 Presentation of 2008 Employee Service Awards – Mayor and Commission

5.2 Discussion on Draft Ordinance Concerning Smoking in Public Places – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney; Mayor and Commission

5.3 Further Discussion on Utilities at Pratt Area Humane Society’s New Location – Mayor, Commission & Staff

5.4 Consideration and Approval of Contracts for Sale of Property to City – Dave Howard, City Manager
· Josephine C. Lemon Trust #1
· Pratt Well Service, Inc

5.5 Discussion on Extending Christmas Holiday to Include Friday, December 26, 2008 – Mayor Nystrom


6.1 City Manager
6.2 City Attorney
6.3 Department Heads
6.4 Mayor
6.5 City Commission