DECEMBER 01, 2008
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
PRESENT: Eric Nystrom Mayor
Glenna Borho Commissioner
Jeff Taylor Commissioner
Bill Hlavachick Commissioner
Willy Peltier Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Russ Rambat Public Works Director
Steve Holmes Chief of Police
Kelly Hemphill Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director
Mayor Nystrom called the regular session to order. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.
A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to approve the minutes of the November 17, 2008 regular Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and passed unanimously.
No one in the audience wished to address the Commission.
Mayor Nystrom informed the Commission, staff and audience that the agenda was being amended and the airport issue would be first on the agenda and the recycling issue would follow.
Mr. Reid Bell, Airport Manager, addressed the Commission on their consideration of an Airport Zoning Commission that would have an affect on the future of the airport. Mr. Bell stated that he was asking the Commission to officially develop an Airport Zoning Commission and that they would be involved in reviewing the ordinance, making necessary changes and holding a public hearing. Mr. Bell commented that the Zoning Commission would bring the proposal back to the Commission for their approval. Mayor Nystrom questioned if Mr. Bell would be the chairman of this commission. Mr. Bell stated that he probably should and that permitting would come out of the airport office. Commissioner Borho questioned what the smallest designation of an airport was. Mr. Bell stated that for a county airport, you are classified as business, regional or commercial. Mayor Borho questioned the height restrictions and if the grain elevators in Wichita were within their restriction area since they were a commercial airport. Mr. Bell stated that the elevators were not in their approach. Mayor Borho asked why we had to be restrictive and Wichita did not. Mr. Bell commented that Wichita has precision instrument approach on all runways. Commissioner Borho questioned what you could land that needs precision instruments. Mr. Bell stated that you could land small regional jets. Commissioner Borho asked if Ted Turner could still land no matter what goes in that area. Mr. Bell commented that if you are not protecting the 50 to 1 approach, they would shut the door to anyone that would require it. Commissioner Taylor asked if this was just north and south. Mr. Bell commented that it was. Commissioner Peltier questioned east and west approaches. Mr. Bell stated that it was 14,000 feet all the way around. Commissioner Peltier commented that that was six miles across. Mr. Bell stated that was by FAA standards. Commissioner Borho questioned what was needed to become a commercial airport. Mr. Bell stated that we would need the standard zone of 10,000 feet that we have now plus an additional 4,000 feet on any point of the runway. Mr. Bell added that to protect to the ultimate, it would be 50,000 feet off the ends. Commissioner Peltier commented that that would be ten miles each way. City Manager Dave Howard added that this also goes out and not just up. Mayor Nystrom asked if the Parrish Hotel would be an issue today. Mr. Bell answered that it would not be. Mr. Howard asked about the grain towers in Iuka. Mr. Bell stated that they would not be a problem either. Commissioner Peltier questioned how far out something would have to be. Mr. Bell stated it would be four and a half miles from the end of the runway. Commissioner Peltier questioned if you could instrument land now. Mr. Bell stated that you could, but not commercial traffic. Mr. Bell added that if we lose the approaches all weather service is gone and an air ambulance could not land unless it was a good day.
Mayor Nystrom asked who Mr. Bell would like to have on the Airport Zoning Commission. Mr. Bell stated that the Zoning Commission had been considered. Commissioner Taylor asked if they had been talked to about this. Mr. Howard commented that he had talked to them about someone being on that board, but he felt that someone from Iuka and the County should also be considered. Mr. Howard clarified that, since this involves zoning, you should have someone from those areas on the committee. Mayor Nystrom asked what direction Mr. Bell should be heading. Mr. Howard stated that they need to start out with the approval of the board being formed. City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum commented that in the aircraft and airfield zoning regulations, the state statute states that political subdivision means those authorized by the laws of this state to acquire, operate, maintain or regulate an airport or airports, acting singly or jointly, and also means those within or partly within 50,000 feet of a military airfield control tower. Mr. Van Blaricum added that the political subdivision shall not appoint zoning regulations until a final report is received and that the number of members of the Airport Zoning Commission was up to the City Commission.
A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to appoint an Airport Zoning Commission to study issues at hand. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier. Mayor Nystrom asked if this board was under the City Commission’s authority. Mr. Howard stated that their report comes to the Commission for approval. Mayor Nystrom clarified that the Airport Zoning Commission comes up with recommendations to bring to us. Mr. Van Blaricum clarified that this would just be on zoning questions. Mr. Bell commented that the unsaid concern was with the public and he was not trying to restrict construction, but he does not want them to penetrate the airspace.
Commissioner Borho commented that she felt a five member board would be appropriate. Commissioner Hlavachick suggested seven that would include a representative from the farm group. Mr. Bell agreed that seven would be reasonable. The Commission suggested that the City Planning and Zoning Commission, the Airport Authority and a representative from the ED Board along with a person at large should make up the Airport Zoning Commission. Commissioner Hlavachick amended his original motion to include a seven person board. Commissioner Peltier again seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Mayor Nystrom informed Mr. Bell that he should go out and get these people to serve on the board and then report back to the Commission. Mr. Howard added that he would bring this up at the next Planning and Zoning meeting and that he would work with Mr. Bell to get the board together.
Mr. Marvin Nisly thanked the Commission for taking time for the presentation and that he understood that the trash service in the City can only be done by the City, but he was offering a recycling service. Mr. Nisly provided a power point presentation that informed the Commission that his family had owned the trash hauling service since 1956. Mr. Nisly stated that his company offers residential, commercial and blue bag recycling and more recently had started a portable toilet service. Mr. Nisly stated that they have good equipment, careful employees, cameras on their trucks, liability insurance and that quality service was their commitment.
Mr. Nisly stated that the recycling service requires the customer to have another container for mixed paper and cardboard and that recycling was the right thing to do. Mr. Nisly commented that as a City, the idea was to divert items that can be recycled from the landfill. Mr. Howard commented that our savings would be on the cost since it is based on tonnage, but we would not save on man power or fuel and the City was not prepared to offer this service since it was hard to keep that department staffed now. Commissioner Peltier asked if we make money on our service. Mr. Howard stated that we always break even and can cover expenses such as new trucks, new carts and employees. Commissioner Peltier questioned if we had looked into subbing it all out. Commissioner Borho explained. Commissioner Peltier asked if Nisly’s could leave the County with trash. Mr. Howard stated that this would be recyclable material. Commissioner Taylor commented that the County might start charging more for less tons. Mr. Howard stated that he had not visited with the County about this yet.
Commissioner Peltier questioned what was going to be recycled. Mr. Nisly stated that residential services would be for paper and cardboard, but he was looking at commercial now. Commissioner Borho commented that as a former retailer, she knows how hard boxes and things are to get rid of. Mr. Howard stated that they can expand beyond commercial and that it could hurt our trash service in one sense, but it would have to be evaluated later. Mr. Nisly commented that they run back from Pratt empty, so they are also talking to Turon, Cunningham, Fairfield and Preston. Mr. Nisly stated that the issue of losing revenue was a valid issue that the City has to look at. Mr. Howard stated that there would be certain times of the year that would be beneficial, such as compost time, and that employee costs could be diverted somewhere else.
Mayor Nystrom commented that this was the right thing to do and that it was tough to store it and then find the time to take it to the Recycling Center. Mr. Nisly commented that the City would not see a huge drop in volume, but the question was how important recycling was to the community. Commissioner Taylor suggested that the City visit with the County and see what would happen to their rates.
Commissioner Taylor questioned if cardboard was selling well now. Mr. Nisly stated that nothing was selling well. Commissioner Borho stated that she was in agreement to let Mr. Nisly visit with staff. Commissioner Borho added that the County Commission has the authority to decide where trash goes. Mr. Howard stated that he would get with the County and visit with them about the recycling program.
Chamber Director Brian Hoffman stated that he had a few recommendations for Tourism and ED Boards. Mr. Hoffman stated that Kevin Hamm was willing to serve an additional term on the ED Board. A motion by Commissioner Borho to appoint Kevin Hamm to a second term on the ED Board. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously
Mr. Hoffman stated that Mike Cox and Lisa Perez Miller were willing to continue on the Tourism Board. Commissioner Borho questioned if you have to live in the County to be on the Tourism Board. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that you do not. A motion by Commissioner Borho to reappoint Mike Cox and Lisa Perez Miller to another three year term on the Tourism Board. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously,
Mr. Hoffman informed the Commission that there was a vacancy on the Tourism Board with Shelly Patel moving. Mr. Hoffman stated that he had visited with Alex Desai and he was interested in serving the remainder of the term of Shelly Patel and that he had also visited with Bruce Pinkall. Mr. Hoffman commented that Mr. Pinkall would be an asset due to the link with Parks and Recreation. A motion by Commissioner Peltier to appoint both to the Tourism Board. A second by Commissioner Hlavachick and the motion carried unanimously.
Finance Director Diana Garten stated that she needed the Commission’s approval to publish the 2008 budget amendments public hearing at the next meeting. Mayor Nystrom asked if this was a statutory requirement. Ms. Garten stated that it was. A motion by Commissioner Taylor to approve the publication of the amendments to the 2008 budget for a public hearing at the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.
Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill stated that he had gone out for bids for cooling tower repairs. Mr. Hemphill commented that the tower had been damaged by high winds in April. Mr. Hemphill stated that EMC Insurance had issued a check for damages minus the $5,000 deductible, which added up to $39,116. Mr. Hemphill stated that he had sent out two quotes and two had been returned. Mr. Hemphill informed the Commission that Cooling Tower Depot had sent a bid for repairs in the amount of $42,534.80 and SPX Cooling Technologies’ bid was $39,666. Mr. Hemphill stated that one asbestos removal quote was returned from Asbestos Removal & Maintenance Inc. in the amount of $4,650, which would be added to the quotes mentioned earlier making Cooling Tower Depot’s bid $47,184.80 and SPX Cooling Technologies’ bid $44,316. Mr. Hemphill added that sales tax would be added to the bid and that his recommendation was to accept the lower bid from SPX Cooling Technologies. A motion by Commissioner Borho to award Asbestos Removal & Maintenance the bid for asbestos removal at $4,650 and SPX Cooling Technologies the bid for repairs at $39,666 plus tax on each. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier.
Mayor Nystrom questioned if there would be any asbestos left when this was done. Mr. Hemphill stated that there would be. Mayor Nystrom asked how much it would cost to remove it all. Mr. Hemphill commented that it would probably be twice what they quoted. City Manager Howard commented that the tower needed to be replaced, but with the electrical issues, we do not know how long it was going to operate and it made sense to repair the old cooling tower. Mr. Howard added that not knowing the impact of wind generation, it is the sensible thing to do in fixing it and getting five years or so out of it.
Commissioner Taylor questioned the handling fee. Mr. Hemphill stated that he did not know what that was for. A vote on the motion and second was unanimous to accept the low bid from SPX Cooling Technologies and Asbestos Removal and Maintenance.
Public Works Director Russ Rambat stated that he had gone out for bids on a vehicle for the wastewater department and that two bids had been returned. Mr. Rambat commented that the wastewater department currently has one 1992 vehicle and two 1996 vehicles. Mr. Rambat informed the Commission that one of those vehicles would be going to the fire station/maintenance department. Mr. Rambat stated that Doug Reh Chevrolet had turned in a bid of $21,111 and Lanterman Motors had a bid of $19,727. Mr. Rambat recommended the low bid from Lanterman Motors. Commissioner Borho asked if this was on 2009 models. Mr. Rambat stated that they were. A motion by Commissioner Taylor to purchase a ¾ ton 2009 pickup from Lanterman Motors in the amount of $19,727. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Borho and carried unanimously.
Police Chief Steve Holmes stated that these licenses were from the same businesses that had applied last year and they had complied with the ordinance. Chief Holmes commented that one business did not qualify due to the owner not being a citizen of the United States, which was in violation of the City ordinance and that they had been contacted. Chief Holmes informed the Commission that El Dos De Oros had used their manager last year. Commissioner Peltier questioned why the Club D’Est was not on the list. Chief Holmes stated that they had a liquor license and that license comes from the state, but that they do have to bring the state license into the City to get a City license. Chief Holmes added that liquor licenses are not approved by the Commission. A motion by Commissioner Borho to approve the 2009 cereal malt beverage licenses as submitted by the Chief of Police. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.
Additional vehicle purchase:
City Manager Howard informed the Commission that there would be one more budgeted vehicle purchase before the year end. Mr. Howard commented that they would be holding off on other major expenditures to see what the economy does. Mr. Howard stated that the City is doing well and that with the equipment updates, we would do well if we hit hard times.
Hazard Mitigation Plan:
Public Works Director Rambat stated that he had attended a meeting last week at City Hall that was a County wide meeting put together by Mark McManaman. Mr. Rambat commented that the County had started putting together a Hazard Mitigation Plan sometime back, but that they had submitted it in the wrong format and it had been rejected. Mr. Rambat stated that the County would get their plan laid out and the other entities would be a part of that plan. Mr. Rambat commented that E-FM Consulting, LLC would write our part of the plan into the County’s for free and that this could lead to another 5% more from FEMA. Mr. Rambat stated that this plan takes about eighteen months and once the County has written their plan, the City’s priorities would fit into it.
Mr. Rambat commented to the Commission that he wanted them to know about the meeting and that we have the option to have E-FM Consulting, LLC write our part for free or take on writing it ourselves. Mr. Rambat commented that we would be silly not to take them up on their offer since it is free. Mr. Howard added that we did not know about this until after the last disaster. Mr. Rambat stated that this plan could also increase expedition of payment and/or help. Finance Director Garten commented that they receive grant money; therefore, they are able to do this for free. Mr. Rambat stated that once the plan is put together, it would come before the Commission for their approval.
Curb and Gutter:
Mr. Rambat commented that the curb and gutter project is not quite done and that they were working next to the high school on Fifth Street. Mr. Rambat informed the Commission that the street department was finally at full staff now.
Siren at Wildlife and Parks:
Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill informed the Commission that the line gang had been assisting emergency services to hang a siren at Wildlife and Parks.
Power Plant projects:
Mr. Hemphill stated that the power plant had been working on inventory and repairs. Mr. Hemphill informed the Commission that the cylinder heads were still in the works and more had been ordered. Mr. Howard commented that they were planning to run #7 just to see how it performs and in case we need it this winter before the heads come in. Mr. Howard stated that it had not been operated since April and we wanted to be prepared.
Christmas dinner:
Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall reminded the Commission of the Christmas dinner on December 18th at noon. Commissioner Borho asked if the boards had been invited again this year. Mr. Pinkall stated that they had.
Homicide investigation:
Chief Holmes commented that he knew the Commission already knew that they were involved in a homicide investigation. Chief Holmes stated that they were following leads and that they had been assigned two KBI agents and would be getting a third this week. Chief Holmes thanked the Commission for funding training that had been helpful and he also thanked Mr. Howard for approving the overtime that was necessary.
Sales tax report:
Finance Director Garten informed the Commission that sales tax for September was up again and an increase for the year of $25,876.63. Ms. Garten added that sales tax was up from last year by more than $103,500.00.
Utility accounts:
City Clerk Kramer commented that past dues were up and that it was evident that people were struggling to pay their electric bills. Ms. Kramer stated that beginning January 1st, utility customers will be required to pay their bills on time or their services will be discontinued. Ms. Kramer added that there had been a letter added to the final notices informing customers of this change and that she wanted the Commission to be aware of it in case they were asked about it.
Commissioner Borho stated that there had been an article featuring Steve Hewitt in American City & County magazine naming him Municipal Leader of the Year.
Commissioner Borho asked the Commission if they had read the article in the Hutchinson paper about the neighborhood act. Mayor Nystrom commented that he had a call into the Mayor, but had not heard back from him yet. Commissioner Borho commented that it had stated that it was not legal for a City to have a revitalization program. City Manager Howard commented that it originally came out to rebuild blighted areas.
Smoking Ordinance:
Commissioner Borho asked when the smoking ordinance would be addressed again. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that it would be after the first of the year. Mayor Nystrom commented that it could be discussed anytime.
Final leaf pick-up:
Commissioner Taylor questioned when the final leaf pickup was. Mr. Rambat stated that it was this week and that they would also be picking up compost carts.
Dinner invitations:
Mayor Nystrom asked how many of the Commissioners were planning on attending the County Christmas dinner on the 15th at the 4-H building and also the Wildlife and Parks dinner on the 10th. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to let the County know that there would be four Commissioners attending their dinner and that three would be attending the Wildlife and Parks dinner.
Comments from Press:
Mr. Gale Rose of the Pratt Tribune thanked Chief Holmes for the constant updates on the homicide case and stated that it helps to get information out to the community.
A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Borho and carried unanimously.
DECEMBER 01, 2008
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
PRESENT: Eric Nystrom Mayor
Glenna Borho Commissioner
Jeff Taylor Commissioner
Bill Hlavachick Commissioner
Willy Peltier Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Russ Rambat Public Works Director
Steve Holmes Chief of Police
Kelly Hemphill Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director
Mayor Nystrom called the regular session to order. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.
A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to approve the minutes of the November 17, 2008 regular Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and passed unanimously.
No one in the audience wished to address the Commission.
Mayor Nystrom informed the Commission, staff and audience that the agenda was being amended and the airport issue would be first on the agenda and the recycling issue would follow.
Mr. Reid Bell, Airport Manager, addressed the Commission on their consideration of an Airport Zoning Commission that would have an affect on the future of the airport. Mr. Bell stated that he was asking the Commission to officially develop an Airport Zoning Commission and that they would be involved in reviewing the ordinance, making necessary changes and holding a public hearing. Mr. Bell commented that the Zoning Commission would bring the proposal back to the Commission for their approval. Mayor Nystrom questioned if Mr. Bell would be the chairman of this commission. Mr. Bell stated that he probably should and that permitting would come out of the airport office. Commissioner Borho questioned what the smallest designation of an airport was. Mr. Bell stated that for a county airport, you are classified as business, regional or commercial. Mayor Borho questioned the height restrictions and if the grain elevators in Wichita were within their restriction area since they were a commercial airport. Mr. Bell stated that the elevators were not in their approach. Mayor Borho asked why we had to be restrictive and Wichita did not. Mr. Bell commented that Wichita has precision instrument approach on all runways. Commissioner Borho questioned what you could land that needs precision instruments. Mr. Bell stated that you could land small regional jets. Commissioner Borho asked if Ted Turner could still land no matter what goes in that area. Mr. Bell commented that if you are not protecting the 50 to 1 approach, they would shut the door to anyone that would require it. Commissioner Taylor asked if this was just north and south. Mr. Bell commented that it was. Commissioner Peltier questioned east and west approaches. Mr. Bell stated that it was 14,000 feet all the way around. Commissioner Peltier commented that that was six miles across. Mr. Bell stated that was by FAA standards. Commissioner Borho questioned what was needed to become a commercial airport. Mr. Bell stated that we would need the standard zone of 10,000 feet that we have now plus an additional 4,000 feet on any point of the runway. Mr. Bell added that to protect to the ultimate, it would be 50,000 feet off the ends. Commissioner Peltier commented that that would be ten miles each way. City Manager Dave Howard added that this also goes out and not just up. Mayor Nystrom asked if the Parrish Hotel would be an issue today. Mr. Bell answered that it would not be. Mr. Howard asked about the grain towers in Iuka. Mr. Bell stated that they would not be a problem either. Commissioner Peltier questioned how far out something would have to be. Mr. Bell stated it would be four and a half miles from the end of the runway. Commissioner Peltier questioned if you could instrument land now. Mr. Bell stated that you could, but not commercial traffic. Mr. Bell added that if we lose the approaches all weather service is gone and an air ambulance could not land unless it was a good day.
Mayor Nystrom asked who Mr. Bell would like to have on the Airport Zoning Commission. Mr. Bell stated that the Zoning Commission had been considered. Commissioner Taylor asked if they had been talked to about this. Mr. Howard commented that he had talked to them about someone being on that board, but he felt that someone from Iuka and the County should also be considered. Mr. Howard clarified that, since this involves zoning, you should have someone from those areas on the committee. Mayor Nystrom asked what direction Mr. Bell should be heading. Mr. Howard stated that they need to start out with the approval of the board being formed. City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum commented that in the aircraft and airfield zoning regulations, the state statute states that political subdivision means those authorized by the laws of this state to acquire, operate, maintain or regulate an airport or airports, acting singly or jointly, and also means those within or partly within 50,000 feet of a military airfield control tower. Mr. Van Blaricum added that the political subdivision shall not appoint zoning regulations until a final report is received and that the number of members of the Airport Zoning Commission was up to the City Commission.
A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to appoint an Airport Zoning Commission to study issues at hand. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier. Mayor Nystrom asked if this board was under the City Commission’s authority. Mr. Howard stated that their report comes to the Commission for approval. Mayor Nystrom clarified that the Airport Zoning Commission comes up with recommendations to bring to us. Mr. Van Blaricum clarified that this would just be on zoning questions. Mr. Bell commented that the unsaid concern was with the public and he was not trying to restrict construction, but he does not want them to penetrate the airspace.
Commissioner Borho commented that she felt a five member board would be appropriate. Commissioner Hlavachick suggested seven that would include a representative from the farm group. Mr. Bell agreed that seven would be reasonable. The Commission suggested that the City Planning and Zoning Commission, the Airport Authority and a representative from the ED Board along with a person at large should make up the Airport Zoning Commission. Commissioner Hlavachick amended his original motion to include a seven person board. Commissioner Peltier again seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Mayor Nystrom informed Mr. Bell that he should go out and get these people to serve on the board and then report back to the Commission. Mr. Howard added that he would bring this up at the next Planning and Zoning meeting and that he would work with Mr. Bell to get the board together.
Mr. Marvin Nisly thanked the Commission for taking time for the presentation and that he understood that the trash service in the City can only be done by the City, but he was offering a recycling service. Mr. Nisly provided a power point presentation that informed the Commission that his family had owned the trash hauling service since 1956. Mr. Nisly stated that his company offers residential, commercial and blue bag recycling and more recently had started a portable toilet service. Mr. Nisly stated that they have good equipment, careful employees, cameras on their trucks, liability insurance and that quality service was their commitment.
Mr. Nisly stated that the recycling service requires the customer to have another container for mixed paper and cardboard and that recycling was the right thing to do. Mr. Nisly commented that as a City, the idea was to divert items that can be recycled from the landfill. Mr. Howard commented that our savings would be on the cost since it is based on tonnage, but we would not save on man power or fuel and the City was not prepared to offer this service since it was hard to keep that department staffed now. Commissioner Peltier asked if we make money on our service. Mr. Howard stated that we always break even and can cover expenses such as new trucks, new carts and employees. Commissioner Peltier questioned if we had looked into subbing it all out. Commissioner Borho explained. Commissioner Peltier asked if Nisly’s could leave the County with trash. Mr. Howard stated that this would be recyclable material. Commissioner Taylor commented that the County might start charging more for less tons. Mr. Howard stated that he had not visited with the County about this yet.
Commissioner Peltier questioned what was going to be recycled. Mr. Nisly stated that residential services would be for paper and cardboard, but he was looking at commercial now. Commissioner Borho commented that as a former retailer, she knows how hard boxes and things are to get rid of. Mr. Howard stated that they can expand beyond commercial and that it could hurt our trash service in one sense, but it would have to be evaluated later. Mr. Nisly commented that they run back from Pratt empty, so they are also talking to Turon, Cunningham, Fairfield and Preston. Mr. Nisly stated that the issue of losing revenue was a valid issue that the City has to look at. Mr. Howard stated that there would be certain times of the year that would be beneficial, such as compost time, and that employee costs could be diverted somewhere else.
Mayor Nystrom commented that this was the right thing to do and that it was tough to store it and then find the time to take it to the Recycling Center. Mr. Nisly commented that the City would not see a huge drop in volume, but the question was how important recycling was to the community. Commissioner Taylor suggested that the City visit with the County and see what would happen to their rates.
Commissioner Taylor questioned if cardboard was selling well now. Mr. Nisly stated that nothing was selling well. Commissioner Borho stated that she was in agreement to let Mr. Nisly visit with staff. Commissioner Borho added that the County Commission has the authority to decide where trash goes. Mr. Howard stated that he would get with the County and visit with them about the recycling program.
Chamber Director Brian Hoffman stated that he had a few recommendations for Tourism and ED Boards. Mr. Hoffman stated that Kevin Hamm was willing to serve an additional term on the ED Board. A motion by Commissioner Borho to appoint Kevin Hamm to a second term on the ED Board. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously
Mr. Hoffman stated that Mike Cox and Lisa Perez Miller were willing to continue on the Tourism Board. Commissioner Borho questioned if you have to live in the County to be on the Tourism Board. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that you do not. A motion by Commissioner Borho to reappoint Mike Cox and Lisa Perez Miller to another three year term on the Tourism Board. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously,
Mr. Hoffman informed the Commission that there was a vacancy on the Tourism Board with Shelly Patel moving. Mr. Hoffman stated that he had visited with Alex Desai and he was interested in serving the remainder of the term of Shelly Patel and that he had also visited with Bruce Pinkall. Mr. Hoffman commented that Mr. Pinkall would be an asset due to the link with Parks and Recreation. A motion by Commissioner Peltier to appoint both to the Tourism Board. A second by Commissioner Hlavachick and the motion carried unanimously.
Finance Director Diana Garten stated that she needed the Commission’s approval to publish the 2008 budget amendments public hearing at the next meeting. Mayor Nystrom asked if this was a statutory requirement. Ms. Garten stated that it was. A motion by Commissioner Taylor to approve the publication of the amendments to the 2008 budget for a public hearing at the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.
Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill stated that he had gone out for bids for cooling tower repairs. Mr. Hemphill commented that the tower had been damaged by high winds in April. Mr. Hemphill stated that EMC Insurance had issued a check for damages minus the $5,000 deductible, which added up to $39,116. Mr. Hemphill stated that he had sent out two quotes and two had been returned. Mr. Hemphill informed the Commission that Cooling Tower Depot had sent a bid for repairs in the amount of $42,534.80 and SPX Cooling Technologies’ bid was $39,666. Mr. Hemphill stated that one asbestos removal quote was returned from Asbestos Removal & Maintenance Inc. in the amount of $4,650, which would be added to the quotes mentioned earlier making Cooling Tower Depot’s bid $47,184.80 and SPX Cooling Technologies’ bid $44,316. Mr. Hemphill added that sales tax would be added to the bid and that his recommendation was to accept the lower bid from SPX Cooling Technologies. A motion by Commissioner Borho to award Asbestos Removal & Maintenance the bid for asbestos removal at $4,650 and SPX Cooling Technologies the bid for repairs at $39,666 plus tax on each. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier.
Mayor Nystrom questioned if there would be any asbestos left when this was done. Mr. Hemphill stated that there would be. Mayor Nystrom asked how much it would cost to remove it all. Mr. Hemphill commented that it would probably be twice what they quoted. City Manager Howard commented that the tower needed to be replaced, but with the electrical issues, we do not know how long it was going to operate and it made sense to repair the old cooling tower. Mr. Howard added that not knowing the impact of wind generation, it is the sensible thing to do in fixing it and getting five years or so out of it.
Commissioner Taylor questioned the handling fee. Mr. Hemphill stated that he did not know what that was for. A vote on the motion and second was unanimous to accept the low bid from SPX Cooling Technologies and Asbestos Removal and Maintenance.
Public Works Director Russ Rambat stated that he had gone out for bids on a vehicle for the wastewater department and that two bids had been returned. Mr. Rambat commented that the wastewater department currently has one 1992 vehicle and two 1996 vehicles. Mr. Rambat informed the Commission that one of those vehicles would be going to the fire station/maintenance department. Mr. Rambat stated that Doug Reh Chevrolet had turned in a bid of $21,111 and Lanterman Motors had a bid of $19,727. Mr. Rambat recommended the low bid from Lanterman Motors. Commissioner Borho asked if this was on 2009 models. Mr. Rambat stated that they were. A motion by Commissioner Taylor to purchase a ¾ ton 2009 pickup from Lanterman Motors in the amount of $19,727. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Borho and carried unanimously.
Police Chief Steve Holmes stated that these licenses were from the same businesses that had applied last year and they had complied with the ordinance. Chief Holmes commented that one business did not qualify due to the owner not being a citizen of the United States, which was in violation of the City ordinance and that they had been contacted. Chief Holmes informed the Commission that El Dos De Oros had used their manager last year. Commissioner Peltier questioned why the Club D’Est was not on the list. Chief Holmes stated that they had a liquor license and that license comes from the state, but that they do have to bring the state license into the City to get a City license. Chief Holmes added that liquor licenses are not approved by the Commission. A motion by Commissioner Borho to approve the 2009 cereal malt beverage licenses as submitted by the Chief of Police. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.
Additional vehicle purchase:
City Manager Howard informed the Commission that there would be one more budgeted vehicle purchase before the year end. Mr. Howard commented that they would be holding off on other major expenditures to see what the economy does. Mr. Howard stated that the City is doing well and that with the equipment updates, we would do well if we hit hard times.
Hazard Mitigation Plan:
Public Works Director Rambat stated that he had attended a meeting last week at City Hall that was a County wide meeting put together by Mark McManaman. Mr. Rambat commented that the County had started putting together a Hazard Mitigation Plan sometime back, but that they had submitted it in the wrong format and it had been rejected. Mr. Rambat stated that the County would get their plan laid out and the other entities would be a part of that plan. Mr. Rambat commented that E-FM Consulting, LLC would write our part of the plan into the County’s for free and that this could lead to another 5% more from FEMA. Mr. Rambat stated that this plan takes about eighteen months and once the County has written their plan, the City’s priorities would fit into it.
Mr. Rambat commented to the Commission that he wanted them to know about the meeting and that we have the option to have E-FM Consulting, LLC write our part for free or take on writing it ourselves. Mr. Rambat commented that we would be silly not to take them up on their offer since it is free. Mr. Howard added that we did not know about this until after the last disaster. Mr. Rambat stated that this plan could also increase expedition of payment and/or help. Finance Director Garten commented that they receive grant money; therefore, they are able to do this for free. Mr. Rambat stated that once the plan is put together, it would come before the Commission for their approval.
Curb and Gutter:
Mr. Rambat commented that the curb and gutter project is not quite done and that they were working next to the high school on Fifth Street. Mr. Rambat informed the Commission that the street department was finally at full staff now.
Siren at Wildlife and Parks:
Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill informed the Commission that the line gang had been assisting emergency services to hang a siren at Wildlife and Parks.
Power Plant projects:
Mr. Hemphill stated that the power plant had been working on inventory and repairs. Mr. Hemphill informed the Commission that the cylinder heads were still in the works and more had been ordered. Mr. Howard commented that they were planning to run #7 just to see how it performs and in case we need it this winter before the heads come in. Mr. Howard stated that it had not been operated since April and we wanted to be prepared.
Christmas dinner:
Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall reminded the Commission of the Christmas dinner on December 18th at noon. Commissioner Borho asked if the boards had been invited again this year. Mr. Pinkall stated that they had.
Homicide investigation:
Chief Holmes commented that he knew the Commission already knew that they were involved in a homicide investigation. Chief Holmes stated that they were following leads and that they had been assigned two KBI agents and would be getting a third this week. Chief Holmes thanked the Commission for funding training that had been helpful and he also thanked Mr. Howard for approving the overtime that was necessary.
Sales tax report:
Finance Director Garten informed the Commission that sales tax for September was up again and an increase for the year of $25,876.63. Ms. Garten added that sales tax was up from last year by more than $103,500.00.
Utility accounts:
City Clerk Kramer commented that past dues were up and that it was evident that people were struggling to pay their electric bills. Ms. Kramer stated that beginning January 1st, utility customers will be required to pay their bills on time or their services will be discontinued. Ms. Kramer added that there had been a letter added to the final notices informing customers of this change and that she wanted the Commission to be aware of it in case they were asked about it.
Commissioner Borho stated that there had been an article featuring Steve Hewitt in American City & County magazine naming him Municipal Leader of the Year.
Commissioner Borho asked the Commission if they had read the article in the Hutchinson paper about the neighborhood act. Mayor Nystrom commented that he had a call into the Mayor, but had not heard back from him yet. Commissioner Borho commented that it had stated that it was not legal for a City to have a revitalization program. City Manager Howard commented that it originally came out to rebuild blighted areas.
Smoking Ordinance:
Commissioner Borho asked when the smoking ordinance would be addressed again. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that it would be after the first of the year. Mayor Nystrom commented that it could be discussed anytime.
Final leaf pick-up:
Commissioner Taylor questioned when the final leaf pickup was. Mr. Rambat stated that it was this week and that they would also be picking up compost carts.
Dinner invitations:
Mayor Nystrom asked how many of the Commissioners were planning on attending the County Christmas dinner on the 15th at the 4-H building and also the Wildlife and Parks dinner on the 10th. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to let the County know that there would be four Commissioners attending their dinner and that three would be attending the Wildlife and Parks dinner.
Comments from Press:
Mr. Gale Rose of the Pratt Tribune thanked Chief Holmes for the constant updates on the homicide case and stated that it helps to get information out to the community.
A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Borho and carried unanimously.