Monday, June 18, 2018

06/04/2018-Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes


JUNE 04, 2018 

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular Session in the Commission Room located at City Hall.
Doug Meyer  Mayor
Lucus Kumberg  Commissioner
Gary Schmidt  Commissioner
Don Peters  Commissioner
Jason Leslie  Commissioner
Roy Eckert  City Manager
LuAnn Kramer  City Clerk
Regina Goff  City Attorney
Diana Garten  Finance Director
Gary Myers  Chief of Police
Russell Rambat  Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Jamie Huber  Director of Electric Utilities


The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Meyer.  The Mayor instructed the City Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Peters. 

The Mayor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded. 


Commissioner Schmidt led the staff and audience in the invocation and Mayor Meyer led the Pledge of Allegiance. 


·                       Minutes:       May 21, 2018 Recessed City/Commission Meeting
May 21, 2018 Regular Commission Meeting 

Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda.  Commissioner Schmidt seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 



Mr. Mark Staats addressed the Commission concerning stabling a horse in a ten acre patch by Central Truck and Equipment.  Police Chief Myers stated that the City had an ordinance that prohibits any farm yard animals, horses, cows, chickens or ducks, from being inside the City.  Chief Myers added that those issues were addressed by complaint.  Mayor Meyer questioned if there were horses there before.  Mr. Staats commented that there had not been a horse there; however, there were some about a block south.  Commissioner Schmidt stated that he drove by the area and there were three or four horses in a corral and a number of calves.  Mayor Meyer asked if they had gotten an exemption.  City Attorney Goff stated that there could be certain properties that were exempt; however, that should not include any babies.  Commissioner Leslie questioned if that property could be exempted.  Mayor Meyer stated that we would have to poll the surrounding area.  Ms. Goff commented that residents were in violation if they had farm animals.  Ms. Goff added that it was not good Government to piece meal an ordinance and the Commission should curtail this.  Commissioner Peters agreed and also stated that we would be opening up a can of worms for ourselves if we change the ordinance for this property.  Mr. Staats stated that he did not want to cause anybody any trouble.  Mayor Meyer stated that the Commission did not have enough information to approve or deny; however, they would look at it closer.  Mr. Staats commented that it would be fine if it was denied. 


Library Board President Amy Schrag thanked the City for their past support of the library and added that they could not do it without them.  Ms. Schrag stated that she was at the meeting to request the full four mills per the charter ordinance.  Mayor Meyer stated that the Commissioners appreciated their detailed report and had no questions.  Mayor Meyer commented how nice the library was.  Ms. Schrag commented that it was not the library we grew up with.  Commissioner Kumberg stated that it was not easy to try to make the library relevant in the world today, but it was a wonderful asset. 

Commissioner Schmidt questioned if the Commission would rather do all the budget requests at one time.  Finance Director Garten stated that the library had to do a budget also and needed this approval to move forward.  Mayor Meyer stated that their max was four mills and we had done it early in the past.  Ms. Schrag commented that she would be going to the County next week and Ms. Westerhaus would immediately get the budget ready.  Commissioner Peters stated that he had no problem approving this tonight.  With no further discussion, Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to approve the four mills as requested by the library.  Commissioner Peters seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. 


City Attorney Goff stated that she had looked at the repayment schedule and the agreement and there were a lot of references to State and Federal laws.  Ms. Goff commented that she had spot checked the agreement that requires a special audit, but it was a boiler point contract.  Ms. Goff added that there were additional requirements on the City to ensure that we were following policy.  City Manager Eckert stated that we had a similar loan for the water main and the waste water treatment plant.  Mr. Eckert added that they were as interested in solving the problems at hand.  Mr. Eckert stated that the loan had a 2.13% interest, 30% forgiveness and the first payment was a year after construction was completed, which would be 2020 if things stayed on schedule. 

Ms. Goff stated that we were covenanting to adjust our rates to pay for this.  Ms. Garten clarified that we would be doing a rate increase to cover this, but not until 2020 and there had already been some adjustments made.  Public Works Director Rambat stated that water sales had picked up.  Mayor Meyer commented that the increase would be about $2.  Ms. Garten stated that that was correct and that would generate about $77,000 per year.  Mr. Rambat explained that we were hoping for a good bid and there was also the potential that the water department could lay the water main.  Mr. Rambat added that it needed to be brought out that this depends on how we look at covering it.  Mayor Meyer stated that we would already have water there if the bypass comes in.  Mr. Rambat stated that we were north of that, but it would allow us to up the capacity. 

Commissioner Peters asked if the principle forgiveness was a check at the end of the project.  EBH Engineer Michael Youngers stated that they wait until the project was done and then they adjust the loan payback.  With little more discussion, Commissioner Leslie made a motion to approve the KDHE loan to the airport waterline project as presented.  Commissioner Peters seconded the motion.  Mr. Youngers added that we did not want to put a dollar amount on this in case of unforeseen expenses.  The motion and second passed unanimously. 


City Attorney Goff stated that this ordinance came in form from KDHE and it did acknowledge that we were entering into a loan agreement.  Ms. Goff added that they allowed for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign and that we were willing to accept the responsibility that rates may need to be increased.  With no further discussion, the following Ordinance 1807 was presented to the Commission for their approval:  AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A LOAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN PRATT, KANSAS AND THE STATE OF KANSAS, ACTING BY AND THROUGH THE KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF OBTAINING A LOAN FROM THE KANSAS PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY LOAN FUND FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING A PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY PROJECT; ESTABLISHING A DEDICATED SOURCE OF REVENUE FOR REPAYMENT OF SUCH LOAN; AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING CERTAIN DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH; AND AUTHORIZING CERTAIN OTHER ACTIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE LOAN AGREEMENT.  Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to approve Ordinance 1807 authorizing the execution of a loan agreement with KDHE.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Schmidt and carried unanimously.


City Attorney Goff stated that there had been countless hours spent on this Interconnection Agreement and the Solar Power Purchase Agreement.  Ms. Goff commented that all concerns had been implemented into the contract after the special call meeting with Kenyon and Inovateus representatives.  Mayor Meyer questioned that all the blanks would be filled in.  Ms. Goff explained that Inovateus and Kenyon were not asking that we sign the contracts tonight; however, Kenyon needed the City’s approval so they could send these agreements to the tax equity lawyers and form the additional LLC that would be the carrier of the agreement.  Ms. Goff clarified that the minutes needed to reflect that the contract before the Commission this evening, unless substantially modified or unless a material change occurred after it goes to the tax equity lawyers, would be approved by the Commission as it stands today with the caveat being that the addresses and signature lines would be filled in.    

Mayor Meyer commented that Ms. Goff and the staff had spent countless hours on this and he did not know what typical negotiation processes would be, but we had to have good cooperation with both Kenyon and Inovateus.  Mayor Meyer stated that we were ready to sign a contract, in his opinion.  Commissioner Leslie made a comment about the fair market value being removed so it became a dollar amount of zero at the end of fifteen years.  Ms. Goff stated that that was correct and a majority of the bids had a buyout number that was the greater amount of the fair market value, so this would not give them a minimum amount.  Ms. Goff explained that the City could elect to purchase the system at fair market value after fifteen years; however, if the fair market value was more than the City anticipated, they did not have to purchase it.  Ms. Goff commented that there were two optional five year terms that the parties could enter into. 

Ms. Goff stated that the City had three options and one was to purchase the property at the end of the term under the five year extensions, another was to say that we were done and the last option was to enter into an extension of the agreement.  Mayor Meyer stated that he felt that we got the best of both worlds.  Mayor Meyer commented that if there were no reasonable numbers in future Commissions, they could walk away then.  Commissioner Leslie questioned if the City was obligated to pay if damaged equipment was not replaced before ten or fifteen years.  Ms. Goff explained that, if the equipment incurs damage equal to 50% or greater of the value, the solar company could terminate the agreement.  Ms. Goff added that that would mean that the other provisions would come into effect so they would be required to remove the system.  Ms. Goff stated that we also had the option to purchase the system as is for fair market value.   

Mayor Meyer asked Director of Electric Utilities Huber if the connection agreement was all good.  Mr. Huber stated that it was.  With no further discussion, Commissioner Leslie made a motion to approve the solar farm documents as presented.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg.  Ms. Goff reminded the Commission that this all goes to the tax equity lawyers so long as no alterations were made.  The motion and second passed unanimously. 


·        Microphones: 

Ms. Jan Luttrell asked that the Commission and staff use their microphones better.  Ms. Luttrell added that we had a tendency to lean back to talk and that was too far from the mics.   


City Manager:

·        New Website: 

City Manager Eckert stated that we were ready to start the training process on the new website and Mr. Rambat, City Clerk Kramer and he were excited to start that training.  Mr. Eckert commented that there would be daily updates to the website, which becomes a problem when that does not happen.  Mr. Eckert explained that we would like to do a contest for local pictures that we could put on the website and push the City of Pratt in what we have to offer, why live here and why to do business here.  Mr. Eckert added that there would be links so that people could connect with the Chamber and others. 

·        Budget: 

Mr. Eckert stated that he had been working with Finance Director Garten and staff on the budget. 

·        Solar Farm:

Mr. Eckert stated that they were doing different things with the solar farm and commented that Ms. Goff had done a fantastic job on the negotiations.  Mr. Eckert stated that it was intense at times, but it got done and he was really pleased.  Mr. Eckert added that this was a tremendous opportunity for Pratt and this was only the third one in the State.

·        New Dental Office: 

Mr. Eckert stated that there were some dental specialists in the new office by Wal-Mart and they were open for business at the new location.

·        Thanks to Mike: 

Mr. Eckert thanked EBH Engineer Michael Youngers for all his help in getting projects off the ground.

City Attorney:

·        Solar Farm: 

Ms. Goff stated that she had been very busy with the solar farm communications the last couple of weeks. 

·        Executive Session: 

Ms. Goff requested a fifteen minute executive session at the end of reports for attorney/client privilege. 

Public Works:

·        Pool: 

Public Works Director Rambat stated that the pool was doing good.

·        Miss Kansas week:

Mr. Rambat stated that he had visited with the department superintendents on the prep for Miss Kansas.  Mr. Rambat commented that the parade was Friday at 6:00 p.m. and they would put the detours in place around 5:15 p.m. 

·        KDOT reps: 

Mr. Rambat stated that he and EBH would be meeting with representatives from KDOT on Wednesday the 20th so that we could try and reapply for State funding to replace the two blocks on West First Street from Mound Street to New Street.  Mr. Rambat commented that that was the worst part of Highway 54 and needed to be torn out and replaced.  Mr. Rambat explained that this project would be funded 90% if we were approved.

·        Bike Across Kansas: 

Mr. Rambat informed the Commission that Bike Across Kansas would be in town next Monday and a majority of the bikers would be at the football field.

·        Bind Weed: 

Mr. Rambat commented that there was a lot of bind weed this year.  Mr. Rambat stated that they had put a dent in it last week and he was also working with staff and private businesses to get some areas treated that were prevalent in town.  Mr. Rambat added that he had visited with County employee Robert Torres about it being a noxious weed.  Mr. Rambat stated that it was difficult to treat because it was normally on City right-of-ways and we did not want to go onto private property.

·        Pool comments: 

Commissioner Leslie stated that the pool looks new.  Mr. Rambat added that the guys did a good job.  Commissioner Peters questioned if there had been any comments on the small increase in pool fees.  Mr. Rambat stated that he had not heard any. 

Building Inspections: 

·        Dental Office: 

Building Inspector Blankenship stated that he had finalized the new dental office last Friday.  Mr. Blankenship commented that it looked very nice and modern inside and there was a good view of the baseball field.  Mr. Blankenship added that the new dentist was going to be graduating and they wanted to get him right in there. 

·        Weed letters: 

Mr. Blankenship commented that weed letters were going out and lawns were growing good with the humidity and rain.  Mr. Blankenship stated that these were habitual violators and some were out of town home owners and some were for sale. 

·        Wal-Mart: 

Mr. Blankenship stated that Wal-Mart was making progress on their remodel and they were currently working on a temporary pharmacy being built inside. 

·        Plans for McDonald’s:

Mr. Blankenship explained that he had the civil plans for McDonald’s and it was in no way the City’s fault for the delays.  Commissioner Leslie stated that he had asked for an update at the last meeting because the employees were being told something about closing on the 21st.  Mr. Blankenship commented that he had visited with the engineers on Wednesday to get the okay.  Mr. Blankenship stated that the departments were making sure that everything was alright and again repeated that the delay had nothing to do with the City. 

·        House on Austin: 

Mayor Meyer asked what was going to happen to the house that had the fire on Austin Street.  Mr. Blankenship stated that they had backed out because they did not want to pay the fees for asbestos abatement.  Mr. Blankenship commented that he had visited with the City Attorney about tearing it down. 

·        House on 10th Street: 

Mayor Meyer questioned the house on 10th Street that we had purchased.  Mr. Blankenship stated that we were going to tear it down ourselves.  Mr. Rambat commented that it would be taken down this fall. 

·        Wal-Mart: 

Commissioner Peters asked whether Wal-Mart was doing business with local suppliers.  Mr. Blankenship stated that their stuff was specialized and we could not grind floors dealing with diamond bit.   

Electric Department: 

·        Outage:

Director of Electric Utilities Huber stated that the outage on the east end of town was due to a lightning shot that we took Wednesday evening.  Mr. Huber commented that it took a half hour to find it and half an hour to fix it.   

Police Department: 

·        May stats: 

Police Chief Myers informed the Commission of the statistics for May.  Those numbers are attached. 

Finance Director: 

·        Sales tax report: 

Finance Director Garten stated that the sales tax report looked a little bit better and it had gone up this time.  Ms. Garten commented that there was still a 7% decrease from last year.  Mayor Meyer questioned if other municipalities’ sales tax was down due to internet sales.  Ms. Garten explained that that was on an honor system that you report on your own and you did not know who all did that.  Ms. Garten added that the national economy was looking up, but we were not seeing it here yet. 

·        Budget Work Session:

Ms. Garten stated that she had set the budget work session for June 21st and 22nd from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with lunch being provided the first day. 

City Clerk/Utility Billing Departments: 

·        City/County Joint Meeting: 

City Clerk Kramer asked the Commission to check their calendars to see if July 16th at 11:00 a.m. would work for them for the next joint meeting.  All the Commissioners agreed to that date and Ms. Kramer stated that she would get with the County Clerk to set it in stone.

·        Cemetery:

Ms. Kramer asked that Mr. Rambat let Cemetery Sexton Gilmore know that the cemetery looked amazing over Memorial Day.

·        Commissioner candidate: 

Ms. Kramer introduced Mr. Zack Deeds to the Mayor, Commission and staff and let them know that he was a candidate for the open City Commission seat. 


Mayor Meyer made a motion to enter into executive session for attorney/client privilege personnel for fifteen minutes.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and carried unanimously.

Mayor Meyer made a motion to return from executive session with nothing to report.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Schmidt and carried unanimously.

Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to retain Ms. Heather Morgan for an additional six months to help with Economic Development and to split the cost with the County.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Schmidt and carried unanimously.

Mayor Meyer made a motion to enter into executive session for non-elected personnel for twenty minutes.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Leslie and carried unanimously.

Mayor Meyer made a motion to return from executive session with nothing to report.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peters and carried unanimously.


Upon proper motion, the meeting was adjourned.






Thursday, June 14, 2018

06/18/18-City Commission meeting Agenda


JUNE 18, 2018



1.      CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
2.      ROLL CALL
      4.1 Minutes:           June 04, 2018 Regular Commission Meeting

5.1    Consideration and Approval of Bike Rack Locations – DeWayne Bryan, PHF Executive Director 

5.2    Presentation of 2017 City of Pratt Audit – Teresa Seymour, Senior Manager/BKD 

5.3    Update on Youth Core Ministries – Sheryl White, Development Coordinator 

5.4    Consideration and Approval for the Use of May Dennis Park on June 22, 23 & 24 for a Disc Golf Tournament – Jason Winkel     (No Info) 

5.5    Consideration and Approval of Low Bid for the 2018 Mill & Overlay Project – Russell Rambat, Public Works Director

6.   OPEN AGENDA (City Matters Only) (3 Minute Time Limit)
7.1      City Manager 
7.2      City Attorney
7.3      Department Superintendents
7.4      Mayor
7.5      City Commission
8.    ADJOURN                

Monday, June 4, 2018

05/21/2018-Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes


MAY 21, 2018

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular Session in the Commission Room located at City Hall.


Doug Meyer  Mayor
Lucus Kumberg  Commissioner
Gary Schmidt  Commissioner
Don Peters  Commissioner
Jason Leslie  Commissioner


Roy Eckert  City Manager
Regina Goff  City Attorney
Diana Garten  Finance Director
Gary Myers  Chief of Police
Russell Rambat  Public Works Director
Jamie Huber  Director of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall  Recreation Director 


The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Meyer.  The Mayor instructed the City Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present. 

The Mayor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded. 

Mayor Meyer led the staff and audience in the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance. 


·                       Minutes:         May 07, 2018 Regular Commission Meeting 

Commissioner Leslie made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda.  Commissioner Kumberg seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 



Blythe Family Fitness Executive Director Kristina Kaufman informed the Commission that they have something at the Center every weekend except three.  Ms. Kaufman stated that they would begin their summer programs in June and would also be hosting a State basketball tournament on June 16th.  Ms. Kaufman commented that there was also a KU Basketball Camp on July 13th, an archery tournament for July 17th for middle and high school aged kids.  Ms. Kaufman added that KDWLPT would be working with them to put on the archery tournament with forty-eight targets in the facility.  Ms. Kaufman stated that they had already booked a State archery tournament for March 2019 and she would be working with USD #382 to get a Pratt team involved.  Ms. Kaufman stated that the hotels had sold out for the archery tournament, which was a surprise for a one day event; however, there were four hundred participants.

Ms. Kaufman stated that they had over two thousand people through the Blythe Facility during the gymnastics tournament and they had received rave reviews.  Ms. Kaufman commented that the motels were also sold out for the event.  Ms. Kaufman proceeded by showing a time lapse video of the setting up of the Blythe Facility for the gymnastics tournament and that it was over a four hour process to set it up.   


Public Works Director Rambat stated that he had had a meeting with KDWLPT and they had budgeted to connect to City water.  Mr. Rambat explained that they had an engineer look at their situation and they felt that their best option was to connect with the City system.  Mr. Rambat commented that there were two route options with one being along Highway 54 and then south to KDWLPT and the other option was to go south along Country Club Road and Lake Road.  Mr. Rambat stated that they prefer the Highway 54 option. 

Mr. Rambat explained that the City’s goal was to get fire protection out to Straub International and provide water service to some potential customers.  Mr. Rambat stated that this was a good fit for the City and we could extend out 1,000’ and that would show our interest in keeping KDWLPT in Pratt.  Mr. Rambat commented that they would like to get started this year and the total material cost was approximately $20,000, which would be to lay an 8” main along the north side of the highway.  Mr. Rambat added that KDWLPT could hook on at that point and run a line to their criteria as a private line.  Commissioner Kumberg asked if someone would have to be annexed into the City to hook on to that line.  Mr. Rambat answered that that would only be on the first 1,000’.  Commissioner Leslie questioned if the fire class would change with this line.  Mr. Rambat commented that he did not feel that fire protection was a priority to KDWLPT and that their main focus was to get good drinking water to the facilities.  Mr. Rambat stated that they would probably start late summer, but we could accommodate them.  Mr. Rambat added that the water department’s material budget should be able to absorb this project. 

Commissioner Peters made a motion to approve the materials purchase for the water main extension east of Wal-Mart not to exceed $22,075.03.  Commissioner Leslie seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.


City Attorney Goff stated that this ordinance takes out breed specific identification.  Ms. Goff commented that people would be able to have a pit bull as a pet unless they had features of a dangerous animal as described in the ordinance and violation penalties would be determined by the court, which could include up to thirty days in jail and a $500 fine.  Ms. Goff added that any animal that imposes a threat without provocation or disposition would be considered dangerous.  Ms. Goff stated that the Animal Control Office would be the determining factor as to whether they were vicious.

Commissioner Leslie stated that he had done some research regarding pit bull attacks and he gave out copies of the findings.  Commissioner Leslie pointed out that the #1 dog bites from 2010 to 2017 were from pit bull dogs.  Commissioner Kumberg stated that the fatalities from pit bull attacks over thirteen years was two hundred eighty-four in the United States.  Commissioner Leslie commented that the #1 dog attacks from 1982 to 2016 was 4,693 mangles caused by pit bulls and #2 was Rottweilers at 586.  Commissioner Leslie stated that it was his position to leave the ordinance as it was with it stating breed specific.  Commissioner Leslie commented that there was a Shelter Insurance claim from a couple of years ago from a pit bull attack that added up to $300,000.  Commissioner Leslie added that his concern was for the safety of children and the elderly more than it was the dog.  Police Chief Myers was asked how many pit bull attacks we had had in Pratt.  Chief Myers answered that there was a recent one where the owner was attacked.  Commissioner Leslie stated that that was another point that many pit bulls attack people they know.  Mayor Meyer asked if there were pit bulls in Pratt.  Chief Myers stated that there were.  Mayor Meyer questioned if it was hard to enforce this ordinance as it was.  Chief Myers stated that they typically find out about a pit bull because they were running loose or a neighbor complains.  Commissioner Peters asked if it would be a problem if a pit bull was on a leash under the leash law.  Ms. Goff stated that it would be a problem under the current ordinance. 

Mayor Meyer requested a vote on Ordinance 1804 pertaining to vicious animals.  The following Ordinance 1804 was then presented to the Commission for their approval:  AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 06.04.300, 06.04.310, 06.04.320, AND 06.04.340 AND REPEALING SECTION 06.04.350 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF PRATT, KANSAS DEALING WITH THE CODE OF THE CITY OF PRATT, KANSAS, DEALING WITH ANIMAL CONTROL REGULATIONS AND PROHIBITING OR REGULATING THE OWNING OR KEEPING OF DANGEROUS ANIMALS INCLUDING PIT BULL DOGS AND WOLF HYBRIDS, PROVIDING FOR PERMITS FOR CERTAIN DANGEROUS ANIMALS, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS.  Commissioner Peters made a motion to approve Ordinance 1804 as presented.  Commissioner Kumberg seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was taken as follows:  Mayor Meyer-yes; Commissioner Kumberg-yes; Commissioner Leslie-no; Commissioner Peters-yes and Commissioner Schmidt-yes.  The motion passed with four approved and one unapproved vote from Commissioner Leslie. 


City Attorney Goff stated that the property listed in the ordinance was owned by the City and it was our desire to annex it into the City.  Ms. Goff clarified that this was the property purchased for the solar farm.  Commissioner Kumberg asked if this had already been done.  Ms. Goff explained that there had been a conditional use permit awarded, but that did not annex it.  

The following Ordinance 1805 was then presented to the Commission for their approval:  AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING LAND TO THE CITY OF PRATT, KANSAS.  Commissioner Schmidt made a motion to approve Ordinance 1805 annexing land into the City.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and carried unanimously.
City Attorney Goff commented that this update to the 2017 National Electrical Code was needed since they were updated every three years.  Director of Electric Utilities Huber stated that some questions arose by the solar farm project so Building Inspector Blankenship felt that it would be a good time to update to the newest code.  Mr. Huber stated that there were not many changes.  Commissioner Schmidt questioned if this had been taken to the planning board.  Ms. Goff stated that she did not think it had; however, it could be brought before them. 
The following Ordinance 1806 was then presented to the Commission for their approval:  AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SECTION 15.11.010 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF PRATT, KANSAS; PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, 2017 EDITION.  Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to approve Ordinance 1806 that adopts the 2017 National Electrical Code.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Schmidt and passed unanimously. 


City Manager Eckert stated that the Master Services Agreement was included in the packet for CivicPlus and they were the company that would be doing our municipal website.  Mr. Eckert stated that City Clerk Kramer, Public Works Director Rambat and he had gone to Manhattan and spent a day speaking with them.  Mr. Eckert commented that they were a professional group and they would be doing the training.  Mr. Eckert explained that we were very impressed with the quality and service and this website would attract business and people to Pratt.  Commissioner Kumberg questioned the collection of pictures and doing a contest to get buy in from the community.  Mayor Meyer stated that the catalyst of all of this was Economic Development and this company was recommended by the ED Consultant.   

Mayor Meyer commented that the main thing was to keep it current.  Mr. Rambat stated that that had been discussed and it would be pertinent information.  Mr. Rambat added that ordinances could also be put online.  Mr. Eckert stated that we could have forty-five pages to start and it would require a change in style for the City.  Mayor Meyer asked if the City Attorney had reviewed the contract.  Ms. Goff stated that she had and it was a boiler plate agreement.  Commissioner Schmidt asked about the annual cost.  Mr. Eckert stated that it was $5,000 a year with an initial cost of $20,000 that had been knocked down from $30,000.  Commissioner Kumberg stated that the ability to tie into other marketing relevance was important.  

Mayor Meyer questioned a timeline on how soon it would be up and running.  Mr. Eckert stated that they would start right away and it would be sixty to ninety days.  Mayor Meyer asked how this was going to be paid for.  Ms. Goff stated that the contract stated that half was paid after phase two and phase four and that start to finish was typically ninety days.  After little more discussion, the Commission asked that Mr. Eckert re-communicate with CivicPlus on a stretched out payment plan. 


No one in the audience wished to address the Commission. 


City Manager: 

·        Pool fees: 

City Manager Eckert shared the new pool pass fees with the Commission and explained that a family of four pass would be $100, adults would be $50 and children would be $35.  Mr. Eckert added that the daily fee could be increased to $1.25. 

City Attorney: 

·        Solar farm:

City Attorney Goff stated that she had continued to negotiate the solar farm project contract and that it was close to being final. 

Public Works: 

·        Pool:

Public Works Director Rambat stated that they were filling up the pool and that it would be open next Monday.  Mr. Rambat commented that the slide restoration was complete. 

Electric Department: 

·        Journeyman lineman: 

Director of Electric Utilities Huber stated that Mr. Matt VanHorn was now a journeyman lineman.  Mr. Huber commented that there were three or four additional linemen that could reach that in 2019. 

Recreation Department: 

·        2-1A Tournament: 

Recreation Director Pinkall stated that tickets were available for the 2-1A tournament and there would be eight teams in town.  Mayor Meyer thanked Mr. Pinkall for the work he put in on the soccer complex application.

Police Department:

·        April stats:

Police Chief Myers informed the Commission of the statistics for April.  Those numbers are attached.

Finance Director: 

·        Budget: 

Finance Director Garten asked that the Commission look at their calendars for budget work session dates.  Ms. Garten commented that she was looking at June 21st and 22nd. 

Mayor and Commission: 

·        McDonald’s: 

Commissioner Leslie asked about the delay in closing for McDonald’s.  In the absence of the Building Inspector, no questions were answered. 

·        Church bells:

Mayor Meyer addressed the church bell complaint and stated that he had parked in the parking lot to listen to the bells.  Mayor Meyer stated that he had a conversation with Commissioner Leslie and the business was still upset about the decibels.  Mayor Meyer stated that Commissioner Leslie was the middleman and this had been referred to Mr. Eckert.  Mayor Meyer questioned Police Chief Myers about his findings.  Chief Myers stated that he had tested this in several locations and discussed his findings.  Mayor Meyer commented that he had not felt that they were very loud.  Commissioner Kumberg stated that this was a civil action and it should be referred to the counselor.   


Mayor Meyer made a motion to enter into executive session for non-elected personnel for ten minutes.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and carried unanimously. 

Mayor Meyer made a motion to return from executive session with nothing to report.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Schmidt and carried unanimously. 


Mayor Meyer made a motion to enter into executive session for data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of second parties for twenty minutes.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Leslie and carried unanimously. 

Mayor Meyer made a motion to return from executive session with nothing to report.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peters and carried unanimously. 


Upon proper motion, the meeting was adjourned.
