Tuesday, February 17, 2009

02/02/09 Regular Comm. meeting minutes


FEBRUARY 02, 2009

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.

PRESENT: Eric Nystrom Mayor
Glenna Borho Commissioner
Jeff Taylor Commissioner
Bill Hlavachick Commissioner
Willy Peltier Commissioner

ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Steve Holmes Chief of Police
Russ Rambat Public Works Director
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director


Mayor Nystrom called the regular session to order. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Peltier.


A motion by Commissioner Borho to approve the minutes of the January 19, 2009 regular Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.


Request to vacate :

Mr. Richard McDiffett, 524 Logan, addressed the Commission on a vacation of Taylor Street between Simpson and New Streets. Commissioner Borho asked why Mr. McDiffett wanted this. Mr. McDiffett stated that he had been maintaining the area for twenty-two years. (Commissioner Peltier arrived at 5:05 p.m.) Mr. McDiffett continued to explain that he had cleaned up the area and kept it mowed along with the neighbors keeping the area around their property clean. Mr. McDiffett added that the street easement was 65’ wide and City easements were 80’ wide so if the City would want to develop the street, they would need an additional 15’. Commissioner Taylor asked who owned the property to the north. Mr. McDiffett stated that Mr. Rod Siedel owned that property. Commissioner Hlavachick asked if it had ever been a road. City Manager Howard commented that it had not and that the north half of the property would go to the north property owners and the southern half would go to those property owners that border the property. Mr. McDiffett stated that Kansas Statute 12-506 states that streets that are vacated shall revert to the owners of the property immediately abutting the land; therefore, the area not platted to the north of Logan Street would go to the owners of the property to the north. Commissioner Peltier commented that the down side of vacating Simpson Street would be that it would not be able to be expanded for development in the future. Commissioner Borho commented that that was a fair assessment.

Mr. Howard commented that there was a plat in the early stages and it would not need Simpson Street to go to the west. Commissioner Borho asked if the property to the north had ever been annexed into the City. Mr. Howard stated that it had not and that the only City utility would be electric.

Mayor Nystrom questioned if he and Commissioner Peltier should abstain from this discussion since they both own property next to the proposal. City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that this was a complex issue and that it should go before the Planning & Zoning Commission with something in writing for an application of vacation. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that if it gets to that point, it could be a conflict. Mayor Nystrom questioned if they should have input now. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that it was a mute point right now and they should wait and see what the Zoning Commission decides. Mr. Van Blaricum added that they should not vote on this question. Mayor Nystrom clarified that no vote, no input. Mr. Van Blaricum stated yes.

Mr. Howard commented that he had visited with a party involved last Friday and the reason they are here was to see if the Commissioners would consider vacating that property before they went to the expense of surveying, etc. Commissioner Borho commented that it was right on the City County line and that this subject was usually pursued through the Zoning Commissioner and they make a recommendation. Commissioner Taylor asked if anyone was paying property taxes. Mr. Howard commented that the property was owned by the City so no property taxes were being paid. Commissioner Hlavachick asked if the City would maintain the utility easement. Mr. Howard stated that we would. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that he recommended that it come through the Planning and Zoning Commission also. Mr. McDiffett commented that he had closed Mound Street a few years ago through this group. Mr. Howard stated that the plat was in the early stages and that, in the end, we would feel better having it vacated on the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. McDiffett commented that he was confused a little as he got one street vacated and now he cannot, even with the landowners being in favor.

Mr. Rod Siedel addressed the Commission and let them know that he had purchased the property north from the Doskocil Estate and his dream was to someday develop it. Mr. Siedel commented that he had cleaned up the sand pit that had become a dump for anyone that could sneak in. Mr. Siedel stated that he had visited with Mr. Blake Himmelwright and he was in total agreement with the development. Mr. Siedel commented that he had planned on coming before the Commission in a few weeks with the plans and he wants to make it good for the City. City Manager Howard commented that he had visited with Mr. Siedel and informed him that utilities would not be extended unless the property was annexed, but they only want electric. Mr. Howard added that they would like the okay to go ahead before spending a lot of money, because if they do not have any electric, there would be no plat. Commissioner Borho questioned how they would access the development. Mr. Siedel stated that there could be a couple of different ways and one being that you stay on Simpson Street behind 516 Logan and bring the access through the right-of-way to where Mound Street used to be and close the rest of Simpson Street. Mr. Siedel explained that the other way would be to access from Taylor Street and go straight north.

Mr. Howard commented that the plat would be by Mr. Himmelwright and Mr. Siedel and that the decision now would be whether we allow electrical utilities. Commissioner Borho questioned if they want the vacation no matter what the access. Mr. Siedel stated that he did. Commissioner Borho commented that she would like to see this researched by the Planning and Zoning attorney and that the Commission was pro-development wanting to see Pratt grow and, if by a private developer, that was all the better. The Commission and City Manager clarified that this would be brought before the Planning and Zoning Commission at their next meeting and the City Commission would review upon the Zoning Commissions recommendation.



Mayor Nystrom presented the Joe Wynn Volunteer Award for 2007 to Mr. Don Belden, representative for the Pratt Rotary Club. Mayor Nystrom explained that the Pratt Rotary Club was nominated for their work on the nature trail and other volunteer work they do in Pratt.


City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum stated the property involved in the zoning change was across from Zerger Park on First Street. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that the Epp brothers had filed an application with the Planning and Zoning Commission with the request to go from residential to highway service district. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that the Planning and Zoning Commission has voted unanimously to do that. Commissioner Taylor asked if it was any more than the three houses. City Manager Howard stated that it was the three houses and six lots behind to Blaine Street. Mr. Howard added that there had been a public hearing as required.

The following Ordinance 0902 was then presented to the Commission for their approval: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OR DISTRICT OF LOTS ONE (1), TWO (2), THREE (3), FOUR (4), FIVE (5) AND SIX (6), IN BLOCK SIX (6) OF SIMPSON’S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 25 IN SIMPSON’S SECOND ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PRATT, PRATT COUNTY, KANSAS UNDER THE AUTHORITY GRANTED IN THE ZONING AND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF PRATT, KANSAS, AS INCORPORATED IN THE CODE OF THE CITY OF PRATT, KANSAS. A motion by Commissioner Borho to accept the recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission to change the zoning classifications as listed in Ordinance 0902. Commissioner Hlavachick questioned if Mr. Jim Hays was in favor of this. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that if they were signed in, they were opposed. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that Mr. Hays lived in the house to the west and he felt that the possibility of a business going there would be detrimental to his property. Mr. Van Blaricum added that the people that live across the street to the east from the first lot felt that it would also be detrimental to their property for the same reason. Commissioner Taylor stated that he was uncomfortable with this situation and that you do not want to put a business in the middle of residential property. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that there was good discussion both ways. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that it passed in the meeting with a three to one vote. Commissioner Peltier seconded the motion on the table. The motion passed with four approved votes and one opposed voted by Commissioner Taylor.

Commissioner Taylor commented that he was not against business, but there are areas for business and that was not in a residential area. Commissioner Taylor added that we could be stirring up a hornet’s nest. Mayor Nystrom stated that there are a lot of non-conforming actions that result in doing someone a favor down the road and others will appreciate it down the road.


City Attorney Van Blaricum commented that the Commission had been working on this ordinance for some time and that at the last meeting we had gotten pretty close to a final ordinance. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he had made the changes requested. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that on page two the definitions were pretty clear and pointed out that it was important to note that when talking about enclosed areas in Pratt,that does not include outdoors. Mr. Van Blaricum quickly talked about definition ‘D’ that talks about enclosed areas, ‘E-F’ that describes where alcohol beverages are allowed, and ‘I’ which defines a public place. Mr. Van Blaricum continued to point out definition ‘K’ that was pretty important and described the separate designated smoking area and ‘N’ that talks about sports arenas and that it does not include outdoor fields. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that if the school district wants to make Zerger Field non-smoking during their events, they can, but it would not be because of this ordinance.

Mr. Van Blaricum stated that prohibition of smoking in public places goes into effect May 1, 2009. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that Section G (1) involves food service establishments except for outdoor sections and that they have to be physically separated, (2) allows smoking in restaurants between 10:30 p.m. and 5:00 a.m., but that this provision shall expire January 4, 2010, and (3) January 5, 2010 allows smoking in a physically separated area only. Commissioner Taylor questioned if that included a closed door. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that it did and that goes back to designated separate area. Mr. Van Blaricum clarified that you have to have access, but it has to be kept closed.

Mr. Van Blaricum commented on prohibition of smoking in places of employment and that employers have the responsibility to put up signs. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that all City owned facilities must be non-smoking. Commissioner Borho questioned if smoking was allowed under the awnings at the Green Sports Complex, but areas around the concession stand were prohibited. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that was correct.

Mayor Nystrom questioned if an owner can make his whole restaurant a designated smoking area. Commissioner Borho pointed out prohibition of smoking on page three that states that smoking shall be prohibited to all enclosed areas. Mayor Nystrom explained that a smoking area could be a big as they want. Mr. Howard commented that you could make a small area non-smoking. Commissioner Borho commented that you could until January 2010. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that state law says they assume that there is a non-smoking area. Mayor Nystrom commented that non-smokers should not have to go through the smoking area to get to their area.

Commissioner Peltier questioned why retail tobacco stores that only sale tobacco should be able to smoke. Chief of Police Steve Holmes commented that you try cigars or pipe tobacco before purchasing. Commissioner Borho questioned who decides what employees work in a smoking area. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that if there was a room inside Woody’s designated as a smoking area, a person would have to technically come out to be served and bus their own tables. Commissioner Peltier stated that they have until January 2010 to work out the kinks. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that the boss can work a smoking area, but not the employees.

Commissioner Borho questioned why we do not outlaw smoking in public places period. Commissioner Peltier commented that owners would spend money to comply with this ordinance and then January 2010, we decide they cannot smoke at all and that was unfair. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that we would be willing to work with businesses a year in advance and would not jerk the rug out from under an owner. Commissioner Borho commented that states have gone non-smoking and wondered how they did that. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that they have lead time to prepare. Commissioner Borho commented that businesses may not spend money on an area if it is banned altogether. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that it might be decided by the State at some point.

Commissioner Borho stated that we should be straight forward and remove the statement that allows smoking from 10:30 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. and make it no smoking after January 5, 2010. Commissioner Borho commented that the State would not care what happens to owners. Commissioner Taylor questioned what other states had done this. Commissioner Borho explained that California, Colorado and New York were a few.

A audience guest reporter addressed the Commission and let them know that in Illinois where she had been a reporter, they did a ban that did not allow smoking within ten feet of a business and they did not discuss enclosed areas. Commissioner Peltier commented that we should take out Section G (2). Commissioner Borho stated that (2) should stay in with the exception of the last sentence and (3) should be rewritten to say enclosed area smoking is banned; then give the owner a whole year to not have smoking indoors. Commissioner Peltier commented that on and after January 5, 2010, smoking would be prohibited in restaurants. Commissioner Borho stated that for this year, (2) should stand as is to give businesses time.

The following Ordinance 0903 was then presented to the Commission for their approval: AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING SMOKING IN PUBLIC PLACES. Commissioner Peltier made a motion to approve Ordinance 0903 stating ‘on and after January 2010 smoking will not be permitted in a restaurant or licensed premises’. Commissioner Borho clarified that, if in a separate area, you can have smoking. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that even if Woody’s decided to close off an area, there was no smoking allowed indoors. Commissioner Hlavachick added that it seems that we could get there without all of this. Commissioner Borho seconded the motion on the table. Commissioner Borho commented that even if it is specific, the State may come in and not permit it. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that we can do it this way, but whatever the State of Kansa does, it will be more or less restrictive than our ordinance and then we may have to forget ours. Commissioner Borho commented that we do have home rule. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that the Commission could adopt the ordinance as written or wait for the change. Commissioner Taylor stated that he would like to wait to have the change in place.

Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall commented that as far as the Sports Complex, he felt that we should model that behavior and be non-smoking. Commissioner Taylor agreed and commented that you can post any area as non-smoking. Mr. Pinkall stated that he could do that.

After little more discussion, Commissioner Peltier and Commissioner Borho withdrew their motions to approve Ordinance 0903. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he would redraft the ordinance for the next meeting. Mayor Nystrom clarified that after May 1, 2009, smoking is allowed after 10:30 p.m., but after January 4, 2010, you cannot smoke in enclosed areas. All were in agreement.


This item was tabled for a future meeting at the request of Public Works Director Russ Rambat.


Public Works Director Russ Rambat informed the Commission that the directory at the Cemetery had not been operational for several months. Mr. Rambat explained that they had tried to get the machine up and running, but it cannot be done as the software on the hard drive was written by the company without further expansion capabilities. Mr. Rambat commented that the directory had been installed in 2001 and had run up until the end of last year. Mr. Rambat stated that he had been able to gather the data and the Cemetery board had talked about updating the directory with a new touch screen monitor and software that would give Mr. Butch Simpson, Cemetery Sexton, the ability to do updates from his office. Mr. Rambat stated that the board would like to go out for bids. Commissioner Borho questioned what the original cost was. Mr. Rambat stated that it was around $22,000 with construction and the computer. Commissioner Borho commented that they should go out for bids and all Commissioners were in agreement. Commissioner Taylor asked if this would ever be available on line. Mr. Rambat stated that he was looking into the information being available on our website.

Commissioner Taylor commented that the renovations to Baby Land were a great addition. Mr. Rambat stated that there were a lot of comments on it and that there are two rows left to finish. Mr. Rambat added that it should be able to be completed this summer when Mr. Simpson has some part-time help.


City Manager Howard stated that this resolution was an update of our flood plain management and that the most important thing was that it would allow citizens to get flood insurance. Mr. Howard commented that this regulates how the City permits and allows building in the City. Mayor Nystrom commented that this does not redefine boundaries. Mr. Howard stated that it does not and that there was a process that someone can go through to be removed from the flood plain. Mr. Howard stated that in article three on page eight, it states the City Commissioners or duly represented party and that right now, the inspector issues permits. Commissioner Borho questioned if we wanted to keep that. Mr. Howard stated that it should be made a part of the motion to say City Manager or designee and that without discussion, it could be a technicality.

The Floodplain Management Resolution 020209 was then presented to the Commission for their approval. A motion by Commissioner Borho to approve Resolution 020209, the Floodplain Management Resolution, and that on page eight, section three, the duly designated representative would be the City Manager or his/her designated representative to issue necessary permits. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.


City Manager Howard explained that last fall, the Commission had approved the repair on damage to the cooling tower, but when the company came out, they recommended that we not put any money into it. Mr. Howard commented that after discussing it, the best option was to tear it down and keep the insurance money. Mr. Howard stated that we had not proposed to replace the tower, but pricing could get better and if the Federal government offers incentives packages to do improvements on Public Works, this may fall under that. Mr. Howard explained that what they will do is use the cooling towers to the north that are still standing, which are actually used for the five mega watt generator or to operate the fourteen mega watt, but at a lesser capacity. Mr. Howard added that depends on the temperature and would be between six and nine megs. Power Plant Superintendent Ernie Smith stated that it was originally designed for eight megs and you can safely get seven mega watts out of a fourteen mega watt unit. Commissioner Borho questioned if that was due to the cooling towers capacity. Mr. Smith added that even though it is a physically bigger tower, the flow rate on a fourteen mega watt unit is a lot more, but you are not going to get the capacity. Commissioner Borho questioned if it would not be worth it to retrofit the north tower to accommodate the increased flow rate. Mr. Smith answered that what happens is that the piping that comes to the suction line goes from 36” suction lines down to 24” lines.

Mr. Howard commented that one of the things that they looked at was to carry it over to the other cooling tower and back to where the return was, but there was not time to study that. Mr. Howard stated that this was to inform the Commission that we would like to tear the old cooling tower down before it comes down on its own, clean it up and then look at different options. Mr. Howard explained that the intent would be to put a new tower in, that would be approved by the Commission, and could handle the five and fourteen mega watt units. Mr. Howard commented that this way we can operate and meet all the capacity requirements with KMEA, MKEC, Sunflower and SPP standards.

Commissioner Borho questioned if the five meg was put in in the 1950’s and the fourteen meg in 1967 or so. Mr. Smith stated that the five meg unit was put in in 1952 and the fourteen meg unit in 1964. Commissioner Borho asked about the north and south cooling towers. Mr. Smith stated that the south tower was in 1964 and the north tower was in 1961. Mr. Howard commented that we were not going to abandon the five mega watt unit, but show it out of service. Mr. Howard explained that as long as we only have one tie into the City, we need to have it. Commissioner Borho commented that it was good insurance. Mr. Howard agreed. Commissioner Taylor questioned if we do still have our 112% capacity. Mr. Howard stated that we would, but if we lost energy and had to shut down, the capacity would not be there for a time. Commissioner Taylor asked what our peak was during the summer. Mr. Howard stated that it was 23 ½. Energy Agent Kenny Kreutzer explained that you have seven from both the five and fourteen mega watt units and nine from our MKEC contract. Mr. Howard repeated that if we lose our tie, we could have trouble depending on the time of the year.

Commissioner Taylor questioned how much a new cooling tower would cost. Mr. Howard answered that it would be around half a million, but the building materials were dropping monthly. Mr. Smith stated that he had received a cost of $400,000 in June for a wooden tower and that a metal cooling tower was about $350,000 due to the lower life expectancy. Commissioner Borho commented that we have gotten the use out of our wooden ones we have.

Mayor Nystrom questioned how much a tie cost. Mr. Howard stated that it was about $2,000,000. Mr. Kreutzer stated that with building a substation and the accessories, it could add up to about $8,000,000. Mr. Howard commented that that was why it had not been done. Mayor Nystrom questioned what if where the tie was connected with the grid and it got wiped out by a tornado, like it did, then we would have a back-up on our side. Mr. Howard commented that whenever there is a development opportunity, one of the things we were looking for was a chance to get that second tie. Mr. Howard added that wind generation could help to provide that.

Mr. Howard commented that they would move forward with this and bring the cooling tower to the Commission within the next couple of months. Commissioner Taylor asked if they would be updating the bid. Mr. Howard stated that they would have something for them to bid on and that they were watching the incentive program. Mr. Smith commented that the outfit that was interested in taking the cooling tower down was not interested in doing the job if we were not going to buy from them. Mr. Smith added that there was a company coming in Wednesday to see how much it cost to take it down and Kansas Can would be out to see if there was any salvage value in the tower. Mayor Nystrom asked what we have in that. Mr. Smith answered that there were two gear boxes, two motors, 20’ aluminum bladed fans with eight blades on each one plus fiberglass cones.


Executive session request:

City Manager Howard requested an executive session at the end of the meeting for non-elective personnel to last ten minutes with no decisions expected.

Street Department:

Public Works Director Russ Rambat reported that the street department continues to cut out areas of brick on the side streets. Mr. Rambat explained that salt sits up close to the curb and eats at the bricks in some areas of town.

Curb & Gutter Project 2009:

Mr. Rambat informed the Commission that he was beginning to measure up for the 2009 curb and gutter project.

Baker Pool & Spa Safety Act:

Commissioner Borho questioned the article in the packet concerning the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act. Mr. Rambat stated that he thought it was named after the original victim. Commissioner Borho asked if this was something we were looking at. Mr. Rambat stated we were taking initial measurements to come into compliance. Commissioner Borho asked about where you get an aquatic engineer. Mr. Rambat stated that there were several out there and he had spoken to one at length. Mr. Rambat explained that he would be draining the pool in a few weeks and modify the box and hopes that we do not have to cut into the pool. Commissioner Borho asked if we would have to patch the fiberglass liner. Mr. Rambat stated that we would have to hire that company back to patch the liner if we need to cut into it. Commissioner Borho asked how this was checked. Mr. Rambat stated that he was not sure. Commissioner Borho questioned if it would be OSHA. Mr. Rambat commented that it would probably be some branch of that.

Red Cross designation:

Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall informed the Commission that he had finally gotten the information on the Red Cross disaster designations for the Municipal Building and Community Center. Commissioner Borho asked if this was something that came before the Commission. Mr. Pinkall answered that this was just reassuring them that we have these facilities and that the Red Cross had done the inventory of the buildings.

Topeka trip:

Police Chief Steve Holmes informed the Commission that he would be leaving for Topeka in the morning for a law enforcement legislative meeting. Chief Holmes commented that the state wide no smoking topic would be discussed.

State budget cuts:

Finance Director Diana Garten stated that she had been watching what was going on with the state budget cuts and how they related to us. Ms. Garten stated that the Governor proposed $159,000,000 in budget cuts and that the House and the Senate were on different sides. Ms. Garten commented that one of the major items was that we could lose 100% of the liquor tax, which is about $45,000. Commissioner Peltier questioned why we would not get the liquor tax. Ms. Garten stated that the State would keep all of it to save their budget. Commissioner Borho asked if their deficit was predicted to be around $180,000,000. Ms. Garten stated that right now they are looking at $160,000,000, but they are talking about it being as much as $300,000,000 by 2011 if they do not do these cuts. Ms. Garten commented that the Senate is being proactive and they want to cut more than the Governor has proposed; whereas the House is being more generous. Ms. Garten explained that the budget is going to be cut, they are not going to taxes, but we are just not sure where the cuts are going to come from. Ms. Garten commented that the Democrats want to hit local government, but the Republicans want to spread it out to all entities.

Ms. Garten stated that besides the liquor tax, the State City County Highway Fund, which is how we maintain our streets, could be affected with the Senate wanting to cut it by about 10% or $20,000 a year and the House is looking at about a 4% cut. Commissioner Taylor asked if we had given away some of the highway miles to the highway project. Ms. Garten answered that we are paying on the highway project, but the possible stimulus package from the Federal Government could help make up some of that.

Ms. Garten stated that the machinery and equipment slider that took business machinery away in 2006 and put a slider in to make up for it, is something they do not want to pay. Ms. Garten explained that the Senate wants to delay the payment until May so they can see the income tax revenues when they come in and the House is wanting to go ahead and pay on time with the first payment being now.

Ms. Garten stated that another item is the LABTR that was to be reinstated in 2010, but that it does not look like that will happen.
Ms. Garten stated that the Senate closely mirrored the Governor’s projections and that we could be looking at $65,000 to $95,000 in cuts over the next two years.

Ms. Garten informed the Commission that there is a forum on February 14th in Pratt with Mitch Holmes and Ruth Teichman, but the time and place were not certain yet.

Sales Tax:

Ms. Garten informed the Commission that the sales tax for January, which was based on November 2008 sales, did not show a recession. Ms. Garten commented that this was the best month ever going back to 2003 and that it was up from this time last year by $52,736.73.

City Hall Day:

Mayor Nystrom commented that he had attended City Hall Day and had visited with Representative Yoder. Mayor Nystrom explained that he had asked Representative Yoder where the proposed shortfalls were coming from and he had stated that these were projections and there currently was not a loss. Commissioner Borho commented that they had not stopped their State House renovation. Mayor Nystrom stated that they had not, but the Capital was a beautiful place. Ms. Garten added that they are going to finish the wing they had started and then postpone the rest.

Mayor Nystrom added that one thing we are not going to get is real support from our state representatives and they are going to pass the buck down to the local taxing entities. Mayor Nystrom commented that they made it clear that they were more concerned about the election than they are about performance.

Executive Session:

A motion by Mayor Nystrom to enter into executive session to discuss non-elective personnel for ten minutes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.

Upon proper motion, the Commission returned from executive session with nothing to report.


The regular meeting was adjourned by proper motion.





02/02/09 Recessed Comm. meeting minutes


FEBRUARY 02, 2009

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Recessed session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.

PRESENT: Eric Nystrom Mayor
Glenna Borho Commissioner
Jeff Taylor Commissioner
Bill Hlavachick Commissioner
Willy Peltier Commissioner

ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Charles Rinke County Commissioner
Joe Reynolds County Commissioner
Dwight Adams County Commissioner
Sherry Kruse County Clerk
Gordon Stull County Counselor


Mayor Nystrom called the recessed meeting to order. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.



Mayor Nystrom introduced Mr. Marvin Nisley, Nisley Brothers Trash Service, to the City and County Commissioners and explained that he was going to discuss a recycling program for the City of Pratt. Mr. Nisley stated that he had visited with the City Commission a couple of months ago on a recycling program. Mr. Nisley explained that the City wanted to visit with the County Commissioners before doing anything, which brought him to this meeting.

Mr. Nisley showed the Commissioners a brief power point presentation on the services that his company provides. Mr. Nisley explained that the cardboard recycling containers are for cardboard only and that the cardboard is taken back to Hutchinson. Mr. Nisley commented that this program would reduce landfill costs and it would be good for the customer. Mr. Nisley stated that the down side would be loss of revenue on trash service for the City and also loss of revenue at the landfill for the County. Commissioner Peltier asked what we pay monthly to go to the landfill. City Manager Howard stated that it was based on weight and at the end of the year it is ‘trued up’, which could mean that the City would owe the County or vice versa.

Commissioner Borho commented that for some reason or other, cardboard is not being recycled at the Recycling Center and that it is going to the landfill now and not the Recycling Center. Mr. Nisley commented that Pratt County has a fine Recycling Center and that he was only targeting cardboard that is currently going to the landfill.

Mr. Nisley stated that a container cost about $50 per month for the cardboard container and $60 for a mixed paper container, but it could reduce the City services by 25%. Mr. Nisley commented that he knew that it was more expensive to recycle, but it was doing what was right. Commissioner Taylor questioned the cost being a lot for a customer to pay. Mr. Nisley stated that a customer would not use both containers.

Mr. Nisley asked the County if it was okay with them to provide these services to businesses in the Pratt County area. Commissioner Hlavachick questioned how much cardboard the Recycling Center received. Mr. Dean Staab commented that the County takes in about $6,000 a year just on cardboard. Commissioner Hlavachick asked what percentages of businesses are recycling now. Mr. Staab answered that there were several including Sears, Wildlife and Parks, lumber yard, Skaggs and Bolen’s. City Manager Howard showed the Commissioners a few pictures of what the City is dealing with now. Mr. Howard commented that some businesses are not taking their cardboard to the Recycling Center and we do not care, but there is a market out there and businesses are taking advantage of that. Mayor Nystrom questioned if Mr. Nisley was going to make a proposal to different businesses and ask them to cooperate. Mr. Nisley commented that was his intention if given the approval from the City and County Commissioners. County Commissioner Joe Reynolds commented that if the customers were going to be charged $50 for a container, the County would be able to go get it themselves and charge that. Commissioner Peltier questioned if the overhead cost would be justified if they would go into the garbage business. Commissioner Reynolds commented that they would just need a trailer with a screen. Mr. Staab commented that he would hate to see revenue for Pratt County go to Reno County and that the problem was educating people and getting them to participate in the program. Commissioner Borho asked how much was going to the landfill now. Mr. Stabb answered that it was a lot. Commissioner Borho commented that the program would bring less waste to the landfill. Mr. Staab stated that they are waiting at the Recycling Center to get a full semi-truck load. Commissioner Taylor commented that he had been taking his recyclables to Wichita and had taken 33,000 lbs in the last three years. Commissioner Reynolds commented that if the City does this, they would be losing revenue also. Mr. Howard stated that there may be a loss of revenue, but it would be offset by less expenditures. Mayor Nystrom commented that trash service was not profitable.

Commissioner Borho commented that this could extend the life of the landfill. County Commissioner Adams commented that cardboard dissolves. Commissioner Hlavachick asked if the Recycling Center could hold 12 to 14% more paper. Mr. Staab stated that it could. Mr. Nisley commented that if there is room, he could dump it here. Mr. Nisley explained that he was trying to keep from having a piece of equipment coming back to Hutchinson not being utilized. Commissioner Peltier asked Mr. Nisley what advantage he would have dumping it here. Mr. Nisley stated that there would no advantage.

County Commissioner Rinke commented that he did not want to do it and that he also wanted more time to think about it. Commissioner Adams added that they did not know that this was what was going to be discussed and they did need more time to see if it would meet requirements. Commissioner Reynolds commented that he was not sure that there was going to be a charge and that Mr. Nisley would be collecting for the container and keeping the cardboard. Mayor Nystrom reminded the Commissioners that Mr. Nisley had just stated that he would dump it here at the Recycling Center. Commissioner Reynolds added that they would want to be able to offer this to customers. Commissioner Taylor commented that after putting a pencil to it, it may not be worth it and that the County has not made a lot of money on the Recycling Center. Commissioner Rinke commented that the County could get more if they haul it. Mr. Howard commented that we haul it to the landfill now and that if we are doing that, the customer is not going to pay to have it done. Attorney Gordon Stull commented that you could make it mandatory and not pick up a dumpster if it had cardboard in it. Commissioner Adams questioned if Mr. Nisley was going to stop at cardboard. Commissioner Peltier commented that it would cost the County to open up a trash service and pick up for free. Commissioner Borho commented that it would be through tax dollars and usage fees.

Mr. Howard commented that Mr. Nisley was willing to dump here at no cost to the County. Mr. Nisley stated that he could do that all day long since recyclables were not worth anything. Commissioner Borho questioned if Mr. Nisley would open up other routes outside the City. Mr. Nisley stated that materials that were not going through the Recycling Center was a County issue, but he would do that. Mr. Staab commented that the Recycling Center takes mixed paper, but not with cardboard. Commissioner Peltier commented that some people are going to mix it. Commissioner Adams commented that Mr. Nisley had a container for mixed paper. Mr. Nisley stated that they do have that container and the plant bales it and they haul it to other markets.

Mr. Nisley questioned if the County was saying that it was okay to recycle cardboard as long as it went to the Recycling Center in Pratt. Commissioner Adams commented that he needed more time and he was not ready to make a decision. Commissioner Hlavachick asked if they would do a six month trial. Commissioner Adams stated that he still needed more time. Commissioner Adams added that they cannot stop him from talking to businesses. Mr. Howard commented that if it is not in our receptacles, it is not our trash. Mr. Howard commented that this would lower the cost for the City. Mayor Nystrom commented that if all the cardboard was picked up, it would probably not be a ton a day. Mr. Staab disagreed. Mayor Nystrom stated that we were not talking big numbers.

Mr. Nisley commented that trash was expensive, but the labor was more expensive. Mr. Nisley stated that he would sit tight and get with the County Commissioners in a few weeks if that was okay. Commissioner Adams commented that that would be fine.

Commissioner Taylor commented that he had no objections to doing this, but wanted the County to have time to discuss it. Commissioner Taylor commented that he would not be doing it now, but he had saved $70 a month on a City dumpster by taking it to Wichita when they are going that way anyway.


Smoking Ordinance:

Attorney Stull commented that the County was waiting for the City to do something with the smoking ordinance and then they would do the same thing. Commissioner Rinke commented that Becky Eastes from the Uptown Café was in favor of the smoking ban.

Property taxes:

City Manager Howard asked the Commissioners if they had heard the news about Proposition K. Mr. Howard played the segment from the news for the Commissioners and the news reported that Pratt County property taxes went up 134% with a decrease in population of almost 4%. Several conversations were going on at the same time, but Mayor Nystrom explained that once his property goes off the revitalization program, he would have to refinance to pay the taxes. Commissioner Taylor commented that the farmers complain about taxes, but that they should not be taxed more and it should be more equitable.

Food Bank:

Commissioner Hlavachick commented that the Food Bank had double the people come in for help and that the volunteers were talking about a soup kitchen. Commissioner Hlavachick questioned if the building owned by the County on North Main could be used. Commissioner Reynolds commented that it did not pass the gas inspection and had a lot of problems. Commissioner Adams commented that they were going up there and could meet Commissioner Hlavachick about 2:00 p.m. Commissioner Peltier questioned why they think we need a soup kitchen. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that due to layoffs, the amount of people at the Food Bank had doubled. Mr. Howard commented that there have been a lot of layoffs in the oil patch and that they are living on unemployment. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that the soup kitchen would not be every day, but maybe three days a week.

Sheriff Chinn:

Commissioner Borho asked how Sheriff Chinn was doing at Quantico. Commissioner Adams commented that they had to run one of the first days and that was hard for him. Commissioner Reynolds joked that he had come in last. Commissioner Taylor questioned why we were sending him. Attorney Stull asked why the City had sent Chief Cavanaugh and added that if Sheriff Chinn did not want to show up for ninety days the County Commission could not do anything about it since he was an elected official. Commissioner Adams explained that Sheriff Chinn had been contacted by them after his involvement with Greensburg and elected as Sheriff of the Year.

Next meeting:

The Commissioners chose May 4th for the next City/County joint meeting at City Hall.


A motion by Commissioner Borho to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.





Monday, February 16, 2009

2/16/09 City Commission Reg. Meeting Agenda


FEBRUARY 16, 2009



1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped)


3. MINUTES – February 02, 2009 Recessed City/County Meeting
February 02, 2009 Regular Commission Meeting



5.1 Discussion with Commission – Loren Barker (No info for packet)

5.2 Consideration and Approval of Bid to Crush Old Concrete for Alley and Utility Cut Use – Russ Rambat, Public Works Director

5.3 Consideration and Approval of Ordinance Concerning Smoking in Public Places – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney (Ordinance 0903)


6.1 City Manager
6.2 City Attorney
6.3 Department Heads
6.4 Mayor
6.5 City Commission


Monday, February 9, 2009

01/05/09 Approved City Commission minutes


JANUARY 05, 2009

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.

PRESENT: Glenna Borho Vice-Mayor
Jeff Taylor Commissioner
Bill Hlavachick Commissioner
Willy Peltier Commissioner

ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Steve Holmes Chief of Police
Russ Rambat Public Works Director
Kelly Hemphill Dir. of Electric Utilities


Vice-Mayor Glenna Borho called the regular session to order. The Vice-Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present with the exception of Mayor Nystrom.


A motion by Commissioner Taylor to approve the minutes of the December 15, 2008 regular Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.


No one in the audience wished to address the Commission.



Alan Luttrell, EBH Engineering, reminded the Commission that the City had applied for a geometric project from First Street to halfway between Third Street and Forth Street. Mr. Luttrell stated that this contract was for the other half that included between Third Street and Forth Street to Sixth Street. Mr. Luttrell commented that KDOT had given us these two projects, but had taken away the project on the north end and they had combined them into one KLINK project. Commissioner Taylor questioned that with revenues down, could they take this away from us. Mr. Luttrell stated that he did not think so since this money comes from the Federal Government. Commissioner Taylor asked about projects down the road. Mr. Luttrell commented that they could delay us from going out for bids. Mr. Luttrell added that with the new administration, he anticipates that the government will throw more money to infrastructure.

Mr. Luttrell reported that this agreement included the other half of the Main Street project. Public Works Director Russ Rambat added that KDOT will be getting more involved with geometric projects. Commissioner Borho questioned how long it would be before we know about adding bricks back into Main Street. Mr. Luttrell stated that we should know in the next couple of months and that would be the Commission’s decision. Commissioner Peltier asked if this was paid for through KDOT. Mr. Luttrell stated that they would if used in cross walks. City Manager Dave Howard added that it is paid for up to a certain amount. Commissioner Peltier questioned if this would be a maintenance problem. Mr. Luttrell commented that as a general rule, it is not. Commissioner Taylor commented that there should be less breakage with concrete being thicker. Commissioner Taylor questioned if stamped concrete held up better than bricks. Mr. Luttrell stated that it was about the same. Commissioner Peltier commented that if it ever had to be torn out, you would have to duplicate it. Mr. Rambat added that the longevity might be better in that you can get moisture under the bricks.

Mr. Luttrell commented that KDOT combined the two projects so that one contractor would do the whole job. Mr. Howard stated that when we get closer to engineering, we will go to the businesses through the Chamber. Mr. Luttrell commented that KDOT may dictate whether the project is done all at one time. Mr. Howard commented that we had been working on parking and that we want to make it as easy as possible. Commissioner Borho commented that this would be a labor intensive project whether bricks or stamped concrete are used and it would have an effect on businesses. Mr. Howard stated that the water line would be a big deal. Commissioner Borho stated that it has to be replaced.

A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to accept the contract from EBH Engineering for engineering on the KLINK resurfacing project on Highway 281. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.

Commissioner Taylor asked how long the project would last, taking into consideration the weather and everything. Mr. Luttrell stated that it would be three to nine months. Commissioner Borho commented that the water line would be quite a bit of that. Commissioner Taylor clarified that if we started in the winter or early spring, it could be the end of the year before they were finished. Mr. Howard stated that was correct. Mr. Luttrell commented that we want to use as many of the summer months as we can. Commissioner Borho asked if they would be using a machine like they had on the Highway 54 project. Mr. Luttrell stated that would depend on the contractor.


Airport Zoning Board:

City Manager Howard stated that he had had more interest in the Airport Zoning Board. Mr. Howard reminded everyone that the deadline for letters of interest would be before the close of business on January 9th.

Freeze on major expenditures:

Commissioner Borho questioned if there was still a freeze on major expenditures for the first few months of the new year. Mr. Howard stated that it would be for four or five months so that we could see what the economy was going to do.

State revenues down:

Commissioner Taylor questioned if we would start seeing cuts in what we get from the state with their revenues being down. Finance Director Garten commented that the property tax does not change and that sales tax is based on sales, so we should not be affected too much. Commissioner Taylor asked Police Chief Holmes if law enforcement would see any changes. Chief Holmes stated that he had not heard of anything that had been cut. Chief Holmes added that homeland security money came through the Governor and Highway Patrol.

Commissioner Taylor asked if we could see a cut back on water usage. Mr. Howard stated that it was tough to tell with the holidays and that we may be able to tell after a longer period of time. Mr. Howard added that in talking to businesses, most did not do as well, but they were not sure if it was due to the economy.

Commissioner Borho commented that by what we budgeted for fuel this year, we should look pretty good.

Smoking Ordinance:

City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum stated that there was another draft of the smoking ordinance for the Commission to review and that he had made the changes requested at their last discussion. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that there was a new definition on page three for designated smoking area. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that item ‘G’ #1 and #2 on page four defines where smoking is prohibited and that the paragraph following was all new material.

Mr. Van Blaricum stated that there was optional language on page eight that does not fit into the ordinance now, but it was how Hutchinson had done it. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that it could be reworked to include a time or non-smoking areas. Commissioner Borho asked if he had had time to look at the Wichita ordinance. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he had it and would discuss it at the next meeting. Commissioner Taylor questioned the optional language of 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that the question would be when they open. Chief Holmes commented that the code states that you can sell from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. and cereal malt beverages are from 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. Commissioner Taylor suggested that the optional language say that they cannot stay open after 2:00 a.m.

Commissioner Borho commented that the Hutchinson paper had printed an article stating that since the smoking ban, the heart attack rate had dropped. Commissioner Borho continued stating that a Colorado paper had stated that the heart attack rate in Colorado had dropped by 41% after three years and they felt the smoking ban had been responsible for that. Commissioner Borho stated that all of Colorado was smoke free. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that he has heard about third hand smoke and that the actual tar and poisons get into clothing and carpet.

New Attorney:

Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he had hired a new attorney that would be working as the Assistant County Attorney. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that Mr. Gavan Wood was a recent graduate and was to take the bar in February. Mr. Van Blaricum informed the Commission that he would be doing some City things and may do some private practice work. Commissioner Borho questioned if he was a native of Oklahoma. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he was from the Caldwell area and that he wanted to live in a small place in Kansas.

Cylinder heads:

Mr. Kelly Hemphill, Director of Electric Utilities, stated that Chubbs Insurance had reactivated the insurance claim and that we were waiting hoping that Fairbanks Morse would pay for the heads. Mr. Hemphill commented that Fairbanks Morse was waiting on a machine to come to the United States that would produce new serial numbers on the cylinder heads. City Manager Howard commented that we did not want cylinder heads that were cast from the same lot.


Mr. Hemphill informed the Commission that Line Distribution employees were taking down Christmas decorations.

Level II Certification:

Public Works Director Russ Rambat commented that Mr. Mike Jones had received his level II certification and was now certified in both water and waste water.

Year end report:

Police Chief Holmes commented that his year-end report would be delayed due to the homicide taking precedence. Commissioner Peltier asked if they were about to wrap up the investigation. Chief Holmes stated that the investigation was done, but the paper work was not.

Mr. Van Blaricum commented that the attorneys for the suspects were out of Hutchinson. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that being on the front of the investigation; he was impressed with the professionalism of our police department. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that it was like CSI, but in slow motion and that he was very impressed.

Sales tax:

Finance Director Diana Garten informed the Commission that sales tax for 2008 was up $107,871.22 from 2007. Ms. Garten commented that she was finishing up the 2008 books, but early indication was that the City came out well. Commissioner Borho stated that she appreciated the bar graphs.

New policy in effect:

City Clerk Kramer stated the utility department had started implementing the code that states that bills have to be paid on time.

Smoking Ordinance:

Commissioner Peltier questioned if the smoking ordinance would be on the next agenda. Commissioner Taylor commented that it was for discussion, but we could vote on it. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that it was redrafted from the previous discussion and that it should be discussed one time and then voted on later. Commissioner Borho commented that when or if it passes, we should give a six month window so that businesses have time to come into compliance. Commissioner Peltier commented that we should look at the economic impact and that he had visited with Rick’s Restaurant and they felt that since going smoke free, their business had improved. Commissioner Peltier added that if there is not a negative impact, then we should not consider anything but non-smoking. Commissioner Borho commented that Rick’s Restaurant is a restaurant with no alcohol. Commissioner Peltier commented that second hand smoke causes problems and we should do something.


A motion by Commissioner Taylor to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.




01/19/09 Approved City Commission minutes


JANUARY 19, 2009

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.

PRESENT: Eric Nystrom Mayor
Glenna Borho Commissioner
Jeff Taylor Commissioner
Bill Hlavachick Commissioner
Willy Peltier Commissioner

ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Steve Holmes Chief of Police
Russ Rambat Public Works Director
Kelly Hemphill Dir. of Electric Utilities


Mayor Nystrom called the regular session to order. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.


A motion by Commissioner Taylor to approve the minutes of the January 05, 2009 regular Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Borho and carried with four approved votes and an abstain vote from Mayor Nystrom.


No one in the audience wished to address the Commission.



Mayor Nystrom commented that the Airport Zoning Commission would consist of seven members with representatives from the City, County, City of Iuka, and the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mayor Nystrom stated that Mr. Fred Badders had accepted a position on the Airport Zoning Commission since he was a currently on the City’s Planning and Zoning Commission.

Mayor Nystrom stated that Mr. Bob Blasi was in the audience and had submitted a letter of interest. Mayor Nystrom commented that Mr. Blasi would be a good member on the Airport Zoning Commission as he was a business leader and a former member of the Airport Authority. Commissioner Borho asked that the Mayor list the names of persons that had submitted letters of interest. Mayor Nystrom stated letters were received from Mr. Jim Stratford who would represent the County; Mr. Wesley Norman from Edward D. Jones; Mr. Bob Blasi; Mr. Brad George representing the City of Iuka and was also a Council Member in Iuka; Mr. Bill Parker who was the former Airport Manager and retired FAA; Mr. Brian Hoffman, Chamber Director; Mr. Ted Loomis from the Peoples Bank; Mr. Gary Eppler who was retired Air Force; Mr. Eric McManaman, who is in the County, but may be relocating; and Mr. Chris Lovell, Corporate pilot, flight instructor, part time employee for Randy Huitt. Commissioner Taylor questioned if Mr. Badders was the only member from the Planning and Zoning Commission. City Manager Dave Howard stated that if the Commission wanted the Planning and Zoning to be more involved they would be, but Mr. Badders had agreed to represent them.

Commissioner Borho questioned what would happen if we decided to make the Commission nine members instead of seven. City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum stated that that would not be a problem and a motion could change it to nine. Mayor Nystrom asked if it mattered where a person lived. Mr. Howard stated that it did not. Commissioner Borho reminded the Commission that someone from Iuka needed to be on the Commission. Mayor Nystrom commented that he would nominate Mr. Brad George to the Airport Zoning Commission since he was a City of Iuka Council member. Commissioner Taylor stated that Mr. Badders would represent the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Hlavachick added that Mr. Jim Stratford could represent the farming community. Commissioner Taylor commented that he would like to see Mr. Ted Loomis on the Commission also. Mayor Nystrom stated that he would nominate Mr. Bob Blasi. Commissioner Borho nominated Mr. Gary Eppler as Commissioner Taylor nominated Mr. Bill Parker. Commissioner Borho added Mr. Tom Jones to the list of members with Commissioner Peltier adding Mr. Wes Norman.

A motion by Commissioner Borho to expand the Airport Zoning Commission from seven members to nine members. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.

A motion by Commissioner Borho to appoint Mr. Bob Blasi, Mr. Gary Eppler, Mr. Jim Stratford, Mr. Tom Jones, Mr. Ted Loomis, Mr. Wes Norman, Mr. Bill Parker, Mr. Fred Badders, and Mr. Brad George to the Airport Zoning Commission with Mr. Reid Bell as ex officio. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.

Mayor Nystrom questioned if there was a term limit for the members. Mr. Howard explained that once the issues have been resolved, the board would dissolve. Mr. Reid Bell commented that permits would be issued through his office. Mr. Howard stated that would depend on what this Commission wants on that issue and that the ordinance would be approved by the City Commission. Commissioner Taylor questioned if that would be ready by the next meeting. Mr. Howard commented that there had to be public hearings first. Mr. Bell stated that it would probably be sometime next month.


City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum commented that this ordinance had been talked about earlier and he had put together a draft to bring to the Commission for review that included input from Commission discussion and public input. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that he had reviewed several different ordinances from Cities that had previously passed some type of ordinance banning smoking in public places.

Mr. Van Blaricum explained that the ‘Whereas’ section indicates that the Commission recognizes that smoke is not good and why we are doing the ordinance. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that the purpose was so that non-smokers could breathe smoke free air. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that the definitions were self-explanatory, but that ‘K’ on page three was a new one that explains separate smoking areas and that an indoor area has to be physically separate and include an appropriate ventilation system. Commissioner Borho questioned using the word ‘separate’ instead of ‘appropriate’. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that you can, but that ‘appropriate’ means up to the City inspector. Commissioner Taylor commented that ‘separate’ could be in a separate room. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that farther in the ordinance you can see how it works. Mr. Van Blaricum continued stating that prohibition of smoking was in all enclosed places and the ordinance contained a list of those. Mr. Van Blaricum pointed out ‘G’ on page four and that it states licensed premises except the following; which includes outdoor seating or seating in an area that was physically separate. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that Woody’s could not allow smoking inside, but could outside since there was a barrier separating the areas. Commissioner Peltier commented that the barrier would be the wall and the door. Commissioner Borho asked if the north room could be smoking. Commissioner Peltier commented that there was a huge opening going into that room. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that all indoors would be non-smoking. Mr. Van Blaricum pointed out the paragraph stating that the City Inspector will go by the building code and this ordinance in regards to separate ventilation and smoke free restaurants. Mr. Van Blaricum added that it comes down to the City Inspector looking at proposed designated smoking areas and saying they are okay. Mayor Nystrom commented that they could make it work with existing systems that do not exhaust into an exiting unit. Mr. Van Blaricum clarified that it cannot get into other areas of the building. Commissioner Peltier commented that filtration or exhaust systems could be used.

Mr. Van Blaricum commented that it had been discussed earlier about smoking being allowed outside the front or back doors and that Wichita had prohibited that up to ten (10) feet. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he had left that out of ours. Commissioner Peltier commented that ten feet in Pratt would take you to the curb and would be unenforceable. Commissioner Borho commented that that would make it difficult for our business owners and that the Club could not use the area they had discussed for an outdoor area. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that he did not want to stop that. Commissioner Peltier commented that studies had shown that to recoup lost revenue, some bars and taverns have put in patios.

Mr. Van Blaricum commented that those were some of the changes he had made, but clarified that smoking would be prohibited in places of employment, allowed in private residences, allowed in no more than twenty-five percent (25%) of motel rooms, allowed in retail tobacco stores, prohibited in conference or meeting rooms used for private functions while food or beverage service functions were taking place.

Commissioner Borho questioned allowing smoking certain hours that had been discussed last time. Commissioner Taylor mentioned the ‘optional language’ on the last page. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that that was one way of doing it and that you could forget the designated room and use the optional language instead. Commissioner Borho commented that allowing smoking any hour defeats the smoking ordinance. Commissioner Borho suggested that we do not use the optional language and give the owners six (6) months to do structural changes. Mayor Nystrom commented that it could go into effect July 1st; which is the beginning of the fiscal year. Commissioner Taylor questioned if a person could add a smoking room after July 1st. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that they could. Commissioner Peltier commented that he would like to see the Commission adopt a no smoking ordinance that allowed smoking in bars from 10:30 p.m. to close. Commissioner Borho commented that she was against that. Commissioner Peltier added that this portion could sunset in 2010 and that would give them time to get ready. Commissioner Peltier commented that studies show that banned smoking shows no economic impact. Commissioner Peltier stated that Marion County, Illinois did a study on the impact from second hand smoke and that $16.7 million dollars had been spent on health care issues and that children were adversely affected. Commissioner Peltier explained that the study showed that Columbia had a negative economic impact in their bars and New York had a significant impact. Commissioner Peltier continued stating that the impact on health care was positive and that we have an obligation to the citizens to protect them. Commissioner Peltier stated that the economic impact was positive except for bars. Commissioner Peltier suggested that the ordinance take effect May 5th and then give the owners seven or eight months to make changes. Commissioner Peltier commented that if the idea was to get rid of smoke, then we need to get rid of it. Commissioner Borho clarified what Commissioner Peltier was asking was that smoking be allowed in bar areas after 10:30 p.m. to close and other hours were non-smoking. Commissioner Peltier added that the ordinance would go into effect in May, but allow bar areas to have smoking after 10:30 p.m. Commissioner Taylor commented that after May you can smoke from 10:30 p.m. to close and then the first of 2010, owners have to accommodate the ordinance. Mayor Nystrom commented that that would give them time to see if they want to invest in construction. Commissioner Borho commented that she did not want the business owners to think of the Commission as hardened. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that Mr. Bobby Eastes had stated that a big share of revenue comes after 10:00 p.m.

Mr. Van Blaricum stated that if there was a consensus on this, he would prepare a new draft and he suggested that we let the public know that we are going to talk about it and invite public participation. Commissioner Borho commented that we need to have it on the February 2nd agenda. Mayor Nystrom agreed and commented that if people show up, the Commission would deal with it.

Commissioner Peltier questioned if the 25% of hotel rooms allowing smoking was enforceable. Mayor Nystrom commented that that was controlled by the hotel chain. Police Chief Steve Holmes added that the rooms are designated smoking and that they can take care of it by accessing a penalty to your credit card if rules are not followed.

Commissioner Peltier questioned if the Sports Complex was non-smoking. Mayor Nystrom commented that USD was non-smoking. Commissioner Taylor commented that it was City property and City property was non-smoking. City Manager Howard commented that you should not even be able to smoke in the parking lot. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that you cannot smoke in the parks. Mayor Nystrom stated that it was just common sense. Commissioner Borho pointed out ‘N’ on page three of the draft ordinance where it talked about Sports Arenas where there is physical exercise, athletic competition or witnessing of a sports event. Commissioner Peltier commented that it would have to be complaint driven. Commissioner Borho questioned, if smoking was prohibited on City property, were vehicles included in that. Mr. Howard commented that it did not say City property. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that it did not and that it said public place. Commissioner Peltier commented that there is a loss of productivity from people who smoke on the job. Commissioner Borho commented that she wanted to be sure about smoking in City vehicles if someone in the general public would ask. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that that was a good question and that on page five #C it states that smoking is prohibited in enclosed areas and that would include a City vehicle.

Mayor Nystrom requested that an ordinance be on the agenda for February 2nd and state that it take effect May 1st and sunset January 1, 2010.

Mr. Howard questioned that if employees cannot smoke in vehicles, can they go out back and smoke on City property since it was not enclosed. Mayor Nystrom commented that he thought that would be okay. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that was how it is drafted now and that any City employee working outdoors can smoke.


City Manager Dave Howard stated that the Planning Commission recommended Doug Meyer to the fill the remainder of the term previously held by Commissioner Peltier. Commissioner Borho commented that Mr. Meyers was a pharmacist at the hospital. A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to appoint Doug Meyer to the Planning Commission to finish the term that will expire in 2011 and was vacated by City Commissioner Peltier. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Borho and carried with four approved votes. Commissioner Peltier was absent during this discussion.


A motion by Commissioner Taylor to appoint Rita Hitt and Tom Jones to another term on the cemetery board. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.


City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum commented that this statement was the same one that Ernie Richardson had drawn up a few years ago. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that this was a fair contract for the year 2009. A motion by Commissioner Borho to approve the City Attorney Agreement as printed. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously,


Mr. Van Blaricum stated that this was the same agreement as Mr. Eisenhauer had signed before. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that Mr. Eisenhauer had been employed as Municipal Judge for three years and was on time and stays until work is done. Commissioner Peltier asked how often he shows up. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he was there twice a week. Commissioner Taylor made a motion to extend the agreement between Rob Eisenhauer and the City of Pratt in the amount of $2,400 each month. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Borho and carried unanimously.



Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill informed the Commission that the KMEA mutual aid was the same mutual aid that the City had been involved with for the past six years. Mr. Hemphill commented that this had been very helpful during the ice storm and the tornado in 2002 and that we had also helped out Greensburg.

Mr. Hemphill stated that the KMU Mutual Aid program was formed by KRWA and was paid for by other entities. Mr. Hemphill commented that he felt that this was a good idea to join the program and should give us a broader base of cities to be involved with. Mr. Hemphill explained that it may require more response from us; which was not going to be a problem.

Mr. Hemphill commented that both programs are voluntary and can be exited by letter. Commissioner Borho questioned if there were more KMEA cities than KMU. City Manager Howard stated that there were more KMU cities, but KMEA had more cities in the mutual aid program. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that we had been with the mutual aid program for a number of years and it was great to have. Mr. Hemphill added that if both would call at the same time, our priority would be to KMEA.

A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to approve Resolution 011909 and 011009A dealing with the mutual aid programs with KMEA and KMU. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.


City Manager Howard reminded the Commission that they had approved the contract with Alan Luttrell of EBH Engineering to do the water line on the South Main Street project. Mr. Howard commented that this loan agreement was for the new street and the loan was for $1,292,000 at 4.17% interest rate over twenty years, making two payments a year. Commissioner Peltier questioned if this was a locked in rate. Mr. Howard stated that it was. Commissioner Taylor asked if we could get the rate any lower. Mr. Howard commented that we could refinance if we need to and we have done that in the past. Mr. Howard stated that we need this to get the project going and that the $1,292,000 was the highest number we would pay.

Commissioner Peltier asked if it would be three years before we start this project. Mr. Howard answered that it could be the later part of December 2010 or early spring 2011. Finance Director Diana Garten commented that you can start drawing down, but you do not have to pay back until you are drawing on it and that you draw funds down as they are expended. Mr. Howard commented that we would be doing monthly requests.

Mr. Howard informed the Commission that they needed to approve the ordinance approving the loan agreement and then they would approve the loan agreement.


The following Loan Agreement was then presented to the Commission for their approval: LOAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT ACTING ON BEHALF OF THE STATE OF KANSAS AND PRATT, KANSAS-KPWSLF PROJECT NO. 2528 EFFECTIVE AS OF DECEMBER 22, 2008. A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to approve the loan agreement with KDHE and Pratt for the loan from the Public Water loan fund, project 2528 in the amount of $1,292,000. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.

Commissioner Borho questioned if we could pay off this loan early. Mr. Howard stated that you can with stipulations.


Servateria closed:

City Manager Howard informed the Commission that the Servateria had closed.

Jim hospitalized:

Mr. Howard informed the Commission that Mr. Jim Zeltner had been hospitalized earlier today and he was waiting for the doctor to see him when he had stopped by to check on him.

Yearly activities:

Police Chief Steve Holmes stated that he had a summary of yearly activities in the packet for the Commission to review. Chief Holmes commented that after visiting with Mr. Gale Rose of the Pratt Tribune, he noticed that dispatch service had dropped from 2006 to 2008. Chief Holmes added that police reports were up in 2007, but down in 2008 and accidents were down by about 100. Commissioner Borho asked where murder came in. Chief Holmes stated that it was under death investigation and that suicide numbers included attempts.

Theft in Lemon’s Park:

Chief Holmes stated that he had been in Lemon’s Park this afternoon just about ten minutes before a car had been broken into and two ladies had had their purses stolen. Chief Holmes suggested putting anything of value in your truck and out of sight.

Governor’s cuts:

Finance Director Garten commented that she had been following the Governor’s cuts and she should have a closer look for the Commission at the next meeting. Commissioner Borho questioned if this was one of the things that the League lobbies for. Mr. Howard stated that they do lobby for such things. Ms. Garten commented that she may attend City Hall day next week to visit with our representative.

City/County meeting:

City Clerk Kramer reminded the Commission that February 2nd was the next City/County joint meeting at 11:00 a.m. Mr. Howard commented that Mr. Marvin Nisley would be attending.

Wind propellers:

Commissioner Borho commented that she had the article on renewable energy put in the packet.

Property entering town:

Commissioner Borho commented that no matter what direction you come into Pratt, the properties make us look like a bad town. Commissioner Borho explained that coming into Pratt from Wichita, she noticed trash by Paso Junction and it looks like more junk is lying around. Commissioner Borho questioned if there was a way we could spruce up the entrances. Mr. Howard commented that the property out east was for sale on the north side and maybe someone would buy it for development. Mayor Nystrom commented that this time of year, things do look bad. Mr. Howard stated that Mr. Duane DeWeese had cleaned up the area by Southwest Truck a couple of months ago on a Saturday. Commissioner Borho stated that the town as a whole looks good, but the entrances could be spruced up.

Veterans Memorial Lake:

Commissioner Hlavachick invited everyone to take a tour of Veterans Memorial Lake, because things were looking up. Mayor Nystrom commented that it did look nice. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that there would be flushing toilets in shortly and that they were required to get a highway designation.


A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to recess until Monday, February 2, 2009 at 11:00 a.m. to meet with the County Commissioners. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.



