Tuesday, April 17, 2018

04/02/2018-Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes


APRIL 02, 2018

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular Session in the Commission Room located at City Hall.

Doug Meyer  Mayor
Lucus Kumberg  Commissioner
Gary Schmidt  Commissioner
Jason Leslie  Commissioner


Roy Eckert  City Manager
LuAnn Kramer  City Clerk
Regina Goff  City Attorney
Diana Garten  Finance Director
Gary Myers  Chief of Police
Russell Rambat  Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Jamie Huber  Director of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall  Recreation Director                                    


The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Meyer.  The Mayor instructed the City Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Peters.

The Mayor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded. 


Mayor Meyer led the staff and audience in the invocation and Mayor Meyer led the Pledge of Allegiance.


·        Minutes:         March 05, 2018 Recessed Commission Meeting
March 05, 2018 Regular Commission Meeting
March 19, 2018 Regular Commission Meeting

Commissioner Leslie made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda.  Commissioner Schmidt seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 



Ms. Jennifer Ryan informed the Commission that she needed three things to open a small business and they were ambition, internet and child care.  Ms. Ryan commented that Loving Hands was an opportunity to see child care in Pratt expand.  Ms. Ryan stated that Loving Hands was open now but they were needing funds to install a door in the infant room and to be licensed with KDHE for children under three.  Ms. Ryan commented that she knew her story was not unique, but this would provide help for parents who wanted to take an extra class at the college and know that their children were taken care of.   

Ms. Sherry Morford, owner of Loving Hands, stated that she had worked with children for thirty years.  Ms. Morford added that she was now taking three to ten year olds until the door was installed that goes outside, which would allow her to take younger children.  Ms. Morford stated that she had a low estimate for that project of $8,300.  Ms. Morford commented that they were doing a fund raiser, but they were here to ask this board for $7,000.  Commissioner Leslie questioned if they had been to the Economic Development Board for funds.  Ms. Morford stated that she had not.  Mayor Meyer commented that having it in a church was a different equation.  City Manager Eckert stated that this would affect everyone and should be non-denominational.  Mayor Meyer asked if they were already a licensed business.  Ms. Morford stated that they were.  Commissioner Kumberg stated that it would be better to use grant funds rather than public funds.  Commissioner Kumberg added that there was money available through grants and micro loans.  Finance Director Garten commented that the micro loan program goes through Great Plains Development, then to the ED Board for their assessment and to Great Plains for the micro loan.  Commissioner Schmidt commented that he was not sure that we wanted to use tax money on a building that was not owned by the business.   


Ms. Diana Harris thanked the City for their continued support of the Food Bank.  Ms. Harris stated that she was the president of the board and there were four more members.  Ms. Harris commented that she had filled out the request form for budget and informed the Commission that they serve all of Pratt County.  Ms. Harris explained that they had been in existence for twenty-three years and that they were not a grocery store.  Ms. Harris commented that they help families out that have food needs at certain times and that their numbers were down last year, which was a good thing.   

Ms. Harris stated that they had served 381 families or 1,159 people with 988 boxes.  Ms. Harris commented that she buys food at Wal-Mart, Dillon’s and the Kansas Food Bank.  Ms. Harris stated that they review each family’s application and then they were given a box depending on how many were in the family.  Ms. Harris added that some families were not the standard mom, dad and kids, but could be grandma, mom and kids or multi-families in one dwelling.   

Ms. Harris stated that the people working at the Food Bank were all volunteer and they had about forty-five right now.  Ms. Harris commented that they did get fresh produce in the summer time from people in town and they also get deer meat.  Ms. Harris explained that donations come from individuals, churches, businesses, clubs and the City.  Ms. Harris stated that families could get five boxes a year and also a Christmas box that did not count off of the five.  Ms. Harris commented that not all the families use their five boxes.  Ms. Harris stated that seventy-one families used all five boxes last year and they are very appreciative.  Mayor Meyer stated that it was a very rewarding experience to volunteer. 


In the absence of Ms. Rochelle Westerhaus, Mayor Meyer explained that the recommendation of appointing Mr. Danny Lynch and Ms. Kandace Bitts-Nicolay came from Ms. Westerhaus.  Mayor Meyer stated that these appointments would replace Mr. Chris Himmelwright and Mr. Alan Hitz.  With no further discussion, Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to approve the appointments of Mr. Danny Lynch and Ms. Kandace Bitts-Nicolay to the Library Board.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Leslie and carried unanimously. 


·        Summerfest 2018: 

Chamber Director DeClue stated that there were several things happening this summer.  Ms. DeClue informed the Commission that the Summerfest Sidewalk Sale was on July 14th from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.  Ms. DeClue stated that the Lions Club train would be on Second Street and the National Guard would be bringing big trucks.  Ms. DeClue commented that there would be the Farmers Market during the day and a laser light show that evening that would be sponsored by Southwest Truck Parts.  Ms. DeClue requested that Second Street between Main Street and Jackson Street, Third Street between Main Street and Ninnescah Street and Fourth Street between Main Street and Jackson Street be closed for the events.  Ms. DeClue commented that they would also be including a hamburger/hotdog feed and live entertainment from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.  Commissioner Kumberg questioned if this would be a problem for the people that live at the Parrish.  Ms. DeClue stated that they usually only go to the alley. 

With no more discussion, Commissioner Schmidt made a motion to allow the street closures as presented for the Summerfest Sidewalk Sale.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Leslie and carried unanimously. 

·        Bike events: 

Ms. DeClue stated that there was also the Bike Across Kansas on June 11th starting at 11:00 a.m. with about seven hundred to nine hundred bikes registered.  Ms. DeClue pointed out that most of the bikers would be staying at the high school and head out again on Tuesday. 

Ms. DeClue commented that there was another race called the Open End Gravel Race and they would also be spending the night in Pratt.  Ms. DeClue stated that they would end the evening with music and awards.  Ms. DeClue commented that Mr. Eric Sutter from Pratt was the one bringing this to Pratt. 

·        Miss Kansas parade: 

Ms. DeClue reminded the Commission that the Miss Kansas Parade would be Friday, June 8th starting at 6:00 p.m.  Ms. DeClue stated that there were thirty-four contestants and over one hundred Miss Sunflower Princesses.  Ms. DeClue commented that she thought that the City took care of the bleachers and announcers area.  Mr. Rambat stated that they would take care of that part again.   

·        April 28th events: 

Ms. DeClue stated that a big gymnastics event would be here on April 28th along with Skyline’s 50th class reunion and a tournament at the Sports Complex. 

With no further discussion, Mayor Meyer made a motion to approve the requests from Ms. DeClue.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and carried unanimously. 


With little discussion, Commissioner Leslie made a motion to approve the reappointment of Mr. Tim Barker to the Airport Authority Board.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Schmidt and carried unanimously. 


City Attorney Goff stated that the response that was received in South Hutch and Emporia was not very positive in regards to prohibiting the use of tobacco in recreational areas.  Ms. Goff reminded the Commission that this had been discussed at the last City/County meeting and the County had already passed the ordinance.  Ms. Goff commented that the City officer’s did not have jurisdiction to enforce a County ordinance and it would not be a typical course of action for a County Sheriff to patrol the City.  Ms. Goff stated that Lawrence had passed a policy banning smoking and e-cigarettes in playgrounds and parks; however, there were not teeth to a policy. 

Ms. Goff stated that there were a range of policies and ordinances implemented in the State.  Mayor Meyer stated that there was a consensus that we wanted to do something, but we wanted it to be right.  Ms. Goff stated that she did not like the way the model ordinance was written.  Commissioner Leslie commented that this was hard to enforce.  Commissioner Leslie added that this would be cumbersome on the police department.  Commissioner Kumberg agreed that we did not want to put an ordinance in place that would be difficult to enforce.  Mayor Meyer and Commissioner Schmidt stated that they liked the idea of a policy rather than an ordinance. 

Mayor Meyer asked Recreation Director Pinkall how the discussion went with the Parks Advisory Board.  Mr. Pinkall stated that the discussion lasted about 40 to 45 minutes and concerns were about the same as here.  Mr. Pinkall commented that currently there was already no smoking at the Green Sports Complex, but they find cigarette butts.  Mr. Pinkall explained that they still finish their cigarette after seeing the no smoking signs.  Mr. Pinkall added that the board had trouble with the enforcement; however, they supported the concept.  Commissioner Schmidt asked if the announcers ever reinforce that the Complex is non-smoking.  Mr. Pinkall stated that they do occasionally, but they could do it more often. 


No one in the audience wished to address the Commission. 


City Manager: 

·        Policy and Procedures: 

City Manager Eckert stated that he was in the process of revaluating some policies and procedures.  Mr. Eckert commented that the solar farm was one.  Mr. Eckert added that the personnel policy was also being reviewed so that it was more consistent. 

·        Auditors: 

Mr. Eckert stated that the auditors would be here until Thursday.

·        Bike races: 

Mr. Eckert commented that he was looking forward to the bike races and that it was a huge opportunity for Pratt. 

City Attorney:

·        Policies: 

City Attorney Goff stated that she had been helping Mr. Eckert with the policies. 

Public Works: 

·        Glow Run: 

Public Works Director Rambat stated that he had visited with Miss Butler County Miranda Flemming about the use of Lemon Park next Saturday for her Glow Run.  Mr. Rambat commented that he had explained to her that she should remind the runners that they were on their own, but they were not going to be crossing either highway. 

·        Curtis Street: 

Mr. Rambat stated that the water department was working on Curtis Street and Stout Street.  Mr. Rambat explained that they would be putting in a new line and would get out of the intersection as soon as possible and then the street guys would come in and finish up.

Building Inspections:

·        Wheels for train:

Building Inspector Blankenship stated that the Pilot Express Train needed two new wheels.  Mr. Blankenship explained that it had derailed in October and it was taken to a local shop for a temporary fix for the Santa Express.  Mr. Blankenship commented that each wheel was about $3,000, so everything they need would be under $10,000.  Mr. Blankenship commented that derailing was like getting a flat tire and they were trying to keep up on the motor and transmission.   

Recreation Department: 

·        Outdoor activities:

Recreation Director Pinkall stated that the outdoor activities were starting with soccer in full swing at the Sports Complex and Lemon’s.

Police Department: 

·        March crime stats:

Chief Myers reported on the statistics for March and those numbers were attached.

·        K-9:

Commissioner Leslie asked about the K-9 and grant writing.  Chief Myers stated that he had talked to someone with grant writing where they give money up front and we pick up the funding from that. 

Finance Department: 

·        Sales Tax: 

Finance Director Garten stated that sales tax looked bleak and we were $42,000 down from last year. 

Mayor and Commission: 

·        Thank you letter: 

Mayor Meyer stated that he had gotten a letter from a couple traveling from California to South Dakota.  Mayor Meyer commented that they were impressed with how friendly people were and that the police department took time to check on them at night in their RV at the park. 

Executive Session: 

Mayor Meyer made a motion to enter into executive session for non-elected personnel to last thirty minutes.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Leslie and carried unanimously. 

Mayor Meyer made a motion to return from executive session with nothing to report.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Leslie and carried unanimously. 

Mayor Meyer stated that an irregularity was discovered on the part of a former employee involving the previous solar bids, which justifies the Commission in rebidding the solar farm project; therefore, Mayor Meyer made a motion to rescind the original approval of the RFP to Inovateus Solar.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and carried unanimously. 

City Attorney Goff stated that the new RFP’s for the solar farm would be opened on April 09, 2018 at 10:00 a.m.  Ms. Goff added that the bids had to contain ten, fifteen, and twenty-five year buyouts with no contingencies.   


Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Schmidt and carried unanimously. 



Monday, April 16, 2018

04/16/18-City Commission Meeting Agenda


APRIL 16, 2018

1.      CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
2.      ROLL CALL

      4.1 Minutes:           April 02, 2018 Regular Commission Meeting                                  


5.1 Consideration and Approval of Ordinance 1812 Annexing Land to the City – Regina Goff, City Attorney

5.2   Consideration and Approval of Bid for 2 Three Phase Reclosers – Jamie Huber, Dir. of Electric Utilities

5.3   Discussion on Tobacco Free Parks Policy – Regina Goff, City Attorney

5.4   Update on Police K-9 Drug Dog – Gary Myers, Chief of Police

5.5  Recommendation on Solar Farm Bid Being Awarded to Inovateus Solar Pending an Approved Contract – Rick Eckert, City Manager; Jamie Huber, Dir. of Electric Utilities; Regina Goff, City Attorney

5.6   Discussion on 1% Additional Cost of Living Increase for City Employees – Mayor and Commission

6.     OPEN AGENDA (City Matters Only) (3 Minute Time Limit)
7.     REPORTS:

7.1      City Manager 
7.2      City Attorney
7.3      Department Superintendents
7.4      Mayor
7.5      City Commission 

8.   Executive Session – Non-elected personnel for 10 minutes (Rick’s salary)

9.   RECESS – Until Thursday, April 19, 2018 for Paula Downs Work Session from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.           

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

03/19/2018-Approved City Commission Regular Meeting Minutes


MARCH 19 2018 

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular Session in the Commission Room located at City Hall.

Doug Meyer  Mayor
Lucus Kumberg  Commissioner
Gary Schmidt  Commissioner
Roy Eckert  City Manager
LuAnn Kramer  City Clerk
Regina Goff  City Attorney
Diana Garten  Finance Director
Gary Myers  Chief of Police
Russell Rambat  Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Bruce Pinkall  Recreation Director 

The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Meyer.  The Mayor instructed the City Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Peters and Commissioner Leslie. 

The Mayor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.



Commissioner Schmidt led the staff and audience in the invocation and Mayor Meyer led the Pledge of Allegiance. 


·        Minutes:        February 20, 2018 Regular Commission Meeting
February 26, 2018 Special Call Commission Meeting 

The Consent Agenda was tabled until the next regular meeting due to lack of a quorum for an approval vote. 



Building Inspector Blankenship informed the Commission that the Planning and Zoning Board met last Thursday concerning the rezoning of property owned by Mr. Roger Sewell.  Mr. Blankenship explained that the property was currently zoned agriculture; however, it needed to be changed to office and institutional so that Americare could put their facility on it.  Mr. Blankenship commented that office and institutional meets eleven of the twenty uses in nursing care and/or retirement centers.  Mr. Blankenship stated that they did not like to spot zone; therefore, office and institutional works in that area since the College land is also office and institutional.  Mr. Blankenship stated that agent Rich Sanders represented Mr. Sewell and an Americare representative had a brief discussion with the Zoning Board on their plan.  Mr. Blankenship stated that the five board members present unanimously voted in favor of the change in zoning.   

Mayor Meyer questioned if there was any opposition.  Mr. Blankenship stated that there were only four property owners and they were Mr. Sewell, Mr. Farmer who came to the meeting for information only, the college, who wanted to know about this change, and one that had not contacted the City.  With no more discussion, Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to approve the zoning change for the Sewell property from agriculture to office and institutional.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Schmidt and carried unanimously. 


City Attorney Goff stated that this resolution pertains to the property owned by Mr. Sewell.  Ms. Goff commented that, pending the sale of the property to the nursing home, they wanted it to be in the City limits.  Ms. Goff explained that the annexation would not prevent growth and this resolution requested that the County Commissioners approve the annexation by two-thirds vote.  Ms. Goff added that Mr. Sewell had previously signed a petition for annexation. 

With no discussion, the following Resolution 031918 was then presented to the Commission for their approval:  RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF PRATT COUNTY, KANSAS TO MAKE CERTAIN FINDINGS REGARDING THE ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY.  Commissioner Schmidt made a motion to approve Resolution 031918 requesting the Pratt County Commissioners to make certain findings regarding the annexation of property.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and carried unanimously. 


City Manager Eckert explained to the Commission that Director of Electric Utilities Huber had gone out for bids for a transformer for the new McDonald’s.  Mr. Eckert commented that two bids were returned and Stanion Wholesale Electric bid $10,992.66 and Kriz Davis bid $10,998.10.  Mr. Eckert stated that this was the closest bid he had ever witnessed; however, Mr. Huber recommended that the Commission approve the bid from Stanion Wholesale Electric in the amount of $10,992.66.  Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to approve the bid for the 500 KVA pad mount transformer for McDonald’s from Stanion Wholesale Electric in the amount of $10,992.66.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Schmidt and carried unanimously.


Police Chief Myers informed the Commission that he had gone out for bids for two police vehicles.  Chief Myers commented that the Ford and Chevy vehicles both met the needs of the police department.  Chief Myers stated that Lanterman Motors bid $61,678 for two 2018 Ford Explorer Utility Police Interceptor All Wheel Drive vehicles and Doug Reh Chevrolet bid $73,299 for two 2018 Chevrolet Tahoe Police Pursuit 4WD 1500 vehicles.  Chief Myers added that both bids include a Chevy Impala trade-in.  

Chief Myers recommended the bid from Lanterman Motors in the amount of $61,678 for two 2018 Ford Explorers.  Chief Myers commented that this was budgeted funds.  Commissioner Schmidt asked if that included insurance also.  Chief Myers stated that it did; however, it did not include the cost of equipment for inside the vehicle.  With little more discussion, Commissioner Schmidt made a motion to approve the purchase of two 2018 Ford Explorers from Lanterman Motors in the amount of $61,678.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and carried unanimously. 


No one wished to address the Commission. 


City Manager: 

·        KMEA Meeting: 

City Manager Eckert informed the Commission that he would be attending the KMEA meeting in Hoisington on Thursday with Director of Electric Utilities Huber. 

·        Carbon tet: 

Mr. Eckert stated that he had called the State concerning where we were on the carbon tet issue.  Mr. Eckert commented that we were ready to get on with the negotiations and waiting on the deadline at the end of the month.  Mr. Eckert explained that the City had been given the airport in 1947 and carbon tet was used to clean; therefore, they started seeing details of it in the water.  Mr. Eckert stated that we were hoping the military would come to the table, which was what Salina had done.  Commissioner Schmidt questioned if the carbon tet was moving.  Public Works Director Rambat stated that they were doing research now, but they did not think that it was expanding at a huge rate.  Mr. Rambat added that there was no reason to think we were in trouble.   

Public Works:

·        Champa Street: 

Public Works Director Rambat stated that we were seeing the light at the end of the tunnel on Champa Street. 

·        Clean-up week: 

Mr. Rambat stated that clean-up week was going to be May 7th to the 12th.  Mr. Rambat commented that he was working with Mr. Jason Winkel at the County landfill and this project was successful last year, so things would work the same this year.

Building Inspections: 

·        McDonald’s: 

Building Inspector Blankenship stated that he had been in contact with McDonald’s and they were anxious to get started.

Police Department: 

·        February stats:

Chief Myers presented the February stats to the Commission and they are attached.

Finance Department: 

·        Audit: 

Finance Director Garten stated that the auditors would be here the first week in April and the departments would get the worksheet soon. 

·        Travel Board: 

Ms. Garten stated that the Travel and Tourism Board would be scheduling a work session to look at the ordinance establishing Tourism. 

·        Chamber: 

Ms. Garten stated that the Chamber had updated their bylaws.  Ms. Garten stated that there were new board members and they were getting everybody up to speed. 

Mayor and Commission: 

·        Paula Downs: 

Mayor Meyer stated that Ms. Paula Downs from WSU would be here again to talk to the new Commissioners and do a review for everyone else.  Mayor Meyer commented that it would be a two hour work session with lunch being served.  City Manager Eckert stated that we needed to do this sooner than later.  Mayor Meyer asked that the Commissioners look at April 23rd from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 

·        Compost: 

Commissioner Kumberg questioned when the City would begin picking up compost.  City Clerk Kramer stated that it was the first week in April.   

·        Executive Session: 

Mayor Meyer made a motion to enter into executive session for non-elected personnel to last thirty minutes.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and carried unanimously. 

Mayor Meyer made a motion to return from executive session with nothing to report.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Schmidt and carried unanimously.

·        Sale of Property at Sandy Creek: 

Mayor Meyer stated that the Commission and staff needed to talk about the sale of the lots at Sandy Creek.  Mayor Meyer commented that the City would be willing to reduce the price for them and hopefully stimulate construction.  Mayor Meyer added that we should do a memo to the realtors that we were trying to sell and the City Manager would be able to negotiate prices. Mayor Meyer asked that City Attorney Goff help with that motion’s wording.  Ms. Goff stated that the motion should state that the Commission allow the City Manager the authority to negotiate sale prices on City lots at Sandy Creek based on specific features of each lot with a minimum sale price.  Mayor Meyer asked what that minimum sale price would be and added that everyone would want a lot.  Ms. Goff stated that we could put a condition on that price that they had to begin residential construction within a year.  Commissioner Schmidt stated that he would not list any price.  Commissioner Schmidt added that the market would change and we did not want to go through this process every time it did.  

Commissioner Schmidt commented that it was a consensus that the Commissioners wanted to do something to stimulate construction at Sandy Creek.  City Manager Eckert stated that past Commissioners made references to the former City Manager and the management of prices; therefore, now we could also negotiate those prices how we see fit at this time.  Ms. Goff asked if there were going to be guidelines or parameters on the price.  Commissioner Kumberg stated that we could look at what it appraises for or the market value.  Mayor Meyer agreed and stated that that would not show preferential treatment.  Ms. Goff agreed.  Commissioner Schmidt stated that it could happen like Rolling Hills, in that, as the lots were less available, they became more pricey; however, we did not want to limit ourselves on how low or high we sell for.  Ms. Goff stated that this could be revisited again in six months and parameters could be changed since they were not in an ordinance or a resolution.  Mr. Eckert stated that there were a few people who want to make issues with this.  Mayor Meyer stated that times change.   Ms. Goff commented that this could be a good springboard and we could look at appraisal value, lot features and/or changes with the market.  Commissioner Kumberg reminded the Commissioners that the City had spent a lot of money on resources.  Mayor Meyer commented that there was no down side to this.  Mayor Meyer questioned, if Mr. Eckert negotiated the price of lots, it could still come before the Commission to approve the sale in open session.  Ms. Goff stated that the sale of public property had to be in open session and not in executive session.  Ms. Goff clarified that the City Manager could negotiate; however, the Commission could sell.  

With a little more discussion about the correct wording on the motion, Commissioner Schmidt was confident in making a motion to give the City Manager the ability to negotiate the sale price on the Sandy Creek Addition for the lots that were already developed, with the condition that construction would be commenced within twelve (12) months and that all sales of City property had to be approved by the City Commission.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and carried unanimously.


Commissioner Schmidt made a motion to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and carried unanimously. 
