Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Approved City Commission Minutes 8/3/09


AUGUST 03, 2009

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.

PRESENT: Jeff Taylor Mayor
Bill Hlavachick Commissioner
Eric Nystrom Commissioner
Willy Peltier Commissioner
Victor Graf Commissioner

ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Steve Holmes Chief of Police
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector Kelly Hemphill Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director


Mayor Taylor called the regular meeting to order. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.

Mayor Taylor reminded the audience that the meeting may be taped and/or recorded.


A motion by Commissioner Nystrom to approve the minutes of the regular Commission meeting of July 20, 2009. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.


Pratt Community College request:

Mr. Lane Gourley addressed the Commission on behalf of the Pratt Community College Student Life Committee. Mr. Gourley explained to the Commission that the committee would like to have a hamburger feed in Lemon’s Park on August 17th from 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and they would like to have a live band if possible. Mr. Gourley added that the band would be done by 8:30 p.m. and that this was the first week that the students would be back in town.

Commissioner Peltier questioned if they wanted the park closed. Mr. Gourley stated that they did not and that this was also for the public. Mr. Gourley commented that they were trying to increase the community’s involvement with the school. Commissioner Peltier questioned if they just had to reserve the shelter house. City Manager Dave Howard commented that with the band, this was different than normal and louder than normal. Mayor Taylor commented that as long as it was not as late as midnight, he saw no problem. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that he thought it was a great idea and he had no problem with it either. City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum commented that they usually have it at the college, but the park was a nicer venue. Mr. Gourley commented that a change of scenery could bring more people.

A motion by Commissioner Peltier to allow PCC Student Life Committee to use Lemon’s Park for a picnic and to have a live band on August 17, 2009. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.

7:00 p.m. meeting time:

Mr. Vince Epp questioned the Commission about changing the meeting time back to 7:00 p.m. Mr. Epp commented that people do not feel that there is enough time to get off work and get to a meeting and more people might get involved if it was at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Taylor commented that he liked having the meetings at 5:00 p.m. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that we had the meetings at 7:00 p.m. for years and nobody showed up, so the time was changed so that we could get out at a reasonable time. Mayor Taylor commented that more show up now than they did at 7:00 p.m.

Commissioner Graf questioned if the Commission would be willing to change for six months and if it does not work they could change it back. Mayor Taylor stated that he saw no need to change. Mayor Taylor commented that this also works for City staff who are already here and can have conflicts with kids in athletic activities. Mayor Taylor commented that there were a few people who thought that we changed the time to eliminate people from coming in and that was not the Commission’s intention.

Ms. Karen Detwiler asked what the chances were of getting the agenda in the paper. Mr. Conrad Easterday of the Pratt Tribune commented that he just has to remember to do it. Mayor Taylor stated that the agenda was also on our website. Ms. Detwiler commented that there are a lot of people that do not have computers and questioned if the City could pay to have it in there. Mr. Easterday commented that they get the packet soon enough to have it in the paper and that this was not a paying job. Mr. Easterday added that the City was not required to pay for it and it was their duty to get it in the paper, not to have the City pay for it.

Liquor Store hours:

Mr. Danny Quint from Quint Liquor addressed the Commission on the liquor store hours that had been discussed at an earlier meeting. Mr. Quint commented that the other owners were not here, but they were trying to get legal with the State. Mr. Quint stated that the stores would like to go to the State law that requires you to quit selling at 11:00 p.m. Mr. Quint commented that they are not intending to change their hours, but want to be legal. Mayor Taylor commented that it had been discussed that they close at 8:00 p.m., but can sell until 8:30 p.m.

Commissioner Graf commented that if Mr. Quint would take an order for the Club after closing hours, the state law would keep him legal. Commissioner Peltier commented that if they are in line with the State law, they can close whenever they want. City Attorney Van Blaricum commented that if we set it with the State law of 11:00 p.m., then they cannot let anyone walk out of the store at 11:15 p.m. Mr. Quint commented that he does not want to stay open until 11:00 p.m. and that the liquor store owners want to keep it simple.

Commissioner Nystrom questioned what happens if their hours were posted that they close at 8:00 p.m. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that they were only breaking the law if they sold after 11:00 p.m., but that the City could change the ordinance to state 11:00 p.m. closing time. Mr. Van Blaricum added that they can still close at 8:00 p.m. and that the City cannot require them to close at a certain time. Commissioner Nystrom commented that posted hours do not matter. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that any sales after 8:00 p.m. with an ordinance change, would not get them in trouble with the State, but could with other store owners.

Mr. Van Blaricum commented that he would have an ordinance at the next meeting changing the time to 11:00 p.m. to match the State law.



Ms. Diana Garten, Finance Director, explained to the Commission that she needed their approval to publish the 2010 Proposed City of Pratt budget that sets a public hearing for August 17th. Ms. Garten commented that there was a 43.789 mill levy charge, which was a 1.192 decrease from last year. Commissioner Nystrom questioned if there could be an additional 1.¾ decrease to make it a flat increase. Commissioner Nystrom added that he wanted a zero increase. Mayor Taylor commented that based on the recent valuation, this was a lowering of the mill levy, but not a lowering of collective funds.

Commissioner Nystrom stated that the budget includes a three percent salary increase and he still had a problem with that for this year and questioned doing a flat $.45 increase instead of three percent. Mr. Howard stated that that was the Commission’s decision. Mayor Taylor questioned how much would need to be cut. Ms. Garten commented that it was about $30,000. Commissioner Nystrom commented that it was about ¾ of a mill. Mayor Taylor questioned if this would come out of numerous contingency funds. Ms. Garten stated that it would come out of tax levied funds. Commissioner Nystrom commented that even with all the new development, he did not feel that we had reduced the tax payer’s burden. Mayor Taylor commented that the reduction of the burden does not lie entirely on the City.

Mayor Taylor commented that the new valuations, which we have no control over, are what increased our revenues. Mayor Taylor added that he did not; however, have a problem cutting another $30,000. Commissioners Hlavachick and Peltier commented that they were not in favor of cutting the 3% salary increase for the employees. Commissioner Nystrom commented that he said that he wanted the mill reduced and that he did not say that it had to be the salary increase.

Mayor Taylor asked Ms. Garten about the deadlines. Ms. Garten stated that the budget had to be published by Wednesday for the hearing to be August 17th and then it had to be to the County Clerk by August 25th.

Commissioner Peltier questioned looking at a couple of vehicles in the capital equipment fund. Ms. Garten stated that capital equipment was not a tax levied fund and that it had to come out of a tax levied fund such as the general fund, noxious weeds or firefighting equipment. City Manager Howard stated that they would look at it and tweak some line items. Mr. Howard added that fuel was one item they could look at where they had been conservative and also sales tax projections. Mr. Howard stated that it was not an undoable task and it would be made a priority.

Ms. Garten commented that the only difference from the budget session was the change in valuations that came from cash reserves and that did not change any of the expenditures discussed in the budget session. Mayor Taylor questioned if the budget publication could be approved before the changes were made. Ms. Garten stated that it could and she would make the changes before it was published. Commissioner Nystrom commented that the mill levy would be a flat 43. Mr. Howard stated that when the budget comes before them at the next meeting, the adjustments would be in there. Commissioner Nystrom stated that the mill levy for 2008 was 45.092, 2009 mill levy was 44.981 and 2010 mill levy would be 43.

A motion by Commissioner Nystrom to amend the proposed budget to a flat mill levy of 43 for the 2010 budget for the City of Pratt and to approve the publication of the proposed budget. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf. Commissioner Peltier questioned that the decrease would not go back on the employees. Commissioner Nystrom stated that it would not affect the employees. The motion passed unanimously without further discussion.


Public Works Director Russ Rambat informed the Commission that he had gone back out for bids for the concrete crushing project. Mr. Rambat stated that the Commission had approved this project earlier, but the contractor could not keep his promise so he had to go back out for bids a second time. Mr. Rambat commented that Stone Sand Company out of Great Bend had bid $30,527.50 and Heartstone Inc. from Wichita had bid $31,650.00.

Mr. Rambat commented that the concrete pile had grown since the initial bid, but this was still a reasonable bid. Mr. Rambat added that this amount was encumbered from last year and that Stone Sand Company would be able to be here around the 17th of August and the project would take about a week to complete. Mr. Rambat recommended Stone Sand Company out of Great Bend in the amount of $30,527.50 for this project.

Commissioner Nystrom questioned who had gotten the last bid. Mr. Rambat stated that it was Mike Leis and that he had visited with these two contractors about the job when he could not do it. Mr. Rambat commented that this would be beneficial material and should last a long time.

A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to approve the contract with Stone Sand Company in the amount of $30,527.50 for the concrete crushing project. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.


Building Inspector Brad Blankenship stated that the resolution was for this hearing on the property at 517 South Hamilton. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that this was the property that had burned several months ago and the owner cannot do anything about it. Mr. Van Blaricum added that this would begin the abatement process if the Commission approved it. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that the public hearing would be set for September 21st and that we would hear any comments about a reasonable time to have it removed or repaired.

Mayor Taylor commented that the owner had no finances to do anything with this property. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that the rumor was that he had moved to North Carolina. Mayor Taylor questioned if the Commission had to give him the usual time. Mr. Blankenship commented that he had sent four registered letters and he had answered the first two, but not the last two. Mr. Blankenship added that he had asked the owner to attend the last meeting and this meeting to state his just cause as to why the structure should not be removed, but he did not show up. Mr. Blankenship stated that he felt we had been very fair to the owner and that it had been a crime scene and that it was no longer sealed up. Mr. Blankenship added that the neighbor was mowing the property, so it was costing us anyway. City Manager Howard added that this individual had been through this process before. Mayor Taylor commented that he appreciated the staff’s time on this property.

A motion by Commissioner Peltier to adopt Resolution 080309 that provides for a hearing on the unsafe or dangerous structure at 517 South Hamilton. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.


City Attorney Van Blaricum commented that this structure was a similar situation except that the house had not burned. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that there were gaping holes in the structure and the garage was in the same shape. Mr. Blankenship commented that this process had started with Police Chief Holmes way back and communication had stopped. Mr. Blankenship stated that the neighbors were complaining about rodents and animals living in the house and that part of the roof was open along with the left front side about ready to fall down. Mr. Blankenship commented that there was trash and 2X4’s on the back and side that were waist deep. Mr. Blankenship stated that the neighbor was complaining since they had to clean up their property.

A motion by Commissioner Peltier to approve Resolution 080309A that provides for a hearing on the unsafe and dangerous structure at 816 West Blaine. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.


City Attorney Van Blaricum commented that this was a contract between the City and Sheralee Windham to demolish the property at 337 North Ninnescah and for her to pay for it in three years. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that she had signed the contract today since she was having surgery tomorrow. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that the difference with this structure was that we were going to get it paid for. Mr. Blankenship commented that this structure had been on the list before Mr. McCollum and she wanted it to work out so that she could keep the property. Mr. Blankenship stated that this works out since we do not want the land and she does not have the money upfront. Commissioner Peltier commented that it does need to come down.

Commissioner Peltier questioned the cost to tear down a structure. Mr. Blankenship commented that the house on Sixth Street had cost the City $3400, but that this house would require an asbestos survey. A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to approve the contract between Sheralee Windham and the City on the demolition of the structure at 337 North Ninnescah. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.


City Manager Dave Howard explained that there was a diagram in the packet that showed the Maple Street project and he also had it on power point for the audience. Mr. Howard commented that about this time last year, there was a discussion about doing a sub-division east of Maple Street, but with the economic situation the proposal went on hold. Mr. Howard stated that the property had been purchased from Pratt Well and Blake Himmelwright.

Mr. Howard commented that it was discussed during the budget session for next year about what to do with Maple Street and whether it should be paved or left a dirt road. Mayor Taylor added that the dirt would have rock also. Mr. Howard stated that the cost of building the road and crossing the draw and the intersection improvement on Highway 61 would be about $565,000. Mayor Taylor asked if that would be platting all of it. Mr. Howard stated that it would plat four big lots and one of those being zoned commercial. Mr. Howard added that the Baptist Church had asked to purchase part of that area and the larger area would be the main sub-division.

Mr. Howard explained that the crossing or bridge would be designed to meet the one hundred year flood. Mr. Howard commented that construction prices have dropped about 30% from last year and it would cost about $900,000 to complete Maple Street. Mr. Howard explained that the intersection at the church would be closed off and access would be moved over further for traffic control.

Ms. Karen Detwiler commented that normally when a street is paved, curbed and guttered, the adjacent property owners on either side of that street are assessed a special assessment. Ms. Detwiler questioned how this one was going to work. Mr. Howard stated that right now the City owns the property on both sides. Ms. Detwiler commented that the City was not going to own them forever and that this was for people to come and build houses. Mr. Howard commented that this discussion was not about that, but was about Maple Street which would lead into the sub-division. Mr. Howard stated that he did not have an answer to how the lots were going to be priced.

An audience member asked if the box bridge was permanent. Mr. Howard stated that it was and the only thing that would change that would be development to the north. Mr. Howard added that the more development there was, the more water you shed and there was no opportunity for the water to go into the ground. Mr. Howard stated that if, in fifty years, there was another housing development built, it may have to be increased in size. The audience member commented that there were houses there already that have water come up to their doors and she was concerned that this could affect them even more. Mr. Howard assured her that in doing this study it was one of their first concerns.

A member of the audience asked why the road was going to be a dirt road. Mr. Howard commented that the Commission had brought that up during the budget session. The audience member asked why you would spend ½ million now and then a million later. Another audience member asked if the road was going to cost us $1 million dollars. Mr. Howard stated that was being conservative and it should come in cheaper. Mayor Taylor commented that they had thought that the citizens would scream about spending $1.2 million on the road. An audience member commented that they would scream about driving on dirt.

Mr. Howard commented that the growth that was happening in Pratt shows that the area from Highway 54 north to the college as the most likely to continue. An audience member asked if new businesses can take advantage of the revitalization program. Mr. Howard stated that it was different for commercial. The audience then asked if the people that build on these lots are not going to share the tax burden for ten years. Mr. Howard stated that you have to be doing construction to qualify for tax revitalization program and that the purchase of property is different all together. Commissioner Nystrom commented that existing improvements are not included.

The audience commented that there was a small town paying off bonds for something like this that ended up not happening. Mr. Howard commented that the Commissioners had the same concern about the economy and that it was simply an issue about what was going to happen to Maple Street and what we were going to do with this project. The audience commented that the project was stopped due to the economy, but now it was on again and the economy is not any better. Rev. Buller stated that it was thought that politicians do what they want to do without concern to the people. Mayor Taylor stated that Rev. Buller had discussed this with him for two hours and that we do take the citizens into consideration. Rev. Buller corrected his statement and commented that he meant that the citizens opinions are overran and that is how people feel. Rev. Buller added that he was in favor of the road, but people would perceive that the Commission had done it for self-enrichment. Commissioner Peltier asked who was getting self-enriched. Rev. Scott Buller commented that people do not understand and that a majority of the people are not in favor of the project, but are really not in favor of a dirt road. Rev. Buller added that retired folks on a fixed income are looking at a $1.2 million road as a raise in their taxes and they do not know how they are going to pay it. Commissioner Peltier commented that we have the money to pay for it. Ms. Detwiler questioned where the money was coming from. Mr. Howard stated that construction costs are down 30% and if the City had to borrow money, you could do that for almost nothing. Mr. Howard added that interest rates are as low as they can get, but we have not looked at what avenue we are going to take. Mr. Howard commented that raising taxes was not an option.

Rev. Buller commented that the issue now was that the City had not sold this project very well and citizens have not heard what Mr. Howard had just said. Mr. Howard disagreed and stated that it had been on the front page of the paper twice and no one came to the meetings to find out what was happening. Rev. Buller stated that there was a new City Commissioner because of the road and the citizens do not want the road right now.

Ms. Detwiler asked what the benefit to the people of Pratt was going to be to have Maple Street extended. Mayor Taylor stated that it was for future development and the possibility of fifty to seventy new houses and that would spread out the tax base. Ms. Detwiler commented that the future homes on these lots have to have somewhere to work and there is no employment in Pratt. Mr. Howard stated that as a City Manager, his job is to look at the future and the growth from Wal-Mart up to the college to the Industrial Park shows that we are doing quite well. Mr. Howard added that the road was important and it identifies growth. Mr. Howard commented that the high end houses that are being built in Pratt are in the County and we do not benefit from property tax on those homes. Mr. Howard added that at least two of those houses would have been built in the City if there had been somewhere for them to build and we missed out. Mr. Howard explained that that was a bad business deal. Mr. Howard stated that the City was not going to get a return on this in one or two years, but maybe ten. Mr. Howard added that the development on Tenth Street was an example as there are very few lots available today.

Ms. Detwiler asked if the property owners that buy a lot were going to pay specials. Mr. Howard commented that he did not know how it was going to be structured. Commissioner Peltier commented that specials were one of the options that had been looked at. Mr. Howard commented that the purpose of this discussion was not the development. The audience member stated that the whole purpose was the division. Mr. Howard disagreed and explained that from a planners standpoint there are very few streets that you can enter or exit the City from the north and this road provides a shorter distance to get to where people want to go.

The audience asked Mr. Howard to guess how much the project was going to cost. Mr. Howard guessed around $3 million with water, sewer and streets. Commissioner Peltier commented that it could be less now. The audience member stated that it could be higher next year. Mr. Howard commented that we hoped to recover our expenses from the people who buy the property.

A member of the audience commented that the taxes in Basehor, Kansas were half of what they are in Pratt and the people of Pratt should not have more put on them. Mr. Howard stated that the City was not the only entity that collects taxes and that the City has cut the mill levy every year for the last seven years. Mayor Taylor commented that the City was blamed for the high taxes. Ms. Detwiler commented that it does not matter how many taxing entities we have, we still have to pay it. Ms. Detwiler added that the City was one, the County and the college and she understood that the City was going to raise the mill levy for the airport. Everyone quickly cleared up that rumor and that the airport was going to receive the three mill that they requested and had been requesting for years. Commissioner Peltier asked if Ms. Detwiler wanted to close the airport or the college and asked for her suggestions. Ms. Detwiler stated that the citizens do not need any further burden. Mayor Taylor commented that this project would be built without a mill levy increase. Ms. Detwiler stated that it could eventually be like the waterline to the Ethanol Plant and asked if the City was being paid for that. Mr. Howard stated that we were getting that money monthly. Ms. Detwiler asked about the road and asked if the County was getting their money. Mr. Howard told Ms. Detwiler that she would have to talk to the County about that. Ms. Detwiler commented that the people are taxed above their means and they do not feel like they are going to get a benefit at this time. Commissioner Peltier commented that this was an investment into the future.

Rev. Bob Fleener commented that he would like to see the City do the road right the first time and avoid the dirt road. Rev. Fleener added that we do not want to look back five years from now and ask why we did not do it. Mayor Taylor commented that you have to spend money to make money and that it takes time to get money back.

After more discussion and explanations, the audience asked if this could be put to the people for a vote. Commissioner Nystrom commented that a special call ballot would cost the City about $7,000. Mayor Taylor stated that the next election would be in November and Commissioner Nystrom commented that the cutoff for ballot issues was August. Ms. Detwiler suggested a petition. The Commissioners stated that she was more than welcome to bring them a petition to put this on a ballot.

Mr. Bob Epp stated that there were a few people in town that wonder why we are putting in Maple Street when Main Street is in such bad shape. Mr. Vince Epp added that it would help if Main Street was in the works. Mr. Howard stated that the financing was in place for Main Street and the new water line was scheduled for next year and the year after that they would come in to do Main Street. Mr. Vince Epp commented that the Commissioners are used to dealing with a million or two, but that was a lot of money and the people need to know where it is coming from. Mr. Howard commented that the City had tried to do that and nobody came to question us.

Rev. Buller thanked the Commission for listening. Mayor Taylor commented that there was a lot of talk that we do not want the people to show up at our meetings, but that was not the case. Mayor Taylor added that they do talk about a lot of money, but we are not running us down the tubes. Mayor Taylor stated that if he thought that moving the meeting back to 7:00 p.m. would bring more people in he would do it. Commissioner Nystrom commented that with all of his projects, he feels that he is looking out for the citizens ten to fifteen years down the road. Commissioner Nystrom added that the communities’ survival is how he also survives and everything he does revolves around the City. Commissioner Nystrom stated that it takes money to invest and make projects work; which is an investment in the future.


New motel:

City Manager Howard commented that the new motel was still on track for this fall.

Code updates:

City Attorney Van Blaricum commented that he would have some code updates for the next meeting.

Public Works projects:

• Curb & Gutter:

Public Works Director Rambat commented that the curb and gutter project was a little further than two-thirds done. Mr. Rambat explained that Pine Street needed to be finished along with the area by the hospital. Mr. Rambat stated that the contractor had done a good job.

• Railroad crossing:

Mr. Rambat stated that the railroad crew would be here next week to do the project on Pine Street going into Lemon’s Park. Mr. Rambat commented that it would be in the paper that the street would have to be closed for about a week.

Fire station update:

Building Inspector Blankenship commented that there had been some demolition on the fire station and that they were filling in some holes in the inside. Mr. Blankenship added that the old cooler had been torn down and that the painting was being taken care of.

Electric department projects:

• Line Distribution:

Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill commented that line distribution was working east of Belmont Street replacing the reconductor with one of higher voltage and should make it safer. Mr. Hemphill stated that this should be able to withstand storms better.

• Power Plant:

Mr. Hemphill commented that the power plant personnel were still working on the cylinder heads.


Mr. Hemphill commented that we had been generating due to something going wrong with the transmission line to Medicine Lodge and that we had run our engine at even cost due to the interaction with KMEA and EMP. City Manager Howard commented that we were still generating now. Mr. Hemphill stated that was correct and would be generating until about 8:00 pm this evening.

Basketball tournament:

Recreation Director Pinkall commented that there had been a big basketball tournament last weekend and that the City had supported them by letting them use the Municipal Building. Mr. Pinkall stated that there had been twenty-nine teams that utilized the Municipal Building, Liberty Middle School and the high school.

Commissioner Peltier asked if they would come here more than once. Mr. Pinkall stated that he was not sure. Mr. Blankenship commented that PAYSA had tried to get a MAYB tournament to come here and could not get them, but because of a couple of people that made phone calls, they headed our way. Mr. Blankenship commented that the stands were packed.

Night Out:

Police Chief Holmes commented that National Night Out was tomorrow and that some streets would be blocked off for block parties.

Sales tax report:

Finance Director Garten commented that the sales tax for July was up $10,300 from last year and this was based on May sales. Ms. Garten stated that this was encouraging and that we were up $19,500 from last year. Ms. Garten added that sales tax for this year was at $1,165,000 and that the economy was holding its own. Mr. Howard commented that this would not include the activities at the Sports Complex in June and July.

Snow Storm funded:

Ms. Garten informed the Commission that the March snow storm was going to be partially funded by FEMA and that she had turned in forty-eight hours of overtime.

Utility Clerk position:

City Clerk Kramer commented that she would be doing interviews for the Utility Clerk position this week and that there had been about fifty applications returned to the office.

Cash for Clunkers:

Commissioner Graf commented that he had visited with Mr. Howard and Chief Holmes about looking into the Cash for Clunkers program and the blue Crown Vic. Commissioner Nystrom commented that the program was not for businesses. Mr. Howard stated that it was a good idea if we were eligible.


A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.





Thursday, August 13, 2009

08/17/09 City Commission Agenda


AUGUST 17, 2009






3.1 Discussion Concerning Property Valuations – D.J. McMurry, County Appraiser; Sherry Kruse, County Clerk

3.2 General Discussion Concerning City/County Issues – City and County Commissioners



AUGUST 17, 2009



1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)


3. MINUTES-August 03, 2009 Regular Commission meeting



5.1 Public Hearing on the Proposed 2010 City of Pratt Budget - Mayor and Commission
• Open Public Hearing by Motion
• Discussion on Proposed 2010 City of Pratt Budget
• Close Public Hearing by Motion
• Approve 2010 City of Pratt Budget

5.2 Consideration and Approval of the Purchase of Property at Prairie Parkway Business Park – Dave Howard, City Manager

5.3 Consideration and Approval of Resolution Providing for a Hearing on Request for Abatement of Motor Vehicle Nuisance and Property Nuisance at 600 N. Oak Street – Brad Blankenship, Building Inspector; Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney (RESOLUTION 081709)

5.4 Consideration and Approval of Ordinance Regarding Hours of Retail Sale of any Alcoholic Liquor - Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney (ORDINANCE 0911)

5.5 Consideration and Approval of Ordinance Providing Modifications to the “Uniform Public Offense Code for Kansas Cities” – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney (ORDINANCE 0912)

5.6 Consideration and Approval for a Budgeted Vehicle Purchase for the Water Department – Russ Rambat, Public Works Director


6.1 City Manager
6.2 City Attorney
6.3 Department Heads
6.4 Mayor
6.5 City Commission


Monday, August 3, 2009

08/03/09 City Commission Agenda


AUGUST 03, 2009



1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)


3. MINUTES-July 20, 2009 Regular Commission meeting



5.1 Consideration and Approval to Publish the 2010 City of Pratt Budget – Diana Garten, Finance Director

5.2 Consideration and Approval of Concrete Crushing Bid – Russ Rambat, Public Works Director

5.3 Consideration and Approval of Resolution Providing for a Hearing on Unsafe or Dangerous Structure at 517 S. Hamilton – Brad Blankenship, Building Inspector; Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney (RESOLUTION 080309)

5.4 Consideration and Approval of Resolution Providing for a Hearing on Unsafe or Dangerous Structure at 816 W. Blaine – Brad Blankenship, Building Inspector; Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney (RESOLUTION 080309A)

5.5 Consideration and Approval of Contract Agreement between City of Pratt and Sheralee Windham Concerning Property at 337 N. Ninnescah – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney

5.6 Discussion on Maple Street Extension Project – Dave Howard, City Manager


6.1 City Manager
6.2 City Attorney
6.3 Department Heads
6.4 Mayor
6.5 City Commission