JANUARY 03, 2011
1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
3. MINUTES – December 20, 2010 Regular City Commission meeting
5.1 Consideration and Approval of Change Order for Main Street Project – Alan Luttrell, EBH Engineering; Dave Howard, City Manager; Russell Rambat, Public Works Director
5.2 Discussion on Federal Fund Exchange Program Guidelines – Dave Howard, City Manager; Russell Rambat, Public Works Director
5.3 Continued Discussion Concerning Humane Society Agreement for 2011 – Mayor, Commission and Staff
6.1 City Manager
6.2 City Attorney
6.3 Department Heads
6.4 Mayor
6.5 City Commission
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
12/06/10-Approved Regular City Commission meeting minutes
DECEMBER 06, 2010
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt, Kansas met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
PRESENT: Bill Hlavachick Mayor Jeff Taylor Commissioner
Willy Peltier Commissioner
Victor Graf Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Gary Myers Asst. Chief of Police
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Kelly Hemphill Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director
Mayor Hlavachick called the regular meeting to order. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.
Mayor Hlavachick reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.
A motion by Commissioner Peltier to approve the minutes of the November 15, 2010 regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.
No one in the audience wished to address the Commission.
City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum commented that this lease was a modified draft from the last time it was addressed. Mr. Van Blaricum reminded the Commission that they had requested to change the termination clause so that it read that the American Legion would have ninety days to vacate the building at the request of the City and the American Legion felt this was a more friendly time line. Mr. Van Blaricum clarified that if the American Legion would default or do something they were not supposed to, then the City could evict in thirty days. Commissioner Taylor asked Mr. Rick Wittig, from the American Legion, if the lease worked for them. Mr. Wittig stated that it did.
Commissioner Skaggs commented that it looked like this was a one way street with the Legion paying only $20 a year to lease the building and they are not mowing or doing repairs. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the facility could be leased to other people so that the City could get more revenue out of it. City Manager Dave Howard answered that, with this lease, it could not be. Mr. Howard pointed out that in 4.b of the lease, it states that they were to keep the structure in good state of repair and they were also responsible for taking care of it. Commissioner Peltier questioned if the bills in the packet had all been paid by the City. Mr. Howard stated that they were, but he still wanted to know what that clause meant and what the City’s responsibility was.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the City would have the option to rent it out if the American Legion could not afford repairs anymore. Mr. Wittig stated that they could, but the upstairs was not licensed for liquor and could be rented out for any purpose and they could bring their own beer. Commissioner Skaggs pointed out that the money would go to the Legion and not the City. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there had been interest in renting the Legion before. Mr. Wittig stated that there had been, but the upstairs was licensed and supplied liquor. Commissioner Peltier asked how many members the American Legion had. Mr. Wittig commented that there were ninety paid members at $35 per member, but $25 of that went to the State.
Commissioner Taylor commented that they had had to do maintenance on the building and that was what we prefer, but the Legion needed time to get money back in the coffers. Mr. Wittig stated that they were starting to and that part of the fund raising was to rent out the upstairs. Commissioner Peltier questioned if people knew about the upstairs being able to be rented out. Mr. Wittig commented that they had not advertised it. Commissioner Skaggs suggested that since they cannot afford anymore rent, the City should be entitled to the rent money. Mr. Howard commented that the Legion holds the lease to the building, so the renting would have to be coordinated with them.
Mr. Howard questioned who was going to be responsible for mowing the lawn, toilet repairs, etc. so there would not be any conflicts later. Commissioner Peltier suggested that the City handle the major repairs and the Legion be responsible for the smaller stuff. Building Inspector Brad Blankenship commented that some of the previous repairs were things that would not happen again and they happened because of neglect.
Mayor Hlavachick commented that the lease should be approved as is and if changes needed to be done later, it could be amended with the agreement of both parties. Commissioner Skaggs commented that this was a sweetheart lease for a sweetheart group. Commissioner Graf commented that they should pay the bills from now on and leave the renting alone. Commissioner Taylor questioned if we had spent any money on the building in the past. Mr. Howard stated that this was the first time. Commissioner Peltier commented that they should mow the area that needed attention. Mr. Wittig commented that it would only take the City about ten minutes to mow that. Commissioner Taylor suggested that we leave it in there and the City does it if we have time.
A motion by Commissioner Taylor to approve the lease agreement between the City and the American Legion for $20 per year for a one year term. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
City Attorney Van Blaricum commented that this was the draft agreement between the City and the Humane Society and there had been some discussion earlier concerning the Humane Society wanting an increase in the monthly donation from the City and details about stray animals. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he had not made any changes and, if the Commission was in agreement, it was ready to be signed. Mayor Hlavachick commented that he had talked to people in town and the person in charge of work detail for community service and when they send kids out there, they do not need any help. Mayor Hlavachick added that community service was reluctant to send them out there anymore since they did not need them even though the grounds need picked up or mowed.
After little more discussion, Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve the agreement with the Humane Society as written. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
Assistant Police Chief Gary Myers commented that all the applications for the 2011 cereal malt beverage licenses had been received and reviewed. Assistant Chief Myers added that they all appear to be in order and recommended their approval to the Commission. A motion by Commissioner Peltier to approve the 2011 cereal malt beverage applications. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
City Manager:
• Christmas lunches:
City Manager Dave Howard reminded the Commission that the County Christmas lunch was the 13th and Wildlife and Parks was on the 8th.
• Maple Street:
Mr. Howard commented that the Maple Street construction crew had the machines set-up, but the end of the contract had been the end of November and was now costing them $500 per day, which was what was in the contract. Mr. Howard added that City Attorney Van Blaricum had sent Middlecreek Corporation a notice reminding them of that.
Mr. Howard stated that if they get the concrete, they should be able to get the south side done in two days. Commissioner Taylor commented that we were now making money on this project. Mr. Howard commented that it was in the contract and if the penalty was to be forgiven, the Commission would have to do that.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the weather was a problem. Mr. Howard commented that as long as the ground was not frozen, it was actually better to pour now. Mr. Howard added that the contractor stated that they pour all year long and the pour was under guarantee for a year. Commissioner Taylor asked if the penalty included weekends. Mr. Howard stated that it did and they were up to $3,000 as of today.
Electric Departments:
• Gas leak:
Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill informed the Commission that there had been a gas leak at the power plant last Thursday and the gas company had taken over the plant for a couple of days. Mr. Hemphill commented that the guys had done a good job getting the building ventilated. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the leak had been internal. Mr. Hemphill stated that the leak was outside and it had appeared that a piece of tape on the pipe had corroded and sprung a leak. Mr. Hemphill added that they had worked on this line about twenty years ago and that it had been effectively covered.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there was a concern that they would not operate. Mr. Hemphill stated that they would probably not have been able to during the leak. Mr. Howard stated that the biggest concern was that it would blow up.
• Cracked cage:
Power Plant Superintendent Ernie Smith informed the Commission that, during ongoing maintenance a few days before Thanksgiving, engine #6 had water show up in the crank case. Mr. Smith stated that the cage was cracked and they had sent it off for repairs. Mr. Howard commented that they had thought that it might be another cracked head.
Police Department:
• Neighborhood Watch:
Assistant Police Chief Gary Myers commented that they would be updating the literature for the Neighborhood Watch program and get it going again.
• Bicycle safety:
Assistant Chief Myers commented that they would be promoting bicycle safety this spring and that there were officers trained in bike safety. Assistant Chief Myers added that they hope to spark interest in youth. Assistant Chief Myers explained it would take a little money to put reflective tape on bikes. Commissioner Taylor stated that if they were looking for white reflective tape, he had some.
Finance Department:
• Sales tax:
Finance Director Diana Garten commented that sales tax continued to decrease and that we were under $188,000 from last year. Ms. Garten stated that there were good reports from merchant’s downtown. Mr. Howard commented that the police department had budgeted for two new vehicles this year, but that was going to be put off until 2011. Commissioner Peltier commented that the new motel would be finished soon. Ms. Garten stated that that was good if they were full, but it was not a good time for motels.
Mr. Howard commented that they had budgeted for a drop in sales tax, but we were coming into a good season. Ms. Garten added that we were above the budget, but it was not a good sign to decrease.
• Thanks from Mayor:
Mayor Hlavachick commented that he wanted to thank the City for the good wishes and flowers for his wife, Linda. Mayor Hlavachick added that she was recovering slowly and it was going to be a long process.
A motion by Commissioner Peltier to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
DECEMBER 06, 2010
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt, Kansas met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
PRESENT: Bill Hlavachick Mayor Jeff Taylor Commissioner
Willy Peltier Commissioner
Victor Graf Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Gary Myers Asst. Chief of Police
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Kelly Hemphill Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director
Mayor Hlavachick called the regular meeting to order. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.
Mayor Hlavachick reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.
A motion by Commissioner Peltier to approve the minutes of the November 15, 2010 regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.
No one in the audience wished to address the Commission.
City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum commented that this lease was a modified draft from the last time it was addressed. Mr. Van Blaricum reminded the Commission that they had requested to change the termination clause so that it read that the American Legion would have ninety days to vacate the building at the request of the City and the American Legion felt this was a more friendly time line. Mr. Van Blaricum clarified that if the American Legion would default or do something they were not supposed to, then the City could evict in thirty days. Commissioner Taylor asked Mr. Rick Wittig, from the American Legion, if the lease worked for them. Mr. Wittig stated that it did.
Commissioner Skaggs commented that it looked like this was a one way street with the Legion paying only $20 a year to lease the building and they are not mowing or doing repairs. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the facility could be leased to other people so that the City could get more revenue out of it. City Manager Dave Howard answered that, with this lease, it could not be. Mr. Howard pointed out that in 4.b of the lease, it states that they were to keep the structure in good state of repair and they were also responsible for taking care of it. Commissioner Peltier questioned if the bills in the packet had all been paid by the City. Mr. Howard stated that they were, but he still wanted to know what that clause meant and what the City’s responsibility was.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the City would have the option to rent it out if the American Legion could not afford repairs anymore. Mr. Wittig stated that they could, but the upstairs was not licensed for liquor and could be rented out for any purpose and they could bring their own beer. Commissioner Skaggs pointed out that the money would go to the Legion and not the City. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there had been interest in renting the Legion before. Mr. Wittig stated that there had been, but the upstairs was licensed and supplied liquor. Commissioner Peltier asked how many members the American Legion had. Mr. Wittig commented that there were ninety paid members at $35 per member, but $25 of that went to the State.
Commissioner Taylor commented that they had had to do maintenance on the building and that was what we prefer, but the Legion needed time to get money back in the coffers. Mr. Wittig stated that they were starting to and that part of the fund raising was to rent out the upstairs. Commissioner Peltier questioned if people knew about the upstairs being able to be rented out. Mr. Wittig commented that they had not advertised it. Commissioner Skaggs suggested that since they cannot afford anymore rent, the City should be entitled to the rent money. Mr. Howard commented that the Legion holds the lease to the building, so the renting would have to be coordinated with them.
Mr. Howard questioned who was going to be responsible for mowing the lawn, toilet repairs, etc. so there would not be any conflicts later. Commissioner Peltier suggested that the City handle the major repairs and the Legion be responsible for the smaller stuff. Building Inspector Brad Blankenship commented that some of the previous repairs were things that would not happen again and they happened because of neglect.
Mayor Hlavachick commented that the lease should be approved as is and if changes needed to be done later, it could be amended with the agreement of both parties. Commissioner Skaggs commented that this was a sweetheart lease for a sweetheart group. Commissioner Graf commented that they should pay the bills from now on and leave the renting alone. Commissioner Taylor questioned if we had spent any money on the building in the past. Mr. Howard stated that this was the first time. Commissioner Peltier commented that they should mow the area that needed attention. Mr. Wittig commented that it would only take the City about ten minutes to mow that. Commissioner Taylor suggested that we leave it in there and the City does it if we have time.
A motion by Commissioner Taylor to approve the lease agreement between the City and the American Legion for $20 per year for a one year term. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
City Attorney Van Blaricum commented that this was the draft agreement between the City and the Humane Society and there had been some discussion earlier concerning the Humane Society wanting an increase in the monthly donation from the City and details about stray animals. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he had not made any changes and, if the Commission was in agreement, it was ready to be signed. Mayor Hlavachick commented that he had talked to people in town and the person in charge of work detail for community service and when they send kids out there, they do not need any help. Mayor Hlavachick added that community service was reluctant to send them out there anymore since they did not need them even though the grounds need picked up or mowed.
After little more discussion, Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve the agreement with the Humane Society as written. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
Assistant Police Chief Gary Myers commented that all the applications for the 2011 cereal malt beverage licenses had been received and reviewed. Assistant Chief Myers added that they all appear to be in order and recommended their approval to the Commission. A motion by Commissioner Peltier to approve the 2011 cereal malt beverage applications. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
City Manager:
• Christmas lunches:
City Manager Dave Howard reminded the Commission that the County Christmas lunch was the 13th and Wildlife and Parks was on the 8th.
• Maple Street:
Mr. Howard commented that the Maple Street construction crew had the machines set-up, but the end of the contract had been the end of November and was now costing them $500 per day, which was what was in the contract. Mr. Howard added that City Attorney Van Blaricum had sent Middlecreek Corporation a notice reminding them of that.
Mr. Howard stated that if they get the concrete, they should be able to get the south side done in two days. Commissioner Taylor commented that we were now making money on this project. Mr. Howard commented that it was in the contract and if the penalty was to be forgiven, the Commission would have to do that.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the weather was a problem. Mr. Howard commented that as long as the ground was not frozen, it was actually better to pour now. Mr. Howard added that the contractor stated that they pour all year long and the pour was under guarantee for a year. Commissioner Taylor asked if the penalty included weekends. Mr. Howard stated that it did and they were up to $3,000 as of today.
Electric Departments:
• Gas leak:
Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill informed the Commission that there had been a gas leak at the power plant last Thursday and the gas company had taken over the plant for a couple of days. Mr. Hemphill commented that the guys had done a good job getting the building ventilated. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the leak had been internal. Mr. Hemphill stated that the leak was outside and it had appeared that a piece of tape on the pipe had corroded and sprung a leak. Mr. Hemphill added that they had worked on this line about twenty years ago and that it had been effectively covered.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there was a concern that they would not operate. Mr. Hemphill stated that they would probably not have been able to during the leak. Mr. Howard stated that the biggest concern was that it would blow up.
• Cracked cage:
Power Plant Superintendent Ernie Smith informed the Commission that, during ongoing maintenance a few days before Thanksgiving, engine #6 had water show up in the crank case. Mr. Smith stated that the cage was cracked and they had sent it off for repairs. Mr. Howard commented that they had thought that it might be another cracked head.
Police Department:
• Neighborhood Watch:
Assistant Police Chief Gary Myers commented that they would be updating the literature for the Neighborhood Watch program and get it going again.
• Bicycle safety:
Assistant Chief Myers commented that they would be promoting bicycle safety this spring and that there were officers trained in bike safety. Assistant Chief Myers added that they hope to spark interest in youth. Assistant Chief Myers explained it would take a little money to put reflective tape on bikes. Commissioner Taylor stated that if they were looking for white reflective tape, he had some.
Finance Department:
• Sales tax:
Finance Director Diana Garten commented that sales tax continued to decrease and that we were under $188,000 from last year. Ms. Garten stated that there were good reports from merchant’s downtown. Mr. Howard commented that the police department had budgeted for two new vehicles this year, but that was going to be put off until 2011. Commissioner Peltier commented that the new motel would be finished soon. Ms. Garten stated that that was good if they were full, but it was not a good time for motels.
Mr. Howard commented that they had budgeted for a drop in sales tax, but we were coming into a good season. Ms. Garten added that we were above the budget, but it was not a good sign to decrease.
• Thanks from Mayor:
Mayor Hlavachick commented that he wanted to thank the City for the good wishes and flowers for his wife, Linda. Mayor Hlavachick added that she was recovering slowly and it was going to be a long process.
A motion by Commissioner Peltier to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
12/20/10-City Commission Regular Meeting Agenda
DECEMBER 20, 2010
1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
3. MINUTES – December 06, 2010 Regular City Commission meeting
5.1 Consideration and Approval of Ordinance Establishing Classifications Compensation for City of Pratt Employees – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney (ORDINANCE 1011)
5.2 Consideration and Approval of Resolution 122010 Exempting the City from the Requirements of K.S.A. 75-1120 a(a) – Diana Garten, Finance Director; Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney (RESOLUTION 122010)
5.3 Consideration and Approval of Three Year Appointment to the ED Board – Jan Scarbrough, Chamber Director
5.4 Discussion Concerning Commission’s Approval of Humane Society Agreement for 2011 – Karen Detwiler
6.1 City Manager
6.2 City Attorney
6.3 Department Heads
6.4 Mayor
6.5 City Commission
DECEMBER 20, 2010
1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
3. MINUTES – December 06, 2010 Regular City Commission meeting
5.1 Consideration and Approval of Ordinance Establishing Classifications Compensation for City of Pratt Employees – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney (ORDINANCE 1011)
5.2 Consideration and Approval of Resolution 122010 Exempting the City from the Requirements of K.S.A. 75-1120 a(a) – Diana Garten, Finance Director; Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney (RESOLUTION 122010)
5.3 Consideration and Approval of Three Year Appointment to the ED Board – Jan Scarbrough, Chamber Director
5.4 Discussion Concerning Commission’s Approval of Humane Society Agreement for 2011 – Karen Detwiler
6.1 City Manager
6.2 City Attorney
6.3 Department Heads
6.4 Mayor
6.5 City Commission
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Approved Minutes - 11/15/2010 City Commission meeting
NOVEMBER 15, 2010
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt, Kansas met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
PRESENT: Bill Hlavachick Mayor Jeff Taylor Commissioner
Willy Peltier Commissioner
Victor Graf Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Gary Myers Acting Chief of Police
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Kelly Hemphill Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director
Mayor Hlavachick called the regular meeting to order. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.
Mayor Hlavachick reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.
A motion by Commissioner Taylor to approve the minutes of the November 01, 2010 regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
Proclamation for schools:
Ms. Sandy Foster commented that she would like for the Commission to proclaim this week as ‘American Education Week’. Ms. Foster stated that this proclamation was in support for educators. Mayor Hlavachick thanked Ms. Foster for bringing this forward and making the Commission a part of it. Mayor Hlavachick then read the proclamation.
Mayor Hlavachick commented that this was an enjoyable time for the Commission and it spoke to the quality of the people and the employees that provide everything so that we can have a nice town. Mayor Hlavachick added that the City does not have a real heavy turnover and we have a good environment to work in. Mayor Hlavachick and Commissioners awarded several employees their service awards.
In the absence of Ms. Rochelle Westerhaus, Library secretary, Mayor Hlavachick explained that the Library needed a replacement for the unexpired term of Mr. Jack Scott, who had moved away, and their recommendation was Mr. Bob Lee. Commissioner Peltier commented that Mr. Lee would have a lot of abilities that would be an asset to the Library. A motion by Commissioner Peltier to accept the nomination of Mr. Bob Lee. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
Ms. Jan Scarbrough, Chamber Director, commented that she had three recommendations for reappointments on the Travel and Tourism Board and their terms expire on December 31, 2010. Ms. Scarbrough stated that Mr. Kevin Evans, Mr. Satish Morar and Mr. Eric Strobel were willing to accept another three year term on the board. Ms. Scarbrough explained that Mr. Mike Cox, who was also on the board, had moved and the recommendation was for Mr. Cody Eastes to finish that term, which expires on December 31, 2011. Commissioner Taylor questioned if the three returning members had good attendance. Ms. Scarbrough stated that they did. Commissioner Peltier asked what their achievements had been. City Manager Dave Howard commented that they reviewed requests for expenditures of travel and tourism money. Ms. Scarbrough added that they are a review board for funding that brings people into Pratt and advertising for the promotion of Pratt.
A motion by Commissioner Taylor to approve Mr. Kevin Evans, Mr. Satish Morar and Mr. Eric Strobel to another three year term on the Travel and Tourism Board. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.
A motion by Commissioner Skaggs to approve the appointment of Mr. Cody Eastes to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Mike Cox. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum commented that this ordinance would amend Section 1 that deals with all inspections that must be completed before an occupancy permit is granted. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that this ordinance would make it a requirement that a master electrician or plumber or a journeyman electrician or plumber had to be present during the inspection. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that that has not been the case in the past. Commissioner Peltier questioned why this was necessary. Building Inspector Brad Blankenship stated that he had had a recent problem with footings and the Building Board had brought it up and felt that the licenser should be on the job for accountability of the inspection. Mr. Van Blaricum added that Mr. Blankenship had organized a committee of builders that met on a monthly basis and they had been making an effort to update ordinances and improve the partnership with the City and to help make the inspection process better.
Commissioner Taylor questioned if this ordinance was for all inspections or just electrical and plumbing inspections. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that it was for electrical and plumbing. Commissioner Taylor commented that the way the ordinance reads now was that it was for all inspections. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he would add electric and plumbing inspections and that the Commission could approve the ordinance as amended.
The following Ordinance 1010 was then presented to the Commission for their approval: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 15.04.060 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF PRATT, KANSAS; PROVIDING FOR ANY INSPECTION OF CONSTRUCTION WITH PRESENCE OF MASTER PLUMBER OR JOURNEYMAN PLUMBER; AND ANY INSPECTION OF CONSTRUCTION WITH PRESENCE OF MASTER ELECTRICIAN OR JOURNEYMAN ELECTRICIAN. A motion by Commissioner Peltier to accept Ordinance 1010 with amendments. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill informed the Commission that he had sent out three proposals to welders for piping replacement on unit #5 and only one was returned. Mr. Hemphill stated that Mid-States Erectors returned a bid of $58,971 and neither Striker Welding nor K.I.T.S. Mfg. returned a bid. Commissioner Taylor questioned if this bid was in line. Mr. Hemphill commented that he did not have any numbers to back it up, but, with the piping replacement done during the cooling tower project and considering the volume of work, it seemed to be close. Commissioner Skaggs asked if we had done work with this company before. City Manager Howard commented that we had when we installed the new generators and the recent cooling tower project. Mr. Howard added that they were a good contractor. Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to accept the bid proposal from Mid-States Erectors as stated in their proposal for $58,971. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there would be a construction observer at the plant. Mr. Hemphill stated that he, Power Plant Superintendent Ernie Smith or Power Plant Operator Bryan Evans would be taking care of that. Mr. Howard added that it helps to look at what the contractor was doing so that they know what is there.
Mr. Hemphill reminded the Commission that he had purchased a breaker for substation one last year and the cost was $26,710. Mr. Hemphill stated that we were in need of another one this year and the cost had gone up. Mr. Hemphill explained that Mr. Fritz Criswell from Flatland Maintenance had suggested that it would be cost effective to purchase all of the breakers for this project at one time so that we could take advantage of a quantity price break. Mr. Hemphill added that with the price break plus inflation being considered, buying in a large quantity could save the City approximately $11,000.
Mr. Hemphill stated that they had finished all of the FEMA projects, which had brought some funds back into the line department. Mr. Hemphill added that eight breakers would cost about $230,000, which was two-thirds of the FEMA refund amount and he commented that he would like to use those funds for this purchase. Mr. Howard commented that there was a cost increase this year of $2,000 and commodity prices were going up and $2,000 would be the minimum.
Mr. Howard stated that this project would step up the breaker replacement process, which would make it safer and more reliable. Power Plant Superintendent Ernie Smith commented that some of the breakers were fifty years old and parts have to be special made or they are obsolete. Commissioner Taylor questioned what they would do with the old ones. Mr. Hemphill commented that they would try to keep them intact and he had heard that Westinghouse had been selling these types of breakers in South America, but he was not sure of that. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if we would preserve some for ourselves. Mr. Hemphill stated that we would not and we should not need them if we were going to purchase eight of the breakers.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the 5% for the local vendor had been considered. Commissioner Taylor commented that it had never been determined how high a value should be and a bid of this size meant that you were talking quite a bit of difference. Commissioner Taylor pointed out that the difference in the bids right now was $6,000 and he had no problem going with the local bid as they employee a lot of people in our community and generate sales tax. Commissioner Skaggs commented that Stanion Wholesale Electric’s bid before the local factor was $7,000 more than Flatland Maintenance, but with the 5%, they came in $6,000 less. Mr. Hemphill stated that Mr. Criswell would be the technician that would do the work for us no matter where they come from. Mr. Hemphill added that the labor was more of what Mr. Criswell did and he was giving us the breakers at his cost.
Commissioner Peltier questioned if the breakers would be used up in a reasonable amount of time. Mr. Hemphill stated that they would all be in service within two years. Commissioner Taylor agreed that it would be best to buy now and not at the inflated dollar later. Commissioner Graf commented that we may as well take care of it if safety was a issue. A motion by Commissioner Taylor to buy eight breakers from Stanion Wholesale Electric at $236,664.50. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.
City Manager:
• Maple Street update:
City Manager Howard commented that the contractor should start working on Maple Street again this week after several meetings that had taken place and issues had been resolved. Mr. Howard explained that they had had rain delays so the completion date had been extended until the end of November, but penalties would be enforced after that. Commissioner Taylor questioned if the end of November included the rain dates. Mr. Howard stated that they had had good weather and still nothing was done.
• Appropriation of Water Rights:
Mr. Howard commented that he had written a letter to the Department of Agriculture a few weeks ago concerning an extension on the water rights at the Ethanol Plant due to a prospective buyer being concerned about those rights. Mr. Howard stated that he had already gotten a reply from the Department of Agriculture and they had extended those rights until 2016, so the concern was gone.
• Executive Session:
Mr. Howard stated that he would like an executive session at the end of the meeting to discuss non-elective personnel for ten minutes. Mr. Howard added that there would be no decisions made in this session.
Public Works:
• Main Street update:
Public Works Director Russell Rambat informed the Commission that the contractor had finished up on Fourth Street and the brick had been tarred in and ready for the Christmas celebration. Mr. Rambat commented that they should finish up in the next couple of weeks. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if they had found any unexpected events when taking up the bricks. Mr. Rambat stated that there were none that he knew of. Mr. Rambat added that they never struck an existing service and water superintendent Kelvin Clay had done a good job. Mr. Rambat explained that the old service was in place and working, but there would be a whole new main next year.
Commissioner Skaggs asked when phase two of the project would start. Mr. Rambat stated that there was no date set, but it should be the middle to late spring. Mr. Howard commented that they would shift to next year when this project was complete and once the final design was done, they would meet with the business people and talk about whether to do it all at one time or a couple of blocks at a time. Mr. Howard added that the meetings would probably start in January and get going as soon as possible. Mr. Rambat stated that they wanted the feedback from the business owners. Mr. Howard commented that he had talked to them about starting before Miss Kansas and moving the parade or not having it.
Electric Departments:
• KMEA plaque:
Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill stated that he had attended a KMEA meeting and the
City of Pratt had been awarded a plaque as they celebrated 100 years of service.
• Decorations and Maintenance:
Mr. Hemphill commented that the line department had been working on the Christmas decorations and the power plant continued to do maintenance.
Recreation Department:
• Christmas dinner:
Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall informed the Commission that the annual Christmas dinner would be on December 17th and they would be getting the invitations out soon.
• Channel 12 video:
Mr. Pinkall commented that he would have a copy of the Channel 12 video on Pratt at the next meeting. Mr. Pinkall added that the video was also on
Power Plant:
• Maintenance and Repair:
Power Plant Superintendent Ernie Smith commented that the power plant had switched over to preventive maintenance and repair and they were working on the late arriving cylinder heads on #7.
Fire Department:
• Proud moment:
Fire Chief David Kramer commented that he had been associated with the fire department all of his life since his Dad had been on the department from the time he was little. Chief Kramer stated that the opening of the new station was one of his proudest moments as a fire fighter. Chief Kramer stated that the entire department was very appreciative of the support they had received. Chief Kramer added that they promise to be proud of the facility for a long time and he invited anyone to stop by anytime. Mayor Hlavachick commented that the new station was a great addition to the City.
Police Department:
• Recognition of former officer:
Assistant Police Chief Gary Myers commented that he had lost a friend and former police officer from the late 90’s. Asst. Chief Myers stated that Mr. John Helsel had passed away last week.
• Tunnel door:
Commissioner Graf questioned where we were on repairing the damaged tunnel door in the park. Mr. Rambat stated that it had been turned in to insurance and it was on Mr. Kessler’s list of things to order. Mr. Rambat added that it would probably be the middle of December before the repair was made and that there was no possibility of anyone getting in. Commissioner Peltier questioned who runs the train. Mr. Howard explained that the City owns the equipment and the agreement was that the Pilot Club operates it and we maintain it.
• Hampton-Pennock Park:
Commissioner Peltier commented that he had driven by Hampton-Pennock Park and it looked nice. Commissioner Peltier questioned if the equipment could be expanded. Mr. Rambat stated that there would be an observation period and then they would look at expansion possibilities. Mr. Rambat commented that park superintendent Mark Eckhoff was looking at putting similar equipment at Gebhart Park.
Executive Session:
Mayor Hlavachick made a motion to go into executive session for ten minutes to discuss non-elective personnel. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
After proper motion, the Commission returned from executive session with nothing to report.
• Complaints:
Upon returning from executive session, the complaints presented by Mr. Charles Phillippe were discussed. City Attorney Van Blaricum and City Manager Howard assured the Commission that the complaints were never ignored and the neighbor did not ignore any violations found. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that the neighbor had had a bit of hard luck, but he now has a job and family and doing pretty well.
• Sell of Ethanol Plant:
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the Ethanol Plant had sold. Mr. Howard stated that there was an interested party and they were waiting on the outcome of the water rights issue before going public. Mr. Howard added that they were expecting to spend $10,000,000 to $12,000,000 on design flaws in the current facility.
A motion by Commissioner Skaggs to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.
NOVEMBER 15, 2010
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt, Kansas met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
PRESENT: Bill Hlavachick Mayor Jeff Taylor Commissioner
Willy Peltier Commissioner
Victor Graf Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Gary Myers Acting Chief of Police
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Kelly Hemphill Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director
Mayor Hlavachick called the regular meeting to order. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.
Mayor Hlavachick reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.
A motion by Commissioner Taylor to approve the minutes of the November 01, 2010 regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
Proclamation for schools:
Ms. Sandy Foster commented that she would like for the Commission to proclaim this week as ‘American Education Week’. Ms. Foster stated that this proclamation was in support for educators. Mayor Hlavachick thanked Ms. Foster for bringing this forward and making the Commission a part of it. Mayor Hlavachick then read the proclamation.
Mayor Hlavachick commented that this was an enjoyable time for the Commission and it spoke to the quality of the people and the employees that provide everything so that we can have a nice town. Mayor Hlavachick added that the City does not have a real heavy turnover and we have a good environment to work in. Mayor Hlavachick and Commissioners awarded several employees their service awards.
In the absence of Ms. Rochelle Westerhaus, Library secretary, Mayor Hlavachick explained that the Library needed a replacement for the unexpired term of Mr. Jack Scott, who had moved away, and their recommendation was Mr. Bob Lee. Commissioner Peltier commented that Mr. Lee would have a lot of abilities that would be an asset to the Library. A motion by Commissioner Peltier to accept the nomination of Mr. Bob Lee. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
Ms. Jan Scarbrough, Chamber Director, commented that she had three recommendations for reappointments on the Travel and Tourism Board and their terms expire on December 31, 2010. Ms. Scarbrough stated that Mr. Kevin Evans, Mr. Satish Morar and Mr. Eric Strobel were willing to accept another three year term on the board. Ms. Scarbrough explained that Mr. Mike Cox, who was also on the board, had moved and the recommendation was for Mr. Cody Eastes to finish that term, which expires on December 31, 2011. Commissioner Taylor questioned if the three returning members had good attendance. Ms. Scarbrough stated that they did. Commissioner Peltier asked what their achievements had been. City Manager Dave Howard commented that they reviewed requests for expenditures of travel and tourism money. Ms. Scarbrough added that they are a review board for funding that brings people into Pratt and advertising for the promotion of Pratt.
A motion by Commissioner Taylor to approve Mr. Kevin Evans, Mr. Satish Morar and Mr. Eric Strobel to another three year term on the Travel and Tourism Board. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.
A motion by Commissioner Skaggs to approve the appointment of Mr. Cody Eastes to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Mike Cox. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum commented that this ordinance would amend Section 1 that deals with all inspections that must be completed before an occupancy permit is granted. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that this ordinance would make it a requirement that a master electrician or plumber or a journeyman electrician or plumber had to be present during the inspection. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that that has not been the case in the past. Commissioner Peltier questioned why this was necessary. Building Inspector Brad Blankenship stated that he had had a recent problem with footings and the Building Board had brought it up and felt that the licenser should be on the job for accountability of the inspection. Mr. Van Blaricum added that Mr. Blankenship had organized a committee of builders that met on a monthly basis and they had been making an effort to update ordinances and improve the partnership with the City and to help make the inspection process better.
Commissioner Taylor questioned if this ordinance was for all inspections or just electrical and plumbing inspections. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that it was for electrical and plumbing. Commissioner Taylor commented that the way the ordinance reads now was that it was for all inspections. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he would add electric and plumbing inspections and that the Commission could approve the ordinance as amended.
The following Ordinance 1010 was then presented to the Commission for their approval: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 15.04.060 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF PRATT, KANSAS; PROVIDING FOR ANY INSPECTION OF CONSTRUCTION WITH PRESENCE OF MASTER PLUMBER OR JOURNEYMAN PLUMBER; AND ANY INSPECTION OF CONSTRUCTION WITH PRESENCE OF MASTER ELECTRICIAN OR JOURNEYMAN ELECTRICIAN. A motion by Commissioner Peltier to accept Ordinance 1010 with amendments. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill informed the Commission that he had sent out three proposals to welders for piping replacement on unit #5 and only one was returned. Mr. Hemphill stated that Mid-States Erectors returned a bid of $58,971 and neither Striker Welding nor K.I.T.S. Mfg. returned a bid. Commissioner Taylor questioned if this bid was in line. Mr. Hemphill commented that he did not have any numbers to back it up, but, with the piping replacement done during the cooling tower project and considering the volume of work, it seemed to be close. Commissioner Skaggs asked if we had done work with this company before. City Manager Howard commented that we had when we installed the new generators and the recent cooling tower project. Mr. Howard added that they were a good contractor. Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to accept the bid proposal from Mid-States Erectors as stated in their proposal for $58,971. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there would be a construction observer at the plant. Mr. Hemphill stated that he, Power Plant Superintendent Ernie Smith or Power Plant Operator Bryan Evans would be taking care of that. Mr. Howard added that it helps to look at what the contractor was doing so that they know what is there.
Mr. Hemphill reminded the Commission that he had purchased a breaker for substation one last year and the cost was $26,710. Mr. Hemphill stated that we were in need of another one this year and the cost had gone up. Mr. Hemphill explained that Mr. Fritz Criswell from Flatland Maintenance had suggested that it would be cost effective to purchase all of the breakers for this project at one time so that we could take advantage of a quantity price break. Mr. Hemphill added that with the price break plus inflation being considered, buying in a large quantity could save the City approximately $11,000.
Mr. Hemphill stated that they had finished all of the FEMA projects, which had brought some funds back into the line department. Mr. Hemphill added that eight breakers would cost about $230,000, which was two-thirds of the FEMA refund amount and he commented that he would like to use those funds for this purchase. Mr. Howard commented that there was a cost increase this year of $2,000 and commodity prices were going up and $2,000 would be the minimum.
Mr. Howard stated that this project would step up the breaker replacement process, which would make it safer and more reliable. Power Plant Superintendent Ernie Smith commented that some of the breakers were fifty years old and parts have to be special made or they are obsolete. Commissioner Taylor questioned what they would do with the old ones. Mr. Hemphill commented that they would try to keep them intact and he had heard that Westinghouse had been selling these types of breakers in South America, but he was not sure of that. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if we would preserve some for ourselves. Mr. Hemphill stated that we would not and we should not need them if we were going to purchase eight of the breakers.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the 5% for the local vendor had been considered. Commissioner Taylor commented that it had never been determined how high a value should be and a bid of this size meant that you were talking quite a bit of difference. Commissioner Taylor pointed out that the difference in the bids right now was $6,000 and he had no problem going with the local bid as they employee a lot of people in our community and generate sales tax. Commissioner Skaggs commented that Stanion Wholesale Electric’s bid before the local factor was $7,000 more than Flatland Maintenance, but with the 5%, they came in $6,000 less. Mr. Hemphill stated that Mr. Criswell would be the technician that would do the work for us no matter where they come from. Mr. Hemphill added that the labor was more of what Mr. Criswell did and he was giving us the breakers at his cost.
Commissioner Peltier questioned if the breakers would be used up in a reasonable amount of time. Mr. Hemphill stated that they would all be in service within two years. Commissioner Taylor agreed that it would be best to buy now and not at the inflated dollar later. Commissioner Graf commented that we may as well take care of it if safety was a issue. A motion by Commissioner Taylor to buy eight breakers from Stanion Wholesale Electric at $236,664.50. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.
City Manager:
• Maple Street update:
City Manager Howard commented that the contractor should start working on Maple Street again this week after several meetings that had taken place and issues had been resolved. Mr. Howard explained that they had had rain delays so the completion date had been extended until the end of November, but penalties would be enforced after that. Commissioner Taylor questioned if the end of November included the rain dates. Mr. Howard stated that they had had good weather and still nothing was done.
• Appropriation of Water Rights:
Mr. Howard commented that he had written a letter to the Department of Agriculture a few weeks ago concerning an extension on the water rights at the Ethanol Plant due to a prospective buyer being concerned about those rights. Mr. Howard stated that he had already gotten a reply from the Department of Agriculture and they had extended those rights until 2016, so the concern was gone.
• Executive Session:
Mr. Howard stated that he would like an executive session at the end of the meeting to discuss non-elective personnel for ten minutes. Mr. Howard added that there would be no decisions made in this session.
Public Works:
• Main Street update:
Public Works Director Russell Rambat informed the Commission that the contractor had finished up on Fourth Street and the brick had been tarred in and ready for the Christmas celebration. Mr. Rambat commented that they should finish up in the next couple of weeks. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if they had found any unexpected events when taking up the bricks. Mr. Rambat stated that there were none that he knew of. Mr. Rambat added that they never struck an existing service and water superintendent Kelvin Clay had done a good job. Mr. Rambat explained that the old service was in place and working, but there would be a whole new main next year.
Commissioner Skaggs asked when phase two of the project would start. Mr. Rambat stated that there was no date set, but it should be the middle to late spring. Mr. Howard commented that they would shift to next year when this project was complete and once the final design was done, they would meet with the business people and talk about whether to do it all at one time or a couple of blocks at a time. Mr. Howard added that the meetings would probably start in January and get going as soon as possible. Mr. Rambat stated that they wanted the feedback from the business owners. Mr. Howard commented that he had talked to them about starting before Miss Kansas and moving the parade or not having it.
Electric Departments:
• KMEA plaque:
Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill stated that he had attended a KMEA meeting and the
City of Pratt had been awarded a plaque as they celebrated 100 years of service.
• Decorations and Maintenance:
Mr. Hemphill commented that the line department had been working on the Christmas decorations and the power plant continued to do maintenance.
Recreation Department:
• Christmas dinner:
Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall informed the Commission that the annual Christmas dinner would be on December 17th and they would be getting the invitations out soon.
• Channel 12 video:
Mr. Pinkall commented that he would have a copy of the Channel 12 video on Pratt at the next meeting. Mr. Pinkall added that the video was also on
Power Plant:
• Maintenance and Repair:
Power Plant Superintendent Ernie Smith commented that the power plant had switched over to preventive maintenance and repair and they were working on the late arriving cylinder heads on #7.
Fire Department:
• Proud moment:
Fire Chief David Kramer commented that he had been associated with the fire department all of his life since his Dad had been on the department from the time he was little. Chief Kramer stated that the opening of the new station was one of his proudest moments as a fire fighter. Chief Kramer stated that the entire department was very appreciative of the support they had received. Chief Kramer added that they promise to be proud of the facility for a long time and he invited anyone to stop by anytime. Mayor Hlavachick commented that the new station was a great addition to the City.
Police Department:
• Recognition of former officer:
Assistant Police Chief Gary Myers commented that he had lost a friend and former police officer from the late 90’s. Asst. Chief Myers stated that Mr. John Helsel had passed away last week.
• Tunnel door:
Commissioner Graf questioned where we were on repairing the damaged tunnel door in the park. Mr. Rambat stated that it had been turned in to insurance and it was on Mr. Kessler’s list of things to order. Mr. Rambat added that it would probably be the middle of December before the repair was made and that there was no possibility of anyone getting in. Commissioner Peltier questioned who runs the train. Mr. Howard explained that the City owns the equipment and the agreement was that the Pilot Club operates it and we maintain it.
• Hampton-Pennock Park:
Commissioner Peltier commented that he had driven by Hampton-Pennock Park and it looked nice. Commissioner Peltier questioned if the equipment could be expanded. Mr. Rambat stated that there would be an observation period and then they would look at expansion possibilities. Mr. Rambat commented that park superintendent Mark Eckhoff was looking at putting similar equipment at Gebhart Park.
Executive Session:
Mayor Hlavachick made a motion to go into executive session for ten minutes to discuss non-elective personnel. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
After proper motion, the Commission returned from executive session with nothing to report.
• Complaints:
Upon returning from executive session, the complaints presented by Mr. Charles Phillippe were discussed. City Attorney Van Blaricum and City Manager Howard assured the Commission that the complaints were never ignored and the neighbor did not ignore any violations found. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that the neighbor had had a bit of hard luck, but he now has a job and family and doing pretty well.
• Sell of Ethanol Plant:
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the Ethanol Plant had sold. Mr. Howard stated that there was an interested party and they were waiting on the outcome of the water rights issue before going public. Mr. Howard added that they were expecting to spend $10,000,000 to $12,000,000 on design flaws in the current facility.
A motion by Commissioner Skaggs to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
12/06/10-Agenda for Reg. City Commission Meeting
DECEMBER 06, 2010
1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
3. MINUTES – November 15, 2010 Regular City Commission meeting
5.1 Consideration and Approval of the One Year Lease with the American Legion – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney
5.2 Consideration and Approval of the Pratt Area Humane Society Agreement – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney
5.3 Consideration and Approval of 2011 Cereal Malt Beverage Applications – Gary Myers, Asst. Chief of Police
6.1 City Manager
6.2 City Attorney
6.3 Department Heads
6.4 Mayor
6.5 City Commission
DECEMBER 06, 2010
1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
3. MINUTES – November 15, 2010 Regular City Commission meeting
5.1 Consideration and Approval of the One Year Lease with the American Legion – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney
5.2 Consideration and Approval of the Pratt Area Humane Society Agreement – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney
5.3 Consideration and Approval of 2011 Cereal Malt Beverage Applications – Gary Myers, Asst. Chief of Police
6.1 City Manager
6.2 City Attorney
6.3 Department Heads
6.4 Mayor
6.5 City Commission
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
11/15/10 City Commission Meeting Agenda
NOVEMBER 15, 2010
1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
3. MINUTES – November 01, 2010 Regular City Commission meeting
4. OPEN AGENDA Proclamation for School – Sandy Foster
5.1 Presentation of City of Pratt Employee Service Awards – Mayor Hlavachick and Commission
5.2 Consideration and Approval of a Replacement Appointment on the Pratt Public Library Board of Directors – Rochelle Westerhaus, Secretary Mayor and Commission
5.3 Consideration and Approval of the Re-appointments on the Travel and Tourism Board – Jan Scarbrough, Chamber Director
5.4 Consideration and Approval of Ordinance 1010 Amending Sec. 15.04.060 of the Municipal Code – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney; Brad Blankenship, Building Inspector
5.5 Consideration and Approval of Bid for Unit #5 Piping Replacement – Kelly Hemphill, Dir. of Electric Utilities
5.6 Consideration and Approval of Bid for Replacement Substation Breakers – Kelly Hemphill, Dir. of Electric Utilities
6.1 City Manager
6.2 City Attorney
6.3 Department Heads
6.4 Mayor
6.5 City Commission
NOVEMBER 15, 2010
1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
3. MINUTES – November 01, 2010 Regular City Commission meeting
4. OPEN AGENDA Proclamation for School – Sandy Foster
5.1 Presentation of City of Pratt Employee Service Awards – Mayor Hlavachick and Commission
5.2 Consideration and Approval of a Replacement Appointment on the Pratt Public Library Board of Directors – Rochelle Westerhaus, Secretary Mayor and Commission
5.3 Consideration and Approval of the Re-appointments on the Travel and Tourism Board – Jan Scarbrough, Chamber Director
5.4 Consideration and Approval of Ordinance 1010 Amending Sec. 15.04.060 of the Municipal Code – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney; Brad Blankenship, Building Inspector
5.5 Consideration and Approval of Bid for Unit #5 Piping Replacement – Kelly Hemphill, Dir. of Electric Utilities
5.6 Consideration and Approval of Bid for Replacement Substation Breakers – Kelly Hemphill, Dir. of Electric Utilities
6.1 City Manager
6.2 City Attorney
6.3 Department Heads
6.4 Mayor
6.5 City Commission
11/01/10-Approved City Commission minutes
NOVEMBER 01, 2010
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt, Kansas met in regular session in the Commission room located in City Hall.
PRESENT: Bill Hlavachick Mayor
Jeff Taylor Commissioner
Willy Peltier Commissioner
Victor Graf Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Gary Myers Acting Chief of Police
Kelly Hemphill Electric Utility Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director
Mayor Hlavachick called the regular meeting to order. The Mayor stated that all Commissioners were present.
Mayor Hlavachick reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.
A motion by Commissioner Peltier to approve the minutes of the October 18, 2010 regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
No one from the audience wished to address the Commission.
Chamber Director Jan Scarbrough addressed the Commission requesting the closure of the same streets as last year for the ‘Old Fashioned Christmas’ celebration. Ms. Scarbrough stated that they would like to block the area between Main Street and Oak Street and Third and Fourth Streets east of the intersections on Main Street and Third Street, north of the intersection of Ninnescah Street and Third Street, south of the intersection of Ninnescah Street and Fourth Street, west of the intersection of Oak Street and Fourth Street and at the alley east of the Post Office on Third Street. Ms. Scarbrough also asked the City to help with the set up by insuring that the electrical outlets, including a 220 for the Lions Club screening bus, were available. Ms. Scarbrough stated that the bleachers, trash containers and porta-johns would also be needed again this year. Commissioner Skaggs inquired about the attendance at Old Fashioned Christmas. Ms. Scarbrough and City Manager Dave Howard responded that there had been good attendance the last couple of years. Commissioner Taylor asked if it would be a problem to provide a 220 electric outlet for the Lions Club. Mr. Hemphill stated that he would get together with Ms. Scarbrough to see what was needed. Commissioner Peltier made a motion to allow closure of the streets as requested for Old Fashioned Christmas on November 20, 2010. Commissioner Skaggs seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Ms. Scarbrough also requested permission from the Commission to conduct a Christmas lighting contest again this year. Ms. Scarbrough explained that individuals could decorate their residences and register to be part of the contest. Ms. Scarbrough added that homes would be judged for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and receive credit toward their electric utility bill as was done last year. Commissioner Taylor moved to allow Christmas lights to be judged and prizes to be the same as last year for an amount off of the individual utility bills. Commissioner Graf seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Tim Branscom, Pratt County Emergency Manager, presented a power point presentation overview on the Pratt County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. Mr. Branscom explained that the Plan covered seven areas, which included Pratt County, all Cities within Pratt County, USD 382, USD 438, and Pratt Community College. Mr. Branscom stated that each entity within the Plan would adopt their own resolution and portions of the Plan. Mr. Branscom explained the formulas for risk rating and severity risk and how the risk index was computed. Mr. Branscom explained that, with the exception of wildfires, the City of Pratt had the same risk priorities as the County. Commissioner Hlavachick voiced a concern about hazardous materials stored in sheds and barns. Mr. Branscom replied that hazardous materials were addressed in the Plan. Mr. Branscom reviewed the City’s action items, which were to seek funding to design and build safe rooms for the City of Pratt, establish a committee to identify potential funding sources and consider the purchase of additional equipment for the jurisdiction to enhance road maintenance capabilities and assess flood prone areas and recommend flood reduction measures to City planners.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned the statement in the Plan that very few residents in Pratt had basements. Mr. Branscom stated that an actual count had not been taken. Commissioner Taylor suggested contacting the County Appraiser, who could probably provide that. Commissioner Skaggs asked where the storm shelters would be built. Mr. Branscom commented that he would work with City Manager Howard to determine the best sites.
City Manager Howard stated that the Sixth Street Bridge was the largest area of concern as a flood prone area. Mr. Howard stated that the City cleans the area frequently of debris to help the flow of water in case of flooding. Commissioner Skaggs questioned the volume of water the new Maple Street Bridge would be able to handle. Mr. Howard and Public Works Director Russell Rambat stated that the Maple Street Bridge was capable of handling twice the volume of other bridges within the City. Mr. Howard stated that the construction of the Maple Street Bridge had been overcompensated.
Mr. Branscom stated that a comprehensive review of the Plan would need to be done every five years and this would be coordinated by himself and the Emergency Management Team of Pratt County. Mr. Branscom added that he would do a quick review annually with each entity and if changes were needed, an amendment would be made to the Plan.
Commissioner Skaggs asked if this Plan was a pass or fail situation and whether the Plan would be voided if the City did not act on the action items. Mr. Branscom replied that the Plan could be amended as needed. City Manager Howard explained that having a Hazard Mitigation Plan in place was required by FEMA to receive disaster funding. Mr. Howard explained that City department heads had been involved in the creation of the Plan.
Commissioner Skaggs inquired about the Emergency Manager position. Mr. Branscom stated that the Plan itself had been created with grant funds at no cost to each individual entity and that his position was fully funded by Pratt County. Mr. Branscom added that the Pratt County Emergency Management’s office was located on Main Street.
Commissioner Peltier made a motion to approve Resolution 110110 adopting the Pratt County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
Mr. Luca Matei, citizen of Pratt, spoke to the Commission concerning the knowledge of the City on how structurally sound some of the current buildings were and the need for shelters. Mr. Matei commented that he had been an engineer in the Silicon Valley in San Jose, California, before moving to Pratt. Mr. Matei explained that it was important to know the regulations and resources and the most important resources were the people and here in Pratt there were fewer big problems than in California, but there were still problems. Mr. Matei congratulated everyone for what had been done with the limited resources available.
City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum stated that the Commission needed to approve the loan agreement pertaining to the Wastewater Treatment Enhancement Project in order to be qualified for the loan. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that there was a complete copy of the loan agreement available in the City Clerk’s office if any of the Commissioners would like to review it. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that he had provided a copy of the table of contents and terms of the loan agreement and that the loan agreement provided for a KDHE loan of $1,642,000 at an interest rate of 2.45%. Commissioner Peltier questioned if there would be 40% loan forgiveness. Mr. Van Blaricum confirmed the loan forgiveness amount as not to exceed $656,800. Mr. Howard explained that the loan forgiveness was up front; therefore, reducing the actual loan. Mr. Van Blaricum clarified that, if the cost of the project was less than $1,642,000, the loan and forgiveness would be based on the actual cost.
Commissioner Taylor questioned the need, at this point, to do the project. Mr. Howard stated that the project was to concentrate the sludge at the wastewater treatment facility and that the City had looked at different options, such as buying additional ground to dispose of sludge. Mr. Howard stated that this option seemed to make the most sense for the City since there was the availability of the low interest rate loan and the loan forgiveness that KDHE was offering. Commissioner Peltier commented that this was a needed project. Mr. Howard replied that the City had been planning for a sludge handling project for several years and had started reserving funds for that purpose. Commissioner Peltier asked about the reserve balance and if the City was in a position to make the payments. Mr. Howard and Finance Director Diana Garten replied that approximately $750,000 had been placed in reserve in anticipation of the project. Commissioner Taylor questioned if KDHE would place more stringent requirements on wastewater treatment facilities in the future. Mr. Howard stated that they would and we would have to meet those standards. Commissioner Peltier asked if this project would be advantageous to the City. Commissioner Skaggs commented that a project like this could be an economic stimulus. Mayor Hlavachick commented that we had known that we would need to do this project at some point and had started saving for it.
Commissioner Taylor made a motion to approve the loan agreement with KDHE for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Enhancement project. Commissioner Peltier seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that Ordinance 1009 would authorize the execution of the loan and provide for establishing a dedicated source of revenue for repayment of the loan. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that, with approval of this ordinance, the City guaranteed payment of the loan from the system revenues and ad valorem taxes without limitation. Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve Ordinance 1009. Commissioner Peltier seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Van Blaricum stated that a copy of his ‘Form of Opinion of Municipality’s Counsel’ was included in the packet and a similar letter would be drafted to KDHE.
Commissioner Peltier asked what else needed to be done to get this project moving. Mr. Howard stated that a design would be the next step and City staff would continue to work on the project plan. Mr. Howard added that the project would address the problems at the wastewater plant.
City Manager:
• Pratt County letter:
City Manager Howard stated that the City had received a letter from Pratt County concerning authorization of emergency vehicles. Mr. Howard stated that the letter was about the liability of first responders and the pending requirement to be certified by the County. Mr. Howard added that a copy of the letter had been provided and encouraged the Commission to read it and commented that it would be on a later agenda for discussion.
Public Works:
• Curb and Gutter project:
Public Works Director Russell Rambat reported that the curb and gutter project for this year was complete. Commissioner Skaggs asked what the policy was on streets that did not have curb and guttering and whether a homeowner would have to pay to create curb and guttering in districts that had never had it or specials attached. Mr. Howard responded that if it was on a street that was used by a lot of people, the City could decide to do a project in that area. Mr. Howard explained that those were known as ‘at-large projects’, which can be done to benefit the City. Mr. Rambat stated that he would look into some of those areas and see if a project would be feasible to do. Commissioner Skaggs commented that an area needing curb and guttering was 4th Street towards the Rose Garden. Commissioner Skaggs agreed to compile a list of areas that he felt would benefit from adding curb and guttering.
Commissioner Skaggs suggested a need to add sidewalks along First Street and that there was a worn path where people walk from the hospital to Wal-Mart. Commissioner Skaggs commented that he would like the City to try and plan for sidewalks in that area. City Manager Howard stated that we would have to get permission from KDOT since a sidewalk along that area would include their right-of-way, but he and Mr. Rambat would look into it. Commissioner Peltier asked if a grant for a bike and pedestrian path might be available. Mayor Hlavachick and Commissioner Taylor stated that this had been discussed in the past and was in the long range plans.
• Stout Street project:
Mr. Rambat stated that the Stout Street project was complete and it had re-opened this afternoon.
• Main Street project:
Mr. Rambat stated that the waterline project was now on 4th Street. Mr. Rambat explained that APAC would be bringing in more workers this week and anticipated completion in approximately two weeks. Mr. Rambat stated that the boring for the waterline was complete, but there were some tie-ins and side street connections to finish. Mr. Rambat stated that 3rd Street had re-opened last Friday.
• Maple Street project:
Mr. Rambat reported the street paver should be moving in today or tomorrow. Mr. Rambat added that the plan was to do a test pour and then try to pour the south lane later this week.
Inspection Department:
• Waterline at American Legion:
City Inspector Brad Blankenship reported that Water Superintendent Kelvin Clay and the water department had replaced the waterline to the American Legion Building.
• Fire Station:
Mayor Hlavachick and Commissioner Taylor thanked Mr. Blankenship for his hard work on the fire station.
Electric Department:
• Delayed Signal sign:
Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill reported that delayed signal signs had been hung at First Street and Main Street as requested. Mr. Hemphill also stated that he had spoken with the State of Kansas about timing plans and signal design at that intersection and they were going to investigate the need for changes and would get back with us.
• Underground Risers:
Mr. Hemphill reported that the power plant staff had been installing underground risers.
• Christmas decorations:
Mr. Hemphill commented that the line guys had started repair work on the Christmas decorations.
Finance Department:
• Sales Tax:
Finance Director Diana Garten reported that sales tax trends had continued to show a decrease in revenues from last year with a year-to-date decrease of $177,000.
• Broken curb & Concrete work missed:
Mayor Hlavachick reported on a broken curb that needed attention and he would contact Mr. Rambat with that location. Mayor Hlavachick also reported that his neighbor thought the City had marked off some concrete work on the corner of Main Street and Blaine Street that had never been done. Mr. Rambat stated that he would check on that.
• Business in a private residence:
Commissioner Skaggs asked if there was an ordinance pertaining to operating a business out of a private residence. Mr. Blankenship responded that that was a State Treasury issue and they would be who would have to determine if a business was being operated at a private residence. Commissioner Taylor stated that the City does have zoning ordinances that help control residential areas.
Mr. Blankenship stated that he was aware that Mr. Charles Phillippe had a concern about a business being operated in his neighborhood, but the State had checked into it and found no evidence to support the claim. City Manager Howard stated that there was not anything in the ordinances that states you cannot sell several cars or that you cannot park licensed and tagged vehicles on your personal property. Mr. Howard added that every complaint by Mr. Phillippe had been checked out and, if violations were present, they had been addressed. City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that the City cannot proceed on claims without real evidence that a violation had occurred. Mr. Van Blaricum stressed that the City had investigated several complaints by Mr. Phillippe and no violations had been found.
Mr. Blankenship reported that he had checked various complaints such as bicycles which turned out were still used by Mr. Winter’s children, tires that turned out to be new and neatly stacked and jet-skis that turned out were loaded on a tagged trailer. Mr. Blankenship reported that Mr. Winter, Mr. Phillippe’s neighbor and the person that the complaints were and are being made against, had complied with all of the requirements of the City.
• Request to close gate at Lemon’s Park at 6:00 p.m.:
Commissioner Graf requested that the gate to Lemon Park be closed at 6:00 p.m. as a safety concern. Commissioner Graf stated that there were a lot of vehicles and cyclists breaking the speed limit as they drive through the park and there were lighting issues in some areas of the park. Commissioner Graf added that it was not realistic to ask the police to camp out down at the park and the simple solution would be to close the gates. Mayor Hlavachick asked what time the park currently closes. Acting Police Chief Gary Myers said that the park was closed at 10:00 p.m. City Manager Howard commented that the lighting issues could be addressed by the City. Mayor Hlavachick and Commissioner Taylor stated that people, other than walkers, enjoy the park in the evenings when they were taking an evening drive or attending activities in the park. Commissioner Skaggs agreed that safety was a valid concern, but stated that more lighting would help.
Audience comment:
• Wastewater Project:
Mr. Luca Matei addressed his concern about the wastewater treatment plant project and asked that specialized people assess the design and be contributors to what was needed. Mr. Matei commented on other various topics.
A motion by Commissioner Taylor to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.
(In the absence of the City Clerk, the minutes were respectfully submitted to the City Clerk by the Finance Director.)
NOVEMBER 01, 2010
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt, Kansas met in regular session in the Commission room located in City Hall.
PRESENT: Bill Hlavachick Mayor
Jeff Taylor Commissioner
Willy Peltier Commissioner
Victor Graf Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Gary Myers Acting Chief of Police
Kelly Hemphill Electric Utility Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director
Mayor Hlavachick called the regular meeting to order. The Mayor stated that all Commissioners were present.
Mayor Hlavachick reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.
A motion by Commissioner Peltier to approve the minutes of the October 18, 2010 regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
No one from the audience wished to address the Commission.
Chamber Director Jan Scarbrough addressed the Commission requesting the closure of the same streets as last year for the ‘Old Fashioned Christmas’ celebration. Ms. Scarbrough stated that they would like to block the area between Main Street and Oak Street and Third and Fourth Streets east of the intersections on Main Street and Third Street, north of the intersection of Ninnescah Street and Third Street, south of the intersection of Ninnescah Street and Fourth Street, west of the intersection of Oak Street and Fourth Street and at the alley east of the Post Office on Third Street. Ms. Scarbrough also asked the City to help with the set up by insuring that the electrical outlets, including a 220 for the Lions Club screening bus, were available. Ms. Scarbrough stated that the bleachers, trash containers and porta-johns would also be needed again this year. Commissioner Skaggs inquired about the attendance at Old Fashioned Christmas. Ms. Scarbrough and City Manager Dave Howard responded that there had been good attendance the last couple of years. Commissioner Taylor asked if it would be a problem to provide a 220 electric outlet for the Lions Club. Mr. Hemphill stated that he would get together with Ms. Scarbrough to see what was needed. Commissioner Peltier made a motion to allow closure of the streets as requested for Old Fashioned Christmas on November 20, 2010. Commissioner Skaggs seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Ms. Scarbrough also requested permission from the Commission to conduct a Christmas lighting contest again this year. Ms. Scarbrough explained that individuals could decorate their residences and register to be part of the contest. Ms. Scarbrough added that homes would be judged for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and receive credit toward their electric utility bill as was done last year. Commissioner Taylor moved to allow Christmas lights to be judged and prizes to be the same as last year for an amount off of the individual utility bills. Commissioner Graf seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Tim Branscom, Pratt County Emergency Manager, presented a power point presentation overview on the Pratt County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. Mr. Branscom explained that the Plan covered seven areas, which included Pratt County, all Cities within Pratt County, USD 382, USD 438, and Pratt Community College. Mr. Branscom stated that each entity within the Plan would adopt their own resolution and portions of the Plan. Mr. Branscom explained the formulas for risk rating and severity risk and how the risk index was computed. Mr. Branscom explained that, with the exception of wildfires, the City of Pratt had the same risk priorities as the County. Commissioner Hlavachick voiced a concern about hazardous materials stored in sheds and barns. Mr. Branscom replied that hazardous materials were addressed in the Plan. Mr. Branscom reviewed the City’s action items, which were to seek funding to design and build safe rooms for the City of Pratt, establish a committee to identify potential funding sources and consider the purchase of additional equipment for the jurisdiction to enhance road maintenance capabilities and assess flood prone areas and recommend flood reduction measures to City planners.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned the statement in the Plan that very few residents in Pratt had basements. Mr. Branscom stated that an actual count had not been taken. Commissioner Taylor suggested contacting the County Appraiser, who could probably provide that. Commissioner Skaggs asked where the storm shelters would be built. Mr. Branscom commented that he would work with City Manager Howard to determine the best sites.
City Manager Howard stated that the Sixth Street Bridge was the largest area of concern as a flood prone area. Mr. Howard stated that the City cleans the area frequently of debris to help the flow of water in case of flooding. Commissioner Skaggs questioned the volume of water the new Maple Street Bridge would be able to handle. Mr. Howard and Public Works Director Russell Rambat stated that the Maple Street Bridge was capable of handling twice the volume of other bridges within the City. Mr. Howard stated that the construction of the Maple Street Bridge had been overcompensated.
Mr. Branscom stated that a comprehensive review of the Plan would need to be done every five years and this would be coordinated by himself and the Emergency Management Team of Pratt County. Mr. Branscom added that he would do a quick review annually with each entity and if changes were needed, an amendment would be made to the Plan.
Commissioner Skaggs asked if this Plan was a pass or fail situation and whether the Plan would be voided if the City did not act on the action items. Mr. Branscom replied that the Plan could be amended as needed. City Manager Howard explained that having a Hazard Mitigation Plan in place was required by FEMA to receive disaster funding. Mr. Howard explained that City department heads had been involved in the creation of the Plan.
Commissioner Skaggs inquired about the Emergency Manager position. Mr. Branscom stated that the Plan itself had been created with grant funds at no cost to each individual entity and that his position was fully funded by Pratt County. Mr. Branscom added that the Pratt County Emergency Management’s office was located on Main Street.
Commissioner Peltier made a motion to approve Resolution 110110 adopting the Pratt County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
Mr. Luca Matei, citizen of Pratt, spoke to the Commission concerning the knowledge of the City on how structurally sound some of the current buildings were and the need for shelters. Mr. Matei commented that he had been an engineer in the Silicon Valley in San Jose, California, before moving to Pratt. Mr. Matei explained that it was important to know the regulations and resources and the most important resources were the people and here in Pratt there were fewer big problems than in California, but there were still problems. Mr. Matei congratulated everyone for what had been done with the limited resources available.
City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum stated that the Commission needed to approve the loan agreement pertaining to the Wastewater Treatment Enhancement Project in order to be qualified for the loan. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that there was a complete copy of the loan agreement available in the City Clerk’s office if any of the Commissioners would like to review it. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that he had provided a copy of the table of contents and terms of the loan agreement and that the loan agreement provided for a KDHE loan of $1,642,000 at an interest rate of 2.45%. Commissioner Peltier questioned if there would be 40% loan forgiveness. Mr. Van Blaricum confirmed the loan forgiveness amount as not to exceed $656,800. Mr. Howard explained that the loan forgiveness was up front; therefore, reducing the actual loan. Mr. Van Blaricum clarified that, if the cost of the project was less than $1,642,000, the loan and forgiveness would be based on the actual cost.
Commissioner Taylor questioned the need, at this point, to do the project. Mr. Howard stated that the project was to concentrate the sludge at the wastewater treatment facility and that the City had looked at different options, such as buying additional ground to dispose of sludge. Mr. Howard stated that this option seemed to make the most sense for the City since there was the availability of the low interest rate loan and the loan forgiveness that KDHE was offering. Commissioner Peltier commented that this was a needed project. Mr. Howard replied that the City had been planning for a sludge handling project for several years and had started reserving funds for that purpose. Commissioner Peltier asked about the reserve balance and if the City was in a position to make the payments. Mr. Howard and Finance Director Diana Garten replied that approximately $750,000 had been placed in reserve in anticipation of the project. Commissioner Taylor questioned if KDHE would place more stringent requirements on wastewater treatment facilities in the future. Mr. Howard stated that they would and we would have to meet those standards. Commissioner Peltier asked if this project would be advantageous to the City. Commissioner Skaggs commented that a project like this could be an economic stimulus. Mayor Hlavachick commented that we had known that we would need to do this project at some point and had started saving for it.
Commissioner Taylor made a motion to approve the loan agreement with KDHE for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Enhancement project. Commissioner Peltier seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that Ordinance 1009 would authorize the execution of the loan and provide for establishing a dedicated source of revenue for repayment of the loan. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that, with approval of this ordinance, the City guaranteed payment of the loan from the system revenues and ad valorem taxes without limitation. Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve Ordinance 1009. Commissioner Peltier seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Van Blaricum stated that a copy of his ‘Form of Opinion of Municipality’s Counsel’ was included in the packet and a similar letter would be drafted to KDHE.
Commissioner Peltier asked what else needed to be done to get this project moving. Mr. Howard stated that a design would be the next step and City staff would continue to work on the project plan. Mr. Howard added that the project would address the problems at the wastewater plant.
City Manager:
• Pratt County letter:
City Manager Howard stated that the City had received a letter from Pratt County concerning authorization of emergency vehicles. Mr. Howard stated that the letter was about the liability of first responders and the pending requirement to be certified by the County. Mr. Howard added that a copy of the letter had been provided and encouraged the Commission to read it and commented that it would be on a later agenda for discussion.
Public Works:
• Curb and Gutter project:
Public Works Director Russell Rambat reported that the curb and gutter project for this year was complete. Commissioner Skaggs asked what the policy was on streets that did not have curb and guttering and whether a homeowner would have to pay to create curb and guttering in districts that had never had it or specials attached. Mr. Howard responded that if it was on a street that was used by a lot of people, the City could decide to do a project in that area. Mr. Howard explained that those were known as ‘at-large projects’, which can be done to benefit the City. Mr. Rambat stated that he would look into some of those areas and see if a project would be feasible to do. Commissioner Skaggs commented that an area needing curb and guttering was 4th Street towards the Rose Garden. Commissioner Skaggs agreed to compile a list of areas that he felt would benefit from adding curb and guttering.
Commissioner Skaggs suggested a need to add sidewalks along First Street and that there was a worn path where people walk from the hospital to Wal-Mart. Commissioner Skaggs commented that he would like the City to try and plan for sidewalks in that area. City Manager Howard stated that we would have to get permission from KDOT since a sidewalk along that area would include their right-of-way, but he and Mr. Rambat would look into it. Commissioner Peltier asked if a grant for a bike and pedestrian path might be available. Mayor Hlavachick and Commissioner Taylor stated that this had been discussed in the past and was in the long range plans.
• Stout Street project:
Mr. Rambat stated that the Stout Street project was complete and it had re-opened this afternoon.
• Main Street project:
Mr. Rambat stated that the waterline project was now on 4th Street. Mr. Rambat explained that APAC would be bringing in more workers this week and anticipated completion in approximately two weeks. Mr. Rambat stated that the boring for the waterline was complete, but there were some tie-ins and side street connections to finish. Mr. Rambat stated that 3rd Street had re-opened last Friday.
• Maple Street project:
Mr. Rambat reported the street paver should be moving in today or tomorrow. Mr. Rambat added that the plan was to do a test pour and then try to pour the south lane later this week.
Inspection Department:
• Waterline at American Legion:
City Inspector Brad Blankenship reported that Water Superintendent Kelvin Clay and the water department had replaced the waterline to the American Legion Building.
• Fire Station:
Mayor Hlavachick and Commissioner Taylor thanked Mr. Blankenship for his hard work on the fire station.
Electric Department:
• Delayed Signal sign:
Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill reported that delayed signal signs had been hung at First Street and Main Street as requested. Mr. Hemphill also stated that he had spoken with the State of Kansas about timing plans and signal design at that intersection and they were going to investigate the need for changes and would get back with us.
• Underground Risers:
Mr. Hemphill reported that the power plant staff had been installing underground risers.
• Christmas decorations:
Mr. Hemphill commented that the line guys had started repair work on the Christmas decorations.
Finance Department:
• Sales Tax:
Finance Director Diana Garten reported that sales tax trends had continued to show a decrease in revenues from last year with a year-to-date decrease of $177,000.
• Broken curb & Concrete work missed:
Mayor Hlavachick reported on a broken curb that needed attention and he would contact Mr. Rambat with that location. Mayor Hlavachick also reported that his neighbor thought the City had marked off some concrete work on the corner of Main Street and Blaine Street that had never been done. Mr. Rambat stated that he would check on that.
• Business in a private residence:
Commissioner Skaggs asked if there was an ordinance pertaining to operating a business out of a private residence. Mr. Blankenship responded that that was a State Treasury issue and they would be who would have to determine if a business was being operated at a private residence. Commissioner Taylor stated that the City does have zoning ordinances that help control residential areas.
Mr. Blankenship stated that he was aware that Mr. Charles Phillippe had a concern about a business being operated in his neighborhood, but the State had checked into it and found no evidence to support the claim. City Manager Howard stated that there was not anything in the ordinances that states you cannot sell several cars or that you cannot park licensed and tagged vehicles on your personal property. Mr. Howard added that every complaint by Mr. Phillippe had been checked out and, if violations were present, they had been addressed. City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that the City cannot proceed on claims without real evidence that a violation had occurred. Mr. Van Blaricum stressed that the City had investigated several complaints by Mr. Phillippe and no violations had been found.
Mr. Blankenship reported that he had checked various complaints such as bicycles which turned out were still used by Mr. Winter’s children, tires that turned out to be new and neatly stacked and jet-skis that turned out were loaded on a tagged trailer. Mr. Blankenship reported that Mr. Winter, Mr. Phillippe’s neighbor and the person that the complaints were and are being made against, had complied with all of the requirements of the City.
• Request to close gate at Lemon’s Park at 6:00 p.m.:
Commissioner Graf requested that the gate to Lemon Park be closed at 6:00 p.m. as a safety concern. Commissioner Graf stated that there were a lot of vehicles and cyclists breaking the speed limit as they drive through the park and there were lighting issues in some areas of the park. Commissioner Graf added that it was not realistic to ask the police to camp out down at the park and the simple solution would be to close the gates. Mayor Hlavachick asked what time the park currently closes. Acting Police Chief Gary Myers said that the park was closed at 10:00 p.m. City Manager Howard commented that the lighting issues could be addressed by the City. Mayor Hlavachick and Commissioner Taylor stated that people, other than walkers, enjoy the park in the evenings when they were taking an evening drive or attending activities in the park. Commissioner Skaggs agreed that safety was a valid concern, but stated that more lighting would help.
Audience comment:
• Wastewater Project:
Mr. Luca Matei addressed his concern about the wastewater treatment plant project and asked that specialized people assess the design and be contributors to what was needed. Mr. Matei commented on other various topics.
A motion by Commissioner Taylor to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.
(In the absence of the City Clerk, the minutes were respectfully submitted to the City Clerk by the Finance Director.)
Thursday, November 11, 2010
10/18/10 Approved City Commission minutes
OCTOBER 18, 2010
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt, Kansas met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
PRESENT: Jeff Taylor Vice-Mayor
Willy Peltier Commissioner
Victor Graf Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Gary Myers Acting Chief of Police
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director
Vice-Mayor Taylor called the regular meeting to order. The Vice-Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present with the exception of Mayor Hlavachick.
Vice- Mayor Taylor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.
A motion by Commissioner Skaggs to approve the minutes of the October 04, 2010 regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
• Thank you from American Legion:
Mr. Rick Wittig from the American Legion stated that he wanted to thank the City for all that they did to keep the Legion up and running. Mr. Wittig commented that all was good now and that was due to the Commission doing away with their smoking ordinance, Building Inspector Brad Blankenship helping with the water repairs, and Public Works Director Russell Rambat and his crew for mowing. Mr. Wittig continued by mentioning the donation of utilities for two months, Electric Utilities Director Kelly Hemphill’s help with the air conditioning and Commissioner Skaggs for his input on taking care of the building. Vice-Mayor Taylor commented that we appreciate their presence in the community and that we were thankful for things getting better.
City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum commented that the agreement with the Humane Society had been approved a little over a year ago and it was time to do it again. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he had redrafted the agreement and the wording had been cleared up. Mr. Van Blaricum added that this was not set in stone.
Mr. Van Blaricum explained that the terms of the agreement were that the City agreed to pay $1,000 per month by the fifteen following the date of the agreement and credit would be given on utilities in the amount of $6,000 yearly with no amount of carry-over from year to year. Mr. Van Blaricum continued explaining that the City was to be able to pick-up and deliver homeless animals to the shelter that are in violation of City ordinances and supply them with a vivid description of the animals and the shelter was to provide adequate space at all hours; however, if the Humane Society cannot provide that space, the City may make alternative arrangements and that expense will be deducted from the $1,000 monthly contribution.
Mr. Van Blaricum stated that the Humane Society has to comply with Federal and State laws concerning management control, but they are not responsible for picking up any animals and they are required to provide a notice of impoundment required by the Pratt Municipal Codes and they are also required to have proof of current vaccinations for any animal before their release. Mr. Van Blaricum added that the fees required by the Municipal Code can be kept by the Humane Society. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that the agreement would take effect January 1st, but may be terminated by either party with sixty days notice and the agreement was not assignable by either party.
Ms. Karen Detwiler, representative for the Humane Society, addressed the Commission about a situation two weeks ago when the City brought out seven dogs in one weekend. Ms. Detwiler commented that there was a verbal agreement that the Humane Society would keep four cages open; however, they had accommodated those animals. Ms. Detwiler explained that if they had not had room for all the dogs, the City would have taken them to alternate boarding, which would have been deducted from the monthly contribution and then they cannot pay their employees.
Ms. Detwiler explained that they have two part time employees and one full time manager, who receives $1,300 a month. Ms. Detwiler stated that that was half of what any City employee makes and the young lady puts in more than 40 hours a week. Ms. Detwiler added that the Humane Society was also responsible for matching shares of Social Security and workmen’s comp and they were not exempt from Federal rules. Ms. Detwiler commented that the employees have no benefits such as paid time off.
Ms. Detwiler stated that they had a successful garage sale last week-end and they had dog training classes last February, along with fund raisers such as aluminum can recycling, donation jars in twelve businesses and the cartridge recycle program in thirteen businesses. Ms. Detwiler commented that Dr. Spitzer makes weekly visits and also does euthanizing below rate. Ms. Detwiler added that Ms. Jody McDonald, who owns The Groom Room, takes care of grooming needs and makes sure the animals are bathed and treated for fleas.
Ms. Detwiler informed the Commission that the Humane Society was looking at the privately funded SNAP program for low income families and that they had taken care of 260 animals earlier through the grant. Ms. Detwiler commented that Ms. Pam Howell was working for the privately funded program and they were trying to keep the unwanted pet population down. Ms. Detwiler also explained that the employees in charge have to have knowledge of laws, injections for normal adoptions, knowledge of parvo and has the responsibility of deciding which animals need to be put down.
Ms. Detwiler stated that in looking at the contract, they would ask that animal control check with them before using alternate boarding and receive copies of invoices if an alternate boarding facility was used. Commissioner Taylor asked why they wanted a copy of the invoice. Ms. Detwiler explained that if they know why they were docked, they have people they can call and ask to help. Ms. Detwiler commented that they were also concerned that owners were not finding their animals since Dr. Skaggs does not want anyone contacting him to see if their animal is at his facility.
Ms. Detwiler also requested an increase in the monthly fee so that they have the funds to pay their manager a reasonable salary. Ms. Detwiler explained that with the population down and the economy failing, the donations are scarce and they would like to know, that when it was time to pay their staff, that the money was there. Commissioner Peltier questioned how communities, such as Hutchinson or Great Bend, were financed. Ms. Detwiler answered that they have volunteers and it was difficult to compare them to either City as their volunteer base is greater. Commissioner Skaggs questioned the Humane Society’s monthly expenses. Ms. Detwiler explained several and shared the profit and loss statement for June with the Commissioners. City Manager Dave Howard commented that the agreement was on the agenda this evening for discussion and not to be approved. Commissioner Skaggs asked if they would be able to provide a twelve month profit and loss statement by the next meeting. Ms. Detwiler stated that they would bring it to the City Clerk so that the Commissioners could have a copy to review.
City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that the lease for the American Legion was about to expire on December 31st and he had redrafted it to clean up the language. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that the term starts January 1st and he suggested that the City go to a one year lease instead of a three year so that everything stays current. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that either party can terminate the lease with a thirty day notice. Commissioner Taylor questioned if thirty days was enough time. Mr. Van Blaricum offered sixty or ninety days as an option. Mr. Rick Wittig from the American Legion stated that ninety days would work best for them. Commissioner Taylor agreed.
Commissioner Peltier asked if they pay their lease by the year. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that they did and it was $20 per year. Commissioner Skaggs questioned what #C-3 means when it says that they will ‘not commit any waste’. Mr. Van Blaricum used the example that if shingles are off the roof and they do not do anything about it or anything of that nature. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that #C-g ensures that the American Legion has proper insurance. Mr. Wittig stated that they do and he would get the City a copy for their records.
Mr. Van Blaricum stated that under the mutual covenants in #5-1 it states that all fixtures installed by the American Legion may be removed by them at the expiration of the lease or the termination of the lease. Mr. Van Blaricum also pointed out that #5-2 pertained to the American Legion defaulting on other terms of the lease and having thirty days to fix the situation or the City could repossess the property. Commissioner Taylor commented that he felt that this one should stay at thirty days. Mr. Van Blaricum continued to explain that in #5-3, the American Legion cannot assign or sublet any part or all of the premises and #4 states that the American Legion was responsible for all taxes and assessments.
Commissioner Peltier questioned if the American Legion was covered if the City would sell. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that they were protected by the terms of the lease no matter who owns it. Commissioner Peltier asked if the lease goes with the property. City Manager Howard commented that the deed was specific as to what it had to be used for, such as parks, so it cannot be sold to anybody who would want to build a house. Mr. Wittig commented that he had visited with Mr. Clyde Williams and the land had been deeded by the Williams’ family for the American Legion and the building was owned by the City. Mr. Howard repeated that there were provisions in the deed that it could not be sold. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that it would take serious work to fix it if we were going to try and sell it, so it would be impractical. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the utility expenses, rent and insurance were paid through memberships. Mr. Wittig answered that it was, but also through business.
Mr. Van Blaricum questioned if the Commission was in agreement with making the lease for one year instead of three. The Commission agreed. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that he would make the changes discussed and bring it back to them for approval.
City Manager:
• H2O meeting:
City Manager Howard informed the Commission that the H2O committee would be starting a study on the surface and ground water and look into seeing if the lake water was feasible. Mr. Howard added that there was going to be a phone conference this Friday.
• Water Rights:
Mr. Howard commented that he had been working with Mr. Van Blaricum on protecting the City’s water rights and the parties interested in purchasing the Ethanol Plant would be more comfortable if an early extension was requested and approved by the State.
Public Works:
• Main Street update:
Public Works Director Russell Rambat commented that the contractors were focusing on Third Street and Main Street and they should be tying in on the west side of the intersection tomorrow and may do the east side also. Mr. Rambat explained that this was a smaller line and effects less businesses so they could do it in the middle of the day. Mr. Rambat stated that they have stayed in contact with the businesses and, if all goes well, the contractors should be out of Third Street in a week and a half. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if they were on schedule. Mr. Rambat stated that they were a little behind due to a minor leak on an air test and having to dig it up. Commissioner Skaggs asked if they had not tested it before covering it up. Mr. Rambat explained that it was over 7’ deep, so it was their call. Mr. Howard commented that they could go faster, but it would inconvenience the businesses, so we were a little at fault for them being behind.
• Stout Street Project:
Mr. Rambat stated that APAC had been patching large areas on Stout Street and then their plan was to have the milling machine in and lay asphalt Thursday. Mr. Rambat explained that they would start at the First State Bank and go up to School Street on one side with pavement and then come down the other side. Commissioner Skaggs questioned what was going on by Knight’s Construction. Mr. Rambat stated that they would be doing a mill and overlay. Mr. Rambat added that since the surface from Maple Street north to Stout Street was thicker and less material may be used, so they were looking at extending the project up to the cemetery and still staying within budget. Commissioner Skaggs asked if the street north of the cemetery was a City street. Mr. Rambat stated that that was maintained by the County and you can see the change in pavement.
• Maple Street Project:
Mr. Rambat stated that the Maple Street project would be working on the south lane and do the curb and gutter at the same time. Mr. Rambat explained that that should be done by the end of the week and then they would do a couple of intersections and inlets.
• Disc Golf tournament:
Mr. Rambat reminded the Commission that there would be the disc golf tournament this weekend at Lemon’s Park that had been approved earlier. Mr. Rambat added that the baskets were being moved this week and would be put back after the tournament.
• Back to Maple Street:
Commissioner Skaggs commented that he had noticed that the two drainage pipes on the south side of the box culvert on Maple Street had water that landed off of the cement pad and questioned if that would wash out in that area. Mr. Rambat answered that they would extend the pads out east and west if it became a problem.
Electric Departments:
• Replaced obsolete breaker:
Power Plant Superintendent Ernie Smith explained that the power plant had replaced an obsolete breaker in the east substation. Mr. Smith added that they had started the replacement last Monday and had it back in service Friday. Mr. Smith stated that the east loop breaker had become obsolete and was an on-going project of upgrades and they had had help from the line crew. Commissioner Taylor questioned how old the breaker was. Mr. Smith stated that they had been there when he started forty-two years ago.
• S.P.I.R.I.T. 54 meeting:
Vice-Mayor Taylor commented that he had attended the S.P.I.R.I.T. 54 meeting with Commissioner Skaggs last Friday and they were glad they had gone. Vice-Mayor Taylor stated that the attendance was light along the corridor, but all four states were represented. Vice-Mayor Taylor added that there was not a representative from New Mexico.
Vice-Mayor Taylor started that Ms. Deb Miller had been there and he had had a good conversation with her. Vice-Mayor Taylor explained that the intent was to pave from the east side of Kingman, around Cunningham and then to the east side of Pratt. Vice-Mayor Taylor commented that the speakers had talked about economic development when a four-lane services you. Vice-Mayor Taylor added that they were happy that they had showed up and Mr. Jack Taylor from Liberal was glad that we were paying our money. Vice-Mayor Taylor commented that the project was already engineered and there was a high probability of getting it done early. City Manager Howard commented that once they get started, there was a good chance to finish. Vice-Mayor Taylor stated that the best guess was that portions of the project would be funded in 2011 thru 2020 and the bypass was in the comprehensive plan after 2021.
Commissioner Skaggs commented that Cunningham would be finished next year and that they have discussed the truck fees being increased to $100 annually to generate more revenue. Commissioner Skaggs explained that there were 5,000 vehicles on 54 Highway in a day and only 2,000 in Texas. Commissioner Skaggs stated that they encouraged a regional effort for this project since one community cannot do it. Commissioner Skaggs added the Ms. Miller can give one hour of information in five minutes and she was the right women for the job.
• Turn Signal on First Street:
Vice-Mayor Taylor commented that he had been approached about a turning signal at First Street and Main Street coming to the west and south on Highway 281. Vice-Mayor Taylor explained that they were not as concerned about 281 as 54 east since no one can get through. Vice-Mayor Taylor added that people cut down alleys or go down Jackson Street to avoid that intersection. Mr. Howard stated that he would talk to Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill about that. Commissioner Skaggs commented that the delayed signal signs were gone at First Street and Main Street and questioned if they were going to be replaced. Mr. Howard commented that they had probably come down in a storm, but he would get with Mr. Hemphill about that also.
• League meeting:
Commissioner Peltier commented that he had attended the League meeting last weekend and had spend time on economic development and grants. Commissioner Peltier explained that there are a lot of different things out there and there were good ideas shared over lunch. Commissioner Peltier suggested that someone from the City should attend every year.
Holcomb coal fired plant:
City Manager Howard commented that the Commission had passed a resolution some time back supporting the permit for the Holcomb coal fired plant and since then there had been changes on the Commission. Mr. Howard stated that KMEA and KMU were gearing Cities back up for their support. Mr. Howard added that we needed to revisit the resolution and discuss those items.
A motion by Commissioner Skaggs to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.
OCTOBER 18, 2010
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt, Kansas met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
PRESENT: Jeff Taylor Vice-Mayor
Willy Peltier Commissioner
Victor Graf Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Gary Myers Acting Chief of Police
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director
Vice-Mayor Taylor called the regular meeting to order. The Vice-Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present with the exception of Mayor Hlavachick.
Vice- Mayor Taylor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.
A motion by Commissioner Skaggs to approve the minutes of the October 04, 2010 regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
• Thank you from American Legion:
Mr. Rick Wittig from the American Legion stated that he wanted to thank the City for all that they did to keep the Legion up and running. Mr. Wittig commented that all was good now and that was due to the Commission doing away with their smoking ordinance, Building Inspector Brad Blankenship helping with the water repairs, and Public Works Director Russell Rambat and his crew for mowing. Mr. Wittig continued by mentioning the donation of utilities for two months, Electric Utilities Director Kelly Hemphill’s help with the air conditioning and Commissioner Skaggs for his input on taking care of the building. Vice-Mayor Taylor commented that we appreciate their presence in the community and that we were thankful for things getting better.
City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum commented that the agreement with the Humane Society had been approved a little over a year ago and it was time to do it again. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he had redrafted the agreement and the wording had been cleared up. Mr. Van Blaricum added that this was not set in stone.
Mr. Van Blaricum explained that the terms of the agreement were that the City agreed to pay $1,000 per month by the fifteen following the date of the agreement and credit would be given on utilities in the amount of $6,000 yearly with no amount of carry-over from year to year. Mr. Van Blaricum continued explaining that the City was to be able to pick-up and deliver homeless animals to the shelter that are in violation of City ordinances and supply them with a vivid description of the animals and the shelter was to provide adequate space at all hours; however, if the Humane Society cannot provide that space, the City may make alternative arrangements and that expense will be deducted from the $1,000 monthly contribution.
Mr. Van Blaricum stated that the Humane Society has to comply with Federal and State laws concerning management control, but they are not responsible for picking up any animals and they are required to provide a notice of impoundment required by the Pratt Municipal Codes and they are also required to have proof of current vaccinations for any animal before their release. Mr. Van Blaricum added that the fees required by the Municipal Code can be kept by the Humane Society. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that the agreement would take effect January 1st, but may be terminated by either party with sixty days notice and the agreement was not assignable by either party.
Ms. Karen Detwiler, representative for the Humane Society, addressed the Commission about a situation two weeks ago when the City brought out seven dogs in one weekend. Ms. Detwiler commented that there was a verbal agreement that the Humane Society would keep four cages open; however, they had accommodated those animals. Ms. Detwiler explained that if they had not had room for all the dogs, the City would have taken them to alternate boarding, which would have been deducted from the monthly contribution and then they cannot pay their employees.
Ms. Detwiler explained that they have two part time employees and one full time manager, who receives $1,300 a month. Ms. Detwiler stated that that was half of what any City employee makes and the young lady puts in more than 40 hours a week. Ms. Detwiler added that the Humane Society was also responsible for matching shares of Social Security and workmen’s comp and they were not exempt from Federal rules. Ms. Detwiler commented that the employees have no benefits such as paid time off.
Ms. Detwiler stated that they had a successful garage sale last week-end and they had dog training classes last February, along with fund raisers such as aluminum can recycling, donation jars in twelve businesses and the cartridge recycle program in thirteen businesses. Ms. Detwiler commented that Dr. Spitzer makes weekly visits and also does euthanizing below rate. Ms. Detwiler added that Ms. Jody McDonald, who owns The Groom Room, takes care of grooming needs and makes sure the animals are bathed and treated for fleas.
Ms. Detwiler informed the Commission that the Humane Society was looking at the privately funded SNAP program for low income families and that they had taken care of 260 animals earlier through the grant. Ms. Detwiler commented that Ms. Pam Howell was working for the privately funded program and they were trying to keep the unwanted pet population down. Ms. Detwiler also explained that the employees in charge have to have knowledge of laws, injections for normal adoptions, knowledge of parvo and has the responsibility of deciding which animals need to be put down.
Ms. Detwiler stated that in looking at the contract, they would ask that animal control check with them before using alternate boarding and receive copies of invoices if an alternate boarding facility was used. Commissioner Taylor asked why they wanted a copy of the invoice. Ms. Detwiler explained that if they know why they were docked, they have people they can call and ask to help. Ms. Detwiler commented that they were also concerned that owners were not finding their animals since Dr. Skaggs does not want anyone contacting him to see if their animal is at his facility.
Ms. Detwiler also requested an increase in the monthly fee so that they have the funds to pay their manager a reasonable salary. Ms. Detwiler explained that with the population down and the economy failing, the donations are scarce and they would like to know, that when it was time to pay their staff, that the money was there. Commissioner Peltier questioned how communities, such as Hutchinson or Great Bend, were financed. Ms. Detwiler answered that they have volunteers and it was difficult to compare them to either City as their volunteer base is greater. Commissioner Skaggs questioned the Humane Society’s monthly expenses. Ms. Detwiler explained several and shared the profit and loss statement for June with the Commissioners. City Manager Dave Howard commented that the agreement was on the agenda this evening for discussion and not to be approved. Commissioner Skaggs asked if they would be able to provide a twelve month profit and loss statement by the next meeting. Ms. Detwiler stated that they would bring it to the City Clerk so that the Commissioners could have a copy to review.
City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that the lease for the American Legion was about to expire on December 31st and he had redrafted it to clean up the language. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that the term starts January 1st and he suggested that the City go to a one year lease instead of a three year so that everything stays current. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that either party can terminate the lease with a thirty day notice. Commissioner Taylor questioned if thirty days was enough time. Mr. Van Blaricum offered sixty or ninety days as an option. Mr. Rick Wittig from the American Legion stated that ninety days would work best for them. Commissioner Taylor agreed.
Commissioner Peltier asked if they pay their lease by the year. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that they did and it was $20 per year. Commissioner Skaggs questioned what #C-3 means when it says that they will ‘not commit any waste’. Mr. Van Blaricum used the example that if shingles are off the roof and they do not do anything about it or anything of that nature. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that #C-g ensures that the American Legion has proper insurance. Mr. Wittig stated that they do and he would get the City a copy for their records.
Mr. Van Blaricum stated that under the mutual covenants in #5-1 it states that all fixtures installed by the American Legion may be removed by them at the expiration of the lease or the termination of the lease. Mr. Van Blaricum also pointed out that #5-2 pertained to the American Legion defaulting on other terms of the lease and having thirty days to fix the situation or the City could repossess the property. Commissioner Taylor commented that he felt that this one should stay at thirty days. Mr. Van Blaricum continued to explain that in #5-3, the American Legion cannot assign or sublet any part or all of the premises and #4 states that the American Legion was responsible for all taxes and assessments.
Commissioner Peltier questioned if the American Legion was covered if the City would sell. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that they were protected by the terms of the lease no matter who owns it. Commissioner Peltier asked if the lease goes with the property. City Manager Howard commented that the deed was specific as to what it had to be used for, such as parks, so it cannot be sold to anybody who would want to build a house. Mr. Wittig commented that he had visited with Mr. Clyde Williams and the land had been deeded by the Williams’ family for the American Legion and the building was owned by the City. Mr. Howard repeated that there were provisions in the deed that it could not be sold. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that it would take serious work to fix it if we were going to try and sell it, so it would be impractical. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the utility expenses, rent and insurance were paid through memberships. Mr. Wittig answered that it was, but also through business.
Mr. Van Blaricum questioned if the Commission was in agreement with making the lease for one year instead of three. The Commission agreed. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that he would make the changes discussed and bring it back to them for approval.
City Manager:
• H2O meeting:
City Manager Howard informed the Commission that the H2O committee would be starting a study on the surface and ground water and look into seeing if the lake water was feasible. Mr. Howard added that there was going to be a phone conference this Friday.
• Water Rights:
Mr. Howard commented that he had been working with Mr. Van Blaricum on protecting the City’s water rights and the parties interested in purchasing the Ethanol Plant would be more comfortable if an early extension was requested and approved by the State.
Public Works:
• Main Street update:
Public Works Director Russell Rambat commented that the contractors were focusing on Third Street and Main Street and they should be tying in on the west side of the intersection tomorrow and may do the east side also. Mr. Rambat explained that this was a smaller line and effects less businesses so they could do it in the middle of the day. Mr. Rambat stated that they have stayed in contact with the businesses and, if all goes well, the contractors should be out of Third Street in a week and a half. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if they were on schedule. Mr. Rambat stated that they were a little behind due to a minor leak on an air test and having to dig it up. Commissioner Skaggs asked if they had not tested it before covering it up. Mr. Rambat explained that it was over 7’ deep, so it was their call. Mr. Howard commented that they could go faster, but it would inconvenience the businesses, so we were a little at fault for them being behind.
• Stout Street Project:
Mr. Rambat stated that APAC had been patching large areas on Stout Street and then their plan was to have the milling machine in and lay asphalt Thursday. Mr. Rambat explained that they would start at the First State Bank and go up to School Street on one side with pavement and then come down the other side. Commissioner Skaggs questioned what was going on by Knight’s Construction. Mr. Rambat stated that they would be doing a mill and overlay. Mr. Rambat added that since the surface from Maple Street north to Stout Street was thicker and less material may be used, so they were looking at extending the project up to the cemetery and still staying within budget. Commissioner Skaggs asked if the street north of the cemetery was a City street. Mr. Rambat stated that that was maintained by the County and you can see the change in pavement.
• Maple Street Project:
Mr. Rambat stated that the Maple Street project would be working on the south lane and do the curb and gutter at the same time. Mr. Rambat explained that that should be done by the end of the week and then they would do a couple of intersections and inlets.
• Disc Golf tournament:
Mr. Rambat reminded the Commission that there would be the disc golf tournament this weekend at Lemon’s Park that had been approved earlier. Mr. Rambat added that the baskets were being moved this week and would be put back after the tournament.
• Back to Maple Street:
Commissioner Skaggs commented that he had noticed that the two drainage pipes on the south side of the box culvert on Maple Street had water that landed off of the cement pad and questioned if that would wash out in that area. Mr. Rambat answered that they would extend the pads out east and west if it became a problem.
Electric Departments:
• Replaced obsolete breaker:
Power Plant Superintendent Ernie Smith explained that the power plant had replaced an obsolete breaker in the east substation. Mr. Smith added that they had started the replacement last Monday and had it back in service Friday. Mr. Smith stated that the east loop breaker had become obsolete and was an on-going project of upgrades and they had had help from the line crew. Commissioner Taylor questioned how old the breaker was. Mr. Smith stated that they had been there when he started forty-two years ago.
• S.P.I.R.I.T. 54 meeting:
Vice-Mayor Taylor commented that he had attended the S.P.I.R.I.T. 54 meeting with Commissioner Skaggs last Friday and they were glad they had gone. Vice-Mayor Taylor stated that the attendance was light along the corridor, but all four states were represented. Vice-Mayor Taylor added that there was not a representative from New Mexico.
Vice-Mayor Taylor started that Ms. Deb Miller had been there and he had had a good conversation with her. Vice-Mayor Taylor explained that the intent was to pave from the east side of Kingman, around Cunningham and then to the east side of Pratt. Vice-Mayor Taylor commented that the speakers had talked about economic development when a four-lane services you. Vice-Mayor Taylor added that they were happy that they had showed up and Mr. Jack Taylor from Liberal was glad that we were paying our money. Vice-Mayor Taylor commented that the project was already engineered and there was a high probability of getting it done early. City Manager Howard commented that once they get started, there was a good chance to finish. Vice-Mayor Taylor stated that the best guess was that portions of the project would be funded in 2011 thru 2020 and the bypass was in the comprehensive plan after 2021.
Commissioner Skaggs commented that Cunningham would be finished next year and that they have discussed the truck fees being increased to $100 annually to generate more revenue. Commissioner Skaggs explained that there were 5,000 vehicles on 54 Highway in a day and only 2,000 in Texas. Commissioner Skaggs stated that they encouraged a regional effort for this project since one community cannot do it. Commissioner Skaggs added the Ms. Miller can give one hour of information in five minutes and she was the right women for the job.
• Turn Signal on First Street:
Vice-Mayor Taylor commented that he had been approached about a turning signal at First Street and Main Street coming to the west and south on Highway 281. Vice-Mayor Taylor explained that they were not as concerned about 281 as 54 east since no one can get through. Vice-Mayor Taylor added that people cut down alleys or go down Jackson Street to avoid that intersection. Mr. Howard stated that he would talk to Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill about that. Commissioner Skaggs commented that the delayed signal signs were gone at First Street and Main Street and questioned if they were going to be replaced. Mr. Howard commented that they had probably come down in a storm, but he would get with Mr. Hemphill about that also.
• League meeting:
Commissioner Peltier commented that he had attended the League meeting last weekend and had spend time on economic development and grants. Commissioner Peltier explained that there are a lot of different things out there and there were good ideas shared over lunch. Commissioner Peltier suggested that someone from the City should attend every year.
Holcomb coal fired plant:
City Manager Howard commented that the Commission had passed a resolution some time back supporting the permit for the Holcomb coal fired plant and since then there had been changes on the Commission. Mr. Howard stated that KMEA and KMU were gearing Cities back up for their support. Mr. Howard added that we needed to revisit the resolution and discuss those items.
A motion by Commissioner Skaggs to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
10/04/10-Approved City Commission Minutes
OCTOBER 04, 2010
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt, Kansas met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
PRESENT: Bill Hlavachick Mayor
Jeff Taylor Commissioner
Willy Peltier Commissioner
Victor Graf Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Gary Myers Asst. Chief of Police
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Kelly Hemphill Director of Electric Utilities
Mayor Hlavachick called the regular meeting to order. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.
Mayor Hlavachick reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.
A motion by Commissioner Taylor to approve the minutes of the September 20, 2010 regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and it passed unanimously.
• College Rodeo concerns:
Ms. Karen Detwiler commented that the college rodeo resulted in a lot of trash around the Industrial Park area, but it had been picked up and she appreciated that. Ms. Detwiler commented that the Humane Society, Siroky Oil, and SCK SEC were all adversely affected by the rodeo. Ms. Detwiler stated that they had been told that the college would have someone there to direct traffic, but no one was there so they parked where they could find a spot. Ms. Detwiler commented that she felt that the volunteer mower for the Humane Society would not be happy with the condition the landscape was in when they come to mow. Ms. Detwiler added that something would have to be done about that situation. Ms. Detwiler stated that the police were notified and had the people relocate.
Ms. Detwiler stated that someone from SCK SEC had told her that a pick-up and trailer had gone down Bluestem Boulevard and could not turn around, so they circled their building. Ms. Detwiler added that they have sprinkler heads and did not know if it had caused any damage. Ms. Detwiler commented that the contestants had been hosing off their horses on a landscaped area by the Humane Society causing a mud hole, so they had padlocked the hydrant only to have the hydrant handle broken. Ms. Detwiler mentioned that there were twelve trash containers put out there along with a large dumpster to be used by the contestants, but the college did not place them in convenient locations and left them clumped together. Ms. Detwiler estimated that the contents of the containers would have fit into one.
After conferring with the property owners after the rodeo, Ms. Detwiler stated that they would respectfully request that the college be required to physically direct the contestants to proper parking and signs be placed stating that Bluestem Boulevard was closed to rodeo traffic and to have the college place the trash containers near the parking area. Ms. Detwiler commented that one hydrant was not sufficient to handle over three hundred horses and, if the college was going to sponsor this rodeo, they need to put forth more effort in making it more rodeo friendly. Ms. Detwiler suggested that a large concrete pad with several hydrants and hose could be placed on college property to make it more practical and cleaner.
Ms. Donna Rawlings from Pass It Forward commented that the disc golf tournament in May Dennis Park was successful and they would like to schedule a fall tournament on October 23rd in Lemon’s Park from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Ms. Rawlings stated that they have people to move the cages and to put them back. Mayor Hlavachick commented that those tournaments tend to get a lot of people involved. Commissioner Peltier questioned if this was a one or two day event. Ms. Rawlings stated that it was for one day with singles in the morning and doubles in the afternoon. Commissioner Skaggs asked if the public would be able to access the park that day. Ms. Rawlings stated that they would. Commissioner Skaggs commented that that was a large area. Ms. Rawlings stated that the tournament would be from behind the tennis courts, thru Sixth Street Park into Lemon’s Park. Commissioner Taylor questioned why the different location. Ms. Rawlings commented that it was a change of pace and presents a bigger challenge. Commissioner Peliter questioned if this could become a two day event if the City would help with promoting it State wide. Ms. Rawlings stated that she was sure they could and they had also had a request for an evening event. Commissioner Peltier asked if there was something wrong with Sundays. Ms. Rawlings commented that most of the people were against that. A motion by Commissioner Taylor to allow Pass It Forward to use Lemon’s Park on October 23rd for a disc golf tournament. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there were some similarities between this and the rodeo such as both on City property and the trash issue. City Manager Dave Howard commented that they pick up their own trash as does the college. Commissioner Skaggs commented that he understood Ms. Detwiler’s concern if this gets out of hand and the college does not react. Mr. Howard commented that they always do and that they pick up the trash, not the City. Mr. Howard added that these concerns had already been addressed with the college and that there had been some internal changes that were part of the problem. Ms. Detwiler asked what the college was going to do if the City sells more property. Mr. Howard stated that that day was coming and the City had had that conversation with the college. Mr. Howard added that the water meter for the Humane Society had been read today and the six units used since September 24th would be credited to the Humane Society and we would also reimburse them for the broken hydrant.
Public Works Director Russell Rambat commented that this vehicle for the parks department had been budgeted for over several years and they would be giving the 1994 Chevy pick-up to the Municipal Building. Mr. Rambat stated that they had sent out two bids and two had come back. Mr. Rambat explained that Doug Reh Chevrolet had bid $19,970 for a 2011 Chevy pick-up and Lanterman Motors had bid $21,175. Mr. Rambat stated that his recommendation would be for the 2011 Chevy pick-up from Doug Reh Chevrolet in the amount of $19,970. A motion by Commissioner Peltier to accept the bid from Doug Reh Chevrolet for $19,970. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
Mayor Hlavachick commented that this was a common request from the school and they used the scout cabin to keep records. Commissioner Taylor questioned if they wanted the street closed as in the past. Mr. Rambat and Mr. Howard commented that they had not requested the street be closed for this tournament. After little more discussion, Commissioner Taylor made a motion to allow PHS to use the scout cabin on October 8th and 9th for their tennis tournament. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier. Commissioner Graf requested that the motion allow for them to close the road if necessary. Commissioner Taylor amended the motion to allow for the street closing if necessary. Commissioner Peltier seconded the amended motion and it carried unanimously.
City Manager:
• PCC Rodeo:
City Manager Howard commented that the rodeo at the college had around seven hundred contestants; which would be a new record if confirmed. Mr. Howard added that there were a lot of them downtown Saturday morning. Mr. Howard stated that with that many people, negative things can happen.
• Law Enforcement Committee:
Mr. Howard commented that there was a board formed several years ago to help maintain the Law Enforcement Center and they had a budget of $15,000 each year that they could spend on maintenance issues. Mr. Howard stated that Mr. Eric Nystrom had been on that committee as a City representative and asked if one of the Commissioners would like to volunteer to be on the committee. Mr. Howard added that they are in need of some improvements so the committee should be getting together to make some decisions. Commissioner Graf volunteered to represent the City on the Law Enforcement Committee.
Public Works:
• Curb and Gutter project/Stout Street project:
Public Works Director Russell Rambat commented that the curb and gutter project was about finished and the Stout Street project had started.
• Main Street update:
Mr. Rambat commented that the boring on Third Street would start late tomorrow and all the business owners had been notified and it had been in the paper. Mr. Rambat explained that the street should be closed for about a week or two and, now that they have a routine, it may go quicker. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if we had ever considered washing down the street where they had already been. Mr. Rambat stated that the soil had clay in it and it dries on the bricks and was hard to get off. Mr. Rambat commented that he would visit with Fire Chief David Kramer to see if the firemen could wash it down during their training this week. Commissioner Skaggs commented that it had been cool enough to leave doors open and they did not want that to blow in the stores. Mr. Rambat commented that he had had the street sweeper go over it, but it had not helped much.
• 816 West Blaine:
Building Inspector Brad Blankenship commented that the demolition of the house at 816 West Blaine had been delayed due to a live gas line. Mr. Blankenship added that the gas company should have that taken care of this week.
Electric Department:
• Line Distribution:
Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill commented that the line guys had finished the construction work for the FEMA project and were now catching up on projects that had been put off.
• Power Plant:
Mr. Hemphill commented that the power plant had been busy with maintenance projects and were doing routine projects.
Finance Department:
• Sales Tax:
Finance Director Diana Garten commented that the sales tax report had come in $161,640 below last year; which was no surprise. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if this would impact the budget. Ms. Garten stated that we had budgeted a decrease, so we were okay.
A motion by Commissioner Peltier to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.
OCTOBER 04, 2010
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt, Kansas met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
PRESENT: Bill Hlavachick Mayor
Jeff Taylor Commissioner
Willy Peltier Commissioner
Victor Graf Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Gary Myers Asst. Chief of Police
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Kelly Hemphill Director of Electric Utilities
Mayor Hlavachick called the regular meeting to order. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.
Mayor Hlavachick reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.
A motion by Commissioner Taylor to approve the minutes of the September 20, 2010 regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and it passed unanimously.
• College Rodeo concerns:
Ms. Karen Detwiler commented that the college rodeo resulted in a lot of trash around the Industrial Park area, but it had been picked up and she appreciated that. Ms. Detwiler commented that the Humane Society, Siroky Oil, and SCK SEC were all adversely affected by the rodeo. Ms. Detwiler stated that they had been told that the college would have someone there to direct traffic, but no one was there so they parked where they could find a spot. Ms. Detwiler commented that she felt that the volunteer mower for the Humane Society would not be happy with the condition the landscape was in when they come to mow. Ms. Detwiler added that something would have to be done about that situation. Ms. Detwiler stated that the police were notified and had the people relocate.
Ms. Detwiler stated that someone from SCK SEC had told her that a pick-up and trailer had gone down Bluestem Boulevard and could not turn around, so they circled their building. Ms. Detwiler added that they have sprinkler heads and did not know if it had caused any damage. Ms. Detwiler commented that the contestants had been hosing off their horses on a landscaped area by the Humane Society causing a mud hole, so they had padlocked the hydrant only to have the hydrant handle broken. Ms. Detwiler mentioned that there were twelve trash containers put out there along with a large dumpster to be used by the contestants, but the college did not place them in convenient locations and left them clumped together. Ms. Detwiler estimated that the contents of the containers would have fit into one.
After conferring with the property owners after the rodeo, Ms. Detwiler stated that they would respectfully request that the college be required to physically direct the contestants to proper parking and signs be placed stating that Bluestem Boulevard was closed to rodeo traffic and to have the college place the trash containers near the parking area. Ms. Detwiler commented that one hydrant was not sufficient to handle over three hundred horses and, if the college was going to sponsor this rodeo, they need to put forth more effort in making it more rodeo friendly. Ms. Detwiler suggested that a large concrete pad with several hydrants and hose could be placed on college property to make it more practical and cleaner.
Ms. Donna Rawlings from Pass It Forward commented that the disc golf tournament in May Dennis Park was successful and they would like to schedule a fall tournament on October 23rd in Lemon’s Park from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Ms. Rawlings stated that they have people to move the cages and to put them back. Mayor Hlavachick commented that those tournaments tend to get a lot of people involved. Commissioner Peltier questioned if this was a one or two day event. Ms. Rawlings stated that it was for one day with singles in the morning and doubles in the afternoon. Commissioner Skaggs asked if the public would be able to access the park that day. Ms. Rawlings stated that they would. Commissioner Skaggs commented that that was a large area. Ms. Rawlings stated that the tournament would be from behind the tennis courts, thru Sixth Street Park into Lemon’s Park. Commissioner Taylor questioned why the different location. Ms. Rawlings commented that it was a change of pace and presents a bigger challenge. Commissioner Peliter questioned if this could become a two day event if the City would help with promoting it State wide. Ms. Rawlings stated that she was sure they could and they had also had a request for an evening event. Commissioner Peltier asked if there was something wrong with Sundays. Ms. Rawlings commented that most of the people were against that. A motion by Commissioner Taylor to allow Pass It Forward to use Lemon’s Park on October 23rd for a disc golf tournament. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there were some similarities between this and the rodeo such as both on City property and the trash issue. City Manager Dave Howard commented that they pick up their own trash as does the college. Commissioner Skaggs commented that he understood Ms. Detwiler’s concern if this gets out of hand and the college does not react. Mr. Howard commented that they always do and that they pick up the trash, not the City. Mr. Howard added that these concerns had already been addressed with the college and that there had been some internal changes that were part of the problem. Ms. Detwiler asked what the college was going to do if the City sells more property. Mr. Howard stated that that day was coming and the City had had that conversation with the college. Mr. Howard added that the water meter for the Humane Society had been read today and the six units used since September 24th would be credited to the Humane Society and we would also reimburse them for the broken hydrant.
Public Works Director Russell Rambat commented that this vehicle for the parks department had been budgeted for over several years and they would be giving the 1994 Chevy pick-up to the Municipal Building. Mr. Rambat stated that they had sent out two bids and two had come back. Mr. Rambat explained that Doug Reh Chevrolet had bid $19,970 for a 2011 Chevy pick-up and Lanterman Motors had bid $21,175. Mr. Rambat stated that his recommendation would be for the 2011 Chevy pick-up from Doug Reh Chevrolet in the amount of $19,970. A motion by Commissioner Peltier to accept the bid from Doug Reh Chevrolet for $19,970. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
Mayor Hlavachick commented that this was a common request from the school and they used the scout cabin to keep records. Commissioner Taylor questioned if they wanted the street closed as in the past. Mr. Rambat and Mr. Howard commented that they had not requested the street be closed for this tournament. After little more discussion, Commissioner Taylor made a motion to allow PHS to use the scout cabin on October 8th and 9th for their tennis tournament. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier. Commissioner Graf requested that the motion allow for them to close the road if necessary. Commissioner Taylor amended the motion to allow for the street closing if necessary. Commissioner Peltier seconded the amended motion and it carried unanimously.
City Manager:
• PCC Rodeo:
City Manager Howard commented that the rodeo at the college had around seven hundred contestants; which would be a new record if confirmed. Mr. Howard added that there were a lot of them downtown Saturday morning. Mr. Howard stated that with that many people, negative things can happen.
• Law Enforcement Committee:
Mr. Howard commented that there was a board formed several years ago to help maintain the Law Enforcement Center and they had a budget of $15,000 each year that they could spend on maintenance issues. Mr. Howard stated that Mr. Eric Nystrom had been on that committee as a City representative and asked if one of the Commissioners would like to volunteer to be on the committee. Mr. Howard added that they are in need of some improvements so the committee should be getting together to make some decisions. Commissioner Graf volunteered to represent the City on the Law Enforcement Committee.
Public Works:
• Curb and Gutter project/Stout Street project:
Public Works Director Russell Rambat commented that the curb and gutter project was about finished and the Stout Street project had started.
• Main Street update:
Mr. Rambat commented that the boring on Third Street would start late tomorrow and all the business owners had been notified and it had been in the paper. Mr. Rambat explained that the street should be closed for about a week or two and, now that they have a routine, it may go quicker. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if we had ever considered washing down the street where they had already been. Mr. Rambat stated that the soil had clay in it and it dries on the bricks and was hard to get off. Mr. Rambat commented that he would visit with Fire Chief David Kramer to see if the firemen could wash it down during their training this week. Commissioner Skaggs commented that it had been cool enough to leave doors open and they did not want that to blow in the stores. Mr. Rambat commented that he had had the street sweeper go over it, but it had not helped much.
• 816 West Blaine:
Building Inspector Brad Blankenship commented that the demolition of the house at 816 West Blaine had been delayed due to a live gas line. Mr. Blankenship added that the gas company should have that taken care of this week.
Electric Department:
• Line Distribution:
Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill commented that the line guys had finished the construction work for the FEMA project and were now catching up on projects that had been put off.
• Power Plant:
Mr. Hemphill commented that the power plant had been busy with maintenance projects and were doing routine projects.
Finance Department:
• Sales Tax:
Finance Director Diana Garten commented that the sales tax report had come in $161,640 below last year; which was no surprise. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if this would impact the budget. Ms. Garten stated that we had budgeted a decrease, so we were okay.
A motion by Commissioner Peltier to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.
Friday, October 15, 2010
10/18/2010-City Commission Meeting Agenda
OCTOBER 18, 2010
1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
3. MINUTES – October 04, 2010 Regular City Commission meeting
5.1 Review and Discussion on Humane Society Agreement – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney; Dave Howard, City Manager
#1 – Agreement – Signed June 1, 2009
#2 – Requested Changes in Agreement as presented to Commission July 6, 2010 by Humane Society representatives
#3 – Copy of Minutes from the July 6, 2010 Discussion on Changes Presented
#4 – Renewal Agreement Up for Discussion
5.2 Review and Discussion on American Legion Lease Agreement – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney
#1 – Lease Agreement Expiring 12.31.2010
#2 – Renewal Lease Agreement Up for Discussion
6.1 City Manager
6.2 City Attorney
6.3 Department Heads
6.4 Mayor
6.5 City Commission
OCTOBER 18, 2010
1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
3. MINUTES – October 04, 2010 Regular City Commission meeting
5.1 Review and Discussion on Humane Society Agreement – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney; Dave Howard, City Manager
#1 – Agreement – Signed June 1, 2009
#2 – Requested Changes in Agreement as presented to Commission July 6, 2010 by Humane Society representatives
#3 – Copy of Minutes from the July 6, 2010 Discussion on Changes Presented
#4 – Renewal Agreement Up for Discussion
5.2 Review and Discussion on American Legion Lease Agreement – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney
#1 – Lease Agreement Expiring 12.31.2010
#2 – Renewal Lease Agreement Up for Discussion
6.1 City Manager
6.2 City Attorney
6.3 Department Heads
6.4 Mayor
6.5 City Commission
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
09/20/10-Approved City Commission Minutes
SEPTEMBER 20, 2010
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt, Kansas met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
PRESENT: Bill Hlavachick Mayor
Jeff Taylor Commissioner
Willy Peltier Commissioner
Victor Graf Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Steve Holmes Chief of Police
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Kelly Hemphill Director of Electric Utilities
Mayor Hlavachick called the regular meeting to order. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.
Mayor Hlavachick reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.
A motion by Commissioner Graf to approve the minutes of the September 07, 2010 regular meeting. Commissioner Skaggs questioned the spelling of ‘bore’ when talking about the water line. After a short discussion, it was decided that ‘bore’ was the correct way. Commissioner Skaggs seconded the motion to approve the minutes and it passed unanimously.
• Signs for 86’ers:
Mr. Keith Lippoldt approached the Commission as a former coach, parent and now a fan of the American Legion 86’ers baseball team that won another State championship this year. Mr. Lippoldt stated that the 86’ers had now won a total of seven State championships. Mayor Hlavachick commented that this was a good idea and the City needed to support them. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if this was a standard request for the City to do these signs. City Manager Dave Howard stated that the City does purchase the signs and install them and gave examples such as Miss America and Daniel Prater. Public Works Director Russell Rambat added that there were a total of five signs that would be placed at each entrance into the City. Commissioner Peltier asked if they were only read from one direction. Mr. Rambat stated that they were and that was when you were entering into the City. Commissioner Taylor asked if this would come from tourism funds. Mr. Howard answered that it would. A motion by Commissioner Peltier to do the signs as Mr. Lippoldt had requested. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
Ms. Kathy Stewart and Mr. Mark Ploger from the Pratt County Extension Office addressed the Commission concerning the Master Gardeners doing a project that would place identification labels on the trees on South Main. Mr. Ploger stated that the Master Gardeners were here to improve landscapes and to do horticulture projects throughout the City and County. Mr. Ploger informed the Commission that Ms. Stewart was the coordinator of the group.
Ms. Stewart commented that Pratt was well known for their trees and the Master Gardeners were interested in focusing on the trees on South Main Street. Ms. Stewart explained that the identification labels were noninvasive and they would be removed this fall and put back out in the spring. Mr. Ploger commented that even with the water project going on, this would be a good time for this as the foot traffic on the sidewalks would increase. Mayor Hlavachick commented that this would fit in with the Main Street improvements. Mr. Ploger commented that the group was there to beautify the town. Mayor Hlavachick commented that what to do on Main Street was still up in the air, but questioned if that was something they would donate to if asked. Ms. Stewart stated that they would love to help and offered a few suggestions.
A motion by Commissioner Skaggs to approve the tree identification markers to be placed on South Main Street by the Master Gardeners. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
Public Works Director Russell Rambat commented that the Commissioners had a map of where the playground equipment would be installed at Hampton-Pennock Park and also the pricing of the equipment. Mr. Rambat added that they were also looking at purchasing more equipment for Gebhart Park, so if they doubled their order they would get a better price. Mr. Rambat explained that they were still pursuing restroom options for Hampton-Pennock Park.
Commissioner Skaggs asked if the spider net would last a lifetime. Mr. Rambat commented that they would have to put it in and see how long it lasts, but they would be sure to budget for any possible replacements in the future. Mr. Rambat added that this was on the same line as what was at the Sports Complex and it was popular. Commissioner Peltier asked if there would be any options to expand in the future. Mr. Rambat explained that the perimeters were lockable, so that would be possible. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if we knew the population of the children in that area and the expected use of the equipment. Mr. Rambat stated that he did not have any resources to have that information.
Mr. Rambat stated that they would get the equipment ordered and should have it installed by early spring. Commissioner Graf questioned where the money was coming from for this project. Finance Director Diana Garten stated that it would come from the special parks and recreation fund and that money was mandated by the State to go to parks.
Commissioner Taylor suggested that when Mr. Rambat was researching restroom facilities for Hampton-Pennock Park that he might also look at what it would take to get something at Centennial Park since it is used quite a bit. Mr. Rambat stated that he would look at that. Commissioner Taylor added that it could be cheaper to do that as two projects as well. A motion by Commissioner Taylor to approve the purchase of the playground equipment for Hampton-Pennock Park at the cost of $25,180.48. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.
City Manager:
• Informational Letters:
City Manager Howard pointed out several informational letters from KDHE concerning the wastewater treatment facility. Mr. Howard added that there was a draft copy of the documents for the low interest loan in City Clerk Kramer’s office if they were interested in looking at them and City Attorney Van Blaricum had also received a copy. Mr. Van Blaricum verified that he had just received those and had not had a chance to look them over. Mr. Howard stated that he would get together with Mr. Van Blaricum later to go over them to see if there were any changes that needed to be made.
• PCC Rodeo:
Mr. Howard commented that the college rodeo was coming up on October 1st thru the 3rd and the City always worked with them on using part of the Industrial Park area for parking. Mr. Howard stated that that area was less due to Terry Richardson’s new building, but they were working with them to use the area along the tree line and that the fire hydrants used to water the horses were down to two. Mr. Howard added that the college does a good job of picking up trash and we do not have any problems. Commissioner Taylor commented that the rodeo brings in a lot of funds to the City. Mr. Howard agreed.
Public Works:
• PHS Cross Country meet:
Public Works Director Rambat commented that he had noticed that the high school would be having their cross country meet in Sixth Street Park on the 30th of September and, since there was not going to be another meeting before then, he asked for the Commission’s approval to barricade both ends of Sixth Street for a few hours while the meet was going on. A motion by Commissioner Taylor to allow Mr. Rambat to set out barricades for the PHS Cross Country meet on September 30th. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously. Commissioner Taylor suggested that someone check with the Pilot Club to make sure they know about the event and this would not interfere with them.
• Main Street waterline update:
Mr. Rambat informed the Commission that the waterline project on Main Street was moving along and that they should finish up between Second Street and the north side of First Street as well as the boring being completed on the north side of the Club D’Est. Mr. Rambat commented that Mr. Alan Luttrell of EBH Engineering had asked that they hold off after this bore was complete so that APAC could catch up on getting the street back together. Mr. Rambat added that they did shrink back on Second Street so that traffic could go through.
Commissioner Taylor questioned if each intersection would start to go faster with this one being a learning curve. Mr. Howard commented that this one took a little longer due to the 54 project and since there would not be another one of those, it should get quicker. Mr. Rambat stated that they were keeping the business owners advised of the activities ahead of time and someone from the City or EBH Engineering were very visible during the day.
City Attorney:
• 816 W. Blaine:
City Attorney Van Blaricum commented that the Commission had held a hearing on August 19th concerning the unsafe structure at 816 West Blaine and that hearing gave the property owner until September 19th to repair or remove the structure. Mr. Van Blaricum informed the Commission that nothing had been done to the property since the hearing and that deadline had passed, so the City could take care of that property. The Commissioners were all in agreement that the City should proceed with the removal of the structure that was unsafe.
Building Inspector Brad Blankenship commented that the house was still a hazard and a mess. City Manager Howard stated that they would get an estimate on the removal tomorrow. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if that work was hired out or done by City staff. Mr. Howard stated that it was usually hired out. Mr. Blankenship added that there was junk behind the house on the east side that would have to be taken away before it was taken down.
Electric Departments:
• Generation update:
Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill commented that he had received an e-mail from KMEA on behalf of Sunflower and it informed the City of Pratt that they would be shutting the line down that feeds Pratt for twenty-four hours. Mr. Hemphill added that the City would be running on steam and would also utilize the diesel unit to make up capacity tomorrow. Mr. Hemphill stated that he felt that everything would run smooth.
Police Department:
• Chief’s retirement:
Police Chief Steve Holmes informed the Commission that he was announcing his pending retirement at the first of the year. Chief Holmes stated that he had been with the City for twenty-nine years and thanked the Commission for their support. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the twenty-nine years were all at Pratt. Chief Holmes stated that they were.
Mayor and Commission:
• Tree trimming:
Commissioner Skaggs commented that there were tree limbs that needed to be trimmed away from the street light lines on Terrace Drive. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if a citizen should call the line department when they see a situation like this. Mr. Hemphill stated that the line guys were working on the primaries throughout the City, but he would see what could be done. Commissioner Skaggs stated that this was a good program and citizens should be encouraged to call if they see something. City Clerk LuAnn Kramer suggested that they call City Hall and the staff would make a note for the linemen.
• Lemon’s Park fountain:
Commissioner Taylor questioned if there was a fountain over by the gazebo in Lemon’s Park. Mr. Rambat stated that it was a place for the deer and birds to drink out of. Mr. Howard commented that it was an old satellite dish and was supposed to be used for feed that would attract deer into that area. Commissioner Taylor commented that it was kind of an eye sore. Mr. Rambat stated that he would check on it.
• Firehouse memorial:
Commissioner Taylor stated that he had been driving family members around town and wanted to know where they were at on the memorial in front of the new fire station. Mr. Blankenship stated that they were almost done inside and that they were going to do something with the bay area floor before bringing the trucks over, but he did not know what was being done with the memorial. Ms. Kramer commented that Fire Chief David Kramer was having some health issues, but would hopefully be able to work on that when that was resolved.
• Main Street beautification:
Mayor Hlavachick commented that he would like to see the Master Gardeners in on the plan to make our downtown nice and he felt that the businesses would donate into such a program. Mr. Howard stated that it had been discussed at ED board meetings and the plan was to get through next year’s street project before starting anything else. Mr. Howard added that if anything was to be done to the buildings, we would have to have the owner’s participation.
Commissioner Skaggs commented that we need a better selection of trees and that perennials were better than annuals. Commissioner Skaggs added that part of the problem had been that some businesses do something with their planters and others do not, so there needs to be some City involvement. Mr. Howard commented that the City does have someone hired to help take care of the boxes. Mr. Howard stated that there was grant money out there for that type of project and when the Main Street project was closer to being completed, the City would start looking into that.
Upon proper motion, the meeting adjourned.
SEPTEMBER 20, 2010
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt, Kansas met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
PRESENT: Bill Hlavachick Mayor
Jeff Taylor Commissioner
Willy Peltier Commissioner
Victor Graf Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Steve Holmes Chief of Police
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Kelly Hemphill Director of Electric Utilities
Mayor Hlavachick called the regular meeting to order. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.
Mayor Hlavachick reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.
A motion by Commissioner Graf to approve the minutes of the September 07, 2010 regular meeting. Commissioner Skaggs questioned the spelling of ‘bore’ when talking about the water line. After a short discussion, it was decided that ‘bore’ was the correct way. Commissioner Skaggs seconded the motion to approve the minutes and it passed unanimously.
• Signs for 86’ers:
Mr. Keith Lippoldt approached the Commission as a former coach, parent and now a fan of the American Legion 86’ers baseball team that won another State championship this year. Mr. Lippoldt stated that the 86’ers had now won a total of seven State championships. Mayor Hlavachick commented that this was a good idea and the City needed to support them. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if this was a standard request for the City to do these signs. City Manager Dave Howard stated that the City does purchase the signs and install them and gave examples such as Miss America and Daniel Prater. Public Works Director Russell Rambat added that there were a total of five signs that would be placed at each entrance into the City. Commissioner Peltier asked if they were only read from one direction. Mr. Rambat stated that they were and that was when you were entering into the City. Commissioner Taylor asked if this would come from tourism funds. Mr. Howard answered that it would. A motion by Commissioner Peltier to do the signs as Mr. Lippoldt had requested. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
Ms. Kathy Stewart and Mr. Mark Ploger from the Pratt County Extension Office addressed the Commission concerning the Master Gardeners doing a project that would place identification labels on the trees on South Main. Mr. Ploger stated that the Master Gardeners were here to improve landscapes and to do horticulture projects throughout the City and County. Mr. Ploger informed the Commission that Ms. Stewart was the coordinator of the group.
Ms. Stewart commented that Pratt was well known for their trees and the Master Gardeners were interested in focusing on the trees on South Main Street. Ms. Stewart explained that the identification labels were noninvasive and they would be removed this fall and put back out in the spring. Mr. Ploger commented that even with the water project going on, this would be a good time for this as the foot traffic on the sidewalks would increase. Mayor Hlavachick commented that this would fit in with the Main Street improvements. Mr. Ploger commented that the group was there to beautify the town. Mayor Hlavachick commented that what to do on Main Street was still up in the air, but questioned if that was something they would donate to if asked. Ms. Stewart stated that they would love to help and offered a few suggestions.
A motion by Commissioner Skaggs to approve the tree identification markers to be placed on South Main Street by the Master Gardeners. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
Public Works Director Russell Rambat commented that the Commissioners had a map of where the playground equipment would be installed at Hampton-Pennock Park and also the pricing of the equipment. Mr. Rambat added that they were also looking at purchasing more equipment for Gebhart Park, so if they doubled their order they would get a better price. Mr. Rambat explained that they were still pursuing restroom options for Hampton-Pennock Park.
Commissioner Skaggs asked if the spider net would last a lifetime. Mr. Rambat commented that they would have to put it in and see how long it lasts, but they would be sure to budget for any possible replacements in the future. Mr. Rambat added that this was on the same line as what was at the Sports Complex and it was popular. Commissioner Peltier asked if there would be any options to expand in the future. Mr. Rambat explained that the perimeters were lockable, so that would be possible. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if we knew the population of the children in that area and the expected use of the equipment. Mr. Rambat stated that he did not have any resources to have that information.
Mr. Rambat stated that they would get the equipment ordered and should have it installed by early spring. Commissioner Graf questioned where the money was coming from for this project. Finance Director Diana Garten stated that it would come from the special parks and recreation fund and that money was mandated by the State to go to parks.
Commissioner Taylor suggested that when Mr. Rambat was researching restroom facilities for Hampton-Pennock Park that he might also look at what it would take to get something at Centennial Park since it is used quite a bit. Mr. Rambat stated that he would look at that. Commissioner Taylor added that it could be cheaper to do that as two projects as well. A motion by Commissioner Taylor to approve the purchase of the playground equipment for Hampton-Pennock Park at the cost of $25,180.48. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.
City Manager:
• Informational Letters:
City Manager Howard pointed out several informational letters from KDHE concerning the wastewater treatment facility. Mr. Howard added that there was a draft copy of the documents for the low interest loan in City Clerk Kramer’s office if they were interested in looking at them and City Attorney Van Blaricum had also received a copy. Mr. Van Blaricum verified that he had just received those and had not had a chance to look them over. Mr. Howard stated that he would get together with Mr. Van Blaricum later to go over them to see if there were any changes that needed to be made.
• PCC Rodeo:
Mr. Howard commented that the college rodeo was coming up on October 1st thru the 3rd and the City always worked with them on using part of the Industrial Park area for parking. Mr. Howard stated that that area was less due to Terry Richardson’s new building, but they were working with them to use the area along the tree line and that the fire hydrants used to water the horses were down to two. Mr. Howard added that the college does a good job of picking up trash and we do not have any problems. Commissioner Taylor commented that the rodeo brings in a lot of funds to the City. Mr. Howard agreed.
Public Works:
• PHS Cross Country meet:
Public Works Director Rambat commented that he had noticed that the high school would be having their cross country meet in Sixth Street Park on the 30th of September and, since there was not going to be another meeting before then, he asked for the Commission’s approval to barricade both ends of Sixth Street for a few hours while the meet was going on. A motion by Commissioner Taylor to allow Mr. Rambat to set out barricades for the PHS Cross Country meet on September 30th. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously. Commissioner Taylor suggested that someone check with the Pilot Club to make sure they know about the event and this would not interfere with them.
• Main Street waterline update:
Mr. Rambat informed the Commission that the waterline project on Main Street was moving along and that they should finish up between Second Street and the north side of First Street as well as the boring being completed on the north side of the Club D’Est. Mr. Rambat commented that Mr. Alan Luttrell of EBH Engineering had asked that they hold off after this bore was complete so that APAC could catch up on getting the street back together. Mr. Rambat added that they did shrink back on Second Street so that traffic could go through.
Commissioner Taylor questioned if each intersection would start to go faster with this one being a learning curve. Mr. Howard commented that this one took a little longer due to the 54 project and since there would not be another one of those, it should get quicker. Mr. Rambat stated that they were keeping the business owners advised of the activities ahead of time and someone from the City or EBH Engineering were very visible during the day.
City Attorney:
• 816 W. Blaine:
City Attorney Van Blaricum commented that the Commission had held a hearing on August 19th concerning the unsafe structure at 816 West Blaine and that hearing gave the property owner until September 19th to repair or remove the structure. Mr. Van Blaricum informed the Commission that nothing had been done to the property since the hearing and that deadline had passed, so the City could take care of that property. The Commissioners were all in agreement that the City should proceed with the removal of the structure that was unsafe.
Building Inspector Brad Blankenship commented that the house was still a hazard and a mess. City Manager Howard stated that they would get an estimate on the removal tomorrow. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if that work was hired out or done by City staff. Mr. Howard stated that it was usually hired out. Mr. Blankenship added that there was junk behind the house on the east side that would have to be taken away before it was taken down.
Electric Departments:
• Generation update:
Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill commented that he had received an e-mail from KMEA on behalf of Sunflower and it informed the City of Pratt that they would be shutting the line down that feeds Pratt for twenty-four hours. Mr. Hemphill added that the City would be running on steam and would also utilize the diesel unit to make up capacity tomorrow. Mr. Hemphill stated that he felt that everything would run smooth.
Police Department:
• Chief’s retirement:
Police Chief Steve Holmes informed the Commission that he was announcing his pending retirement at the first of the year. Chief Holmes stated that he had been with the City for twenty-nine years and thanked the Commission for their support. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the twenty-nine years were all at Pratt. Chief Holmes stated that they were.
Mayor and Commission:
• Tree trimming:
Commissioner Skaggs commented that there were tree limbs that needed to be trimmed away from the street light lines on Terrace Drive. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if a citizen should call the line department when they see a situation like this. Mr. Hemphill stated that the line guys were working on the primaries throughout the City, but he would see what could be done. Commissioner Skaggs stated that this was a good program and citizens should be encouraged to call if they see something. City Clerk LuAnn Kramer suggested that they call City Hall and the staff would make a note for the linemen.
• Lemon’s Park fountain:
Commissioner Taylor questioned if there was a fountain over by the gazebo in Lemon’s Park. Mr. Rambat stated that it was a place for the deer and birds to drink out of. Mr. Howard commented that it was an old satellite dish and was supposed to be used for feed that would attract deer into that area. Commissioner Taylor commented that it was kind of an eye sore. Mr. Rambat stated that he would check on it.
• Firehouse memorial:
Commissioner Taylor stated that he had been driving family members around town and wanted to know where they were at on the memorial in front of the new fire station. Mr. Blankenship stated that they were almost done inside and that they were going to do something with the bay area floor before bringing the trucks over, but he did not know what was being done with the memorial. Ms. Kramer commented that Fire Chief David Kramer was having some health issues, but would hopefully be able to work on that when that was resolved.
• Main Street beautification:
Mayor Hlavachick commented that he would like to see the Master Gardeners in on the plan to make our downtown nice and he felt that the businesses would donate into such a program. Mr. Howard stated that it had been discussed at ED board meetings and the plan was to get through next year’s street project before starting anything else. Mr. Howard added that if anything was to be done to the buildings, we would have to have the owner’s participation.
Commissioner Skaggs commented that we need a better selection of trees and that perennials were better than annuals. Commissioner Skaggs added that part of the problem had been that some businesses do something with their planters and others do not, so there needs to be some City involvement. Mr. Howard commented that the City does have someone hired to help take care of the boxes. Mr. Howard stated that there was grant money out there for that type of project and when the Main Street project was closer to being completed, the City would start looking into that.
Upon proper motion, the meeting adjourned.
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