Friday, April 23, 2010

4/05/10-Approved Commission meeting minutes


APRIL 05, 2010

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.

PRESENT: Jeff Taylor Mayor
Bill Hlavachick Commissioner
Eric Nystrom Commissioner
Willy Peltier Commissioner
Victor Graf Commissioner

ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Steve Holmes Chief of Police
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Kelly Hemphill Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director


Mayor Taylor called the regular meeting to order. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.

Mayor Taylor reminded the audience that the meeting may be taped and/or recorded.


A motion by Commissioner Nystrom to approve the minutes of the March 15, 2010 regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.

A motion by Commissioner Nystrom to approve the minutes of the March 16, 2010 recessed meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.


Alley blading:

Mr. Dennis Thimesch requested that the City not blade the alley around the 500 block of North Main Street and North Ninnescah Street. Mr. Thimesch commented that it was back to where they liked it. Commissioner Nystrom questioned if they would consider crushed concrete if it were available. Mr. Thimesch stated that they were happy with it the way it was. Public Works Director Russell Rambat commented that he would let the street department know not to do that alley.



Mr. Kelvin Clay, Water Superintendent, commented that he had gone out for bids for water meters for 2010 and had received two bids back. Mr. Clay stated that the bid from H D Supply out of Wichita was for $23,466.75 and the bid from Sensus out of Union Town, PA. was for $25,538.29. Mr. Clay added that both bids included sales tax and the loyalty buyback program. Commissioner Nystrom asked if the bids were comparable. Mr. Clay commented that they were.

Mr. Clay informed the Commission that he would be working on books ten, eleven, twelve and thirteen this year and that he was about twenty-five percent done replacing old meters in the City. City Manager Dave Howard questioned how old the meters were that were being replaced. Mr. Clay answered that they were from ten to twelve years old.

A motion by Commissioner Peltier to accept the bid from H D Supply for $23,446.75. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.


City Inspector Brad Blankenship commented that he had been working on putting the building board back together and to do that he needed one building contractor, one licensed electrician, one licensed plumber and two with construction knowledge. Mr. Blankenship commented that he had had a hard time finding an electrician and plumber.

Commissioner Nystrom asked if the ordinance would have to be changed from general knowledge if the City ever had licensed contractors. Mr. Blankenship commented that it would. Commissioner Nystrom questioned what the difference was between a general contractor and general knowledge. Mr. Blankenship answered that general knowledge would be someone with drywall experience or cement experience and general contractors build the whole thing. Commissioner Peltier asked why there was not a heating and air person on the board. Mr. Blankenship stated that Mr. Chad Westhoff was heating and air. City Manager Howard commented that there were specific positions that were listed in the code book and that was what Mr. Blankenship had looked for. Mr. Howard added that any changes would have to be done by ordinance. Mr. Blankenship added that mechanical was listed under plumbing in the code book.

Commissioner Hlavachick asked if this board would be who would recommend licensing. Mr. Blankenship stated that they would recommend any code changes or would back up the inspector in the case that there was a grievance against them. Mr. Howard commented that this board had never been dissolved and that it just fell apart. Mayor Taylor asked how long a term would be for a board member. Mr. Blankenship commented that they would serve one year.

A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to approve the Building Board as recommended by Mr. Blankenship. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously. Commissioner Nystrom asked how often the board would meet. Mr. Blankenship commented that it would probably meet quarterly or as needed. Mayor Taylor questioned if Mr. Blankenship would do the scheduling of the meetings. Mr. Blankenship answered that he would be the one to do the scheduling.


Commissioner Hlavachick commented that Mr. Gamblin was a valuable member of the Airport Authority, but he understood his commitments. Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to approve the appointments of Mr. Bob Blasi and Mr. Keith Sexson to the Pratt Airport Authority. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.


City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum reminded the Commission that the City was required to have an election on the question in Ms. Detwiler’s petition. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that the Commission had been concerned that the question on the ballot be easy to understand and he had been working on a ‘yes’ means ‘yes’ and ‘no’ means ‘no’ question. Mr. Van Blaricum added that he felt that the Commission had two options.

Mr. Van Blaricum explained that the City had filed a lawsuit to block the petition and that request had been denied and we were to have an election. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that he had filed a motion to clarify the court’s ruling and asked the Judge to clarify exactly what kind of language the City should use on the ballot. Mr. Van Blaricum added that the motion was to be heard this Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he was cautiously optimistic that the court would agree to use the language that the Commission favors. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that if the court agrees, that would simplify things and the City could go ahead and schedule the election.

Mr. Van Blaricum stated that there was another option and that would be to rescind the vote taken previously and set a special election on the question. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that at the last meeting he was skeptical about the Commission rescinding their prior action, but he was not as skeptical now. Mr. Van Blaricum added that he did not feel that that would get us in any more trouble with the contractor than we were right now.

Mr. Van Blaricum clarified that the two options were to wait and see what happens with the court on Wednesday or the Commission could rescind the action taken on Maple Street and set a special election. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that he would prefer to ask the court to give the City the special language, because that would be more along the lines of the spirit of cooperation with the people who had petitioned for an election.

Commissioner Nystrom asked if Mr. Van Blaricum wanted the Commission to wait until after Wednesday to set a date for the election. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that the date could be set this evening or later on, but the sooner the Commission set the date, the sooner it was over. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that he had visited with County Election Officer Sherry Kruse and she had said that May 18th or May 25th would work for her office. Mr. Van Blaricum added that Ms. Kruse would like to have five weeks notice on the date and wording. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that the 25th would probably work better and that he would like to see the language simplified by the court.

A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to have the special election on the Main Street project on May 25th. After discussion on the Memorial Day holiday and school functions, Commissioner Graf commented that Commissioner Hlavachick had stated the Main Street project. Commissioner Hlavachick corrected his motion to be on the Maple Street project and apologized for the mistake. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.

Mr. Van Blaricum commented that he likes that date as it gives him time to work and gives tomorrow’s election workers a date to tell people if they wonder why Maple Street was not on this ballot. Mr. Van Blaricum added that the only other question was whether the Commission wanted to wait for the court to rule on the motion to clarify the language or to rescind their earlier action. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that they could do that by a voice vote. Mayor Taylor called for a voice vote on waiting until after Wednesday to talk about language for the ballot to determine what Judge Schmisseur had to say about the Commission changing it to a ‘yes’ is ‘yes’ and ‘no’ is ‘no’ question. The vote was as follows: Commissioner Peltier-yes, Commissioner Hlavachick-yes, Mayor Taylor-yes, Commissioner Nystrom-yes, and Commissioner Graf-yes.

Mr. Van Blaricum commented that one last question he had if the court agrees to let the City use the clarified language and the attorney’s agree also, was whether the Commission wanted to approve the language before it was used or could he get that approval from Mr. Howard. Mayor Taylor commented that as long as it was a ‘yes’ and a ‘no’ it could be run by the City Manager and the Commission agreed. Mr. Howard added that Mr. Van Blaricum would copy the Commissioners in his email.


City Manager:

• High School ‘Walk in the Park’:

City Manager Dave Howard informed the Commission that he had approved the High School to use Lemon’s Park to do a ‘Walk in the Park’ so that they could start planning the event. Mr. Howard added that the walk was to bring awareness of children that have to go without shoes and the event would not interfere with anything. A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to approve request from the High School to use Lemon’s Park on April 8th. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.

• Last meeting for Commissioner Nystrom:

City Manager Howard commented that he wanted to thank Commissioner Nystrom for his time and effort that he had put into the City. Mr. Howard added that, in his opinion, Commissioner Nystrom had contributed a lot to the City and he appreciated that. Mayor Taylor, Commissioner Peltier and Commissioner Hlavachick agreed with Mr. Howard.

Public Works:

• Curb & Gutter project:

Public Works Director Russell Rambat commented that he had finished putting together the curb and gutter project for this year and should get it out for bid soon.

• Pool:

Mr. Rambat commented that he would be spending a lot of his time at the pool to get it ready for the new season.

Electric Department:

• Chubb Insurance:

Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill informed the Commission that the City had received a check from Chubb Insurance for the reimbursement for materials and labor on unit #7 diesel generator. Mr. Hemphill stated that they had accepted at least $203,000 of the expenditures. Commissioner Peltier questioned how much the expenditures were. Mr. Hemphill commented that it was about $303,000, so Chubb Insurance had deducted the City’s $100,000 deductible from that amount. Mr. Hemphill explained that there was a $31,000 cylinder head that they did not want to cover. Mr. Hemphill explained that, from Chubb Insurance’s point of view, the eleven cylinder heads that they reimbursed us for was one claim, but there was one head that sustained damage during the reinstallation and after the inspection. City Manager Howard added that if the City had filed another claim, we would have been responsible for another $100,000 deductible. Mr. Hemphill stated that Fairbanks Morse’s point of view was to replace that cylinder head and we had gotten a $10,000 cut from the cost of a new one, which was per the agreement with them.

• Cooling Tower project:

Mr. Hemphill commented that the cooling tower had arrived and was in the Trand Trucking storage area and there was no damage found after it was inspected. Mr. Hemphill added that the contractor from Mid-States was onsite and getting ready to start. Mr. Hemphill commented that the City had also been working on getting the electrical part of the project ready.

• FEMA project:

Mr. Hemphill stated that line distribution had completed about seventy percent of the FEMA projects and should be done by the end of the year.

• Question concerning deductible:

Commissioner Nystrom questioned if the City could recover the $100,000 deductible if Chubb Insurance sued Fairbanks Morse. Mr. Howard commented that he was not sure if they were going to sue, but if they were to pursue that course and win, the City would be the first in line to get paid. Mr. Howard explained that the City would not be part of that process and we would find out about it when we were reimbursed for the expenses.

• Additional engine discussion:

Power Plant Superintendent Ernie Smith informed the Commission that they had assembled the engine and it had been been tested. Mr. Smith commented that the performance test done on the engine had met the specifications that we had set for the EMP2 and that was to produce seven megs for at least two hours.

Mr. Smith commented that the issues with the cylinder head that were discussed by Mr. Hemphill would be addressed this fall. Mr. Smith stated that there was one head that was still cracked, but Fairbanks Morse advised using a sealer on that particular stud and that had been holding up so far. Mr. Smith explained that there still needed to be a balancing test and a firing pressure test done on the engine, but that was later this fall.

Mr. Smith commented that the engine was running fine and they had turned it into EMP2 as running so that we would get capacity credit. Mayor Taylor thanked the power plant employees for all they had done on the engine. Mr. Smith commented that the employees had a good learning experience and they had saved the City thousands of dollars by doing the work themselves. Mr. Smith added that there had been a technician there to oversee that it met the specifications so that Fairbanks Morse would honor the warranty on the cylinder heads.

Finance Department:

• Sales tax for March:

Finance Director Diana Garten informed the Commission that the March revenues were up about $3,700 over last year. Ms. Garten commented that that was for January sales and we were still down $78,000 for the year.


• Citizen request concerning Eighth Street:

Mayor Taylor stated that he had received a call from someone with a request to make Eighth Street a thru street. Mayor Taylor commented that it had been awhile since he had been down Eighth Street and asked if there were any stop signs. City Manager Howard commented that there was one on Jackson Street and one by the school, but most of the intersections were uncontrolled. Police Chief Steve Holmes commented that the school buses do use that route.

Mayor Taylor explained that he had told this person that the City would have to look at accident reports and other things before making that type of decision. Chief Holmes asked if he was proposing to change Jackson Street, because Eighth Street stops at Jackson Street. Mayor Taylor stated that he was not and that the person was talking about New Street to Main Street on Eighth Street. Mr. Howard commented that all of the intersections along Eighth Street would have to be controlled to make it a thru street. Chief Holmes added that Jackson Street was a major route and was a busy street.

Mr. Howard stated that they would check into it. Mayor Taylor suggested checking with the schools and that he had been told that the bus drivers and a lot of parents use Eighth Street.


• Main Street merchants meeting:

Commissioner Hlavachick asked Mr. Howard if he knew when the meetings were going to be for the Main Street merchants. Mr. Howard commented that it should be in late April or early May. Mr. Howard added that we were getting the finalized version of the water line, but the project would not start until after Miss Kansas.

• Water at Lemon’s Park:

Commissioner Graf questioned when the water would be turned on at Lemon’s Park. Public Works Director Rambat stated that it should be around the 15th of this month. Mr. Rambat explained that history shows that it could still get bad out and none of the bathrooms or plumbing in the park were freeze proof. Commissioner Graf commented that he had had three people ask him about the drinking water. Mr. Rambat commented that he would check into it.


A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.





Thursday, April 15, 2010

4/19/2010 Commission Meeting Agenda


APRIL 19, 2010



1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)


3. MINUTES – April 05, 2010 Regular Commission meeting

4. Certification of April 06, 2010 City General Election – LuAnn Kramer, City Clerk

5. Oath of Office Give to Newly Elected City Commissioners – LuAnn Kramer, City Clerk

6. Presentation of Mayor’s Plaque – Dave Howard, City Manager

7. Reorganization of Pratt City Commission – Mayor and Commission

7.1 Nomination for Mayor

7.2 Nomination for Vice-Mayor

7.3 Designation of Official City Depositories – The Peoples Bank, First National Bank, First State Bank

7.4 Designation of Official City Newspaper – The Pratt Tribune



9.1 Consideration and Approval of Appointments to the Pratt Public Library Board – Rochelle Westerhaus, Secretary of Board of Directors

9.2 Consideration and Approval of Request for Funds for a Memorial Plaque for Pelican Sculpture at the Public Library – Rochelle Westerhaus, Secretary of Board of Directors

9.3 Discussion on the Pratt County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan – Tim Branscom, Emergency Manager

9.4 Consideration and Approval of Bid for Heating and Air Conditioning System at the Fire Station – David Kramer, Fire Chief; Brad Blankenship, Building Inspector

9.5 Consideration and Approval for Use of Scout Cabin and Closure of the 200 Block of Rochester Street on May 14-15, 2010 for 4A State Boys Tennis Tournament – Bruce Pinkall, Recreation Director

9.6 Consideration and Approval on the Use of Lemon’s Park on May 1, 2010 for the 1st Annual Autism Walk (Requested by PCC Rotaract) – Mayor, Commission and Staff

9.7 Consideration and Approval on Bid for One Transformer for Stock – Kelly Hemphill, Dir. of Electric Utilities

9.8 Approval of Term Limit Ordinance – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney

9.9 Consideration and Approval of Resolution 041910 Amending Resolution 030110 Concerning the Power Purchase Agreement Between the City and KMEA– Dave Howard, City Manager and Staff (RESOLUTION 041910)

9.10 Discussion on ‘Motion to Clarify’ Order on the Maple Street Extension Project – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney


10.1 City Manager
10.2 City Attorney
10.3 Department Heads
10.4 Mayor
10.5 City Commission


Monday, April 5, 2010

03/16/2010-Recessed Commission Meeting Minutes-Approved


MARCH 16, 2010

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Recessed session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.

PRESENT: Jeff Taylor Mayor
Bill Hlavachick Commissioner
Eric Nystrom Commissioner
Willy Peltier Commissioner
Victor Graf Commissioner

ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director


Mayor Taylor called the recessed meeting to order. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.

Mayor Taylor reminded the audience that the meeting may be taped and/or recorded.


Mayor Taylor commented that the meeting from last evening was recessed until today to give the City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum time to work with legal council on wording for the Maple Street question that would be on the ballot and explain that if you are in favor of the road, vote ‘yes’ and if you are not, vote ‘no’.

Mr. Van Blaricum commented that he had contacted Mr. Steadman and what Mr. Steadman felt strongly about was that the City had approved something and Ms. Karen Detwiler wanted to have it repealed. Mr. Van Blaricum added that Mr. Steadman felt that the only way to do that was to have a question on the ballot that would repeal the Commission’s earlier action and he was set in stone that he did not want to do it any other way. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that he had language that was different from last evening, but he was not sure that the Commission would be any happier with it.

Mr. Van Blaricum stated that Mr. Steadman had offered one other option and that was that the Commission could repeal their action to extend Maple Street today and then the Commission, on their own volition, could put something on the ballot for April 6th to the affect of ‘Should the City of Pratt extend Maple Street’. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that he had visited with City Manager Dave Howard and Mr. Steadman and he was not personally in favor of doing that as there could be ramifications in the future for the Commission and Ms. Detwiler. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he did not like to play fast and lose an election. Mr. Howard explained that there was a petition that had been signed and the law requires that you use the exact language that was on the petition on the ballot and what they were trying to do was to improve on that language as much as possible. Commissioner Nystrom commented that the whole question from the beginning was the language not being in proper format, so he questioned why the ballot question would not be word for word. Mr. Van Blaricum answered that it should be. Commissioner Nystrom questioned ‘should be’ or ‘has to be’. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that it has to be unless the authorities could redraft it to make it better. Commissioner Nystrom commented that he was confused as the whole intent was to get it right the first time and the judge agreed with that, then he did not and now we were changing it. Mr. Van Blaricum clarified that we were not changing it unless the Commission agreed to it.

Mr. Van Blaricum explained to the Commission what he and Mr. Steadman had done earlier, if the Commission approved the language they had worked on and to get County Clerk Sherry Kruse the information she needed to print this on the ballot, was to have a joint letter to her with the recommended language. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that in anticipation of the Commission’s approval, he had drafted a letter; which he shared that letter with the Commission. Commissioner Peltier questioned if ‘yes’ was still going to mean ‘no’ and ‘no’ was going to mean ‘yes’. Mr. Van Blaricum agreed that was correct. Commissioner Nystrom requested Mr. Van Blaricum read the original petition language. Mr. Van Blaricum quoted the original petition as ‘Should the following be adopted by the City Commissioners of the City of Pratt, Kansas, that the action of City Government taken on August 17, 2009, by motion of Commissioner Peltier, second by Commissioner Nystrom “to do the Maple Street Extension Project” providing for an extension of Maple Street from Parkway Avenue to a point where it would intersect with Kansas Hwy. 61 be repealed? Yes or No’. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that it was not the worst language, but it could be clearer and that was what they were trying to do. Commissioner Nystrom questioned if the names needed to be in there. Mr. Van Blaricum answered that they did not, but that since Ms. Detwiler did not have an ordinance number to attach to it, she was trying to identify it by a date. City Manager Howard questioned whether the question on the petition would go on the ballot if the Commission could not agree on new language. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that it would.

Mr. Van Blaricum commented that there were not just two attorneys involved in this as Ms. Kruse as Election Officer had to be sure that it was right, so she consulted her attorney, Mr. Gordon Stull. Mr. Van Blaricum clarified that whatever goes on the ballot also had to meet the approval of Mr. Stull and he most likely would reluctantly approve the redrafted language. Mr. Van Blaricum asked that the Commission review the language in the draft copy of the letter. Commissioner Nystrom read the proposed question out loud as ‘Shall the following ordinance become effective: The City of Pratt, Kansas hereby repeals the vote to do the Maple Street Extension Project? Yes or No’. Commissioner Nystrom commented that that was clearer and questioned if another option would be to have an election in ninety days as required by State law, if no agreement was met. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that it was not required by the State, but ninety days would be a maximum time to wait. Commissioner Nystrom commented that they would be better off doing a special call rather than doing it wrong. Mr. Van Blaricum agreed.

Commissioner Nystrom questioned what the ramifications would be if they repealed their own action. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that one would be that he had not had time to think about it. Mr. Van Blaricum talked about some ramifications if repealed and would be what to put on the ballot and that language would have to be drafted today. Mr. Howard commented that there were also the contracts that were approved by a separate action and whether a voluntary repeal would affect them. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that it would have an effect on them, if the City involuntarily would be unable to do the Maple Street project, but it would look worse if the City voluntarily terminated the project. Commissioner Nystrom asked if the last Tuesday in April would be when a special call election would be. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that they could do that and then they would have time to compose the question so that it made sense. Commissioner Nystrom added that it would also give more time to educate the public as to what we were doing.

Ms. Detwiler addressed the Commission and informed them that her attorney had explained to her that if the Commission rescinded their decision today to do the Maple Street project, it would give the Commission the opportunity to have a very simple ‘yes or no’ question on the ballot that says ‘Shall the City of Pratt extend Maple Street from Parkway Avenue to Highway 61?’. Ms. Detwiler stated that her attorney was in agreement with that statement and Mr. Steadman also told her that Mr. Van Blaricum was in agreement. Commissioner Nystrom commented that we were back where we began in that it was a public opinion poll, which may appease a group of citizens in Pratt, but the Commission still believes that this was an administrative decision. Commissioner Peltier stated that his concern was that we would violate the obligation to the contractors voluntarily if we repeal the motion and it did not pass for some reason. Mr. Howard commented that the contracts were a separate decision even though it was related to this, but if it would not affect the contracts, this would be a simple way to get a ‘yes or no’ answer. Commissioner Peltier commented that he still had concerns about the effect on the contracts. Mr. Howard commented that if the City repeals the action and the question was changed to the way Ms. Detwiler wanted, what that did to her petition. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that the petition, along with the election, would be gone forever once the City repeals their previous action. Commissioner Nystrom commented that the whole idea when we filed the objection was because of the very thing that we were arguing about now. Mr. Van Blaricum agreed. Commissioner Nystrom stated that everybody agrees, but here they were making the decision for something that we tried to stop in August.

Commissioner Nystrom stated that he felt we needed to have a special call election and deal with this. Commissioner Nystrom added that we were stepping into territory that we were uncomfortable with and a lawsuit that we had been defending, but now we were going to drop it and say ‘yes or no’ to a simple petition. Ms. Detwiler commented that the Judge instructed Ms. Kruse to hold up printing on ballots, because this question would be on this ballot if it passed all the necessary steps. Ms. Detwiler stated that he had made a decision that it go on a ballot and before the Commission decided they were going to have a special call election, they needed to check with the Judge and see if that was his intention. Commissioner Nystrom commented that Ms. Detwiler had just said that she was willing to drop the whole thing if the Commission rescinded their action and that was not what the Judge said to do. Ms. Detwiler commented that the Judge said there would be a question on the ballot. Commissioner Nystrom questioned whether the Judge said that it had to be this particular ballot. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that it did not state this ballot. Commissioner Peltier clarified that it had to go on a ballot. Mr. Van Blaricum agreed.

Commissioner Peltier commented that he had been in construction for a long time and if it looks like we had taken advantage of the contractor, we could have to settle for a lot of money. Mr. Howard commented that there was a provision in the contract with the contractors that we had the right to suspend work for ninety days and he had suspended it until after the election.

Mr. Howard stated that the bottom line was whether it would be the question on the petition that goes on the ballot now or in six weeks or would it be language that the Commission agreed on. Mr. Van Blaricum agreed that it was that simple of a decision. Mr. Van Blaricum clarified that whether the petition language or the improved language was used, if the City would win by three votes, it would be done or if the City loses by three votes, we are done. Mr. Van Blaricum added that if the action would be rescinded today and a special call election was set and the City won by three votes, that would not tell us very much and was not binding nor would the City losing by three votes. Commissioner Peltier questioned why it would not be binding either way. Mr. Van Blaricum answered that it was an advisory election.

Mayor Taylor commented that the Commission’s intentions had been to have an arbitrary vote on whether to do the street or not and to address the petition even if done by a special call election. Commissioner Nystrom stated that that was what the lawsuit was about and not about negotiating at the last hour. Mr. Van Blaricum agreed. Commissioner Peltier repeated that if the original language from the petition was used on the ballot, the election would settle it, but if we do not use that language, it would not settle anything. Mr. Van Blaricum apologized if his negotiating confused the Commission, but it was simple in that the City lost the lawsuit and there had to be an election. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that this election would bring out a lot of people and we may not get that if it was a stand-alone election. Commissioner Nystrom agreed with that statement, but still felt that they would be rushing this through. Commissioner Graf questioned the cost of a special election. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that it would probably be about $1,500 to $2,000. Commissioner Graf questioned why you would want to spend that and they should just go ahead and use what was on the petition and let the people vote and be done with it. Mayor Taylor stated that it was because of the reasons they had just stated. Commissioner Graf stated that he realized that, but on the other hand the Commission wanted to change the wording. Commissioner Graf questioned why they would not repeal the action and then they could put it on the ballot exactly like they want. Commissioner Nystrom reminded Commissioner Graf that the audience clapped when Mayor Taylor said to keep this simple. Commissioner Graf repeated that that was what he was saying in that the Commission should repeal it and make it simple. Commissioner Peltier reminded the Commission of the contracts that were out there for $800,000. Commissioner Graf suggested that Mr. Van Blaricum talk to the contractors to see what would happen if the Commission went that way. Commissioner Peltier commented that they would then want to contact their attorneys and that still did not get this on the ballot. Mr. Howard commented that he still questions the liability issues and whether the contracts were valid if the action was repealed and whether or not the contractors could take action. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that it would not look good for the Commission to be rescinding what they were going to do and that puts the City in a pretty weak position with the contractors.

Commissioner Nystrom commented that we could still extend the election. Mayor Taylor added that we could still rescind and vote on it at a later time. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that that would just delay the outcome. Commissioner Nystrom commented that we have a court order to have an election on the petition question and how we could not do that. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that if the Commission rescinds their own action, then it would be null and void. Mayor Taylor commented that if we get hold of the contractors and had them check with their attorneys, then we could still rescind at anytime if we honor the bids without penalty when the election goes through. Commissioner Nystrom questioned if the contracts would be null and void if the action was rescinded and have to be rebid. Mr. Howard commented that the contracts were done by a separate action. Commissioner Nystrom argued that it would then be a different project. Mr. Howard commented that those contracts would still be in effect. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that if the action would be repealed, it would not rescind the contracts. Commissioner Nystrom commented that then the contractors could sue the City. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that that was correct.

Commissioner Peltier questioned what would happen if this was rescinded and the Commission turned around and did it over again. Commissioner Nystrom still questioned whether the contracts had to be rebid. Commissioner Peltier commented that we would have to pay them off. Commissioner Nystrom agreed that the City would have to satisfy the contract, but questioned again if they had to be rebid. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that it would depend on what they had done with the original contract, but if it was decided later to do the project, they would have to be rebid. Commissioner Nystrom commented that that did not sound like a good option for the City. Mr. Van Blaricum agreed. Commissioner Nystrom commented that we need to have a special call election and satisfy what Judge Schmisseur told us to do. Commissioner Nystrom asked what would stop these people from doing this to the City again. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that if the City would lose the election, the City could not come back again on this issue for another ten years. Commissioner Peltier asked if they would have to file a new petition if the Commission rescinded the action to do Maple Street. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he did not think that the Judge would like that.

Commissioner Nystrom asked if Mr. Van Blaricum would like some time to study this. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that there was some merit to getting this on the April 6th ballot and it might do everyone good to look at it a little longer. Mr. Van Blaricum added that the down side to putting it off a month or two was just that and it could cost about $1,500 for a special election, but it could cost us a lot more if we did it wrong. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that we were assuming that we were going to lose. Mayor Taylor stated that we were not assuming that, but we were saying that it was getting too complicated. Mayor Taylor added that there are a lot of intelligent people that go vote and could work their way through it and then there are those who just go vote.

Commissioner Nystrom reminded the Commission that the school rushed their first attempt, in his opinion the hospital was rushing, so we need to take time to educate the public. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that the more he looks at it, the easier it was to understand. Commissioner Nystrom commented that not many people were going to take the time to read it four, five or six times. Commissioner Hlavachick suggested that it be put in the paper that if you want the Maple Street extension, vote no and if you do not want the Maple Street extension, vote yes. Commissioner Peltier commented that it takes more than two weeks to educate the public. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that he wanted to get it off the table.

Mr. Howard commented that Mr. Steadman’s concern was that the City took action and he questioned if the Judge’s decision would overturn that action. Mr. Van Blaricum clarified that the Judge’s decision had not overturned that action, but he had said that there had to be a vote and it would be the public that would overturn the action. Mr. Van Blaricum added that the only way to back up would be to repeal what the City had done. Mr. Howard questioned if could be repealed even if the Judge said it had to go to the people to decide. Mr. Van Blaricum answered that Ms. Detwiler’s petition specifically states that the action be repealed, but the Judge said that the people should get to vote. Mayor Taylor questioned if the Commission could be stopped from taking similar action if the vote was to repeal the action. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that according to the Statute, if the public votes on a referendum like this, the City was precluded to do anything along those lines for ten years unless there was another election. Mayor Taylor commented that the petition wanted the action repealed, but it was not disallowing us to take that action again in similar fashion. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that Mayor Taylor was raising legal questions. Mayor Taylor commented that they would have to raise another petition and the City had the legal right to extend the street. Mayor Taylor added that the Judge’s decision was that the petition was legal and it should go to a vote to repeal the action taken, but it does not go to the next step saying that we cannot do it again. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that the Statute says that you cannot do it again. Mr. Van Blaricum quoted the Statute that talked about the referendum to the petition ‘Any ordinance proposed by the petition and passed by the governing body or adopted by the vote of the electors shall not be repealed or amended except by the vote of the electors or by the governing body if the ordinance has been in effect for ten years from date of publication’. Commissioner Nystrom commented that there was no ordinance. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that there was now. Commissioner Nystrom commented that was a determination from Judge Schmisseur and this could go on forever. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that there was an ordinance on the table that the people were supposed to vote on. Commissioner Nystrom asked if there was a number for that. Mr. Van Blaricum answered that there would be once it was passed, but clarified that this was a proposed ordinance. Commissioner Nystrom commented that Judge Schmisseur did not tell us to sit back and micro manage this for three hours to come up with a happy medium.

Commissioner Peltier commented that the Commission had issues that needed to be sorted out. Commissioner Nystrom commented that he liked the idea of repealing it and although he respected Mr. Van Blaricum’s opinion, after working through it and going over it with the contractors, they could still choose to sue us and he was not comfortable with that. Mr. Van Blaricum agreed that that was a major issue. Commissioner Nystrom stated that this issue should be tabled so that it could be studied and then set a special election. Mr. Howard commented that it was in everybody’s best interest that this be done right and everybody was clear. Mr. Howard added that if there was an election and either party was not satisfied with the question and the results go against them, issues could come out of that. Mr. Howard suggested that it either be the question on the petition or one that everybody is in agreement to or otherwise it could be subject to challenge. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that the ramifications of what we do could be State wide and everyone would be affected. Mr. Howard stated that if that was the way the Commission felt, then they should appeal this decision, because that would be the only way to change that and he added that he was not recommending that they do that. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that this was based on a 1932 law when there were dirt streets and he felt that the legislature should be involved in something of this magnitude.

Mayor Taylor stated that as a duly elected representative, it was a sad day when you cannot do something that is in the best interest of the City and would help spread out the tax base. Mayor Taylor added that unless the citizens come to an understanding that it was sad that this type of thing could happen and vote to continue with Maple Street. Mayor Taylor commented that no matter what we have to do, it would be micro-managed and questioned why have a Commission when you could just have petition runners and voters that vote on the petition. Mr. Howard commented that the decision last evening was made that we would respect the Judge’s decision. Mayor Taylor agreed and stated that the City did not want to rush it.

Ms. Detwiler commented that she had not taken a stand for or against Maple Street and she wanted that made clear. Ms. Detwiler stated that she had taken a stand that the voters need the opportunity to vote and the Judge agreed with that because the Commission failed to follow the Statutes when they decided to do the project. Ms. Detwiler added that the 1932 Supreme Court decision had been applied to situations as recently as 2009 and the Judge had that information in his judgment. Ms. Detwiler commented that the Commission could go ahead and have their special election if that was what they desired, but if the people come forward and they do not want the street extended, not only were they going to be responsible to the contractors, but there was also additional money involved for the special election and educating the public. Mayor Taylor stated that that had already been talked about. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that the Judge’s ruling would not particularly be known State wide, but what was known as State wide was the 1932 Supreme Court decision. Commissioner Peltier commented that there had been nothing happen that would rescind the 1932 decision. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that that decision involved a City that widened a street by ordinance and then later decided to condemn property, by ordinance, so that the street could be widened. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that there was a petition to set aside the condemnation stating that the condemnation was legislative and the Supreme Court said that it was not, but it was administrative. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that there had been many cases over the years on legislative vs. administrative and that there was a 2009 case that summarizes all of those cases; which was the case that he had argued off of. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he believes that that was also the case that Mr. Stull had looked at, but the Judge did not agree. Commissioner Nystrom commented that he respected Judge Schmisseur, but he felt that he was in error on this.

Mr. Van Blaricum suggested that, since the Commission was in agreement with not having this question on the April 6th ballot but to have a special election, there be an agenda item at the next regular meeting to set a date for that special election. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that that also gave him time to research all of the ramifications. Mayor Taylor added that we would then know what the contractors were thinking and we could rescind if necessary. Commissioner Nystrom commented that he was all for getting it on this ballot, but not in this format. Commissioner Nystrom added that he did not want people coming back and saying that they had not understood the question. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that he wanted a straight ‘yes or no’. Mayor Taylor stated that he felt that that was what the majority of the audience wanted last evening and the Commission owes it to them and to those that were not at the meeting.

Mayor Taylor commented that there was also the compromise with the contractors so that we would not suffer thousands of dollars. Mr. Howard commented that there were provisions in the contracts to be able to suspend work for ninety days, but they would have to be compensated and he was not sure how that would work if the Commission would rescinded their decision. Mr. Howard stated that if the issue passes, there should be no problems, but if the issue fails, then we were going to have big issues with the contractors anyway.

Commissioner Nystrom questioned if we should recess this meeting until tomorrow and then cancel it if we do not need it. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that they could do that, but he felt that he and Mr. Steadman understood each other pretty well and he thought that what Mr. Steadman would say was no and that he would agree to the language discussed earlier, but that he was done. Mayor Taylor asked that Mr. Van Blaricum check to see if rebidding was necessary if we repealed the action. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he could answer that and it does not matter to the contractors if we repeal or adopt, but whether we are going to perform on the contract.

Mr. Van Blaricum commented that the Commission could recess and then cancel if they do not need to meet, but he would be out of town tomorrow. Commissioner Peltier questioned when they need to print the ballots. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that the Election Officer had to have time to get them printed so that she could provide absentee ballots. Commissioner Nystrom asked when registration closed. City Clerk Kramer stated that it closed on the 22nd of March at noon. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that if the Election Officer cannot make the absentee ballots available, that would be a problem. Mayor Taylor commented that if something pops up by tomorrow noon, they could do a special call meeting. Commissioner Nystrom added that if nothing comes up, then it would be on the next agenda. Mr. Howard commented that if a special call meeting was needed, it had to be called by the Mayor. Commissioner Graf asked when this meeting would be if it was needed. Mayor Taylor stated that it would be twenty-four hours after they determine there was enough information to have one. Commissioner Graf commented that he would be out of town on Thursday. Mr. Van Blaricum clarified that a special call meeting can be called by the Mayor and one Commissioner and the notice had to be in writing and can be submitted two hours before the time of the meeting. Mayor Taylor commented that he would not schedule a special call without working around everyone’s schedule.


A motion by Commissioner Peltier to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nystrom and carried unanimously.





3/15/2010 Reg. Commission Meeting Minutes-Approved


MARCH 15, 2010

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.

PRESENT: Jeff Taylor Mayor
Bill Hlavachick Commissioner
Eric Nystrom Commissioner
Willy Peltier Commissioner
Victor Graf Commissioner

ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Steve Holmes Chief of Police
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Kelly Hemphill Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director


Mayor Taylor called the regular meeting to order. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.

Mayor Taylor reminded the audience that the meeting may be taped and/or recorded.


A motion by Commissioner Nystrom to approve the minutes of the March 01, 2010 regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.


No one in the audience wished to address the Commission.


City Manager Dave Howard commented that this was the item that had been tabled at the last meeting so that it could be determined whether or not Mr. Lee Wilson lived within the three mile jurisdiction. Mr. Howard stated that they had confirmed that he did and he was recommended by the Planning Commission to finish the term vacated by Dr. Phil Farmer. A motion by Commissioner Nystrom to approve the appointment of Mr. Lee Wilson to finish the three year term vacated by Dr. Phil Farmer on the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.


City Manager Dave Howard reminded the Commission that the City is a member of the KMEA and we are allowed to have two directors and an alternate on their Board of Directors. Mr. Howard commented that Commissioner Hlavachick was Director #1, he was Director #2, and Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill was the alternate. Mr. Howard added that his term would be expiring as Director #2. Mr. Howard stated that he was also on their Executive Board, but this was the big voting board. A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to keep Mr. Howard on the Board of Directors for KMEA and that he does a good job. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.


City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum stated that this was a corner lot on the highway that involved approximately sixteen acres and the Airport was requesting that it be zoned C-S Highway Service District. Mayor Taylor questioned how it was currently zoned. Mr. Howard answered that it was not zoned as anything, but this would be the new location of BTI and was in the City limits. Mr. Howard commented that the property would be leased by BTI from the Airport.

The following Ordinance 1002 was then presented to the Commission for their approval: AN ORDINANCE ASSIGNING A ZONING CLASSIFICATION TO CERTAIN AIRPORT AUTHORITY PROPERTY, UNDER THE AUTHORITY GRANTED IN THE ZONING AND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF PRATT, KANSAS, AS INCORPORATED IN THE CODE OF THE CITY OF PRATT, KANSAS. A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to approve Ordinance 1002 assigning a zoning classification of C-S Highway Service District to certain Airport Authority Property. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.


Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall commented that no matter how you try to create the perfect plan, there are always better ideas. Mr. Pinkall stated that this was the beginning and with businesses’ input, we can make progress.

Mr. Pinkall stated that there were four basic ideas to assist businesses and Main Street people to help them promote and deal with the Main Street project and the problems it might create. Mr. Pinkall explained that Travel and Tourism currently has a program with KMMM, My 93.1, 102.9, Channel 12 and the Pratt Tribune promoting our community and they would take those programs and gear them up for downtown. Mr. Pinkall commented that the promotion would be a ’We are currently under construction, but we still have something for you’ type of promotion and would be funded through Travel and Tourism. Mr. Pinkall added that they would begin this fairly soon so that when the waterline project gets underway, we have already started the promotion of downtown and then carry it over to the Main Street construction. Mayor Taylor asked if the promotions would deal with parking and if the businesses would be able to get involved with any specials that they might have to attract people during the construction. Mr. Pinkall answered that that was something that could be discussed and no guidelines had been set on what they have to do. Mr. Pinkall added that they want to do anything they can to make the construction less stressful for businesses downtown.

Mr. Pinkall commented that Green Sports Complex’s schedule was full with the High School starting in April, tournaments running through the summer and activities running into October. Mr. Pinkall explained that Travel and Tourism had developed a banner program that would allow businesses to design an 8’ X 4’ banner that would be displayed along the fence line as you enter the Complex. Mr. Pinkall commented that the vinyl banners would cost approximately $150 and would be rotated so that the key spots would be shared. Mr. Pinkall added that this was one way to get them tied into the Complex during construction.

Mr. Pinkall explained to the Commission that there would also be a visitor’s information kiosk at Green Sports Complex. Mr. Pinkall commented that the kiosk was about 4 ½’ with a 19” touch screen and a map of the businesses would be designed that would allow you to locate places to eat, sleep, get your car fixed and many other things. Mr. Pinkall added that you could take this model and tie it into the City’s website along with the websites for the Chamber and Recreation and this would be where they could talk about specials. Mr. Pinkall commented that the kiosk would be locked and there would be no internet access. Mr. Pinkall stated that there was a kiosk at Pratt Community College if the Commission wanted to see what it looked like and that the picture provided to the Commission of the one at the College showed a vinyl sign and suggested ours could have the City of Pratt logo on it.

Mr. Pinkall commented that the Sports Complex was constructed using a ¼ cent sales tax and he hoped that the businesses that generated that revenue would feed information to the Complex by one liners that could be used during games and tournaments. Mr. Pinkall explained that the announcements promoting such things as the sidewalk sale downtown and specials are put on a list and rotated during games and in between games. Mayor Taylor questioned if we had already been doing this, but on a smaller scale. Mr. Pinkall stated that that was correct and it could be implemented during evening games when our citizens are at the Complex. Mayor Taylor commented that these things could be used even after the construction. Mr. Pinkall agreed and added that, if this was successful, it could be expanded to have a kiosk located at the Chamber along with other options.

Mr. Pinkall stated that these were just ideas and a way to begin. Mr. Pinkall commented that people would start talking and get more ideas and it was important to let the businesses know that we care about what happens to them as they have supported us in our projects. City Manager Howard added that in doing advertisements, we hope that we do not lose the people that currently come here. Mr. Howard commented that they were open to any other ideas that anyone has. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that he felt they were on the right track. Mr. Pinkall commented that with the banner program, they would be able to interact with the businesses.


City Attorney:

• Petition Discussion:

City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum commented that he wanted to review with the Commission the status of the two petitions that were filed by Ms. Karen Detwiler on February 10th. Mr. Van Blaricum reminded the Commission that the first petition was to block the extension of Maple Street and the second petition was to repeal the annexation of property out near the Southern Baptist Church. Mayor Taylor questioned whether the petition was to block Maple Street or to put it to a vote. Mr. Van Blaricum clarified that it was to vote on the question of Maple Street and the annexation petition was to give the public a chance to vote on whether or not to repeal the annexation of that property.

Mr. Van Blaricum commented that the City had been down this road before with the Maple Street petition and that Ms. Detwiler had filed the petition earlier with the County Election Officer Sherry Kruse and County Counselor Gordon Stull. Mr. Van Blaricum reminded the Commission that Mr. Stull had not approved of that petition and the City went to court to block it, which Judge Schmisseur did. Mr. Van Blaricum continued to explain that on February 10th Ms. Detwiler submitted the two new petitions that had not been approved by the County Counselor. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he took action on February 23rd to file suit to block both those petitions. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that, by Statute, the court had to set a hearing date and that date was March 10th in District Court.

Mr. Van Blaricum commented that the Friday before the hearing, Ms. Detwiler had hired council from Wichita to represent her at the hearing on March 10th. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that after discussion with council over the weekend, they agreed to drop the annexation petition and did so on March 10th. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that they proceeded to hear arguments on March 10th concerning the vote on the extension of Maple Street. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that after hearing those arguments, the court took them under advisement and he ruled late in the afternoon on Friday, March 12th. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that Judge Schmisseur did so by a written memorandum decision, which he thought many had already seen and if not, the Pratt Tribune article discussed the decision at length.

Mr. Van Blaricum commented that there were two arguments and the first argument was that the form of the petition was not satisfactory and had not complied with the Statute. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that previously the court had blocked the petition without explanation so we did not know what his rational had been. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that not knowing the courts rational, he had argued both the form of the petition and that this decision was either legislative or administrative, which he believed it to be administrative detail. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that in the memorandum decision, the court decided that the drafter of the petition did not get an A+ for drafting, but the form of the petition was in substantial compliance with the Statute, so the court approved the form of the petition; which was an important finding.

Mr. Van Blaricum explained that the other point was that our question of extending Maple Street was an administrative matter that the Commission could deal with and not a legislative matter. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that council had argued that it was legislative and had come up with a Kansas Supreme Court decision from 1932 that found that the widening of a street in another City in Kansas was legislative in nature. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that Judge Schmisseur hung his hat on that and that it was subject to referendum. Mr. Van Blaricum quoted the memorandum stating ‘Given the implementation of the Maple Street extension was without formal ordinance or resolution, the court would find that the Detwiler petition substantially complies with Kansas Statute 25-3601(c)’. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that he does not agree with that, but he had learned over the years that the Judge is the Judge and he was not.

Mr. Van Blaricum explained that the City did have the option to appeal the court’s ruling and we could prevail, but he estimated that it would take approximately one year. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that council for Ms. Detwiler informed him that if the City would appeal, Ms. Detwiler would instruct him to go ahead and ask for an injunctive relief to stop the City from proceeding with construction. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that he felt that the Judge that told us that we had to have an election would grant an injunctive relief, which would put the construction on hold for that year.

Mr. Van Blaricum commented that another option would be to put it on the ballot as the Judge instructed and there was an election on April 6th. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that he had visited with the County Election Officer Sherry Kruse and there was just barely time to get it put on that ballot for April 6th. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that if the City would prevail on April 6th, then the construction could proceed immediately, but if the City lost, the construction would be stopped and we would have to settle up with our contractor’s obligations and Maple Street would not be extended.

Mr. Van Blaricum commented that he had been working with Mr. Kyle Steadman, attorney for Ms. Detwiler, and, if the Commission would agree to put this on the April 6th ballot, they had worked out some agreed language that would go on the ballot that was better language than what was on the petition. Commissioner Peltier asked if ‘yes’ would mean ‘yes’ and ‘no’ would mean ‘no’. Mr. Van Blaricum answered that it would and council for both parties were trying to clarify it so that everyone would understand it. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that the proposed language was ‘Shall the following Ordinance become effective: The City Commission of Pratt, Kansas, hereby repeals its vote to do the Maple Street Extension Project?’ Mr. Van Blaricum explained that if the voters say yes, then the action to extend Maple Street would be repealed. Commissioner Peltier questioned then that ‘yes’ still means ‘no’. Mr. Van Blaricum clarified that the question was should the action of the City Commission be repealed and a ‘yes’ vote means that it should be repealed. Mayor Taylor commented that it was very confusing. Commissioner Peltier commented that ‘yes’ means no Maple Street and ‘no’ means there is Maple Street. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that was right. Commissioner Peltier stated that he would like it so that ‘yes’ is ‘yes’ and ‘no’ is ‘no’. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that it was pretty late to be changing the language, but he could work on that. Commissioner Peltier commented that this was for the voter’s sake.

City Manager Howard asked if the City Commission had to approve the question before it goes on the ballot. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that it could just go on the ballot, but what the Commissioner’s needed to do was decide if they want to appeal or put it on the ballot for April 6th or a later date. Mr. Howard clarified that what he was asking was if the Commission had to approve the question for the April 6th ballot, would they have to do that tonight. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that was correct, but he did not want to proceed with this question if the Commissioners were not happy. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that it was important that Ms. Detwiler’s council and he arrive at something that they can agree on. Mayor Taylor commented that the simplest thing to him would be to ask ‘Should the City of Pratt extend Maple Street’, at which the audience applauded. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that that was not what the petition said and they were trying to frame it so that it was in the spirit of the petition. Mayor Taylor commented that it would make sense that a ‘yes’ vote means the street gets built and a ‘no’ means that it does not. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that he wished the petition had been framed that way, but it was not. Commissioner Nystrom questioned if, even with their permission, we cannot use a simpler format. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that we can put almost anything on the ballot that we agree on.

Mayor Taylor asked Ms. Detwiler if she had any problem with the ballot saying should the City continue with Maple Street or not. Ms. Detwiler stated that she felt the attorney’s should work that point out. Mayor Taylor commented that we were trying to direct our attorney to say that a ‘yes’ vote is a yes to the street and a ‘no’ vote is a no for the street and asked if she would tell her attorney to do the same thing since he was working for her. Ms. Detwiler agreed that he does work for her, but he had directed her to direct all questions through him. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that he had worked with Mr. Steadman for about three hours today to come up with this language. Commissioner Nystrom asked that Mr. Van Blaricum read the question again and he did. Mayor Taylor commented that attorneys would be able to figure that out and Commissioner Nystrom commented that it was still confusing. City Manager Howard commented that there was no mention of Maple Street. Mr. Van Blaricum clarified that it talks about the Maple Street extension, but he could go back to work on it.

Mayor Taylor questioned how much time was left to get it on the ballot. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that the ballots probably should have been printed a week to ten days ago and that he did not know how much longer they could wait. Mayor Taylor questioned if this meeting could be recessed to discuss this more tomorrow. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that they could do that. Mayor Taylor commented that they could then approve the wording. Commissioner Peltier questioned that everyone agreed that this does need to go on the ballot, but the language just needs to be straightened up and the Commission agreed. Commissioner Nystrom commented that he respected Judge Schmisseur’s wishes. Commissioner Peltier asked if Commissioner Graf was in agreement that ‘yes’ should mean ‘yes’ and ‘no’ should mean ‘no’. Commissioner Graf agreed.

Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he would pursue that with council, but wanted to know what the Commission wanted to do if he said no. Mr. Van Blaricum pointed out that if council said no, then we would end up with the original statement and that was even more confusing. Commissioner Peltier questioned how Mr. Van Blaricum would feel if the Commission told him to go with what he could get. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that that would make him nervous. Mayor Taylor stated that the Commission would recess after this meeting until noon tomorrow and the Commission and Mr. Van Blaricum agreed.

Public Works:

• New truck:

Public Works Director Russell Rambat reported that the sanitation department had received their new truck today and it would be in service once the tag and insurance were in place. Mr. Rambat reminded the Commission that the old truck would be sold by sealed bid and hopefully would be used by a surrounding community.

Electric Department:

• Last cylinder head:

Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill informed the Commission that production took receipt of the last cylinder head for the diesel engine. Mr. Hemphill added that this had all been turned into the insurance company and the engine should be ready by the end of the month.

Police Department:

• 2009 Activities:

Police Chief Steve Holmes stated that there was a report in the packets with the yearly activities for his departments and informed the Commission that the Pratt Tribune had also gotten this information. Commissioner Peltier questioned the number of 911 calls. Chief Holmes clarified that they dispatch for the whole County. Mayor Taylor commented that he liked the way it was broken down. Chief Holmes stated that that was their new software that allowed them to do that.


• Letter from Red Cross:

Mayor Taylor mentioned the letter he had received from Ms. Pfeifer at the Red Cross and the Commissioners commented that they had received one also.

• Employee Certificates:

Mayor Taylor recognized Mike Adams, Louis Bales and Eddie Gould for successfully completing six hours of training with the KU Transportation Center. Public Works Director Rambat added that the KU Transportation Center provides training for road maintenance, snow removal and job safety and when the classes are close enough, we send employees so that we can keep up to date. Mr. Rambat commented that we are also involved with safety training with KMU. City Manager Howard stated that safety training also helps with our insurance rates. Mayor Taylor commented that he appreciates the employees who receive additional training.


A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to recess until Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at noon. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nystrom and carried unanimously.





Thursday, April 1, 2010

04/05/10-City Commission Agenda


APRIL 05, 2010



1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)


3. MINUTES – March 15, 2010 Regular Commission meeting
March 16, 2010 Recessed Commission meeting



5.1 Consideration and Approval of Bid for Water Meter Purchase for 2010 – Kelvin Clay, Water Superintendent

5.2 Consideration and Approval of Appointments to a Building Board – Brad Blankenship, Building Inspector, Mayor and Commission

5.3 Consideration and Approval of Appointment to the Pratt Airport Authority – Mayor and Commission

5.4 Discussion on Maple Street Election and Date of Election – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney


6.1 City Manager
6.2 City Attorney
6.3 Department Heads
6.4 Mayor
6.5 City Commission