FEBRUARY 07, 2011
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located at City Hall.
PRESENT: Bill Hlavachick Mayor
Jeff Taylor Commissioner
Willy Peltier Commissioner
Victor Graf Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Gary Myers Asst. Police Chief
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Kelly Hemphill Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director
Mayor Hlavachick called the regular meeting to order. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.
Mayor Hlavachick reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.
A motion by Commissioner Skaggs to approve the minutes from the January 21, 2011 regular Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
No one wished to address the Commission.
EBH Engineer Alan Luttrell explained to the Commission that the purpose of this change order on the Main Street Waterline Project was to allow the contractor to come in before the street project and finish the waterline. Mr. Luttrell commented that KDOT had pushed back the letting for the street portion from February to April, but he did not know why.
Mr. Luttrell stated that this would allow the waterline project to be done ahead of time and they would be done and out of there before the street project starts the first part of June. Mr. Luttrell commented that there should not be the closing down of parking as much with this portion of the project and they should start as soon as the weather turns nice and be done by June. Mr. Luttrell added that this would also prevent the waterline project from carrying over into the Christmas season.
City Manager Dave Howard commented that the water portion of this project was a loan from the Bureau of Water Resources and we were approved for twice what the project turned out to be. Mr. Luttrell added that he felt good about the prices on the change order. Mr. Luttrell added that the contractor would be using a lot lighter concrete and would be sitting almost back on the sidewalk with a small boring machine to bore under the street to the other side. Mr. Luttrell stated that they may be using some of the existing service line on the other side to pull it back through, but they would not have to tear up the street or stop traffic. Mr. Luttrell commented that they would be taking out the old meter boxes and replacing them with new meters and the waterline through the business side of the meter would also be new.
Commissioner Graf questioned if the street project would take four months. Mr. Luttrell stated that was correct. Commissioner Peltier commented that the street should get done faster with this out of the way. Mr. Luttrell commented that they should easily be done by the first part of October. Commissioner Skaggs asked how thick the new concrete would be. Mr. Luttrell stated that it would be ten inches along with ten to twelve inches of stabilizing base.
A motion by Commissioner Taylor to approve the change order #2 in the amount of $38,592.00 for the Main Street Waterline Project. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier. Mr. Luttrell explained to the Commissioner that this amount may go up or down a little bit since they had to estimate the amount of paving that would have to be removed. Commissioner Taylor amended his motion to include a possible increase or decrease in the amount of $38,592.00. Commissioner Peltier seconded the amendment and it carried unanimously.
Ms. Ludy Egging addressed the Commission concerning the Leadership 2010 class hosting the Pratt Fest event again this year over the Labor Day weekend. Ms. Egging stated that the event went over well and was a good community event and they would like to be able to do it again. Ms. Egging wanted the Commission to consider closing Lemon’s Park on September 3rd for Pratt Fest. Mayor Hlavachick commented that he had attended last year and had had fun.
Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall commented that this group had a meeting Wednesday that he would attend and he would also be working with Public Works Director Russell Rambat, Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill and the sanitation department on things that the City would be doing to help the event go smoothly. Mr. Pinkall added that he would also help coordinate it with PCC softball. Commissioner Peltier questioned when the park would be closed. Ms. Egging commented that she thought they had closed it last year on Friday evening and Saturday until around 6:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m.
Ms. Egging stated that they hoped to get more collaboration from clubs and organizations and get more man power as they were spread pretty thin last year. Commissioner Taylor questioned if the class hoped to hand it off to someone else someday. Ms. Egging stated that this was not so much a class project this year, but just a way to get people together. Commissioner Taylor suggested that they have the vendors closer together as they were fairly spread out last year. Ms. Egging commented that they had done that so that people would walk over that way.
A motion by Commissioner Peltier to allow the closing of Lemon’s Park on September 3rd to accommodate the Leadership Class 2010. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
In the absence of Pratt City Fire Captain Todd Hoffman, City Manager Dave Howard explained to the Commission that due to other events in Lemon’s Park on May 27th and 28th, the Fire Department had asked that their location for the car show be changed from Lemon’s Park to the south side of Sixth Street Park. A motion by Commissioner Peltier to approve the move. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.
City Manager Dave Howard informed the Commission that there had been contamination in one of the wells at the airport for many years but, after a meeting with the Corp of Engineers, they had agreed to pay to have the waterline ran to the airport. Mr. Howard commented that he had anticipated the nitrates would be an issue in the future and that the solution would be to get the City’s waterline extended. Mr. Howard explained that it would be built to our specifications and we may have to be responsible for the line under Highway 281. Mr. Howard stated that he would expect that to cost the City approximately $65,000, but the Corp of Engineers would pay for the rest of it. Commissioner Peltier asked if that would be an expensive project. Mr. Howard commented that it could cost in the $1 million range if the City were to bid it out.
Mr. Howard commented that the Corp of Engineer representative made it clear that all the equipment would be dedicated to the City when the project was complete. Commissioner Taylor questioned what the life of a waterline was. Water Superintendent Kelvin Clay commented that they could last up to eighty years. Mr. Howard stated that half of the City’s cost would be to bore under the highway and do the casing to run the waterline through. Commissioner Taylor questioned the pump that would not be replaced. Mr. Howard explained that the booster pump would be engineered later, but we show it now further down south. Mr. Howard stated that that would be paid for and the City’s expense would be to get electricity to the pump.
Commissioner Taylor questioned if the residents out there would be on City water. Mr. Howard commented that the Corp of Engineers was going to pay to have two of them hooked up and others could make arrangements while the line was being installed. Commissioner Peltier questioned when this would be done. Mr. Howard stated that their timeline was to be done in six months.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned where the tie-in was going to be on the power point map and asked why we could not cut across to keep down costs. Mr. Howard pointed out where the pipe would dead-end and explained that, to keep chlorine residual in the section of the line necessary, this was the way it needed to go to replenish the water. Commissioner Skaggs asked if we would be using the water tower after this was done. Mr. Howard stated that we would which was why we were asking for the chlorination station. Mr. Howard added that the Airport was using about two million gallon a year and that was not much flow. Commissioner Skaggs asked how much of the expense would be on someone who wanted to tap onto this line if they were to build out there. Mr. Howard explained that it would be no different than the fees in the City.
Mr. Howard stated that this would take care of the contamination problem, which was a big issue, and we had been getting by. Mr. Howard commented that the funds were in the budget for the well replacement and the work of boring under the highway would be done by the water department. Commissioner Taylor questioned where Iuka got their water. Mr. Howard stated that they have their own well. Commissioner Taylor commented that we could look at Iuka with a 12” main. Mr. Howard stated that we could and they had years ago. Commissioner Taylor commented that not that we would want to propose that, but it would be an advantage to the community and the County. Mr. Howard added that it would be an advantage to the County if something were to happen.
Mr. Howard commented that the Corp of Engineers was working on a contract between the City and themselves and he would bring that before the Commission when he got it. A motion by Commissioner Taylor to move forward with the waterline extension to the airport. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.
City Manager:
• Business meeting:
City Manager Howard commented that they had had the business meeting despite the bad weather, but had discouraged people in coming. Mr. Howard stated that the biggest item was what had been approved earlier in this meeting. Mr. Howard added that there would be another meeting the end of February and they would look at getting formal approval to use alternative parking areas.
• Digester problem at WWTP:
Mr. Howard informed the Commission that the top got pushed up on one of the digesters at the wastewater treatment plant last week and Public Works Director Russell Rambat and the staff at the plant did a superb job of getting the cover back on. Mr. Howard commented that Mr. Rambat had informed the State of the situation.
Public Works:
• Staying caught up:
Public Works Director Russell Rambat commented that everyone was staying caught up and they were ready for the next storm that was to be coming in.
Building Inspections:
• Update on construction:
Building Inspector Brad Blankenship commented that BTI should be done by the end of the month, Southwest School’s addition was going good and the Blythe Foundation was about to put their building up.
Electric Departments:
• Storm report:
Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill commented that there were no problems with distribution and outages during the high winds and blowing snow. Mr. Hemphill stated that the tree trimming program had stopped a lot of those types of problems and the program would continue to keep it that way.
• Sunflower shut down:
Mr. Hemphill commented that Sunflower Power Plant in Holcomb had had to shut down due to a failed fan earlier and had asked that the City run their system to generate our own power, which ended up lasting for twenty-three hours. Mr. Hemphill stated that this had saved us some outages and Sunflower had also asked that the REC’s conserve their usage. Commissioner Taylor questioned how many megs were needed to keep running. Mr. Hemphill stated that it was around twelve in the day and ten at night. City Manager Howard added that we were actually pushing electricity into the grid at times. Mr. Hemphill commented that that had actually paid for the complete run.
• Flyers:
Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall commented that he had been out for three hours passing out flyers concerning the potential street project on South Main Street and that the Chamber of Commerce had asked merchants from Hutchinson to come and visit with businesses since they had been through this type of project. Mr. Pinkall stated that the meeting would be tomorrow at the new fire station at 6:00 p.m. Mr. Pinkall stated that the business owners were positive about the waterline project being stepped up.
Power Plant:
• Pipe being replaced:
Power Plant Superintendent Ernie Smith informed the Commission that Mid-States Erectors were still at the plant replacing piping. Mr. Smith added that there had been some expense incurred due to valves needing to be replaced, but it had not been major.
Police Department:
• 2010 Activity Summary:
Assistant Police Chief Gary Myers commented that he had completed the 2010 activity summary and that the last time he had reported on the activity, he had not had the December figures. Asst. Chief Myers shared the following statistics for 2010:
• Police Department received 12,013 calls for service, down 3% from 12,391 in 2009
• Police officers responded to 7,688 service calls, up 1% from 7,647 in 2009—calls include civil standbys, traffic stops where warnings are issued, animal complaints and criminal complaints.
• Officers took 1,519 criminal complaints resulting in reports, down 8% from 1,637 in 2009. Reports resulted in the creation of 13,945 documents, down 11% from 15,656 in 2009.
• Officers filed 782 criminal cases through Municipal Court, up 11% from 702 in 2009. Fines and costs as a result were $127,045, up 8% from $117,338 in 2009.
• Officers filed 140 cases in Pratt County District Court, up from 101 in 2009. 97 were felonies and 43 were misdemeanors.
• Officers filed 48 juvenile criminal cases-12 were felonies and 36 were misdemeanors.
• Total criminal cases were 970, up 11% from 872 in 2009.
• Response times from when officers were dispatched to when they arrived at the scene was approximately 2.54 minutes, down from 2.67 in 2009.
• Communications received 1,721 911 calls, down 7% from 2009.
Asst. Chief Myers commented that the trend was that there was less criminal activity, but it was hard to pinpoint why. Commissioner Peltier questioned the drug scene in Pratt. Asst. Chief Myers stated that we were not immune and it had been pretty active years ago. Asst. Chief Myers added that most people were buying methamphetamines now instead of manufacturing it. Asst. Chief Myers stated that this was a nationwide problem and that there was activity of moving large amounts and an influx of illegal immigrants setting up on our boundaries.
Asst. Chief Myers commented that we were fortunate that we do not have gang activity, but we are small and out on the streets 24/7, so it is not easy to come into Pratt. Asst. Chief Myers stated that he was proud of the department.
• Auditors:
Finance Director Diana Garten commented that the auditors had been here on Friday for their preliminary work and would be back the end of April for their field work.
City Clerk/Utilities:
• New handheld units:
City Clerk LuAnn Kramer informed the Commission that the utility department would begin their training on the new handheld units on the 14th.
• Airplane:
Commissioner Taylor questioned Asst. Police Chief Myers about what happened to the plane seized in a drug deal. Asst. Chief Myers stated that they were in the process of filing a forfeiture for that. Commissioner Peltier asked if it was a nice plane. Asst. Chief Myers commented that it was worth about $30,000 and was a 1978 twin engine that was not fuel efficient.
• KMEA Fiscal Fitness Program:
Commissioner Skaggs mentioned the article on KMEA’s Fiscal Fitness Program and questioned if we participate in that. Finance Director Garten commented that we do most of it. Commissioner Skaggs also mentioned the article that mentioned Energy Agent Kenny Kreutzer and Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill.
• Light out at Lemon’s Park:
Commissioner Graf asked that the light at the south end of Lemon’s Park near the cross walk be checked as it had been out for a long time and never been replaced. Director of Electric Utilities Hemphill stated that he would check on that and be sure that the crew knows which light to repair.
A motion by Commissioner Taylor to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
02/21/2011 City Commission Meeting Agenda
FEBRUARY 21, 2011
1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
3. MINUTES – February 07, 2011 Regular City Commission meeting
5.1 Introduction of New Owners of the Ethanol Plant – Mickey Ebencamp, Schoular Co. Representative
6.1 City Manager
6.2 City Attorney
6.3 Department Heads
6.4 Mayor
6.5 City Commission
FEBRUARY 21, 2011
1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
3. MINUTES – February 07, 2011 Regular City Commission meeting
5.1 Introduction of New Owners of the Ethanol Plant – Mickey Ebencamp, Schoular Co. Representative
6.1 City Manager
6.2 City Attorney
6.3 Department Heads
6.4 Mayor
6.5 City Commission
Monday, February 7, 2011
01/17/2011 Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes
JANUARY 17, 2011
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located at City Hall.
PRESENT: Bill Hlavachick Mayor
Jeff Taylor Commissioner
Willy Peltier Commissioner
Victor Graf Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Gary Myers Asst. Police Chief
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director
Mayor Hlavachick called the regular meeting to order. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.
Mayor Hlavachick reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.
A motion by Commissioner Skaggs to approve the minutes from the January 03, 2011 regular Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
• Tax structure in Pratt County:
Mr. Eric Nystrom, former City Commissioner, commented that he had been researching the tax structure in Pratt County and had come up with some interesting information. Mr. Nystrom discussed the four taxing entities and what they had done over the last ten years. Mr. Nystrom explained that the City came in at 45% on his report, which was the best of the entities involved, but also excluded USD 382’s thirteen or fourteen mills that had been voter approved. Mr. Nystrom commented that the City had held their mill levy for the last decade, but valuations had gone up. Mr. Nystrom did point out that in 2008 the City was flat with total tax collected versus the mill levy.
Mr. Nystrom stated that, with the census out, the seven County trade-area demographics showed disturbing news that there had been a 4,000 drop in the customer base in the last nine years. Mr. Nystrom added that that was an 11% drop in the trade sector and the disturbing news was that the downward spiral goes back to the 1900’s. Commissioner Peltier asked what the loss in population was in the State. Mr. Nystrom answered that the State was up 4.8%.
Mr. Nystrom stated that it was thought that well over 50% of the population of Pratt was over sixty years old, but 65 years old or older was only 18.4% of the population. Mr. Nystrom added that the truth was that Pratt was not catering to the seniors.
Mr. Nystrom stated that the tornado accounted for the loss in Kiowa County with about 150 of those residents relocating to Pratt. Mr. Nystrom commented that Pratt was doing better than most counties and that showed Pratt as the only one truly interested in economic development. Mr. Nystrom suggested that Pratt has to promote economic development in the next couple of years to stop the downward trend and, in his opinion, would be in the way of $1 million invested per year.
Mr. Nystrom stated that this was just information for the Commission to look at, but he added that we could not continue doing business the way we were doing it and where our taxes are going now was not working either. The Commission thanked Mr. Nystrom for the information.
In the absence of Ms. Alichia VanSlyke, Auxiliary Vice-President, Pratt City Fire Captain Todd Hoffman informed the Commission that the Auxiliary would be using the Municipal Building for their craft fair on April 9th and they were requesting that the Commission consider waiving the rental fee so that all the proceeds could be used for firemen in need or scholarships to further their fire education. Commissioner Taylor questioned if the craft fair had been successful last year. Captain Hoffman and City Clerk LuAnn Kramer stated that it had been. A motion by Commissioner Taylor to waive the rental fee for the Pratt Fire Fighters Auxiliary craft fair to be held at the Municipal Building on April 9th. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.
Captain Todd Hoffman, Pratt City Fire Department, explained to the Commission that there used to be a car show put on by the High School, but it had faltered the last two years. Captain Hoffman stated that the fire department had been kicking around the notion to bring it back and hoped that it would bring in some tourism dollars.
Captain Hoffman commented that they had a tentative date of May 27th and 28th with the 27th being a cruise night and the morning and afternoon of the 28th being the car show. Captain Hoffman added that they would like to make this an annual event.
City Manager Dave Howard questioned if they would need anything special at Lemon’s Park that the City would have to have done. Captain Hoffman answered that they would probably just need power to the picnic area. Mr. Howard commented that once the details were more defined, they could come back to the Commission. Captain Hoffman commented that this would be open to the public at no charge.
Commissioner Peltier questioned if they needed an approval. City Attorney Ken Ban Blaricum stated that an approval by motion would be appropriate. Commissioner Peltier made a motion to allow the City Fire Department to use Lemon’s Park for the car show. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Taylor questioned if the park would be closed. Mr. Howard stated that it would not be. Captain Hoffman added that they would be utilizing the parking on the south end. Mayor Hlavachick questioned if they would have hot dog vendors or funnel cakes. Captain Hoffman stated that the Auxiliary would be taking care of that, but they would also have things for the kids if they are not into the cars. Commissioner Peltier questioned how big this could be. Captain Hoffman stated that they hoped that it would be really big and that there had been one that had 200 to 300 cars and had gotten bigger than the park. Commissioner Skaggs commented that it should bring in good tourism money.
Assistant Police Chief Gary Myers explained to the Commission that Starvin’ Marvin’s BBQ at 112 North Main had applied for a 2011 Cereal Malt Beverage license and that it would be for ‘on the premise’ sales only. Asst. Chief Myers stated that Mr. Marvin Blake was in the audience and did meet all the requirements of the City code and had also passed the investigation with no problems. Asst. Myers recommended that the Commission grant the license. A motion by Commissioner Taylor to approve the 2011 CMB license for Starvin’ Marvin. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.
Mayor Hlavachick commented that Ms. Tiffany Brown had not arrived yet, so he would table this agenda item until later in the meeting.
Ms. Kathy Stewart addressed the Commission concerning expanding their program through colorful plants in the downtown planters. Ms. Stewart stated that the Master Gardner’s wanted to know if the planters were going to be disturbed when the Main Street project got started. City Manager Dave Howard commented that some of them were taken care of by the businesses, but some were taken care of by City staff. Mr. Howard added that the planters should not be disturbed during this project. Mr. Howard stated that there was a grant for downtown beautification, but we had not submitted anything yet. Mr. Howard added that it would be 2013 before we do and they may come out then. Ms. Stewart commented that she hoped that this was something they could promote.
Commissioner Skaggs commented that the construction would prevent parking in front of the businesses so that would cause less exposure. Ms. Stewart stated that they anticipated that foot traffic would increase. Ms. Stewart commented that the project would be done in different stages with just the basics done this year. Commissioner Skaggs stated that he would encourage them to do it since some businesses like to take care of them and others do not.
Commissioner Skaggs commented that, with the Main Street waterline project, the overflowing of water or the lack of water to the planters should not be a problem. Commissioner Taylor added that some of the valves cannot be shut off. Commissioner Taylor commented that there was a lady that took care of the boxes and she was an employee of the City. Public Works Director Russell Rambat added that she was part time in the parks department. Mr. Rambat added that a few boxes have scheduled pvc pipe and the roots had choked it off from the water system. Mayor Hlavachick questioned if we were planning on replacing those. Mr. Howard commented that we were not right now and it would depend on the grant funding. Mr. Howard added that they would have to study the project, but it was in the early stages. Ms. Stewart commented that they were also in the early stages.
Commissioner Peltier questioned what it cost to bring in plants and who pays for that. Mr. Howard stated that some business owners do their own and the others were done by the City. Mr. Rambat added that we try to put something in every box. Mayor Hlavachick stated that most years there was a good bunch of flowers. Mayor Hlavachick thanked Ms. Stewart for bringing their suggestion to the Commission and they would get back to them.
Mayor Hlavachick revisited the tabled agenda item concerning general public transportation. Mayor Hlavachick commented that Ms. Tiffany Brown did not have to attend the meeting for her request for the Commission’s support of the general public transportation program in Pratt. Mayor Hlavachick stated that he would write a letter of support for the program so that Ms. Brown could put it with the grant application. The Commission agreed that that would be fine.
Public Works Director Russell Rambat explained to the Commission that the position on the Cemetery Board held by Mr. Denis Rasmussen was to expire soon and he was interested in serving another term. Mr. Rambat added that Mr. Rasmussen was a very active member. A motion by Commissioner Peltier to appoint Mr. Denis Rasmussen to continue on the Cemetery Board for an additional three year term. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.
Public Works Director Russell Rambat commented that the current mapping system was utilized daily and the current aerial photograph had been purchased back in 2004. Mr. Rambat added that it was an invaluable tool and helped to plan City projects.
Mr. Rambat explained that the County had gone out for bids to have all of Pratt County flown this spring, which included twenty townships. Mr. Rambat commented that we would have to purchase nine squares to include the three mile electric radius and airport area. Mr. Rambat stated that the cost of the total project was $57,834.00 and that was $2,891.70 per township. Mr. Rambat added that the cost to the City for nine squares would be $28,917.00, which was in the 2011 budget. Mr. Rambat commented that the money would come from forfeiture money from the police department and other departments would also kick in some.
Commissioner Taylor questioned why the County did not do this for free. Mr. Rambat commented that other Cities do not have use for this material. Commissioner Taylor commented that he had no objections and that we do have use for it, but we already pay a very big portion as residents of the County. Mr. Rambat commented that he felt this was a fair price for the aerial photography and with our large electric service area, nine sections was what we needed. Mr. Rambat added that when they had looked into the purchase of the aerial photograph, he had said that we would split the cost with the County, but he could explore it more. Commissioner Peltier agreed that this was something that we needed, but he did not want to pay twice.
City Manager Howard commented that this may be something that should be discussed in a joint meeting with the County. Commissioner Taylor questioned if there was a deadline. Mr. Rambat stated that he did not think so. Mr. Howard commented that, in all fairness, we were going to use this almost daily.
Commissioner Graf stated that Mr. Rambat had convinced him, so he made a motion to pay the $28,917.00 and if someone else steps in, we pay less. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs.
Mayor Hlavachick commented that this was a budgeted item, but he would like to discuss it at some point with the County. Mayor Hlavachick added that they were going to do this and he agreed with Commissioner Taylor that we were the largest part of the County so they should think about giving it to us. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if they had to do this. Mr. Howard commented that he did not think they were required to do it, but more that agencies had it in their budgets to have it replaced. Commissioner Peltier commented that it also helped in the appraisal process. Mr. Rambat commented that they have parcels and that was what they use for taxing purposes. Mr. Rambat added that they identify and name all the properties in the County along with rights-of way. Mr. Howard commented that they may use the picture of the City for their purposes, but we use it for what we do and not for County purposes. Commissioner Taylor commented that if we discuss this with the County and they see it in a different way, the motion was made as a ‘not to exceed’ amount and we could handle it. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
City Manager:
• KDOT and EBH meeting:
City Manager Howard commented that he had attended a meeting with Mr. Rambat, EBH Engineering and three representatives from KDOT to discuss the preliminary plans on the Main Street project. Mr. Howard added that that information would be discussed with the business owners this Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.
• Executive Session requests:
Mr. Howard stated that he would need one executive session at the end of the meeting for non-elective personnel to last ten minutes and another executive session to discuss attorney/client privilege to last ten minutes and both would have no action taken.
Public Works:
• Snow removal:
Public Works Director Russell Rambat commented that it was nice having the plow for his truck last week to use in removing snow and that it helped to clear the parking lot at the Community Center and some areas downtown.
• Construction update:
Building Inspector Brad Blankenship informed the Commission that the Holiday Inn Express had opened up and the BTI building was moving along. Mr. Blankenship added that the few construction jobs he was working with were going well. Mayor Hlavachick questioned how Maple Street was going. Mr. Howard commented they were making progress.
Electric Department:
• Steam unit inoperable:
Power Plant Superintendent Ernie Smith commented that the steam unit would be inoperable due to preventive maintenance in which they would be replacing forty year old piping.
Finance Department:
• City Hall Day:
Finance Director Diana Garten commented that City Hall Day was February 2nd in Topeka and the Commission could let her know if they wanted to go. Ms. Garten added that this was informative and you can meet with legislatures in the morning and attend the legislative sessions in the afternoon.
• Lemon’s Park:
Commissioner Graf asked that Mr. Howard go down to the Lemon’s Park girl’s softball diamond where a gate had a stake sticking up. Commissioner Graf commented that he was concerned about some kid trying to crawl over that and slip. Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall commented that he would check that out and he had thought that Mr. Ron Hill was going to cover those with baseballs.
Executive Sessions:
Mayor Hlavachick made a motion to go into an executive session for non-elective personnel to last ten minutes and also to go into another executive session for attorney client/privilege to last ten minutes with no action expected for either session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
Mayor Hlavachick made a motion to return from two executive sessions with nothing to report. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
A motion by Commissioner Peltier to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
JANUARY 17, 2011
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located at City Hall.
PRESENT: Bill Hlavachick Mayor
Jeff Taylor Commissioner
Willy Peltier Commissioner
Victor Graf Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Gary Myers Asst. Police Chief
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director
Mayor Hlavachick called the regular meeting to order. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.
Mayor Hlavachick reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.
A motion by Commissioner Skaggs to approve the minutes from the January 03, 2011 regular Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
• Tax structure in Pratt County:
Mr. Eric Nystrom, former City Commissioner, commented that he had been researching the tax structure in Pratt County and had come up with some interesting information. Mr. Nystrom discussed the four taxing entities and what they had done over the last ten years. Mr. Nystrom explained that the City came in at 45% on his report, which was the best of the entities involved, but also excluded USD 382’s thirteen or fourteen mills that had been voter approved. Mr. Nystrom commented that the City had held their mill levy for the last decade, but valuations had gone up. Mr. Nystrom did point out that in 2008 the City was flat with total tax collected versus the mill levy.
Mr. Nystrom stated that, with the census out, the seven County trade-area demographics showed disturbing news that there had been a 4,000 drop in the customer base in the last nine years. Mr. Nystrom added that that was an 11% drop in the trade sector and the disturbing news was that the downward spiral goes back to the 1900’s. Commissioner Peltier asked what the loss in population was in the State. Mr. Nystrom answered that the State was up 4.8%.
Mr. Nystrom stated that it was thought that well over 50% of the population of Pratt was over sixty years old, but 65 years old or older was only 18.4% of the population. Mr. Nystrom added that the truth was that Pratt was not catering to the seniors.
Mr. Nystrom stated that the tornado accounted for the loss in Kiowa County with about 150 of those residents relocating to Pratt. Mr. Nystrom commented that Pratt was doing better than most counties and that showed Pratt as the only one truly interested in economic development. Mr. Nystrom suggested that Pratt has to promote economic development in the next couple of years to stop the downward trend and, in his opinion, would be in the way of $1 million invested per year.
Mr. Nystrom stated that this was just information for the Commission to look at, but he added that we could not continue doing business the way we were doing it and where our taxes are going now was not working either. The Commission thanked Mr. Nystrom for the information.
In the absence of Ms. Alichia VanSlyke, Auxiliary Vice-President, Pratt City Fire Captain Todd Hoffman informed the Commission that the Auxiliary would be using the Municipal Building for their craft fair on April 9th and they were requesting that the Commission consider waiving the rental fee so that all the proceeds could be used for firemen in need or scholarships to further their fire education. Commissioner Taylor questioned if the craft fair had been successful last year. Captain Hoffman and City Clerk LuAnn Kramer stated that it had been. A motion by Commissioner Taylor to waive the rental fee for the Pratt Fire Fighters Auxiliary craft fair to be held at the Municipal Building on April 9th. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.
Captain Todd Hoffman, Pratt City Fire Department, explained to the Commission that there used to be a car show put on by the High School, but it had faltered the last two years. Captain Hoffman stated that the fire department had been kicking around the notion to bring it back and hoped that it would bring in some tourism dollars.
Captain Hoffman commented that they had a tentative date of May 27th and 28th with the 27th being a cruise night and the morning and afternoon of the 28th being the car show. Captain Hoffman added that they would like to make this an annual event.
City Manager Dave Howard questioned if they would need anything special at Lemon’s Park that the City would have to have done. Captain Hoffman answered that they would probably just need power to the picnic area. Mr. Howard commented that once the details were more defined, they could come back to the Commission. Captain Hoffman commented that this would be open to the public at no charge.
Commissioner Peltier questioned if they needed an approval. City Attorney Ken Ban Blaricum stated that an approval by motion would be appropriate. Commissioner Peltier made a motion to allow the City Fire Department to use Lemon’s Park for the car show. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Taylor questioned if the park would be closed. Mr. Howard stated that it would not be. Captain Hoffman added that they would be utilizing the parking on the south end. Mayor Hlavachick questioned if they would have hot dog vendors or funnel cakes. Captain Hoffman stated that the Auxiliary would be taking care of that, but they would also have things for the kids if they are not into the cars. Commissioner Peltier questioned how big this could be. Captain Hoffman stated that they hoped that it would be really big and that there had been one that had 200 to 300 cars and had gotten bigger than the park. Commissioner Skaggs commented that it should bring in good tourism money.
Assistant Police Chief Gary Myers explained to the Commission that Starvin’ Marvin’s BBQ at 112 North Main had applied for a 2011 Cereal Malt Beverage license and that it would be for ‘on the premise’ sales only. Asst. Chief Myers stated that Mr. Marvin Blake was in the audience and did meet all the requirements of the City code and had also passed the investigation with no problems. Asst. Myers recommended that the Commission grant the license. A motion by Commissioner Taylor to approve the 2011 CMB license for Starvin’ Marvin. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peltier and carried unanimously.
Mayor Hlavachick commented that Ms. Tiffany Brown had not arrived yet, so he would table this agenda item until later in the meeting.
Ms. Kathy Stewart addressed the Commission concerning expanding their program through colorful plants in the downtown planters. Ms. Stewart stated that the Master Gardner’s wanted to know if the planters were going to be disturbed when the Main Street project got started. City Manager Dave Howard commented that some of them were taken care of by the businesses, but some were taken care of by City staff. Mr. Howard added that the planters should not be disturbed during this project. Mr. Howard stated that there was a grant for downtown beautification, but we had not submitted anything yet. Mr. Howard added that it would be 2013 before we do and they may come out then. Ms. Stewart commented that she hoped that this was something they could promote.
Commissioner Skaggs commented that the construction would prevent parking in front of the businesses so that would cause less exposure. Ms. Stewart stated that they anticipated that foot traffic would increase. Ms. Stewart commented that the project would be done in different stages with just the basics done this year. Commissioner Skaggs stated that he would encourage them to do it since some businesses like to take care of them and others do not.
Commissioner Skaggs commented that, with the Main Street waterline project, the overflowing of water or the lack of water to the planters should not be a problem. Commissioner Taylor added that some of the valves cannot be shut off. Commissioner Taylor commented that there was a lady that took care of the boxes and she was an employee of the City. Public Works Director Russell Rambat added that she was part time in the parks department. Mr. Rambat added that a few boxes have scheduled pvc pipe and the roots had choked it off from the water system. Mayor Hlavachick questioned if we were planning on replacing those. Mr. Howard commented that we were not right now and it would depend on the grant funding. Mr. Howard added that they would have to study the project, but it was in the early stages. Ms. Stewart commented that they were also in the early stages.
Commissioner Peltier questioned what it cost to bring in plants and who pays for that. Mr. Howard stated that some business owners do their own and the others were done by the City. Mr. Rambat added that we try to put something in every box. Mayor Hlavachick stated that most years there was a good bunch of flowers. Mayor Hlavachick thanked Ms. Stewart for bringing their suggestion to the Commission and they would get back to them.
Mayor Hlavachick revisited the tabled agenda item concerning general public transportation. Mayor Hlavachick commented that Ms. Tiffany Brown did not have to attend the meeting for her request for the Commission’s support of the general public transportation program in Pratt. Mayor Hlavachick stated that he would write a letter of support for the program so that Ms. Brown could put it with the grant application. The Commission agreed that that would be fine.
Public Works Director Russell Rambat explained to the Commission that the position on the Cemetery Board held by Mr. Denis Rasmussen was to expire soon and he was interested in serving another term. Mr. Rambat added that Mr. Rasmussen was a very active member. A motion by Commissioner Peltier to appoint Mr. Denis Rasmussen to continue on the Cemetery Board for an additional three year term. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.
Public Works Director Russell Rambat commented that the current mapping system was utilized daily and the current aerial photograph had been purchased back in 2004. Mr. Rambat added that it was an invaluable tool and helped to plan City projects.
Mr. Rambat explained that the County had gone out for bids to have all of Pratt County flown this spring, which included twenty townships. Mr. Rambat commented that we would have to purchase nine squares to include the three mile electric radius and airport area. Mr. Rambat stated that the cost of the total project was $57,834.00 and that was $2,891.70 per township. Mr. Rambat added that the cost to the City for nine squares would be $28,917.00, which was in the 2011 budget. Mr. Rambat commented that the money would come from forfeiture money from the police department and other departments would also kick in some.
Commissioner Taylor questioned why the County did not do this for free. Mr. Rambat commented that other Cities do not have use for this material. Commissioner Taylor commented that he had no objections and that we do have use for it, but we already pay a very big portion as residents of the County. Mr. Rambat commented that he felt this was a fair price for the aerial photography and with our large electric service area, nine sections was what we needed. Mr. Rambat added that when they had looked into the purchase of the aerial photograph, he had said that we would split the cost with the County, but he could explore it more. Commissioner Peltier agreed that this was something that we needed, but he did not want to pay twice.
City Manager Howard commented that this may be something that should be discussed in a joint meeting with the County. Commissioner Taylor questioned if there was a deadline. Mr. Rambat stated that he did not think so. Mr. Howard commented that, in all fairness, we were going to use this almost daily.
Commissioner Graf stated that Mr. Rambat had convinced him, so he made a motion to pay the $28,917.00 and if someone else steps in, we pay less. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs.
Mayor Hlavachick commented that this was a budgeted item, but he would like to discuss it at some point with the County. Mayor Hlavachick added that they were going to do this and he agreed with Commissioner Taylor that we were the largest part of the County so they should think about giving it to us. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if they had to do this. Mr. Howard commented that he did not think they were required to do it, but more that agencies had it in their budgets to have it replaced. Commissioner Peltier commented that it also helped in the appraisal process. Mr. Rambat commented that they have parcels and that was what they use for taxing purposes. Mr. Rambat added that they identify and name all the properties in the County along with rights-of way. Mr. Howard commented that they may use the picture of the City for their purposes, but we use it for what we do and not for County purposes. Commissioner Taylor commented that if we discuss this with the County and they see it in a different way, the motion was made as a ‘not to exceed’ amount and we could handle it. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
City Manager:
• KDOT and EBH meeting:
City Manager Howard commented that he had attended a meeting with Mr. Rambat, EBH Engineering and three representatives from KDOT to discuss the preliminary plans on the Main Street project. Mr. Howard added that that information would be discussed with the business owners this Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.
• Executive Session requests:
Mr. Howard stated that he would need one executive session at the end of the meeting for non-elective personnel to last ten minutes and another executive session to discuss attorney/client privilege to last ten minutes and both would have no action taken.
Public Works:
• Snow removal:
Public Works Director Russell Rambat commented that it was nice having the plow for his truck last week to use in removing snow and that it helped to clear the parking lot at the Community Center and some areas downtown.
• Construction update:
Building Inspector Brad Blankenship informed the Commission that the Holiday Inn Express had opened up and the BTI building was moving along. Mr. Blankenship added that the few construction jobs he was working with were going well. Mayor Hlavachick questioned how Maple Street was going. Mr. Howard commented they were making progress.
Electric Department:
• Steam unit inoperable:
Power Plant Superintendent Ernie Smith commented that the steam unit would be inoperable due to preventive maintenance in which they would be replacing forty year old piping.
Finance Department:
• City Hall Day:
Finance Director Diana Garten commented that City Hall Day was February 2nd in Topeka and the Commission could let her know if they wanted to go. Ms. Garten added that this was informative and you can meet with legislatures in the morning and attend the legislative sessions in the afternoon.
• Lemon’s Park:
Commissioner Graf asked that Mr. Howard go down to the Lemon’s Park girl’s softball diamond where a gate had a stake sticking up. Commissioner Graf commented that he was concerned about some kid trying to crawl over that and slip. Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall commented that he would check that out and he had thought that Mr. Ron Hill was going to cover those with baseballs.
Executive Sessions:
Mayor Hlavachick made a motion to go into an executive session for non-elective personnel to last ten minutes and also to go into another executive session for attorney client/privilege to last ten minutes with no action expected for either session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
Mayor Hlavachick made a motion to return from two executive sessions with nothing to report. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
A motion by Commissioner Peltier to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
02/07/2011 City Commission Meeting Agenda
FEBRUARY 07, 2011
1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
3. MINUTES – January 17, 2011 Regular City Commission meeting
5.1 Consideration and Approval of Change Order #2 for Main Street Waterline Project – Alan Luttrell, EBH Engineering; Dave Howard, City Manager; Russell Rambat, Public Works Director
5.2 Consideration and Approval of Second Annual ‘Pratt Fest’ to be Held in Lemon’s Park on September 3rd – Leadership Class of 2010
5.3 Consideration and Approval for Car Show to Change Locations on May 28th – Captain Todd Hoffman, Pratt City Fire Department; Dave Howard, City Manager; Russell Rambat, Public Works Director (No Information for Packet)
5.4 Discussion on Water Line Extension to the Airport – Dave Howard, City Manager; Russell Rambat, Public Works Director
6.1 City Manager
6.2 City Attorney
6.3 Department Heads
6.4 Mayor
6.5 City Commission
FEBRUARY 07, 2011
1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
3. MINUTES – January 17, 2011 Regular City Commission meeting
5.1 Consideration and Approval of Change Order #2 for Main Street Waterline Project – Alan Luttrell, EBH Engineering; Dave Howard, City Manager; Russell Rambat, Public Works Director
5.2 Consideration and Approval of Second Annual ‘Pratt Fest’ to be Held in Lemon’s Park on September 3rd – Leadership Class of 2010
5.3 Consideration and Approval for Car Show to Change Locations on May 28th – Captain Todd Hoffman, Pratt City Fire Department; Dave Howard, City Manager; Russell Rambat, Public Works Director (No Information for Packet)
5.4 Discussion on Water Line Extension to the Airport – Dave Howard, City Manager; Russell Rambat, Public Works Director
6.1 City Manager
6.2 City Attorney
6.3 Department Heads
6.4 Mayor
6.5 City Commission
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