MARCH 07, 2011
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located at City Hall.
PRESENT: Bill Hlavachick Mayor
Jeff Taylor Commissioner
Willy Peltier Commissioner
Victor Graf Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Gary Myers Asst. Police Chief
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Kelly Hemphill Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director
Mayor Hlavachick called the regular meeting to order. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.
Mayor Hlavachick reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.
A motion by Commissioner Graf to approve the minutes from the February 21, 2011 regular Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
American Legion request:
Post Commander Joe Marriccino informed the Commission that the American Legion was trying to improve their image and they had an application in that would allow them to have Keno at the facility. Commander Marriccino explained that in order to get Keno, the Kansas Lottery required a 24 X 24 solid surface by the door for handicap to enter and exit. Commander Marriccino questioned if the City would be willing to help out with some slag that they could put down since they were the owner of the building. City Manager Dave Howard questioned if they were talking about asphalt or concrete. Mr. Howard added that gravel would not be a smooth surface. Vice-Commander Joe Stotts commented that the surface had to come flush with the club room.
Mayor Hlavachick questioned if Keno was legal. Commander Marriccino stated that it was and that several other posts had incorporated it into their establishments. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if it would bring in any income to the American Legion. Commander Marriccino stated that it would not, but it would be a good draw. Vice-Commander Stotts commented that it would be more for socialization and that the lottery would also hook-up scratch tickets.
Mayor Hlavachick questioned Public Works Director Russell Rambat about what the cost would be for a 24 X 24 surface. Mr. Rambat stated that concrete would be approximately $2,800 without labor. Mr. Rambat added that the street department did not have the layout equipment needed for that type of project. Commissioner Taylor questioned if the American Legion would be forming up the surface. Commander Marriccino stated that they would do that. Mr. Howard stated that the City would price it and bring it back at the next meeting.
Commander Marriccino questioned if there would be any slag from road projects that could be put in the driveway that was in bad shape. Mr. Rambat stated that we may have some larger stuff that could go in the big holes and then go over it with a smaller version. Vice-Commander Stotts questioned if the City would look at the east side by the curb. Mr. Rambat stated that the City had done some curb and guttering with wings, which held better. Mr. Rambat added that millings work pretty well if it does not hold water. Vice-Commander Stotts stated that it did not.
Mr. Howard reminded the American Legion that they would have to have handicap parking signs. Mr. Rambat added that they would have to keep vehicles off of that surface. Commander Marriccino stated that it would be strictly for the handicap. Commissioner Peltier stated that he had some forming lumber that they could use for this project. Mr. Howard commented that the City would check on the cost and get back to the Commission at the next meeting.
Budget questions:
Mr. Eric Nystrom stated that he was working on his next article for the Pratt Tribune as a guest columnist and wanted to do an article on the history of Pratt and their taxes. Mr. Nystrom questioned if the last budget had been approved by all five of the Commissioners. Several staff members stated that it had been. Mr. Nystrom questioned if that included the 3% wage increase across the board including the City Manager. Staff stated that was correct. Mr. Nystrom asked if all the budgets the last nine yrs or so had been approved unanimously. Staff stated that, as long as they had been there, the budget had been approved.
Mr. Nystrom asked that the City Clerk inform him if the House approves all elections being moved to November, which would shorten the term of Commissioner Graf by about six months.
City emblems:
Mr. Nelson Burrell commented that there had been a question raised about tax dollars and where they were going. Mr. Burrell stated that the issue had come up about certain City vehicles that did not have the City emblem on them and pointed out that Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall’s pick-up did not have them. Mr. Burrell questioned if they were going to be on there. Mr. Pinkall commented that he had taken the old ones off about three weeks ago and weather conditions had kept him from putting the new stickers on. City Manager Dave Howard added that he had been kept informed since the last ones were taken off.
Commissioner Peltier questioned if the emblems were a law. Mr. Howard stated that it was a State regulation, but was City enforced. Mr. Howard added that he had new emblems ordered for his vehicle as well.
Mayor Hlavachick commented that if somebody brings up how tax dollars are spent, they should look at all the work being done in town.
Light at First and Main:
Chamber Director Jan Scarbrough questioned if the length of time for the walk signal at First Street and Main Street could be extended. Ms. Scarbrough explained that she had not been able to get across the street before the light changed and almost got run over. Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill stated that they are programmed light. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the vehicle was going straight through. Ms. Scarbrough answered that they were turning south. City Manager Howard commented that lengthening the signal would not help if the driver was not obeying traffic. Ms. Scarbrough commented that she was more concerned about kids and just wanted to bring it to the Commission attention.
Truck route ordinance:
Ms. Karen Detwiler thanked Asst. Police Chief Gary Myers for giving her a copy of the truck route ordinance to read and she commented that she had a problem with the concrete trucks traveling too fast down Sixth Street. Commissioner Taylor questioned if she had someone check their speed. Ms. Detwiler stated there was a person following them and they were going 40 mph at that time. Ms. Detwiler commented that the ordinance states that the operation of trucks owned or operated by the City, public utilities and contractors of the City while engaged in the repair, maintenance or construction of streets, street improvements, utility services or conducting refuse collection are exempt, but the next paragraph states that trucks operate in the shortest and most direct route to the destination of the truck from the truck route to make a delivery or pick-up and return to the truck route in the shortest and the most direct route.
Ms. Detwiler stated that Main Street/Highway 281 was a truck route along with Highway 54, but Sixth Street was posted that it was not a truck route, yet the contractors were using it going to the Maple Street project. Ms. Detwiler commented that the City was allowing the concrete trucks to use Sixth Street while they were loaded and they were tearing it up due to not being the correct weight for residential areas. Ms. Detwiler explained that the most direct route would be from the plant to Main Street to First Street to Highway 61 and on to Maple Street. Ms. Detwiler stated that they were now using the route of Tenth Street to Main Street to Sixth Street to Country Club Road to First Street to Highway 61 and on to Maple Street. Ms. Detwiler questioned if the City was going to allow Sixth Street to be destroyed.
Commissioner Graf asked if former Police Chief Steve Holmes had not already visited with them about using Sixth Street. City Manager Howard stated that he had at that time. Commissioner Skaggs commented that, at that time, they had a new manager and he was going to inform the drivers about Sixth Street. Commissioner Taylor commented that, with the construction on Main Street, that may not be the best route for them to take. Mr. Howard commented that that was part of it. Commissioner Skaggs added that they also had the stop lights, but they may need a constant reminder about the truck routes. Commissioner Graf questioned why they could not take the road by the fair grounds and back on Country Club Road. Mr. Howard commented that that has been suggested, but by the time this call had come in they only had about three truck loads that would finish up Maple Street, but he would talk to them. Mr. Howard added that they have the curb and gutter on the north side and some on the south side, which should take three days of good weather. Mr. Howard commented that he would visit with the contractor tomorrow.
Political signs:
Ms. Detwiler stated that she had received a letter addressed to Commission candidates, but there was not a P & Z sign regulation enclosed. Ms. Detwiler commented that she had asked for one earlier so that she would be within the regulations when she went to put out her signs.
Ms. Detwiler asked for a clarification on ‘political signs on private property’ and if that meant all property or just residential. Mr. Howard stated that he was going to report on that in staff reports since he had visited with Building Inspector Brad Blankenship and City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum this afternoon. Mr. Howard commented that there were two parts to the campaign sign ordinance and any campaign sign that was less than four square feet was exempt and ‘private property’ was anything not on City or State property. Mr. Howard added that any oversized sign had to have a permit and were restricted to five districts, which were commercial highway service, general commercial, central business and two industrial zones. Mr. Howard clarified that each of those districts had different sign sizes depending on their zoning.
Ms. Detwiler questioned the regulation if an established business already had a sign permit. Mr. Howard stated that you still have to get a permit, but there were no provisions about a charge for the temporary permit. Ms. Detwiler clarified that you need a permit for each location. Mr. Howard stated that was correct.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the right-of-way was the distance from the curb to the sidewalk. Mr. Howard stated that it was whatever the City owns and that does not include easements. Mr. Howard stated that we sometimes move them back, but we do not take them down unless someone keeps putting them back. Ms. Detwiler asked if putting it behind the sidewalk would be best. Mr. Howard stated it would. Ms. Detwiler asked what to do if there was no sidewalk. Public Works Director Russell Rambat commented that you could look for a fence line or trees. Mr. Howard commented that it would best to ask.
Mayor Hlavachick acknowledged Mr. Kenny Gates and his son, Kevin and commended them for being a major player in the City’s economy for the last 65 years. Mr. Gates stated that the business started as a family tradition and with his son coming on board, it should continue that way. Mr. Gates added that it was not always fun or easy, but he looks forward to each and every day. Mayor Hlavachick stated that he hoped they could be around for another 65 years. Mr. Gates and his son joined Mayor Hlavachick while he signed the proclamation and had their picture taken.
Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall informed the Commission that Mr. George Brown was willing to serve an additional three year term on the Tree Board and he reminded them that the Recreation Advisory Board was also part of the Tree Board. A motion by Commissioner Peltier to appoint Mr. George Brown to continue on the Tree Board for another three years. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.
City Manager:
• Request for executive session:
City Manager Dave Howard requested an executive session for attorney/client privilege for economic opportunities and to keep the company confidential at their request and it would last no more than 15 minutes.
Public Works:
• Maple and Main Street projects:
Public Works Director Russell Rambat stated that he was keeping busy with the Maple Street and Main Street projects. Mr. Rambat commented that Main Street was going well and they were making progress. Mr. Rambat added that he did not feel that there had been too much disruption to businesses. Mayor Hlavachick commented that it had not taken much time to do Fifth Street. Mr. Rambat stated that there was not much in that block so it was a good practice run for them.
Commissioner Taylor questioned if the south side curb needed done on Maple Street. Mr. Howard commented that they have a 1/3 of it run and all of the north side to do.
Building Inspections:
• P & Z Booklet:
Building Inspector Brad Blankenship commented that he had visited with City Clerk LuAnn Kramer and the P & Z booklet for signs would be included in a packet that potential candidates would receive when they fill out an application to run for City Commission. Mr. Blankenship added that that should prevent any misunderstandings.
Electric Department:
• Breakers:
Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill commented that the piping at the power plant was about 75% complete, but he was not sure how much longer it would be before it was completed.
• Underground project:
Mr. Hemphill informed the Commission that the line gang had been working on the underground project in front of the power plant.
Recreation Department:
• Merchant’s meeting:
Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall commented that Chamber Director Jan Scarbrough had put together a meeting of the downtown merchants and had invited representatives from Hutchinson that had experience with construction such as our Main Street project. Mr. Pinkall stated that Hutchinson had done a street scape from building to building including sidewalks. Mr. Pinkall explained that the Hutchison representatives had brought a positive energy and had suggested that the City work the program so that the merchants know we are there.
Mr. Pinkall informed the Commission that since that meeting, the City had initiated the promotional process and Ms. Scarbrough and he had started walking through downtown. Mr. Pinkall commented that they had gotten a lot of positive feedback and lots of questions that they were able to answer. Mr. Pinkall stated that we were ahead of the game and we would continue to let them know who and how to contact someone involved with the project. Mr. Pinkall added that it had been discussed to provide maps to customers and have signs on how to get to each business. City Manager Howard commented that Mr. Pinkall had done a fantastic job communicating with the merchants.
Finance Department:
• Sales tax:
Finance Director Diana Garten stated that the sales tax report was in for January and February, which covers the holidays. Ms. Garten commented that sales tax was up approximately $34,000 over this time last year and that was a positive start to the year.
City Clerk/Utility Billing Department:
• Joe Wynn Award:
City Clerk LuAnn Kramer reminded the Commission that it was time to make nominations for the Joe Wynn Volunteer Award for 2010. Ms. Kramer stated that she would put it as an agenda item for the next meeting, but this gave the Commissioners time to think of any nominees.
• Continuing Education:
Mayor Hlavachick recognized the continuing education by the street department employees Mr. Brian Hankins, Mr. Duane West, Mr. John Kissel and Mr. Louis Bale and asked that Public Works Director Rambat congratulate them for the Commission. Mayor Hlavachick stated that City staff was a great staff.
• Hole in alley:
Mayor Hlavachick questioned if Mr. Rambat could look at the alley at 415 West 5th Street as there was a big dip in it. Mayor Hlavachick commented that this was behind the garage and when it rained or the snow melted, the occupant had a big mud hole. Mr. Rambat stated that he would get something done.
• Clarification on budget:
Commissioner Graf stated to Mr. Eric Nystrom that at the last budget hearing it was said that Dave Howard gets the same raise as City employees, but the Commission decides if he gets more money. City Manager Howard stated that he had never been included in the budget raise. Commissioner Graf stated that the Commission had gone into executive session. Commissioner Taylor commented that Mr. Howard was on contract. Commissioner Peltier commented that Mr. Howard did not take the raise last year and it was always a separate issue. Commissioner Graf commented that the Commission talked about the 3% and Commissioner Skaggs had said he should have more. Commissioner Skaggs stated that that issue was voted on separately and all five of the Commission voted in favor of the raise Mr. Howard was given. Commissioner Skaggs added that he had requested that Mr. Howard’s salary be discussed separately, which it was and was voted on unanimously. Mr. Nystrom questioned if the Council was included in the 3% across the board raise. Finance Director Diana Garten stated that they were included and they had taken it.
• Fire Station questions:
Commissioner Skaggs commented that he had received positive comments on the new fire station, but questioned why the old Safeway sign posts were still in the corner. Building Inspector Blankenship commented that they were going to keep the lights, but wanted to use new affordable LED lights. Mr. Blankenship added that each one had electricity run to it and there was a junction box in the concrete that loops around. Commissioner Skaggs commented that he was glad that they were aware of the posts, because it does distract from the appearance.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if half of the lot at the fire station would be designated for public parking. Mr. Howard commented that we could officially do that and, with the street torn up, they would be identifying off street parking. Commissioner Skaggs commented that it needed striped. Mr. Howard stated that the contractors would be mobilizing south of the railroad tracks once the street project got started and the parking lot south of the fire station would be a very important area.
• Dirt Track:
Commissioner Peltier commented that he would like to see a dirt track on some property that would be an addition for kids. Commissioner Peltier added that he knew that this had been brought up at the last meeting and he apologized for being absent. Commissioner Peltier elaborated that he would like to see the City and the County working on an area that could be utilized by dirt bikes and motorcycles. Commissioner Peltier stated that that was a big sport and a lot of people did enjoy it. Commissioner Peltier explained that Wanoka, Oklahoma had big events that bring in 10,000 people that fill their hotels. Mayor Hlavachick commented that it would be a good thing to discuss at the next City/County meeting. Commissioner Peltier commented that the Green Sports Complex had made a lot of money for the City and he felt this could to.
Executive Session:
A motion by Mayor Hlavachick to enter into executive session for 15 minutes to discuss attorney/client privilege. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
Upon proper motion, the Commission returned from executive session with nothing to report.
The meeting adjourned with the proper motion and second and passed unanimously.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
03/21/11-City Commission Meeting Agenda
MARCH 21, 2011
1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
3. MINUTES – March 07, 2011 Regular City Commission meeting
5.1 Consideration and Approval of Water Meter Bids for 2011 – Kelvin Clay, Water Superintendent
5.2 Consideration and Approval for Budgeted Police Patrol Vehicle – Gary Myers, Acting Police Chief
5.3 Consideration and Approval of Building Board Terms – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney; Brad Blankenship, Building Inspector
5.4 Consideration and Approval of Increase in Open and Closing Services at Greenlawn Cemetery on Recommendation of Cemetery Board – Russell Rambat, Public Works Director
5.5 Nominations for ‘2010 Joe Wynn Volunteer Award’ – Mayor and Commission
6.1 City Manager
6.2 City Attorney
6.3 Department Heads
6.4 Mayor
6.5 City Commission
MARCH 21, 2011
1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
3. MINUTES – March 07, 2011 Regular City Commission meeting
5.1 Consideration and Approval of Water Meter Bids for 2011 – Kelvin Clay, Water Superintendent
5.2 Consideration and Approval for Budgeted Police Patrol Vehicle – Gary Myers, Acting Police Chief
5.3 Consideration and Approval of Building Board Terms – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney; Brad Blankenship, Building Inspector
5.4 Consideration and Approval of Increase in Open and Closing Services at Greenlawn Cemetery on Recommendation of Cemetery Board – Russell Rambat, Public Works Director
5.5 Nominations for ‘2010 Joe Wynn Volunteer Award’ – Mayor and Commission
6.1 City Manager
6.2 City Attorney
6.3 Department Heads
6.4 Mayor
6.5 City Commission
Monday, March 7, 2011
02/21/2011 Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes
FEBRUARY 21, 2011
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located at City Hall.
PRESENT: Bill Hlavachick Mayor
Jeff Taylor Commissioner
Victor Graf Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Gary Myers Asst. Police Chief
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Kelly Hemphill Dir. of Electric Utilities
Mayor Hlavachick called the regular meeting to order. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Peltier and Commissioner Skaggs..
Mayor Hlavachick reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.
A motion by Commissioner Graf to approve the minutes from the February 07, 2011 regular Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
• City Manager’s salary:
Mr. Ray Thome addressed the Commission commenting that he was a history buff and watches what goes on. Mr. Thome stated that he had discovered that the Governor of Kansas has an annual salary of $110,000 and had taken a 10% decrease in salary and also had asked that other public employees do the same. Mr. Thome questioned why the City of Pratt was paying their City Manager $113,000, which was more than the Governor. Mayor Hlavachick asked Finance Director Diana Garten to verify the salary amount of the City Manager. Ms. Garten stated that it was around $112,000.
Commissioner Taylor commented that he had found out that the City Manager in Greensburg had been making $100,000 and there was no comparison in the size of Greensburg and Pratt. Commissioner Taylor stated that when City Manager Dave Howard had been hired at a median salary for City Managers for Cities the size of Pratt.
Commissioner Taylor stated that Mr. Howard had made the City hundreds of thousands of dollars through negotiations such as the waterline to the Ethanol Plant and although that was a multi-million dollar project, the City paid a small percentage due to those negotiations. Commissioner Taylor continued to explain that Mr. Howard had earned his salary over the years and, although Mr. Howard gives credit to the department heads, he was well worth his money. Mayor Hlavachick echoed those comments and added that he had gone through the entire process of interviewing for the City Manager position. Mayor Hlavachick commented that the applicants worth $50,000 or below did not have the credentials and we would not have wanted them as City Manager. Mayor Hlavachick explained that if you want success for jobs like this, you have to start at a decent salary and he felt that we have the best sitting here.
• Welcome to Leadership Class:
Mayor Hlavachick welcomed the 2011 Leadership Class to the Commission meeting and he hoped they had enjoyed their tours of the City earlier in the day.
Mr. Mickey Ebencamp, Schoular Company representative, commented that they were the new owners of the Ethanol Plant as of last Wednesday. Mr. Ebencamp stated that, after months and months of due diligence, they were able to purchase the Ethanol Plant with a huge help from City Manager Dave Howard. Mr. Ebencamp thanked the City for allowing them their due diligence and not intervening to move things along more quickly.
Mr. Ebencamp stated that the plant was open and they would start staffing it tomorrow. Mr. Ebencamp explained that the plant would be a grain site by the first of April, but it would require extensive renovations. Mr. Ebencamp added that they should be producing ethanol by the end of the third quarter or shortly into the fourth quarter of 2011.
Mr. Ebencamp informed the Commission that they had been in agriculture for 120 years with quite a few areas in Kansas, such as Wellington and others in western Kansas. Mr. Ebencamp commented that this was like a ‘coming home’ for him as he was born in Cunningham.
Mr. Ebencamp invited the Leadership Class or the City to come out once the plant was up and running. Mayor Hlavachick questioned if they would be having an open house. Mr. Ebencamp stated that they would, but he was not sure when. Mayor Hlavachick commented that he was tickled to have the Ethanol Plant back open.
City Manager:
• Downtown project update:
City Manager Howard commented that Public Works Director Russell Rambat, Water Superintendent Kelvin Clay and he had met with APAC-Shears this morning and they would be starting on the downtown tomorrow in the 500 block of South Main. Mr. Howard explained that each block would take one to two weeks to complete depending on the service lines. Mr. Howard added that they would be able to block off smaller areas during this portion of the project.
• Maple Street:
Mr. Howard commented that the contractor should be pouring Maple Street by the end of the week and that the equipment was already out there. Mr. Howard stated that the new contractor had had the area surveyed again at no additional cost to the City.
City Attorney:
• Probation Officer:
City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum commented that several months ago there had been a change which allowed the Municipal Clerk to be the Probation Officer and Ms. Jamie Walker had been actively doing that. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that it was working well and Ms. Walker was uniquely qualified for that job.
Public Works:
• Projects coming up & on-going:
Public Works Director Russell Rambat commented that there was a lot going on such as the Main Street project and Maple Street project. Mr. Rambat stated that he would also be working on the curb and gutter project along with some street projects for this summer.
Electric Department:
• Piping project:
Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill stated that the piping project was coming along and, despite a few problems, should be completed in two or three weeks.
City Clerk/Utility Department:
• New Handhelds:
City Clerk LuAnn Kramer informed the Commission that the utility department had been trained on the new handhelds and were still working out some kinks. Ms. Kramer added that the radio read meters would be a time saver as the new equipment could read them from as much as a mile away.
• Park light:
Commissioner Graf thanked Mr. Hemphill or whoever fixed the cross walk light at Lemon’s Park. Mr. Hemphill commented that that was a misunderstanding that kept the light from being fixed.
• Dirt Pile:
Mayor Hlavachick commented that he had been asked by Commissioner Peltier to bring up a suggestion of getting a dirt pile or two somewhere that kids could ride their bikes on. Mayor Hlavachick stated that Commissioner Peltier had observed kids playing on a dirt pile on some property owned by Mr. Eric Nystrom and he felt that would be something that they would use. Mr. Howard commented that when the contractors doing the water line had piled dirt over on Jackson Street, it had not taken any time for kids to show up with their bikes.
A motion by Commissioner Taylor to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
FEBRUARY 21, 2011
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located at City Hall.
PRESENT: Bill Hlavachick Mayor
Jeff Taylor Commissioner
Victor Graf Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Gary Myers Asst. Police Chief
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Kelly Hemphill Dir. of Electric Utilities
Mayor Hlavachick called the regular meeting to order. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Peltier and Commissioner Skaggs..
Mayor Hlavachick reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.
A motion by Commissioner Graf to approve the minutes from the February 07, 2011 regular Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
• City Manager’s salary:
Mr. Ray Thome addressed the Commission commenting that he was a history buff and watches what goes on. Mr. Thome stated that he had discovered that the Governor of Kansas has an annual salary of $110,000 and had taken a 10% decrease in salary and also had asked that other public employees do the same. Mr. Thome questioned why the City of Pratt was paying their City Manager $113,000, which was more than the Governor. Mayor Hlavachick asked Finance Director Diana Garten to verify the salary amount of the City Manager. Ms. Garten stated that it was around $112,000.
Commissioner Taylor commented that he had found out that the City Manager in Greensburg had been making $100,000 and there was no comparison in the size of Greensburg and Pratt. Commissioner Taylor stated that when City Manager Dave Howard had been hired at a median salary for City Managers for Cities the size of Pratt.
Commissioner Taylor stated that Mr. Howard had made the City hundreds of thousands of dollars through negotiations such as the waterline to the Ethanol Plant and although that was a multi-million dollar project, the City paid a small percentage due to those negotiations. Commissioner Taylor continued to explain that Mr. Howard had earned his salary over the years and, although Mr. Howard gives credit to the department heads, he was well worth his money. Mayor Hlavachick echoed those comments and added that he had gone through the entire process of interviewing for the City Manager position. Mayor Hlavachick commented that the applicants worth $50,000 or below did not have the credentials and we would not have wanted them as City Manager. Mayor Hlavachick explained that if you want success for jobs like this, you have to start at a decent salary and he felt that we have the best sitting here.
• Welcome to Leadership Class:
Mayor Hlavachick welcomed the 2011 Leadership Class to the Commission meeting and he hoped they had enjoyed their tours of the City earlier in the day.
Mr. Mickey Ebencamp, Schoular Company representative, commented that they were the new owners of the Ethanol Plant as of last Wednesday. Mr. Ebencamp stated that, after months and months of due diligence, they were able to purchase the Ethanol Plant with a huge help from City Manager Dave Howard. Mr. Ebencamp thanked the City for allowing them their due diligence and not intervening to move things along more quickly.
Mr. Ebencamp stated that the plant was open and they would start staffing it tomorrow. Mr. Ebencamp explained that the plant would be a grain site by the first of April, but it would require extensive renovations. Mr. Ebencamp added that they should be producing ethanol by the end of the third quarter or shortly into the fourth quarter of 2011.
Mr. Ebencamp informed the Commission that they had been in agriculture for 120 years with quite a few areas in Kansas, such as Wellington and others in western Kansas. Mr. Ebencamp commented that this was like a ‘coming home’ for him as he was born in Cunningham.
Mr. Ebencamp invited the Leadership Class or the City to come out once the plant was up and running. Mayor Hlavachick questioned if they would be having an open house. Mr. Ebencamp stated that they would, but he was not sure when. Mayor Hlavachick commented that he was tickled to have the Ethanol Plant back open.
City Manager:
• Downtown project update:
City Manager Howard commented that Public Works Director Russell Rambat, Water Superintendent Kelvin Clay and he had met with APAC-Shears this morning and they would be starting on the downtown tomorrow in the 500 block of South Main. Mr. Howard explained that each block would take one to two weeks to complete depending on the service lines. Mr. Howard added that they would be able to block off smaller areas during this portion of the project.
• Maple Street:
Mr. Howard commented that the contractor should be pouring Maple Street by the end of the week and that the equipment was already out there. Mr. Howard stated that the new contractor had had the area surveyed again at no additional cost to the City.
City Attorney:
• Probation Officer:
City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum commented that several months ago there had been a change which allowed the Municipal Clerk to be the Probation Officer and Ms. Jamie Walker had been actively doing that. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that it was working well and Ms. Walker was uniquely qualified for that job.
Public Works:
• Projects coming up & on-going:
Public Works Director Russell Rambat commented that there was a lot going on such as the Main Street project and Maple Street project. Mr. Rambat stated that he would also be working on the curb and gutter project along with some street projects for this summer.
Electric Department:
• Piping project:
Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill stated that the piping project was coming along and, despite a few problems, should be completed in two or three weeks.
City Clerk/Utility Department:
• New Handhelds:
City Clerk LuAnn Kramer informed the Commission that the utility department had been trained on the new handhelds and were still working out some kinks. Ms. Kramer added that the radio read meters would be a time saver as the new equipment could read them from as much as a mile away.
• Park light:
Commissioner Graf thanked Mr. Hemphill or whoever fixed the cross walk light at Lemon’s Park. Mr. Hemphill commented that that was a misunderstanding that kept the light from being fixed.
• Dirt Pile:
Mayor Hlavachick commented that he had been asked by Commissioner Peltier to bring up a suggestion of getting a dirt pile or two somewhere that kids could ride their bikes on. Mayor Hlavachick stated that Commissioner Peltier had observed kids playing on a dirt pile on some property owned by Mr. Eric Nystrom and he felt that would be something that they would use. Mr. Howard commented that when the contractors doing the water line had piled dirt over on Jackson Street, it had not taken any time for kids to show up with their bikes.
A motion by Commissioner Taylor to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
03/07/11 City Commission Meeting Agenda
MARCH 07, 2011
1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
3. MINUTES – February 21, 2011 Regular City Commission meeting
5.1 Proclamation to Observe March 11, 2011 as ‘Pratt Well Service Inc. Day’ – Mayor Hlavachick and Commission
5.2 Consideration and Approval for Re-Appointment to the Tree Board – Bruce Pinkall, Recreation Director
6.1 City Manager
6.2 City Attorney
6.3 Department Heads
6.4 Mayor
6.5 City Commission
MARCH 07, 2011
1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
3. MINUTES – February 21, 2011 Regular City Commission meeting
5.1 Proclamation to Observe March 11, 2011 as ‘Pratt Well Service Inc. Day’ – Mayor Hlavachick and Commission
5.2 Consideration and Approval for Re-Appointment to the Tree Board – Bruce Pinkall, Recreation Director
6.1 City Manager
6.2 City Attorney
6.3 Department Heads
6.4 Mayor
6.5 City Commission
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