Thursday, July 28, 2011

08/01/2011-City Commission Meeting Agenda


AUGUST 01, 2011



1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)


3. MINUTES – July 18, 2011 Regular City Commission meeting



5.1 Proclamation for ‘Stanion Wholesale Electric Co. Day’ – Mayor and Commission

5.2 Consideration and Approval of Cereal Malt Beverage License – Gary Myers, ‘Acting’ Police Chief

5.3 Discussion on Budgetary Shortfall for Pratt Public Library – Rochelle Westerhaus, Library Secretary

5.4 Continued Discussion on Leadership Class Project – Leadership Class of 2011 (No info for packets)

5.5 Consideration and Approval of Bid for the Chip Seal Project – Russell Rambat, Public Works Director

5.6 Consideration and Approval of a Time Limit for Open Agenda Discussions – Mayor and Commission



7.1 City Manager
7.2 City Attorney
7.3 Department Heads
7.4 Mayor
7.5 City Commission


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

07/11/2011-Approved City Commission Recessed Budget Work Session Minutes


JULY 11, 2011

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Recessed session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.

PRESENT: Jeff Taylor Mayor
Bill Hlavachick Commissioner
Victor Graf Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
Karen Detwiler Commissioner

ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director


Mayor Taylor called the recessed session to order. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.



• Mil Levy:

Finance Director Diana Garten commented the budget for 2012 was about $26,000,000 and came in at 42.666 mils. Ms. Garten added that a mil was worth $40,126 and that was up a little bit, but with the deduction for the Neighborhood Revitalization Valuation of $4,133, a mil was worth $35,993. Ms. Garten explained that the mil levy last year was 42.965, so the departments had kept their budgets about the same as last year.

• Cost of Living:

Ms. Garten stated that this budget included a three percent cost of living raise for City employees with the exception of the City Commission and City Manager, which totaled $139,479. Ms. Garten explained that 53% of that was from tax levied funds and 46% were from the enterprise funds.

• KPER’s:

Ms. Garten commented that the State mandated KPER’s employer’s contribution was going from 7.74% in 2011 to 8.34% in 2012. Mayor Taylor questioned if we pay that in one lump sum. Ms. Garten stated that it is paid in full each month.

• Unemployment:

Ms. Garten stated that the unemployment rate was going up from .10% in 2011 to .50% in 2012.

• Health Insurance:

Ms. Garten commented that the City Manager and she had figured a 5% increase in health insurance, but Blue Cross Blue Shield had come in with a 3.3% increase. Mr. Howard commented that that was the lowest increase he could remember for some time. Ms. Garten stated that Blue Cross Blue Shield had suggested that the City go to a $25,000 life insurance policy and that they were no longer writing policies for $15,000. Ms. Garten added that the cost for that increase would be $2,300 per year. Mr. Howard explained that Pratt was the only City that still has a $15,000 policy and that it is associated with funeral costs. Mayor Taylor commented that that was probably what people use it for.

• Work Comp:

Ms. Garten commented that the Worker’s Compensation Insurance increased in 2011, so she had used those figures in the 2012 budget.

• Discussions:

Mr. Howard stated that some of the Commissioners had visited with the employees and the feedback that he was hearing was that ‘at-a-boy’s’ do not buy bread and they wanted compensated. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the City had a lot of turnover. Mr. Howard answered that it would depend on the department and that it was hard to keep help in the labor departments like street and water. Mr. Howard commented that we pay competitive salaries, but still compete with the oilfields and the younger employees do not worry about benefits. Mr. Howard added that there is only a four percent unemployment rate in Pratt and that is apparent with all the jobs in the paper. Commissioner Detwiler commented that three percent was not an ‘at-a-boy’, but a cost of living. Mr. Howard commented that it was in their minds. Ms. Detwiler questioned if we do step or merit increases. Mr. Howard commented that we do when it is recommended by the supervisor and he has never denied one. Ms. Garten added that there had not been very many the last few years with the exception of the electric department. Mr. Howard elaborated stating that wastewater, water and electric departments can do better through education or certifications and those could be from three percent to nine percent. Mr. Howard explained that any of our top linemen could go somewhere else and make more.

Commissioner Detwiler commented that she had contacted five cities with one being the size of Pratt and other three to five times the size. Commissioner Detwiler stated that the budget for the largest one figured at $1,447.50 for every man, woman and child and our budget came to $4,095 per person. Commissioner Detwiler stated that we need to remember what our budget costs our citizens. Mr. Howard stated that you have to compare apples to apples and that our electric budget was larger than some cities’ entire budget. Commissioner Detwiler stated that that was discussed and kept in mind. Commissioner Detwiler commented that we also need to look at the total budget for Pratt County and why we were losing people, which was because they cannot afford to live here. Commissioner Skaggs commented that Pratt County has been around 10,000 for as long as he could remember. Commissioner Detwiler stated that that had changed. Mayor Taylor stated that the population of Pratt was up 9.9%. Mr. Howard added that we were one of two rural communities that had an increase in population and you had to take into consideration the number of people that we bury every year. Mr. Howard stated that we bury at least one person per working day and, although they do not all live in Pratt, somewhere there is a constant. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that, at one time, they went back fifteen years and found out that for every fifteen families that leave, fifteen come back in and that was why we stay steady.

Mayor Taylor commented that, to be apples to apples, you would have to take the college out. Mr. Howard stated that the City does not collect what other taxing entities collect on ad volerum tax, so we shift our reliance from property tax to sales tax. Mr. Howard added that a lot of people come to our community, pay the sales tax and leave and that money stays here. Ms. Garten commented that $1.5 million of the budget was from ad volerum tax in 2012 and the rest was from other revenues. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if we do not have a responsibility to help a little bit. Mr. Howard commented that the mil levy had been reduced by 25% since he had been here. Mayor Taylor commented that property values go up and all the other taxing entities go up a mil, but people do not see that. Mayor Taylor added that there are citizens that do not know that Mr. Charles Rinke is their County Commissioner, so they come to us because we are visible. Mayor Taylor stated that even though we try to explain how it all works, it goes on the City. Commissioner Hlavachick added that some think we can cure the ills of the world, because we are who they see. Mr. Howard commented that there is not a week that goes by that someone in the County calls and wants the City to correct something in the County.

Commissioner Detwiler questioned if we could lower the electric rates. Mr. Howard stated that we were under the State average in water, wastewater and sanitation. Mr. Howard explained that he was on the executive board for KMEA and he knows what the rates are in the State and you need to compare Pratt with the others on the same transmission. Mr. Howard added that getting it here was the biggest cost and that SWAPPA and WAPPA had to be considered in some communities. Mr. Howard stated that GRDA was the cheapest we can get and we were told that we could get three megs in 2013, but we are at six megs right now, which was saving us millions. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if that was being passed on to the consumers. Mr. Howard explained that there were fifteen regulations on municipalities that are to be done in the next five years and that includes the catalytic converters which will cost around $500,000 to $1 million per unit and the transmission lines that are going in at ten times the size they are now, which we will have to pay for part of. Mayor Taylor added that the energy would go straight through Kansas with no tax dollars and Mr. Dennis McKinney had commented that we should receive some of the funds if we would be paying for those lines. Mr. Howard explained that there is a spread between what we buy electric for and what we sell it for and that has increased since we got the six megs cheaper from GRDA. Mr. Howard commented that megs can swing from six to twenty on the same day and we had been selling generation to EMP1 and EMP2 members and making ten percent off of it. Mr. Howard stated that we have not lowered our rates, but we have not increased them since 2007 and do not plan on an increase as long as we watch the market.

Commissioner Skaggs questioned how much we transfer over to the general fund. Mr. Howard stated that it was $750,000 this year. Commissioner Skaggs commented that we would have less money to work with if we cut the profits. Ms. Garten stated that if you did not do that, you would have to raise the mil levy. Mr. Howard explained that citizens have control over this and can turn their thermostat up or down. Mayor Taylor commented that he had been comparing his bill at his farm that is on Ninnescah Rural Electric and his City bill and they are about down to a one cent difference. Mayor Taylor added that the City has street lights to pay for that keep us safe and you can go anywhere you want and the Municipal Building is lit up during the evenings and Ninnescah does not have those things. Mr. Howard added that twenty-two percent of the electricity goes to those usages, but you also have to include Lemon Park lights, downtown Christmas lights, ball diamonds, pool and the tennis courts. Mr. Howard commented that safety for the police had been discussed and street lights were among the safety equipment they needed. Mayor Taylor stated that we are not making money hand over fist and not enough to cut rates.

Mr. Howard commented that there are many factors that go into electric, such as Russell being able to use hydropower from the west which makes their rates cheaper than ours. Mr. Howard added that capacity is the amount of energy that can be transported through a conductor and if wind has only fifteen percent of the capacity, you have to get the rest covered from another form of energy, which you are going to have to pay a high price for. Mr. Howard stated that, if the wind does not blow, the college is backed up by the City. Mr. Howard explained that the cost of wind energy is free, but unreliable and the cost of alternate sources is high. Mr. Howard stated that we all pay for wind generation.

• Fuel Adjustment:

Ms. Garten commented that they had figured the fuel cost at $4 per gallon. Commissioner Skaggs commented that that may not be enough. Ms. Garten stated that it was hard to do in advance.

• Donations:

Ms. Garten stated that the donation budget was up due to the big increase in the Humane Society agreement in 2011. Commissioner Skaggs asked if these donations were all 501C3 and how many not for profit organizations we were going to support. Commissioner Detwiler stated that the Humane Society was not a donation, but a contract and they have an obligation to the City to provide a service. Commissioner Detwiler added that she had a problem with it called a donation. Mayor Taylor stated that $6,000 was a donation. Ms. Garten commented that donation was what we call it in the budget.

Ms. Garten stated that Red Cross had received $1,500 per year and this year had asked for $1,000 per month. Mayor Taylor commented that there had not been any local disasters and with the downturn in the economy, agencies were feeling the bite. Ms. Garten commented that she left it at $1,500. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that he was dead set against the $1,000 per month. Mayor Taylor commented that she would probably like an amount that she can count on monthly. Mayor Taylor added that $150 per month would be $1,800 a year. After some discussion, Commissioner Detwiler made a motion to approve $150 each month for the Red Cross donation. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.

• Contingencies:

Ms. Garten commented that you need two things to spend and those are cash and budget authority. Ms. Garten stated that if you do not have budget authority and you have a disaster, you have to go through this process again. Ms. Garten explained that you do not plan on spending this money, but it was there in case it was needed. Ms. Garten stated that each fund has to have this in case of a disaster, break down of equipment, engineering costs on projects and matching funds for grants. Commissioner Skaggs commented that there was $2,000,000 in a $26,000,000 budget. Ms. Garten stated that $600,000 was not enough in the electric department, but we have the authority to and do it. Mr. Howard explained that there are a lot in the system that cannot be insured such as the conductor and poles.

Discussion Topics:

• Banks:

Ms. Garten commented that we have our money in three banks and that People’s Bank gave the best interest. Ms. Garten pointed out that there is $8 million in People’s Bank, $5 million in First State Bank and $3 million in First National Bank. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if the bank does not have the authority to give better rates. Ms. Garten stated that they do and most are around one percent, but People’s Bank is about ¼ cent more.

• Fiscal Fitness:

Ms. Garten commented that she had attended the KMEA Fiscal Fitness program and she felt that we were doing a better job than they were suggesting. Mr. Howard commented that a lot of KMEA members are smaller than we are and do not have resources. Ms. Garten stated that they recommend that you have forty percent of your budget in reserves and that would be three to four months of operating time.

• Electrical Projects:

Mr. Howard commented that the tap changer is about 35 years old and every two years you have to go in and replace the contacts and look at the parts and seals. Commissioner Skaggs asked what a tap changer does. Mr. Howard explained that they adjust the system voltage and, depending on the demand of the City, you have to keep voltage up to a certain level and the tap changer helps us do that. Commissioner Skaggs asked how much a tap changer costs. Mr. Howard stated that it would be a million or so and that was for the transformer and charger.

• Streets:
 Main Street:

Mayor Taylor questioned if they would be pouring the west side of Main Street today. Mr. Howard stated that they would if the ground was not wet. Commissioner Skaggs commented that they were taking out some of the concrete on the south side. Commissioner Detwiler commented that she had heard that they poured when it was too hot and did not get a good set. Mr. Howard stated that that would not be on the street pour because they have a machine that follows. Commissioner Skaggs stated that it was about two feet at the south end and that was at a lower level, so maybe it was not the right height. Mr. Howard explained that they do breaks on it and if it is not right, they take it out, which we would rather they do than have a sub-grade surface. Mayor Taylor commented that EBH had their engineer looking at it as well. Mr. Howard added that there is a company that comes in and takes samples.

Commissioner Hlavachick questioned if they go back and do the crosswalks since they were pouring straight through. Mr. Howard stated that they would come back and cut out the crosswalks. Mr. Howard explained that we had planned on doing a street scape and you have to have the application in a year ahead of time, but that was not going to be funded this year, so we will have to wait until next year.

 Sixth Street:

Mayor Taylor questioned the cost for the sidewalk along Highway 54. Mr. Howard stated that he would estimate $60,000 to $70,000 and that you would have to figure in cost to move some power poles, sprinkler systems and other hidden things, such as lines that were not buried very deep. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if the company would not be responsible for putting them at the required depth. Mr. Howard commented that that was not the way it worked and it was not a requirement when it was done, but it was now.

Commissioner Skaggs asked if we would do it in stages and do to Country Club Road. Mr. Howard commented that he would like to get an engineer so that we could get costs that were reliable. Mayor Taylor commented that he would like to see a crosswalk between Wal-Mart and Highway 54. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that there are a lot of college kids that walk there. Mr. Howard commented that the whole thing would need to be engineered. A motion by Commissioner Skaggs to allow the engineer to engage in a sidewalk on the south side of Highway 54 going east to connect with Wal-Mart. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick. Commissioner Graf asked where the sidewalk would start. Commissioner Skaggs stated that it would start at Stout Street. Commissioner Graf commented that there was not a sidewalk in front of the VFW. Mayor Taylor commented that that could be done in a sidewalk project. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. Another motion was made by Commissioner Detwiler to look at the south side of Sixth Street where there are no sidewalks and to go to the Green Sports Complex. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs. Commissioner Hlavachick suggested that we let the engineer tell us the best place to put it and there may be some reason we cannot put it on the south side near the trailer park. Commissioner Detwiler amended her motion to allow the engineer to suggest the best place for the sidewalks. Commissioner Skaggs seconded the amendment and it carried unanimously.

• Wastewater:

Ms. Garten commented that the wastewater project was being paid for through a loan and forty percent of that would be forgiven when it was complete. Ms. Garten added that those payments would be budgeted until then. Mr. Howard commented that they may get started on that project this summer and probably complete it next year.

• Water:

Mr. Howard commented that there had been a plan for the Corp of Engineers to run a waterline to the airport that would tie into our well. Mr. Howard stated that there is one well that is contaminated and one with nitrates, but the Corp has backed out. Mr. Howard explained that we are not obligated to provide utilities to anybody. Mr. Howard commented that the strategy is that if they want the service line, they have to take care of it and they have to provide people with municipal water. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if it would be closer to come from Iuka. Mr. Howard stated that that would be fine, but they would have the same problem. Mr. Howard commented that another part of the strategy would be to have an alternative water source and move the wells. Mayor Taylor questioned the water rights in the two City wells. Mr. Howard stated that we would want to keep those. Commissioner Hlavachick questioned if the law suit of Jesse Moore was what caused all of this and wanted the City to help with litigation costs. Mr. Howard stated that they started it and, if we had known, the City and the airport would have joined them. Mr. Howard explained that Water Superintendent Kelvin Clay had put in the money for that project in case it comes up. Mayor Taylor asked if it could be encumbered. Ms. Garten stated that it could be. Mr. Howard added that the Corp was under a timeline to provide potable water, so they have their backs to the wall. Commissioner Skaggs questioned how much money was set back. Ms. Garten stated that it was $65,000.

• Parks:

Ms. Garten stated that the playground equipment for Gebhart should be here on the 15th of July and they would schedule a time to get it installed. Ms. Garten also informed the Commission that Lemon’s Park was still being patrolled. Commissioner Detwiler commented that there were a lot of people that park at the north diamond lot and she would like to see that designated a crosswalk. Commissioner Detwiler also reminded Mr. Howard that there needed to be a crosswalk sign at the exit. Mr. Howard stated that it was ordered.

 Lemon’s Park:

Commissioner Detwiler mentioned that she had heard that there were several picnic tables stolen and one of the portable bathrooms had been blown up and she had noticed that there had been no deer population for the last few months. Mr. Howard stated that there had been some picnic tables stolen. Commissioner Skaggs asked if they had found them. Mr. Howard stated that they had not. Mr. Howard explained that they had hoped that they had been borrowed for another event without permission. Commissioner Detwiler suggested that the gate to the park be closed at 8:00 p.m., because they could not walk in and do that. Mayor Taylor stated that we did not want to do that and he takes his dog to the pond and it is usually after 8:00 p.m. Mayor Taylor added that just because a few people have made things difficult, we do not want to punish everybody. Commissioner Detwiler commented that they have been too many places where the restroom doors have been welded shut and she does not want it to get to that point. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if they may have used them at the lake. Mr. Howard stated that he had not heard. Commissioner Detwiler asked if they were marked. Mr. Howard answered that he did not know. Commissioner Detwiler suggested bolting them to concrete plates.

 Property on Sixth Street:

Commissioner Hlavachick questioned if we were going to put a shelter house on the property that the City had purchased awhile back. Commissioner Detwiler commented that picnic tables would be nice there and it is close to the restrooms. Mr. Howard stated that it had been discussed to put a gazebo in there since where was a demand for those for weddings in the spring and summer.

 Tree Replacement:

Commissioner Hlavachick commented that he would like to see tree replacements be 20’ saplings. Ms. Garten commented that Park Superintendent Mark Eckhoff had budgeted for tree replacements. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that he would like to see the $3,000 doubled. Commissioner Detwiler stated that there are some nice evergreen trees that are 5’ tall, but they are dying. Commissioner Detwiler added that they have to be watered and nourished. Mr. Howard asked how many trees we were talking about. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that he was not sure, but we can afford bigger trees. Commissioner Detwiler stated that 75% of the trees at Green Sports Complex were dead. Mr. Howard stated that it has been a tough year.

• Pool:

Ms. Garten stated that Public Works Director Russell Rambat was working on getting an aquatic engineer evaluation on the pool in 2011.

• Cemetery:

Ms. Garten stated that the cemetery had budgeted for overlay on some of their roads and it would be split over two years for a total of $10,000.

• Fire:

Ms. Garten stated that the fire department continues to budget for a new truck. Commissioner Detwiler questioned how much our insurance would increase. Mr. Howard stated that he did not know. Mayor Taylor questioned how much it was going to be to replace the truck part. Mr. Howard stated that it was $10,000 but they were still able to use it if it was tied to the hydrant. Commissioner Graf questioned how often it was used. Ms. Garten stated that the lease purchase on their truck would be up in 2011 with the final payment being made. Commissioner Graf commented that there are grants out there such as FEMA. Mr. Howard stated that they are looking into that.

Mayor Taylor questioned what type of roof work needed done. Mr. Howard stated that there had been roof work done in 2002, but there was leaking in part of it and it was on the flat part. Mayor Taylor stated that it was about time to do it.

Commissioner Hlavachick commented that he had visited with several of the firemen and they all say they need a ladder truck for things like the Ethanol Plant. Mayor Taylor commented that that was why the County got their ladder truck. Mr. Howard added that we have the motels, Wal-Mart and their flat roof and downtown. Mayor Taylor commented that they could look at the cost and he knew the County got theirs for next to nothing. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if the County would come to a fire even though they do not train us on it. Mr. Howard stated that they would if asked. Mayor Taylor commented that we should check with our insurance to see if we are covered if the City trains on the County’s ladder truck.

Commissioner Detwiler asked for the final total on the new station. Ms. Garten stated that she would get that for her at the next break, but she thought it was around $300,000.

• Municipal Court:

City Attorney Van Blaricum commented that court costs had been $60 for some time and he was interested in seeing how we compare with other municipalities. Mr. Van Blaricum shared several of the costs with the Commission. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he would suggest raising the court cost to $70 to help offset their cost. Mr. Van Blaricum added that that would increase their revenue by $15,000 a year. Mayor Taylor commented that the last time all the fees were raised, it generated about $75,000. Commissioner Detwiler questioned how that money was utilized. Ms. Garten stated that it went back into the general fund. Mayor Taylor commented that we still did not catch up when we raised them several years ago. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if the mil levy could be lowered if these costs were raised. Ms. Garten stated that there would not be enough of an increase to do that. Commissioner Detwiler asked if we could go higher on the court costs. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that we could if that was what the Commission wanted. After little more discussion, a motion by Commissioner Detwiler to increase court costs from $60 to $80. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that those costs would go into effect September 1, 2011.

• Fire Station costs:

Ms. Garten informed Commissioner Detwiler that the new fire station cost $334,654.


Ms. Garten explained the mil levy comparisons from 2001 to current. Ms. Garten pointed out that the taxes generated had not increased over the last ten to twelve years.

Ms. Garten also explained the mil levy allocated to other taxing entities and that it could be deceiving. Ms. Garten stated that the City gets 42 mils on a valuation of approximately $35 million, but the County and college receive taxes on a valuation of $150 million, which is a lot more tax levied dollars.

Mayor Taylor questioned why the revitalization amount had gone up so much. Ms. Garten commented that there must have been more come on. Mr. Howard stated that, in the next three or four years, those that had been on the program for the last nine or ten years would be going off and the new motels were also on the revitalization program. Mayor Taylor questioned if the motels would have built if we had not had that program. Mr. Howard answered that it was a big deal.

Capital outlay:

Ms. Garten stated that this section of the budget information summarized what was in the budget, such as equipment and purchases for 2012.

• Fire:

Ms. Garten stated that this was where the second phase of the radio replacements was for the fire department, which was mandated.

• Parks:

Ms. Garten stated that the park department had budgeted for drainage at May Dennis Park, siding and paint for the garage at Lemon’s Park, replacing four electrical panels for the Christmas lights, tree and picnic table replacements. Commissioner Detwiler questioned what garage they were talking about. Mayor Taylor stated that it was probably the one by the shelter houses.

• Recreation:

Ms. Garten stated that the recreation department was looking to purchase a new gator utility vehicle and improve the irrigation system at the Sports Complex. Commissioner Detwiler questioned what irrigation needed improved. Mr. Howard stated that it was for areas between the fields. Commissioner Detwiler suggested renting a gator instead of buying a new one. Commissioner Detwiler commented that the one they have has been abused. Ms. Garten explained that it would be brought before the Commission before it was purchased. Commissioner Skaggs clarified that a purchase that size had to come before the Commission. Mr. Howard stated that was correct. Commissioner Hlavachick questioned if Commissioner Detwiler was suggesting not buying the gator after everything they do for us. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that they should get what they need to work. Commissioner Detwiler questioned how much they make for the City. Mayor Taylor commented that it does not pay all the salaries itself, but tournaments pay for themselves. Commissioner Detwiler stated that she needed to know what it makes the City. Mr. Howard mentioned the lodging tax and sales tax while Mayor Taylor added the revenue brought in pays for itself. Commissioner Detwiler commented that that was not all on tourism dollars.

• Public Works:

Ms. Garten stated that Public Works Director Rambat was looking to replace the office computer.

• Maintenance:

Ms. Garten stated that the maintenance department would be doing painting at all three buildings.

• Special Police:

Ms. Garten stated that the special police fund or forfeiture money would be used for the MDT software and training and in car cameras and tasers. Ms. Garten stated that there had not been a lot put in there in the last few years. The Commission questioned why that was. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that they had not been as aggressive. Commissioner Graf commented that they could be when they get the equipment out there. Mr. Howard stated that the equipment does not save lives. Mr. Howard added that their most aggressive officer was no longer on the street as much as he was. Mayor Taylor questioned if he was going to train them. Ms. Garten pointed out that there had to be cash in the vehicle when it was stopped and not just drugs, since they could not be sold for money. Mayor Taylor commented that he would rather have the drugs off the street before getting the money. Mayor Taylor added that he did not feel that we capitalize on Highway 54 like we should. Mr. Howard commented that he had had a conversation with ‘Acting’ Chief Myers about trucks going about 45 mph in the mornings between 6 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if this was due to the change in Chief’s. Mr. Howard stated that it was because Officer Walker was responsible for a lot of the stops, but they had talked about getting him back in that position again.

• Electric:

Ms. Garten stated that the electric department had budgeted for roof repair on steam plant #1.

• Wastewater:

Ms. Garten reported that the wastewater department budgeted for a new computer and software that would monitor from the front and back offices. Ms. Garten explained that they also put in their budget for a new building or rebuild the one at the lift station at the airport. Commissioner Skaggs asked if that was due to BTI. Mr. Howard explained that their lift station was their own responsibility and this was due to the lagoons.

• Water:

Ms. Garten stated that the water department had their annual meter replacements in their budget proposal along with three additional slots on the auto cad system, replace shingles on well 13 & 15 and a new HVAC system at their shop. Ms. Garten added that they had also left in the budgeted part for the Corp of Engineers. Mr. Howard stated that this was stuff that needed to be done now and if it needs done now, we could settle it later, which works well. Mayor Taylor commented that if something is over $10,000 and there is no meeting scheduled, the City Manager would call a few of us, but go ahead and get it done.

Equipment Reserves:

Ms. Garten stated that the next section dealt with equipment purchases that come out of the reserves fund.

• Police:

Ms. Garten stated that this was where the rotation of vehicles for the police department was.

• Parks:

Ms. Garten stated that the park department had saved up for a new mower in this fund.

• Cemetery:

Ms. Garten stated that this was where the funds were for the road overlay at the cemetery.

• Noxious Weeds:

Ms. Garten stated that the noxious weed department had reserved funds for the purchase of a sports utility vehicle. Commissioner Graf questioned if Mr. Jim Voss did not do that for the City. Mr. Howard stated that he had stopped doing that several years ago and street department employee Mr. Eddie Gould took it over. Commissioner Detwiler questioned why they need a 4-wheel vehicle. Mr. Howard stated that it was to get into areas that cannot get a vehicle into and to treat bind weed more aggressively. Mayor Taylor commented that Mr. Gould told him that he sprays for mosquitoes and weeds in other places than the streets. Commissioner Detwiler continued to question why they needed a 4-wheel SUV. Ms. Garten stated that it would be used to get amongst the trees. Mayor Taylor commented that they would need some kind of tank. Mayor Taylor questioned what happened to the gator at the Sports Complex. Mr. Howard commented that he would have to ask Recreation Director Pinkall.

Commissioner Skaggs questioned if we had found anything for bind weed. Mr. Howard stated that there are several things you can mix up. Mayor Taylor commented that he had visited with some people and they said that you could control it, but you would not get rid of it.

• Street:

Ms. Garten commented that the street department was looking to replace a pick-up and purchase a salt and sand spreader.

• Electric:

Ms. Garten pointed out that the electric department had saved to purchase a new phone system, the tap changer, catalytic converters and the flyover for mapping. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if they do not take pictures of Pratt anyway. Mayor Taylor answered that they were not as detailed as the County was and they were not trying to locate poles, etc. Mr. Howard stated that this was a higher resolution to identify utilities and property lines.

Ms. Garten stated that the line department would be replacing the west Main alley loop. Mr. Howard added that this needed upgraded.

• Sanitation:

Ms. Garten stated that sanitation had been budgeting for a flat bed trailer.

• Water:

Ms. Garten commented that the water department would like to replace the 2000 Dodge truck with a truck that has a utility bed and tommy lift. Ms. Garten stated that they had also been budgeting for the washout and inspection of the water towers at Champa Street and the college, along with inspecting and painting the water tower at the airport. Mayor Taylor questioned if we were going to need that if we replace the waterline. Mr. Howard explained that we need the reserve capacity. Commissioner Skaggs questioned the washing out of a water tower. Mr. Howard commented that you need to do it to keep from getting bacteria.

• Wastewater:

Ms. Garten stated that wastewater had been budgeting for a three year maintenance agreement with Central Power Systems.


Commissioner Skaggs questioned the back-up generator for the fire department and commented that we need to take care of the station. Commissioner Detwiler asked where the one was that we had purchased for $60,000. Mr. Howard stated that that was bigger than what they need and that one can power up two blocks in town. Mr. Howard explained that the one they needed would operate the doors. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the LEC had a generator. Mr. Howard stated that they did and this would be a similar set-up. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if the larger generator was utilitized somewhere. Mr. Howard stated that it was and one example was when we used it during the restring of wire. Commissioner Detwiler questioned how many times it had been used. Commissioner Skaggs stated that it was an insurance policy and we could not afford not to have it. Mr. Howard stated that it was used in Greensburg. Commissioner Detwiler stated that we would have not had it if we needed it. Mr. Howard stated that we brought it back here after five days when they got the others brought in.

Legal Budget:

Ms. Garten commented that the next section was a summary of what we go through to get to the legal budget that is filed with the County and State.


Ms. Garten stated that she had put charts in this section to compare the last five years of the operation budget. Ms. Garten explained that this was just the materials and supplies and it showed that there had not been an increase for several years. Ms. Garten added that that means the departments had been working with fewer resources to keep the mil levy down. Mr. Howard stated that we were not looking at ways to spend money. Ms. Garten pointed out that the $16.8 million at the end of May would go down further as major projects were completed, such as the Main Street project and the wastewater project.


Ms. Garten stated that the next sections were the actual worksheets and that on page two is showed transfers to the general fund of $750,000 from the electric department, $50,000 from the sanitation and $100,000 from both the wastewater and water departments.

• City Commission:

Ms. Garten stated that the City Commission budget was about the same, but there was a decrease in health insurance premiums due to the change in coverage. Commissioner Detwiler commented that she had called several places to see what their Commissioners were paid and she had found out that the largest City had volunteer City Commissioners, the City three times our size had a salary of $175 per month for Commissioners and $250 for the Mayor, one City our size paid their Commissioners $25 per meeting and $50 for the Mayor and a community larger than us paid all of them $150. Commissioner Detwiler stated that we make a lot of money and asked that the Commission take a 50% pay cut. Commissioner Skaggs commented that we own our own light plant; therefore, we have more responsibility. Commissioner Skaggs added that you attract a better quality of person by paying more, but, if we were looking to make a change, he would suggest doing away with insurance coverage. Commissioner Skaggs pointed out that he and Commissioner Detwiler were in a different position as the other people in that they do not keep their salary, but the others are self-employed businessmen.

Commissioner Skaggs questioned what part of the $26,000,000 this involved. Ms. Garten stated that it was a very small part and probably was less than one percent. Commissioner Detwiler commented that every little bit helps. Mayor Taylor stated that he was confused since Commissioner Detwiler wanted to do sidewalks in the community. Commissioner Detwiler commented that those benefit the entire community. Mayor Taylor stated that we would save money if we do not do the sidewalks. Commissioner Graf stated that he liked having the insurance. Commissioner Skaggs agreed that insurance was a major concern. Mayor Taylor commented that he did not mind the pay. Commissioner Skaggs stated that he was proud that we were in good shape and that some communities were struggling.

Mayor Taylor pointed out that the County Commissioners make $18,000 a year to meet once a week. Commissioner Detwiler stated that they do not have an administrator. Mayor Taylor commented that they have department heads and they do not have any more important duties than the City. Mayor Taylor added that he did not think the City Commissioners were overpaid. Commissioner Graf commented that he would take a 25% decrease, but not a 50%. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that he was not interested in any cut. Commissioner Skaggs asked Commissioner Detwiler if this was a motion or discussion. Commissioner Detwiler stated that it was a discussion to get a reaction.

• City Manager:

Ms. Garten stated that the City Manager’s budget did not change much, but there was an increase in dues. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the no pay increase was Mr. Howard’s request. Mr. Howard stated that he had never asked for a raise in his life. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if there had always been a vehicle for the City Manager. Mr. Howard stated that he drove his own when he first got here and he had usually had a used police car and even this one was used. Mayor Taylor explained that there was a vehicle that the former City Manager could have used, but he did not do a lot of the stuff that Mr. Howard does. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that Mr. George Anderson usually had someone drive him around.

Commissioner Skaggs commented that he felt that we get our full value for what we are paying and that was based on what he has seen in the last year and a half. Commissioner Skaggs added that Mr. Howard takes care of a hundred employees and a $26,000,000 budget, so his salary was justified. Commissioner Detwiler stated that she did not believe so. Commissioner Skaggs commented that you get what you pay for.

City Manager Howard stated that he had made the City far more money than they could ever get paid for. Mayor Taylor agreed and mentioned the waterline to the Ethanol Plant. Mr. Howard added that there were also the motels. Commissioner Detwiler commented that the money from the motels does not stay in the United States. Mr. Howard stated that they are US citizens and one of them considered moving to Pratt, but did not. Mayor Taylor commented that they pay sales tax and have loans at the bank. Commissioner Skaggs stated that, because of the current thought, he could not approve an increase, but we were getting the full value for what we are investing in.

Mr. Howard stated that if he had not negotiated some of the contracts, such as GRDA, we would be down for longer periods of time through Sunflower Electric. Mr. Howard explained that we have the GRDA early and got more than we were to have and he got it for other communities as well and he would take credit for that. Mr. Howard stated to Commissioner Detwiler that she did not know what he does and there is a lot of criticism, but no one looks at what he does. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that he does not need to defend any part of this. Commissioner Skaggs commented that he should so that we can support him and make reference to those accomplishments. Mr. Howard stated that it changes daily. Commissioner Skaggs stated that he just needed two or three major ones. Mr. Howard stated that he had got the waterline to the Ethanol Plant that was paid for and there were waterlines in the City that improved fire service and got improved fire protection for the college. Mr. Howard added that those things did not cost the citizens a dime. Mayor Taylor stated that Mr. Howard does his job and does it well without tooting his own horn until his back is against the wall.

Mr. Howard stated that he does not approve million dollar waterlines and that those projects are approved by the Commission. Mayor Taylor stated that there were three on the Commission that have not been here long enough to know that that was paid for by a defunked plant and the new one. Commissioner Skaggs commented that with term limits that would happen a lot. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that when Ms. Jan Jorns was City Attorney he was familiar with her work since they were in the same office and she spent a lot of time with the previous City Manager. Mr. Van Blaricum pointed out that her billings to the City were more ten or fifteen years ago then his are now. Mr. Van Blaricum clarified that that was not to criticize the former City Manager, but now we have one with education and knowledge and who does not have to lean on the City Attorney. Mr. Howard commented that there was very little that come by that he has not run into in the past. Mr. Howard explained that he gets calls for advice and he could be the KMEA president anytime, but he will not because he takes care of home first.

• City Attorney:

Commissioner Skaggs stated that if Mr. Van Blaricum bills the City, he should also be excluded from the 3% increase. Ms. Garten stated that the City Attorney was a little different and there was no increase. Mr. Howard stated that the City Attorney was under contract until next December. Commissioner Detwiler pointed out that there was $1,000 in conferences, but nothing had been spent. Ms. Garten stated that you do not know when they come up and you see this quite a bit on his budget. Ms. Garten explained that they had left the budget there in case there was a case against the City, his budget would kick in. Ms. Garten stated that this gave us the budget authority that had been discussed. Ms. Garten pointed out that the tags and license had been coded to a different line item, but would start going to the correct one.

• City Clerk:

Ms. Garten stated that the insurance for the Pilot Club Express was taken from the City Clerk’s budget, so that had been added to the budget. Mayor Taylor questioned the cost of postage. City Clerk Kramer stated that she thought they would be okay, but that was something that you cannot control. Ms. Kramer also pointed out that she also had money put in reserves to replace the meter reader’s vehicle.

• Finance:

Ms. Garten stated that she had decreased the conference line item, but increased the professional services due to the auditor’s fee being higher.

• Police:

Ms. Garten stated that the police budget was about the same with the exception of the 3% increase. Ms. Garten pointed out that the purchase of police cars was in capital equipment reserves and there was $15,000 in for the LEC building maintenance.

• Animal Control:

Ms. Garten stated that there were no changes to this budget and this was where the Humane Society contract was paid out of professional services.

• Municipal Court:

Ms. Garten stated that there were no changes in Municipal Court. Commissioner Skaggs questioned who was in Municipal Court. Ms. Garten stated that it was Ms. Jamie Walker and this budget also took care of the indigent officer and Municipal Court judge. Commissioner Detwiler asked who the probation officer was. Ms. Garten stated that was also Ms. Walker.

• Fire:

Commissioner Skaggs questioned who the full time employee was for the fire department. Ms. Garten stated that it was Mr. Gerry Aramowicz. Ms. Garten added that there is also the salary for the fire chief and his assistant chief. Ms. Garten stated that they also have the second phase of radios and the transfer to capital equipment reserves for the truck.

• Planning and Code Enforcement:

Ms. Garten stated that there were no changes to this budget.

• Parks:

Ms. Garten stated that the insurance costs had gone up from last year in the parks department and she had raised the utility expense since it was coming in higher than budgeted. Commissioner Skaggs questioned what buildings he was going to paint. Ms. Garten stated that it was the garages in Lemon’s park. Commissioner Detwiler questioned the utility amount and if it was correct. Ms. Garten stated that there were higher expenses at the end of the year. Commissioner Detwiler questioned the tag line item. Ms. Garten stated that tags had been taken out of professional services, but would begin to use the correct line item. Ms. Garten pointed out that there was a transfer to capital equipment, but they were going to purchase a new mower instead of a pick-up.

• Pool:

Ms. Garten commented that the pool did not change, but she had decreased the professional services for the aquatic engineer and that depends on what the engineer comes up with. Commissioner Hlavachick asked what work needed done at the pool. Mr. Howard stated that the liner was aging and the treatment system was getting old. Mayor Taylor questioned if pools were going to the uv filter systems. Mr. Howard stated that they were, but he was not for building a new pool, but just to modernize it. Commissioner Skaggs asked if there was any money left in the Ellis Kenney fund. Ms. Garten stated that it was in the park trust money, but there were no funds left.

• Municipal Building:

Ms. Garten stated that this was where the utilities were paid from and the renovations.

• Recreation:

Ms. Garten commented that there was nothing different in this budget. Commissioner Detwiler questioned how many full time employees work in the recreation department. Ms. Garten stated that there were four full time. Mayor Taylor asked if the custodians were in this budget. Ms. Garten stated that they were in the maintenance budget. Commissioner Detwiler asked what the recreation department does in the winter months. Ms. Garten commented that they have recreation sports year around. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there was any connection with the Blythe Fitness Center. Mr. Howard explained that only if there was a tournament and we were using their facility, but not on a day to day basis. Mr. Howard commented that they hope to do in the winter months with basketball what they do in the summer with baseball and softball. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if it brings in any income. Mr. Howard explained that you have to pay to get into the tournaments and there would be admission fees, concession fees, and entry fees and part of that would go to pay court fees for using their facility. Commissioner Detwiler questioned the concessions at the Sports Complex. Mr. Howard stated that we let someone manage and purchase concessions at the pool, but not the Sports Complex. Mr. Howard stated that if someone is putting on the tournament, they may run the concessions. Commissioner Skaggs commented that we should keep running it if it is making money.

• Public Works:

Ms. Garten stated that professional services in this budget were for maintaining alleys and rights-of-way. Mayor Taylor questioned where Mr. Rambat’s salary was. Ms. Garten stated that it was split four ways and that was between water, wastewater, street and sanitation. Ms. Garten added that Mr. Rambat had also budgeted for new tires. Commissioner Detwiler questioned how old his vehicle was. Ms. Garten stated that it was a 2008.

• Maintenance:

Ms. Garten stated that this was the maintenance budget for the Community Center, Municipal Building and City Hall and this included painting done in all three. Commissioner Skaggs commented that the Municipal Building was filthy and needed cleaned. Mayor Taylor added that the bathrooms at the Municipal Building stink. Commissioner Detwiler stated that if they were going to do a kitchen renovation, they would need to clean up first. Commissioner Detwiler added that it was the same way at the Community Center. Commissioner Skaggs commented that maybe they could not get around to it.

• Special Streets:

Ms. Garten commented that this was where the street department got their salaries and there were no changes.

• Special Police:

Ms. Garten stated that this fund had not had anything spent in the last few years.

• Industrial Development.

Ms. Garten stated that Economic Development was paid out of this fund.

• Transfers:

Ms. Garten stated that this was money from general fund to streets. Ms. Garten added that this was the fund that we would transfer some due to on-going projects.

Ms. Garten stated that this was where the teen center, food bank and Red Cross were paid from.

Ms. Garten stated that the general fund was the biggest tax levied fund.

Special revenue funds:

Ms. Garten stated that this was the revenue source for special purposes.

• Library:

Ms. Garten stated that the library fund was the three mils approved by the Commission and we access it to them. Ms. Garten added that they have their own budget.

• Cemetery:

Ms. Garten stated that this is where the fees go that are collected and we pay most of the expenses up to the cash that we have. Ms. Garten added that this was where the overlay was budgeted.

• Noxious Weeds:

Ms. Garten stated that there are no changes to this fund.

• Tort Liability:

Ms. Garten stated that the tort liability fund was not going to be funded this year since the balance was at $730,000 and that was a substantial amount. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if this was not reflected in the total budget figure. Ms. Garten stated that it was. Commissioner Detwiler questioned that it was not being funded. Ms. Garten explained that there was no new money coming in this year. Commissioner Detwiler stated that if it was in the budget, then it was budgeted. Mayor Taylor explained that there was nothing being collected. Ms. Garten added that there was no new revenue, but we could spend it if a law case comes in. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if the $730,000 was going to increase if we do not use it. Ms. Garten stated that it would not. Ms. Garten added that this used to be done by a tax levy, but most law cases are covered by insurance. Commissioner Skaggs questioned how much liability insurance we have. Mr. Howard stated that he was not sure, but he thought it was around $10 million.

• Special Streets:

Ms. Garten stated that this was where the ¼ cent sales tax was and where we do our street projects. Ms. Garten explained that we do not carry a cash balance in this fund, so revenues we receive are all that Public Works Director Rambat has for projects. Mr. Howard commented that we under-estimate it since we do not know how much sales tax will be collected. Ms. Garten added that they have budgeted for a loader, pick-up purchase and sand and salt spreader. Ms. Garten explained that the loan payments for Fincham Street and Tenth Street and they would be paid off in 2013.

• Convention and Tourism:

Ms. Garten stated that this fund was for the guest tax. Ms. Garten explained that there was $400,000 in cash reserves and it had been increased a little bit due to funding requests and an increase in downtown advertising. Commissioner Hlavachick questioned the promotion position. Mr. Howard stated that that was made part of Recreation Director Pinkall’s position until the downtown was done. Mr. Howard added that Mr. Pinkall had done a good job. Commissioner Skaggs commented that promoting events is worth a lot.

Commissioner Skaggs commented that he had been asked why we promote hometown athletics. Mr. Howard stated that it was community support. Mayor Taylor commented that he had read that we were losing SRS. Mr. Howard stated that was correct and they employee thirteen people. Commissioner Skaggs stated that he heard they were saving Greensburg. Mr. Howard agreed and added that they employee two people.

• Firefighting Equipment:

Ms. Garten stated that one mill is set aside for this line item and we take that to make the fire truck payment.

• Forfeiture Fund:

Ms. Garten commented that the vehicle inspection fees and forfeiture funds go in this line item. Ms. Garten explained that this is used for special needs for the police department.

• Employee Health:

Ms. Garten stated that this fund was about to be closed, but the retirees premiums come out of it, so it would stay open.

• Bond and Interest:

Ms. Garten commented that this was where we pay the general obligation bonds.

• Special Parks:

Ms. Garten stated that had 1/3 of the alcohol tax that had to be spent in the parks and equipment was paid for from here.

• Special Alcohol:

Ms. Garten explained that this was the fund that has to be spent on chemical dependency and the 1/3 goes to the South Central Kansas Foundation for Chemical Dependency.

Enterprise funds:

• Electric:

Ms. Garten explained that this fund was where the salaries of Ms. Mary Hammond and Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill were paid from. Ms. Garten added that this fund did not change at all.

• Production:

Ms. Garten commented that there were quite a few changes such as the tap changer and interconnect relay. Mayor Taylor questioned the decrease in salaries. Ms. Garten stated that that was due to turnover.

• Motor fuels:

Ms. Garten stated that motor fuels showed that we were using more gallons.

• Equipment:

Ms. Garten stated that this was under the control of the Commission and the transfers to capital improvement had been talked about earlier.

• Distribution:

Ms. Garten stated that this did not change a lot.

• Production:

Ms. Garten explained that part of the tap changer was coming out of the power plant and distribution.

• Bond payments:

Commissioner Detwiler questioned how much we had in outstanding bonds. Ms. Garten stated that it was about $7 million. Mayor Taylor asked if we were still paying on the dual fuel engines. Commissioner Detwiler questioned that we were still paying for those. Ms. Garten commented that it had been refinanced and it was favorable due to lower interest rates. Ms Garten added that the total expenditures in electric were $12 million.

• Sanitation:

Ms. Garten stated that not much changed and they had budgeted for a flat bed pick-up. Commissioner Skaggs commented that, several times a year, he comes upon a stretch of road where liquids or grease have been left on the road. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there was a way to require users to contain that type of stuff. Mr. Howard stated that they are supposed to, but it comes after rainy days.

• Wastewater:

Ms. Garten stated that the professional services had increased due to the contract under the capital outlays for preventive maintenance. Ms. Garten pointed out the new computer and software in equipment supplies, the $8,000 for the new building at the airport in building and lands and the two motor lift stations at the airport in the sewer line maintenance transfers. Ms. Garten added that they were also starting to save money for a sewer camera that costs $75,000, because the old camera has limitations. Ms. Garten pointed out the loan payments for the new project, but reminded the Commission that there was 40% forgiveness once the project was complete.

• Water:

Mayor Taylor questioned the water rates for the City. Mr. Howard stated that we were low, but the fund manages. Mayor Taylor stated that that was important. Mr. Howard added that if people take care of their property it adds to the value of the community. Commissioner Detwiler commented that three of her neighbors had complained of less water pressure. Mr. Howard commented that it could be the well sequence needs to be changed, but he would check on it. Ms. Garten stated that the office expenses showed the purchase of the auto cad expense, along with a couple of chairs and a laptop. Ms. Garten pointed out the loan payments. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the 195 touchpad meters was part of the process. Ms. Garten stated that it was. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if those meters would work with the radio read system. Mr. Howard stated that they could. Commissioner Detwiler clarified that we would not have to buy new meters when we go to radio. Mr. Howard stated that was correct. Mr. Howard explained that a water meter had a lifespan of about ten years.

• Utility Deposits:

Ms. Garten explained that this was where the utility deposits were held and the amount in there were deposits on hand.

Agency Trust Funds:

Ms. Garten stated that this was revenue for specific funds.

• Parts Trust:

Ms. Garten stated that this fund was used for park improvements and included the Riney money.

• Cemetery Trust:

Mayor Taylor questioned if this fund could be used for the roads at the cemetery. Ms. Garten commented that it would have to be approved by the cemetery board, but they do not like to spend it. Commissioner Skaggs questioned what they were saving it for. Mayor Taylor explained that they wanted it to be enough that it could fund itself.

• Recreation Trust:

Ms. Garten stated that this fund had tournament gate receipts and donations for recreation.

• Sales Tax Agency:

Ms. Garten stated that this was where the sales tax was collected and then remitted to the State.

Reserve Funds:

Ms. Garten explained that these were the funds for special reason and were required by bond instrument.

• Water Bond Reserve & Water Bond and Interest:

Ms Garten commented that this was for the water bond and interest on the 2006 water revenue bond.

• Water Project – Main Street:

Ms. Garten stated that this was established so that we could track the loan proceeds in and out.

• Electric Debt Service:

Ms. Garten stated that this was to pay the electric debt and it came out of the electric fund to here so it could be paid.

• Wastewater Reserves:

Ms. Garten stated that this was required to pay the wastewater bond.

• Capital Equipment Reserves:

Ms. Garten explained that this was where all the departments put money saved back for major equipment purchases and equipment. Mr. Howard stated that our goal was to never be in a crisis and hope that you are covered for several years. Mr. Howard added that that is good planning and being financially responsible. Commissioner Skaggs asked about funding for North Main. Mr. Howard stated that that would depend on the grant funding and how much it will be. Mr. Howard explained that the more money you put into it, the more you get. Mr. Howard commented that we were shifting funds to the North Main Street project since we over budgeted for the South Main Street Project. Ms. Garten stated that there was $50,000 put back in street reserves.

• Capital Improvement:

Ms. Garten commented that this was for bigger improvement projects and infrastructure.

• Electric Maintenance:

Ms. Garten stated that this was a required fund.

• Fire Fighting Equipment:

Ms. Garten stated that this was where the fire truck payment came out of. Mr. Howard reminded the Commission that the fire truck would be paid off this year and we could use that as revenue to look ahead. Mr. Howard added that the payment was $24,000 a year and it could be put back into the budget if we were getting another truck.

• Wastewater:

Ms. Garten stated that this fund would track the loan proceeds and expenditures.

Questions and Ideas:

• People’s Bank parking lot:

Mayor Taylor questioned if anyone had heard anything about a Farmers Market. Mayor Taylor commented that he had heard that there was some discussion about the People’s Bank parking lot and they had mentioned brick from Main Street lining the lot. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that this was a Leadership 2000 class project and he was told that the City had said that we would haul the bricks. Mr. Howard stated that he had told them that they should get on the next agenda with the number of bricks they would need to do the project, but he had no problem with it. Commissioner Detwiler stated that she had heard that a commercial person had taken seventy to ninety truck loads of brick. Mr. Howard stated that they had gotten that stopped. Mr. Howard commented that the reason he had asked them to come to a Commission meeting was due to the size of the project, the construction equipment they would need and the number of bricks. Mr. Howard explained that they would need 2/3 of a block. Commissioner Skaggs commented that parking lot was for People’s Bank employees that was kept open all the time and we would be paving it for a private business. Commissioner Detwiler commented that we would be covering it for a Farmer’s Market. Mr. Howard stated that he had told them that the City had nothing to do with the Farmer’s Market and they could find somebody else with an empty parking lot. Mr. Howard added that if it were on City property, it would have to be permited parking. Mr. Howard repeated that this was private property and owned by the People’s Bank, but he did not mind using the brick. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that he did not have a problem with it. Commissioner Skaggs questioned where the heavy equipment would come from since this was a project of Leadership. Commissioner Skaggs added that this was a win/win for People’s Bank. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if they would want to use City equipment. Mr. Howard answered that that would be the Commission’s decision. Commissioner Detwiler questioned the reason for bricking. Mr. Howard stated that they had talked to him a long time ago and this was the one they came up with on their own.

Mr. Howard stated that he had asked Ms. Carol Stull to put together something for the agenda, but that it would not be for the work, but for the bricks. Commissioner Skaggs commented that if the slope was not right, there would be damage to the building’s foundation.

• LEC Committee:

City Attorney Van Blaricum commented that the LEC Committee had met this past week and the purpose of the meeting was because the sheriff had engaged with an engineering firm to look at the access air flow at the LEC. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that it was not working very well and the plan was to start out with a HVAC system and new boiler, but it would be a five stage process. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that they are now working on a plan to present it to the Commission. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that the system was thirty-five years old and the building had been designed well until they put the conference room in the downstairs and, to increase vitalization, they had poked holes in the air ducts and that changed the rest of the building. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that the new plan would involve a new tower outside, but make it secure. Commissioner Graf asked how much money was in that fund. Ms. Garten stated that it was $75,000. Mayor Taylor stated that half would be from us and half would be from them. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that the next stage would be the new boiler.

Commissioner Detwiler stated that the Municipal Building is not getting its full use, so she questioned moving the LEC there. Mr. Howard commented that he had thought about moving City Hall back over there. Mr. Howard explained that the use of the Municipal Building may drop off with the Blythe Fitness Center and, the way it is now, it is just an expense. Commissioner Detwiler commented that she had attended a couple of training sessions there and she sensed strong friction between the two departments. Commissioner Detwiler stated that if we move to the Municipal Building, they could maintain their LEC without us being involved. Commissioner Graf commented that they do not have enough room. Commissioner Detwiler stated that the Municipal Building would make more room and she suggested discussing the possibility.

Commissioner Hlavachick stated that he thought we should combine the two departments into one. Commissioner Detwiler stated that you would not get the County to agree. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that we should bring it up at the next City/County meeting. Commissioner Skaggs suggested that we wait on hiring a Chief. Mayor Taylor commented that that would be one less salary. Mr. Howard stated that he had talked to retired Chief Steve Holmes and they would do it for six months to work the bugs out.

Commissioner Detwiler questioned what our contribution was for our share of the LEC. Mr. Howard stated that we pay for 50% of the utilities, we pay for dispatch and the Sheriff’s Department has the 911 programs. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if our people take the 911 calls. Mr. Howard stated that they did, but the program was the County’s. Ms. Garten stated that we also pay for prisoner housing. Commissioner Detwiler suggested that we put a pencil to what it costs to have our people in their center. Commissioner Skaggs directed the City Manager to get with the Sheriff and see what his position is and added that the timing may be right. The Commissioners were all in agreement. Mr. Howard stated that he had researched this a little bit and one County had consolidated, but it was popular nationwide.

• Motion to approve:

A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to approve to publish the 2012 budget as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs. Commissioner Detwiler stated that she was not ready to approve this budget since she had only gotten through half of it. After some discussion, the motion passed with four approved and one opposed vote by Commissioner Detwiler.

• Bathroom in Centennial Park:

Mayor Taylor questioned if Public Works Director Rambat had done anything about a bathroom at Centennial Park. Mayor Taylor questioned converting the building that was already there into a bathroom. Mr. Howard stated that he would talk to him about that. Commissioner Detwiler stated that they are half a block from the tennis court restrooms, which is the same distance as Sixth Street Park. Commissioner Skaggs commented that we have to think about vandalism to the facility as well.

• Handicap Accessible:

Commissioner Detwiler commented that the little foot bridge south of the tennis courts was not handicap accessible, but the sidewalk was. Mr. Howard stated that he would check on that.

• Bike Path:

Commissioner Hlavachick questioned budgeting money for a feasibility study for a bike path. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that a bike path would lend itself to the trail system from Lemon’s Park to the lake. Mr. Howard stated that he had talked to Wildlife and Parks about it, but not the County. Mr. Howard added that Lake Road was used a lot and he would talk to Ms. Linda Lanterman.

• Water balloons:

Commissioner Detwiler commented that the hydrant area east of the east shelter house in Lemon’s Park was covered with water balloons and she questioned checking to see if there was a hydrant that would not allow balloons on it.

• Budget timing:

Mr. Van Blaricum suggested to Commissioner Detwiler that this meeting could be recessed so everybody could get through the budget. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that he was satisfied. Commissioner Skaggs stated that he felt it was well presented. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if City staff could be required to get them in earlier. Ms. Garten stated that she had put together as much as she could, but the County information was not available until July 1st. Mayor Taylor commented that that was the most important part. Ms. Garten added that we still have time and that the budget has to be published by August 3rd, which is ten days prior to the public hearing on August 15th and then it has to be to the County by August 25th. Mayor Taylor stated that he was fine with the budget. Commissioner Skaggs suggested that Commissioner Detwiler come in with questions and he was not opposed to changes or amendments.

Commissioner Detwiler commented that she felt they needed to look at what we were spending and the bottom line was that we were saving for things in an economic crisis. Commissioner Detwiler added that there are residents that are critical of what we are spending. Commissioner Detwiler stated that a quarter of our population are seniors and retirees and they have not gotten a raise for three years and she felt we would hear a lot of noise about the 3% increase for cost of living. Commissioner Detwiler added that we were buying vehicles that are replacing what is not used up yet and we need to show that we are making an effort and not buying a lot of stuff we do not need. Mayor Taylor stated that moving the police and sheriff’s departments to the Municipal Building would cost $250,000, because you cannot just move in. Mayor Taylor commented that Commissioner Detwiler was kind of double speaking by wanting us to cut our salaries and that is cutting cents, but spending dollars on a building that the a/c runs constantly and there is no elevator. Mr. Howard added that the radio communications alone would cost more than $250,000. Commissioner Detwiler questioned how the recreation department gets by. Mayor Taylor answered that they have their own offices and you are not going to get duct water cooling into all those offices and there is a problem with vitalization. Commissioner Detwiler stated that she was not proposing moving them next week.

Mayor Taylor stated that Commissioner Detwiler wants to make Pratt more affordable, but it was proposed to go do tests on streets, sidewalks on Sixth Street and Highway 54. Commissioner Detwiler stated that she had proposed paying for those out of tourism dollars. Mr. Howard commented that we would have to look at that. Mayor Taylor commented that the River Walk in Wichita brought people in.

Mayor Taylor stated that Commissioner Detwiler could go ahead and read through it and bring it back and they would listen at the next meeting or do a special call. Mayor Taylor commented that he was getting a double message and that, if it was a project that she was really into, we were to just do it with no thought to money, but she was going to micromanage the purchase of a vehicle. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that the purpose of the budgeting process was to plan ahead and it was not right to say after the budget that they cannot have IT. Mr. Howard commented that it depends on the level of service you want to provide to the citizens. Commissioner Detwiler stated that she knew she was not the only Commissioner that has heard about the City having a new truck. Mayor Taylor stated that he has heard that, but they never know which department it was or whose it was. Mayor Taylor added that the City takes good care of their vehicles and they do look new when they are not. Commissioner Skaggs commented that you do not want it to get old and not have anybody want to buy it. Mr. Howard explained that, if we ever did go into an economic downturn, you want to go into it with new equipment, not junk. Mr. Howard added that, if you do not have adequate equipment, you cannot function during storms or disasters. Mr. Howard stated that he is proud to give the department’s new equipment and that the Commissioners are not out in the middle of the night when there is a snow storm or power outage. Mr. Howard commented that we do not want to have to spend time working to get some old piece of equipment running and you want to keep assets as assets, not liabilities.

Mr. Howard stated that if a City Manager manages his City under crisis all the time, he has not done his job. Mayor Taylor commented that he had visited with the Public Works Director in Medicine Lodge and he realized how effective we are. Mayor Taylor explained that people do not want to work for an employer who does not keep things up. Mr. Howard stated that our prices are not high and all services take appropriate equipment. Mr. Howard explained that when we cannot provide a service, he does not want to be here and, if our taxes are high, the City is not the problem.

Commissioner Detwiler commented that she thought we need to be critical of what we are purchasing and see if it is necessary or could be postponed until next year. Ms. Garten explained that we are doing the budget sixteen to eighteen months ahead and if a department does not need something, it would not come before the Commission. Ms. Garten added that if they think they might need it before the end of 2012, then they put it in their budget. Mr. Howard reminded the Commission that those purchases come before them for approval and, if there is an economic situation, he would not let them do it anyway. Ms. Garten explained that she monitors the budget monthly, but you have to have budget authority and look forward.

Commissioner Detwiler stated that, if this was published, she wanted to be able to justify it. Mr. Howard stated that they do not have to approve everything and that was how the process works. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if she would throw a monkey wrench into it if she did not approve some things. Mr. Howard stated that she does not have to agree. Commissioner Detwiler commented that she did not want to sign something that was passed here that would say she approved it.

Commissioner Skaggs stated that the Commission needs to let the City Manager run the City and Commissioner Detwiler was guilty of micromanaging. Commissioner Skaggs explained that this was Mr. Howard’s business to run. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that the worst thing a City Commission can do is micromanage. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that that was his philosophy and he was not going to get away from that.

Mr. Van Blaricum explained to Commissioner Detwiler that she could tell people that she had read the budget in advance, attended the budget work session and participated fully and showed her concerns. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that she can tell them that she worked with the other Commissioners and did the best she could to hold the budget down and the other Commissioners listened.

Mr. Howard stated that the operational expenses chart shows that it has dropped in the last five years and you could go back five more years and see the same thing. Mr. Howard added that they are not going to find things to put in the budget and it was our responsibility to take care of the citizens and we owe it to the employees to work in a safe environment. Mr. Howard stated that if we cut costs, then service gets cut. Mayor Taylor added that you then have an increase in workmen’s comp.

After little more discussion, Mr. Howard stated that most cities are not sitting where we are, but we do not know how long Pratt can remain an island and we want to be strong. Mayor Taylor reminded everyone that the auditor did say that we had done a good job of spending down the reserves.


A motion by Commissioner Skaggs to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.





07/05/2011-Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes


JULY 05, 2011

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.

PRESENT: Bill Hlavachick Vice-Mayor
Victor Graf Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
Karen Detwiler Commissioner

ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Gary Myers ‘Acting’ Chief of Police
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director


The regular meeting was called to order by Vice-Mayor Hlavachick. The Vice-Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present with the exception of Mayor Taylor.

The Vice-Mayor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.


A motion by Commissioner Skaggs to approve the minutes of the June 20, 2011 regular Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.


• Drug Problem:

Mr. Tom Lang, 320 North Jackson, addressed the Commission about his concern for the use of drugs in our town and the apparent disregard of the use of drugs and underage drinking. Mr. Lang stated that his house faces 120 Garfield and that he came to town excited, but the dream was not realized due to drug activity and smoking weed on the front porch at that address on Garfield.

Mr. Lang relayed several instances where he had contacted the police and that once it had resulted in an arrest, but they were back within an hour. Mr. Lang commented that he had given the police officers license plate numbers to help them in case they were pulled over and to help combat the issue. Mr. Lang stated that kids using drugs are drinking and driving around town the same as we are. Mr. Lang added that he cannot let his children play on the equipment in their backyard, because they do not know what is going on.

Mr. Lang stated that he had been going up the chain for four years and now he was in front of the Commission for help. Mr. Lang commented that he would like to see the Commission give the Chief of Police backing to get this taken care of. Mr. Lang stated that this house was owned by a City employee and was a nuisance and this was not something that anyone should have to see on a regular basis and he understood that this was not unique in Pratt. Mr. Lang added that they like this town and pay high taxes, but if something was not done, they were going to leave.

City Manager Dave Howard commented that Mr. Lang stated that he had gone up the chain, but Mr. Howard told him that he had not come to him with this problem. Mr. Howard added that he would have had something done and that he would meet with ‘Acting’ Police Chief Myers, Detective Jeff Ward and City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum tomorrow and, if something was not done, he asked Mr. Lang to come back to the next Commission meeting in two weeks. Vice-Mayor Hlavachick commented that Mr. Lang had visited with him a couple of times about this situation. Commissioner Skaggs asked if Mr. Lang had stated that this home was owned by a City employee. Mr. Lang stated that that was what he was told. Vice-Mayor Hlavachick commented that there was more than one in town with that name.

Mr. Lang thanked the Commission for listening and he just wanted to explain how he and his family felt about this. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if he was listed in the phone book. Mr. Lang said that his address was correct in the phone book, but the number was not.

• Comments on police, etc.:

Mr. Luca Matei, Country Club Apartment owner, addressed the Commission about the problems he had had with the police department and his being convicted of something he had not done. Mr. Matei stated that he has had problems with drug activity at his apartments and called the police many times. Mr. Matei commented that he had called the police today and let them know that there were five cars at 532 Parklane. Mr. Matei added that he had left the information for Officer Walker, but the police were kind of a joke. Mr. Matei stated that they had built a case and prosecuted him, but, in drug arrests, they were back in an hour and still doing drugs.

Mr. Matei commented that he would continue to fight against the case and would take action against people who were working with the drug people. Mr. Matei stated that his point was that there are a lot of people that are dishonest, lie and lazy and the responsible people should protect the good people. City Manager Howard asked if three had not been arrested on the incident at 532 Parklane. Mr. Matei stated that was correct, but they were back in an hour. Mr. Howard stated that the police had done their job and they were not the ones that put them back on the street. City Attorney Van Blaricum explained that a person is charged and bond is set and, if they can post bond, it was not unusual for that person to be back out on the street.

Mr. Matei commented that he tried to get an address from one tenant that was evicted and moving, but was not given the address where she was moving to, so he followed them. Mr. Matei added that the police came and said that he could not follow them and, if he continued, he would be arrested. Mr. Matei stated that that was the way the police were helping him and no one will give him addresses. City Manager Howard stated that Mr. Matei had stood up in a Commission meeting and said that he was a convicted sex offender and the City would not give him any addresses. Mr. Howard continued stating that they would continue not giving out addresses until an appeal of his conviction was over. Mr. Matei commented that that was what he wanted to know and thanked Mr. Howard. City Attorney Van Blaricum commented that there are federal laws for privacy. Mr. Matei interrupted and stated that there were no federal laws and no one knows of any. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that Mr. Matei needed to talk to his attorney about this. Mr. Matei stated that he does not have an attorney and no one would take his case. Mr. Matei added that he had called the bar association to tell them that he was not guilty and still no one would take his case.

• Stop Sign on Sunrise:

Mr. Don Detwiler commented that Pratt was blessed with through streets and Maple Street was now considered a through street. Mr. Detwiler stated that there was not a stop sign at Sunrise Avenue and wondered why. Mr. Howard stated that he did not know. Mr. Detwiler commented that this was an accident waiting to happen. Mr. Howard agreed. Public Works Director Russell Rambat stated that there would be one there tomorrow and explained that it would have to be a temporary one until locates were done.



Chamber Director Jan Scarbrough commented that she had talked with City Manager Howard about how to handle the street closures this year with the construction going on. Ms. Scarbrough stated that they had the idea to close the 100 block of North Main Street and she had already talked to the businesses and they thought that would be great. Ms. Scarbrough added that the firemen would be doing the hamburgers in that block along with the Lions Club train giving rides and having their screening unit there, as well. Ms. Scarbrough added that this would make it safer for the children to be in the street.

After little more discussion, Commissioner Detwiler made a motion to close the streets that Chamber Director Scarbrough mentioned for the sidewalk sale on July 9th. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.


City Manager Howard commented that there had been people complaining for quite a few years about the difficulty of getting through Haskell Street with cars parking on both sides of the street. Mr. Howard stated that he had visited with ‘Acting’ Chief Myers, Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall and Public Works Director Russell Rambat about closing the west side to parking. Mr. Howard added that this should not be an issue during tennis meets since they no longer request that Rochester Street be closed. Vice-Mayor Hlavachick questioned if the locals had been contacted for their opinion. Mr. Howard stated that they had not, but he had a letter written and that had not been mailed out yet. Commissioner Skaggs commented that he drove down Haskell Street coming to the meeting and he was afraid that no parking could also be a problem. Mr. Howard commented that there were a lot of hospital employees that park there, but they have a parking lot they could park in.

Commissioner Detwiler commented that the person she had visited with was concerned about Meals on Wheels getting to where they need to get to and the mail was delivered on the east curb and cannot get to the mailboxes while cars are parked there. Commissioner Detwiler suggested making the east side no parking. Commissioner Skaggs questioned parking near the pump house on the north end. Mr. Howard stated that that was a main pump house and that we have to be able to get in there quite often.

After a little more discussion, Commissioner Skaggs stated that he would like to see a letter to the occupants go out before any decisions were made. Mr. Howard stated that he would get that done. Vice-Mayor Hlavachick commented that maybe this would be discussed by the occupants at the next meeting.


No wished to address the Commission.


City Manager

• Sunday’s storm:

City Manager Howard commented that the storm Sunday knocked Iuka out of power for about eleven hours due to six poles needing to be replaced. Mr. Howard added that they are on the west side loop.

City Attorney:

• Court costs:

City Attorney Van Blaricum commented that he had been working on a project concerning court costs and had contacted several other cities our size to get their information. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he would talk about raising costs during budget hearing.

Public Works:

• Crosswalk signs:

Public Works Director Rambat informed the Commission that the ‘Stop for People’ signs were at the crosswalks in Lemon’s Park. Commissioner Detwiler stated that there needed to be one more placed as you are coming out of the park. Mr. Rambat commented that he would have to call in a locate before he could put the sign up.

• Curb project:

Mr. Rambat commented that B & H Builders should get started on the curb and gutter project this week and they would start on Eighth Street and Main Street going west and then they would get to Stanion’s and Ampride. Mr. Rambat explained that Eighth Street was a highly traveled street for Southwest School.

Inspection Department:

• Arson fire:

Building Inspector Brad Blankenship commented that the house at 305 North Mound was where there was an arson fire and, due to the dangerous condition the structure was in after the fire, the Fire Marshall would not even go in it. Mr. Blankenship stated that he had sent registered letters to the owners and had not received any response. Mr. Blankenship added that he had visited with the City Manager and City Attorney on what the next step should be, which should be to get a contractor to take it down.

Mr. Blankenship stated that he had a call from the son at 4:30 p.m. today asking for more time. Mr. Blankenship commented that he had given him until August 1st and that there had been reports of kids playing in there. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if he wanted to do it himself due to the cost. Mr. Blankenship stated that that was the reason and it would cost about $5,000 to have it done. Mr. Blankenship explained that that basement had to be pulled out and filled back in with dirt, which was what the City had done with the house on South Jackson. Commissioner Skaggs asked if his performance was going to be monitored. Mr. Blankenship stated that it was. City Manager Howard added that, if we have to take it down, the costs would be assessed to the property taxes.

Mr. Blankenship informed the Commission that there was not any insurance on the structure and there were family issues. Vice-Mayor Hlavachick commented that he agreed with giving him a little bit more time. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that this is a dangerous situation and there was a lengthy process we have to go through to remove a structure, but this case is a hazard. Vice-Mayor Hlavachick commented that we need to hold his feet to the fire.

Recreation Department:

• Baseball Tournament:

Recreation Director Pinkall commented that they have the twelve and under baseball tournament this weekend and would be promoting the sidewalk sale on Saturday. Mr. Pinkall stated that there were twenty-six teams involved.

• Main Street progress:

Mr. Pinkall commented that you could look down Main Street and see concrete now. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there were any dangers of pouring concrete in this type of weather. Public Works Director Rambat stated that KDOT had strict rules and that as long as they have compound on it, there should not be any concerns.

Commissioner Skaggs questioned whose responsibility it was to put the traffic signs back up that blow over. Mr. Rambat commented that it was KDOT’s or the contractor’s. Mr. Pinkall stated that Road Safe had been working there this afternoon.

Electric Department:

• Budget:

Power Plant Superintendent Ernie Smith commented that he had been working on the budget with Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill.

• Routine Maintenance:

Mr. Smith stated that the Power Plant had been doing routine maintenance and that we had been lucky this year and not had to run the engines, but they were ready when needed.

Finance Department:

• Budget Work Session:

Finance Director Diana Garten commented that she had received the last pieces of information for the budget and should have the packets to the Commission on Thursday or Friday so that they had the weekend to look them over. Ms. Garten reminded the Commission that the work session starts at 8:00 a.m. on Monday.

City Clerk/Utility Department:

• Landlord issue:

City Clerk LuAnn Kramer informed the Commission that the landlord of the property that Mr. Lang had talked about earlier was not a City employee. Ms. Kramer added that the landlord had the same name as the Fire Chief and they do not have any rentals.


• Fall on Main Street:

Vice-Mayor Hlavachick commented that Mayor Taylor had asked that he let everyone know that the lady that fell in front of Parson’s Jewelry was fine and there was no animosity. Vice-Mayor Hlavachick stated that Mayor Taylor went to church with this couple and she was elderly and has a history of falling.


• Sidewalks on Sixth Street:

Commissioner Detwiler commented that she would like to talk about curb side sidewalks on Sixth Street. Commissioner Detwiler explained that Sixth Street was a through street and a busy street and there are a lot of kids, ladies walking and skate boarders using the street. Commissioner Detwiler stated that there are, unfortunately, a lot of young people texting while driving and not regarding what is going on around them. Commissioner Detwiler commented that the curb side sidewalks would get people off the street.

Commissioner Skaggs questioned Commissioner Detwiler on whether she would want a sidewalk along the curb since she owned property on Sixth Street. Commissioner Detwiler stated that they already have one, as does Mr. Don Detwiler and there was one to Haskell Street. Commissioner Detwiler commented that the sidewalk could go to the Green Sports Complex and people could get there without driving. Commissioner Detwiler added that we could utilize tourism dollars for this project

City Manager Howard commented that they could put together some estimates for budget and include sidewalk along Highway 54. Mr. Howard added that there are a lot of obstacles so it would be hard to nail down the cost of the sidewalk. Commissioner Detwiler commented that the sidewalk on Highway 54 could go to Wal-Mart and link to Sixth Street.

• Police Chief position:

Commissioner Detwiler questioned if the interviews for Police Chief had been completed. City Manager Howard stated that they had three more this week. Commissioner Detwiler asked if he would mind if she set in on those three remaining interviews. Mr. Howard stated that he did mind and explained that he knew, for a fact, that she and Commissioner Graf had visited with ‘Acting’ Police Chief Myers about rehiring Mr. Nelson Burrell if he was police chief. Commissioner Detwiler commented that she did not. Mr. Howard stated that he was appalled and he had not planned on bringing this up, but, since she did, it would be discussed. Mr. Howard stated that someone was lying to him and, if it was his ‘Acting’ Chief, he would be talking to him. Mr. Howard commented that the personnel manual gave him hiring authority and, if the Commission wanted to change that, they could.

Commissioner Detwiler questioned if any of the other Commissioners were on the interview committee. Mr. Howard stated that Commissioner Hlavachick was and that he had asked to sit in on them when Chief Holmes had announced his retirement.

• Speed dips:

Commissioner Skaggs commented that the speed bumps in Lemon’s Park had not been a very popular solution, but he wondered about speed dips. Commissioner Skaggs stated that dips were not as offensive as bumps, but have the same effect. Commissioner Skaggs added that he realized that the dips were for drainage purposes, but they do slow traffic down.

• Solution on Main Street:

Commissioner Graf questioned what could be done on Main Street where the lady had fallen. City Manager Howard commented that we had intended to do a street scape when this street project was finished, but he recently found out that that was not going to be funded. Mr. Howard added that it would take a million dollars to do that on our own.

Mr. Howard stated that there were other areas as bad as the one where the accident happened, but he had visited with Street Superintendent Harley Dancaster and they thought that if they grinded it down where things had settled, that would help for the time being. Mr. Howard commented that the 300 block of South Main Street would be closed even during the next phase of the project, so this would not be a good time to do anything extensive.

Commissioner Skaggs asked if anyone saw what the lady did. Chamber Director Jan Scarbrough stated that she had and there was a rise in the surface by the light pole in front of K’Lanes and she had gone down off the curb and cut down by the barricade by a construction flat bed trailer. Ms. Scarbrough stated that she had tripped on the lip of the light pole, but there had been a sign that stated that the sidewalk was closed. Commissioner Skaggs commented that people can trip when there is nothing there, but there should be some personal responsibility here. Ms. Scarbrough explained that this was an older woman who had a history of falling even before the street work.

Mr. Howard stated that they would mill that area down, but that makes it unsightly. Public Works Director Rambat agreed, but added that it was better to be safer than nice looking. Mr. Rambat explained that they could probably bring in staff before or after hours so that they would not interrupt business anymore than it already was. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the property owners were the responsible party. Mr. Rambat stated that we were the managers of the right-of-way. Mr. Howard added that the face of the building was the property line.

• Insurance Lien Ordinance:

Commissioner Skaggs questioned if we had an insurance lien ordinance in effect. Finance Director Garten stated that we did.


A motion by Commissioner Detwiler to recess until 8:00 a.m. on Monday, July 11th. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.



