A Special meeting of the Governing Body of the City of Pratt is hereby called to be held in the County Commission Room located at 300 S. Ninnescah, at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, August 29, 2011 the object and purpose of said meeting to be the following:
1. Continued Discussion on the Closing of the SRS Office – Mayor and Commission
You are hereby notified that there will be a Special meeting of the Governing Body of the City of Pratt at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, August 29, 2011 in the County Commission Room located at 300 S. Ninnescah, for the purpose of:
1. Continued Discussion on the Closing of the SRS Office – Mayor and Commission
LuAnn Kramer, City Clerk
You are hereby directed to serve the above notice at once personally to each Commissioner or to leave it at his/her place of residence or business before 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, August 25, 2011.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
08/01/11-Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes
AUGUST 01, 2011
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
PRESENT: Jeff Taylor Mayor
Bill Hlavachick Commissioner
Victor Graf Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
Karen Detwiler Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Diana Garten Finance Director
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Kelly Hemphill Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director
The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Taylor. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.
The Mayor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.
A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to approve the minutes of the July 18, 2011 regular Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
• Green Sports Complex-Outstanding Facility:
Mr. Dick Anderson complimented the City for having an outstanding facility in the Green Sports Complex. Mr. Anderson, Sports Director for KMMM Radio, stated that he has done a lot of traveling and there are no better facilities than Pratt. Mr. Anderson commended the City Commission and Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall for their vision of what Green Sports Complex could be. Mr. Anderson explained that he would be traveling to Wisconsin with the Pratt 86’ers and they had commented that they had gone on the Sports Complex website and were amazed at our facility. Mr. Anderson added that Newton has also commented about what a facility we have for a town of this size. Mayor Taylor thanked Mr. Anderson and added that the Complex was possible due to the ¼ cent sales tax that was paid by the citizens of Pratt.
• Expose Grand Abuse of Power:
Mr. Luca Matei, County Club Apartment owner, again addressed the Commission on the legal issues he was having and had had in the past. Mr. Matei stated that he was arrested last week and put in jail where he was laughed at and his clothes and phone were taken from him. Mr. Matei reminded the Commission that he was appealing his conviction as a sex offender, but he felt that the officers were out to destroy him. Mayor Taylor questioned what the City Commission could do for him and pointed out that the City Attorney was not present. Mr. Matei commented that the law allows abuse and bond is set to destroy families and make you lose your job and everything. City Manager Dave Howard stated to Mr. Matei that he had failed to register as a sex offender. Mr. Matei became agitated at the situation and was asked to leave the meeting by ‘Acting’ Police Chief Gary Myers. Mr. Matei left the meeting without any further complications.
• Hospital options:
Chairman of the Hospital Finance Committee Frank Laubhan commented that they were in the process of reviewing the options for the hospital and researching elements for recommendations to the citizens, such as rehabilitating the existing facility or replacing it. Mr. Laubhan stated that they had been working on this for four months and a report was ready to be mailed to everyone in Pratt and it would have a response sheet that a citizen can turn in with what they think the conclusion should be.
Mr. Laubhan stated that their intentions were to mail the information to everyone, but found out that Pratt County had either let their permit expire or something had happened to it, so he requested permission to use the City’s bulk mailing permit to make their deadline. Mr. Laubhan explained that it would not cost the City anything as they would be reimbursed by the County. Mr. Laubhan added that there would be drop boxes for the response sheets at the Court House and at the counter at City Hall for those that did not want to mail them back.
After little more discussion, Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to allow the City’s bulk mailing permit to be used by the Hospital Finance Committee at no expense incurred by the City of Pratt. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.
• Other comments on City issues:
Mr. Frank Laubhan complimented the Commission on the Main Street project and added that it was like you were not driving on anything.
Mr. Laubhan stated that he also wanted to compliment the Commission on exploring combined law enforcement. Mr. Laubhan added that that was a positive move.
Mayor Taylor read a proclamation declaring Friday, August 5th as ‘Stanion Wholesale Electric Co. Day’. Mayor Taylor was joined at the dais by Jud and Bobbe Stanion’s daughter, Cindy Keller, her husband Bill Keller, CEO and President of Stanion Wholesale Electric Co. and City Commissioners.
‘Acting’ Police Chief Gary Myers informed the Commission that El Dos De Oros had filed an application for a 2011 Cereal Malt Beverage license and had met the requirements. ‘Acting’ Chief Myers stated that the owner was present in the audience and he would recommend the approval of the license. A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to approve the 2011 Cereal Malt Beverage license for El Dos De Oros. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
Pratt Library Director Rochelle Westerhaus requested that the Commission consider an increase in their mil levy from three to four for the 2012 budget year. Ms. Westerhaus explained that their budget states that they provide $102,000 of their present budget, but the interest income would only be approximately $20,000 in 2011. Mayor Taylor questioned if they had been able to pick up the shortfall in the past. Ms. Westerhaus stated that it had been about a third of their budget. Ms. Westerhaus stated that they had been able to with the interest income from the sale of a ranch in 2002 for $1.2 million dollars that had been built by donated money from Ms. Goldie Milar. Ms. Westerhaus added that the donated money had also been used to build the library. Ms. Westerhaus explained that the Board had decided to use 90% of the interest income for the operating budget and 10% would be reinvested.
Ms. Westerhaus stated that they could fund this year through the Milar Library Fund, but that had been a cushion and had made up for any shortfall. Ms. Westerhaus added that, if they totally fund them this year, they would use it all and that would not leave enough to fund the $72,000 shortfall in 2012. Ms. Westerhaus explained that they had cut everywhere they could to lessen the shortfall. Mayor Taylor commented that it looked like they had been trying. Ms. Westerhaus stated that they had cut their material budget by 25% in the last five years and 26% this year. Ms. Westerhaus informed the Commission that the Board had made the decision to cut hours of operation to thirty-seven hours per week. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the hours they had decided on were due to client’s needs. Ms. Westerhaus stated that was correct.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if they had figures on how much rural population used the library. Ms. Westerhaus stated that they do not keep track of that, but they do keep track of residents. Commissioner Skaggs asked if they received anything from the County. Ms. Westerhaus stated that they get 1.39 mil from the County. Commissioner Skaggs reminded Ms. Westerhaus that they had discussed charges for room use during the budget discussion and asked if they had had any consideration in charging for time used for computers or limiting time. Ms. Westerhaus stated that they had instituted some fees, but not those. Ms. Westerhaus added that most of the people using the computers were lower income and this was a way to provide them a service.
Mayor Taylor questioned when the budget would be published. Finance Director Diana Garten stated that it would be published this week. Mayor Taylor commented that we would not have to do an amendment to the budget if we changed it before it was published. City Manager Dave Howard reminded the Commission that there would have to be an ordinance changing the tax levy for the library. Ms. Westerhaus questioned about funds for 2011. Mayor Taylor commented that we would have to amend the budget for 2011 if that was what the Commission decided to do. Commissioner Detwiler stated that she would like to have the Commission consider giving them a utility allowance for this year.
Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to increase the library mil levy from three to four. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf. City Manager Howard explained that this would have to be done by an ordinance, but that could be done before the public hearing at the next meeting. The motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Detwiler made a motion to give the library a utility allowance of $1,300 per month for the remainder of the year. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf. Mayor Taylor added that, if the $1,300 was not used, they did not get to keep the credit. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.
Ms. Tracey Beverlin from the Leadership Class of 2011 commented that she had addressed the Commission at the last meeting concerning beautifying the vacant lot at Fourth Street and Main Street. Ms. Beverlin stated that their intent was to design the lot with the bricks from Main Street which would be used for public forums and a farmers market once or twice a week. Ms. Beverlin explained that the class had regrouped and had also met with the owner of the property and the City Manager. Ms. Beverlin added that they were formally requesting that the City approve the donation of the property on the condition that it is used for a park and farmers market. Ms. Beverlin stated that the legal document would be drawn up by the donor and contain the same terms as the Lemon’s Park agreement. Ms. Beverlin explained that the property would revert back to the owner if it was no longer used as a park. Ms. Beverlin stated that, in exchange for this donation, they were requesting that the City provide the utilities and maintenance.
Ms. Beverlin commented that they had contacted Mr. Alan Luttrell and he would be engineering the site and also get a landscape architect involved. Ms. Beverlin stated that they do not want the property to be used as a parking lot and, due to the expense, they would not be laying a lot of concrete. Commissioner Skaggs commented that he commended them for taking on a project of this size and he was in support of it. Commissioner Skaggs pointed out that the farmers market and park were two separate projects and he wondered if there would be room for the market. Ms. Beverlin stated that the lot was a big lot and they would be creating a board who would maintain the market. Commissioner Skaggs commented that the organization for the long term would probably fall on the City and the design raises questions. Commissioner Detwiler added that fountains take a lot of upkeep and it would be difficult to include the farmers market with no parking. Commissioner Detwiler added that street side parking would not be enough if the farm people selling had to park there, so they should concentrate on one or the other. Ms. Beverlin commented that they would like to go forward so that they could work on a grant that is open only through August and, to do that, they needed the City to accept the donation of the property. City Manager Howard commented that there had been discussions of building a public restroom and the City has things that they take care of, so falling into disrepair would not be a problem.
Mayor Taylor commented that he had not thought about everything and he would like to have citizen input. Mayor Taylor asked if they could come back in two weeks. Commissioner Skaggs stated that Mr. Luttrell might have a rough diagram in that time. Ms. Beverlin commented that she could ask for it. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that he liked the idea of a downtown facility that was mentioned by Mr. Howard. Ms. Beverlin stated that they could incorporate it, but it would be the City’s responsibility. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the Commission should approve the concept tonight and the details later. Commissioner Detwiler commented that she would like to see it tabled until the next meeting so they could collect more information. Mr. Howard commented that they should not approve it until the details of the contract were agreeable to the City.
Public Works Director Russell Rambat commented that the City had not done a chip seal project in several years, but you do get more life from chip seal than slurry seal. Mr. Rambat stated that he had received two bids back and Hi-Plains Sand out of Kanopolis, Kansas bid $163,229 and Heft and Sons from Greensburg bid $135,281.89.
Mr. Rambat commented that he had not dealt with either of these bidders, but he had visited with EBH Engineers and they felt they were both reputable companies. Mr. Rambat stated that he would like to recommend Heft and Sons from Greensburg for the 2011 chip seal project in the amount of $135,281.69. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the streets chosen for this project were due to high traffic loads. Mr. Rambat explained that most of these streets were east and west streets and they had done the north and south last year on the slurry seal project. Mr. Rambat added that he had scheduled half of a quarter instead of a whole quarter due to the high price of oil. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if slurry seal was high. Mr. Rambat stated that it was higher this year, but the chip seal was a new procedure and he was anxious to try it out.
A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to award the bid to Heft and Sons in the amount of $135,281.69 for the chip seal project. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Hlavachick commented that he thought five minutes was enough time for open agenda discussions. Mayor Taylor stated that he felt two minutes to present and discussion to last as long as needed would be sufficient. Mayor Taylor added that, if they need more time than that, they should be on the agenda. Commissioner Skaggs commented that there should be something on the podium that lets them know what they need to do. Mayor Taylor added that we do give them two opportunities to be on the open agenda. Commissioner Graf suggested that two minutes was not enough time and suggested going three minutes.
A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to set a time limit for open agenda items to three minutes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs. Mayor Taylor commented that it could be longer if there was discussion, it had to be a matter for the City Commission and not a legal matter or something that deals with the State or Federal government. Commissioner Hlavachick amended his motion to add the items mentioned by Mayor Taylor. Commissioner Skaggs seconded the amendment and it passed unanimously.
• Did you know?:
Ms. El Barnes, 592 Terrace Drive, addressed the audience commenting that Pratt citizens pay the highest taxes in Kansas and the population had declined. Ms. Barnes stated that the reason for the decline was the salary of the City Manager, which was $113,000 with generous benefits, and the Governor only gets paid $99,000. Ms. Barnes commented that the City Manager was a resident of the County and he has lost three jobs. Ms. Barnes stated that she had visited with the City of Monta Vista and they celebrated when he left.
Ms. Barnes stated that it bothers her that people were leaving Pratt and she showed a handful of letters that had been returned to her when she had sent out a mailing. Ms. Barnes commented that something had to change and she stated that we should consider that we cannot afford someone like Mr. Howard. Ms. Barnes repeated that people were leaving when their jobs were over or when they retire and she did not know what it was. Ms. Barnes also repeated that ‘they’ celebrated when the City Manager left and we should celebrate and not pay the City Manager as much as we do. Ms. Barnes stated that she does not like what is happening in Pratt and no one should. Ms. Barnes commented that we had lost so many people and she was not sure how many houses were for sale, but those had already left Pratt. Ms. Barnes added that we have a beautiful library and we have so much more than towns this size, but we were going to lose it because we cannot afford it.
City Manager Howard joked with Ms. Barnes as to whether ‘they’ had named a day after him, but she could not hear him. Commissioner Skaggs stated that she had grossly exaggerated this discussion and he told her that business was good. Commissioner Skaggs added that no one was leaving due to the City Manager and, if there were, he wanted to see names. Ms. Barnes told Commissioner Skaggs to contact Monta Vista. City Manager Howard questioned Ms. Barnes on who did the changes in Monta Vista like their downtown street project and he answered that question with ‘I did’.
Competent Manager/Farmers Market and Park a Great Idea:
Mr. Blake Himmelwright stated that he had worked with Mr. Howard on many occasions and he was a professional and competent manager.
Mr. Himmelwright stated that he would like to offer support for the farmers market and park. Mr. Himmelwright added that those concepts being put together were a great idea and it would attract a lot of people to the downtown area. Mr. Himmelwright commented that his family would consider contributing to the project after reviewing the plans.
Positive comment:
Rev. Bob Fleener, pastor of First Southern Baptist Church, stated that he had worked with Mr. Howard on occasion and he thanked him for doing a good job.
City Manager:
• Main Street bricks:
City Manager Howard commented that the City would be stock piling the bricks for the Leadership project. Mr. Howard added that he would try to regulate who comes in for the brick along with Public Works Director Rambat. Mr. Howard explained that he wanted the community of Pratt to get their bricks and stop people from taking thousands. Mr. Howard added that they would keep it as they are for another two weeks.
• H2O project:
Mr. Howard stated that the City had joined the H2O water project down south and they were in the process of working with the Corp of Engineers. Mr. Howard explained that they were doing a contract to do the project, so they had made headway. Mayor Taylor questioned how far into the three years we were. Mr. Howard stated that this was the second year and they had not requested all the money yet. Mayor Taylor commented that they asked as they needed it. Mr. Howard stated that what was being done now was at no cost.
Public Works:
• Curb and Sidewalk project:
Public Works Director Rambat commented that the curb and sidewalk project was about half way complete and they were replacing a large amount of sidewalk on Curtis Street.
• Gebhart Park equipment:
Mr. Rambat stated that the playground equipment at Gebhart Park had been installed and it had turned out well.
• Restroom at Centennial Park:
Mr. Rambat commented that he had been working with Park Superintendent Mark Eckhoff on the cost to put a restroom at Centennial Park. Mr. Rambat added that it would come before the Commission when they had everything ready.
• Lemon’s Park crosswalks:
Mr. Rambat stated that they had gotten the last crosswalk sign installed at Lemon’s Park and they would be installing the crosswalk by the ball diamonds.
Electric Department:
• 14 mg steam unit:
Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill commented that they had operated the 14 mg steam unit on July 26th and had run into some problems that were corrected around 1:00 a.m. Mr. Hemphill stated that the load was so high, that you cannot kick it off during the day so there was not much load fluctuation.
• Unit 7-Dual Fuel Engine:
Mr. Hemphill stated that we were operating Unit 7 on July 23rd for the benefit of Sunflower Electric and one of the pistons had lost lubrication and tried to seize up. Mr. Hemphill added that the crank case had kicked the engine off line, but they got the piston out of the engine and were looking for reasons why it had happened.
Recreation Department:
• Main Street update:
Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall commented that the Main Street project was moving ahead with the removal of the bricks and the contractor would be grading flash on Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. Pinkall stated that they would be doing the intersections next week, which takes seven days to set up and then they would start the street portion. Mr. Pinkall added that they were on time despite the heat.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the bricks we see in the crosswalk were all we were going to get. Mr. Pinkall stated that they were in the plans that way. Mayor Taylor commented that the contractors had been drinking a lot of Gatorade and asked that the trash containers be emptied more often. Mr. Pinkall stated that he would discuss that at their next meeting. Mayor Taylor commented that they had been doing a better job.
• Sports Complex comments:
Mr. Pinkall stated that it takes a lot of people to keep Green Sports Complex maintained and the community is also involved. Mr. Pinkall mentioned that Stanion Wholesale made it feasible along with a long list of others that were involved.
Power Plant:
• Engine 7 repairs:
Power Plant Superintendent Ernie Smith stated that they had gotten the liner for engine 7 and the repairs would be getting underway.
Police Department:
• Vehicle Cameras:
‘Acting’ Police Chief Myers stated that the car cameras were moving forward and he had narrowed it down to two vendors. ‘Acting’ Chief Myers explained that he had been speaking to other agencies and compared vendors.
Finance Department:
• Sales Tax:
Finance Director Diana Garten stated that sales tax for May sales was up about $9,000 over last year and up about $70,000 for the year.
Mayor and Commission:
• Joint meeting:
Mayor Taylor commented that, after a conversation with the County, the joint meeting needed to be changed to August 15th. Mayor Taylor stated that Mr. Kevin Hamm had been taking the closing of the SRS office and running with it. Mayor Taylor added that there was a time line of October 1st to make these decisions, so September 29th was too late to meet. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that there are a lot of elderly people that use this SRS facility and people should write letters copying them to the Senator and Representative.
• Gebhart equipment:
Commissioner Detwiler commented that she had a resident of thirty-two years that lived near Gebhart Park tell her that this was the first time the playground equipment had been geared for kids that utilize the wading pool.
• Bike Path:
Commissioner Hlavachick commented that the Commission had talked about a feasibility study for a bike path and questioned where that was at. Mr. Howard stated that the study would be about $5,000 and he had talked to Ms. Linda Lanterman and Mr. Alan Luttrell. Mr. Howard explained that Ms. Lanterman suggested tying it into the sidewalk project, but make it on the side of the street on the wider streets.
• Haskell Street:
Commissioner Skaggs questioned where the Haskell Street issue was at. Mr. Howard stated that he had visited with Ms. Susan Page and she was going to run an article in their internal paper. Mr. Howard added that we had made room at the pump house.
A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Detwiler and carried unanimously.
AUGUST 01, 2011
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
PRESENT: Jeff Taylor Mayor
Bill Hlavachick Commissioner
Victor Graf Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
Karen Detwiler Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Diana Garten Finance Director
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Kelly Hemphill Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director
The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Taylor. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.
The Mayor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.
A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to approve the minutes of the July 18, 2011 regular Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
• Green Sports Complex-Outstanding Facility:
Mr. Dick Anderson complimented the City for having an outstanding facility in the Green Sports Complex. Mr. Anderson, Sports Director for KMMM Radio, stated that he has done a lot of traveling and there are no better facilities than Pratt. Mr. Anderson commended the City Commission and Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall for their vision of what Green Sports Complex could be. Mr. Anderson explained that he would be traveling to Wisconsin with the Pratt 86’ers and they had commented that they had gone on the Sports Complex website and were amazed at our facility. Mr. Anderson added that Newton has also commented about what a facility we have for a town of this size. Mayor Taylor thanked Mr. Anderson and added that the Complex was possible due to the ¼ cent sales tax that was paid by the citizens of Pratt.
• Expose Grand Abuse of Power:
Mr. Luca Matei, County Club Apartment owner, again addressed the Commission on the legal issues he was having and had had in the past. Mr. Matei stated that he was arrested last week and put in jail where he was laughed at and his clothes and phone were taken from him. Mr. Matei reminded the Commission that he was appealing his conviction as a sex offender, but he felt that the officers were out to destroy him. Mayor Taylor questioned what the City Commission could do for him and pointed out that the City Attorney was not present. Mr. Matei commented that the law allows abuse and bond is set to destroy families and make you lose your job and everything. City Manager Dave Howard stated to Mr. Matei that he had failed to register as a sex offender. Mr. Matei became agitated at the situation and was asked to leave the meeting by ‘Acting’ Police Chief Gary Myers. Mr. Matei left the meeting without any further complications.
• Hospital options:
Chairman of the Hospital Finance Committee Frank Laubhan commented that they were in the process of reviewing the options for the hospital and researching elements for recommendations to the citizens, such as rehabilitating the existing facility or replacing it. Mr. Laubhan stated that they had been working on this for four months and a report was ready to be mailed to everyone in Pratt and it would have a response sheet that a citizen can turn in with what they think the conclusion should be.
Mr. Laubhan stated that their intentions were to mail the information to everyone, but found out that Pratt County had either let their permit expire or something had happened to it, so he requested permission to use the City’s bulk mailing permit to make their deadline. Mr. Laubhan explained that it would not cost the City anything as they would be reimbursed by the County. Mr. Laubhan added that there would be drop boxes for the response sheets at the Court House and at the counter at City Hall for those that did not want to mail them back.
After little more discussion, Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to allow the City’s bulk mailing permit to be used by the Hospital Finance Committee at no expense incurred by the City of Pratt. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.
• Other comments on City issues:
Mr. Frank Laubhan complimented the Commission on the Main Street project and added that it was like you were not driving on anything.
Mr. Laubhan stated that he also wanted to compliment the Commission on exploring combined law enforcement. Mr. Laubhan added that that was a positive move.
Mayor Taylor read a proclamation declaring Friday, August 5th as ‘Stanion Wholesale Electric Co. Day’. Mayor Taylor was joined at the dais by Jud and Bobbe Stanion’s daughter, Cindy Keller, her husband Bill Keller, CEO and President of Stanion Wholesale Electric Co. and City Commissioners.
‘Acting’ Police Chief Gary Myers informed the Commission that El Dos De Oros had filed an application for a 2011 Cereal Malt Beverage license and had met the requirements. ‘Acting’ Chief Myers stated that the owner was present in the audience and he would recommend the approval of the license. A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to approve the 2011 Cereal Malt Beverage license for El Dos De Oros. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
Pratt Library Director Rochelle Westerhaus requested that the Commission consider an increase in their mil levy from three to four for the 2012 budget year. Ms. Westerhaus explained that their budget states that they provide $102,000 of their present budget, but the interest income would only be approximately $20,000 in 2011. Mayor Taylor questioned if they had been able to pick up the shortfall in the past. Ms. Westerhaus stated that it had been about a third of their budget. Ms. Westerhaus stated that they had been able to with the interest income from the sale of a ranch in 2002 for $1.2 million dollars that had been built by donated money from Ms. Goldie Milar. Ms. Westerhaus added that the donated money had also been used to build the library. Ms. Westerhaus explained that the Board had decided to use 90% of the interest income for the operating budget and 10% would be reinvested.
Ms. Westerhaus stated that they could fund this year through the Milar Library Fund, but that had been a cushion and had made up for any shortfall. Ms. Westerhaus added that, if they totally fund them this year, they would use it all and that would not leave enough to fund the $72,000 shortfall in 2012. Ms. Westerhaus explained that they had cut everywhere they could to lessen the shortfall. Mayor Taylor commented that it looked like they had been trying. Ms. Westerhaus stated that they had cut their material budget by 25% in the last five years and 26% this year. Ms. Westerhaus informed the Commission that the Board had made the decision to cut hours of operation to thirty-seven hours per week. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the hours they had decided on were due to client’s needs. Ms. Westerhaus stated that was correct.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if they had figures on how much rural population used the library. Ms. Westerhaus stated that they do not keep track of that, but they do keep track of residents. Commissioner Skaggs asked if they received anything from the County. Ms. Westerhaus stated that they get 1.39 mil from the County. Commissioner Skaggs reminded Ms. Westerhaus that they had discussed charges for room use during the budget discussion and asked if they had had any consideration in charging for time used for computers or limiting time. Ms. Westerhaus stated that they had instituted some fees, but not those. Ms. Westerhaus added that most of the people using the computers were lower income and this was a way to provide them a service.
Mayor Taylor questioned when the budget would be published. Finance Director Diana Garten stated that it would be published this week. Mayor Taylor commented that we would not have to do an amendment to the budget if we changed it before it was published. City Manager Dave Howard reminded the Commission that there would have to be an ordinance changing the tax levy for the library. Ms. Westerhaus questioned about funds for 2011. Mayor Taylor commented that we would have to amend the budget for 2011 if that was what the Commission decided to do. Commissioner Detwiler stated that she would like to have the Commission consider giving them a utility allowance for this year.
Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to increase the library mil levy from three to four. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf. City Manager Howard explained that this would have to be done by an ordinance, but that could be done before the public hearing at the next meeting. The motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Detwiler made a motion to give the library a utility allowance of $1,300 per month for the remainder of the year. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf. Mayor Taylor added that, if the $1,300 was not used, they did not get to keep the credit. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.
Ms. Tracey Beverlin from the Leadership Class of 2011 commented that she had addressed the Commission at the last meeting concerning beautifying the vacant lot at Fourth Street and Main Street. Ms. Beverlin stated that their intent was to design the lot with the bricks from Main Street which would be used for public forums and a farmers market once or twice a week. Ms. Beverlin explained that the class had regrouped and had also met with the owner of the property and the City Manager. Ms. Beverlin added that they were formally requesting that the City approve the donation of the property on the condition that it is used for a park and farmers market. Ms. Beverlin stated that the legal document would be drawn up by the donor and contain the same terms as the Lemon’s Park agreement. Ms. Beverlin explained that the property would revert back to the owner if it was no longer used as a park. Ms. Beverlin stated that, in exchange for this donation, they were requesting that the City provide the utilities and maintenance.
Ms. Beverlin commented that they had contacted Mr. Alan Luttrell and he would be engineering the site and also get a landscape architect involved. Ms. Beverlin stated that they do not want the property to be used as a parking lot and, due to the expense, they would not be laying a lot of concrete. Commissioner Skaggs commented that he commended them for taking on a project of this size and he was in support of it. Commissioner Skaggs pointed out that the farmers market and park were two separate projects and he wondered if there would be room for the market. Ms. Beverlin stated that the lot was a big lot and they would be creating a board who would maintain the market. Commissioner Skaggs commented that the organization for the long term would probably fall on the City and the design raises questions. Commissioner Detwiler added that fountains take a lot of upkeep and it would be difficult to include the farmers market with no parking. Commissioner Detwiler added that street side parking would not be enough if the farm people selling had to park there, so they should concentrate on one or the other. Ms. Beverlin commented that they would like to go forward so that they could work on a grant that is open only through August and, to do that, they needed the City to accept the donation of the property. City Manager Howard commented that there had been discussions of building a public restroom and the City has things that they take care of, so falling into disrepair would not be a problem.
Mayor Taylor commented that he had not thought about everything and he would like to have citizen input. Mayor Taylor asked if they could come back in two weeks. Commissioner Skaggs stated that Mr. Luttrell might have a rough diagram in that time. Ms. Beverlin commented that she could ask for it. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that he liked the idea of a downtown facility that was mentioned by Mr. Howard. Ms. Beverlin stated that they could incorporate it, but it would be the City’s responsibility. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the Commission should approve the concept tonight and the details later. Commissioner Detwiler commented that she would like to see it tabled until the next meeting so they could collect more information. Mr. Howard commented that they should not approve it until the details of the contract were agreeable to the City.
Public Works Director Russell Rambat commented that the City had not done a chip seal project in several years, but you do get more life from chip seal than slurry seal. Mr. Rambat stated that he had received two bids back and Hi-Plains Sand out of Kanopolis, Kansas bid $163,229 and Heft and Sons from Greensburg bid $135,281.89.
Mr. Rambat commented that he had not dealt with either of these bidders, but he had visited with EBH Engineers and they felt they were both reputable companies. Mr. Rambat stated that he would like to recommend Heft and Sons from Greensburg for the 2011 chip seal project in the amount of $135,281.69. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the streets chosen for this project were due to high traffic loads. Mr. Rambat explained that most of these streets were east and west streets and they had done the north and south last year on the slurry seal project. Mr. Rambat added that he had scheduled half of a quarter instead of a whole quarter due to the high price of oil. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if slurry seal was high. Mr. Rambat stated that it was higher this year, but the chip seal was a new procedure and he was anxious to try it out.
A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to award the bid to Heft and Sons in the amount of $135,281.69 for the chip seal project. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Hlavachick commented that he thought five minutes was enough time for open agenda discussions. Mayor Taylor stated that he felt two minutes to present and discussion to last as long as needed would be sufficient. Mayor Taylor added that, if they need more time than that, they should be on the agenda. Commissioner Skaggs commented that there should be something on the podium that lets them know what they need to do. Mayor Taylor added that we do give them two opportunities to be on the open agenda. Commissioner Graf suggested that two minutes was not enough time and suggested going three minutes.
A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to set a time limit for open agenda items to three minutes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs. Mayor Taylor commented that it could be longer if there was discussion, it had to be a matter for the City Commission and not a legal matter or something that deals with the State or Federal government. Commissioner Hlavachick amended his motion to add the items mentioned by Mayor Taylor. Commissioner Skaggs seconded the amendment and it passed unanimously.
• Did you know?:
Ms. El Barnes, 592 Terrace Drive, addressed the audience commenting that Pratt citizens pay the highest taxes in Kansas and the population had declined. Ms. Barnes stated that the reason for the decline was the salary of the City Manager, which was $113,000 with generous benefits, and the Governor only gets paid $99,000. Ms. Barnes commented that the City Manager was a resident of the County and he has lost three jobs. Ms. Barnes stated that she had visited with the City of Monta Vista and they celebrated when he left.
Ms. Barnes stated that it bothers her that people were leaving Pratt and she showed a handful of letters that had been returned to her when she had sent out a mailing. Ms. Barnes commented that something had to change and she stated that we should consider that we cannot afford someone like Mr. Howard. Ms. Barnes repeated that people were leaving when their jobs were over or when they retire and she did not know what it was. Ms. Barnes also repeated that ‘they’ celebrated when the City Manager left and we should celebrate and not pay the City Manager as much as we do. Ms. Barnes stated that she does not like what is happening in Pratt and no one should. Ms. Barnes commented that we had lost so many people and she was not sure how many houses were for sale, but those had already left Pratt. Ms. Barnes added that we have a beautiful library and we have so much more than towns this size, but we were going to lose it because we cannot afford it.
City Manager Howard joked with Ms. Barnes as to whether ‘they’ had named a day after him, but she could not hear him. Commissioner Skaggs stated that she had grossly exaggerated this discussion and he told her that business was good. Commissioner Skaggs added that no one was leaving due to the City Manager and, if there were, he wanted to see names. Ms. Barnes told Commissioner Skaggs to contact Monta Vista. City Manager Howard questioned Ms. Barnes on who did the changes in Monta Vista like their downtown street project and he answered that question with ‘I did’.
Competent Manager/Farmers Market and Park a Great Idea:
Mr. Blake Himmelwright stated that he had worked with Mr. Howard on many occasions and he was a professional and competent manager.
Mr. Himmelwright stated that he would like to offer support for the farmers market and park. Mr. Himmelwright added that those concepts being put together were a great idea and it would attract a lot of people to the downtown area. Mr. Himmelwright commented that his family would consider contributing to the project after reviewing the plans.
Positive comment:
Rev. Bob Fleener, pastor of First Southern Baptist Church, stated that he had worked with Mr. Howard on occasion and he thanked him for doing a good job.
City Manager:
• Main Street bricks:
City Manager Howard commented that the City would be stock piling the bricks for the Leadership project. Mr. Howard added that he would try to regulate who comes in for the brick along with Public Works Director Rambat. Mr. Howard explained that he wanted the community of Pratt to get their bricks and stop people from taking thousands. Mr. Howard added that they would keep it as they are for another two weeks.
• H2O project:
Mr. Howard stated that the City had joined the H2O water project down south and they were in the process of working with the Corp of Engineers. Mr. Howard explained that they were doing a contract to do the project, so they had made headway. Mayor Taylor questioned how far into the three years we were. Mr. Howard stated that this was the second year and they had not requested all the money yet. Mayor Taylor commented that they asked as they needed it. Mr. Howard stated that what was being done now was at no cost.
Public Works:
• Curb and Sidewalk project:
Public Works Director Rambat commented that the curb and sidewalk project was about half way complete and they were replacing a large amount of sidewalk on Curtis Street.
• Gebhart Park equipment:
Mr. Rambat stated that the playground equipment at Gebhart Park had been installed and it had turned out well.
• Restroom at Centennial Park:
Mr. Rambat commented that he had been working with Park Superintendent Mark Eckhoff on the cost to put a restroom at Centennial Park. Mr. Rambat added that it would come before the Commission when they had everything ready.
• Lemon’s Park crosswalks:
Mr. Rambat stated that they had gotten the last crosswalk sign installed at Lemon’s Park and they would be installing the crosswalk by the ball diamonds.
Electric Department:
• 14 mg steam unit:
Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill commented that they had operated the 14 mg steam unit on July 26th and had run into some problems that were corrected around 1:00 a.m. Mr. Hemphill stated that the load was so high, that you cannot kick it off during the day so there was not much load fluctuation.
• Unit 7-Dual Fuel Engine:
Mr. Hemphill stated that we were operating Unit 7 on July 23rd for the benefit of Sunflower Electric and one of the pistons had lost lubrication and tried to seize up. Mr. Hemphill added that the crank case had kicked the engine off line, but they got the piston out of the engine and were looking for reasons why it had happened.
Recreation Department:
• Main Street update:
Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall commented that the Main Street project was moving ahead with the removal of the bricks and the contractor would be grading flash on Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. Pinkall stated that they would be doing the intersections next week, which takes seven days to set up and then they would start the street portion. Mr. Pinkall added that they were on time despite the heat.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the bricks we see in the crosswalk were all we were going to get. Mr. Pinkall stated that they were in the plans that way. Mayor Taylor commented that the contractors had been drinking a lot of Gatorade and asked that the trash containers be emptied more often. Mr. Pinkall stated that he would discuss that at their next meeting. Mayor Taylor commented that they had been doing a better job.
• Sports Complex comments:
Mr. Pinkall stated that it takes a lot of people to keep Green Sports Complex maintained and the community is also involved. Mr. Pinkall mentioned that Stanion Wholesale made it feasible along with a long list of others that were involved.
Power Plant:
• Engine 7 repairs:
Power Plant Superintendent Ernie Smith stated that they had gotten the liner for engine 7 and the repairs would be getting underway.
Police Department:
• Vehicle Cameras:
‘Acting’ Police Chief Myers stated that the car cameras were moving forward and he had narrowed it down to two vendors. ‘Acting’ Chief Myers explained that he had been speaking to other agencies and compared vendors.
Finance Department:
• Sales Tax:
Finance Director Diana Garten stated that sales tax for May sales was up about $9,000 over last year and up about $70,000 for the year.
Mayor and Commission:
• Joint meeting:
Mayor Taylor commented that, after a conversation with the County, the joint meeting needed to be changed to August 15th. Mayor Taylor stated that Mr. Kevin Hamm had been taking the closing of the SRS office and running with it. Mayor Taylor added that there was a time line of October 1st to make these decisions, so September 29th was too late to meet. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that there are a lot of elderly people that use this SRS facility and people should write letters copying them to the Senator and Representative.
• Gebhart equipment:
Commissioner Detwiler commented that she had a resident of thirty-two years that lived near Gebhart Park tell her that this was the first time the playground equipment had been geared for kids that utilize the wading pool.
• Bike Path:
Commissioner Hlavachick commented that the Commission had talked about a feasibility study for a bike path and questioned where that was at. Mr. Howard stated that the study would be about $5,000 and he had talked to Ms. Linda Lanterman and Mr. Alan Luttrell. Mr. Howard explained that Ms. Lanterman suggested tying it into the sidewalk project, but make it on the side of the street on the wider streets.
• Haskell Street:
Commissioner Skaggs questioned where the Haskell Street issue was at. Mr. Howard stated that he had visited with Ms. Susan Page and she was going to run an article in their internal paper. Mr. Howard added that we had made room at the pump house.
A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Detwiler and carried unanimously.
Friday, August 12, 2011
08/15/11-City Commission Meeting Agendas
AUGUST 15, 2011
1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
3.1 General Discussion on City/County Issues – Mayor, City Commission, County Commission and Staff
3.2 Discussion on the Closing of the SRS Office in Pratt – Mayor, City Commission, County Commission, ED Board, and Staff (ED Board will join us at 12:00)
AUGUST 15, 2011
1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
3. MINUTES – August 01, 2011 Regular City Commission meeting
4. OPEN AGENDA – 1 (City Matters Only) (3 Minute Time Limit)
5.1 Consideration and Approval of Ordinance 1102 Providing for a Mill Levy Limit for the Library – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney (Ordinance 1102)
5.2 Public Hearing on Proposed 2012 City of Pratt Budget –
5.2(a) Open Public Hearing by Motion – Mayor and Commission
5.2(b) Discussion on Proposed 2012 City of Pratt Budget
5.2(c) Close Public Hearing by Motion – Mayor and Commission
5.2(d) Approve 2012 City of Pratt Budget – Mayor and Commission
5.3 Presentation on Watch Guard Digital In-Car Video – Gary Myers, ‘Acting’ Police Chief; Kyle Keling, Watch Guard Digital Regional Sales Manager
5.4 Discussion on Deed to the Leadership Project Property to the City – Mayor, Commission and Staff (No Information for Packet)
5.5 Discussion on Fire Truck Status – David Kramer, Fire Chief (No information for Packet)
5.6 Consideration and Approval of Ordinance 1103 Providing for Increased Court Costs – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney (Ordinance 1103)
6. OPEN AGENDA – 2 (City Matters Only) (3 Minute Time Limit)
7.1 City Manager
7.2 City Attorney
7.3 Department Heads
7.4 Mayor
7.5 City Commission
AUGUST 15, 2011
1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
3.1 General Discussion on City/County Issues – Mayor, City Commission, County Commission and Staff
3.2 Discussion on the Closing of the SRS Office in Pratt – Mayor, City Commission, County Commission, ED Board, and Staff (ED Board will join us at 12:00)
AUGUST 15, 2011
1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
3. MINUTES – August 01, 2011 Regular City Commission meeting
4. OPEN AGENDA – 1 (City Matters Only) (3 Minute Time Limit)
5.1 Consideration and Approval of Ordinance 1102 Providing for a Mill Levy Limit for the Library – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney (Ordinance 1102)
5.2 Public Hearing on Proposed 2012 City of Pratt Budget –
5.2(a) Open Public Hearing by Motion – Mayor and Commission
5.2(b) Discussion on Proposed 2012 City of Pratt Budget
5.2(c) Close Public Hearing by Motion – Mayor and Commission
5.2(d) Approve 2012 City of Pratt Budget – Mayor and Commission
5.3 Presentation on Watch Guard Digital In-Car Video – Gary Myers, ‘Acting’ Police Chief; Kyle Keling, Watch Guard Digital Regional Sales Manager
5.4 Discussion on Deed to the Leadership Project Property to the City – Mayor, Commission and Staff (No Information for Packet)
5.5 Discussion on Fire Truck Status – David Kramer, Fire Chief (No information for Packet)
5.6 Consideration and Approval of Ordinance 1103 Providing for Increased Court Costs – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney (Ordinance 1103)
6. OPEN AGENDA – 2 (City Matters Only) (3 Minute Time Limit)
7.1 City Manager
7.2 City Attorney
7.3 Department Heads
7.4 Mayor
7.5 City Commission
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
07/18/11-Approved City Commission meeting minutes
JULY 18, 2011
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
PRESENT: Jeff Taylor Mayor
Bill Hlavachick Commissioner
Victor Graf Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
Karen Detwiler Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Kelly Hemphill Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director
The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Taylor. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.
The Mayor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.
A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to approve the minutes of the July 05, 2011 regular Commission meeting and the July 11, 2011 recessed budget work session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.
• Leadership Class of 2011 Project:
Ms. Tracey Beverlin informed the Commission that she was a member of the Leadership 2000 Plus Class of 2011 and she was at the meeting to present the Commission with their intent for a class project, which was required of every class. Ms. Beverlin commented that the Class of 2011 had decided to transform the empty lot located just south of the Barron Theater into a community area that could be used for a farmer’s market and a general public forum. Ms. Beverlin stated that they were asking for a commitment from the City, as well as a willingness to assist in a way, that was mutually beneficial.
Mayor Taylor questioned what way they would want support. Ms. Beverlin stated that water and electric hook-ups were discussed and hoped they could work something out that would not burden the City, but support Pratt. City Manager Dave Howard questioned how they were going to get the gravel out of the lot. Ms. Beverlin commented that they had spoken to one person and cost was an issue, but they were still in the infancy of the details. Mr. Howard commented that that was a lot of work. Ms. Beverlin stated that they were up for the challenge.
Commissioner Detwiler questioned if the owner had given up ownership to a not-for-profit organization. Ms. Beverlin commented that the owner did not want the liability and they were still working on what to do. Mr. Howard stated that he had spoken to Mr. Porter Loomis and he was willing to donate the property to a not-for-profit, the City or the County.
Commissioner Skaggs commented that this was a huge undertaking and asked if there would be enough volunteers and money. Commissioner Skaggs added that it would be a great addition to Main Street. Mayor Taylor questioned if it would be available for parking if it was not in being used as the farmer’s market. Ms. Beverlin commented that it would depend on the general layout, but it had been discussed that it be used for a public forum and meeting place. Commissioner Skaggs commented that they would need more room if vendors were pulling trailers and you would not want to impact the adjacent owners. Ms. Beverlin stated that the farmer’s market would not be like this one, but they would encourage the market to take place without the huge trailers. Commissioner Detwiler commented that farmers usually come with a trailer to haul their goods in. Ms. Beverlin explained that they still had things that they needed to think through.
Commissioner Hlavachick commended the Class of 2011 for their foresight that would lend to the future beautification of the downtown and stated that he would do whatever he could do to help. Mayor Taylor stated that they could trust that the City would help out as much as we could. Ms. Beverlin thanked the Commission for their time and added that they would return when they had a more formal proposal.
• Continued Comments from Mr. Matei:
Mr. Luca Matei handed out a list to the Commission that showed the extent of losses encountered due to damages and tenants not paying their rent. Mr. Matei commented that he had asked the City Attorney to give him the law that prohibits the government employees from giving him tenants’ current addresses so he could take them to court. City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum stated that he needed to fill out an information request form and the City would get back to him in writing.
Mr. Matei repeated the problems he has had with the police department and that he had never had any legal problems until two criminal cases had been brought against him by the police department. Mr. Matei added that the police were crocks and work with the people that do drugs. After listening to Mr. Matei’s repeated comments, Mayor Taylor stated that these were problems that the Commission could not solve. Mayor Taylor added that he sympathized with the people that drugs affect.
• Time Limit on Open Agenda Discussions:
Mr. Ed Wiltse commented to the Commission that he was not trying to trivialize what Mr. Matei had been discussing, but he had been at the last few meetings and listened to him go on about the police department. Mr. Wilts asked the Commission to consider putting a time limit on the open agenda discussions and that might make them more informative.
• Thanks for Commission:
Mr. Tom Lang reminded the Commission that he had discussed the drug problem in his neighborhood with them at the last meeting and he felt it was important to follow-up. Mr. Lang stated that his name, address and where he worked had been in the paper and he had been contacted by several people who also felt that this was an important issue, but he felt it would be taken care of. Mr. Lang thanked the Commission for their help and for listening.
Public Works Director Russell Rambat informed the Commission that the street department had been putting back money in capital reserves for the purchase of a mower. Mr. Rambat stated that the new mower would replace a 1991 John Deere that had been handed down to them by the parks department. Mr. Rambat explained that this was a sizable one and had been speced with a cab since it was used when things were uncomfortable with the heat and dust. Mr. Rambat added that it would be used to mow rights-of-way.
Mr. Rambat stated that they had sent out three bids and three had been returned, but the bid from Kincheloe’s did not meet the specs. Mr. Rambat explained that doing specs on equipment was difficult and he had done an average of a 32 hp and Kincheloe’s had dropped to a 30 hp. Mayor Taylor asked if he had talked with Kincheloe’s to see if they had something. Mr. Rambat stated that they have the option to spec more, but not less. Mr. Rambat commented that the bid from Straub International was $30,500 and BTI bid several options ranging from $35,600 to $43,800.
Mr. Rambat commented that he had visited with the street department and they were satisfied with the mower from Straub International. Mr. Rambat added that the 1991 would be passed down to the water department to mow around the well houses. Mayor Taylor questioned the skid loader with a bucket. Mr. Rambat explained that that would be used to remove debris and puts another bucket in the system. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if they could mow with the bucket. Mr. Rambat stated that they could not, but it would be used in open areas.
Commissioner Detwiler stated that she had a problem with this purchase and that the park department has four employees and over 200 acres of parks to mow and that was a dirty job. Commissioner Detwiler commented that she was concerned what kind of message this would send to other employees that do not use air conditioning or have radios. Commissioner Detwiler added that she had witnessed two City employees carrying two gallon sprayers on their shoulders to spray weeds in the streets and she felt it would be wiser to buy equipment that employees would use to take care of projects like that. Mayor Taylor commented that park mowers do not come with cabs. Commissioner Detwiler commented that they also eat a lot of dust. Mayor Taylor commented that his son works for the cemetery department and it does not bother him. Mr. Rambat stated that if the park superintendent thought it was a necessity, he would have mentioned it. Mr. Rambat added that it is difficult to get around the trees with a cab. Commissioner Detwiler stated that she was questioning the need for this type of equipment to mow a few blocks of rights-of-way and that does not shadow the parks responsibility. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there would be other needs for this equipment. Mr. Rambat stated that the front end loader bucket could be used when crews were patching or to help out the other departments, but would not replace a larger loader. Mayor Taylor questioned if it was a quick release bucket. Mr. Rambat explained that it was a quick neck, one man job.
Commissioner Skaggs commented that he was not familiar with the Mahindra brand, but it says that it is the number one selling tractor. Commissioner Detwiler stated that it was Japanese. Mr. Rambat explained that it was the brand used by State agencies. Commissioner Skaggs questioned whether the bids were speced on more than one brand. Mr. Rambat explained that it was difficult to spec equipment, but they lay out their needs or things they do not want and look at everybody and pick out what works best.
Commissioner Hlavachick asked how long this equipment had been in the budget. Finance Director Diana Garten stated that it had been in the budget for three years. Commissioner Detwiler stated that, if the 1991 John Deere was being handed down, she saw no need to replace it and she could not justify $30,500 for a mower. Commissioner Graf questioned how much it was used. Mr. Rambat stated that it was seasonal, but about once every couple of weeks for three or four months. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if we had considered contracting it out and that $30,500 would pay for a number of years. Commissioner Skaggs commented that we want the employees to have good equipment to make their work more tolerable. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that there was a budget process in place and had been for a number of years. Commissioner Hlavachick added that the departments do a very good job of looking into the future needs of their department and we need to do it.
A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to accept the bid from Straub International for a Mahindra mower for $30,500. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and the motion passed with three approved votes and two opposed votes by Commissioners Detwiler and Graf.
City Manager Howard commented that a letter had been sent out to the residents on Haskell Street between Third and Fourth Streets and we got only one response. Mr. Howard stated that he had watched that area and it appears that the persons parking there were smokers and they are not allowed to smoke on hospital property. Commissioner Detwiler commented that the one response suggests the east side be restricted due to the mailboxes.
Ms. LaDawn Ferrell, 302 Haskell Street, asked if the City could go to the hospital and ask them to park in their employee parking. Mayor Taylor commented that that was public parking and they could chose to park there. Ms. Ferrell stated that they had asked them not to park in front of their house because it interferes with mowing or company. Ms. Ferrell explained that they moved there in 1991 and restriction on the east side would mean even less parking for them since the north side was already no parking.
Commissioner Skaggs commented that he thought the City should look at the area around the pumping station, leaving the circle drive, and the hospital smokers could park down there. Mr. Howard stated that he would look at parking at the pumping station, but we were less likely to pull in there if there was snow on the ground. Mr. Howard added that he would talk to the hospital to see what could be worked out; however, it would be hard to enforce. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if there could be a sign for no parking from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mayor Taylor commented that if we restrict the east side, they would park on the west side. Mr. Scott Ferrell commented that he would not mind the parking if it was for an appointment, but eight or nine hours was not right. Commissioner Skaggs commented that it would take an act of congress to move the mailboxes to the east side, but that would let them park in front of their houses. Commissioner Detwiler stated that the hospital would end up parking on the other side. Mr. Ferrell stated that the hospital had torn down that house to put in a parking lot, but they had not done anything yet. Commissioner Skaggs stated that this could be the tip of the iceberg if there was hospital construction in the future.
Mayor Taylor clarified that the Ferrell’s did not want one side of Haskell Street designated as no parking. Ms. Ferrell stated that was correct, because, if you take one side away, they would park on the other side. Mr. Nelson Burrell suggested permit parking. Commissioner Detwiler added that residents would have a permit. Mayor Taylor stated that that would complicate things more than they already were. Mayor Taylor suggested that Mr. Howard get with Ms. Susan Page, PRMC Administrator, and see about parking by the pump house. Ms. Ferrell questioned if the City could look into lifting the no parking on the north side. Mayor Taylor questioned if we knew why it was no parking. Mr. Howard stated that it was a snow route, but he was not sure. Public Works Director Rambat suggested that might be a safety issue because of the sight triangle.
Mayor Taylor thanked the Ferrell’s for coming to the meeting.
Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill commented that he had sent out proposals for warning sirens at the airport and the Business Park. Mr. Hemphill stated that 75% of the cost would be paid by a grant or a maximum dollar amount of $20,000. Mr. Hemphill added that the sirens had to be installed and completed by November 11, 2011. Mr. Hemphill explained that the money for the sirens was in the capital outlay fund.
Mr. Hemphill stated that he had sent out four bids request and received three bids back. Mr. Hemphill explained that Federal Signal Corporation had bid $37,548.63 that included sales tax, Washington Electronics, Inc. had bid an electromechanical outdoor siren which was not within the bid specifications and American Signal Corporation had not included the installation in their bid; therefore, Washington Electronics, Inc. and American Signal Corporation’s bids were rejected.
Mr. Hemphill stated that his recommendation was to accept the bid from Federal Signal Corporation in the amount of $37,548.63. Mayor Taylor clarified that only one bid had met the bid specs. Mr. Hemphill stated that that was correct. A motion by Commissioner Skaggs to accept the bid from Federal Signal Corporation in the amount of $37,548.63 for the purchase of two warning sirens. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
Director of Electric Utilities Hemphill explained that it was no longer economical to maintain engine #4 and it was time to discontinue operation and the up-keep. Mr. Hemphill stated that the engine did not fit in the generation portfolio. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there was a place for it in the future. Mr. Hemphill commented that we could use it if called upon to do so.
Mr. Hemphill stated that the engine was horribly inefficient and we would have to pay to have it removed. Mr. Hemphill explained that, if a new one was purchased, as much as 75’ feet underneath it would have to be prepared and was expensive. Mr. Hemphill commented that we have 29 mega watt as emergency generation, which covers the maximum load and, if we had to generate, we could do it with the existing generation. Mayor Taylor questioned what the maximum peak had been. Energy Agent Kenny Kreutzer explained that today was at 24.1 megs, but we have been at 24.3.
Commissioner Hlavachick commented that his concern was what would happen if the City’s electrical needs increased due to a large business moving into Pratt. Mr. Hemphill explained that an engineering study in 1991 projected a 3% growth per year and we were currently growing under or slower than that.
Mr. Hemphill stated that another issue was the cost of repairs and the need to spend a lot of money to put it into safe production operation. City Manager Howard added that another issue was that we are required to have additional capacity through the firm contract. Mr. Howard commented that to bring it into production would cost a lot of money, which does not make sense, but they would if that was what the Commission wanted them to do. Mayor Taylor questioned what the cost would be to fix the issues we were having at this point. Mr. Howard stated that to replace or upgrade the engine could cost $1 to $2 million. Mayor Taylor clarified that, even if we spend that kind of money, it would still be insufficient. Mr. Howard explained that, if we fix it, you still have sixty year old generation. Power Plant Operator Bryan Evans explained to the Commission that, to fire it off, they have a three foot stick that they dip in kerosene. Mayor Taylor stated that that was not real safe.
Commissioner Hlavachick questioned if they would just moth ball it. Mr. Hemphill stated that they would heat the generator to keep the moisture out of it and rotate the turbine routinely; therefore, if it was needed, it would not be in any worse shape. Mayor Taylor asked if there needed to be any action from the Commission. City Attorney Van Blaricum stated he did not believe so. Mr. Howard stated that this engine was not part of the capacity.
• Stop Sign on Country Club Road:
Mr. Luca Matei suggested the City consider having a stop sign on Country Club Road instead of Sixth Street. Mr. Matei explained that there was an increase in traffic on Sixth Street due to the Main Street construction and the Sports Complex.
• Wind Generation:
Mr. Luca Matei commented that he had heard about wind turbines in the County and questioned if we could have some transferred here and that would help take some from energy that we have. City Manager Howard explained that we had looked at wind and solar generation, but you cannot touch the price that we are buying fuel for now. Mr. Howard added that you have to have generation as a back-up when the wind does not produce and that was not cheap.
City Manager:
• Consolidate Police and Sheriff Departments:
City Manager Howard reminded the Commission that it had been discussed during budget work session that we should look into combining the police and sheriff departments. Mr. Howard stated that he had visited with the County Commission and they would like to have a joint meeting with the City to discuss the options. Mr. Howard commented that they mentioned the dates of August 15th or September 19th. The Commissioners were agreeable to either date and City Clerk LuAnn Kramer was directed to get hold of the County Clerk to set up that meeting.
• Bike path:
Mr. Howard commented that he had visited with Ms. Linda Lanterman about the bike path that had been mentioned by Commissioner Hlavachick during the budget work session. Mr. Howard stated that Ms. Lanterman had been working to do one to the lake. Mr. Howard commented that Ms. Lanterman suggested that we look at doing a pedal pedestrian lane on the streets since the Commission had discussed the sidewalks along Sixth Street and Highway 54.
• Wildlife and Parks sewer line:
Mr. Howard commented that Wildlife and Parks had been at the County Commission meeting to discuss the sewer line to their buildings. Mr. Howard explained that they wanted to connect to our plant and it sounded like they would receive some funding for it.
City Attorney:
• Executive session:
City Attorney Van Blaricum requested an executive session at the end of the meeting to discuss attorney/client privilege to last thirty minutes. Mr. Van Blaricum added that there would be nothing to report.
Building Inspection:
• House on Mound Street:
Building Inspector Brad Blankenship informed the Commission that the burned out house on Mound Street was now flat. Mr. Blankenship added that the owners had taken it down and were in the process of taking it apart.
• Building Board:
Mr. Blankenship stated that the Building Board had met on the 12th of July and they were still hammering out the details concerning general licenses and contractors licenses. Mr. Blankenship commented that there was currently no protection for the public if a job was done wrong, but, with required licensing, you can suspend that license. Mr. Blankenship informed the Commission that it should come before them in August or September.
Electric Department:
• Maintenance:
Mr. Hemphill commented that the power plant continues to do routine maintenance.
Recreation Department:
• Street project:
Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall commented that the street project was moving along and should move north later this week. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if Third Street would be used as their staging area. Mr. Pinkall stated that that was correct and First Street would be like Sixth Street was.
Commissioner Skaggs commented that, in his mind, he thought that the crosswalks were going to be all brick, but they were cutting a notch two bricks wide to mark them. Mr. Pinkall stated that he was not sure about that. Commissioner Skaggs commented that someone should take a look at the architec’ts design, as that was not much brick. Mr. Howard commented that he thought that the crosswalks were going to be all brick pavers.
• Equipment purchases:
Mr. Pinkall commented that he would be looking at lease type purchases that had been discussed in the budget work session. Mr. Pinkall added that lease/purchases were different for government entities than it was for individuals.
• SRS closing:
Commissioner Hlavachick stated that he felt that the Commission should go on record in opposing the closing of the SRS office in Pratt. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that he did not understand closing a good operation and leaving the minor one in Greensburg. Mr. Howard commented that Pratt’s SRS office has thirteen employees that would be losing their jobs and Greensburg had two employees. Commissioner Hlavachick added that he was requesting the ED Board also write a letter. Commissioner Skaggs commented that the current landlord had met their specs when they renovated that office building and now they were left with an expensive building. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that he would write the letter if the Commissioners were in agreement that it should be done. All Commissioners were in agreement.
• K-Lane’s sidewalk:
Commissioner Hlavachick commented on the piece of sidewalk that was sticking up in front of K-Lane’s and asked if anything could be done. Public Works Director Rambat stated that they had been short handed, but that it was on their list. Mr. Howard commented that it would have to be torn out and it was our sidewalk, but her entrance. Mr. Howard added that people have been cutting across the construction site and tripping up the curb. Commissioner Skaggs suggested that someone might want to go into the basement that is hollow before tearing anything out. Mr. Howard explained that nothing would be done during the construction. Mr. Rambat stated that they would try to even the surface out as soon as they could.
• Signs on light poles:
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there were any regulations concerning placement of signs on public light poles. Commissioner Skaggs commented that it looked tacky and some do not get taken down. Commissioner Skaggs suggested that there should be someplace for a public bulletin board so people would stop using street lights and poles. Commissioner Skaggs added that the new corner park could have a place for the bulletin board.
Executive Session:
Mayor Taylor made a motion to go into an executive session for thirty minutes to discuss attorney/client privilege. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.
Mayor Taylor made a motion to come out of executive session with nothing to report. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.
• Open agenda time limit:
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if they should discuss the open agenda time limit. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that he felt five minutes was good enough. Mr. Howard commented that the Commission should act on it, but do it during the next meeting.
A motion by Commissioner Detwiler to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.
JULY 18, 2011
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
PRESENT: Jeff Taylor Mayor
Bill Hlavachick Commissioner
Victor Graf Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
Karen Detwiler Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Kelly Hemphill Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director
The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Taylor. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.
The Mayor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.
A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to approve the minutes of the July 05, 2011 regular Commission meeting and the July 11, 2011 recessed budget work session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.
• Leadership Class of 2011 Project:
Ms. Tracey Beverlin informed the Commission that she was a member of the Leadership 2000 Plus Class of 2011 and she was at the meeting to present the Commission with their intent for a class project, which was required of every class. Ms. Beverlin commented that the Class of 2011 had decided to transform the empty lot located just south of the Barron Theater into a community area that could be used for a farmer’s market and a general public forum. Ms. Beverlin stated that they were asking for a commitment from the City, as well as a willingness to assist in a way, that was mutually beneficial.
Mayor Taylor questioned what way they would want support. Ms. Beverlin stated that water and electric hook-ups were discussed and hoped they could work something out that would not burden the City, but support Pratt. City Manager Dave Howard questioned how they were going to get the gravel out of the lot. Ms. Beverlin commented that they had spoken to one person and cost was an issue, but they were still in the infancy of the details. Mr. Howard commented that that was a lot of work. Ms. Beverlin stated that they were up for the challenge.
Commissioner Detwiler questioned if the owner had given up ownership to a not-for-profit organization. Ms. Beverlin commented that the owner did not want the liability and they were still working on what to do. Mr. Howard stated that he had spoken to Mr. Porter Loomis and he was willing to donate the property to a not-for-profit, the City or the County.
Commissioner Skaggs commented that this was a huge undertaking and asked if there would be enough volunteers and money. Commissioner Skaggs added that it would be a great addition to Main Street. Mayor Taylor questioned if it would be available for parking if it was not in being used as the farmer’s market. Ms. Beverlin commented that it would depend on the general layout, but it had been discussed that it be used for a public forum and meeting place. Commissioner Skaggs commented that they would need more room if vendors were pulling trailers and you would not want to impact the adjacent owners. Ms. Beverlin stated that the farmer’s market would not be like this one, but they would encourage the market to take place without the huge trailers. Commissioner Detwiler commented that farmers usually come with a trailer to haul their goods in. Ms. Beverlin explained that they still had things that they needed to think through.
Commissioner Hlavachick commended the Class of 2011 for their foresight that would lend to the future beautification of the downtown and stated that he would do whatever he could do to help. Mayor Taylor stated that they could trust that the City would help out as much as we could. Ms. Beverlin thanked the Commission for their time and added that they would return when they had a more formal proposal.
• Continued Comments from Mr. Matei:
Mr. Luca Matei handed out a list to the Commission that showed the extent of losses encountered due to damages and tenants not paying their rent. Mr. Matei commented that he had asked the City Attorney to give him the law that prohibits the government employees from giving him tenants’ current addresses so he could take them to court. City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum stated that he needed to fill out an information request form and the City would get back to him in writing.
Mr. Matei repeated the problems he has had with the police department and that he had never had any legal problems until two criminal cases had been brought against him by the police department. Mr. Matei added that the police were crocks and work with the people that do drugs. After listening to Mr. Matei’s repeated comments, Mayor Taylor stated that these were problems that the Commission could not solve. Mayor Taylor added that he sympathized with the people that drugs affect.
• Time Limit on Open Agenda Discussions:
Mr. Ed Wiltse commented to the Commission that he was not trying to trivialize what Mr. Matei had been discussing, but he had been at the last few meetings and listened to him go on about the police department. Mr. Wilts asked the Commission to consider putting a time limit on the open agenda discussions and that might make them more informative.
• Thanks for Commission:
Mr. Tom Lang reminded the Commission that he had discussed the drug problem in his neighborhood with them at the last meeting and he felt it was important to follow-up. Mr. Lang stated that his name, address and where he worked had been in the paper and he had been contacted by several people who also felt that this was an important issue, but he felt it would be taken care of. Mr. Lang thanked the Commission for their help and for listening.
Public Works Director Russell Rambat informed the Commission that the street department had been putting back money in capital reserves for the purchase of a mower. Mr. Rambat stated that the new mower would replace a 1991 John Deere that had been handed down to them by the parks department. Mr. Rambat explained that this was a sizable one and had been speced with a cab since it was used when things were uncomfortable with the heat and dust. Mr. Rambat added that it would be used to mow rights-of-way.
Mr. Rambat stated that they had sent out three bids and three had been returned, but the bid from Kincheloe’s did not meet the specs. Mr. Rambat explained that doing specs on equipment was difficult and he had done an average of a 32 hp and Kincheloe’s had dropped to a 30 hp. Mayor Taylor asked if he had talked with Kincheloe’s to see if they had something. Mr. Rambat stated that they have the option to spec more, but not less. Mr. Rambat commented that the bid from Straub International was $30,500 and BTI bid several options ranging from $35,600 to $43,800.
Mr. Rambat commented that he had visited with the street department and they were satisfied with the mower from Straub International. Mr. Rambat added that the 1991 would be passed down to the water department to mow around the well houses. Mayor Taylor questioned the skid loader with a bucket. Mr. Rambat explained that that would be used to remove debris and puts another bucket in the system. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if they could mow with the bucket. Mr. Rambat stated that they could not, but it would be used in open areas.
Commissioner Detwiler stated that she had a problem with this purchase and that the park department has four employees and over 200 acres of parks to mow and that was a dirty job. Commissioner Detwiler commented that she was concerned what kind of message this would send to other employees that do not use air conditioning or have radios. Commissioner Detwiler added that she had witnessed two City employees carrying two gallon sprayers on their shoulders to spray weeds in the streets and she felt it would be wiser to buy equipment that employees would use to take care of projects like that. Mayor Taylor commented that park mowers do not come with cabs. Commissioner Detwiler commented that they also eat a lot of dust. Mayor Taylor commented that his son works for the cemetery department and it does not bother him. Mr. Rambat stated that if the park superintendent thought it was a necessity, he would have mentioned it. Mr. Rambat added that it is difficult to get around the trees with a cab. Commissioner Detwiler stated that she was questioning the need for this type of equipment to mow a few blocks of rights-of-way and that does not shadow the parks responsibility. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there would be other needs for this equipment. Mr. Rambat stated that the front end loader bucket could be used when crews were patching or to help out the other departments, but would not replace a larger loader. Mayor Taylor questioned if it was a quick release bucket. Mr. Rambat explained that it was a quick neck, one man job.
Commissioner Skaggs commented that he was not familiar with the Mahindra brand, but it says that it is the number one selling tractor. Commissioner Detwiler stated that it was Japanese. Mr. Rambat explained that it was the brand used by State agencies. Commissioner Skaggs questioned whether the bids were speced on more than one brand. Mr. Rambat explained that it was difficult to spec equipment, but they lay out their needs or things they do not want and look at everybody and pick out what works best.
Commissioner Hlavachick asked how long this equipment had been in the budget. Finance Director Diana Garten stated that it had been in the budget for three years. Commissioner Detwiler stated that, if the 1991 John Deere was being handed down, she saw no need to replace it and she could not justify $30,500 for a mower. Commissioner Graf questioned how much it was used. Mr. Rambat stated that it was seasonal, but about once every couple of weeks for three or four months. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if we had considered contracting it out and that $30,500 would pay for a number of years. Commissioner Skaggs commented that we want the employees to have good equipment to make their work more tolerable. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that there was a budget process in place and had been for a number of years. Commissioner Hlavachick added that the departments do a very good job of looking into the future needs of their department and we need to do it.
A motion by Commissioner Hlavachick to accept the bid from Straub International for a Mahindra mower for $30,500. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and the motion passed with three approved votes and two opposed votes by Commissioners Detwiler and Graf.
City Manager Howard commented that a letter had been sent out to the residents on Haskell Street between Third and Fourth Streets and we got only one response. Mr. Howard stated that he had watched that area and it appears that the persons parking there were smokers and they are not allowed to smoke on hospital property. Commissioner Detwiler commented that the one response suggests the east side be restricted due to the mailboxes.
Ms. LaDawn Ferrell, 302 Haskell Street, asked if the City could go to the hospital and ask them to park in their employee parking. Mayor Taylor commented that that was public parking and they could chose to park there. Ms. Ferrell stated that they had asked them not to park in front of their house because it interferes with mowing or company. Ms. Ferrell explained that they moved there in 1991 and restriction on the east side would mean even less parking for them since the north side was already no parking.
Commissioner Skaggs commented that he thought the City should look at the area around the pumping station, leaving the circle drive, and the hospital smokers could park down there. Mr. Howard stated that he would look at parking at the pumping station, but we were less likely to pull in there if there was snow on the ground. Mr. Howard added that he would talk to the hospital to see what could be worked out; however, it would be hard to enforce. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if there could be a sign for no parking from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mayor Taylor commented that if we restrict the east side, they would park on the west side. Mr. Scott Ferrell commented that he would not mind the parking if it was for an appointment, but eight or nine hours was not right. Commissioner Skaggs commented that it would take an act of congress to move the mailboxes to the east side, but that would let them park in front of their houses. Commissioner Detwiler stated that the hospital would end up parking on the other side. Mr. Ferrell stated that the hospital had torn down that house to put in a parking lot, but they had not done anything yet. Commissioner Skaggs stated that this could be the tip of the iceberg if there was hospital construction in the future.
Mayor Taylor clarified that the Ferrell’s did not want one side of Haskell Street designated as no parking. Ms. Ferrell stated that was correct, because, if you take one side away, they would park on the other side. Mr. Nelson Burrell suggested permit parking. Commissioner Detwiler added that residents would have a permit. Mayor Taylor stated that that would complicate things more than they already were. Mayor Taylor suggested that Mr. Howard get with Ms. Susan Page, PRMC Administrator, and see about parking by the pump house. Ms. Ferrell questioned if the City could look into lifting the no parking on the north side. Mayor Taylor questioned if we knew why it was no parking. Mr. Howard stated that it was a snow route, but he was not sure. Public Works Director Rambat suggested that might be a safety issue because of the sight triangle.
Mayor Taylor thanked the Ferrell’s for coming to the meeting.
Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill commented that he had sent out proposals for warning sirens at the airport and the Business Park. Mr. Hemphill stated that 75% of the cost would be paid by a grant or a maximum dollar amount of $20,000. Mr. Hemphill added that the sirens had to be installed and completed by November 11, 2011. Mr. Hemphill explained that the money for the sirens was in the capital outlay fund.
Mr. Hemphill stated that he had sent out four bids request and received three bids back. Mr. Hemphill explained that Federal Signal Corporation had bid $37,548.63 that included sales tax, Washington Electronics, Inc. had bid an electromechanical outdoor siren which was not within the bid specifications and American Signal Corporation had not included the installation in their bid; therefore, Washington Electronics, Inc. and American Signal Corporation’s bids were rejected.
Mr. Hemphill stated that his recommendation was to accept the bid from Federal Signal Corporation in the amount of $37,548.63. Mayor Taylor clarified that only one bid had met the bid specs. Mr. Hemphill stated that that was correct. A motion by Commissioner Skaggs to accept the bid from Federal Signal Corporation in the amount of $37,548.63 for the purchase of two warning sirens. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Graf and carried unanimously.
Director of Electric Utilities Hemphill explained that it was no longer economical to maintain engine #4 and it was time to discontinue operation and the up-keep. Mr. Hemphill stated that the engine did not fit in the generation portfolio. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there was a place for it in the future. Mr. Hemphill commented that we could use it if called upon to do so.
Mr. Hemphill stated that the engine was horribly inefficient and we would have to pay to have it removed. Mr. Hemphill explained that, if a new one was purchased, as much as 75’ feet underneath it would have to be prepared and was expensive. Mr. Hemphill commented that we have 29 mega watt as emergency generation, which covers the maximum load and, if we had to generate, we could do it with the existing generation. Mayor Taylor questioned what the maximum peak had been. Energy Agent Kenny Kreutzer explained that today was at 24.1 megs, but we have been at 24.3.
Commissioner Hlavachick commented that his concern was what would happen if the City’s electrical needs increased due to a large business moving into Pratt. Mr. Hemphill explained that an engineering study in 1991 projected a 3% growth per year and we were currently growing under or slower than that.
Mr. Hemphill stated that another issue was the cost of repairs and the need to spend a lot of money to put it into safe production operation. City Manager Howard added that another issue was that we are required to have additional capacity through the firm contract. Mr. Howard commented that to bring it into production would cost a lot of money, which does not make sense, but they would if that was what the Commission wanted them to do. Mayor Taylor questioned what the cost would be to fix the issues we were having at this point. Mr. Howard stated that to replace or upgrade the engine could cost $1 to $2 million. Mayor Taylor clarified that, even if we spend that kind of money, it would still be insufficient. Mr. Howard explained that, if we fix it, you still have sixty year old generation. Power Plant Operator Bryan Evans explained to the Commission that, to fire it off, they have a three foot stick that they dip in kerosene. Mayor Taylor stated that that was not real safe.
Commissioner Hlavachick questioned if they would just moth ball it. Mr. Hemphill stated that they would heat the generator to keep the moisture out of it and rotate the turbine routinely; therefore, if it was needed, it would not be in any worse shape. Mayor Taylor asked if there needed to be any action from the Commission. City Attorney Van Blaricum stated he did not believe so. Mr. Howard stated that this engine was not part of the capacity.
• Stop Sign on Country Club Road:
Mr. Luca Matei suggested the City consider having a stop sign on Country Club Road instead of Sixth Street. Mr. Matei explained that there was an increase in traffic on Sixth Street due to the Main Street construction and the Sports Complex.
• Wind Generation:
Mr. Luca Matei commented that he had heard about wind turbines in the County and questioned if we could have some transferred here and that would help take some from energy that we have. City Manager Howard explained that we had looked at wind and solar generation, but you cannot touch the price that we are buying fuel for now. Mr. Howard added that you have to have generation as a back-up when the wind does not produce and that was not cheap.
City Manager:
• Consolidate Police and Sheriff Departments:
City Manager Howard reminded the Commission that it had been discussed during budget work session that we should look into combining the police and sheriff departments. Mr. Howard stated that he had visited with the County Commission and they would like to have a joint meeting with the City to discuss the options. Mr. Howard commented that they mentioned the dates of August 15th or September 19th. The Commissioners were agreeable to either date and City Clerk LuAnn Kramer was directed to get hold of the County Clerk to set up that meeting.
• Bike path:
Mr. Howard commented that he had visited with Ms. Linda Lanterman about the bike path that had been mentioned by Commissioner Hlavachick during the budget work session. Mr. Howard stated that Ms. Lanterman had been working to do one to the lake. Mr. Howard commented that Ms. Lanterman suggested that we look at doing a pedal pedestrian lane on the streets since the Commission had discussed the sidewalks along Sixth Street and Highway 54.
• Wildlife and Parks sewer line:
Mr. Howard commented that Wildlife and Parks had been at the County Commission meeting to discuss the sewer line to their buildings. Mr. Howard explained that they wanted to connect to our plant and it sounded like they would receive some funding for it.
City Attorney:
• Executive session:
City Attorney Van Blaricum requested an executive session at the end of the meeting to discuss attorney/client privilege to last thirty minutes. Mr. Van Blaricum added that there would be nothing to report.
Building Inspection:
• House on Mound Street:
Building Inspector Brad Blankenship informed the Commission that the burned out house on Mound Street was now flat. Mr. Blankenship added that the owners had taken it down and were in the process of taking it apart.
• Building Board:
Mr. Blankenship stated that the Building Board had met on the 12th of July and they were still hammering out the details concerning general licenses and contractors licenses. Mr. Blankenship commented that there was currently no protection for the public if a job was done wrong, but, with required licensing, you can suspend that license. Mr. Blankenship informed the Commission that it should come before them in August or September.
Electric Department:
• Maintenance:
Mr. Hemphill commented that the power plant continues to do routine maintenance.
Recreation Department:
• Street project:
Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall commented that the street project was moving along and should move north later this week. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if Third Street would be used as their staging area. Mr. Pinkall stated that that was correct and First Street would be like Sixth Street was.
Commissioner Skaggs commented that, in his mind, he thought that the crosswalks were going to be all brick, but they were cutting a notch two bricks wide to mark them. Mr. Pinkall stated that he was not sure about that. Commissioner Skaggs commented that someone should take a look at the architec’ts design, as that was not much brick. Mr. Howard commented that he thought that the crosswalks were going to be all brick pavers.
• Equipment purchases:
Mr. Pinkall commented that he would be looking at lease type purchases that had been discussed in the budget work session. Mr. Pinkall added that lease/purchases were different for government entities than it was for individuals.
• SRS closing:
Commissioner Hlavachick stated that he felt that the Commission should go on record in opposing the closing of the SRS office in Pratt. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that he did not understand closing a good operation and leaving the minor one in Greensburg. Mr. Howard commented that Pratt’s SRS office has thirteen employees that would be losing their jobs and Greensburg had two employees. Commissioner Hlavachick added that he was requesting the ED Board also write a letter. Commissioner Skaggs commented that the current landlord had met their specs when they renovated that office building and now they were left with an expensive building. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that he would write the letter if the Commissioners were in agreement that it should be done. All Commissioners were in agreement.
• K-Lane’s sidewalk:
Commissioner Hlavachick commented on the piece of sidewalk that was sticking up in front of K-Lane’s and asked if anything could be done. Public Works Director Rambat stated that they had been short handed, but that it was on their list. Mr. Howard commented that it would have to be torn out and it was our sidewalk, but her entrance. Mr. Howard added that people have been cutting across the construction site and tripping up the curb. Commissioner Skaggs suggested that someone might want to go into the basement that is hollow before tearing anything out. Mr. Howard explained that nothing would be done during the construction. Mr. Rambat stated that they would try to even the surface out as soon as they could.
• Signs on light poles:
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there were any regulations concerning placement of signs on public light poles. Commissioner Skaggs commented that it looked tacky and some do not get taken down. Commissioner Skaggs suggested that there should be someplace for a public bulletin board so people would stop using street lights and poles. Commissioner Skaggs added that the new corner park could have a place for the bulletin board.
Executive Session:
Mayor Taylor made a motion to go into an executive session for thirty minutes to discuss attorney/client privilege. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.
Mayor Taylor made a motion to come out of executive session with nothing to report. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.
• Open agenda time limit:
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if they should discuss the open agenda time limit. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that he felt five minutes was good enough. Mr. Howard commented that the Commission should act on it, but do it during the next meeting.
A motion by Commissioner Detwiler to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.
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