JULY 02, 2012
1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
4. MINUTES – June 18, 2012 Regular City Commission meeting
5. OPEN AGENDA – 1 (City Matters Only) (3 Minute Time Limit)
6.1 Presentation of Aquatic Facility Evaluation – Kyle McCawley, Larkin Aquatics
6.2 Consideration and Approval of Bid for the Inspection/Cleaning of 3 Pratt Water Towers – Russell Rambat, Public Works Director
6.3 Consideration and Approval of Bid for the 2012 Chip Seal Project – Russell Rambat, Public Works Director
6.4 General Discussion on Condition of Dickerson Field – Mayor, Commission and Staff (no info for packet)
6.5 Discussion on Past and Current Nitrate Levels in City Wells – Russell Rambat, Public Works Director; Dave Howard, City Manager
7. OPEN AGENDA – 2 (City Matters Only) (3 Minute Time Limit)
8.1 City Manager
8.2 City Attorney
8.3 Department Directors and/or Superintendents
8.4 Mayor
8.5 City Commission
9. RECESS – July 12, 2012 Budget Work Session @ 8:00 a.m.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
06/04/2012 Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes
JUNE 04, 2012
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
Bill Hlavachick Mayor
Jeff Taylor Commissione
Karen Detwiler Commissioner
Lucus Kumberg Commissioner
Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director
The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Hlavachick. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Skaggs.
Commissioner Taylor led the staff and audience in the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.
A motion by Commissioner Taylor to approve the minutes of the May 21, 2012 regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and carried unanimously with changes noted.
• Scout Cabin:
Ms. Melissa Price questioned if there would be anyway for the Scout Cabin to get internet access. Mayor Hlavachick stated that the Commission had discussed that at their last meeting and they were just waiting for more information before making a decision. Ms. Price thanked the Commission.
Airport Manager Reid Bell commented that the Airport Authority would like to request three of the four mils that they were authorized to ask for for their 2013 budget. Mr. Bell explained that they had had non-budgeted expenses that happen from time to time this year. After little discussion, Commissioner Taylor made a motion to approve the request from the Airport Authority for three mil for the 2013 budget. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and carried unanimously.
Mr. Reid Bell informed the Commission that RedMan had outgrown their facility and the Airport Authority had been approached by them concerning a new building. Mr. Bell stated that RedMan started out with three employees and three trucks, but they now have fifteen employees and would be adding ten more trailers this year. Mr. Bell added that they were all licensed in Pratt County.
Mr. Bell commented that the Airport Authority had met and wanted to do this for them; therefore, Richardson Brothers had submitted a quote of $255,000 with $50,000 being due when they broke ground and $40,000 when the dirt work was done. Mr. Bell explained that they would pay after each stage and Richardson Brothers were who had done the original building and hanger. Mr. Bell commented that they would do a five year lease with a five year option over the term of ten years and RedMan would be paying for any fencing needed. Mr. Bell added that the quote for rock for the parking lot was $41,500 and that was above the cost of the building.
Mr. Bell stated that he was present to request the City’s participation in financial aid for the building cost. Mr. Bell commented that he had visited with the County and ED Board and they wanted to wait and see what the City was going to do. Mayor Hlavachick commented that RedMan was a stable company out at the airport and questioned if there was any way to add on to the existing building. Mr. Bell explained that they had been anticipating this and they wanted a building like the one they have, but with no offices. Mr. Bell added that they were not receiving all the orders possible, because they dd not have the room. City Manager Dave Howard commented that the City would be discussing the 2013 budget in a month. Commissioner Taylor stated that he would like to see the City help with the expansion and questioned if they could wait. Mr. Reid explained that the expense of this would take all the reserves the Airport Authority had, which was a little over $300,000.
After little more discussion, Mayor Hlavachick commented that it would be discussed at the budget work session in July.
• Waterline to Airport:
Commissioner Taylor questioned if there was any development with the potential waterline heading out to the airport. Mr. Reid stated that KDHE was there a month ago and they felt that the Corp was not going to do anything until they do. Mr. Reid added that KDHE had not identified any other source of contamination so far. Mr. Howard commented that he had suggested that Mr. Jesse Moore tie onto the City’s system to get out of the contamination, although the water at the airport had nitrate problems. Mr. Bell commented that it had taken Salina ten years before the Corp finally owned up to it.
• Bid process:
Mayor Hlavachick questioned if the Airport Authority had gone out for bids for this project. Mr. Howard commented that, when they had been to the ED Board, they had already hired a contractor. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if the work at the airport had to go out for bids. Mr. Howard stated that they should, but he did not know about this one. City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum stated that Mr. Mike Johnston was their attorney and he would think that Mr. Johnston would want to do that.
City Manager:
• Scout Cabin & internet:
City Manager Howard commented that Ms. Jan Scarbrough, Chamber Director, had visited with a representative from Cox Communications and she had given the contact information to the Scouts. Mr. Howard stated that they do have a service for community support, so we would see what happens.
• Executive Session:
Mr. Howard requested an executive session to discuss attorney/client privilege to last ten minutes. Mr. Howard added that there would be no decisions made and this was for information only.
• Suspicious vehicle:
Mayor Hlavachick commented that he had received a call from Mr. Keith Sexson and he was concerned about a vehicle that had been coming into the neighborhood and parking. Mayor Hlavachick added that Mr. Sexson had the license number and he questioned if Mr. Howard would visit with Chief Myers about this. Mr. Howard stated that he would get with Chief Myers.
City Attorney:
• Covenant Housing lawsuit:
City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that Covenant Housing was going forward with the lawsuit and the answer was due tomorrow, which he would file in the morning. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that the hearing date was set for Monday, June 18th at 9 a.m. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that the City should find out whether the Judge would allow summary judgment and whether we should sign the exemption application.
Public Works:
• Upgrade to Wastewater Plant:
Public Works Director Russell Rambat commented that Mr. Howard and he had met with the wastewater staff and EBH concerning the upgrades to the plant and solids handling. Mr. Rambat stated that they were making the final adjustments and hoping to get it submitted to the State for their approval and go out for bids in late summer.
Mr. Rambat explained that the beginning of the work would be to convert the process, or some of it, into the handling situation that would help treat solids in a better fashion. Mr. Rambat added that we do not have to wait until the end of the construction process to use some of the upgrades. Mr. Rambat commented that the meeting was informative and we had expressed our concerns, but everyone seemed to be on the same page. Mr. Rambat commented that Mr. Alan Luttrell, EBH Engineer, informed them that a mild winter would dictate how everything goes and that would depend on if we get the bid before winter.
• Chip Seal project:
Mr. Rambat informed the Commission that the bids were ready to go out for the chip seal project. Mr. Rambat explained the areas that would be included in the project and stated that he was pleased with the new seal that provided a non-slick and more flexible surface. Mr. Rambat added that he would be coming back to the Commission with a recommendation when the bids were back.
• Water Tower cleaning:
Mr. Rambat stated that they had also gone out for bids for cleaning of the water towers. Mr. Rambat explained that Water Superintendent Kelvin Clay had visited with KDHE concerning draining them down in the fall to do the inspection and spray them down, which would include any patching that was necessary. Mr. Howard commented that it was recommended that you do this every five to ten years and the new water tower had never been done.
• Miss Kansas parade:
Mr. Rambat stated that the Miss Kansas parade was Saturday and everything was lined out. Mr. Rambat explained that they were going to go with the Main Street route from Second Street to Sixth Street.
Building Inspections:
• Cabin a/c:
Building Inspector Brad Blankenship commented that he had requested companies to give him a ball park figure on what the air conditioning would cost for the Scout Cabin. Mr. Blankenship stated that the 80% furnace with a metal flue was about $3,500 and the 90% was about $1,000 more. Mr. Blankenship added that he did not know if that was the low or high end. After little more explanation, Mr. Blankenship commented that he had gone and looked at the duct work and it was fine, but you could not add to the twenty-five year old existing system; therefore, he had had them do a complete system. Mayor Hlavachick commented that it was more reasonable than he had thought it might be.
Electric Department:
• Loss of transformer rewind auxiliary:
Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill commented that the power plant had lost a transformer rewind auxiliary last week and the preliminary cost would be $41,000 to $42,000. Mr. Hemphill explained that they wanted to go out for bids as soon as possible with a target date of return to be June 19th. Mr. Hemphill added that they do not want a rushed quote, because they do need to be accurate. Commissioner Taylor suggested doing it the morning of the 18th and the Commission could make a decision that evening. Mr. Hemphill stated that he could do that. Mr. Howard stated that the steam unit would be out of commission until this was fixed. Mr. Hemphill commented that this was originally installed in 1964.
Recreation Department:
• Bleachers:
Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall commented that the bleachers at Sixth Street Park had gone past being safe, so they would be taken down, but they would try and salvage some of the wood. Mr. Pinkall stated that they would be removed from the park. Commissioner Taylor commented that Mr. Wilbur Green had purchased those bleachers. Mr. Pinkall added that they would be replaced with the ones that had been purchased for Blythe Family Fitness to use.
Commissioner Detwiler questioned if the ladder that goes up into the announcer’s booth at Sixth Street was safe. Mr. Pinkall stated that it was not used much. Commissioner Detwiler commented that she had seen kids climbing on it. Mr. Pinkall stated that he would go look at it.
Finance Department:
• Public television:
Finance Director Diana Garten stated that Mr. Ken Adams had informed her that the college would be moving forward with public television.
• Windy days & landfill:
Commissioner Taylor questioned if the City was able to take sanitation to the landfill on windy days. Mr. Rambat stated that he did not know of any restrictions. Commissioner Taylor commented that there had been a sign that it was closed to the public on one of the windier days. Mr. Howard stated that we were not aware of any restrictions. Commissioner Taylor explained that someone had had a whole wheat truck full of stuff and had found out that they were closed once they got out there and they had questioned what the City did. Mr. Rambat stated that the County would rather we call them if we have any questions concerning being open, because they would rather we not have a key.
• Water park:
Commissioner Detwiler commented that she had been in Newton and noticed their water park. Commissioner Detwiler stated that the biggest expense of a small water park would be the concrete and one this small would fit easily at Zerger Park. Commissioner Detwiler added that she estimated that it would cost around $50,000. Mr. Howard commented that it would depend on what pool issues come up during budget session, but it could be discussed then.
• Safety at Sports Complex:
Commissioner Detwiler questioned if there could be a stop sign put out at the Sports Complex, because there was the potential for several accidents the other night. Mr. Howard stated that he would check on getting that done.
• Pelican Fountain:
Mayor Hlavachick questioned if anyone had put a stainless steel mesh over the Pelican Fountain after his granddaughter had been cut. Mr. Rambat stated that he was not sure but he would check.
Executive Session:
Mayor Hlavachick made a motion to go into executive session for attorney/client privilege to last ten minutes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
Mayor Hlavachick made a motion to return from executive session with nothing to report. The motion was properly seconded and carried unanimously.
Upon proper motion, the meeting was adjourned.
JUNE 04, 2012
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
Bill Hlavachick Mayor
Jeff Taylor Commissione
Karen Detwiler Commissioner
Lucus Kumberg Commissioner
Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director
The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Hlavachick. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Skaggs.
Commissioner Taylor led the staff and audience in the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.
A motion by Commissioner Taylor to approve the minutes of the May 21, 2012 regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and carried unanimously with changes noted.
• Scout Cabin:
Ms. Melissa Price questioned if there would be anyway for the Scout Cabin to get internet access. Mayor Hlavachick stated that the Commission had discussed that at their last meeting and they were just waiting for more information before making a decision. Ms. Price thanked the Commission.
Airport Manager Reid Bell commented that the Airport Authority would like to request three of the four mils that they were authorized to ask for for their 2013 budget. Mr. Bell explained that they had had non-budgeted expenses that happen from time to time this year. After little discussion, Commissioner Taylor made a motion to approve the request from the Airport Authority for three mil for the 2013 budget. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and carried unanimously.
Mr. Reid Bell informed the Commission that RedMan had outgrown their facility and the Airport Authority had been approached by them concerning a new building. Mr. Bell stated that RedMan started out with three employees and three trucks, but they now have fifteen employees and would be adding ten more trailers this year. Mr. Bell added that they were all licensed in Pratt County.
Mr. Bell commented that the Airport Authority had met and wanted to do this for them; therefore, Richardson Brothers had submitted a quote of $255,000 with $50,000 being due when they broke ground and $40,000 when the dirt work was done. Mr. Bell explained that they would pay after each stage and Richardson Brothers were who had done the original building and hanger. Mr. Bell commented that they would do a five year lease with a five year option over the term of ten years and RedMan would be paying for any fencing needed. Mr. Bell added that the quote for rock for the parking lot was $41,500 and that was above the cost of the building.
Mr. Bell stated that he was present to request the City’s participation in financial aid for the building cost. Mr. Bell commented that he had visited with the County and ED Board and they wanted to wait and see what the City was going to do. Mayor Hlavachick commented that RedMan was a stable company out at the airport and questioned if there was any way to add on to the existing building. Mr. Bell explained that they had been anticipating this and they wanted a building like the one they have, but with no offices. Mr. Bell added that they were not receiving all the orders possible, because they dd not have the room. City Manager Dave Howard commented that the City would be discussing the 2013 budget in a month. Commissioner Taylor stated that he would like to see the City help with the expansion and questioned if they could wait. Mr. Reid explained that the expense of this would take all the reserves the Airport Authority had, which was a little over $300,000.
After little more discussion, Mayor Hlavachick commented that it would be discussed at the budget work session in July.
• Waterline to Airport:
Commissioner Taylor questioned if there was any development with the potential waterline heading out to the airport. Mr. Reid stated that KDHE was there a month ago and they felt that the Corp was not going to do anything until they do. Mr. Reid added that KDHE had not identified any other source of contamination so far. Mr. Howard commented that he had suggested that Mr. Jesse Moore tie onto the City’s system to get out of the contamination, although the water at the airport had nitrate problems. Mr. Bell commented that it had taken Salina ten years before the Corp finally owned up to it.
• Bid process:
Mayor Hlavachick questioned if the Airport Authority had gone out for bids for this project. Mr. Howard commented that, when they had been to the ED Board, they had already hired a contractor. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if the work at the airport had to go out for bids. Mr. Howard stated that they should, but he did not know about this one. City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum stated that Mr. Mike Johnston was their attorney and he would think that Mr. Johnston would want to do that.
City Manager:
• Scout Cabin & internet:
City Manager Howard commented that Ms. Jan Scarbrough, Chamber Director, had visited with a representative from Cox Communications and she had given the contact information to the Scouts. Mr. Howard stated that they do have a service for community support, so we would see what happens.
• Executive Session:
Mr. Howard requested an executive session to discuss attorney/client privilege to last ten minutes. Mr. Howard added that there would be no decisions made and this was for information only.
• Suspicious vehicle:
Mayor Hlavachick commented that he had received a call from Mr. Keith Sexson and he was concerned about a vehicle that had been coming into the neighborhood and parking. Mayor Hlavachick added that Mr. Sexson had the license number and he questioned if Mr. Howard would visit with Chief Myers about this. Mr. Howard stated that he would get with Chief Myers.
City Attorney:
• Covenant Housing lawsuit:
City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that Covenant Housing was going forward with the lawsuit and the answer was due tomorrow, which he would file in the morning. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that the hearing date was set for Monday, June 18th at 9 a.m. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that the City should find out whether the Judge would allow summary judgment and whether we should sign the exemption application.
Public Works:
• Upgrade to Wastewater Plant:
Public Works Director Russell Rambat commented that Mr. Howard and he had met with the wastewater staff and EBH concerning the upgrades to the plant and solids handling. Mr. Rambat stated that they were making the final adjustments and hoping to get it submitted to the State for their approval and go out for bids in late summer.
Mr. Rambat explained that the beginning of the work would be to convert the process, or some of it, into the handling situation that would help treat solids in a better fashion. Mr. Rambat added that we do not have to wait until the end of the construction process to use some of the upgrades. Mr. Rambat commented that the meeting was informative and we had expressed our concerns, but everyone seemed to be on the same page. Mr. Rambat commented that Mr. Alan Luttrell, EBH Engineer, informed them that a mild winter would dictate how everything goes and that would depend on if we get the bid before winter.
• Chip Seal project:
Mr. Rambat informed the Commission that the bids were ready to go out for the chip seal project. Mr. Rambat explained the areas that would be included in the project and stated that he was pleased with the new seal that provided a non-slick and more flexible surface. Mr. Rambat added that he would be coming back to the Commission with a recommendation when the bids were back.
• Water Tower cleaning:
Mr. Rambat stated that they had also gone out for bids for cleaning of the water towers. Mr. Rambat explained that Water Superintendent Kelvin Clay had visited with KDHE concerning draining them down in the fall to do the inspection and spray them down, which would include any patching that was necessary. Mr. Howard commented that it was recommended that you do this every five to ten years and the new water tower had never been done.
• Miss Kansas parade:
Mr. Rambat stated that the Miss Kansas parade was Saturday and everything was lined out. Mr. Rambat explained that they were going to go with the Main Street route from Second Street to Sixth Street.
Building Inspections:
• Cabin a/c:
Building Inspector Brad Blankenship commented that he had requested companies to give him a ball park figure on what the air conditioning would cost for the Scout Cabin. Mr. Blankenship stated that the 80% furnace with a metal flue was about $3,500 and the 90% was about $1,000 more. Mr. Blankenship added that he did not know if that was the low or high end. After little more explanation, Mr. Blankenship commented that he had gone and looked at the duct work and it was fine, but you could not add to the twenty-five year old existing system; therefore, he had had them do a complete system. Mayor Hlavachick commented that it was more reasonable than he had thought it might be.
Electric Department:
• Loss of transformer rewind auxiliary:
Director of Electric Utilities Kelly Hemphill commented that the power plant had lost a transformer rewind auxiliary last week and the preliminary cost would be $41,000 to $42,000. Mr. Hemphill explained that they wanted to go out for bids as soon as possible with a target date of return to be June 19th. Mr. Hemphill added that they do not want a rushed quote, because they do need to be accurate. Commissioner Taylor suggested doing it the morning of the 18th and the Commission could make a decision that evening. Mr. Hemphill stated that he could do that. Mr. Howard stated that the steam unit would be out of commission until this was fixed. Mr. Hemphill commented that this was originally installed in 1964.
Recreation Department:
• Bleachers:
Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall commented that the bleachers at Sixth Street Park had gone past being safe, so they would be taken down, but they would try and salvage some of the wood. Mr. Pinkall stated that they would be removed from the park. Commissioner Taylor commented that Mr. Wilbur Green had purchased those bleachers. Mr. Pinkall added that they would be replaced with the ones that had been purchased for Blythe Family Fitness to use.
Commissioner Detwiler questioned if the ladder that goes up into the announcer’s booth at Sixth Street was safe. Mr. Pinkall stated that it was not used much. Commissioner Detwiler commented that she had seen kids climbing on it. Mr. Pinkall stated that he would go look at it.
Finance Department:
• Public television:
Finance Director Diana Garten stated that Mr. Ken Adams had informed her that the college would be moving forward with public television.
• Windy days & landfill:
Commissioner Taylor questioned if the City was able to take sanitation to the landfill on windy days. Mr. Rambat stated that he did not know of any restrictions. Commissioner Taylor commented that there had been a sign that it was closed to the public on one of the windier days. Mr. Howard stated that we were not aware of any restrictions. Commissioner Taylor explained that someone had had a whole wheat truck full of stuff and had found out that they were closed once they got out there and they had questioned what the City did. Mr. Rambat stated that the County would rather we call them if we have any questions concerning being open, because they would rather we not have a key.
• Water park:
Commissioner Detwiler commented that she had been in Newton and noticed their water park. Commissioner Detwiler stated that the biggest expense of a small water park would be the concrete and one this small would fit easily at Zerger Park. Commissioner Detwiler added that she estimated that it would cost around $50,000. Mr. Howard commented that it would depend on what pool issues come up during budget session, but it could be discussed then.
• Safety at Sports Complex:
Commissioner Detwiler questioned if there could be a stop sign put out at the Sports Complex, because there was the potential for several accidents the other night. Mr. Howard stated that he would check on getting that done.
• Pelican Fountain:
Mayor Hlavachick questioned if anyone had put a stainless steel mesh over the Pelican Fountain after his granddaughter had been cut. Mr. Rambat stated that he was not sure but he would check.
Executive Session:
Mayor Hlavachick made a motion to go into executive session for attorney/client privilege to last ten minutes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
Mayor Hlavachick made a motion to return from executive session with nothing to report. The motion was properly seconded and carried unanimously.
Upon proper motion, the meeting was adjourned.
Monday, June 18, 2012
06/18/2012-City Commission Meeting Agenda
JUNE 18, 2012
1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
4. MINUTES – June 04, 2012 Regular City Commission meeting
5. OPEN AGENDA – 1 (City Matters Only) (3 Minute Time Limit)
6.1 Presentation of 2011 City of Pratt Audit – Vicki Dreiling, Adams Brown Beran & Ball
6.2 Consideration and Approval of Night Time Movie in Lemon’s Park on Saturday, July 14th – Tracy Beverlin, Pratt Young Professionals Group
6.3 Consideration and Approval of the Sell of Three Acres of the Sandy Creek Addition for New Motel - Andy Patel; Dave Howard, City Manager
6.4 Presentation on Proposed New Hospital Addition – Frank Laubhan
6.5 Consideration and Approval of Street Closures for Sidewalk Sale July 14th – Jan Scarbrough, Chamber Director
6.6 Consideration and Approval of Transformer Rewind Bid – Kelly Hemphill, Dir. of Electric Utilities
7. OPEN AGENDA – 2 (City Matters Only) (3 Minute Time Limit)
8.1 City Manager
8.2 City Attorney
8.3 Department Directors and/or Superintendents
8.4 Mayor
8.5 City Commission
JUNE 18, 2012
1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
4. MINUTES – June 04, 2012 Regular City Commission meeting
5. OPEN AGENDA – 1 (City Matters Only) (3 Minute Time Limit)
6.1 Presentation of 2011 City of Pratt Audit – Vicki Dreiling, Adams Brown Beran & Ball
6.2 Consideration and Approval of Night Time Movie in Lemon’s Park on Saturday, July 14th – Tracy Beverlin, Pratt Young Professionals Group
6.3 Consideration and Approval of the Sell of Three Acres of the Sandy Creek Addition for New Motel - Andy Patel; Dave Howard, City Manager
6.4 Presentation on Proposed New Hospital Addition – Frank Laubhan
6.5 Consideration and Approval of Street Closures for Sidewalk Sale July 14th – Jan Scarbrough, Chamber Director
6.6 Consideration and Approval of Transformer Rewind Bid – Kelly Hemphill, Dir. of Electric Utilities
7. OPEN AGENDA – 2 (City Matters Only) (3 Minute Time Limit)
8.1 City Manager
8.2 City Attorney
8.3 Department Directors and/or Superintendents
8.4 Mayor
8.5 City Commission
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
05/21/12 Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes
MAY 21, 2012
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
Bill Hlavachick Mayor
Jeff Taylor Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
Karen Detwiler Commissioner
Lucus Kumberg Commissioner
Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Gary Myers Police Chief
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director
The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Hlavachick. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.
Commissioner Taylor led the staff and audience in the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.
A motion by Commissioner Taylor to approve the minutes of the May 07, 2012 regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.
• May Dennis Park complaints:
Mr. Richard McDiffett, who lives at 524 Logan, stated that the issues he was having at May Dennis Park were getting worse; therefore, he felt he needed to make the Commission aware of them. Mr. McDiffett commented that he was glad that the park was being utilized, but the littering of beer cans, pop bottles, etc. was getting worse. Commissioner Taylor questioned if there were any dumpsters close by. Mr. McDiffett stated that there was one by hole #1; however, it does not get used. Mr. McDiffett added that he did not have any ideas to help with the problem. City Manager Dave Howard suggested that signage might help or more polycarts could be placed in the area. Commissioner Taylor questioned if there could be a fine. Mr. Howard stated that that would be a municipal court fine. Mayor Hlavachick questioned if it was worse on the weekends. Mr. McDiffett stated that it was a daily problem. Mr. McDiffett stated that he was glad that they have someplace to go. Commissioner Taylor commented that it was probably a minority of people that throw things out. Mr. McDiffett agreed and added that it was about 3% to 5% that were ruining it for others.
Mr. McDiffett stated that his other complaint was that a small percentage of the frisbie golfers relieve themselves and, if his wife and he are on their porch, they are in direct view of it. Mr. McDiffett questioned if the restroom at the park was still in working order. Public Works Director Russell Rambat stated that they had a big vandalism problem at that park, but he would check into it and see what the situation was now.
Mr. McDiffett showed the areas that contained trash receptacles in the park on a power point map. Mr. McDiffett stated that he also had a problem with kids coming into his yard anywhere from 11:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. Mr. McDiffett commented that that was unnerving for his wife and it gets his dogs stirred up, which wakes them up. Mr. McDiffett stated that the kids do not seem to mind that the dogs are in the yard and questioned if there could be a curfew set. Mr. Howard suggested calling the police. Mr. McDiffett stated that he had thought about that, but he knows that they are busy. Mr. Howard stated that that was their job. Commissioner Skaggs questioned the average age of a Frisbee golfer. Commissioner Taylor stated that they were in their mid-teens to whatever. Commissioner Taylor added that it was good to have in your community since it draws people in from out of town. Commissioner Taylor stated that it should not be abused though. After little more discussion, Mayor Hlavachick assured Mr. McDiffett that the staff would look into it. Mr. McDiffett thanked the Commission for their time.
• Luca Matei comments:
Mr. Luca Matei addressed the Commission concerning human rights and the laws followed by the government. Mr. Matei stated that nobody bothers and they obstruct information. Mr. Matei commented that he had asked for information of status of the violation of tenants and how they can improve. Mr. Matei added that they say to tell the truth in a court of law, but you cannot. Commissioner Taylor questioned what Mr. Matei was asking for. Mr. Matei stated that the Commission can take a position with the law and people who obstruct the law and destroy the people. Mr. Matei commented that he was kept in the dark, such as coming to look at a damaged apartment, but they do nothing. Commissioner Taylor asked if Mr. Matei charged a deposit on his apartments. Mr. Matei stated that they do not pay a deposit.
Mr. Matei questioned why all the secrecy and asked that the decision by elected people make better decisions. Mayor Hlavachick stated that Mr. Matei was asking them to do something that they have no authority to do and suggested that Mr. Matei hire a lawyer if he feels that the law has been broken. Mr. Matei stated that they have the right to know what the police are doing and they targeted him and fabricated false accusations. Mr. Matei added that they had to know this. City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum stated that, if the police were in an investigation, the records were not public. Mr. Matei questioned who investigates if the Government obstructs and they refuse to provide information. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that it was not here. Mr. Matei stated that somebody needs to do the right thing.
Ms. Laura Williamson, Girl Scout representative, explained to the Commission that the Girl Scout group had wanted to see if they could get internet into the Scout Cabin along with window air conditioners. Ms. Williamson stated that the Scouts do projects on the internet and do have meetings in the summer. Mayor Hlavachick questioned how many meetings they have. Ms. Williamson stated that they have one a month in the summer and once a week during the winter. Ms. Williamson commented that the question was asked as to whom would pay for the internet and air conditioning and the Scouts had hoped that the City would do that for them. Commissioner Taylor questioned if they had thought of using the library for their internet. Ms. Kayla Durall, Girl Scouts Representative, stated that they had tried that, but there were restrictions that would not let them get into what they needed to do their project. Ms. Durall added that it gets disruptive when you have fifteen girl scouts and the library does not allow food and drinks.
Mayor Hlavachick commented that he liked the idea of both. Ms. Durall commented that they also help the girls with homework if they need it. Commissioner Kumberg questioned if the Girl Scouts of America would help pay for some of this. Ms. Durall commented that they had scouted different companies to help sponsor them, but since the Scouts was a not-for-profit group, they did not want to have to do it for every site. Commissioner Taylor questioned if Cox would make a donation. Ms. Durall commented that A T & T and Cox would have to have a joint place to feed off of that already had internet.
Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall stated that he had checked with A T & T, which is who the City uses for phone service, and it would cost approximately $30 a month to have DSL service, along with $100 for a wireless router minus a $75 rebate. Mr. Pinkall added that that would come up to be about $385 the first year and the internet would be password protected. Commissioner Kumberg asked if the City had done this for any other organizations. Commissioner Taylor stated that they had not and added that that may open up a can of worms.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the amperage load to the building was able to handle three air conditioning units. Building Inspector Brad Blankenship stated that the west side carries the lights and there should probably not be a load put on it. Mr. Blankenship continued explaining that the east side of the main building could handle 8000 BTU maximum. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if they would use a 110 volt and not a 220. Mr. Blankenship stated that that was correct. Commissioner Skaggs asked if the City’s electrical crews could provide the additional service there. Mr. Blankenship stated that there was actually a 100 amp service there and they should not pull that much. Mr. Blankenship explained that some concerns would be that this was built into the dirt at ground level and the fins were exposed, which could be smashed with fingers and kicked and that could cause the energy use to go up.
After a little more discussion, Commissioner Skaggs questioned if we should not look at a new heating system that includes air conditioning. Mr. Blankenship explained that it would cost about $4,000 to put in a condenser, air conditioner and electric. Commissioner Skaggs asked if that would be a better alternative then trying to put in window units. Commissioner Detwiler commented that you would be talking about kilowatt usage then. Mayor Hlavachick questioned how much we had done for the Scout Cabin over the years and he added that it looked the same way as it did when he moved into town in 1973. Ms. Williamson commented that the floors needed redone. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the City should give the Scout Cabin as much attention as we do Blythe Family Fitness or the tennis courts and also where we would draw the line on facilities used by the public.
Commissioner Skaggs stated that he would like to have a report from City staff on what could be done. Mr. Blankenship stated that he could do that. Commissioner Kumberg questioned who would be held liable if something were to happen and, if it were the person providing the service, how we prevent it. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that you would look to your insurance carrier for answers to that. Mayor Hlavachick stated that there might be the possibility of three Commissioners being absent at the next meeting, but it would be discussed at the next regular meeting.
Recreation Director Pinkall explained that Ms. Donna Meier Pfeifer from Red Cross had requested use of the Community Center at no charge for Ms. Evelyn Hillard’s 100th birthday and their 95th anniversary of the Cannonball Trail chartership. Mr. Pinkall commented that the room had been booked previously, but he felt that he had things arranged so that it would work out to have the celebrations at the Community Center. Mr. Pinkall added that that was the same day as the blood drive and Ms. Hillard had volunteered there for many years.
After no further discussion, Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve the request pending juggling the rooms around. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Detwiler and carried unanimously.
• Open public hearing by motion:
Mayor Hlavachick made a motion to open the public hearing concerning 305 North Mound with a second from Commissioner Taylor. The motion and second passed unanimously.
• Discussion:
Mayor Hlavachick opened up the hearing for discussion. Building Inspector Blankenship stated that nothing had changed and the structure was unsafe and dangerous.
• Close public hearing by motion:
With no one in the audience offering any other discussion, Mayor Hlavachick made a motion to close the public hearing. Commissioner Skaggs seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that this resolution sets dates of when the structure at 305 North Mound has to be removed or repaired. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that, if nothing was done by the completion date of July 01, 2012, the City goes to work. Commissioner Taylor questioned when the house had been burned. Mr. Blankenship stated that it was May of last year. Mr. Blankenship commented that he had worked with the owners, but they do not have the finances to go any further. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if the cost to tear it down goes to their tax bill. City Manager Howard stated that it does, but you could write it off as a loss.
The following Resolution 052112 was then presented to the Commission for their approval: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PRATT DECLARING STRUCTURE UNSAFE, DANGEROUS, AND UNFIT. A motion by Commissioner Skaggs to approve the Resolution 052112. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Detwiler and carried unanimously.
Mayor Hlavachick commented that he had had a call from Mr. Kenny Gates requesting that this item be tabled, but he was not for changing a public agenda. Commissioner Taylor questioned if Mr. Gates and Mr. Lee Wilson’s attendance had been good. Mr. Blankenship commented that Mr. Wilson’s attendance was impeccable and Mr. Gates’ was 50%. Commissioner Taylor stated that 50% was not good enough. Mr. Blankenship commented that the third Thursday was not good for Mr. Gates. A motion by Commissioner Taylor to appoint Mr. Eric Nystrom to the Planning Commission to replace Mr. Rick Abrams, whose term was expiring. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg. Commissioner Detwiler stated that she would refrain from voting. Commissioner Taylor stated that she needed to vote one way or the other. A vote on the motion and second passed with four approved and one no vote by Commissioner Detwiler.
Mayor Hlavachick commented that he had no problem with the other two being reappointed. Commissioner Taylor stated that they need someone that could attend the meetings and if Mr. Gates was not going to show up, then he needed to be replaced. Commissioner Taylor added that planning and zoning were very important. Commissioner Taylor commented that it was also time to work on the Comprehensive Plan, which could be discussed in budget. Mr. Howard stated that they had talked about it. Commissioner Taylor stated that Maple Street had been built because of the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Taylor added that those were the things to look forward to and we do it for the future. Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve the reappointment of Mr. Lee Wilson to another term on the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Taylor stated that there were no guidelines set on attendance, so you do not have to show up. Mr. Howard explained that the Planning and Zoning Board was different and that it was important to have a quorum if there was to be a public hearing like we had this evening. A motion by Commissioner Skaggs to reappoint Mr. Kenny Gates was seconded by Commissioner Detwiler. Commissioner Taylor suggested that Mr. Blankenship have a conversation with Mr. Gates concerning his attendance increasing. Commissioner Taylor added that you should be there at least 75% to 80% of the time. Mayor Hlavachick commented that Mr. Fred Badders speaks highly of Mr. Gates. Commissioner Taylor commented that the minutes concerning the Planning meetings showed that situations during Mr. Gates’ attendance caused him to vote no. Commissioner Taylor stated that he liked Mr. Gates, but he needed to be actively involved. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that Mr. Gates runs a good meeting when he was there. The motion and second were voted on and passed unanimously.
Public Works Director Rambat reminded the Commission that the heated mirrors on this truck had been discussed; therefore, Lanterman Motors had offered two options in which one was without the heated mirrors. Commissioner Taylor questioned if the heated mirrors were included with the power seats, locks and windows. Mr. Rambat stated that that was correct and added that he does not spec that part of the package. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if they were worth $700 more. Mr. Rambat stated that he was grateful to be able to replace the pick-up that would be handed down to the meter readers. Mr. Howard commented that the heated mirrors were helpful in snow and ice storms.
After little more discussion, Mr. Rambat recommended that the Commission consider Option 2 with the heated mirrors. A motion by Commissioner Taylor to approve the bid using option #2 for $23,391 from Lanterman Motors. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs. Commissioner Detwiler questioned who the vehicle would be assigned to. Mr. Rambat stated that Street Superintendent Harley Dancaster would be using this vehicle. Commissioner Detwiler commented that the one being replaced should be the person that gets this vehicle. Mr. Rambat explained that the replaced vehicle happens to be Mr. Roy Sinclair’s and this was the intent when the budget was made out. Mr. Rambat added that this was a natural thing. Commissioner Kumberg questioned where the meter reader’s vehicle would be going. Mr. Rambat stated that it would be out of the fleet to be auctioned or sold by sealed bid later. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if the average age of vehicles included the ones in the bone yard. Mr. Howard stated that they were not. The motion and second passed unanimously.
Public Works Director Rambat commented that there were five bids returned for the 2012 Curb, Sidewalk and ADA Ramp project. Mr. Rambat stated that a contractor from the Kingman and Cunningham area had gotten the bid for the past few years, but a local contractor had submitted an aggressive bid this year. Mr. Rambat explained that he had contacted Mr. Brian Arnesdorf of Arnesdorf Construction since he had not worked with him or any of his staff, but they were all on the same page. Mr. Rambat added that he would be sticking with him in the beginning stages of the project to make sure the work was up to our standards. Mr. Rambat commented that he was excited to get a local contractor this year.
Commissioner Taylor questioned if there had been other local contractors that were asked to submit bids. Mr. Rambat stated that there was. Commissioner Kumberg asked if Mr. Rambat knew of Mr. Arnesdorf’s work. Mr. Rambat stated that he did, but it was in smaller increments. Mr. Rambat added that there was no negative feedback and there was no reason not to accept his bid. A motion by Commissioner Detwiler to accept the bid from Arnesdorf Construction in the amount of $88,152 for the 2012 Curb project. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and carried unanimously.
City Manager Howard explained that he had contacted Ms. Faye Trent with Great Plains Development concerning a grant that would be issued by the Department of Commerce. Mr. Howard explained that this grant was conducted using the census of the City and we could conduct our own survey which, if done right, would be recognized by the Department of Commerce.
Mr. Howard stated that the City would use the water accounts and that would cover a majority of the citizens. Mr. Howard commented that we would do a mailer and they would be returned to Great Plains Development to tabulate the results. Commissioner Taylor questioned the survey through Fort Hays. Mr. Howard stated that that was a telephone survey that was suggested by Finance Director Diana Garten and you do get better results. Mr. Howard added that the cost of the survey would be anywhere from $7,500 to $10,000. Mr. Howard stated that, if we do our own mailer, we would probably have to do it more than once.
Mr. Howard stated that the surveys tabulated by Great Plains Development would be turned over to the Department of Commerce, if we were eligible. Mr. Howard added that the survey had to show that 51% of our households were moderate to lower class. Commissioner Taylor questioned if the surveys go to postal customers if we do it. Ms. Garten stated that it has to have a name and address on them and only one per person.
Commissioner Detwiler stated that Appendix C stated that rates were low when they were conducted by mail. Mr. Howard stated that that was correct and we might have to do more than one mailing. Mr. Howard commented that we would let the people know about the survey through the paper or utility bills. Mayor Hlavachick clarified that the staff would have nothing to do with the results. Mr. Howard stated that we would mail it and provide the account number and address only. Commissioner Taylor questioned if Great Plains Development had a business reply permit. Ms. Garten stated that she thought they would have since they do this for a lot of people. Commissioner Taylor commented that a person was more apt to return something if they get a reply envelope. Mr. Howard explained that only what was returned was what would be counted. Mr. Howard stated that we had not qualified before, so this was a gamble.
Mr. Howard stated that we would have to make some promotional efforts and be sure that they understand that this grant could help with future projects or purchases. Mayor Hlavachick commented that he felt that this would be money well spent. Commissioner Detwiler commented that there were grants through FEMA for fire equipment. Mr. Howard stated that those were very competitive. Commissioner Detwiler added that that was how the County got their new truck. Mr. Howard stated that they were looking into it, but the odds were tougher.
Mr. Howard stated that he thinks that we actually have the 51%, but it was getting people to respond that was the trick. Ms. Garten explained that, if the first survey was not good enough, we could go door to door or do phone calls, but the mailings were the least costly. Ms. Garten added that you can use the results for ten years. Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to do the small Cities LMI survey for $5,715.36. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried with four approved votes and one abstained vote by Commissioner Taylor due to the possibility of his business doing some of the printing.
City Manager:
• Generation:
City Manager Howard commented that we generated eighteen out of twenty-two days last month and the employees had put in some long hours. Mr. Howard added that it was favorable to our pricing. Mr. Howard explained that Jeffries Energy had been installing convertors and Holcomb was still down and that was the reason that we were called to generate.
• Withers’ update:
Mr. Howard commented that the sewer and water projects were done in the Lemon-Wither’s Addition. Mr. Howard stated that Mr. Withers’ currently had two companies under lease and four other potential businesses. Mr. Howard added that that would secure one hundred jobs if it was all fulfilled. Mr. Howard explained that this almost completed this phase of the project.
City Attorney:
• Covenant Housing law suit:
City Attorney Van Blaricum reminded the Commission that Covenant Housing had filed a law suit against the City on April 9th and he had answered that on May 4th. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that they had filed a motion for summary judgment and wanted an answer by June 5th. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that a summary judgment meant that everything on their petition and our answer was true and they would win. Mr. Van Blaricum added that he would be filing an answer that states that everything was true, but we win due to their delay in the exemption application process.
Public Works:
• Highway 61 Construction:
Public Works Director Rambat commented that he had been contacted by Mr. Dennis Chinn concerning not being able to get on Highway 61. Mr. Rambat explained that Mr. Chinn hauls cattle for a living. Mr. Rambat commented that he had visited with Mr. Howard and, in trying to discourage tractor trailers down Stout Street, they had suggested using the City’s property south of the old depot for him to park his truck. Mr. Rambat stated that we would work with Mr. Chinn so that he could do what he does without damaging City streets.
• Miss Kansas Parade:
Mr. Rambat commented that they were getting ready for the Miss Kansas Parade in June.
Inspection Department:
• Scout Cabin:
Building Inspector Brad Blankenship commented that there were two options on the system for the Scout Cabin. Mr. Blankenship explained that there was an 80% system and a 90% system. Mr. Blankenship stated that one was very efficient and the other was what they set for everyone. Commissioner Skaggs commented that he would like to see both options. Commissioner Taylor questioned if the Scout Cabin was specifically for the Scouts or if it could be used for other activities. Mr. Howard answered that it would depend on any restrictions that the City had been given when they were given the property. Commissioner Taylor commented that he would be more likely to go along with this if we were able to use it for the public. Commissioner Detwiler questioned who the maintenance falls on. Mr. Howard stated that it was the Scouts now. Recreation Director Pinkall added that the parks department checks on it also. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there was a unisex bathroom. Commissioner Taylor stated that there was. Mr. Blankenship added that they do not have to conform to the ADA requirements until changes start happening.
Power Plant:
• Generating update:
Power Plant Superintendent Ernie Smith commented that he had gotten an email from Holcomb and the piece they were missing would be installed on May 25th and we were running the engines more with the high temperatures. Mr. Smith explained that they ran Friday and were to shut down around 11:00 p.m., but did not get shut down until 1:00 a.m. Saturday. Mr. Smith stated that they ran again Saturday from 7:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. Mayor Hlavachick questioned if they would be generating all summer. Mr. Smith stated that it looks like we will be or until the two plants were up and running again.
Police Department:
• Department statistics:
Police Chief Gary Myers commented that he had worked up the activities of the police department since January 1st and they had worked 693 cases, which included 38 drug investigations, 34 domestic violence, 84 larcenies, 17 counterfeit and 75 motor vehicle accidents. Chief Myers stated that they had worked 160 cases in March, 147 in April and already 105 in May. Chief Myers explained that, since March 23rd, they had worked 38 felonies, 7 drug, 14 burglaries, 5 larcenies, 3 aggravated assaults, 1 rape, 2 felony domestic violence, 1 felony DUI, child abuse sex offense, criminal threat and 2 counterfeiting.
Chief Myers broke that down into Municipal Court filings as of March 23rd to May 8th: 162 traffic tickets which included DUI’s, stop sign violations, speeding, no driver’s license, driving while suspended, failure to yield right-of-way, failure to report accidents, seat belt and child restraint violations, inattentive driving and no insurance. Chief Myers added that, along with the traffic tickets, his officers had filed 209 criminal offenses since that date that include domestic battery, simple battery, disorderly conduct, criminal trespass, minor in consumption, possession, criminal damage to property, animal at large, no current rabies vaccination and vicious animals.
Chief Myers stated that he had understood that there were concerns that the officers were not out patrolling the streets as often as they should be and he hoped that the list of activities he had given would help them understand why. Chief Myers commented that he had had two officers work a traffic speed check last Friday on Maple Street to Maple Street extension, First Street and Sixth Street. Chief Myers stated that they had 17 violations on First Street in a twelve hour frame. Chief Myers added that, starting at 9:07 a.m. at various locations on Sixth Street, the officer logged 70 vehicles going east and west bound and two were cited for speeding, which had to be ten miles over the speed limit. Chief Myers explained that the average speed on Sixth Street was 29.9 mph and the average speed on Maple Street was 29 mph.
Commissioner Taylor commented that 17 violations was a big difference from about a year ago and the people were catching on that you do not speed in Pratt. City Manager Howard commented that he had witnessed an officer early Sunday morning that had two semi’s pulled over at the same time. Chief Myers stated that he felt that the guys were doing a good job for the limited number of officers that we have.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned how the in-car cameras were working. Chief Myers stated that they were working pretty well. Chief Myers explained that Stalker Radar had bought Cop Trax and they were a wider known company with more tech support. Chief Myers commented that their representative would be here on Thursday to see what issues we were having. Commissioner Taylor questioned if the GPS tracking of his vehicles had been used. Chief Myers stated that he had not had to use that yet but, if someone thinks there are no officers patrolling their area, he could let them know where they had been.
Chief Myers commented that City Attorney Van Blaricum could attest to how busy they had been since he was the one that prosecutes them. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that Chief Myers had not mentioned that, for every felony and serious misdemeanor, there was a report that had to be completed. Mr. Van Blaricum added that the reports were very well written and it makes his job easier and they have a better conviction rate.
Finance Department:
• Budget Work Session:
Finance Director Garten commented that she was looking at July 12th to start the budget session. After little discussion, the Commission was in agreement that that should work for all of them.
City Clerk/Utility Billing Department:
• Mike Harvey update:
City Clerk Kramer informed the Commission that Mr. Mike Harvey, former pool manager, had had a heart attack a couple of weeks ago, but was doing better.
• PFD Car Show:
City Clerk Kramer reminded the Commission that the Pratt Fire Department Car Show was Saturday and the Mayor was asked to come down and pick his favorite.
Mayor and Commission:
• Spring trash pick-up:
Commissioner Skaggs questioned when the spring trash pick-up was or would be. Mr. Howard stated that they had not done that for several years. Commissioner Skaggs commented that his neighbor had a big tree collapse and questioned if the City would pick it up. Mr. Rambat stated that there was a special pick-up charge and that would allow two employees thirty minutes. Mr. Rambat explained that there were people who make their living doing that, but we do dabble a little into that if there has been a storm. Commissioner Skaggs asked if the City would go by and let him know how much it might cost. Mr. Rambat stated that we would do that and he just needed to call the office to set something up.
• Sewer insurance:
Commissioner Skaggs commented that he had read in the Hutchinson paper that Hutchinson was offering sewer insurance. Commissioner Skaggs stated that it was expensive to have a sewer line repaired. Mr. Howard stated that there were more communities looking at that, but we had controlled it by keeping the lines clean. Commissioner Skaggs explained that he was talking about the street cut and going down and doing a new tap. Mr. Howard stated that that was something that a private contractor had to do. Mr. Rambat added that we do do the tap inspection.
• KDWP communication:
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if we had stayed in contact with Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks concerning connecting to our sewer. Mr. Howard stated that their engineers were working on it and locates were being done. Mr. Rambat added that he was not sure if it had even gone out for bid. Commissioner Skaggs commented on the letter of warning that was in their packet and questioned if taking on KDWP would impact that. Mr. Howard stated that it would not and the warning was from circumstances in 2009. Mr. Howard commented that the new sludge facilities should keep this from happening. Mr. Rambat added that they were trying to finalize plans for the new facility and it would hopefully go out for bid in late summer or early fall. Commissioner Taylor questioned if the Pratt County Lake would be included. Mr. Howard explained that KDWP dumped into theirs and that would cause the same concerns as our RV dump stations and not knowing what was being dumped.
• Level pay:
Commissioner Taylor questioned if we had thought anymore about level pay on our utility bills. Ms. Kramer explained that she had not, but she would. Ms. Kramer stated that we do allow people to carry a credit balance if they want to pay extra on their bill so that they were not hit so hard when the summer bills come around.
• Hydrant leak:
Commissioner Detwiler stated that the fire hydrant at Sixth Street and Haskell Street had a steady drip. Mr. Rambat stated that he would get that checked out.
• School zones:
Commissioner Detwiler commented that the school zone signage was hidden by tree limbs on West Third Street. Mr. Rambat stated that he would look into that and he added that he had some local trimmers doing some work now.
• Grass at Complex:
Commissioner Detwiler questioned what was happening with the grass at the Sports Complex. Mr. Pinkall commented that they had had sprinkler issues, but they were being taken care of.
Commissioner Taylor made a motion to adjourn that was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs. The motion and second carried unanimously.
Page 4, 3rd Paragraph—Mayor Taylor commented that the minutes concerning the Planning meetings showed that situations during Mr. Gates’ attendance caused him to vote no abstain from voting.
Page 4, Last Paragraph; Page 5, 1st Paragraph—Arnesdorf should be spelled Arensdorf.
MAY 21, 2012
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
Bill Hlavachick Mayor
Jeff Taylor Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
Karen Detwiler Commissioner
Lucus Kumberg Commissioner
Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Gary Myers Police Chief
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director
The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Hlavachick. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.
Commissioner Taylor led the staff and audience in the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.
A motion by Commissioner Taylor to approve the minutes of the May 07, 2012 regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.
• May Dennis Park complaints:
Mr. Richard McDiffett, who lives at 524 Logan, stated that the issues he was having at May Dennis Park were getting worse; therefore, he felt he needed to make the Commission aware of them. Mr. McDiffett commented that he was glad that the park was being utilized, but the littering of beer cans, pop bottles, etc. was getting worse. Commissioner Taylor questioned if there were any dumpsters close by. Mr. McDiffett stated that there was one by hole #1; however, it does not get used. Mr. McDiffett added that he did not have any ideas to help with the problem. City Manager Dave Howard suggested that signage might help or more polycarts could be placed in the area. Commissioner Taylor questioned if there could be a fine. Mr. Howard stated that that would be a municipal court fine. Mayor Hlavachick questioned if it was worse on the weekends. Mr. McDiffett stated that it was a daily problem. Mr. McDiffett stated that he was glad that they have someplace to go. Commissioner Taylor commented that it was probably a minority of people that throw things out. Mr. McDiffett agreed and added that it was about 3% to 5% that were ruining it for others.
Mr. McDiffett stated that his other complaint was that a small percentage of the frisbie golfers relieve themselves and, if his wife and he are on their porch, they are in direct view of it. Mr. McDiffett questioned if the restroom at the park was still in working order. Public Works Director Russell Rambat stated that they had a big vandalism problem at that park, but he would check into it and see what the situation was now.
Mr. McDiffett showed the areas that contained trash receptacles in the park on a power point map. Mr. McDiffett stated that he also had a problem with kids coming into his yard anywhere from 11:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. Mr. McDiffett commented that that was unnerving for his wife and it gets his dogs stirred up, which wakes them up. Mr. McDiffett stated that the kids do not seem to mind that the dogs are in the yard and questioned if there could be a curfew set. Mr. Howard suggested calling the police. Mr. McDiffett stated that he had thought about that, but he knows that they are busy. Mr. Howard stated that that was their job. Commissioner Skaggs questioned the average age of a Frisbee golfer. Commissioner Taylor stated that they were in their mid-teens to whatever. Commissioner Taylor added that it was good to have in your community since it draws people in from out of town. Commissioner Taylor stated that it should not be abused though. After little more discussion, Mayor Hlavachick assured Mr. McDiffett that the staff would look into it. Mr. McDiffett thanked the Commission for their time.
• Luca Matei comments:
Mr. Luca Matei addressed the Commission concerning human rights and the laws followed by the government. Mr. Matei stated that nobody bothers and they obstruct information. Mr. Matei commented that he had asked for information of status of the violation of tenants and how they can improve. Mr. Matei added that they say to tell the truth in a court of law, but you cannot. Commissioner Taylor questioned what Mr. Matei was asking for. Mr. Matei stated that the Commission can take a position with the law and people who obstruct the law and destroy the people. Mr. Matei commented that he was kept in the dark, such as coming to look at a damaged apartment, but they do nothing. Commissioner Taylor asked if Mr. Matei charged a deposit on his apartments. Mr. Matei stated that they do not pay a deposit.
Mr. Matei questioned why all the secrecy and asked that the decision by elected people make better decisions. Mayor Hlavachick stated that Mr. Matei was asking them to do something that they have no authority to do and suggested that Mr. Matei hire a lawyer if he feels that the law has been broken. Mr. Matei stated that they have the right to know what the police are doing and they targeted him and fabricated false accusations. Mr. Matei added that they had to know this. City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum stated that, if the police were in an investigation, the records were not public. Mr. Matei questioned who investigates if the Government obstructs and they refuse to provide information. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that it was not here. Mr. Matei stated that somebody needs to do the right thing.
Ms. Laura Williamson, Girl Scout representative, explained to the Commission that the Girl Scout group had wanted to see if they could get internet into the Scout Cabin along with window air conditioners. Ms. Williamson stated that the Scouts do projects on the internet and do have meetings in the summer. Mayor Hlavachick questioned how many meetings they have. Ms. Williamson stated that they have one a month in the summer and once a week during the winter. Ms. Williamson commented that the question was asked as to whom would pay for the internet and air conditioning and the Scouts had hoped that the City would do that for them. Commissioner Taylor questioned if they had thought of using the library for their internet. Ms. Kayla Durall, Girl Scouts Representative, stated that they had tried that, but there were restrictions that would not let them get into what they needed to do their project. Ms. Durall added that it gets disruptive when you have fifteen girl scouts and the library does not allow food and drinks.
Mayor Hlavachick commented that he liked the idea of both. Ms. Durall commented that they also help the girls with homework if they need it. Commissioner Kumberg questioned if the Girl Scouts of America would help pay for some of this. Ms. Durall commented that they had scouted different companies to help sponsor them, but since the Scouts was a not-for-profit group, they did not want to have to do it for every site. Commissioner Taylor questioned if Cox would make a donation. Ms. Durall commented that A T & T and Cox would have to have a joint place to feed off of that already had internet.
Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall stated that he had checked with A T & T, which is who the City uses for phone service, and it would cost approximately $30 a month to have DSL service, along with $100 for a wireless router minus a $75 rebate. Mr. Pinkall added that that would come up to be about $385 the first year and the internet would be password protected. Commissioner Kumberg asked if the City had done this for any other organizations. Commissioner Taylor stated that they had not and added that that may open up a can of worms.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the amperage load to the building was able to handle three air conditioning units. Building Inspector Brad Blankenship stated that the west side carries the lights and there should probably not be a load put on it. Mr. Blankenship continued explaining that the east side of the main building could handle 8000 BTU maximum. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if they would use a 110 volt and not a 220. Mr. Blankenship stated that that was correct. Commissioner Skaggs asked if the City’s electrical crews could provide the additional service there. Mr. Blankenship stated that there was actually a 100 amp service there and they should not pull that much. Mr. Blankenship explained that some concerns would be that this was built into the dirt at ground level and the fins were exposed, which could be smashed with fingers and kicked and that could cause the energy use to go up.
After a little more discussion, Commissioner Skaggs questioned if we should not look at a new heating system that includes air conditioning. Mr. Blankenship explained that it would cost about $4,000 to put in a condenser, air conditioner and electric. Commissioner Skaggs asked if that would be a better alternative then trying to put in window units. Commissioner Detwiler commented that you would be talking about kilowatt usage then. Mayor Hlavachick questioned how much we had done for the Scout Cabin over the years and he added that it looked the same way as it did when he moved into town in 1973. Ms. Williamson commented that the floors needed redone. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the City should give the Scout Cabin as much attention as we do Blythe Family Fitness or the tennis courts and also where we would draw the line on facilities used by the public.
Commissioner Skaggs stated that he would like to have a report from City staff on what could be done. Mr. Blankenship stated that he could do that. Commissioner Kumberg questioned who would be held liable if something were to happen and, if it were the person providing the service, how we prevent it. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that you would look to your insurance carrier for answers to that. Mayor Hlavachick stated that there might be the possibility of three Commissioners being absent at the next meeting, but it would be discussed at the next regular meeting.
Recreation Director Pinkall explained that Ms. Donna Meier Pfeifer from Red Cross had requested use of the Community Center at no charge for Ms. Evelyn Hillard’s 100th birthday and their 95th anniversary of the Cannonball Trail chartership. Mr. Pinkall commented that the room had been booked previously, but he felt that he had things arranged so that it would work out to have the celebrations at the Community Center. Mr. Pinkall added that that was the same day as the blood drive and Ms. Hillard had volunteered there for many years.
After no further discussion, Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve the request pending juggling the rooms around. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Detwiler and carried unanimously.
• Open public hearing by motion:
Mayor Hlavachick made a motion to open the public hearing concerning 305 North Mound with a second from Commissioner Taylor. The motion and second passed unanimously.
• Discussion:
Mayor Hlavachick opened up the hearing for discussion. Building Inspector Blankenship stated that nothing had changed and the structure was unsafe and dangerous.
• Close public hearing by motion:
With no one in the audience offering any other discussion, Mayor Hlavachick made a motion to close the public hearing. Commissioner Skaggs seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that this resolution sets dates of when the structure at 305 North Mound has to be removed or repaired. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that, if nothing was done by the completion date of July 01, 2012, the City goes to work. Commissioner Taylor questioned when the house had been burned. Mr. Blankenship stated that it was May of last year. Mr. Blankenship commented that he had worked with the owners, but they do not have the finances to go any further. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if the cost to tear it down goes to their tax bill. City Manager Howard stated that it does, but you could write it off as a loss.
The following Resolution 052112 was then presented to the Commission for their approval: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PRATT DECLARING STRUCTURE UNSAFE, DANGEROUS, AND UNFIT. A motion by Commissioner Skaggs to approve the Resolution 052112. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Detwiler and carried unanimously.
Mayor Hlavachick commented that he had had a call from Mr. Kenny Gates requesting that this item be tabled, but he was not for changing a public agenda. Commissioner Taylor questioned if Mr. Gates and Mr. Lee Wilson’s attendance had been good. Mr. Blankenship commented that Mr. Wilson’s attendance was impeccable and Mr. Gates’ was 50%. Commissioner Taylor stated that 50% was not good enough. Mr. Blankenship commented that the third Thursday was not good for Mr. Gates. A motion by Commissioner Taylor to appoint Mr. Eric Nystrom to the Planning Commission to replace Mr. Rick Abrams, whose term was expiring. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg. Commissioner Detwiler stated that she would refrain from voting. Commissioner Taylor stated that she needed to vote one way or the other. A vote on the motion and second passed with four approved and one no vote by Commissioner Detwiler.
Mayor Hlavachick commented that he had no problem with the other two being reappointed. Commissioner Taylor stated that they need someone that could attend the meetings and if Mr. Gates was not going to show up, then he needed to be replaced. Commissioner Taylor added that planning and zoning were very important. Commissioner Taylor commented that it was also time to work on the Comprehensive Plan, which could be discussed in budget. Mr. Howard stated that they had talked about it. Commissioner Taylor stated that Maple Street had been built because of the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Taylor added that those were the things to look forward to and we do it for the future. Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve the reappointment of Mr. Lee Wilson to another term on the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Taylor stated that there were no guidelines set on attendance, so you do not have to show up. Mr. Howard explained that the Planning and Zoning Board was different and that it was important to have a quorum if there was to be a public hearing like we had this evening. A motion by Commissioner Skaggs to reappoint Mr. Kenny Gates was seconded by Commissioner Detwiler. Commissioner Taylor suggested that Mr. Blankenship have a conversation with Mr. Gates concerning his attendance increasing. Commissioner Taylor added that you should be there at least 75% to 80% of the time. Mayor Hlavachick commented that Mr. Fred Badders speaks highly of Mr. Gates. Commissioner Taylor commented that the minutes concerning the Planning meetings showed that situations during Mr. Gates’ attendance caused him to vote no. Commissioner Taylor stated that he liked Mr. Gates, but he needed to be actively involved. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that Mr. Gates runs a good meeting when he was there. The motion and second were voted on and passed unanimously.
Public Works Director Rambat reminded the Commission that the heated mirrors on this truck had been discussed; therefore, Lanterman Motors had offered two options in which one was without the heated mirrors. Commissioner Taylor questioned if the heated mirrors were included with the power seats, locks and windows. Mr. Rambat stated that that was correct and added that he does not spec that part of the package. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if they were worth $700 more. Mr. Rambat stated that he was grateful to be able to replace the pick-up that would be handed down to the meter readers. Mr. Howard commented that the heated mirrors were helpful in snow and ice storms.
After little more discussion, Mr. Rambat recommended that the Commission consider Option 2 with the heated mirrors. A motion by Commissioner Taylor to approve the bid using option #2 for $23,391 from Lanterman Motors. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs. Commissioner Detwiler questioned who the vehicle would be assigned to. Mr. Rambat stated that Street Superintendent Harley Dancaster would be using this vehicle. Commissioner Detwiler commented that the one being replaced should be the person that gets this vehicle. Mr. Rambat explained that the replaced vehicle happens to be Mr. Roy Sinclair’s and this was the intent when the budget was made out. Mr. Rambat added that this was a natural thing. Commissioner Kumberg questioned where the meter reader’s vehicle would be going. Mr. Rambat stated that it would be out of the fleet to be auctioned or sold by sealed bid later. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if the average age of vehicles included the ones in the bone yard. Mr. Howard stated that they were not. The motion and second passed unanimously.
Public Works Director Rambat commented that there were five bids returned for the 2012 Curb, Sidewalk and ADA Ramp project. Mr. Rambat stated that a contractor from the Kingman and Cunningham area had gotten the bid for the past few years, but a local contractor had submitted an aggressive bid this year. Mr. Rambat explained that he had contacted Mr. Brian Arnesdorf of Arnesdorf Construction since he had not worked with him or any of his staff, but they were all on the same page. Mr. Rambat added that he would be sticking with him in the beginning stages of the project to make sure the work was up to our standards. Mr. Rambat commented that he was excited to get a local contractor this year.
Commissioner Taylor questioned if there had been other local contractors that were asked to submit bids. Mr. Rambat stated that there was. Commissioner Kumberg asked if Mr. Rambat knew of Mr. Arnesdorf’s work. Mr. Rambat stated that he did, but it was in smaller increments. Mr. Rambat added that there was no negative feedback and there was no reason not to accept his bid. A motion by Commissioner Detwiler to accept the bid from Arnesdorf Construction in the amount of $88,152 for the 2012 Curb project. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and carried unanimously.
City Manager Howard explained that he had contacted Ms. Faye Trent with Great Plains Development concerning a grant that would be issued by the Department of Commerce. Mr. Howard explained that this grant was conducted using the census of the City and we could conduct our own survey which, if done right, would be recognized by the Department of Commerce.
Mr. Howard stated that the City would use the water accounts and that would cover a majority of the citizens. Mr. Howard commented that we would do a mailer and they would be returned to Great Plains Development to tabulate the results. Commissioner Taylor questioned the survey through Fort Hays. Mr. Howard stated that that was a telephone survey that was suggested by Finance Director Diana Garten and you do get better results. Mr. Howard added that the cost of the survey would be anywhere from $7,500 to $10,000. Mr. Howard stated that, if we do our own mailer, we would probably have to do it more than once.
Mr. Howard stated that the surveys tabulated by Great Plains Development would be turned over to the Department of Commerce, if we were eligible. Mr. Howard added that the survey had to show that 51% of our households were moderate to lower class. Commissioner Taylor questioned if the surveys go to postal customers if we do it. Ms. Garten stated that it has to have a name and address on them and only one per person.
Commissioner Detwiler stated that Appendix C stated that rates were low when they were conducted by mail. Mr. Howard stated that that was correct and we might have to do more than one mailing. Mr. Howard commented that we would let the people know about the survey through the paper or utility bills. Mayor Hlavachick clarified that the staff would have nothing to do with the results. Mr. Howard stated that we would mail it and provide the account number and address only. Commissioner Taylor questioned if Great Plains Development had a business reply permit. Ms. Garten stated that she thought they would have since they do this for a lot of people. Commissioner Taylor commented that a person was more apt to return something if they get a reply envelope. Mr. Howard explained that only what was returned was what would be counted. Mr. Howard stated that we had not qualified before, so this was a gamble.
Mr. Howard stated that we would have to make some promotional efforts and be sure that they understand that this grant could help with future projects or purchases. Mayor Hlavachick commented that he felt that this would be money well spent. Commissioner Detwiler commented that there were grants through FEMA for fire equipment. Mr. Howard stated that those were very competitive. Commissioner Detwiler added that that was how the County got their new truck. Mr. Howard stated that they were looking into it, but the odds were tougher.
Mr. Howard stated that he thinks that we actually have the 51%, but it was getting people to respond that was the trick. Ms. Garten explained that, if the first survey was not good enough, we could go door to door or do phone calls, but the mailings were the least costly. Ms. Garten added that you can use the results for ten years. Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to do the small Cities LMI survey for $5,715.36. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried with four approved votes and one abstained vote by Commissioner Taylor due to the possibility of his business doing some of the printing.
City Manager:
• Generation:
City Manager Howard commented that we generated eighteen out of twenty-two days last month and the employees had put in some long hours. Mr. Howard added that it was favorable to our pricing. Mr. Howard explained that Jeffries Energy had been installing convertors and Holcomb was still down and that was the reason that we were called to generate.
• Withers’ update:
Mr. Howard commented that the sewer and water projects were done in the Lemon-Wither’s Addition. Mr. Howard stated that Mr. Withers’ currently had two companies under lease and four other potential businesses. Mr. Howard added that that would secure one hundred jobs if it was all fulfilled. Mr. Howard explained that this almost completed this phase of the project.
City Attorney:
• Covenant Housing law suit:
City Attorney Van Blaricum reminded the Commission that Covenant Housing had filed a law suit against the City on April 9th and he had answered that on May 4th. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that they had filed a motion for summary judgment and wanted an answer by June 5th. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that a summary judgment meant that everything on their petition and our answer was true and they would win. Mr. Van Blaricum added that he would be filing an answer that states that everything was true, but we win due to their delay in the exemption application process.
Public Works:
• Highway 61 Construction:
Public Works Director Rambat commented that he had been contacted by Mr. Dennis Chinn concerning not being able to get on Highway 61. Mr. Rambat explained that Mr. Chinn hauls cattle for a living. Mr. Rambat commented that he had visited with Mr. Howard and, in trying to discourage tractor trailers down Stout Street, they had suggested using the City’s property south of the old depot for him to park his truck. Mr. Rambat stated that we would work with Mr. Chinn so that he could do what he does without damaging City streets.
• Miss Kansas Parade:
Mr. Rambat commented that they were getting ready for the Miss Kansas Parade in June.
Inspection Department:
• Scout Cabin:
Building Inspector Brad Blankenship commented that there were two options on the system for the Scout Cabin. Mr. Blankenship explained that there was an 80% system and a 90% system. Mr. Blankenship stated that one was very efficient and the other was what they set for everyone. Commissioner Skaggs commented that he would like to see both options. Commissioner Taylor questioned if the Scout Cabin was specifically for the Scouts or if it could be used for other activities. Mr. Howard answered that it would depend on any restrictions that the City had been given when they were given the property. Commissioner Taylor commented that he would be more likely to go along with this if we were able to use it for the public. Commissioner Detwiler questioned who the maintenance falls on. Mr. Howard stated that it was the Scouts now. Recreation Director Pinkall added that the parks department checks on it also. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there was a unisex bathroom. Commissioner Taylor stated that there was. Mr. Blankenship added that they do not have to conform to the ADA requirements until changes start happening.
Power Plant:
• Generating update:
Power Plant Superintendent Ernie Smith commented that he had gotten an email from Holcomb and the piece they were missing would be installed on May 25th and we were running the engines more with the high temperatures. Mr. Smith explained that they ran Friday and were to shut down around 11:00 p.m., but did not get shut down until 1:00 a.m. Saturday. Mr. Smith stated that they ran again Saturday from 7:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. Mayor Hlavachick questioned if they would be generating all summer. Mr. Smith stated that it looks like we will be or until the two plants were up and running again.
Police Department:
• Department statistics:
Police Chief Gary Myers commented that he had worked up the activities of the police department since January 1st and they had worked 693 cases, which included 38 drug investigations, 34 domestic violence, 84 larcenies, 17 counterfeit and 75 motor vehicle accidents. Chief Myers stated that they had worked 160 cases in March, 147 in April and already 105 in May. Chief Myers explained that, since March 23rd, they had worked 38 felonies, 7 drug, 14 burglaries, 5 larcenies, 3 aggravated assaults, 1 rape, 2 felony domestic violence, 1 felony DUI, child abuse sex offense, criminal threat and 2 counterfeiting.
Chief Myers broke that down into Municipal Court filings as of March 23rd to May 8th: 162 traffic tickets which included DUI’s, stop sign violations, speeding, no driver’s license, driving while suspended, failure to yield right-of-way, failure to report accidents, seat belt and child restraint violations, inattentive driving and no insurance. Chief Myers added that, along with the traffic tickets, his officers had filed 209 criminal offenses since that date that include domestic battery, simple battery, disorderly conduct, criminal trespass, minor in consumption, possession, criminal damage to property, animal at large, no current rabies vaccination and vicious animals.
Chief Myers stated that he had understood that there were concerns that the officers were not out patrolling the streets as often as they should be and he hoped that the list of activities he had given would help them understand why. Chief Myers commented that he had had two officers work a traffic speed check last Friday on Maple Street to Maple Street extension, First Street and Sixth Street. Chief Myers stated that they had 17 violations on First Street in a twelve hour frame. Chief Myers added that, starting at 9:07 a.m. at various locations on Sixth Street, the officer logged 70 vehicles going east and west bound and two were cited for speeding, which had to be ten miles over the speed limit. Chief Myers explained that the average speed on Sixth Street was 29.9 mph and the average speed on Maple Street was 29 mph.
Commissioner Taylor commented that 17 violations was a big difference from about a year ago and the people were catching on that you do not speed in Pratt. City Manager Howard commented that he had witnessed an officer early Sunday morning that had two semi’s pulled over at the same time. Chief Myers stated that he felt that the guys were doing a good job for the limited number of officers that we have.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned how the in-car cameras were working. Chief Myers stated that they were working pretty well. Chief Myers explained that Stalker Radar had bought Cop Trax and they were a wider known company with more tech support. Chief Myers commented that their representative would be here on Thursday to see what issues we were having. Commissioner Taylor questioned if the GPS tracking of his vehicles had been used. Chief Myers stated that he had not had to use that yet but, if someone thinks there are no officers patrolling their area, he could let them know where they had been.
Chief Myers commented that City Attorney Van Blaricum could attest to how busy they had been since he was the one that prosecutes them. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that Chief Myers had not mentioned that, for every felony and serious misdemeanor, there was a report that had to be completed. Mr. Van Blaricum added that the reports were very well written and it makes his job easier and they have a better conviction rate.
Finance Department:
• Budget Work Session:
Finance Director Garten commented that she was looking at July 12th to start the budget session. After little discussion, the Commission was in agreement that that should work for all of them.
City Clerk/Utility Billing Department:
• Mike Harvey update:
City Clerk Kramer informed the Commission that Mr. Mike Harvey, former pool manager, had had a heart attack a couple of weeks ago, but was doing better.
• PFD Car Show:
City Clerk Kramer reminded the Commission that the Pratt Fire Department Car Show was Saturday and the Mayor was asked to come down and pick his favorite.
Mayor and Commission:
• Spring trash pick-up:
Commissioner Skaggs questioned when the spring trash pick-up was or would be. Mr. Howard stated that they had not done that for several years. Commissioner Skaggs commented that his neighbor had a big tree collapse and questioned if the City would pick it up. Mr. Rambat stated that there was a special pick-up charge and that would allow two employees thirty minutes. Mr. Rambat explained that there were people who make their living doing that, but we do dabble a little into that if there has been a storm. Commissioner Skaggs asked if the City would go by and let him know how much it might cost. Mr. Rambat stated that we would do that and he just needed to call the office to set something up.
• Sewer insurance:
Commissioner Skaggs commented that he had read in the Hutchinson paper that Hutchinson was offering sewer insurance. Commissioner Skaggs stated that it was expensive to have a sewer line repaired. Mr. Howard stated that there were more communities looking at that, but we had controlled it by keeping the lines clean. Commissioner Skaggs explained that he was talking about the street cut and going down and doing a new tap. Mr. Howard stated that that was something that a private contractor had to do. Mr. Rambat added that we do do the tap inspection.
• KDWP communication:
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if we had stayed in contact with Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks concerning connecting to our sewer. Mr. Howard stated that their engineers were working on it and locates were being done. Mr. Rambat added that he was not sure if it had even gone out for bid. Commissioner Skaggs commented on the letter of warning that was in their packet and questioned if taking on KDWP would impact that. Mr. Howard stated that it would not and the warning was from circumstances in 2009. Mr. Howard commented that the new sludge facilities should keep this from happening. Mr. Rambat added that they were trying to finalize plans for the new facility and it would hopefully go out for bid in late summer or early fall. Commissioner Taylor questioned if the Pratt County Lake would be included. Mr. Howard explained that KDWP dumped into theirs and that would cause the same concerns as our RV dump stations and not knowing what was being dumped.
• Level pay:
Commissioner Taylor questioned if we had thought anymore about level pay on our utility bills. Ms. Kramer explained that she had not, but she would. Ms. Kramer stated that we do allow people to carry a credit balance if they want to pay extra on their bill so that they were not hit so hard when the summer bills come around.
• Hydrant leak:
Commissioner Detwiler stated that the fire hydrant at Sixth Street and Haskell Street had a steady drip. Mr. Rambat stated that he would get that checked out.
• School zones:
Commissioner Detwiler commented that the school zone signage was hidden by tree limbs on West Third Street. Mr. Rambat stated that he would look into that and he added that he had some local trimmers doing some work now.
• Grass at Complex:
Commissioner Detwiler questioned what was happening with the grass at the Sports Complex. Mr. Pinkall commented that they had had sprinkler issues, but they were being taken care of.
Commissioner Taylor made a motion to adjourn that was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs. The motion and second carried unanimously.
Page 4, 3rd Paragraph—Mayor Taylor commented that the minutes concerning the Planning meetings showed that situations during Mr. Gates’ attendance caused him to vote no abstain from voting.
Page 4, Last Paragraph; Page 5, 1st Paragraph—Arnesdorf should be spelled Arensdorf.
06/04/2012 City Commission Meeting Agenda
JUNE 04, 2012
1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
4. MINUTES – May 21, 2012 Regular City Commission meeting
5. OPEN AGENDA – 1 (City Matters Only) (3 Minute Time Limit)
6.1 Discussion on Financial Assistance to the Airport Regarding the New RedMan Building – Reid Bell, Airport Manager
6.2 Consideration and Approval of Request from the Pratt Airport Authority for 3 Mils for the 2013 Budget – Reid Bell, Airport Manager
7. OPEN AGENDA – 2 (City Matters Only) (3 Minute Time Limit)
8.1 City Manager
8.2 City Attorney
8.3 Department Heads
8.4 Mayor
8.5 City Commission
JUNE 04, 2012
1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
4. MINUTES – May 21, 2012 Regular City Commission meeting
5. OPEN AGENDA – 1 (City Matters Only) (3 Minute Time Limit)
6.1 Discussion on Financial Assistance to the Airport Regarding the New RedMan Building – Reid Bell, Airport Manager
6.2 Consideration and Approval of Request from the Pratt Airport Authority for 3 Mils for the 2013 Budget – Reid Bell, Airport Manager
7. OPEN AGENDA – 2 (City Matters Only) (3 Minute Time Limit)
8.1 City Manager
8.2 City Attorney
8.3 Department Heads
8.4 Mayor
8.5 City Commission
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