Tuesday, July 16, 2013

07/01/2013-Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes


JULY 01, 2013

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.

Jeff Taylor Mayor
Bill Hlavachick Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
Karen Detwiler Commissioner
Lucus Kumberg Commissioner

Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Kelly Hemphill Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director


The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Taylor. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.

The Mayor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.


Mayor Taylor led the staff and audience in the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.


Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 17, 2013 regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and the motion and second passed unanimously.



Pastor Billy Simar addressed the Commission concerning ‘Back Packs to School’ activity that the First Assembly of God wanted to do for the kids and he hoped that the Commission would approve the use of the grassy area south of the shelter in Lemon’s Park. Pastor Simar stated that they wanted to do something for the community and had enough supplies for 300 backpacks and food. Pastor Simar added that they could fill a back pack for about $10 and their goal was to have 600 backpacks by August.

Pastor Simar stated that they were not targeting the needy and no one would get turned down if they show up. Pastor Simar commented that they would possibly have different tents set up that would have beauticians, dentist and prayer. Mayor Taylor questioned if they had not done other things in the past. Pastor Simar stated that they had had fall festivals, but the staff wanted to do something to give back to the community. Pastor Simar commented that they would also like to have blow-ups in that area as well. Mayor Taylor asked if there was anything that they needed from the City. Pastor Simar stated that some picnic tables, electric for the blow-ups and trash carts.

Commissioner Skaggs questioned who a person would make a check out to if they wanted to make a donation to this project. Pastor Simar stated that it would be to ‘Back Packs to Schools’ and sent to the First Assembly of God. Pastor Simar added that there were no administrative costs and that 100% of the money donated goes to the back packs.

Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to approve the use of the area south of the west shelter in Lemon’s Park for ‘Back Packs to Schools’ from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Commissioner Skaggs seconded the motion and the motion and second passed unanimously.


Recreation Director Pinkall stated that Mr. Paul Stoner from EBH Engineering had filled out the Construction Project Application from KDOT for the Streetscape project and it required the Commission’s approval. Mr. Pinkall explained that this was another reaffirmation that we were going to do the project. Mr. Pinkall commented that the figures were what had been in the original application. Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to approve the KDOT Local Project Permit for the downtown project. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously. Mr. Pinkall commented that he would have a more detailed timeline at the next meeting so that the community and business people would be aware of the process.


EBH Engineer Alan Luttrell stated that this Engineering Contract was for the design of the Streetscape Project. Mr. Luttrell commented that KDOT would work up a separate agreement and there was another one for construction that would include surveying and design. Mayor Taylor questioned if this was the only portion that KDOT does not cost share with the City. Mr. Luttrell stated that was correct and there were also a couple of items on how far to proceed with the speaker system downtown. Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve the Engineering Service Contract for the Downtown Streetscape Project. A second from Commissioner Kumberg on the motion and the motion and second passed unanimously.


Chamber Director Scarbrough stated that the sidewalk sale was on July 13th from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and she requested approval of the street closures from Main Street to Jackson Street on Second Street and Main Street to the alley on Third Street. Ms. Scarbrough commented that they wanted to be sure that the drive thru for the bank was not blocked during business hours. Commissioner Detwiler made a motion to accept the street closures for the downtown sidewalk sale on July 13th from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Commissioner Skaggs seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Recreation Director Pinkall stated that the KSHAA had been looking for a second sight for the 4A Division II State Softball Tournament in May 2014 and they noticed how things had changed in Pratt and decided to offer us an agreement. Mr. Pinkall explained that they would play baseball at PCC and the Sports Complex would be used for softball; therefore, they would have two gates generating revenue. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if they would want Sixth Street closed due to the gate. Mr. Pinkall stated that they would not back anything up on Sixth Street and you could watch the game from the parking lot. Mayor Taylor asked if they would be playing on two fields. Mr. Pinkall commented that they would be playing on the two west ones and use Angood Field for warm-ups so that the other locations were utilized also.

Commissioner Skaggs questioned how many teams would be involved. Mr. Pinkall stated that there would be a total of sixteen teams. Commissioner Kumberg asked where the workers would be from. Mr. Pinkall stated that they would come from the community. Mr. Pinkall added that Mr. Kurt McAfee would get the approval of the agreement for PCC and they would get a committee together at the end of the summer.

Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to approve the Letter of Agreement for the 4A Division II State Softball Tournament to be held in May 2014 at Green Sports Complex. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.


Water Superintendent Kelvin Clay informed the Commission that he had gone out for bids for a new truck and he had received two back. Mr. Clay stated that the 2003 Sport Trac was not big enough to carry all the tools he needs. Mr. Clay explained that Lanterman Motors bid a 2014 Ford F-250 Super Duty for a total of $24,752 plus tax and Doug Reh Chevrolet bid a 2013 Chevrolet 2500 HD Silverado for $29,940 plus tax. Mr. Clay added that the Doug Reh Chevrolet truck was in stock, but Lanterman Motors would have to order the 2014. Mr. Clay stated that he had earmarked $28,000 for this purchase in his budget.

Commissioner Kumberg questioned if they would be retiring the 2003. Public Works Director Rambat stated that they would be passing down that vehicle to the meter readers, which would help them get around in bad weather since it was 4-wheel drive. City Manager Howard added that this vehicle had started with the police, then the water department and now the meter readers. Mr. Howard explained that we did not want to get rid of a 4-wheel drive vehicle that gets around in bad weather.

Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to approve the bid from Lanterman Motors for a replacement vehicle for the water department in the amount of $24,752 plus taxes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs. Commissioner Skaggs commented that fancy features come as a package deal, so we just as well take them, but there would be less mechanical problems if they did not have all those gadgets. Mr. Howard stated that they were more expensive if we ordered them without some of the gadgets, because they just do not make them that way anymore. Mr. Rambat explained that the cruise control was a necessary feature, because there were employees that use those vehicles to go to schools. After little more discussion, the motion and second passed unanimously.


Public Works Director Rambat stated that the chip seal on some of the busy streets had held up well and he was concentrating on the northeast corner of town, which was about 114,389 square yards. Mr. Rambat commented that two bids were sent out and one was returned. Mr. Rambat explained that the maintenance program was paid using the ¼ cent sales tax.

Mr. Rambat recommended to the Commission the approval of the bid from Hi-Plains Sand, Inc. in the amount of $201,893.32. Commissioner Hlavachick questioned if that was higher than last year. Mr. Rambat explained that there was 98,000 square yards last year and we were doing more streets plus there was a higher cost on aggregate. Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve the contract with Hi-Plains Sand for the amount of $201,893.32 for the chip seal project. Commissioner Kumberg seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.


Director of Electric Utilities Hemphill explained that one of the warning sirens on Parklane Street had failed and there were two others that were not new and would need replaced at sometime. Mr. Hemphill stated that they were going to take the new that they had already ordered and place it on Parklane Street to assure that they have coverage. Mr. Hemphill commented that he would propose ordering three since there was a cost savings if more were purchased.

City Manager Howard was asked if they had to be tested every Monday. Mr. Howard stated that we do not control the testing, but they were our sirens. Mayor Taylor commented that they used to test them the first Monday of the month, but only if it was a clear day. Mr. Howard explained that they were testing them more often due to so many of them failing. Mayor Taylor questioned if we would keep the other two as back-ups. Mr. Hemphill stated that they would have to be rebuilt and there were many multiple complex parts to them.

After little more discussion, Commissioner Detwiler made a motion to purchase three warning sirens at $56,820.06 tax included. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and carried unanimously.


No one in the audience wished to address the Commission.


City Manager:

• Update on Sandy Creek:

City Manager Howard commented that they were done with the first phase of Sandy Creek with a few adjustments to the manholes. Mr. Howard stated that Water Superintendent Clay had started the water line coming west from K-61. Mr. Howard added that the mass grading would take about ten days and then they would start doing the electric and water for the development.

City Attorney:

• Library elevator:

City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum reminded the Commission about the letter in the last packet from the library concerning the elevator being brought up to ADA standards. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that Ms. Rochelle Westerhaus had said that she was in the beginning stages of doing something different with the basement that might involve young adults or the new art museum. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that the elevator had recently needed some maintenance and the estimate was $50,000. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there had not been a State inspector. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that there had not been an inspection and Ms. Westerhaus was not sure that there was one around here, so the likelihood of one coming out was unlikely. Commissioner Kumberg asked if there anything down there that the general public would need to go down there for. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that there was almost never a reason for the public to go down to the basement. Mr. Van Blaricum clarified that Ms. Westerhaus was not asking for the $50,000 for the repairs.

Public Works:

• KDOT meeting:

Public Works Director Rambat stated that they had met with KDOT on Tuesday concerning the North Main Street project. Mr. Rambat commented that there was a good showing of Commission, City staff and EBH Engineering. Mr. Rambat explained that we had applied for a geometric project that involved the center 24’ of North Main Street being replaced with concrete. Mr. Rambat stated that they were very receptive and City representatives had outlined the dollars for them. Mr. Rambat added that we should get the results back from them in September or October. Mr. Howard commented that there was a lot of truck traffic going by when they were out there and they had to stop talking because of the noise. Mr. Rambat commented that they meeting went well and the third time might be the charm.

• Buildings at Lemon’s Park:

Mr. Rambat commented that they had pushed up the buildings on the Konkel property and were bringing in dirt to bring the property up to the elevation of the road. Mr. Howard stated that it had been cleaned up a lot. Commissioner Detwiler questioned where the dirt was coming from. Mr. Rambat stated that the cemetery had had some and on load had come from a contractor.

Commissioner Detwiler commented that people know how to get around the locked gate at Lemon’s Park, because she had seen a pick-up get around the locked gate after the storm last week. Commissioner Detwiler suggested getting another gate. Mr. Rambat stated that they were entering at their own risk, because there were power lines down after that storm. Mr. Howard commented that we were not sure how that was going to be laid out yet.

• South Main Street Park:

Mr. Rambat stated that Park Superintendent Eckhoff, his staff and he had worked on getting the plumbing in at the South Main Street Park and the drain lines were being roughed in and the floors would be poured next week. Mr. Rambat added that they would be getting the pads poured for the picnic tables, so they were not far away from getting it up and going.


• Library:

Building Inspector Blankenship stated that he had met with Mr. Doug Knight concerning the library and there was not an inspector for an elevator meeting ADA requirements and you could not grandfather in. Mr. Blankenship commented that Mr. Knight stated that there were some things that they needed to do, such as height restrictions in the basement, which was not a problem getting it raised and putting the furnace in a separate room. Commissioner Skaggs commented that they talk about upgrading but they barely make their budget.

• Museum:

Mr. Blankenship stated that they were digging the footings for the museum today, so that was coming along.

• Hotel:

Mr. Blankenship commented that the hotel poured the exterior and interior footings and should be ready to pour the slab by next Monday.

• Hospital:

Mr. Blankenship explained that the hospital had poured their interior walls and he had been there to do their fire line inspections.

• Arrowhead West:

Mr. Blankenship stated that Arrowhead West had poured the concrete in front and they were moving along really well.

Electric Dept.:

• Wind Storm:

Director of Electric Utilities Hemphill commented that there were very few outages during the wind storm last Thursday. Mr. Hemphill added that it took about two hours to get caught up.

• Holcomb Plant:

Mr. Hemphill commented that the Holcomb Plant was shut down, so we had been running. Mr. Hemphill stated that he did not know the cause of it being shut down.

• RICE Compliance:

Mr. Hemphill stated that the exhaust pipes for the engine were in storage and that dealt with RICE Compliance. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if those were something that we install. Mr. Hemphill stated that we would have to have a contractor.

Recreation Dept.:

• Activities continue:

Recreation Director Pinkall commented that the summer activities continue, but there were no tournaments this weekend.

Finance Dept.:

• Budget session:

Finance Director Garten reminded the Commission about the budget session that was set for Wednesday, July 10th and Thursday, July 11th if they needed it. Ms. Garten stated that she hoped to have the budgets for them by Wednesday or Thursday.

City Clerk/Utilities:

• Sales tax increase:

City Clerk Kramer reminded the Commission that the increase in sales tax to 8.65% started today.


• Sandy Creek:

Mayor Taylor questioned if we still had plans for a tree row or something. Mr. Howard stated that that would be discussed in budget.

• Landscape ordinance:

Mayor Taylor questioned where we were on the landscape ordinance. Mr. Blankenship stated that he had dropped the ball a little bit, but he would get back on that. Mr. Howard added that the Planning and Zoning Commission had had some issues with it, so it would be back on their agenda.

• Lemon Park sprinkler system:

Commissioner Hlavachick questioned if we had gotten anywhere with the sprinkler system for Lemon’s Park. Mr. Howard stated that they have the basic design that Mr. Himmelwright had reviewed, but the water department had been busy with Sandy Creek. Mr. Howard added that they had not forgotten about it.

• Woody’s:

Commissioner Detwiler questioned if Mr. Blankenship had contacted Woody’s yet. Mr. Blankenship stated that he had contacted Mr. Eric Mullens, but he had not called back. Mr. Blankenship added that he had sent certified letters to both Mr. Mullens and Mr. Jim Woody.

• Mowing Ordinance:

Commissioner Detwiler questioned if we could do anything with the mowing ordinance and assessing a fine for the cost of the mowing. Mr. Howard stated that they hope to have something different in place next year for the habitual ones and it could involve a fine, but most of ours were absent owners. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he could work on an ordinance to that affect. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that absentee owners could have their property go to a tax sell through the County, but that was only done when the Commissioners want one. Mr. Howard stated that we were not first in line for any of that money. Commissioner Kumberg questioned if we could put a lien on the property. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that we do. Mr. Blankenship added that those properties do not bring much.


Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to adjourn that was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs. The motion and second passed unanimously.



Monday, July 15, 2013

07/15/2013-City Commission Meeting Agenda


July 15, 2013



1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)



4. MINUTES – July 01, 2013 Regular City Commission Meeting


5.1 Discussion and Update on Economic Development – Jan Scarbrough, Chamber Director

5.2 Consideration and Approval for 3 Mils for Pratt Airport Authority – (Formality for Airport Authority) – Mayor and Commission

6. OPEN AGENDA (City Matters Only) (3 Minute Time Limit)


7.1 City Manager
7.2 City Attorney
7.3 Department Superintendents
7.4 Mayor
7.5 City Commission


Monday, July 1, 2013

06/17/2013-Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes


JUNE 17, 2013

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.


Jeff Taylor Mayor
Bill Hlavachick Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
Karen Detwiler Commissioner
Lucus Kumberg Commissioner


Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Diana Garten Finance Director
Gary Myers Police Chief
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Kelly Hemphill Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director


The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Taylor. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.

The Mayor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.


Mayor Taylor led the staff and audience in the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.


Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 03, 2013 regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and the motion and second passed unanimously.



Ms. Jan Luttrell, Pratt County Extension Master Gardener, commented that the construction on the downtown park had been delayed until fall, but the Farmer’s Market would like to move there immediately. Ms. Luttrell stated that this would move traffic downtown and be centrally located. Ms. Luttrell requested that they be able to block off the north side parking on Fourth Street for larger vendor vehicles.

City Manager Howard stated that he could not think of anything that that would interfere with. Mayor Taylor questioned if there would be cones put out to keep people from parking there. Public Works Director Rambat stated that they would close off the parking, but leave the street open. Mayor Taylor commented that he may need cones too, because he works on top of his building and parks his trailer in the south side parking area. Mayor Taylor added that it could get tight with his trailer there too. Ms. Luttrell commented that Dr. Hopkins also volunteered for the Agape Clinic, but that should not be an issue.

Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to approve the request from the Pratt County Extension Master Gardeners to have the Farmer’s Market moved to Main Street and Fourth Street and for parking closures on Fourth Street from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm on Saturdays. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if someone was in charge of the Farmer’s Market. Chamber Director Jan Scarbrough stated that she was on the board for the Farmer’s Market and they would be contacting the paper and others to get the word out. The motion and second passed unanimously.


This item was tabled until later in the meeting due to Chief Kramer running late.


City Manager Howard informed the Commission that we had been awarded the KDOT Enhancement Grant for the Streetscape Project and were awarded the full amount. Mr. Howard reminded the Commission that they had approved submitting the application, but not the project itself. Mr. Howard pointed out that some of the committee members were present at tonight’s meeting and they were excited about doing the project.

Mr. Howard stated that the grant funding was an 80/20 split between the City and KDOT and the City would also be responsible for the engineering costs. Mr. Howard commented that the project should start next spring, weather permitting. Commissioner Skaggs commented that this was an aggressive timeline. EBH Engineer Alan Luttrell stated that the downtown folks want to complete this by the fall of 2014 so that it would not interfere with the holiday season. Mr. Luttrell added that it was extremely aggressive, but it could be done. Commissioner Detwiler questioned where the City’s responsibility of $320,443 would come from. Mr. Howard stated that it would be from lodging tax. Commissioner Detwiler clarified that it would not impact local tax payers, but would impact businesses downtown. Mr. Howard commented that EBH and the contractors would let the business owners know that we would put forth every effort to get the project done quickly. Mr. Howard reminded the Commission that the last upgrade downtown was forty years ago.

Commissioner Skaggs commented that this would bring more people downtown. Commissioner Kumberg questioned if the businesses would be cut off for a couple of hours, but still have access to their business. Mr. Luttrell stated that they do not want them to close, so some work would be done after hours and there were other solutions to work with the businesses. Commissioner Detwiler commented that parking would be an issue. Mr. Luttrell stated that one side of the street would be open while they work their way down the other side. Mayor Taylor commented that the replacement of the street helped businesses get ready for this by opening up their back areas. Mr. Luttrell stated that that was correct and there should not be any curb and gutter issues unless something gets broken.

Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to accept the funding of $1,095,715 from KDOT for the downtown streetscape project with the City’s portion being $320,443. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.

Recreation Director Pinkall thanked the task force for their hard work and commented that they would be up and going again once the project started.


Line Distribution Superintendent Jamie Huber commented that he had sent out two quotes for wire and materials for the first phase of the Sandy Creek project. Mr. Huber stated that Stanion Wholesale Electric had bid $29,842.07 and the Kriz-Davis bid came in at $31,855.60. Mr. Huber recommended the low bid from Stanion Wholesale Electric in the amount of $29,842.07. Commissioner Hlavachick questioned if this was for the sixteen lots. Mr. Huber stated that that was correct. Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to accept the bid from Stanion Wholesale Electric for electric materials and wire for $29,842.07. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Detwiler and carried unanimously.


Police Chief Myers stated that he had recently received correspondence from Hutchinson Community College concerning renewing the Access Agreement. Chief Myers commented that the college operates an emergency system that was located on campus and was available to our region. City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that he was involved with the first agreement in 2007 and this one was modified to update it but was in the spirit of the original one. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that we had complied with their standards and had insurance in place.

Commissioner Skaggs questioned if we had any financial involvement. Chief Myers stated that we had the cost of maintaining a million dollar insurance policy. Commissioner Kumberg asked how this differed from what Emergency Preparedness Director Tim Branscom did as emergency coordinator. Chief Myers stated that this was for a designated region and this was for federal emergencies. Chief Myers added that they do not communicate on the same frequency and the one at Hutchinson Community College covers a large square. Chief Myers explained that each jurisdiction had their own going and all law enforcement were designated frequencies and had access to the mutual access frequencies. Chief Myers added that this was a good thing, but he hopes that we do not have to utilize it. Mayor Taylor questioned if this would be used for more than a tornado. Chief Myers stated that that was correct and it would be for a man-made disaster or nuclear attack.

Commissioner Skaggs pointed out that the County had signed off on the old agreement and he assumed that they had gotten this also. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that it was probably simpler to have an agreement with the City and one for the County. Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to approve the Hutchinson Community College Access Agreement for the South Central Homeland Security Region. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.


Fire Chief Kramer explained to the Commission that the last several years had the department running into some serious problems with their SCBA’s. Chief Kramer stated that they had purchased their SCBA’s during the purchase of the truck in 2001 and had received a grant in 2004 to purchase more. Chief Kramer commented that, although the company had checked out and this brand was third on the market share, they have had continuous problems with the electronics. Chief Kramer added that four of the six packs were in for repair now.

Chief Kramer commented that they had been trying to think of a way to cycle these SCBA’s out since the company was no longer in business. Chief Kramer explained that a new pack would cost anywhere from $7,000 to $7,500 as of August 1st and they had purchased their current ones for $4,000. Chief Kramer commented that his firemen had been at a school in Parsons and had met firemen from Merriam and, when our guys had trouble with their air packs, the Merriam firemen said that their Chief was getting ready to get new air packs through a grant. Chief Kramer added that they got in contact with him and got the information on sixteen Scott air packs that had been air flow tested and were all in working condition. Chief Kramer commented that Assistant Chief Stevens stopped in Merriam and looked them over and was pleased with their condition.

Chief Kramer stated that he had contacted Dalmatian Fire concerning new SCBA and they quoted $3,995 per air pack for a 2007 Standard Scott air pack, which would be a total of $46,540 for twelve and the trade-in on our air packs of $1,400 for a total of $39,340. Chief Kramer explained that Merriam had sixteen Scott SCBA’s and additional equipment that they would sell to us for $14,400.

Mayor Taylor questioned if the air packs from Merriam met the new specs. Chief Kramer stated that they met the 2007 standard and there was one coming up in August, so there was a big scramble to get air packs before then because they would be going up about $1,500 per air pack. Mayor Taylor asked if this would get us by for several years. Chief Kramer commented that this was not a permanent fix, but they should be good for several years. Chief Kramer added that anything that has electronics involved was going to have problems. Commissioner Skaggs questioned how many times a year they use their air packs. Chief Kramer stated that they use them all the time and they were used for training. Chief Kramer commented that they had had thirty-nine fires so far this year and their protocol was to pack up for a fire or training. Commissioner Skaggs commented that this deal almost sounds too good to be true. Chief Kramer stated that we stumbled onto someone that was willing to do something for another department and they were going to give us first chance. Commissioner Detwiler questioned that the funds were there for this purchase. Chief Kramer commented that it was in their capital equipment fund.

Commissioner Detwiler made a motion to approve the purchase of sixteen Scott air packs from Merriam for a total of $14,400. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg. Commissioner Kumberg asked if there would be anyone who would want to buy ours for parts. Chief Kramer commented that he was checking on turning them back to a company such as Dalmatian Fire. The motion and second passed unanimously.


City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that the Commission and staff had discussed the conceal carry at the last meeting and he had explained how we could qualify for an exemption. Mr. Van Blaricum presented the Commission with a letter to the Attorney General requesting exemption from City owned buildings and the exemption would be from July 1 to December 31, 2013. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that this was recommended by the City Attorney’s Association and had to be to the Attorney General by July 1st. Mr. Van Blaricum reminded the Commission that this would give us time to consider applying for a four year exemption.

Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve the exemption letter pertaining to Section 2 (i) of Senate Substitute for House Bill 2052 as proposed by the City Attorney. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.


No one in the audience wished to address the Commission.


City Manager:

Sandy Creek update:

City Manager Howard commented that the sewer main and all the service taps had been installed at the Sandy Creek Development project. Mr. Howard stated that it should be completed by Wednesday. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the sewer included rain water. Mr. Howard stated that it did not. Mr. Howard added that things were going pretty good and Water Superintendent Clay and his crew had done a lot.

Konkel property:

Mr. Howard commented that the Konkel property had been cleaned up, but it had been too wet to haul in dirt for the low areas.

Executive Sessions:

Mr. Howard commented that he would need two executive sessions at the end of the meeting. Mr. Howard explained that they would be for attorney/client privilege pertaining to real estate to last fifteen minutes each.

City Attorney:

City Attorney meeting:

City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that he had attended the City Attorney Spring Meeting and had received more information on the conceal carry, which he would discuss at a later date.

Public Works:

2014 KLINK Project:

Public Works Director Rambat stated that EBH was ready to go out for bids on the 2014 KLINK Project that involved North Main Street from First Street to Blaine Street. Mr. Rambat stated that the project would start later this year or early spring if the bids go out at the end of July. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if this would be a conflict for the Streetscape project. Mr. Rambat stated that they would push to get it done this fall so that it would not.

Chip Seal project:

Mr. Rambat stated that he was putting together information for the Chip Seal project and should have it out later this week.


Mr. Rambat commented that parks, street and cemetery were keeping up with the mowing. Mayor Taylor stated that they put a lot of time in on the mowers and everything looked beautiful the weekend of Miss Kansas.

KDOT meeting:

Mr. Rambat stated that there was going to be a meeting with KDOT next Tuesday at the Community Center at 2:00 p.m. to discuss our need to replace the rest of North Main Street. Mr. Rambat commented that we would do what we could to convenience them that it was needed.

Police Department:

Jail full:

Chief Myers stated that they were staying busy and that the jail remained full.

Finance Department:

FEMA funds:

Finance Director Garten informed the Commission that FEMA had declared that we could apply for assistance for the snow storm in February and we had received a reimbursement for overtime and contractual services in the amount of $22,397. Ms. Garten explained that that money went back into the general fund.

Mayor and Commission:

Access street through 6th Street Park:

Commissioner Detwiler stated that she would like the Commission to consider naming the access road through Sixth Street Park. Commissioner Detwiler suggested naming it Shaffer Drive after Billy Joe Shaffer who did a lot of work in the park. Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to name the road through Sixth Street Park Shaffer Drive, as suggested by Commissioner Detwiler. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and carried unanimously.

Paint on streets:

Commissioner Detwiler commented that the Humane Society had used permanent paint on the City streets during the fun run and she apologized for that. Commissioner Detwiler stated that the Commission may want to mention to use chalk or signs when doing this type of event in the future.

Streetscape project:

Commissioner Hlavachick commented that he did not see any plan for bikes in the Streetscape project. Mr. Luttrell stated that there would be a bike rack in front of the Teen Center. Mr. Howard added that the plans were a general concept and not permanent.

KDWP headquarters:

Commissioner Hlavachick stated that there had always been a push to move the Wildlife and Parks headquarters to Topeka and there had been about twenty-five paying jobs that had moved. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that he intended to write a letter to the current secretary with his concerns and the Commissioners were welcome to sign it or not. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that this administration was moving to Topeka bit by bit.

Library elevator:

Commissioner Skaggs questioned the letter they got about the library elevator meeting ADA requirements. Commissioner Detwiler commented that any elevator had to meet those requirements. Building Inspector Blankenship stated that you could not grandfather into those requirements. Commissioner Kumberg questioned what they use the elevator for. City Attorney Van Blaricum commented that there were some storage items in it. Mr. Blankenship stated that it gives a person the opportunity to go from the first floor to the second if necessary

Commissioner Skaggs questioned if they had been contacted because they were a government facility. Commissioner Skaggs commented that $50,000 blows up their budget. Mayor Taylor questioned if they could designate it as a freight elevator and have the employees use the stairs. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he would check on it.

S. Main Building:

Commissioner Skaggs questioned where we were on the building by Woody’s. Mr. Blankenship stated that he was going to write a letter and get the process started that way. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that we had tried the nice approach and now it was more urgent. Mr. Van Blaricum added that the owner would either have to correct the situation or we would tear it down.

Budget packets:

Commissioner Kumberg questioned when they would get the budget packets. Ms. Garten stated that we do not get the evaluation until July 1st, but she would try to get it to them a week before the budget session.


Mayor Taylor made a motion to enter into executive session for fifteen minutes to discuss attorney/client privilege to discuss the potential sale of City property. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.

Mayor Taylor made a motion to return from executive session with nothing to report. A proper second was made and the motion and second carried unanimously.


Mayor Taylor made a motion to enter into executive session for fifteen minutes to discuss attorney/client privilege to discuss the potential sale of City property. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.

Mayor Taylor made a motion to return from executive session with nothing to report. A proper second was made and the motion and second carried unanimously.


Upon proper motion, the meeting adjourned.

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