Friday, May 30, 2014

06/02/14-City Commission Meeting Agenda

JUNE 02, 2014

1.      CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.

2.      ROLL CALL


4.      MINUTES – May 19, 2014  Regular City Commission Meeting

5.      BUSINESS:

5.1          Consideration and Approval of 2014 CMB License for Lonestar Store #22 (formerly Prime Time) at 823 N. Main – Gary Meyers, Police Chief

5.2          Consideration and Approval to Add a Storage Shed at Angood Field – Mike Manderino, PCC Softball Coach

5.3          Consideration and Approval of 2015 Budget Request – Rochelle Westerhaus, Library Director

5.4          Consideration and Approval to Purchase a Phone System for Off-Site Dispatching Location – Jeff Ward, Asst. Police Chief

5.5          Consideration and Approval of Resolution 060214 to Show Support and Participation in the Region E Mitigation Plan’s Five Year Update – Russell Rambat, Public Works Director

5.6          Consideration and Approval of Ordinance 1408 Amending Article Three of the Pratt City Zoning Ordinance by Adding Definition of Mobile Homes and Modular Homes – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney; Brad Blankenship, Building Inspector

5.7          Consideration and Approval of Ordinance 1409 Amending Article Four District Regulations of the Pratt City Zoning Ordinance – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney; Brad Blankenship, Building Inspector

5.8          Consideration and Approval of Administrative Procedures for Implementing Res. 020209 for Floodplain Management – Brad Blankenship, Building Inspector   (Copy of Resolution follows Admin. Procedures for reference purposes)

5.9          Review of Conceptual Drawing of Lemon Park – Blake Himmelwright; Dave Howard, City Manager

6.      OPEN AGENDA (City Matters Only)(3 Minute Time Limit)

7.      REPORTS:
7.1       City Manager
7.2       City Attorney
7.3       Department Superintendents
7.4       Mayor
7.5       City Commission

8.      ADJOURN

Monday, May 19, 2014

05/05/14-Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes

MAY 05, 2014

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.

Jeff Taylor                   Mayor
Bill Hlavachick           Commissioner
Gary Skaggs                Commissioner
Lucus Kumberg           Commissioner
Doug Meyer                 Commissioner

Dave Howard              City Manager
LuAnn Kramer            City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum      City Attorney
Diana Garten               Finance Director
Jeff Ward                     Police Detective          
Russell Rambat            Public Works Director                        
Brad Blankenship        Building Inspector
Kelly Hemphill            Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall               Recreation Director

The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Taylor.  The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.
Mayor Taylor led the staff and audience in the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 21, 2014 regular Commission meeting.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried unanimously.
Mr. Rich Sanders, Sanders Agency, presented the City with their dividend check.  Mr. Sanders explained that this program was sponsored by KMU, but written by EMC Insurance.  Mr. Sanders added that there were around four hundred Cities that participate.  Mr. Sanders added that the program was experienced as a group, so the dividend was based on the group’s experience.  Mr. Sanders handed the Commission the check for $49,892.28 for this year. 
Commissioner Meyer asked what all was insured by EMC.  Mr. Sanders commented that it insured automobiles, work compensation, property, but it did not cover machinery such as the engines at the power plant.  Mr. Sanders stated that Chubb Insurance handles the claims that involve the engines.  Commissioner Skaggs asked what our annual premium was.  Mr. Sanders stated that it was around $400,000.  The Commission thanked Mr. Sanders for the check and explaining the program.
Chamber Director Kim Cline requested the closing of Second Street between Main Street and Jackson Street and Main Street and Ninnescah Street and also Third Street from Main Street to the alley on the first block on the west side and from Main Street to Ninnescah Street.  Ms. Cline explained that they did not want to interfere with the bank business, so they would put the barricades up at the alley.  Ms. Cline added that the sidewalk sale was on July 12th from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to approve the street closings as presented by the Chamber Director.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously. 
Mayor Taylor questioned Chamber Director Cline as to why they wanted to change the name of Convention and Tourism.  Ms. Cline stated that it would be keeping in step with others in the State.  Ms. Cline commented that the Convention and Visitors Bureau gave them a more professional standing.  Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to approve the name change of Convention and Tourism to Pratt Area Convention and Visitors Bureau.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and carried unanimously.
Pratt Health Coalition Executive Director DeWayne Bryan reminded the Commission that he had visited with them earlier about matching grant opportunities, but he informed them that they had been denied the grant.  Mr. Bryan stated that they would try again.
Mr. Bryan stated that they would be having a Pratt Adventure Activity Run/Walk on May 17th and requested permission to put up temporary markings for the route.  Commissioner Kumberg questioned if he knew what they would be using for those markings.  Mayor Taylor informed Mr. Bryan that another organization had used permanent paint and some of it was still there after about a year.  Mr. Bryan asked if there were any recommendations on what to use.  Public Works Director Rambat stated that there was locate paint that was water based, but it still takes a few months to go away.  Mr. Bryan commented that they would make it as simple as possible and he should have the map of the route to the City within the week.  Recreation Director Pinkall commented that the last 5K group used streamers on signs and then took them off when they were finished. 
Mr. Bryan questioned if the City was going to apply for the grant ‘Safe Route for Schools’.  Mr. Howard stated that we were working on a bigger sidewalk project now but, if the funds were available, we would apply for it.  Commissioner Skaggs asked if there was a time frame when the application was due.  Mr. Bryan stated that it was due mid-July.  Finance Director Garten questioned if the City applies for that or the school.  Mr. Bryan commented that he thought that the City could apply for it.  Mr. Howard added that the school had applied for it the last time. 
Mr. Bryan also informed the Commission that they were trying to encourage businesses to have employees live healthier lifestyles.  Mr. Bryan stated that the Kansas Health Foundation would be providing a seminar July 24th from 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Jud Stanion meeting room.  Mr. Bryan added that they were recruiting seven businesses with a $1,000 stipend.  Mayor Taylor questioned what some of the topics would be.  Mr. Bryan commented that there would be a series on leadership and the best practices in the community to promote healthy lifestyles.
Mayor Taylor stated that Mr. Luca Matei had requested to be on the agenda, but was not present at this time so the Commission would table this item to give Mr. Matei time to get here.
Mayor Taylor commented that the Library Board had requested Ms. Becky Sweet replace Ms. Robin Waddle on the Library Board.  Mayor Taylor stated that Ms. Sweet would finish out the remaining three years of Ms. Waddle’s four year term.  Commissioner Meyer made a motion to approve the recommendation of Ms. Becky Sweet to serve the last three years of Ms. Waddle’s four year term on the Library Board.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and carried unanimously.
Building Inspector Brad Blankenship stated that the Planning Commission recommended the re-appointment of Mr. Fred Badders for another three year term.   Mr. Blankenship added that Mr. Badders had been a good Commissioner.  Commissioner Hlavachick stated that Mr. Badders had an active interest in the board; therefore, he made a motion to re-appoint Mr. Fred Badders for another three year term.  Commissioner Skaggs seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Mr. Blankenship commented that Mr. Chad Westhoff was one of the four contractors that helped him get licenses straightened out as well as other issues.  Mr. Blankenship stated that Mr. Westhoff was helpful on the plumbing side of things.  Commissioner Kumberg made a motion the re-appoint Mr. Chad Westhoff to the Building Board for another three year term.  Commissioner Meyer seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.  Mayor Taylor added that the people serving on these committees due it without compensation and we appreciate them doing it. 
Public Works Director Rambat stated that we had received a master plan proposal from Larkin Aquatics for design services for the pool.  Mr. Rambat commented that the infrastructure at the pool was aging and the bath houses needed attention along with looking at the possibility of a splash park.  Mr. Rambat explained that it was important to look at a plan with someone that would work with City staff to see what was most important and needed addressed first.  Mr. Rambat commented that Mr. Kyle McCawley would bring his expertise and was not forceful.  Mayor Taylor questioned if this would be done in phases.  Mr. Howard stated that it would take about five years. 
Commissioner Kumberg commented that there were good, down to earth suggestions in the plan and he would endorse it.   Mr. Rambat stated that this was the first step that would allow us to look ahead.  Mr. Rambat informed the Commission that the proposal for the master plan was $11,325 plus travel expenses.  Mr. Rambat commented that Mr. McCawley had listed other services they could add in if things came together quickly.  Mr. Rambat added that they also help raise funds within the community.  Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve the proposal from Larkin Aquatics for a master plan for the pool in the amount of $11,325 plus travel expenses.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and passed unanimously.  Mayor Taylor commented that the pool does not make any money, but it serves a great purpose. 
Public Works Director Rambat stated that the 2015 KLINK project was for a mill and overlay on Highway 54 from Jackson Street to Mound Street.  Mr. Rambat informed the Commission that this was a $337,000 project and our portion would be about $137,000.  Mr. Rambat added that we would know more about cost after we go out for bids.  Mr. Rambat commented that he would follow up with EBH to do an engineering agreement if the Commission approves this agreement. 
Mr. Rambat explained that, after talking to the Bureau of Local Projects, they had lowered the cost because we had already built up the bridge box.  Mayor Taylor asked if we pay for the engineering.  Mr. Rambat stated that we do pay for the preliminary engineering.  Mayor Taylor questioned when this stretch of highway had been done last.  Mr. Rambat commented that it had been about ten years ago.  Commissioner Meyer asked what was done about traffic control.  City Manager Howard stated that we follow KDOT requirements.  Mr. Rambat commented that that was usually subbed out and there were costs associated with each and every sign throughout the project. 
Commissioner Skaggs questioned why we were not going with concrete because the concrete and asphalt bids were about the same on Maple Street.  Mr. Howard stated that we would have to take this down to the road surface.  Mr. Rambat explained that that would be fairly extensive.  After little more discussion, Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to approve the 2015 KLINK agreement between the City of Pratt and KDOT.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.
City Manager Howard commented that he had been working with City staff on trying to figure out what to apply to the first sixteen lots vs. all the lots.  Mr. Howard explained that there was lighting along Maple Street and tree drainage that would benefit all the lots and utility costs that could be used as specials or not.  Mr. Howard stated that the cost per square foot was estimated at around $2. 
Finance Director Garten discussed how the total expenditures of $674,283 was allocated to the sixteen lots that were ready to sell.  Ms. Garten stated that half of the gas line extension costs would go to these sixteen lots, as well as a third of the cost of the mass grading project and the cost of the waterline and electric utilities.  Ms. Garten added that some of the utilities went along Maple Street so that had been split out and, the trees used as a sight barrier, would not be part of the cost for these lots.  Ms. Garten commented that there would also be half of the engineering costs, a third of the land acquisition and a third of the sewer line costs once it was completed.  Ms. Garten stated that the total cost to develop the lots was $425,916 and there were 211,846 square feet, which came to about $2 per square foot.  Ms. Garten added that a lot would cost anywhere from $22,000 to $40,000, but reminded the Commission that City staff had done a lot of the work which saved money. 
Mr. Howard stated that they were looking at a new residential district so it would have its own zoning, but that was on the next Planning and Zoning meeting and should be to the Commission in June.  Mr. Howard commented that the new motel would pick up a third of the sewer line costs.  Commissioner Meyer asked about the location of the sewer line and Mr. Howard pointed it out on the power point map.  Mr. Howard added that all the utilities were in there except mobile.  Commissioner Meyer questioned if there would be a common fence.  Mr. Howard stated that that was not in the proposal but was still being talked about.  Commissioner Kumberg questioned if it was typical to separate specials for so many years.  Ms. Garten explained that you do them in general on bond issues, but we have the option to do what we want on individual lots since we were doing it as a City. 
When asked his opinion, Mr. Rich Sanders stated that these were historical levels and they were costs that people were not used to paying.  Mr. Sanders added that people had paid $5,000 to $15,000 for a lot in Pratt, but those days were gone.  Mr. Sanders suggested that $1 per square foot be done on specials to help marketability.  Commissioner Skaggs asked Mr. Sanders what we were competing against.  Mr. Sanders stated that there were only two or three lots left south of the lake, but there were no houses being built.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there was a demand for lots and if people were waiting for us to open this up.  Mr. Sanders commented that there were no lots out there and what had been built was in rural subdivisions.  Mr. Howard stated that we were hoping to get contractors to do a couple of spec houses to get things started.
Recreation Director Pinkall informed the Commission that the two sided signs would be going up very soon with one being installed on Peltier Way and another one on Highway 61.  Mr. Howard stated that the signs would have a phone number on them that was dedicated to the development.  Mr. Pinkall commented that ED was also going to put this on their website, there was an audio commercial and KWCH Channel 12 would be doing some production next week.  Commissioner Kumberg questioned if there was information for the realtors.  Mr. Howard stated that there would be and we would pay them the commission they charge if they bring us someone who wants to buy.  Mr. Howard added that the best thing would be to get one or two lots sold and houses going up.
·         Pool Hours:
Pratt resident Mica Nelson addressed the Commission with her concerns about the new pool hours and asked them to intervene.  Ms. Nelson stated that she was disappointed in the new hours that would not leave much time to go to the pool with children.  Ms. Nelson informed the Commission of the new hours as being 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sundays, adult swims from noon to 1 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday.  Ms. Nelson stated that there were other parents that were concerned and they would like to see the hours extended to 7 p.m. two or three days a week to make it friendlier to working parents.  Ms. Nelson added that she was the third generation to use the pool and it was a great asset to the community.  Mayor Taylor questioned how often she went to the pool.  Ms. Nelson commented that they go maybe once a week during ball season in June, but two or three times a week in July. 
Mr. Howard stated that this started with Larkin Aquatics suggesting raising our prices to help fund the pool.  Mr. Howard commented that he had asked Pool Manager Dee Hill to try to make it more efficient by identifying hours when the pool was not being used.  Mr. Howard stated that those hours were not set in stone.  Commissioner Meyer stated that he was glad she had come to the meeting, because he had had two phone calls and nurses approaching him.  Commissioner Meyer added that he did not know what the solution would be except to put kids on one end and adults on the other.  Ms. Nelson stated that sectioning it off had been tried, but it would be easier if it was opened up until 7 p.m.
Ms. Garten commented that there were a couple of other issues, such as lifeguards and having to have so many life guards on duty due to the size of the pool and not by the number of people in attendance.  Ms. Garten added that this would also make earlier evening times and Ms. Hill was going to try to offer the pool for more parties.  Ms. Nelson stated that she understood that pool parties ran from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m., but she did not want to lose that time.  Mr. Howard stated that there would be another meeting before the pool opens and he appreciated the feedback.  Mr. Howard added that that tells us that people care and we may have to go back to what we were doing.
·         10th Street speed control:
Mr. Rich Sanders stated that he was speaking for his daughter that lives on 10th Street and she was concerned about the speed that people travel on that street.  Mr. Sanders asked if there was a way that the police could put some of their attention on speed control in that area.  Mr. Howard stated that that was actually being monitored and people were going the speed limit.  Mr. Howard commented that it may seem fast, but there were a lot of different kinds of traffic that creates a different environment.
City Manager:
·         H2O Meeting:
City Manager Howard commented that he had attended a H2O meeting last Thursday.  Mr. Howard briefly explained that the H2O Committee consisted of towns in central Kansas looking at water issues, which it has turned out that there are not any.  Mr. Howard commented that their goal was to find alternative resources, but cost was an issue.  Mr. Howard stated that the committee was trying to figure out if they were going to continue or not.  Commissioner Kumberg questioned if they had come and asked for money.  Mr. Howard stated that the Commission had originally agreed to pay $60,000 over three years but, even though the funds were earmarked for this project, he had only sent the first $20,000 payment.  Mr. Howard added that he was not going to release the other $40,000.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if we had taken into consideration rationing water if the drought continues.  Mr. Howard stated that we had gotten adequate moisture in the spring and would try to keep up with the demand.
·         KMU Conference:
Mr. Howard commented that he would be attending the annual KMU Conference along with other City staff this week from Wednesday through Friday.  Mr. Howard added that there would also be a KMEA Directors meeting included in the conference time.
City Attorney:
·         Makes us think:
City Attorney Van Blaricum commented that people like Mr. Matei make us think about what we are doing in court and to see that there is due process even though we are not always on the same page.  Mr. Van Blaricum added that the police do a fine job in responding to his concerns.
Public Works:
·         Pool:
Public Works Director Rambat informed the Commission that he would be spending a lot of time at the pool the next couple of weeks getting it ready for summer.
·         Unsafe Structures:
Building Inspector Blankenship informed the Commission that 315 Illinois had been torn down last week.  Mr. Blankenship commented that that structure had been on our list for a long time.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned the ownership.  Mr. Blankenship explained that they keep it and we put a lien on the taxes for the cost of tearing it down.  Mr. Blankenship commented that Mr. Gerald Dick wants to buy it, but they will not return his calls.
Mr. Blankenship stated that 605 Starr was being torn down today.  Mr. Blankenship reminded the Commission that there was a fire there and was owned by J.D. Hays.
·         Construction updates:
Best Western:
Mr. Blankenship stated that he had been out at the Best Western everyday doing inspections.  Mr. Blankenship commented that all the owners were here until construction was complete and they wanted it done by May 16.  Mr. Blankenship added that they have a lot to do.
Art Museum:
Mr. Blankenship stated that the Filley Art Museum had been pouring sidewalks.
Kwik Shop:
Mr. Blankenship stated that Kwik Shop had started their remodel last week.  Mr. Blankenship explained that Dillon’s was also doing some remodeling.  Commissioner Skaggs suggested asking them to change the mailbox location so that they could prevent some of the traffic backing up waiting to use the pharmacy drive thru.  Commissioner Skaggs added that this would be a good time to visit with them since they were in the beginning stages of the remodel.
West Car Wash:
Mr. Blankenship commented that the West Car Wash was pouring concrete and would be tearing down the old section once the new construction was up and running.
Mr. Blankenship informed the Commission that he did a framing inspection at the hospital.  Mr. Blankenship commented that it was interesting to see all that they were doing.
Electric Department:
·         Compliance testing:
Director of Electric Utilities Hemphill stated that the diesel engines had passed the compliance testing and were clear to run again.  Mr. Hemphill added that the density of smoke passed as well.
·         Generating:
Mr. Hemphill stated we would be generating for Sunflower for about twelve hours on May 14th.

Mayor and Commission:
·         Response time:
Commissioner Kumberg commented that a truck had driven through the garage behind him and he was amazed that it only took about two minutes for the police to arrive.  Commissioner Kumberg commended the police for doing an amazing job.
·         Spring clean-up:
Commissioner Hlavachick commented that it had been several years since the City had done a spring clean-up, but he would like it discussed during budget.  Commissioner Hlavachick stated that Hutchinson puts out large collection points and you can take anything and everything.  Mr. Howard stated that we had not done a clean-up in eleven years and it usually lasted a lot longer than a week due to people taking advantage of the situation.  Commissioner Skaggs commented that you always have some that abuse it, but there were a lot of people that cannot physically handle that type of stuff.  Mr. Howard informed the Commission that we do have special pick-ups for a fee if you call City Hall to get it scheduled.
After a lengthy discussion, it was decided that there would be a message on the utility bills about the special pick-up and the fee.
Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to adjourn that was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg.  The motion and second passed unanimously.

Friday, May 16, 2014

05/19/14-City Commission Meeting Agenda


MAY 19, 2014



1.      CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.

2.      ROLL CALL


4.      MINUTES – May 05, 2014  Regular City Commission Meeting

5.      BUSINESS:

5.1          Consideration and Approval of Engineering Contract for the 2015 KLINK Project on Highway 54 Between Jackson Street and Mound Street – Alan Luttrell, EBH Engineering; Russell Rambat, Public Works Director

5.2          Consideration and Approval of Resolution 051914 Providing for a Hearing on the Unsafe or Dangerous Structure at 618 South High – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney; Brad Blankenship, Building Inspector

5.3          Consideration and Approval of Appointment to the Planning Commission – Brad Blankenship, Building Inspector

6.      OPEN AGENDA (City Matters Only)(3 Minute Time Limit)

7.      REPORTS:

7.1       City Manager
7.2       City Attorney
7.3       Department Superintendents
7.4       Mayor
7.5       City Commission

8.      ADJOURN          

Monday, May 5, 2014

04/21/14-Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes

APRIL 21, 2014
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
Jeff Taylor  Mayor
Bill Hlavachick  Commissioner
Gary Skaggs  Commissioner
Lucus Kumberg  Commissioner
Doug Meyer  Commissioner
Dave Howard  City Manager
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten  Finance Director
Gary Myers  Chief of Police
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector   
Kelly Hemphill  Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall  Recreation Director

The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Taylor.  The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.


Mayor Taylor led the staff and audience in the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 07, 2014 regular Commission meeting.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried with four approved and one abstained vote from Commissioner Hlavachick.


Pratt Young Professionals President Mike Younger requested the use of Lemon Park on Saturday, July 12th for another movie in the park and that would be in conjunction with the sidewalk sale uptown.  Commissioner Skaggs asked about the success of the movie in the park.  Mr. Younger stated that the group had been looking at getting their own equipment and that would make it better.  Mr. Younger added that they currently rent equipment out of Kansas City and it was expensive.  Mayor Taylor commented that he had really enjoyed the last one he had attended.  Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to approve the use of Lemon Park by the Young Professionals Group on July 12th.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Meyer.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned if more parking would be available.  City Manager Howard commented that that was a possibility and added that there was currently a consultant designing a layout of the park.  The motion and second passed unanimously.
After a little discussion, Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to re-appoint Ms. Chris Himmelwright and Mr. Alan Hitz to an additional three term on the Library Board.  Commissioner Meyer seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.


Mr. Brian Gower, KDOT Representative, introduced Mr. Terry Coder from Coder Engineering and they discussed the road safety audit published in February 2004 where accident concerns were noted at the intersection of Highway 54 and Highway 281, which primarily involved left hand turns by large trucks.  Mr. Gower commented that, since 2012, KDOT had federal funds available that were open to the districts and Pratt had submitted this location as having a need for improvement.  Mr. Gower stated that KDOT Traffic Engineers were supportive based on the 2004 study, so the City was offered the project to include turn lanes at the intersection in January 2013.  Mr. Gower added that the Federal and State funds would be used for the construction and the City would be responsible for the right-of-way acquisition.  Mr. Gower commented that KDOT was currently in a holding pattern on the design, so they had sent a letter to the City asking if they were still in support of the project.  Mr. Gower stated that he was interested in the City’s view so that he could determine whether they would go forward or not. 
Mr. Coder reviewed the current design and discussed some of the problem areas.  Mr. Coder reported that 2,600 trucks enter the intersection each day and their design layout proposed an intersection with five lanes on Highway 54 that included a turn lane.  Mr. Gower explained that they had looked at four lanes with a 12’ center lane, but they had limited right-of-way.  After demonstrating how the left turn movements would be, Mr. Coder stated that the pros of the project would include enhanced safety, improve intersection capacity and new concrete and pavement using $800,000 in federal funds.  Mr. Coder also stated that the cons of the project would be the loss of twelve to fifteen parking spots, loss of access points to some commercial property and disruption during construction.
City Manager Howard questioned if improvements to the traffic signals had been discussed.  Mr. Gower commented that it had not been completely flushed out, but they would take a look at it and determine what would be best. Mr. Howard had questions about the right hand turns.  Mr. Coder explained the software program they used to determine traffic signal operation.  Commissioner Kumberg questioned what dates were used to determine the traffic counts.  Mr. Coder stated that they used December 2013.  Commissioner Kumberg commented that loosing parking spaces would be devastating and he added that he does not park in the first block of South Main Street because it was so hard to get out of the space.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there were any other options available because loosing parking spots was not a viable option for Pratt.  Mr. Gower stated that he would have to go back and talk with the others at the State, but the design of five lanes was pretty steadfast.  Commissioner Skaggs stated that it would kill those businesses on the east side; however, the west side would not be impacted as much since they had a back parking lot.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned if moving the intersection north could be an option.  Mr. Gower stated that they could look at moving the intersection differently.  Commissioner Skaggs stated that we did not want to eliminate businesses and Mr. Gower agreed.  Commissioner Skaggs commented that we did agree that the intersection needed improvements, so we would like to see another alternative plan. 
Commissioner Hlavachick asked about the impact that the by-pass would have.  Mr. Gower stated that it did not appear to be coming any time soon.  Commissioner Meyer questioned what his definition of soon was.  Mr. Gower stated that he had heard at the State that it was currently ten to twenty years and possibly twenty to thirty years out.  Mr. Gower added that it was hard to say because there were a number of unknowns.  Commissioner Kumberg stated that this would also de-value property for the businesses and, even though we want something changed at that intersection, this proposal was not workable for our businesses.  Commissioner Skaggs commented that truck drivers told them that they did not need that much room and there were fewer accidents there since one parking space had been eliminated and the traffic light had been changed to a delayed turn.  Mr. Coder stated that they do need that much space to be safe.
Mr. Gower stated that he had heard that loosing twelve to fifteen spaces was not acceptable, so he would take that information back and hopefully they could come up with a different proposal.  Commissioner Kumberg commented that he felt that it was important to come up with a solution because the businesses had the streetscape project coming up, which would impact them also.  Commissioner Skaggs stated that we needed another option, because he could not vote for this proposal.  Commissioner Hlavachick added that he felt they needed to look at moving more north than south because that would impact the church and Kentucky Fried Chicken less than the businesses on the south.  Commissioner Kumberg stated that there would also be traffic issues if Sanders Agency lost an entrance.  Commissioner Skaggs commented that it had been mentioned cutting back the sidewalks, but that had not been looked at yet.  Commissioner Skaggs stated that they did not need the 12’ sidewalks anymore.  Mr. Coder commented that this design fit the criteria that they had.
Commissioner Kumberg stated that we would be remiss if we did not listen to our community and the businesses that would be impacted.  Mr. Gower stated that he understood where the City was coming from and he would take this back and see if they could take a second look at the intersection.  Mr. Gower commented that he would come back to the City with any other possible solutions.


Airport Manager Reid Bell stated that Mr. Lance Loehr from Machinery Link would like to have this topic discussed in an executive session because it had to do with his business and he would rather it not be done publicly.  Mr. Bell added that he would like to include Mr. Dan Withers who was the owner of the property.  Mayor Taylor questioned the City Attorney to see if this could be moved to executive session for twenty minutes.  Mr. Van Blaricum stated that it would be proprietary in nature and that could be protected.  Mayor Taylor made a motion to go into executive session for twenty minutes to discuss proprietary information.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and carried unanimously.
Mayor Taylor made a motion to return from executive session with nothing to report.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.
Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall reviewed the bid proposals of the identified areas on the Lemon Park walkway.  Mr. Pinkall stated that this project and the Linear Park Trail project were bid at the same time hoping for a better price.  Mr. Pinkall presented the following bids to the Commission:  Arensdorf Construction for $5,863; B & H Builders for $6,205.76 and Smiley Concrete for $7,667.  Mr. Pinkall recommended the low bid from Arensdorf Construction for $5,863.  Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to approve the bid from Arensdorf Construction for $5,863 for the Lemon Park walkway.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.


Mr. Pinkall reviewed the Linear Park Trail and introduced the bids for Phase 1 and 2.  Mr. Pinkall presented the following bids to the Commission:  Smiley Concrete for $88,535.52; Arensdorf Construction LLC for $89,985; B & H Builders, LLC for $96,061.59 and Mansel Concrete Inc. for $128,241.83.  Mayor Taylor questioned if we had all the right-of-way.  Mr. Pinkall stated that it was all on City right-of-way.  Commissioner Meyer questioned the sizing.  Mr. Pinkall commented that it would not include the gravel area around the storage area since it was walkable material already, but that area might be addressed in a later phase.  Commissioner Meyer made a motion to accept the low bid for the Linear Park Trail from Smiley Concrete in the amount of $88,535.52.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and passed unanimously.  Mr. Pinkall and Mr. Howard informed the Commission that this was subject to KDOT speculations.
Finance Director Diana Garten informed the Commission that this resolution was to provide for the adoption of an Omnibus Continuing Disclosure Undertaking relating to obligations issued and to be issued by the City to meet continuing disclosure requirement by the Federal Government and the SEC.  Ms. Garten stated that the continuing disclosures were provided to the bond holders upon request in the past but, with the use of the internet and easier access, the Government was now requiring the Municipal Governments to report them.  Ms. Garten commented that Gilmore and Bell suggested that we adopt this resolution, as well as the next agenda item, so that we would be under one umbrella rather than it being required to report each issue individually.  Mr. Howard stated that Ms. Pat Hinojos had said that it would help when applying for new issues if this was in place.
The following Resolution was then presented to the Commission for their approval:  A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF AN OMNIBUS CONTINUING DISCLOSURE UNDERTAKING RELATING TO OBLIGATIONS ISSUED AND TO BE ISSUED BY THE CITY OF PRATT, KANSAS.  Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to adopt Resolution 042114 providing for the adoption of an Omnibus Continuing Disclosure Undertaking relating to obligations issued and to be issued by the City of Pratt.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.
Ms. Garten stated that this document was the Omnibus Continuing Disclosure Undertaking provided by Gilmore and Bell and this would meet the requirements to report the City’s continuing disclosure information as an Omnibus group.  Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to approve the Omnibus Continuing Disclosure Undertaking document dated April 21, 2014.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.


City Manager:
• Sandy Creek zoning:
City Manager Howard commented that he had been working with Building Inspector Blankenship on the zoning at Sandy Creek.   Mr. Howard stated that it would be R-1 Residential, but a little more stringent to encourage maintaining a nice neighborhood in the development.  Mr. Howard added that this would be brought before the Commission when the Planning and Zoning Board had completed it.

• Hospital Tour meeting:
Mr. Howard stated that he had attended the hospital tour meeting and Senator Pat Roberts had been present.  Mr. Howard commented that he felt like it was very beneficial.

Recreation Department:
• Sprinkler system:
Recreation Director Pinkall stated that the sprinkler system at Dickerson Diamond was done and running.  Mr. Pinkall explained that some weed control and reseeding were next.  Mr. Pinkall added that the tops would also be on the dugouts soon.

Electric Department:
• Testing:
Power Plant Superintendent Smith informed the Commission that Olsson Associates would be here tomorrow to do some testing.  Mayor Taylor questioned if the weather could affect it.  Mr. Smith stated that it could.

Police Department:
• Radar signs:
Police Chief Myers stated that he was hoping to have the radar signs, but they were behind schedule.  Chief Myers commented that they should be here around May 1st.

Finance Department;
Finance Director Garten informed the Commission that the auditors would be here Tuesday and Wednesday for the 2013 audit fieldwork.  Ms. Garten stated that they would be doing a single audit also because of the wastewater project loan funds being Federal funds in excess of the limits.

Mayor and Commission:

• Smoothing out the street:
Mayor Taylor questioned if there was going to be anything done about smoothing out the street in Denny Steinert’s area.  Mr. Howard stated that we would be looking at that area during the North Main Street project.

• Legislative Coffee:
Mayor Taylor commented that he had attended the Legislative Coffee and had met Representative Marshall Christmann for the first time.  Mayor Taylor added that he was impressed with Representative Christmann.

• Executive Session:
Commissioner Kumberg requested a ten minute executive session at the end of the meeting to discuss attorney/client privilege but did not expect anything to report.

• Legislative Coffee:
Commissioner Hlavachick stated that he had also attended the Legislative Coffee and talked to our legislators about losing jobs at Kansas Wildlife Parks and Tourism.  Commissioner Hlavachick commented that he had reiterated that the City had sent letters, but had not received any response back.  Commissioner Hlavachick explained that they had apologized for not responding and Representative Holmes had stated that he had spoken with Mr. Jennison.
Commissioner Hlavachick reminded the Commission that they had moved the purchasing and accounting sections to Topeka along with filling the Chief position in Topeka.  Commissioner Hlavachick added that they had left the staff here, but he felt that not leaving the Chief position here meant that they were planning to move that section also.  Commissioner Hlavachick stated that he felt that Mr. Jennison was not being up front with us about not having plans to move additional jobs to Topeka.

• Welcome to Commissioner Meyer: 
Commissioner Hlavachick welcomed Commissioner Meyer as a new Commissioner and also thanked everyone for their well wishes to his family.

• Loitering Ordinance:
Commissioner Meyer questioned if the Loitering Ordinance had been helpful.  Chief Myers stated that he thought it had been.

Commissioner Meyer stated that the cemetery was well kept and he wanted to give them credit for that.  Mr. Howard stated that that would be Cemetery Sexton Simpson and his crew.  Mr. Howard added that they do a very nice job.

Executive Session:
Mayor Taylor made a motion to go into executive session for ten minutes to discuss attorney/client privilege.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.
Mayor Taylor made a motion to return from executive session with nothing to report.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and carried unanimously.

Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.