JULY 09, 2014
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Recessed session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
Jeff Taylor Mayor
Bill Hlavachick Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
Lucus Kumberg Commissioner
Doug Meyer Commissioner
Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
The recessed session was called to order by Mayor Taylor. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.
Budget Highlights:
• Proposed 2015 Budget Summary:
Finance Director Garten informed the Commission that the proposed 2015 budget was $23,845,643 and that was only a proposed amount and not the final figure. Ms. Garten pointed out that the general fund included sales revenue of $400,000 for the sale of the lots at Sandy Creek and that amount would be moved to capital equipment reserves. Ms. Garten commented that it was unlikely that all the lots sold.
Ms. Garten stated that the projected taxes levied was $1,931,780, minus the revitalization of $164,602, would give us $1,767,178 in taxes for our tax levied funds. Ms. Garten commented that it was $750,000 more than last year. Ms. Garten explained that the City valuation was $41,458,905, minus the neighborhood revitalization rebate of $3,861,640, making the net valuation $37,597,265 and that would make one mill for the City of Pratt worth $37,597 in 2015.
Ms. Garten commented that a majority of that goes to the general fund and firefighting equipment gets 1 mill, the Library gets 4 mills and the Airport Authority gets the 3 mills per their request. Commissioner Meyer questioned if we always approve what they request. Ms. Garten stated that that was what we had been doing. City Manager Howard added that they levy 1 mill themselves and the 3 mills that we approve. Mr. Howard commented that they could not operate without that levy. Mayor Taylor commented that they had done a good job overall, but they needed to get their rental rates higher. Mayor Taylor added that he did not know how long they had some leases locked in for. Mr. Howard stated that the Feedlot was long term with them. Mr. Howard explained that, with FAA funding, you had to lease to everybody at the same rate but he was not sure about the buildings. Commissioner Kumberg questioned how much FAA funding they get. Mr. Howard explained that they actually allot some much funding every year and they have to have a five year plan. Commissioner Kumberg commented that they had extremely valuable property and they were giving it away. Commissioner Meyer questioned if the Airport Authority owned that. Mr. Howard stated that they did, but we could dissolve the board.
Mr. Howard stated that Airport Manager Reid Bell was knowledgeable about airport issues. Commissioner Skaggs commented that the airport was quite an asset to the community. Mr. Howard commented that they had to charge the same rates for leases and the Feedlot could be under a ninety-nine year lease, so that had to be the lease price for anyone if they want to continue to be eligible for FAA funding.
Ms. Garten explained that cash was lower than a few years ago, but that had been planned due to projects within the City. Ms. Garten stated that we had not raised rates since 2007 and the cash balance was down in the general fund and the four utilities. Ms. Garten commented that the transfers into reserves was also down and transfer funds were where money was put until it was time to spend it. Ms. Garten added that we tend to budget for a purpose. Ms. Garten explained that, if there was money transferred into the capital equipment or capital reserves fund, it had to be used for that purpose. Ms. Garten added that you could transfer less if the cost warranted that. Mayor Taylor commented that money that was not spent could be transferred into reserves. Mr. Howard stated that the tap changer and the cooling towers were budgeted for ten years and the overhaul of the dual fuel units is for 2029, but since we were not operating as much as projected, we may not have to transfer as much out. Ms. Garten pointed out that the electric and water debt funds would be paid off in two or three years, so the transfers may increase then. Commissioner Kumberg questioned if we were paying for it out of operations instead of encumbering. Mr. Howard agreed and added that we avoid debt that way. Commissioner Meyer commented that the auditors supported that also.
• Minimize tax levy:
Ms. Garten stated that we had reduced the contingency amounts in the operating funds again. Ms. Garten commented that reserves were being transferred back to the wastewater fund for the wastewater project that we had been saving up for and $140,000 of recreation expenses were moved to travel and tourism from the general fund. Ms. Garten explained that the allocated expenses attributed to recreation expenses. Mr. Howard added that any tournaments created tourism along with just about everything done in recreation. Commissioner Kumberg commented that there were no expenditures that he disagreed with. Mr. Howard stated that Recreation Director Pinkall was involved with advertisements for Pratt and tourism does not do that. Commissioner Meyer questioned what Pratt’s bed tax was. Ms. Garten stated that it was 8% and the State keeps 2% as an administrative fee. Mr. Howard commented that there was no limit on bed tax and it did not have to go to a vote. Mr. Howard stated that bed tax was revenue from people outside of our community.
Mr. Howard commented that they had not funded the $60,000 to the ED Corporation in 2015. Mayor Taylor questioned if they had reserves. Ms. Garten stated that they had about ½ million in the bank and $330,000 of that was not committed. Ms. Garten added that they had not spent that much over the last four years, so we would postpone that payment for a couple of years. Commissioner Skaggs questioned the $125,000 for Tractor Supply. Mr. Howard stated that they had put up a fence and made some improvements in the parking lot. Commissioner Skaggs asked why we were getting involved in retail. Mr. Howard explained that we gave to the Airport for the Red Man building and gave money to motels to do improvements. Commissioner Skaggs commented that they were not industry. Mr. Howard stated that the money was in retail. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if Tractor Supply could not afford their own building. Ms. Garten stated that the improvements do not go directly to Tractor Supply, but to the owner. Mr. Howard stated that the building was sitting empty and falling apart, so you have to think about it as investing in them. Mr. Howard added that we would get it back because, the more businesses you have, the more people come to town. Commissioner Kumberg questioned how the loan process works with places like Leroy’s Bar and Grill. Mr. Howard stated that that money went into the sign.
• Utility rates:
Ms. Garten stated that some overhead cost had increased such as the audit, insurance and KPER’s. Ms. Garten added that the general fund could not be as dependent on the utility funds. Ms. Garten informed the Commission that water revenues were down last year and probably would be this year too. Mr. Howard added that we got a lot of rain and cool temperatures and we lose a lot of revenue with not as much electricity and water being used.
Ms. Garten stated that the rates for water and waste water were increased in 2014 and she recommended that the Commission look at a 2% increase for the next five years in electric and sanitation rates. Mr. Howard explained that the energy prices had not really increased, but the transmission and other related charges had doubled. Mr. Howard added that we were paying for new transmission lines and many were looking at switching to wind and gas. Mr. Howard stated that they were trying to shut down older coal plants because they were not worth upgrading and the price would go up if more people switch to natural gas. Commissioner Skaggs asked why we want to limit the increase to five years. Mr. Howard stated that that could be modified at any time by an act as a Commission. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that we did not get any negative feedback last time. Commissioner Meyer questioned how much revenue 2% would be. Ms. Garten stated that it would be about $200,000 in electric. Mr. Howard added that it would depend on market demand, which varies day to day. Mr. Howard explained that we were protected to have 15 mgs of purchase power and those prices were locked in. Mr. Howard commented that we could go up to 25 mgs in the summer and half of the summer energy would average out at market value. Commissioner Meyer asked if we fluctuate rates by the time of day. Mr. Howard stated that our rates were fixed, but what changes is the customer’s usage. Commissioner Meyer questioned if anyone was pushing power into our system through wind power. Mr. Howard stated that there was no one that was doing that and we had an ordinance that makes it almost impossible to do.
Ms. Garten stated that material costs had gone up and brass costs had increased by 40%. Mr. Howard commented that you could not buy anything for the power plant for $100. Mayor Taylor clarified that the electric and sanitation departments were cited in the audit. Ms. Garten stated that they were, but especially the electric. Commissioner Kumberg questioned if a 2% increase would get us where we were covered. Ms. Garten stated that it probably would not in 2014 or 2015, but it would get us closer. Ms. Garten added that 2% would be anywhere from $2 to $4 on a utility bill.
Mr. Howard commented that they do not have any other large projects at the power plant after the overhaul of the steam engine. Ms. Garten stated that the bond debt would be paid off in five years and then we should be in good shape in that fund. Commissioner Skaggs stated that tax payers would rather pay more now than one big increase. Mr. Howard stated that we would analyze how all this will work out in the next several years. Commissioner Kumberg questioned if not meeting the bond covenants would hurt us. Ms. Garten commented that it might bring our rating down, but it should not hurt us too much because we are in good financial shape.
• Other proposed increases:
Ms. Garten stated that a 3% increase in salaries was in the budget for 2015. Ms. Garten explained that that was what we had done for the past few years. Ms. Garten commented that half of salaries goes to tax levied funds and the other half to enterprise funds. Ms. Garten stated that the police department had a request to add another full time dispatcher, which would add about $48,000 to the budget. Commissioner Kumberg stated that he felt that 3% was adequate. Mr. Howard stated that we had done 3% for twelve years except for one year when it was 6%. Ms. Garten explained that the 6% was when minimum wage went up drastically. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if you could hire a new employee for $10/hr. Mr. Howard stated that we do not hire for less than $11.04. Mayor Taylor stated that that had allowed us to keep employees. Commissioner Meyer questioned if the City had much turnover. Mr. Howard stated that we had gone through a span a couple of years ago because of the oil industry, but overall it was low.
Commissioner Meyer commented that he had received some complaints from hospital employees about the City getting a 3% raise and they were only getting a 2%, but 3% was industry standard. Mayor Taylor commented that he had gotten complaints from the hospital and other businesses about paying employees medical insurance. Mr. Howard commented that the water and wastewater employees have to have a certain level of education. Commissioner Kumberg stated that the City had excellent benefits. Commissioner Skaggs commented that we would be losing some key employees due to the aging process. Ms. Garten stated that it would be harder to replace them because KPER’s was getting less attractive. Mr. Howard added that the street and cemetery would be losing senior employees and the electric department had the potential to lose two.
Commissioner Kumberg questioned if a new employee got medical insurance immediately after they were hired. Ms. Garten stated that they did. Mr. Howard stated that the insurance representative had suggested looking at a 60 to 90 day delay. Commissioner Kumberg asked if the City had a probationary period. Mr. Howard stated that we did and it was for six months. Commissioner Meyer commented that he thought we needed to look at that because you cannot refuse to hire due to a medical issue, but you can have a probationary period. Commissioner Kumberg commented that a lot could happen in 90 days. Mr. Howard stated that this would not change anything for our grandfather status and that would probably be going away in a couple of years anyway. Ms. Garten questioned if we should have different stipulations such as waiving the waiting period for salaried positions. Mayor Taylor commented that you would want to make that clear in the policies. Commissioner Meyer questioned if we pay all of the single premium for the employee. Ms. Garten explained that we do and 85% of the other tiers for employee/spouse, employee/children and employee/dependents. Commissioner Meyer agreed with investigating the 90 day waiting period, being sure not jeopardize what we have now.
• Contracted Services:
Ms. Garten stated that the City had a contract with the Humane Society for $2,500 per month and $36,000 in utility allowance per year and donate to several other organizations either monthly or as requested. Mr. Howard stated that the Humane Society should do more about exposing their books to us than they do and we could have them do that when we renew their contract at the end of the year. Mr. Howard added that he does not mind giving them money, but they do very well in donations they receive. Mayor Taylor suggested auditing them ourselves. Commissioner Meyer questioned if they go through our auditors. Mr. Howard stated that they do not, but they do provide us with a service. Commissioner Kumberg questioned if $2,500 a month and the utility allowance was overpaying for that service. Mr. Howard explained that we do take animals to other vets, but we could not run a pound for that amount. Commissioner Skaggs stated that they could use any donations that we do not know about to improve their facility. Mr. Howard commented that they had made some improvements out there. City Attorney Van Blaricum commented that we were assuming that they had a treasurer. Mr. Howard stated that they should have one if they are a not-for-profit organization.
• Donations:
Mr. Howard stated that we donate to the Red Cross and people would like that money to stay local, but all funds have to go to New York. Ms. Garten commented that Red Cross Director Donna Meier Pfeifer had written a letter requesting that our donation be raised from $150 to $200 a month. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that we donate to quite a few, but some are small amounts. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that the shelves at the Food Bank were pretty empty. Commissioner Skaggs questioned how much of a $24 million budget should be allocated to donations. Ms. Garten stated that these were paid out of the general fund and voted on by the Commission, but travel and tourism funds had $70,000 that they give to different events. Commissioner Meyer stated that we would more than recoup our money if we needed Red Cross in a disaster. Commissioner Skaggs commented that he did not like to see local money leave town. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that he would like to see the Food Bank be increased to $400 a month and increase the Teen Center by $50 also.
Commissioner Kumberg commented that we spend about $10,000 on the train and we do not get to keep the money from the operation. Mayor Taylor explained that we renovated it and do the maintenance, but the Pilot Club had purchased the playground equipment in Lemon Park. Commissioner Meyer questioned why we give so much to them and not to the Teen Center or the Food Bank. Commissioner Meyer questioned what would happen when the train was past the point of no return. Mr. Howard stated that we would be operating it someday because the Pilot Club will not exist or people on there would not want to run it. Mr. Howard added that the engine would cost big money if we had problems with it. Commissioner Kumberg questioned if the $10,000 a year for maintenance, etc. on the train could have been used for something else. Mr. Howard commented that ten years at $10,000 was $100,000 plus the purchase of the train. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that it was a quality of life thing and people coming into town for the train go shop and eat too.
Commissioner Hlavachick suggested raising South Central Kansas Community Corrections to $2,000 a year. Commissioner Hlavachick added that Mr. David Wiley does a good job. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that the prison system was full and they started sentencing convicted felons to supervisor probation in the last ten years. Mr. Van Blaricum added that this gets people on drugs into therapy and there was also an anger management program. Mr. Howard suggested that organizations do written requests and come before the Commission so that we are aware of what they were using our dollars for. Commissioner Kumberg added that we should write them a letter to see if the funding was adequate. Mr. Howard stated that we could give them until August 1st to get their request in because people should know what we are funding.
• Bed tax:
Ms. Garten stated that the City had added 1% to the bed tax in 2012. Ms. Garten informed the Commission that we collected $50,000 more last year than in 2012 but you do not know if that will continue. Mr. Howard commented that you cannot get a motel room in Pratt on weekdays. Mr. Howard added that they had met with the Hampton Inn people and they were moving forward but nothing was solid. Commissioner Kumberg questioned if we should bump it up another percent and take advantage of good times. Ms. Garten commented that we did not want to upset the motel owners because that would make their rates appear higher. Commissioner Skaggs stated that most motels quote you a price before taxes are added.
Commissioner Kumberg questioned where PCC was at on the TV channel. Ms. Garten stated that she did not know anymore. Commissioner Kumberg stated that a lot of people gave a lot of money and they need to know what their intentions are. Mr. Howard stated that he was not the only one making that statement.
• Lemon Park:
Ms. Garten stated that projects funded in 2015 were Lemon Park, Main Street, the pool, the Municipal Building and the Sports Complex. Ms. Garten commented that a portion of the bed tax was allocated to those projects. Mayor Taylor questioned if Mr. Blake Himmelwright was going to come in to visit with them. Mr. Howard stated that he would like to set up a work session and they would be discussing the City doing a $1,000,000 bond issue for ten years. Mr. Howard added that Mr. Himmelwright thought he could raise $500,000 to $1,000,000 to get phase one going. Mr. Howard explained that they would want to have a public meeting so people could come in, but he had heard people say that they do not see a need for a change. Commissioner Meyer questioned if they would be changing the road. Mr. Howard stated that they would not. Mr. Howard commented that we do need new bathrooms and we need to put realistic figures to it. Mr. Howard commented that Mr. Himmelwright would bring in an architect for the work session. Commissioner Skaggs stated that the maintenance would increase for the City. Mr. Howard suggested that the City would charge for events that people want to have in the park. Commissioner Kumberg questioned if there was not something that stated that we could not charge for anything in the park. Mr. Howard stated that there was nothing in that agreement that said you could not charge for an event.
• Funding requests:
Ms. Garten stated that there was $400,000 bed tax money that was for funding requests, but we needed to see what the priority was. Ms. Garten commented that the Main Street project was committed money and it had been set aside. Ms. Garten explained that that was $700,000 in the bank minus the $320,000 that would be forgiven once the project was complete.
• Pool improvements:
Mr. Howard stated that the pool improvement plan would be done over years and the architect had said that we would not go wrong improving the pool that we have now. Ms. Garten added that we had contracted the architect to do a conceptual drawing with costs. Mr. Howard commented that the tourism fund was a good fund to tap into for these projects.
• Municipal Building & Sports Complex:
Mr. Howard informed the Commission that the architect that would be looking at the Municipal Building was the one that did Lemon Park. Mr. Howard stated that it would be $9,000 to go through the building and do a feasibility study. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if we had not set back $5,000 for that. Ms. Garten stated that they it was for two years. Commissioner Skaggs stated that we should go ahead with the feasibility study and questioned if we could do a bond issue and combine the Parrish Hotel and the Municipal Building. Mr. Howard stated that we would have to do one on the Municipal Building and that Mr. Mooney thought that we could get tax credit on it, but he was not sure about that. Ms. Garten stated that, no matter what we do, there were some maintenance issues that needed to be done. Ms. Garten commented that the cost for the roof was $115,000 and the heating and air was also an issue. Ms. Garten added that those were major expenses no matter what. Commissioner Meyer questioned if the roof could wait. Mr. Howard explained that there were different sections on that roof, but we might not do anything if this issue gets accelerated.
Mr. Howard commented that the cost for the pool was not much and we needed to keep upgrading, but the Municipal Building and the park were big items. Mr. Howard stated that another item was the development of the 39 to 40 acres east of the Sports Complex. Mr. Howard commented that it had been suggested that we put in an indoor shooting range. Commissioner Kumberg stated that those were expensive because you have to have an air filtration for the lead products. Commissioner Meyer stated that that would be a big draw to Pratt. Mr. Howard added that that would be something that could be used year around. Mr. Howard commented that we could do a water slide and make it a part of the Sports Complex package or have people pay to get in. Commissioner Meyer questioned if we had thought about another 2-plex. Ms. Garten stated that soccer had been suggested. Mr. Howard stated that most of this would have to wait, but he would talk to Mr. Mooney and Mr. Himmelwright and then we could prioritize. Commissioner Skaggs asked where we were at on the downtown park. Mr. Howard stated that this was not a City project and we had already done our part. Mr. Howard added that EBH Engineer Alan Luttrell was working with Ms. Carol Stull on the redesign.
• Fincham Road realignment:
Mr. Howard stated that we had been selected for funding from KDOT to realign Fincham Road and it was about $560,000. Mr. Howard explained that we had to buy the right-of-way on the north side of Fincham Road and it would be moved to the west. Mr. Howard added that it would be 300’ back and then would curve to Fincham Road. Mr. Howard commented that we would have to move the utilities and hire a contractor to move the pole east to west, which would cost anywhere from $50,000 to $70,000. Mr. Howard stated that we would have to pay the engineering also. Mr. Howard added that the Maurice’s cut would also serve Home Lumber and, if this helps relocate them, he does not mind doing it. Mr. Howard stated that we were waiting on the permit for the Maurice’s cut. Mr. Howard explained that approximately 40% of the engineering costs would come from ED. Mr. Howard commented that it would take around two years to finish this project.
• KLINK & GEO projects:
Ms. Garten stated that the KLINK project was on Highway 54 from Jackson Street to Mound Street and the 2016 Geometric Improvement project was on North Main and could start the end of 2015. Commissioner Meyer questioned if we would be using the ¼ cent sales tax for this. Ms. Garten stated that there was $350,000 to $400,000. Mayor Taylor stated that ¼ cents was about $250,000.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned where we were on the sidewalks on East First Street. Mr. Howard stated that they were part of the plan. Ms. Garten stated that we wanted to get the first part done with KDOT so that we had something to connect to.
• Sewer Line – Machinery Link:
Mr. Howard stated that Mr. Danny Withers had called and questioned getting a sewer line to Machinery Link. Mr. Howard commented that that would be a lot of money. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there was a sewer line going to the college. Mr. Howard stated that there was one to the north in the industrial park. Mr. Howard explained that that would take some kind of lift station. Commissioner Kumberg stated that he was concerned about the types of stuff they were putting in the sewer. Mr. Howard stated that you would regulate that in an agreement.
• Fire truck:
Ms. Garten stated that Fire Chief Kramer had written a note about their need for a truck. Commissioner Kumberg commented that he agreed with their need for a truck, but questioned if this was their only lease option. Ms. Garten stated that that was what Chief Kramer provided, but she had contacted a local banker and he thought that they could do around 2 ½% for up to ten years for that amount. Commissioner Kumberg suggested that we could put $55,000 a year back for five years, considering the other things they had requested, or increase the mill levy that was already attributed to them. Ms. Garten stated that a mill would cover a payment if we did the ten year option, but we could increase their mills even though we do budget for equipment outside their mill. Commissioner Skaggs stated that their equipment was so expensive compared to everything else. Commissioner Skaggs added that, one mill being worth $37,000, was minimal to what their needs were. Mr. Howard stated that we refer to their truck as new, but it is not new and they were in need of another fire truck. Mr. Howard added that a down payment would lessen the lease purchase payments.
Mr. Howard commented that the police department gets one or two new vehicles a year and maybe some of that money could be allocated to the fire truck purchase. Mr. Howard stated that this would be a short term deal because we did not want the police department to fall behind. Commissioner Kumberg questioned if we could reallocate that for four years. Mr. Howard stated that they could do whatever they needed. Mr. Howard commented that the fire department needs some care.
Commissioner Kumberg stated that he commended the firemen’s efforts to suspend their pay, but he thought that looked bad. Commissioner Meyer stated that that was a reflection on how they feel and the best truck they have was going to be twenty years old. Commissioner Meyer added that their SCBA packs needed replaced and that was something that puts those guys in harm’s way and they should not be dealing with inferior equipment.
Commissioner Kumberg questioned if the fire department had the three, five or ten year plan. Ms. Garten stated that Chief Kramer had put in the budget to replace four to five SCBAs a year at $7,500 each and that money was in the general fund in equipment items. Ms. Garten commented that bigger items was where the mill comes in. Ms. Garten stated that they currently have $106,000 that they could put down on a lease/purchase. Mr. Howard commented that we do not have to put anything down and that money could go to a new roof. Ms. Garten stated that the last lease/purchase was serviced by the mill over ten years.
Mr. Howard stated that he did not feel that we fund them enough and, if you look at the new equipment at other departments, they are left behind. Commissioner Meyer questioned the roof being worn out. Mr. Howard stated that the roof had been replaced after the tornado with the roll out tar stuff. Commissioner Meyer questioned how we go about funding them more money. Mr. Howard stated that it would come from the general fund. Ms. Garten stated that they continue to get the one mill for firefighting equipment and that is moved over to a reserve fund. Commissioner Meyer asked what happens if they deplete that reserve amount. Ms. Garten explained that that was where the lease/purchase comes into effect and if we take from the police department and give to the fire department.
Commissioner Meyer asked if there were grants out there for this type of purchase. Mr. Howard stated that we have applied for grants, but we do not meet the low to moderate income requirements. Commissioner Kumberg commented that, looking at fleet management in all the departments, we have purchased a lot of vehicles in the last two years. Commissioner Kumberg questioned if we had any immediate needs this upcoming year. Ms. Garten stated that sanitation needs to replace a packer on one of the trucks, a digger truck for distribution, pick-up replacement for wastewater, police rotation, parks and fire department and they rely on tax dollars. Commissioner Kumberg commented that we would have to rob Peter to give to Paul and questioned if we could pull from one of the non-revenue generating departments. Mayor Taylor questioned transferring from an enterprise fund to the general fund. Ms. Garten explained that it was getting more difficult with the low cash balance, but the police department did have their forfeiture funds if they got to a point that they had to have a vehicle. Ms. Garten added that we do not know when that money comes in, but it was another option. Commissioner Kumberg commented that he did not want to cause any animosity between departments, so he was not sure what department would be best to pull from. Mr. Howard stated that the Chief of Police would have to deal with that. Commissioner Meyer questioned how much was in the forfeiture fund. Ms. Garten stated that there was around $200,000 and $15,000 of that came in last year. Mr. Howard explained that that money had to be used for items associated with the police department.
Mayor Taylor stated that four years was a long time, so he would like to see money looked at year to year. Mr. Howard stated that he would like the reserve money used on the fire department’s roof and not on the lease/purchase. Mr. Howard added that he was thinking we would just do this for one year but we did not want to send the wrong message to the volunteers. Commissioner Kumberg commented that the volunteers had done what we asked.
• Sanitation – packer:
Ms. Garten stated that sanitation had budgeted to replace one packer, but they still needed to look at purchasing a new truck. Mr. Howard commented that some of those trucks are cheaper built, but the heavier ones were worth the extra money. Ms. Garten stated that that could also be a lease/purchase, but their reserves were not there. Ms. Garten added that a rate increase would help. Commissioner Kumberg questioned if revenue was passed through for the tipping fee. Ms. Garten stated that their expenses were $30,000 per month. Mr. Howard stated that we cover expenses, but there was not much left over.
Mr. Howard stated that Nisly Brothers had offered to collect the cardboard, but the County had said they would sue him a few years ago. Mr. Howard explained that cardboard was the kind of trash that weighs a lot when it gets wet. Mr. Howard stated that Wal-Mart, Dillon’s and some contractors haul out their cardboard and we should do that because it was not trash until it was in the cart. Commissioner Kumberg commented that the County should do what they need to do to get business and not leave it up to the business to do what they need to do. Commissioner Skaggs stated that the County could raise their rates if their revenue goes away. Mr. Howard stated that they could, but we do not need the County’s permission to do it.
Capital Outlay:
• 2015 Equipment purchases:
Ms. Garten pointed out the proposed purchases in 2015 that the departments had requested, such as bunker gear and SCBAs for fire at the cost of $40,000. Mayor Taylor questioned our hydrants being 100 years old. Ms. Garten stated that Water Superintendent Clay stated that they were.
Tax Revenue Information:
• Mill levy comparisons:
Ms. Garten stated that the tax revenue information showed the mill levy over the years and taxes generated. Ms. Garten commented that she had taken the 2013 City Tax Revenue booklet from the Kansas Government Journal so that the Commission could see how we compare with other Cities our size. Ms. Garten commented that the mill levy was in good financial position. Mayor Taylor stated that people say that we are the highest in the State. Ms. Garten stated that our debt has gone down considerably. Commissioner Hlavachick questioned if those figures included the County. Ms. Garten explained that it was all the entities such as the college, school districts and County.
• Estimate of Highway Tax:
Ms. Garten stated that the estimated highway tax from the State was $176,000 and that goes into the street fund. Ms. Garten commented that the revenues had stayed about the same.
• 2013 Tax Revenue:
Ms. Garten stated that the graph showed how the 2013 taxes were allocated and that the City does not get the biggest amount of that.
• Cash balances:
Ms. Garten pointed out the chart that showed cash over the last twelve years. Ms. Garten stated that they had spent down cash in 2001, but built it back up in 2008 for the Main Street project. Ms. Garten commented that we were at $9 million currently and we were at the point where we needed to start building it back up. Ms. Garten stated that that sounds like a lot of money, but you have to have cash available in each fund. Ms. Garten added that it has decreased because we had not raised the rates. Mr. Howard commented that we had used cash for projects that had been thought about for years.
Ms. Garten pointed out that the debt chart showed it going down from 2002 to 2012, but there was a little bit of an increase due to the wastewater treatment plant loan. Ms. Garten informed the Commission that all bond debt would be paid in the next several years. Ms. Garten added that the Ethanol Plant has paid their water bond debt monthly. Mr. Howard commented that 40% of that debt was to pay for improvements in the City.
Proposed Legal Budget:
Ms. Garten reviewed the budget forms that she has to fill out and turn into the County and State. Ms. Garten commented that page one was the certificate page and that was what the Commission approves. Ms. Garten stated that the second page was the computation that shows the State whether you are accessing more taxes. Ms. Garten explained that the next several pages were the motor vehicle taxes, schedule of transfers and the schedule of debts. Ms. Garten stated that page seven was the worksheet for State Grant-In-Aid for the library. Ms. Garten stated that the remaining pages were details that show the 2013 actual budget, 2014 current budget and 2015 proposed budget.
Ms. Garten quickly reviewed expenditures such as an additional dispatcher for the police department, an increase in the amount to tear down houses in the planning budget and the recreation going down due to it being moved to tourism. Ms. Garten commented that she had taken out the ED funding in the industrial development fund and there were transfers to capital reserves for the Sandy Creek lots.
Ms. Garten stated that page nine was debt service for the GO bond and page ten was for noxious weeds and tort liability. Ms. Garten pointed out that the tort liability had a balance of over $500,000 and that had been built up and never spent. Ms. Garten added that the insurance dividend from EMC goes in this fund. Ms. Garten explained that we need to go ahead and budget this in case a lawsuit comes up.
Ms. Garten commented that page eleven was the one mill for the firefighting equipment. Ms. Garten stated that page twelve was special revenue funds and the special highway fund was used for highway improvements. Ms. Garten added that the ¼ cent sales tax, highway tax and street expenses come out of here. Ms. Garten informed the Commission that the street department was saving for a new street sweeper, but it would not be purchased after 2015. Ms. Garten commented that the cemetery fund was on the same page, but did not have anything unusual.
Ms. Garten explained that convention and tourism was on page thirteen and there was $300,000 for the Main Street Streetscape project in their budget. Ms. Garten stated that page fourteen was the special police fund and this was where forfeiture funds and inspection fees were. Ms. Garten added that expenditures were budgeted as needed from this fund. Ms. Garten commented that the employee health insurance was also on page fourteen and that was where payments for health insurance from retired employees goes. Ms. Garten stated that page fifteen had detail for the special parks and recreation fund and special alcohol fund. Ms. Garten stated that each of those funds receive a third of the alcohol tax. Ms. Garten also explained that some of these funds had been used for new equipment in the parks and could be used for the Lemon Park project. Mayor Taylor questioned if it could be used for recreation summer projects. Ms. Garten stated that it could not be, but it had also been used for the Gebhart Park and South Park equipment. Ms. Garten commented that the special alcohol fund housed money for the chemical dependency program.
Ms. Garten commented that page sixteen was the debt service funds for the water and electric. Ms. Garten stated that the water bond would be paid off in 2016 and the electric bond would be paid in 2018. Ms. Garten explained that that would free up a substantial amount of money when those debts were paid off. Ms. Garten stated that page seventeen was the electric fund and the revenues had been budgeted high because we do not know what the cost of electric will do. Ms. Garten commented that we want to make sure that we were covered if expenses go up, we want to make sure that revenue is up also. Ms. Garten stated that page eighteen was the sanitation fund and it showed that the cash balances were declining, so now was the time to do a rate increase.
Ms. Garten stated that page nineteen was the wastewater fund and it was a bit higher because of their loan payments. Ms. Garten explained the water fund on page twenty and that we were starting to build the cash back up due to the recent rate increase. Mayor Taylor commented that we should check on sanitation and water charges, because ours were pretty cheap. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that there was no reason why we needed to pay more just because others do. Mayor Taylor stated that it was great to be able to hold utility levels, but we need to raise it a little bit at a time and not all at once. Mr. Howard pointed out that the fire hydrants and water lines were old and being replaced slowly. Mr. Howard added that we could not fund enough to replace what needs to be.
Ms. Garten stated that the next pages were non-budgeted funds and used for expenses on things that come up and approved by the Commission or if we are saving for something. Ms. Garten explained that page twenty-three was utility deposits and sales tax funds. Ms. Garten commented that page twenty-four was the budget summary and would be published ten days before the hearing date of August 4th. Ms. Garten stated that it had to be turned into the County by August 25th. Ms. Garten commented that the 2015 Neighborhood Revitalization worksheet was on page 25.
General Discussion:
• ED funding:
Mr. Howard questioned if the Commission was okay with not funding ED. Commissioner Skaggs commented that we were the industrial development. Mr. Howard explained that they had dollars, but they come to us anyway if they need something. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if he had talked to the County. Mr. Howard stated that he had visited with Commissioner Borho and would be talking to the ED Board. Mr. Howard commented that this would help us keep the mill levy down. Commissioner Meyer asked if we anticipate them needing it in anticipation of another business coming in. Mr. Howard stated that Mr. Dale Withers wants the City to do the infrastructure and he could see the east lot being something valuable. Mr. Howard commented that we need to think about the possibility of extending the utilities, annexing and plating the property on the other side of Wal-Mart. Mr. Howard added that he thought we could get more than one business in there.
• Increases and Reallocating Funds:
Ms. Garten stated that they need to think about the rate increases, waiting period for new employees going on our insurance and reallocating funds from the police department and/or money for the fire department.
After little discussion, Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to adopt a 2% increase for five years for the sanitation and electric utilities effective January 01, 2015. Commissioner Hlavachick seconded the motion. Commissioner Kumberg clarified that it was a 2% increase every year. Mayor Taylor stated that that was correct. The motion and second passed unanimously.
Mr. Howard started that he would check with the Blue Cross agent about delaying coverage for 90 days. Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to delay coverage on health insurance for new employees for 90 days of hire upon agent’s recommendation. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Meyer. Mr. Howard commented that we had been hiring employees as full time temporary and they do not get benefits, but those positions could turn into full time employment. Mr. Howard stated that we could use that time as their 90 days. Commissioner Meyer questioned if we would do that on an individual basis. Commissioner Skaggs stated that a key position would expect it right then. Ms. Garten suggested waiving it for contract or salaried positions. Commissioner Kumberg amended the original motion to include that the 90 days could be waived. Commissioner Meyer commented that we could look at a sign in bonus to pay the premium that the City would be paying. Commissioner Meyer seconded the amended motion and it passed unanimously.
• Donations:
Mayor Taylor stated that he would like to have something on record for anyone receiving a donation from the City. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that he would visit with Ms. Kim Evert and Ms. Diana Harris for the next budget cycle. Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to increase as follows: Teen Center - $500; Food Bank - $500; South Central Kansas Community Corrections - $2,000 and Red Cross - $200. Commissioner Kumberg seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
• SRS:
Commissioner Skaggs asked where we were with the SRS situation we had a couple of years ago. Mr. Howard stated that we had sent them money once and they had never asked for it the second year. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that that one guy left and the attorney was working in a different part of government. Commissioner Skaggs commented that the office was still here with a reduced staff and the landlord must be getting paid his rent. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that he had gotten a call from the Assistant Attorney General about a child in town was living with their dad and grandmother and they were having trouble. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that there were no SRS case workers in Pratt at that time and so they had called the County Attorney’s office.
• Fire Truck:
Commissioner Kumberg questioned if we were going to reallocate one year of police vehicle funds to the fire department. Mr. Howard stated that, if we do that, we need to get a roof estimate. Ms. Garten explained that both were in the general fund and $40,000 could be used from capital equipment reserves. Ms. Garten commented that there would have to be communication between those two departments. Mayor Taylor questioned if we would want the fire department to look at used or new trucks. Mr. Howard stated that he would like to see them get a new one if it was financially possible. Mr. Howard stated that a newer one would last twenty years or better. Ms. Garten reminded the Commission that they did have $100,000 in reserves, but they could spec a truck with no down payment. Commissioner Meyer stated that he felt that they could work that out. Ms. Garten stated that they would send out requests to finance to local banks when we know how much we would need to borrow and request that they spec it at 100% financing or length of time. The Mayor and Commission were in agreement to continue in this direction.
• Lemon Park renovation:
Mayor Taylor questioned if the electrical lines by the pavilion would be buried. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that talk was that a lot of the things would be buried. Mr. Howard stated that we could have a problem burying it through the Konkel property, but we would do the work.
• Business Park:
Mayor Taylor questioned how much we had left at the Business Park. Mr. Howard stated that we had one big one left and it was twenty-five acres or so. Mr. Howard commented that it would take a million dollars to put in infrastructure. Mayor Taylor asked if it had been taken to P & Z. Mr. Howard stated that there had been someone who was going to buy the twenty-five acres and it was proposed to Machinery Link, but it got hung up on who would build the building.
Mr. Howard stated that we could go ahead and do the plat. Commissioner Skaggs questioned how far north the property went. Mr. Howard stated that it went to 10th Street and to the fence line east. Mayor Taylor questioned who owned the equipment back there. Mr. Howard stated that it was Prater’s. Mr. Howard stated that we had shown it, but we would not build the road so we did not hear anything back.
Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to recess for fifteen minutes and reconvene at the Municipal Building. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Meyer and passed unanimously.
Upon proper motion, the Commission reconvened at the Municipal Building.
• Tour:
Commission and staff toured the Municipal Building and the Fire Station.
A motion by Commissioner Skaggs to adjourn was seconded by Commissioner Meyer. The motion and second passed unanimously.
JULY 07, 2014
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Recessed session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
Jeff Taylor Mayor
Bill Hlavachick Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
Lucus Kumberg Commissioner
Doug Meyer Commissioner
Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Gary Myers Police Chief
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director
The recessed meeting was called to order by Mayor Taylor. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.
Mayor Taylor led the staff and audience in the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 16, 2014 regular Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.
Police Chief Myers stated that he went out for bids in June for a police vehicle. Chief Myers commented that the bids were opened on June 23rd and a bid for a 2015 Ford Explorer from Lanterman Motors for $27,373 and a 2015 Chevy Tahoe from Doug Reh Chevrolet for $31,336 were received. Chief Myers requested the approval of the 2015 Ford Explorer from Lanterman Motors and explained that the needed cargo space and fuel economy were relatively the same for both vehicles. Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve the purchase of the 2015 Ford Explorer from Lanterman Motors for $27,373. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.
Public Works Director Rambat explained that the Chip Seal Project was done annually and was funded with the quarter cent sales tax. Mayor Taylor questioned how much was in that fund. Finance Director Garten stated that it was about $280,000 to $300,000. Mr. Rambat commented that the money in that fund was used for street projects such as the curb, guttering, sidewalk and ramp projects. Commissioner Skaggs asked how many years we had been doing this. Mr. Rambat stated that it had been for about thirteen years. Mr. Rambat explained that we had done the slurry seal throughout the whole City and this would be the third year for chip seal.
Mr. Rambat stated that he was getting good results with the chip seal and it was wearing well. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if they had changed the type of rock they were using. Mr. Rambat stated that they had and the different chip was more robust and it was what KDOT uses for highways and shoulders. Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to approve the bid from Hi-Plains Sand Inc. from Kanopolis, Kansas for $169,680.10 for the 2014 Chip Seal Project. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously. Mr. Rambat added that they should be starting the second week of August. Mayor Taylor asked how long it would take. Mr. Rambat stated that it would be about a week and a half depending on the weather.
City Attorney Van Blaricum commented that this was an agreement with Bob Johnson for detention services and had been started several years ago. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that the cost had not changed and their services were satisfactory. Commissioner Skaggs questioned how many juveniles we take there in a years’ time. Chief Myers stated that it was probably no more than twenty and we were fortunate we had not had to take them to an alternative location. Mayor Taylor questioned if it was more costly for an overflow of juveniles than adults. Chief Myers explained that juveniles could not be housed at this facility. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that it was $140 per day at Bob Johnson. Commissioner Skaggs questioned the success rate of graduates from Bob Johnson. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that this was only detention and juveniles were housed for less than seven days, so you could not expect them to have any programs. Commissioner Meyer asked if juveniles could be held overnight in our facility. Chief Myers stated that we could not hold them for any reason. Commissioner Skaggs questioned who was responsible for the initial transportation. Chief Myers stated that we were. Chief Myers clarified that we had to sit with them while waiting for transportation and you had to have a female or two male officers if the juvenile was a female.
Mayor Taylor questioned if they could be taken home and ticket work done later if they violated the curfew ordinance. Chief Myers commented that they could be and that would include juvenile shoplifters, but if they were taken to the LEC, they had to follow protocol. However, Chief Myers added that they could contact a parent and release them to that parent without involving juvenile intake. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that Reno County has all entities that take juveniles there sign an agreement. Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to approve the contract with Reno County for juvenile services. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried unanimously.
City Manager Howard commented that he had talked about this project during the joint meeting and that we had until the 25th to decide what we wanted to do. Mr. Howard stated that they were trying to do all they could on Highway 54 and the least amount they could on Highway 281. Mr. Howard explained that the area had had cameras on it twice and it showed that there was not that much truck traffic from the west turning to go south. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if they had any indication on parking spaces that would be lost. Mr. Howard commented that he did not yet. Commissioner Kumberg commented that he was pleased that they had gone back for a better solution when we asked them to.
No one in the audience wished to address the Commission.
City Manager:
• Tractor Supply:
City Manager Howard commented that Tractor Supply had made arrangements to move into the old Wal-Mart building and they should have the storage units out soon.
• Fincham Street:
Mr. Howard stated that he would be talking about Fincham Street and the Maurice’s cut during budget. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the storm water permit would be to do a permanent correction. Mr. Howard explained that this was to divert the water into the bar ditches and had nothing to do with the cuts. Commissioner Skaggs asked if there would be inspections every fourteen days. Mr. Howard stated that someone from KDOT would do that, but it was only during construct
City Attorney:
• Boundary dispute:
City Attorney Van Blaricum commented that he was in touch with the parties dealing with the boundary dispute lawsuit. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he hoped they would come up with an amicable solution. Commissioner Skaggs asked if this might be settled out of court. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that it could be and the City’s influence would be helpful.
Public Works:
• Lemon Park Sidewalk:
Public Works Director Rambat informed the Commission that the Lemon Park Sidewalk project was complete and it looked good.
• Spray for mosquitoes:
Mr. Rambat stated that they had sprayed for mosquitoes on July 3rd and 4th and were waiting a week to see how that worked. Mr. Rambat commented that they would get Lemon Park again since they were having the movie in the park this weekend and also do the Sports Complex.
• Curb replacement:
Mr. Rambat informed the Commission that he was having a contractor do a little project north of the pool on Rochester Street. Mr. Rambat explained that there was an area running north to south that allows water to flow into the inlet and then it was going into the fountain area. Mr. Rambat stated that they would be removing about 60’ of street and replace some curbing and get that to go toe to toe so that it corrects the drainage situation. Mr. Rambat added that they were going back to concrete and would do a mill and overlay this year or next. Mr. Rambat commented that they would get something in the paper because they would be closing the street down completely and it should not be for more than ten days.
Recreation Dept.:
• Signs at Sandy Creek:
Commissioner Skaggs asked Recreation Director Pinkall about when the signs were going up at Sandy Creek and added that he did see that the poles were up. Mr. Pinkall stated that the signs went up today.
Electric Dept.:
• Boiler Heat Pump:
Power Plant Superintendent Smith informed the Commission that the boiler heat pump had been ordered and would be up at Trand Trucking. Mr. Smith commented that it would take a forklift to transfer the pump.
Police Dept.:
• Fireworks:
Chief Myers commented that we were fortunate to have nice weather over the weekend, but they had had several firework complaints.
Finance Dept.:
• Budget Work Session:
Finance Director Garten reminded the Commission that the budget work session would start at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday.
Mayor and Commission:
• Tour of departments:
Commissioner Meyer stated that Mr. Howard had taken him around to the different departments last month and he was very impressed. Commissioner Meyer commented that the department managers were engaged and anxious to show him around. Mayor Taylor commented that that helps to understand more as a Commissioner. Mr. Howard stated that all the Commissioners should take a tour of the new wastewater treatment plant.
• Stutzman’s:
Commissioner Hlavachick questioned if they would be doing away with Stutzman’s when Tractor Supply comes in. Mr. Howard stated that he thought they were going to stay for a while.
• Pilot Club Train:
Commissioner Kumberg questioned if they knew anymore about the Pilot Club Train issues. Building Inspector Blankenship stated that he had met with Mr. Derek Schrag from Chance Manufacturing and that he thought that the train needed new wheels, but he was happy with the pivots. Mr. Blankenship explained that there were eight wheels per coach and they cost about $240 a wheel. Mr. Blankenship added that Mr. Schrag had asked about lubrication in the corners and the Pilot Club had admitted that they had not kept that up. Mr. Blankenship stated that Mr. Schrag recommended using a high temperature wax and do periodically to keep the wheels from wearing.
• Conceal Carry and Open Carry:
Commissioner Meyer questioned if there was an open carry application and he mentioned that it had been mentioned in the paper. Pratt Tribune reporter Carol Bronson stated that that was incorrect and there would be a correction in the paper.
• Bind weed article:
Commissioner Kumberg questioned the County weed manager’s prospective on bind weed and being able to put a lien on your house if you do not take care of it. Mr. Howard stated that we encourage residents to spray it, but we do spray ours. Mayor Taylor commented that he had sprayed his four years in a row and they had gotten more of it taken care of this year.
Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to recess until Wednesday at 8:00 a.m. for the budget work session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.
JULY 07, 2014
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in a joint session with the County Commission in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
Jeff Taylor Mayor
Bill Hlavachick Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
Lucus Kumberg Commissioner
Doug Meyer Commissioner
Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Charles Rinke County Commissioner
Joe Reynolds County Commissioner
Glenna Borho County Commissioner
Sherry Kruse County Clerk
Bob Schmisseur County Counselor
The joint session was called to order by Mayor Taylor. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.
• Update on LEC Renovation:
Commissioner Rinke stated that the renovations to the Law Enforcement Center had been approved. Commissioner Reynolds added that this would make the jail cells safer and also change the dispatch area. Mayor Taylor questioned if they were adding square footage. Commissioner Reynolds stated that they were adding to the west side. Commissioner Borho stated that they would be adding a padded cell for an inmate’s protection and would also be expanding the kitchen. Commissioner Borho added that they would also be changing the sally port entrance. Commissioner Reynolds stated that it would be inconvenient for a while because dispatch would have to work out of a trailer. Commissioner Meyer questioned if they would be working around the inmates. Commissioner Borho stated that they would be doing booking in the basement during the second phase. City Attorney Van Blaricum questioned if they were going to move the inmates out of the building. Commissioner Reynolds stated that they were not sure how many they would have, but they would be working around them.
Mayor Taylor questioned if the cost of $1,400,000 was for phase two and three. Commissioner Borho clarified that that was just for phase two. County Counselor Schmisseur stated that the facility was built forty years ago and a lot had changed since then. Mr. Schmisseur added that this would make it more efficient and safer for inmates and staff. Mr. Schmisseur explained that the person doing the booking has their back to the person being booked and that was not safe. Commissioner Reynolds stated that a million was a lot of money, but one lawsuit could eat that up. Mr. Schmisseur commented that this was a 198 day project, but that was giving them extra days for unforeseen things and he thought they could finish in 120 days. Commissioner Borho stated that they were encouraged to have all their materials in stock before starting construction.
• Single stream recycling:
Commissioner Borho commented that very few young people recycle and she questioned if the City could put a note on the utility bills encouraging people to recycle. Commissioner Borho added that that would save our landfill and give it more years of service. City Manager Howard questioned if recycling would be picked up curbside. Commissioner Borho stated that it would be. Commissioner Kumberg commented that it would be a pain to sort. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if that would be something that work release people could do. Commissioner Borho stated that it could be. Mayor Taylor asked if there would be volunteers working with those people. Mr. Schmisseur stated that the County’s liability insurance did not cover volunteers who were doing work related matters.
Mayor Taylor commented that there were a lot of people who push environmental correctness. Commissioner Borho stated that they did not want to be a sub-d landfill. Mr. Howard commented that it would save space in the landfill and there were private haulers that have wanted to do recycling in the City. Mr. Howard added that it was labor intensive and you do not make much money. Commissioner Kumberg questioned if they were talking about residential recycling only. Commissioners Borho and Reynolds stated that the businesses should already be taking their recycling to the Recycling Center. Mr. Schmisseur stated that the landfill says that they do not want to get to a certain level and seventeen tons makes them nervous. But ten would be better. Mr. Howard commented that we could get a private firm, but it was not cost effective. Commissioner Reynolds stated that the private firm would take it back to their facility. Mr. Howard stated that the City would want the recycled materials to be taken free. Commissioner Borho agreed.
Commissioner Borho questioned if the City would put something on the bottom of their utility bills. Mr. Howard stated that we could. Commissioner Hlavachick questioned if 10% or 20% of people recycle in Pratt. Commissioner Rinke answered that it was about 23%. Mr. Howard commented that he had a list of about twenty businesses that dump their card board at the landfill. Commissioner Kumberg commented that the hospital was turned away at the Recycling Center because of the volume of card board they had. Mr. Howard stated that Dillon’s and Wal-Mart haul their card board out of the County. Commissioner Kumberg stated that it technically was not trash if it was not put in a dumpster.
• Drug testing:
Mr. Howard informed the Commissioners that the City only does drug testing on employees with CDL’s. Mayor Taylor clarified that there was no drug testing if they do not have a CDL. Mr. Howard stated that that was correct. Mr. Howard explained that the tests were done on a random draw and the employee is told first thing in the morning. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that this was an insurance requirement. Mr. Howard commented that that was a big part of it.
Commissioner Reynolds questioned if this was a KDOT requirement. Mr. Howard commented that anyone that fails a drug test losses their job, but the City does not do random employees. Mr. Schmisseur commented that, if an employee refused a drug test and filed unemployment, he would recommend having a policy that anyone could be asked and then you would not be accused of picking on someone. Mr. Howard agreed that that should be reviewed. Commissioner Kumberg stated that the hospital does require saliva testing, which is cheap and easy, but KDOT requires urine tests. Commissioner Reynolds questioned how much it costs. Commissioner Kumberg commented that he was not sure, but he would send the information to County Clerk Kruse.
• 2015 Mil Levy:
Commissioner Borho commented that the valuations went up ½%. Mayor Taylor stated that he did not know what the City was going to do yet, but we had stayed pretty steady for several years. Commissioner Reynolds commented that the State continues to mandate certain things, cutting and mandating things all the time, but we still have to pay. Mr. Howard stated that the City was fortunate that the lodging tax was coming in well, because it was getting tough to not raise the mil levy. Mr. Van Blaricum questioned if the LEC renovation was going to put pressure on the mil levy. Commissioner Reynolds stated that he did not think so.
Commissioner Borho commented that it was surprising how much money the County gives out and that it was more than the City. Mr. Van Blaricum questioned if that was part of their budget. Clerk Kruse stated that it was. The question was asked if Horizons had requested any funds. Commissioner Reynolds stated that they had not and that Mr. Mike Garrett does an excellent job for them.
• Fireworks:
Commissioner Borho stated that she had heard fireworks well into the night and she thought they had come from the stand on Highway 61. Mr. Schmisseur stated that the lake had regulations that they could be set off past July 5th. Commissioner Borho commented that it was 3:14 a.m. when she heard the last one and she clarified that she was complaining about setting them off where they were being sold. Commissioner Borho questioned if that could not be a violation of a noise ordinance. Mr. Howard stated that the City could not enforce it since the vendors were in the County. Mr. Howard added that you could have an ordinance against it, but it would be hard to enforce. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that they could have a resolution that the big cannon fireworks were banned after a certain hour. Mr. Van Blaricum added that there were two different classifications for fireworks and ‘a’ was for flaming and ‘b’ was the big boomers, which were subject to the State regulations. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if they did not have to have a license to sell fireworks. Clerk Kruse stated that they get their license from Mr. Mark McManaman, but she was not sure of the qualifications. Mr. Schmisseur stated that he could do a resolution that would restrict any fireworks from being set off within so many feet of a stand and any violation would cause them to not get their license renewed.
• Letter concerning Obama display on North Main:
Commissioner Borho commented that the Obama display had been there since 2008. Commissioner Borho questioned if anyone had a good relationship with Mr. Prater. Mr. Howard stated that Mr. Prater had told him that he was going to take it down after the election, but he had not. Mr. Schmisseur commented that, if Phelps gets to do what he does, this was pretty tame. Commissioner Borho questioned if they could go after it from the standpoint that it was junk and not use the political issue. Mr. Howard stated that KDOT had made him move it to the west. Mayor Taylor stated that it should not say anything bad about Pratt because it did not reflect the views of the whole City. Commissioner Borho stated that they would get with Mr. Tim Branscom to have him contact him using the junk scenario and not the political one.
• Spraying for mosquitoes:
Mr. Howard offered to have the City spray for mosquitoes at the lake, but he was not sure if it would do any good with the swamps there. Mr. Howard added that the City would need to be reimbursed for the chemicals and the County Commissioners agreed. Commissioner Borho commented that Mr. Nick Birdsong had to cutoff reservations on June 23rd because they were full. Commissioner Meyer stated that there were County tags from all over. Commissioner Borho stated that the lake had been vastly improved. Mr. Howard stated that the City was willing to do that, but they could not if people were out there camping. Mr. Howard added that they could do the island and around the lake, however. Commissioner Rinke commented that they would visit with Mr. Birdsong about it.
• Intersection at Highway 281 & Highway 54:
Mr. Howard explained that the first design from KDOT on the turn lanes at Highways 281 & 54 would have caused problems, but KDOT came up with another design that would propose to reroute the trucks coming from the west to turn at County Club Road and go south to Lake Road. Mr. Howard commented that that would minimize the impact on South Highway 281. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if they had made any changes to the loss of parking spaces at the intersection. Mr. Howard stated that they would only lose one or two parking spaces now. Commissioner Borho questioned if the people on Lake Road would complain. Mr. Howard stated that there was already a lot of truck traffic.ion.
• Parrish Hotel:
Commissioner Skaggs questioned how likely it was that the Parrish Hotel project would come to be. Mr. Howard stated that he thought that it would and added that there was a meeting with Mr. Mooney on July 22nd. Mr. Howard commented that he could not imagine the dollars it was going to take. Commissioner Borho commented that they did get the tax credits. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if it would cost a million a floor. Mayor Taylor commented that it would probably take $10 million total. Mr. Howard stated that the Blythe had quit considering connecting the Parrish and the Municipal Building when it hit $10 million. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if they knew what they were getting themselves into. Mr. Howard stated that they did. Commissioner Hlavachick questioned if they were still going to use a 1/3 of the park for parking. Mr. Howard stated that the deed states that it had to be used as a park, so that would have to get changed so it could be parking. Mr. Howard added that the Commissioners were welcome to join in on the meeting on the 22nd, but it was just the architect and the contractor and nothing official.
• Fire training:
Commissioner Meyer stated that he was a new Commissioner and an old taxpayer, but he was glad to hear that Chief McManaman and Chief Kramer’s guys were training together quarterly.
• South Central Chemical Dependency:
Commissioner Borho commented that South Central Chemical Dependency representative Tracy Green was wanting to set up a house for men that would be between a halfway house and a treatment center. Commissioner Borho stated that Ms. Green was willing to pay a weekly rate and hoped to find a place that would house twenty men and have an apartment they would live in. Commissioner Borho explained that she had come to the County first and would be visiting with the City next. Mr. Van Blaricum questioned if the County made any commitments. Commissioner Borho stated that they had not.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if this was in great demand. Commissioner Borho stated that it was and it was easier to place women than men. Mr. Schmisseur clarified that the staff people would be mentors and not counselors. Commissioner Reynolds stated that this program was for a minimum 90 days and they could live there up to six months.
• Road grader:
Mr. Howard stated that the road grader was working well and commented that the City might be interested in a bigger loader.
Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to recess until 5:00 p.m. this evening for the regular meeting at City Hall. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and passed unanimously.