Monday, November 24, 2014

12/01/2014-City Commission Meeting Agenda

DECEMBER 01, 2014

1.      CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.

2.      ROLL CALL


4.      MINUTES          November 17, 2014 Regular Commission Meeting

5.      BUSINESS:

5.1          Consideration and Approval of Re-appointments to the Pratt Area Convention & Visitor’s Bureau Board – Kim DeClue, Chamber Director

5.2          Consideration and Approval of the Amended 2015 Agreement with the Pratt Area Humane Society – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney

5.3          Consideration and Approval of the 2015 Cereal Malt Beverage Applications – Gary Myers, Police Chief

5.4          Consideration and Approval of the Purchase of Public Pool Filter Replacements – Russell Rambat, Public Works Director

5.5          Consideration and Approval of the 2015 Pratt City Attorney Agreement – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney

5.6          Consideration and Approval of the 2015 Pratt Municipal Judge Agreement – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney

5.7          Consideration and Approval of Ord. 1414 Amending Classification and Compensation of Hourly Employees and Salaries of Elected and Appointed Officers and Employees of the City – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney

6.      OPEN AGENDA (City Matters Only)(3 Minute Time Limit)

7.      REPORTS:
7.1             City Manager
7.2             City Attorney
7.3             Department Superintendents
7.4             Mayor
7.5             City Commission
8.      ADJOURN

Monday, November 17, 2014

11/03/14-Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes

November 03, 2014
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
Jeff Taylor                   Mayor
Bill Hlavachick           Commissioner
Gary Skaggs                Commissioner
Lucus Kumberg           Commissioner
Doug Meyer                 Commissioner
Dave Howard               City Manager
LuAnn Kramer             City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum       City Attorney                                                  
Diana Garten                Finance Director
Gary Myer4s                Police Chief                                                         
Bruce Pinkall               Recreation Director
Russell Rambat            Public Works Director

Brad Blankenship        Building Inspector
Kelly Hemphill            Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall               Recreation Director


The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Taylor.  The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.

Mayor Taylor reminded the audience and staff that this meeting was being recorded and/or taped.


Mayor Taylor led the staff and audience in the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.


Commissioner Meyer made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 20, 2014 recessed Joint Commission meeting and the October 20, 2014 regular Commission meeting.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and passed unanimously.



Mayor Taylor stated that no one from Gamma Beta Sorority was present, but the Commission had waived the fee for them in the past.  With no further discussion, Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to approve the request to waive the rental fee on the Municipal Building for Gamma Beta Sorority.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and carried unanimously.


City Attorney Van Blaricum informed the Commission that the Planning and Zoning Commission had been looking at the landscape ordinance for a while.  Mr. Van Blaricum added that this was the final result of their deliberations and he invited the Commission to take a look at it to see if that was what they had in mind.  Building Inspector Blankenship stated that they had been working on this since February 2013 and it had been talked about when Hibbets and Maurice’s came in, but they had waited before starting the process.  Commissioner Skaggs commented that they were passing it on to us.  Mr. Howard reminded the Commission that the Planning and Zoning Commission was only an advisory board. 

Mr. Van Blaricum stated that this started out as a rough draft and it had been substantially modified.  Mr. Blankenship commented that there was a vast number of pages and it had been condensed down.  Mr. Howard stated it needed the true approval from this Commission.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned the letter from Planning Commissioner Frank Laubhan.  Mr. Howard stated that the minutes were not approved for that meeting, but there was another Commissioner on the board that had voted against it.  Commissioner Kumberg commented that he thought we had been looking at the ordinance for commercial property; however, this had residential portions.  Mr. Blankenship commented that it was tough to have only one district in a landscape ordinance.  Commissioner Kumberg questioned if all new construction would fall on Mr. Blankenship to enforce.  Commissioner Kumberg added that there was only so much of him to go around and it may be too much for one person if residential was included. 

Mr. Van Blaricum commented that this was similar to other landscape ordinances in the State and he added that one board member was against it and the others wanted to approve something so that it could be passed on.  Commissioner Kumberg questioned if a landscaper could not do anything but this if they were coming in to do a yard.  Mr. Howard stated that they had discussed all kinds of scenarios, such as construction finishing in November and not wanting to plant anything until April or May but the house sells.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned if residential landscaping would require a permit to plant trees in the right place.  Mr. Blankenship clarified that we do not repeat permits and, if a fence falls down, you do not need a new permit.  Mr. Howard added that it would be on the initial build. 

Commissioner Meyer questioned what the two homes in Sandy Creek would have to have.  Mr. Blankenship stated that they would not have to have anything.  Commissioner Meyer asked what a home built in between those two would have to have in their yard.  Mr. Blankenship stated that they would have to have a tree every 40’.  Commissioner Meyer asked what a homeowner needed to comply and how a landscaping area per parking space would work.  Commissioner Meyer added that that was a lot of landscaping for that amount of space as it was written on page two of the ordinance.  Mr. Blankenship commented that additions to houses were exempt and would not fall under this.  Commissioner Kumberg asked if they could come and request a variance.  Mr. Howard stated that he was concerned about a building having to landscape their parking lot and not have enough room for the required parking spaces. 

Mr. Howard commented that most people want to landscape.  Commissioner Hlavachick questioned what would happen if they do not comply.  Mr. Howard commented that trees were the biggest issue through the whole thing.  Mr. Blankenship commented that people that had asked for this felt that we did not have enough trees.  Commissioner Hlavachick commented that this would force them.  Mr. Howard stated that they had had discussions concerning trees that had been planted and died and whether they would get sited if they did not replace it even though they had already fulfilled the agreement.  Commissioner Meyer questioned if the parking lot for the Parrish would have room to accommodate this or would they have to get a variance.  Mr. Blankenship stated that it was an existing building and in the general business district; therefore, the 100% lot coverage would not fall under that.  Mr. Howard added that part of the parking lot was what we were letting them use and they did plan to do it decorative.  Mr. Blankenship commented that there would be little islands on the corners.  Mr. Howard added that they would also have the planters out front. 

Mr. Van Blaricum stated that they had discussed it repeatedly and it was not from one specific agreement.  Mr. Van Blaricum added that this was a good start and we could work on it from here.  Mr. Howard stated that there were a lot of different opinions.  Mr. Blankenship commented that everyone at Prairie Parkway Business Park were in compliance.  Mr. Howard explained that Mr. Dale Wither’s was just opposite.  Commissioner Kumberg questioned using rubber mulch.  Mr. Blankenship stated that it would be acceptable as a replacement for cedar mulch.  Commissioner Meyer stated that he was on the Planning and Zoning Commission when this started and it was more complicated than you would think.

After little more discussion, Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to adopt Ordinance 1413.  Commissioner Meyer seconded the motion.  Commissioner Hlavachick commented that he wanted to be sure of what we were doing and he felt that this needed to be tweaked a lot.  Commissioner Skaggs commented that the Planning & Zoning Commission tweaked it.  Commissioner Hlavachick stated that he did not want to force people to plant trees if they did not want to.  Commissioner Meyer commented that Mr. Blankenship would help a new home owner.  Mr. Howard stated that, in his opinion, he felt they had done as much as they could on this ordinance and it was not going anywhere so it went to the next step up.  Mr. Howard added that the final product did not make 100% of them happy, so now they put it with this Commission.  Commissioner Kumberg commented that it was extremely specific and questioned if we could enforce it.  Commissioner Kumberg questioned if they could request a variance if they did not want to plant trees.  Mr. Blankenship explained that variances were a difference in opinion and this had been passed and was now the law.  Mr. Howard added that a variance was very restrictive and there was a separate set of variances for this ordinance and had to be done under extreme circumstances. 

Commissioner Kumberg questioned if it would be appropriate to separate out residential and commercial and pass one for new commercial construction.  Mayor Taylor questioned how much this would add to construction of new houses built in Sandy Creek if we applied the ordinance to them.  Mr. Blankenship stated that it could roughly be around $1,000 to $2,000.  Mayor Taylor questioned if they had come up with the 40 sq. ft. for a parking lot from another City’s ordinance.  Mr. Blankenship stated that they had.  Mr. Blankenship add that $1,000 to $2,000 was not out of line for a residence and most of the commercial builders were coming with money budgeted to do this.  Commissioner Hlavachick commented that this was a good start, but overdone.  Commissioner Hlavachick repeated that he did not like people being forced to plant trees.  Commissioner Meyer asked what other towns had something similar to this.  Mr. Blankenship stated that we had taken from Wellington, Ark City, Scott City, Bonner Springs and Dodge City to put this all together.  Mayor Taylor stated that we had needed to do this for a while.  Commissioner Meyer questioned how hard this would be to change if people did not approve of this a year from now.  Mr. Howard stated that we do it all the time.  

Mr. Blankenship stated that this needs tweaked, but the Planning & Zoning Commission were at their end.  Commissioner Kumberg questioned how the Planning & Zoning Commission would feel if we make suggestions and sent it back asking them to reconsider.  Mr. Howard commented that they had been working on it for a year and a half and that was part of the reason to push it forward.  Mr. Howard added that they had not wanted the Commission to think that they were not doing anything.  Commissioner Kumberg commented that he did not feel 100% comfortable.  Commissioner Meyer stated that this would enhance businesses like Younie’s, but new construction already did that anyway.  Mr. Van Blaricum stated that we could put this into effect and get feedback from them. 

Commissioner Hlavachick requested a roll call vote.  City Clerk Kramer took the following roll call vote:  Commissioner Meyer-yes, Commissioner Hlavachick-no, Mayor Taylor-yes, Commissioner Skaggs-yes, and Commissioner Kumberg-no.  The motion and second passed with 3 approved votes and 2 unapproved votes.

Mayor Taylor asked that the Planning & Zoning Commission be thanked for all the work that went into this and it was a good place to start.


Mr. Van Blaricum stated that this was the lot that Peoples Bank had deeded to the City for a park.  Mr. Van Blaricum commented that this was the east third of that property and the City was giving the easement to the Parrish developers for parking, but it would still be owned by the City.  Mr. Van Blaricum clarified that the property’s only purpose for the Parrish would be parking.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned there being enough room if there was 40’ for straight in parking and a vehicle being 20’ long.  Mr. Howard stated that EBH was working on this and the amount of property would give them the required parking.  Commissioner Skaggs stated that a person was not going to do more than drive in the alley and park.  Mr. Howard commented that there was going to be landscape also.  Mr. Van Blaricum stated that we had talked about the west third, but the legal was the west 28’.  Commissioner Skaggs stated that that sounded better.  Mr. Howard stated that the amount fits the parking requirements.  Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to approve the City easement for the east side of the Parrish building.  Commissioner Skaggs seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.


Mr. Van Blaricum stated that this was the same idea and it was the narrow strip of property that the City gave to developers to use for parking.  Recreation Director Pinkall stated that it was less than the width of the Municipal Building cooling towers.  After little more discussion, Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve the easement on the north side of the existing building.  Commissioner Meyer seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.


No one in the audience wished to address the Commission.


City Manager:

·         Executive Session:

City Manager Howard requested an executive session at the end of the meeting to discuss attorney/client privilege on priority issues for economic development to last twenty minutes.

Public Works:

·         Airport Water Tower:

Public Works Director Rambat stated that they had finished painting the water tower at the airport and it was back on line and running properly.

·         Sidewalk:

Mr. Rambat informed the Commission that he had replaced about 20’ of sidewalk in Sixth Street Park.

·         KLINK 2016:

Mr. Rambat stated that he had received a letter from KDOT and the KLINK 2016 project to do a mill and inlay on South Main Street from Santa Fe Road to the City limits was accepted.  Mr. Rambat added that funds might be available the summer of 2015 if they get caught back up.

·         Compost Pick-up:

Commissioner Skaggs questioned when they would stop picking up yard trash.  Mr. Rambat stated that it was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.

·         Over Grown Bushes:

Commissioner Skaggs stated that several people had mentioned places in town where trees and bushes had grown out and obstructed stop signs.  Mr. Rambat commented that he had a list going and the street and park guys would be out next week.  Commissioner Skaggs stated that this person had commented that you were on a stop sign before you see it. 

Inspection Department:

·         New Hotel:

Building Inspector Blankenship stated that the new hotel had concrete that was curing. 

·         LEC and Airport Building:

Mr. Blankenship stated that construction at the LEC was moving along and the building at the airport for their snow machine was up and they were doing the brick work. 

Electric Departments:

·         Christmas lights:

Director of Electric Utilities Hemphill informed the Commission that the line gang had been working on the Christmas lights.

·         Overhaul:

Mr. Hemphill stated that the power plant continued working on the overhaul.

Recreation Department:

·         New Commercial:

Recreation Director Pinkall showed the newest commercial for Pratt to the Commission.  Mr. Pinkall stated that it was a thirty second slot.  Mr. Pinkall stated that the next commercial would be about Pratt being progressive and get the business side of it.  Mr. Howard added that we would be inviting people to move here and it would highlight the hospital, new houses and the hotels.  Mr. Howard commented that other City Managers were intrigued by our commercials.  Mayor Taylor stated that we had a great community.

·         Sidewalk:

Mr. Pinkall stated that the sidewalk would be poured tomorrow heading east towards the Sports Complex. 

Power Plant:

·         Overhaul update:

Power Plant Superintendent Smith stated that they were putting things back together, but there would be a twenty-two day delay on the rotor assembly.  Mr. Smith commented that they had started working on the insulation in the basement today and they would be jack hammering the old floor out and putting in new footings.  Mr. Smith added that they would be running the engine on Wednesday only as maintenance.  Mr. Howard stated that this was a pretty complicated project and we were staying on top of expenses.

Police Department:

·         Quiet Halloween:

Police Chief Myers stated that it had been a quiet Halloween and there had not been any damage to property, soaped windows, no smashed pumpkins or hay bales set on fire.

Mayor and Commission:

·         Hospital Tour:

Commissioner Skaggs stated that he had taken the tour of the new hospital and it was quite a revelation and he was very impressed.

·         Speed Limit on Main Street:

Commissioner Hlavachick stated that he had been asked again why the speed limit on South Main Street was 20 mph.  Mr. Howard commented that it was KDOT that set that and he could put in a request to have them look at it.  Mayor Taylor stated that he thought we should do that.  Mr. Howard commented that it would have made sense when the train station was in operation.  Chief Myers stated that the radar signs showed that the average speed was slower than what was posted.

Executive Session:

Mayor Taylor made a motion to enter into executive session to discuss attorney/client privilege to last twenty minutes.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.

Mayor Taylor made a motion to return from executive session with nothing to report.  The motion was property seconded and passed unanimously.


Upon proper motion the meeting was adjourned.




Thursday, November 13, 2014

11/17/14 City Commission Meeting Agenda


NOVEMBER 17, 2014



1.      CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.

2.      ROLL CALL


4.      MINUTES          November 03, 2014 Regular Commission Meeting

5.      BUSINESS:

5.1          Presentation of City Employee Service Awards – Mayor and Commission

5.2          Consideration and Approval of 2014 CMB License for 703 N. Main – Gary Myers, Police Chief

5.3         Consideration and Approval of the Purchase of New Equipment for the Communications Center at the LEC – Jeff Ward, Asst. Police Chief

5.4          Consideration and Approval of Resolution 111714 Pertaining to the Fire Equipment Lease with the 1st National Bank – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney

5.5          Consideration and Approval of the 2015 Agreement with the Pratt Area Humane Society – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney

5.6          Consideration and Approval of the 2015 Lease Agreement with the American Legion – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney

5.7          Consideration and Approval of the 2015 Lease Agreement with the Senior Citizens Organization – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney

5.8          Consideration and Approval of the 2015 Agreement for Public Defender Services – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney

6.      OPEN AGENDA (City Matters Only)(3 Minute Time Limit)

7.      REPORTS:
7.1             City Manager
7.2             City Attorney
7.3             Department Superintendents
7.4             Mayor
7.5             City Commission

8.      ADJOURN


Monday, November 3, 2014

10/20/14-Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes

OCTOBER 20, 2014

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.

Jeff Taylor                   Mayor
Bill Hlavachick           Commissioner
Gary Skaggs                Commissioner
Lucus Kumberg           Commissioner
Doug Meyer                 Commissioner
Dave Howard              City Manager
Ken Van Blaricum      City Attorney
Diana Garten               Finance Director
Gary Myers                 Police Chief    
Brad Blankenship        Building Inspector
Kelly Hemphill            Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall               Recreation Director


The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Taylor.  The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.


Mayor Taylor led the staff and audience in the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Meyer commented that he had a change on page six where it should have referred to a ladder truck not a pumper.  Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 06, 2014 regular Commission meeting with the change noted.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and passed unanimously.



Rev. Scott Powell commented that The Hope Center started in January of this year.  Rev Powell updated the Commission on The Hope Center activity since its inception and that they had processed and assisted 327 individuals as of last week.  Rev. Powell stated that the number doubles if you count all of those who came in and were referred to another agency.  Mayor Taylor asked for an example.  Rev. Powell stated that it would be someone wanting help with a utility.  Commissioner Hlavachick added that it could also be someone with a special needs child.  Rev. Powell added that very few were a repeat.  Rev. Powell explained that the first tier of the system addresses the immediate need, the second tier assists them in making changes and the third tier was the Circles Program that helps people become self-sufficient.  

Rev. Powell commented that significant improvement had come from The Hope Center’s process of assistance and had brought together all assistance groups including Salvation Army, Ministerial Alliance, Operation Home Fires and the Methodist Church.  Rev. Powell informed the Commission that they had used $23,432 to aide people and all of the financial assistance was coordinated in one place.  Rev. Powell commented that The Hope Center was able to track where assistance was going and $5,000 had been for utility expenses to the City of Pratt on behalf of delinquent customers. 

Rev. Powell explained that there was a prescription assistance program, Agape Health Clinic, Bread of Life, Salvation Army and Ministerial Alliance.  Rev. Powell commented that there was more communication and comradery happening between all of the assistance groups and brainstorming with food cooperatives such as the Food Bank, Meals on Wheels, etc. and they were now able to be partners and know what each group had been doing. 

Rev. Powell thanked the Commission for their past support and The Hope Center had been very impressed with all the support of the community.  Rev. Powell also asked that the Commission continue to support them in a similar fashion in 2015.  City Manager Howard commented that the City had budgeted to continue support in 2015.  Mayor Taylor inquired about Agape Health Center.  Rev. Powell commented that he had left a copy of the statistical report for the Commission to see.


Rev. Powell reminded the Commission that the Abundant Harvest Church of the Nazarene had hosted the “Big Tent Revival’ last weekend along with two other churches.  Rev. Powell commented that people had attended from all over and he thanked the City for all of their assistance.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned if they had had any sound system problems.  Rev. Powell stated that everything worked very well and they were appreciative.  Rev Powell added that it was a good experience and was also a lot of work; however, they would consider doing it again.  Mayor Taylor asked if they had gotten any complaints.  Rev. Powell stated that he did not know of any, but they had sent out letters to all of the surrounding homes before the event and invited them to attend.


Dir. of Electric Utilities Hemphill reported that three bids were sent out and one was returned from Stanion Wholesale Electric.  Mr. Hemphill stated that they would recommend that the only bid be accepted.  Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to accept the bid from Stanion Wholesale Electric for one 500 KVA pad mount transformer for $12,825 plus sales tax.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and passed unanimously.


Mr. Blake Himmelwright stated that he had heard ideas from many people.  Mr. Himmelwright explained that he believed all the electrical lines should be buried in Lemon Park and Sixth Street Park and around the ballparks.  Mr. Himmelwright continued to explain that the next step would be to remove all the dead trees and maintain and up-keep many of the older trees.  Mr. Himmelwright commented that we would need to plant new trees and decide where they would be located.  Mr. Himmelwright stated that we could make over the area around the ball diamonds in Lemon Park and beautify that area.  Mr. Himmelwright stated that we could remove the cutoff road around the playground area and have the parking be to the west of the playground. 

Mr. Himmelwright commented that parking at the entrance of Lemon Park should be relocated and he suggested moving it west and south since the road and parking were not well defined and was not safe.  Mr. Himmelwright explained that there could be a dog park installed adjacent to the parking lot, but bathrooms would need to be installed in that area, if possible.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the trailer homes adjacent to that were on City sewer.  Building Inspector Blankenship and City Manager Howard stated that they were septic systems and Mr. Howard added that he did not believe that it was in the floodplain area.  Mr. Himmelwright stated that some of the Commission and others had visited the area near the parks department and there was a cove area with large trees that would make a good place for a pavilion.  Mr. Himmelwright added that he had heard comments about a pavilion wrecking the peace and quiet in Lemon Park.  Mr. Himmelwright stated that the railroad would be abandoned in the future and those two parks would be joined and we needed to plan for the future.

Mr. Himmelwright suggested that the City pay WDM Architects $4,000 to draw-up a more detailed conceptual plan with elevations to encompass these suggestions and bring in putting the pavilion in Sixth Street Park.  Mr. Himmelwright stated that there was need for a pavilion and it would provide space for meetings, weddings, and numerous other events.  Commissioner Skaggs asked about tracking use of the picnic shelters.  Recreation Director Pinkall stated that City Clerk Kramer takes reservations for the two shelter houses in Lemon Park.  Commissioner Skaggs suggested that they incorporate more of those types of shelters.  Commissioner Kumberg stated that the people he had talked to wanted more details on the pavilion, such as the size and the number of people it would hold.  Commissioner Skaggs stated that he had comments from citizens about the movement of the road and they questioned if it was necessary plus it would be a major undertaking and expensive.  Mr. Himmelwright agreed that the roundabout would be a nice addition, but it was an expensive addition. Mr. Himmelwright commented that $250,000 could be saved by removing it, but he had to take safety and beautification into consideration. 

Mr. Himmelwright stated that he was planning to visit with the City of Derby since they were doing several of these types of projects.  Commissioner Hlavachick stated that many people had been inquiring about a dog park for several years now.  Commissioner Skaggs suggested that we ask the railroad for permission to combine the two parks since the railroad tracks were not being used.  Mr. Himmelwright stated that he had talked to them and they wanted an exorbitant amount of money to give an easement across the railroad. 

After little more discussion, Commissioner Meyer made a motion to approve the $4,000 proposal to obtain an updated drawing.  Commissioner Hlavachick seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.


Finance Director Garten reported that First National Bank was the only bank to submit a bid for the financing over ten years on the purchase of the 2014 E-One Fire Truck.  Ms. Garten recommended that the Commission approve the bid and approve the City Manager to sign any related documents.  Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to accept the proposal from the First National Bank to finance the 2014 E-One Fire Truck.  Commissioner Hlavachick seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.


·         Lucas Matei  

Mr. Luca Matei presented a memo to the Commission.  Mayor Taylor shared the memo with City Attorney Van Blaricum.  Mr. Van Blaricum stated that we could not give him addresses and informed the Commission that Mr. Matei was requesting information from the City.  Mr. Van Blaricum commented that he would take the request under consideration.

·         Municipal Building Kitchen Improvements:

Mr. Tom Frazier thanked the Commission for the improvements to the kitchen at the Municipal Building.  Mr. Frazier especially thanked the staff who worked long hours to finish it for them to use.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned what was next on the agenda for improvements to the Municipal Building.  Mr. Pinkall stated that it would be covers for windows and a curtain for the stage.


City Manager:

·         Sand on the highway:

Mr. Howard informed the Commission that KDOT had put sand out on the highway due to a fuel spill.

·         Airport Water Tower:

Mr. Howard stated that the interior of the airport water tower had been painted and we were currently bringing it back into service. 

City Attorney:

·         Property dispute:

City Attorney Van Blaricum reported that the Sharp vs Mazzanti property suit was scheduled for trial on October 31st. 

Building Inspection:

·         Pilot Club train:

Building Inspector Blankenship stated that the last wheels had been placed on the rail car of the train so that it would be ready for their Spook Express.  Mr. Blankenship explained that there was a pedestal that had been placed for electric north of the train depot and it was also near the shelter house.  Mr. Blankenship added that they may need a little more rock, but the train should be in pretty good shape for a while.

·         Weed letters:

Mr. Blankenship stated that they were still sending out weed letters and that this year was the earliest and latest time frame for weed issues.

·         406 N. Oak:

Commissioner Kumberg asked about the property at 406 North Oak and whether it was being cleaned up.  Mr. Blankenship stated that they were making progress and it was starting to get better.  Mr. Blankenship added that he would continue to monitor it and would work with them on getting it cleaned up satisfactorily.  Mr. Van Blaricum stated that they were to appear in court tomorrow to revoke their probation and have them serve jail time on the nuisance resolution for a hazard and unsafe structure. 

·         Building by Woody’s:

Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there could be a covering over the glass on the building next to Woody’s so that you could not see inside.  Mr. Blankenship stated that he would contact the owner to see if they would do that.

Electric Department:

·         Engine Overhaul:

Dir. of Electric Utilities Hemphill stated that the overhaul on the engine was continuing.

·         Christmas decorations:

Mr. Hemphill stated that the Line guys would be working on Christmas decorations sometime after Halloween.

Recreation Department:

·         Linear Park Trail:

Recreation Director Pinkall stated that the sidewalk for the Linear Park Trail should be done before winter.

Power Plant:

·         Turbine overhaul:

Power Plant Superintendent Smith commented that the turbine overhaul started October 6th and it was currently in a million pieces.  Mr. Smith stated that the rotor had been sent to Indiana to be blasted and cleaned and each part was being cleaned and inspected.  Mr. Smith commented that they were starting to reassemble some of the parts of the turbine and added that now would be a good time for the Commission to visit and see the work being done.

Mayor and Commission: 

·         Detour sign:

Commissioner Skaggs stated that half of the detour sign at First Street and Main Street had blown down and questioned how much longer that project would be.  Commissioner Skaggs suggested that someone contact KDOT to let them know the sign was not serving its purpose.  Mr. Howard stated that he would contact them.


Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to adjourn and Commissioner Kumberg seconded.  The motion and second passed unanimously.




***Notes taken by Finance Director Garten and respectfully submitted to City Clerk Kramer who produced these minutes***