Thursday, December 31, 2015

01/04/2016-City Commission Meeting Agenda

JANUARY 04, 2016
1.      CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.
2.      ROLL CALL
4.      MINUTES         December 21, 2015 (Regular Commission meeting)      
5.      BUSINESS:
5.1          Update on Avenue of Flags – Mark Eckhoff, Parks Superintendent
5.2          Consideration and Approval of Collection Service Agreement for Utility Accounts – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney
5.3          Consideration and Approval of Bid for a Mower – Bruce Pinkall, Recreation Director
5.4          Consideration and Approval of Ord. 1601 Commercial Landscaping Regulations – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney; Brad Blankenship, Building Inspector; Dave Howard, City Manager
5.5          Consideration and Approval of Ord.  1602 Residential Landscaping Regulations - Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney; Brad Blankenship, Building Inspector; Dave Howard, City Manager
6.      OPEN AGENDA (City Matters Only)(3 Minute Time Limit)
7.      REPORTS:
7.1             City Manager
7.2             City Attorney
7.3             Department Superintendents
7.4             Mayor
7.5             City Commission
8.      ADJOURN

01/04/2016-Joint City/County Commission Meeting Agenda


JANUARY 04, 2016 


COMMISSION ROOM – 11:00 a.m. 


2.     ROLL CALL


      3.1       City Wide Clean-Up Discussion with Jason Winkel, County Landfill Supervisor

      3.2       Discussion on Animal Control    

      3.3       General Discussion           


Monday, December 21, 2015

12/07/15-Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes


DECEMBER 07, 2015

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.

Lucus Kumberg            Mayor
Bill Hlavachick             Commissioner
Jeff Taylor                    Commissioner
Gary Skaggs                 Commissioner
Doug Meyer                 Commissioner

Dave Howard                City Manager
LuAnn Kramer             City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum        City Attorney  
Diana Garten                Finance Director
Gary Myers                   Chief of Police
Russell Rambat             Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship         Building Inspector       
Jamie Huber                 Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall                Recreation Director
The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Kumberg.  The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.

The Mayor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.

Commissioner Taylor led the staff and audience in the invocation and Mayor Kumberg led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Meyer made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 16, 2015 recessed Joint Commission meeting and the November 16, 2015 regular Commission meeting.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.  

Commissioner Taylor stated that he felt that we were getting somewhere with the City/County meetings.  Commissioner Taylor added that he thought that it would be beneficial to meet more often.  Commissioner Taylor commented that no other meeting had been so beneficial since he had been on the Commission.


Police Chief Myers stated that the eleven retail merchants had filed their annual cereal malt beverage applications and the back ground investigations had met the requirements.  Chief Myers recommended that these merchants be issued their 2016 license.  Commissioner Taylor made a motion to approve the 2016 Cereal Malt Beverage applications for the business listed.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.


City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that the 2016 Lease Agreement with the Senior Citizens Organization was in good legal form and there were no issues that he knew of.  Mr. Van Blaricum commented that this was the same as last year with the exception of the dates being updated.  Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to approve the 2016 Lease Agreement with the Senior Citizens Organization.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried unanimously.  


City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that this agreement was the same type of thing and was the annual lease for the American Legion.  Mr. Van Blaricum stated that we had worked out a few things a year or two ago and they seem satisfied.  Mr. Van Blaricum added that this was a good deal for them.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned if they had maintained insurance.  City Clerk Kramer stated that they had.  A motion by Commissioner Skaggs to approve the 2016 Lease Agreement for the American Legion.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.  Commissioner Taylor questioned if we had had any problems when they request special permits to use the outside area.  Chief Myers stated that there were no problems.


City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that Ms. Tracey Beverlin had been the public defender for the last several months and had done a very nice job.  Mr. Van Blaricum added that she had agreed to do it for another year.  Mr. Van Blaricum explained that this was the standard agreement that had been used for Ms. Lattin.  Commissioner Taylor made a motion to approve the 2016 Agreement for the Public Defender Services between Ms. Beverlin and the City.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried unanimously.  Mayor Kumberg questioned how many cases the public defender handles.  Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he would have to look that up, but it was probably 90% of the cases in Municipal Court.

City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that this was the same contract that had been used for several years for the Municipal Judge and it worked well.  Mr. Van Blaricum added that there had been a salary change a couple of years ago and Mr. Eisenhauer was happy with it.  Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to approve the 2016 Municipal Judge agreement.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.


City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that this was the exact same agreement as last year.  Commissioner Meyer made a motion to approve the 2016 City Attorney agreement between Mr. Van Blaricum and the City.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.

City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that this resolution was in good legal form and fits with the statute.  Finance Director Garten added that this resolution was required so that we could report on a modified basis rather than GAAP purposes.

The following Resolution 120715 was then presented to the Commission for approval:  A RESOLUTION EXEMPTING THE CITY OF PRATT, KANSAS FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF K.S.A. 75-1120a(a) PROVIDING FOR UNIFORM SYSTEM OF FISCAL PROCEDURES, ACCOUNTING, AND REPORTING FOR MUNICIPALITIES.  Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve Resolution 120715 exempting the City of Pratt, Kansas from the requirements of K.S.A. 75-1120a(a) providing for uniform system of fiscal procedures, accounting, and reporting for municipalities.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.  Mayor Kumberg commented that this resolution did not exempt the City from any accounting procedures, but refers to how we report it.

·        Luca Matei:

Mr. Luca Matei addressed the Commission asking for help, justice and respect to the Constitution.  Mr. Matei stated that he had been falsely accused eleven times by Officer Mike McAbee and the case was ongoing.  Mr. Matei added that the City or County Attorney threatens him with jail.  Mr. Matei stated that he had asked for something to be done year after year about the corrupt department.  Mr. Matei explained that people refuse to have a clearer judgement and that this was torture.  Mr. Matei added that he had repeatedly asked the County Attorney to drop the case.  Mayor Kumberg asked Mr. Matei if he had retained an attorney.  Mr. Matei stated that he had not and they were not there to defend him but to play nice with the prosecution.  Mayor Kumberg stated that he would highly recommend that he get an attorney since the Commission was the legislative body of the City and had nothing to do with judicial matters.  Mayor Kumberg commented that the Commission could not comment or look into a case, so the proper way would be to get legal counsel.  

Mr. Matei stated that it was the victims’ rights to be in court and he had not been informed in at least three cases.  Mr. Matei commented that the Chief had requested an investigation and he had been destroyed over the last ten years.  Mr. Matei commented that this had a big effect on the face of the City and any sane person wants to live in peace, a better house, living and car.  Mr. Matei stated that, when apartments were destroyed and things were stolen or broken, he gets a case number and the police do nothing.  Mr. Matei stated that he does not trust Kansas attorneys.

Commissioner Meyer stated that, as a Commissioner and a citizen, he takes offense to Mr. Matei’s comments concerning the police department.  Commissioner Meyer stated that the City had officers that were upright and our police force was upstanding.  Commissioner Meyer commented that he was not going to argue with Mr. Matei, but he wanted it known publically that he took offense to Mr. Matei’s comments.  Mr. Matei referred to a case where someone was in the attic and things had been stolen from storage and they fell through the ceiling.  Mayor Kumberg stated that he needed to secure legal representation.  Mr. Matei continued stating that he had been framed two years ago and convicted; however, the case in district court had been dropped.  Mr. Matei commented that he was sick and had to suffer again, so something had to be done in his case.  City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that Mr. Matei had filed a multi-page document that had been reviewed and shared with Judge Eisenhauer.  Mr. Van Blaricum added that the document asked that Mr. Eisenhauer recuse himself; however, this matter would be in court this Friday and it would be at the City’s cost to have an out of County Judge.  Mr. Van Blaricum commented that this had to be done in an orderly process, so it was not that the City did not listen.  Mr. Van Blaricum agreed that Mr. Matei would greatly benefit by having his own attorney.


City Manager:

·        S.P.I.R.I.T. meeting:

City Manager Howard informed the Commission that he had attended the S.P.I.R.I.T. meeting and he had been able to visit with Secretary King and his aids.  Mr. Howard commented that the trucking community had good representation.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned what they had to say.  Mr. Howard stated that there was no doubt that truck traffic was going to increase.  Commissioner Skaggs asked how much control KDOT had over truck routes.  Mr. Howard stated that they did not get into those kind of details.

·        Ice Storm:

Mr. Howard stated that the ice on Friday and Saturday did cause some issues but it all ended well.  Mayor Kumberg questioned if there were any outages.  Mr. Howard stated that there were some.  Mr. Howard added that the efforts of what the street, electric, police, fire and sanitation do was appreciated.

·        Christmas Eve holiday:

Commissioner Meyer commented that he wanted to talk about the employees doing all the extras that they do.  Commissioner Meyer asked that the Commission consider giving Christmas Eve as a bonus this year since Christmas falls on a Friday.  Commissioner Meyer stated that there would not be a lot happening on Thursday.  Commissioner Meyer commented that we would accommodate the situation with sanitation and police since some of them would not get that day off.  Commissioner Skaggs commented that he saw a problem with giving some the day off, but not all staff could take it off.  Mr. Howard stated that they would all get a day off, but it might be a day of their choice.  

Commissioner Meyer made a motion to give all City staff Thursday, December 24th off or a day of their choice if they work.  Commissioner Meyer added that this would not happen every year.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.

Public Works:
·        Project updates:

Public Works Director Rambat stated that the street department had been busy repairing pot holes from the ice storm.  Mr. Rambat commented that they had started at the south end of town with crews picking up broken limbs from the storm.  Mr. Rambat explained that they would sweep the town this week to get things picked up.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned what we were going to do with people who had filled up their compost carts with leaves since compost ended at Thanksgiving.  Mr. Rambat stated that he had visited with Sanitation Superintendent Wright and they were going to continue to pick up compost carts this week.  Mr. Howard commented that some of the limbs that fell still had leaves on them.

Inspection Department:

·        Hampton Inn:

Building Inspector Blankenship stated that the Hampton Inn was finalized on Tuesday last week.  Mr. Blankenship explained that Fire Chief Kramer and the State Fire Marshall had gotten it finalized and they thought that they might open last weekend, but a few things needed to be changed.

·        Parrish Lofts:

Mr. Blankenship informed the Commission that the Parrish Lofts should be finalized sometime this week.  Mr. Blankenship commented that they had a few life safety things that they needed to finish up.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned what the expected move in date was.  Mr. Blankenship stated that they had told him it would be next week.  Mayor Kumberg commented that the paper had published that they would be in next week.  Mr. Blankenship stated that they would not be if certain safety factors were not done; however, he added that they could get it done.

·        322 W. Blaine:

Mr. Blankenship stated that he had received several calls concerning 322 West Blaine Street and that address was now in the court system.  Mr. Blankenship commented that he had written letters and it was being taken care of.  Mr. Van Blaricum stated that we had done basically all we could do and the owners had been served.  Mr. Blankenship added that the owners had shown up for court and she was disabled and he was not well, but they understood what they needed to do.  Mr. Howard explained that the complaint was concerning the junk at the curb on Hamilton Street.

Electric Department:

·        Outages:

Director of Electric Utilities Huber informed the Commission that they had about nineteen calls over the Thanksgiving holiday.  Mr. Huber added that that was not very many and was due to all the tree trimming they do all year around.  Mr. Huber commented that most of the calls were when things began to thaw out.
·        Bucket truck:

Mr. Huber stated that they had lost a bucket truck due to the weather conditions and he was in the process of seeing if it would be totaled out or not.  Mayor Kumberg asked if there were any injuries.  Mr. Huber stated that there were not.
·        Moving house:
Mr. Huber commented that the house at Blaine Street and Main Street would be moved down South Main Street on Wednesday.  Mr. Huber explained that they would be swerving in and out of the traffic lights, but it should not take too long to get it out of town.  Mayor Kumberg questioned if we bill our time to them.  Mr. Huber stated that they paid up front.  Commissioner Taylor asked if Spin City would be effected since they show up about 5:00 a.m.  Mr. Huber stated that he would know more tomorrow.  Mr. Huber stated that they were taking the house to Haviland, but would go south on Highway 281 to 30th Avenue.  

·        Hospital generator:

Mayor Kumberg questioned if Mr. Huber had gotten in touch with Mr. Mike Patton concerning the generator.  Mr. Huber stated that they had taken some pictures and were discussing how to get it out of there.  Mr. Huber commented that they may wait until after the first of the year.

Recreation Department:

·        Employee Christmas dinner:
Recreation Director Pinkall informed the Commission that the employee Christmas dinner would be on Wednesday, December 16th from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

·        North Main project:

Mr. Pinkall stated that the North Main Street project was moving along as quickly as possible.  Mr. Pinkall commented that they were putting the bricks back in place.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned when they would be done.  Mr. Pinkall stated that they should be done before Christmas.  Mr. Pinkall added that this was supposed to be a good weather week and they were working hard at getting it done.  Commissioner Hlavachick questioned how long they had to let it cure.  Mr. Pinkall stated that they want it to be ten days.  Mr. Pinkall added that they would fix any bumps once it was poured.  Mayor Kumberg commented that people were getting anxious.

Police Department:

·        Christmas safety:

Police Chief Myers reminded everyone to be careful when out shopping during the holiday season.  Chief Myers commented that there had been some problems with bandits breaking into vehicles and they thought they were going down Highway 54.  Chief Myers added that you should try to put presents in your trunk and not leave your vehicle for long periods of time.  Chief Myers stated that people take advantage of this time of year so it was best to be extra cautious.

Finance Department:

·        Auditors visit:

Finance Director Garten stated that the auditors would be here next Wednesday to get some of their preliminary work out of the way.

·        Commission chairs:

Ms. Garten stated that some of the chairs around the dais were failing, so she would be looking into replacing those.

Mayor and Commission:

·        Fincham Street: 

Commissioner Skaggs questioned where we were on the Fincham Street project.  Mr. Howard stated that they should pour Wednesday.  Mr. Howard added that the road was ready and, once they did the street, they would work on the curb.   

·        Gas Line break: 

Commissioner Skaggs asked if there was a gas line break today.  Mr. Howard stated that there was one a few blocks west of here.  Mr. Howard added that the fire department was called.  Mr. Blankenship added that they had been pulling up a driveway.


Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried unanimously.


Friday, December 18, 2015

12/21/15-City Commission Meeting Agenda

DECEMBER 21, 2015

1.      CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.
2.      ROLL CALL
4.      MINUTES         December 07, 2015 (Regular Commission meeting)   
5.      BUSINESS:
5.1          Consideration and Approval of Engineering Contract for the South Main Project – Alan Luttrell, EBH Engineering
5.2          Consideration and Approval of Resolution 122115 Defining the Boundaries of the City of Pratt. – Alan Luttrell, EBH Engineering; Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney
5.3          Consideration and Approval of 2016 Pratt Area Humane Society Agreement – Heather Nelson, PAHS; Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney
5.4          Consideration and Approval of Bid for a Mower – Bruce Pinkall, Recreation Director
5.5          Consideration and Approval of Ord. 1502 Concerning Disposition of Abandoned Personal Property – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney; Gary Myers, Chief of Police
5.6          Consideration and Approval of Ord. 1503 – Classification and Compensation of Hourly Employees and Salaries of Elected and Appointed Officers and Employees -  Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney
5.7          Consideration and Approval of Charter Ord. 20 Exempting the City From the Provisions of K.S.A. 14-104 Relating to Election, Terms of Office, Transition to November Elections, Filling Vacancies and Nomination Petitions – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney
5.8          Consideration and Approval of Collection Service Agreement for Utility Accounts – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney; Dave Howard, City Manager; LuAnn Kramer, City Clerk/Utility Billing Supervisor

6.      OPEN AGENDA (City Matters Only)(3 Minute Time Limit)
7.      REPORTS:

7.1             City Manager
7.2             City Attorney
7.3             Department Superintendents
7.4             Mayor
7.5             City Commission
8.      RECESS- Until Monday, Jan. 04, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. for Jt. Meeting


Monday, December 7, 2015

11/16/15-Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes

NOVEMBER 16, 2015

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
Lucus Kumberg            Mayor
Bill Hlavachick             Commissioner
Jeff Taylor                    Commissioner
Gary Skaggs                 Commissioner
Doug Meyer                 Commissioner
Dave Howard                City Manager
LuAnn Kramer             City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum       City Attorney  
Diana Garten                Finance Director
Gary Myers                   Chief of Police
Russell Rambat             Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship         Building Inspector       

The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Kumberg.  The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Skaggs.

The Mayor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.


Commissioner Taylor led the staff and audience in the invocation and Mayor Kumberg led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 02, 2015 regular Commission meeting.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.  



Mayor Kumberg commented that this was his favorite meeting of the year and the City had retained employees for 155 years of combined experience for these service awards.  Mayor Kumberg stated that it was not very often that you see retention of fifteen, twenty-five and thirty-five years.  Mayor Kumberg then presented the following employees with their service awards: 15 years - Brian Stecklein, utility billing clerk; James Sheldon, police officer; Gregory Holmes, firefighter; Todd Hoffman, firefighter; 25 years – Mark Eckhoff, park superintendent; 35 years – Myonne Borst, police dispatcher; Clyde McGraw, sanitation department. 


Chamber Director Kim DeClue informed the Commission that Ms. Bev Aldrich, Mr. Ken Brown and Ms. Diana Garten were up for reappointment on the Travel and Tourism committee.  Ms. DeClue stated that they were all willing to serve an additional three year term.  Commissioner Taylor made a motion to reappoint Ms. Bev Aldrich, Mr. Ken Brown and Ms. Diana Garten to the Travel and Tourism committee for an additional three year term.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried unanimously. 

Ms. DeClue then asked if the Commissioners had any questions or concerns about the upcoming Christmas in the Park event.  Ms. DeClue stated that Santa’s house had been delivered already.  Commissioner Taylor commented that it sounded like everyone was excited. 


Public Works Director Rambat stated that this agreement was for the South Main Street project that goes from Santa Fe Road to the City limits.  Mr. Rambat added that it would end at the north side of the bridge, but would not include the deck of the bridge.  Mr. Rambat commented that this was the 2017 KLINK project not the 2016, but he was hoping that funding would be available in July 2016.  Commissioner Taylor questioned if the asphalt would be meshed with the bridge.  Mr. Rambat stated that he was not here when they did that the last time, but it could be dug out deeper and overlaid up to the bridge.  Mr. Rambat added that our last attempt had held up pretty well. 

Mr. Rambat stated that we would get with the engineers and get their contract on the agenda if this agreement was approved.  Mayor Kumberg questioned if there would be a possibility of fixing the railroad tracks.  Mr. Rambat stated that that was entirely up to the railroad, but he would certainly get hold of them.  After little more discussion, Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to accept the proposed Agreement No. 285-15 with the State of Kansas for resurfacing from the City limits to Santa Fe Road.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously. 


·        Waive Municipal Building fee:

Ms. Anel Cox asked the Commission to waive the fee for the use of the Municipal Building on December 5th for the Gamma Beta Sorority craft show.  Ms. Cox stated that the craft show allows them to make donations to local projects at the schools, hospital and other causes.  Ms. Cox added that the craft show was from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  Commissioner Meyer made a motion to approve no fees for the Gamma Beta Sorority craft show on December 5th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously. 


City Manager: 

·        North Main pour: 

City Manager Howard informed the Commission that they would be starting to pour on North Main Street on Wednesday, weather permitting. 

·        Disconnect from grid: 

Mr. Howard stated that we had disconnected from the grid last week so Southern Pioneer could work on relays and everything had gone well.   

·        Hospital generator: 

Mr. Howard informed the Commission that he had been approached by the hospital about an old Cummins ½ mg generator that they had in their basement and wanted to know if we wanted it.  Mr. Howard stated that we would have to remove it and that would be after Thanksgiving.  Mr. Howard commented that there would be some cost to that and he wanted the Commission’s permission to accept it.  Mr. Howard explained that we would make it a portable emergency generator and it would back-up more than the Municipal Building, if we moved City Hall back there.  Mr. Howard stated that he would get the final costs and have it on an agenda in early to mid-December.  Mr. Howard stated that we were going to do most of this ourselves, but we would need a crane to get it out of there and we did not want to damage the location or the generator.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned if it was about sixty years old.  Mr. Howard stated that it was a 1980 diesel model and had 647 hours on it.   

Commissioner Taylor made a motion to allow the City Manager and staff to move ahead with acquiring the generator from the hospital.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously. 

·        Executive Session: 

Mr. Howard requested an executive session at the end of the meeting to last twenty minutes to discuss attorney/client privilege.  Mr. Howard added that this was for confidential information from a business. 

·        Main Street pour: 

Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the North Main Street pour would be continuous.  Mr. Howard explained that they would pour to Hancock Street then back north.  Mr. Howard stated that it looks like they were going to pour on the west side by the way they have their baskets set.   

Public Works:

·        Traffic control for Saturday: 

Mr. Rambat stated that they were lined up for traffic control for Saturday’s Christmas in the Park event.  Mayor Kumberg questioned if the line department goes around to see that everything works.  Mr. Howard commented that they do turn them on and check them.  Mr. Rambat added that they would take power away from the regular fixtures on Friday. 

Electric Department:

·        Hosting School in Pratt: 

Power Plant Superintendent Evans informed the Commission that we would be hosting a school tomorrow and Wednesday.  Mr. Evans stated that there would be around seventy participants and this would give us an opportunity to show off our plant.  Mr. Evans stated that several organizations had made donations. 

Police Department: 

·        Noise complaint: 

Police Chief Myers stated that he had been asked to check into a noise complaint at the last Commission meeting and he had done that.  Chief Myers commented that, over a period of several months, officers had responded to the complaint and he had decided to meet with the officers and supervisors.  Chief Myers explained that this had involved three officers on three shifts and this was a failure to communicate.  Chief Myers stated that they had changed protocol and this incident would be handled properly. 

Mayor and Commission: 

·        Veteran’s Day event: 

Mayor Kumberg stated that he was honored to speak at the Veteran’s Day event.  Mayor Kumberg added that the fire department was well represented and did a fantastic job.  Mayor Kumberg thanked them for everything that they do. 

·        Newly painted truck: 

Commissioner Meyer stated that he got to see the newly painted truck and whoever did it had done a good job.  Commissioner Meyer asked if they had a name for it yet.  Fire Chief Kramer stated that they had not decided on what to call it.

·        Joint meeting: 

Commissioner Meyer stated that he appreciated the Commissioners’ participation in a very productive joint meeting with the County. 

Executive Session:

Mayor Kumberg made a motion to enter into executive session for twenty minutes to discuss attorney/client confidential information.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously. 

Mayor Kumberg made a motion to return from executive session with nothing to report.  The motion was seconded properly and carried unanimously. 


The meeting was adjourned upon proper motion and second.
