October 03, 2016
Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission
Room located in City Hall.
Lucus Kumberg Mayor
Skaggs CommissionerDoug Meyer Commissioner
Roy Eckert City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City ClerkKen Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Russell Rambat Public Works Dir.
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Jamie Huber Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director
regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Kumberg. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that
all Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Hlavachick
and Commissioner Taylor.
Mayor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.
Meyer led the staff and audience in the invocation and Mayor Kumberg led the
Pledge of Allegiance.
Skaggs made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 19, 2016 joint
City/County recessed meeting and the September 19, 2016 regular Commission
meeting. The motion was seconded by
Commissioner Meyer and carried unanimously.
Attorney Van Blaricum stated that this was on the agenda at the last regular
meeting and the Commission had decided to table it to give City Manager Eckert
a chance to look at it. Director of
Electric Utilities Huber stated that this agreement was pretty straight forward. Mr. Huber explained that capacity was the
amount of energy available to supply our load and could either be generation
included with the power purchase contract or purchased as paper capacity from
another supplier. Mr. Huber stated that the
SPP requires all participating Cities in the integrated market to maintain 112%
capacity factor. Mr. Huber explained
that you had to have excess capacity to supply 12% over your one hour summer
peak load responsibility. Mr. Huber
commented that Pratt currently has four generators that total a little over
28,000 kw of capacity. Mr. Huber added
that we also have two purchase power agreements with MKEC, which is 8,500 and
GRDA that is 6,000 for a total of 42,000 kw capacity. Mr. Huber stated that our current peak was
23,824 that was set in July 2015 and, with SPP’s mandatory 12%, brings us to
26,682 kw of responsibility. Mr. Huber
added that that leaves us with an excess of 16,000 kw.
Huber informed the Commission that Sunflower had approached him about buying
our excess capacity because they need what we have. Mr. Huber stated that the agreement would
start January 1st and be paid out monthly. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if they pay
whether they use it or not. Mr. Huber
commented that we could use it if we needed it, but they need it to make their
112% for the SPP. Commissioner Meyer
asked if this would require us to fire up our generators more often. Mr. Huber stated that it could; however, we
have to run when SPP says we run.
Commissioner Skaggs asked if they needed it to be in compliance or just
to have it. Mr. Huber stated that they
pay us whether they use it or not.
Commissioner Meyer asked what they had been doing up to now. Energy Agent Kreutzer stated that they have a
purchase power agreement with Jeffries and that ends in 2019. Mr. Kreutzer explained that they did not need
what we have now, but they do need what we have in 2019. Mr. Kreutzer commented that, to get that, we
had them sign a contract for all ten years.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned what type of windfall that was for
Pratt. Mr. Huber stated that it was
about $1.75 million over ten years.
Commissioner Meyer asked what our ‘out clause’ was. Mr. Huber stated that we could get out of
this anytime we wanted to.
Meyer commented that he was a little leery.
Mr. Kreutzer stated that next year’s contract would zero if we did not
have any excess capacity. Mr. Kreutzer
added that we had a good relationship with Sunflower. After little more discussion, Commissioner
Meyer made a motion to approve the Capacity Purchase and Sale Agreement with
MKEC as presented. Mayor Kumberg
seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Director Pinkall informed the Commission that there was a 4A division regional
tennis tournament this weekend and they were requesting to have Rochester
Street closed from Third Street to Fourth Street. Mr. Pinkall stated that they would also like
to use the Scout Cabin for refreshment for the bus drivers and coaches, which
we had done in the past. Mr. Pinkall
added that they would have this request again in the spring. Commissioner Meyer asked how many teams were
involved. Mr. Pinkall stated that he
thought it was around twenty-three or twenty-four. Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to close
Rochester Street between Third Street and Fourth Street on October 7th
and 8th and to use the Scout Cabin for the 4A Tennis
Tournament. The motion was seconded by
Commissioner Meyer and carried unanimously.
Maintenance at Haskins:
Nelson Burrell thanked Public Works Director Rambat for taking care of a
maintenance issue at Haskins. Mr.
Burrell stated that Mr. Rambat came out the same day and measured it out and
said that he should be able to get to it in a couple of weeks. Mr. Burrell asked that Mr. Rambat also look
at painting the bus loading zone and the curb and guttering that was falling apart
on the south side of the building. Mr.
Rambat stated that that would have to be in next year’s budget. Commissioner Skaggs asked if we usually do
this on private property. Mr. Rambat
explained that the curb was part of the street and it was in our best interest
to get it fixed.
Park issues:
Karen Detwiler stated that she had reported that the dog watering pole had been
broken back in August and it was disturbing to some that it had been out of
commission for so long. Ms. Detwiler
also pointed out that the fountain located between the diamonds and the eastern
gazebo in Lemon Park was leaking badly.
Ms. Detwiler stated that she had purchased an iron bench for Sixth
Street Park two years ago and had volunteered to pay for a light in that
location. Ms. Detwiler commented that
she was still willing to pay for the light since that area needed to be lit
up. Ms. Detwiler added that it was
straight south of the t-ball field.
City Manager:
Settling in:
Manager Eckert stated that it had been a good day and he was getting settled
in. Mr. Eckert stated that he had joined
in on a conversation with KMEA and it was very enlightening. Mr. Eckert stated that he was impressed in
the amount of detail that the staff does and he had not seen that anywhere
else. Mayor Kumberg stated that he was
glad to hear those comments, but he was not surprised. Mayor Kumberg added that the people that sit
around this table were the best and we were very fortunate.
Public Works:
Employee parking lot:
Works Director Rambat stated that the street department would be bringing in
some coal mix to get the parking lot for the staff ready. Mr. Rambat commented that he would be calling
in a locate at the end of the week.
Commissioner Skaggs asked if the gas meter could be moved to the rear of
the building. Mr. Rambat stated that we
would have to pay to have it moved, so he would have bollards put up to protect
the meter. Commissioner Skaggs
questioned if that would be sufficient parking for staff. Mr. Rambat stated that it should be. Commissioner Skaggs asked if we should think
about selling the lot across the street.
Mr. Rambat stated that we would be using that for overflow parking
during staff meetings and meetings in general.
Mr. Rambat explained that we try to keep our vehicles out of the way of
the businesses on each side of City Hall.
Pelican moved:
Rambat stated that he had been in contact with Knights Construction and they
were going to work with him to get the Pelican Sculpture moved to the
Historical Society. Mr. Rambat
commented that he had visited with Sanders Insurance and they wanted us to make
sure that it had adequate insurance before moving it. Mr. Rambat stated that he had found out that
it was worth $35,000 when it was evaluated in 1993. Mr. Rambat added that the sculpture had been
done by a sculptor that was recognized nationwide, but Mr. Sanders did not want
the burden of putting a value on it. Mr.
Rambat stated that he did not know how to put a value on it since it was
irreplaceable. Commissioner Skaggs asked
if it would be the property of the Historical Society. Mr. Rambat stated that it would remain the
property of the City and that Mr. Van Blaricum was working on an agreement with
the Historical Society so that it would revert back to us if they no longer
wanted it. Mayor Kumberg stated that we
could put $100,000 on it just to get it moved and then get it appraised
Rambat explained that the Pelican had been refurbished and the evaluation had
stated that it was not to be outside.
Mr. Rambat stated that Mr. Pedigo was the one who chose his boyhood
friend, Mr. Bruce Moore, to design the fountain. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that the library had
an expert come out and value some of the art there, so we might be able to get
him at a fair price. Commissioner Skaggs
agreed with the $100,000 value that Mayor Kumberg suggested. Mr. Rambat stated that Mr. Sanders could get the
amount on the policy the next day so we could get it moved over. Commissioner Meyer asked how hard it was to
move. Mr. Rambat stated that there was
the pelican, three fish and the limestone that it set on. Mr. Rambat added that everything could be moved
easily, with the exception of the limestone.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if it was bronze or copper. Mr. Rambat stated that he thought it was
bronze. After little more discussion,
Mr. Rambat stated that he would get in contact with Mr. Sanders about insuring
the Pelican Sculpture for $100,000.
RR crossing on Country Club Rd.:
Rambat stated that he had emailed the railroad again about the crossing on
Country Club Road. Mr. Rambat reminded
the Commission that he had contacted them earlier and they did not feel that it
warranted a replacement. Mr. Rambat
commented that he has asked them if the City could scheme over it with coal not
more than an inch deep on the rail. Mr.
Rambat stated that that should improve the inconvenience. Commissioner Skaggs asked about the City
limits. Mr. Rambat stated that the City
owns the island that the wastewater treatment plant was on and up to the edge
of the road.
Wastewater Treatment Plant project:
Rambat stated that they got the new compressors installed at the wastewater
treatment plant and they would be removing the old equipment out of the job
trailer. Mr. Rambat explained that they
had to drain one of the digesters and install some plumbing for a decant
structure to recycle it into the plant. Mr.
Rambat stated that we should be near completion in thirty to sixty days, so we
were about 75% done. Mayor Kumberg
questioned the quality of the sludge that goes to the landfill. Mr. Rambat stated that it was good quality.
Electric Department:
Traffic Light:
of Electric Utilities Huber stated that the traffic light at Third Street and
Jackson Street had been fixed.
Line replaced:
Huber stated that the line guys had replaced the reconductors from the
substation on the east side of the power plant back out to Main Street. Mr. Huber added that this was quite a
Fall programs:
Director Pinkall stated that their fall programs were underway for kids and the
adult programs were at the Municipal Building.
KDOT approval:
Pinkall informed the Commission that KDOT had approved the right-of-way access
challenges on Main Street. Mr. Pinkall
stated that they would be doing the final walk through soon.
Downtown Park:
Meyer asked if anyone knew about the landscaping at the downtown park. Mr. Pinkall stated that he had visited with
Ms. Carol Stull and they had prices for benches and would be trying to get
people to sponsor them. Mr. Pinkall
commented that they were working with Younie Landscaping about getting
something done there. Mr. Pinkall added
that things were moving along; however, he did not know a timeframe. Mayor Kumberg questioned if they were going
to have a dedication. Mr. Pinkall stated
that they should, but he had not heard anything. Commissioner Skaggs stated that he had
visited with Ms. Stull and their thoughts were to get organizations to sponsor
planters and pay for the vegetation and workers.
Municipal Building:
Skaggs commented that he was amazed that there was no parking available at the
Municipal Building. Commissioner Skaggs
questioned how many days a year it was being used. Mr. Pinkall stated that there was something
in there just about every day. Commissioner
Skaggs stated that this was a facility that the City should take advantage of
and it had served the community very well.
Commissioner Skaggs added that we needed more funding to make
improvements to this great asset. Mr.
Rambat stated that he had an idea to add about fifteen parking spots when we
get to that point and that would be on Third Street directly across from the
Fire Station. Mr. Rambat suggested
taking out that grassy area to the south and put in back to back curbing and
create off street parking. Commissioner
Skaggs commented that parking was a necessary evil and there was never enough.
Police Department:
Take Back Program:
Chief Myers stated that the host facility for the Take Back Program on
Saturday, October 22nd would be at Wal-Mart from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00
p.m. Chief Myers informed the Commission
that he was putting up flyers and had been at the care homes this
afternoon. Chief Myers stated that word
of mouth would be needed to get this information out. Chief Myers commented that Wal-Mart had been
very cooperative, so everything was getting into place. Mayor Kumberg stated that he was surprised that
we had had time to get in on this at such short notice. Commissioner Meyer thanked Chief Myers for
pulling this off.
Finance Department:
Sales Tax:
Director Garten stated that sales tax looked a little better, but we were still
down $73,000 from last year.
Mayor and Commission:
City Manager’s vehicle:
Kumberg stated that he had looked at the information regarding a vehicle for
the new City Manager and he asked which vehicle Mr. Eckert preferred. Mr. Eckert commented that any of them would
be fine. Mr. Rambat stated that the
three out at Doug Reh Chevrolet were suitable and they were nothing
flashy. Mr. Rambat commented that he had
looked at vehicles that would fit four comfortably and could be serviced here
in town. Commissioner Meyer made a
motion to approve one of the three vehicles from Doug Reh Chevrolet and leaving
the choice up to Mr. Eckert. The motion
was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.
Meyer made a motion to adjourn.
Commissioner Skaggs seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
KRAMER, City Clerk