Monday, March 20, 2017

03/06/2017-Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes


MARCH 06, 2017

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.

Lucus Kumberg            Mayor
Doug Meyer                 Commissioner
Bill Hlavachick            Commissioner
Gary Schmidt               Commissioner
Don Peters                    Commissioner

Roy Eckert                   City Manager
LuAnn Kramer             City Clerk
Regina Goff                 Acting City Attorney
Diana Garten                Finance Director
Gary Myers                  Chief of Police
Russell Rambat            Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship         Building Inspector
Jamie Huber                 Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall               Recreation Director


The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Kumberg.  The Mayor instructed the City Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present. 

The Mayor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.


Commissioner Meyer led the staff and audience in the invocation and Mayor Kumberg led the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 20, 2017 regular Commission meeting.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Schmidt and carried unanimously.  



Ms. Jo Walker, SCKSEC representative, requested approval for a 5K walk/run in Lemon Park on September 16, 2017.  Ms. Walker stated that they had never done anything like this before, but they were doing it as a fundraiser.  Ms. Walker commented that they would be walking the trail in Lemon Park; therefore, they would not need to close the park and they would have volunteers stationed at the cross walks.  Public Works Director Rambat stated that he did not think we needed to be too involved since they were not going to be leaving the park.  With no more discussion, the Commission were all in agreement to allow SCKSEC to hold their 5K on September 16, 2017 in Lemon Park.


Police Detective Jeff Ward informed the Commission that Casey’s had applied for a cereal malt beverage license and they had met all the requirements.  City Clerk Kramer added that there were two representatives from Casey’s present, which was a requirement of a first time applicant. With no further discussion, Commissioner Meyer made a motion to approve the 2017 Cereal Malt Beverage application from Casey’s General Store.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously. 


Director of Electric Utilities Jamie Huber informed the Commission that Southwest School was going to need a bigger transformer for their renovation project because their load would increase.  Mr. Huber stated that Stanion Wholesale Electric submitted a bid of $10,262 with tax included and Kriz-Davis bid $10,169.70 tax included.  Mr. Huber recommended the local bid from Stanion Wholesale Electric due to the 5% leeway for local businesses.  Commissioner Meyer asked what we would do with the old transformer.  Mr. Huber stated that it would be put into stock.  Mr. Huber explained that the school would pay the difference for the upgrade.  Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to approve the bid from Stanion Wholesale Electric for a 500 KVA pad mount transformer for $10,262 tax included.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Meyer.  Commissioner Meyer questioned if we were buying two.  Mr. Huber stated that we were not because one project fell through.  With nothing further, the motion and second passed unanimously. 


Acting City Attorney Regina Goff reminded the Commission that, in lieu of a City Attorney contract in January, they had introduced Charter Ordinance 21 that would exempt the City from State Statute.  Ms. Goff explained that the Charter Ordinance would not take effect until the end of March unless there was a petition.  Ms. Goff stated that she was presenting the contract with an effective date of Charter Ordinance 21.  Commissioner Peters questioned how we would help with clerical assistance in Section 4.  Ms. Goff stated that Municipal Court Clerk Jamie Walker sends out letters reminding people of infractions and there would be letter writing to and from defense attorneys.  Ms. Goff commented that she had taken the previous contract and changed what was personal to her.  Commissioner Meyer made a motion to approve the City Attorney Agreement for 2017 as presented by the Acting City Attorney and City Manager.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and passed unanimously. 


City Manager Eckert stated that the personnel policy handbook he had gotten when he started was from 1995 and he felt it was time to do an update.  Mr. Eckert commented that it was a major undertaking to revise it, but the League had been very helpful since they had just finished a 2017 draft example.  Mr. Eckert stated that we had tweaked it to pertain to us and Ms. Goff had looked it over also.  Mr. Eckert commented that this was a group effort and staff had done a tremendous job to get this accomplished successfully.  Commissioner Peters questioned if the old policy was outdated due to Federal and State regulation changes.  Mr. Eckert stated that that was correct and explained that there was no Veterans requirement in the 1995 manual and there was also nothing that designated a nursing room for women. 

Commissioner Peters questioned if full and part–time employee evaluations would be done quarterly as stated in Section D-3b on page eleven.  Mr. Eckert stated that that was the recommendation since we tend to forget if we wait until the end of the year.  Mr. Eckert commented that all the departments were doing a good job; however, any issues should always be documented.  Commissioner Peters asked if there was an approved evaluation form.  Mr. Eckert stated that he had one that was standard and would be bringing it to the Commission.   

Commissioner Schmidt questioned if we had a plan in writing where somebody was able to fill in for a period of time in the event of an emergency in a department.  Mr. Eckert stated that that was done at the department level on who would step in and that had not been a problem in the past.  Public Works Director Rambat stated that most departments initiate that possibility and it goes from a superintendent to the foreman.  Mr. Rambat added that most people were versed on equipment in their departments and Mr. Eckert or he would be there to guide them.  Commissioner Schmidt stated that the biggest would be payroll and who would write checks.  Commissioner Schmidt explained that his concern was if the second person was to take a two week vacation and where it would state in the policy book who down the ladder would fill in.  Mr. Rambat commented that people plan their vacations around projects and we all work well as a team.  Mayor Kumberg stated that the handbook should be the rules for employment and then those situations could be handled through departmental policies.   

With little more discussion, Commissioner Peters made a motion to approve the new personnel manual amending page 11, Section D-3b as discussed.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Meyer and passed unanimously.  Mr. Eckert thanked his staff and stated that he was proud of the accomplishment.


No one in the audience wished to address the Commission. 


City Manager: 

·        Executive Session: 

City Manager Eckert requested an executive session for real estate purchase issues to last thirty minutes at the end of the meeting. 

·        Crime issue: 

Mr. Eckert stated that our prayers and thoughts go out to the young man who got shot and to his family.  Mr. Eckert commented that we continue to have a crime issue; however we were seeing some good things being pushed from Ms. Goff and law enforcement.  Mr. Eckert explained that the person who shot the young man could be prosecuted in Kansas or he may go to Mississippi or New Mexico for his other crimes.  Mr. Eckert added that Mississippi had very tough standards. 

·        Casey’s: 

Mr. Eckert stated that Casey’s was on the ball and was a little ahead of schedule. 

·        Property for State: 

Mr. Eckert stated that there was interest from the State in property that would have a large building or green space on it and our airport had both.  Mr. Eckert commented that he had given the information to Mr. Reid Bell and the deadline to submit the information was the 9th.  Mr. Eckert explained that they were looking at somewhere close to an airport that would create around one hundred jobs.  Mr. Eckert stated that they would also need utilities and we had that.  Commissioner Peters asked what the next step would be.  Mr. Eckert stated that we send in everything and the State takes it from there. 

City Attorney: 

·        Properties needing attention: 

Acting City Attorney Goff stated that she was working on a number of projects, but she was making great strides.  Ms. Goff explained that she had emailed the County Counselor concerning eight properties that the City had been doing the upkeep and she had requested that those properties be included in a tax sale.  Ms. Goff commented that she had visited with County Counselor Schmisseur today and most of those properties had been included in his petition and he would amend the petition to include the others.  Ms. Goff commented that each property owner would receive notification and the County Counselor would sell the property, which would take several months.  Ms. Goff added that the proceeds would go to pay the cost of litigation and then would be divided on how much each entity would get.

Public Works: 

·        Refurbish Maple Street bridge: 

Public Works Director Rambat stated that he had been working with EBH on plans to refurbish the bridge on Maple Street.  Mr. Rambat explained that the City has Federal government money saved back and we would be able to use that on this project so that it would not come out of the budget.  Mr. Rambat commented that we would have to make a choice on saving money and closing it down or do it in halves, which would cost us more. 

·        Getting ready for spring: 

Mr. Rambat stated that the departments were keeping busy getting mowers ready and the street department was finishing up their crack sealing project.  Mr. Rambat commented that they were also looking ahead to the pool.  Mayor Kumberg stated that spring clean-up had been brought up at the joint meeting with the County and they had decided to let Mr. Winkel and Mr. Rambat coordinate that.  Mr. Rambat stated that he was looking at doing it at a similar time frame as last year.   

·        Storm clean-up: 

Commissioner Peters asked where we get the money for the storm clean-up.  Mr. Rambat stated that he had had a quick meeting with FEMA since the County did declare.  Mr. Rambat added that we were the only one in the County with much clean-up.  Mr. Rambat explained that they would have a kick-off meeting in a couple of weeks and then there would be a lot of paperwork to fill out.  Mr. Rambat commented that 85% of what was done during the storm was with budgeted funds and that would not be reimbursed.  Finance Director Garten stated that it would pay for overtime and regular time.  Ms. Garten explained that 75% for all qualified expenses would come from Federal and 10% would come from the State.  Mr. Rambat stated that anything we got back would take stress off of the regular budget. 

Inspection Department:

·        Properties:

Building Inspector Blankenship thanked Ms. Goff for tackling the mowing issues.  Mr. Blankenship commented that we may not get anything out of it, but to get them to the right people in a Sheriff’s sale who would keep them clean.  
·        Casey’s: 

Mr. Blankenship stated that Casey’s was trying to pour concrete as fast as they could and they wanted to get the communication lines in there before the concrete.  Mr. Blankenship commented that they were looking at April 12th for the opening and they would have free pizza and free drinks at the opening.  Mr. Blankenship explained that they did not want anyone to go on the inside; however, the managers would go in next week and start doing their thing.  Mr. Blankenship added that the sign company would also be here next week. 

Police Department: 

·        Traffic stops: 

Commissioner Peters stated that he appreciated the report that Sgt. Gimpel sends out and he had noticed that the amount of traffic stops had gone up big time.  Commissioner Peters questioned if there were actual tickets issued or just a warning.  Detective Ward stated that an officer generates a report when they make a stop.  Commissioner Peters commented that the report showed ninety-two items other than traffic stops and questioned if that was a lot for a month.  Detective Ward stated that it was not, because the system was tweaked to count the types of incidents, such as larceny, embezzlement and fraud.  Detective Ward explained that larceny was just theft and embezzlement was an employee type situation and fraud was simply that.  Mayor Kumberg questioned where passing a bad financial instrument was.  Detective Ward stated that the County Attorney tracks those and the police department tracks any crime that was associated with deception. 

Commissioner Peters asked what a DL violation was.  Detective Ward stated that that was driver’s license.  Ms. Goff explained that the most serious sentences were for driving while suspended.  Ms. Goff stated that this was a serious crime and there could be mandatory jail time if there was a previous conviction of a DUI and their license was suspended. 

Commissioner Meyer asked about the call over the weekend for shots fired.  Detective Ward stated that that was under investigation and there was not a lot to follow up on. 

Finance Department: 

·        Sales tax: 

Finance Director Garten stated that the economic indicator showed that sales tax was up 3 ½ to 4%, but we were still down from the last two years.  Ms. Garten added that it was a positive indicator that we were looking upwards. 

Mayor and Commission: 

·        Tribune article: 

Commissioner Peters commented that he appreciated the article in the Tribune about the people that were trespassing.  Commissioner Peters stated that it was good to see that the police were answering calls.

·        Meeting with Public Works: 

Commissioner Peters thanked Mr. Rambat for entertaining Commissioner Schmidt and himself and getting to meet the department heads.  Commissioner Peters stated that they had good communication with Mr. Rambat and they do a good job. 

Executive Session: 

Mayor Kumberg made a motion to enter into executive session for consultation with an attorney on matters that would be deemed privileged in an attorney-client relationship not to exceed thirty minutes.  Commissioner Peters seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 

Mayor Kumberg made a motion to return from executive session with nothing to report.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously. 


Upon proper motion, the meeting was adjourned.


**CORRECTION:  After return from executive session there was a motion and second not to sell the property north of Sandy Creek. 

03/06/2017-Approved City/County Joint Meeting Minutes


MARCH 06, 2017

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Recessed session in the Commission Room located in City Hall. 

Lucus Kumberg           Mayor
Bill Hlavachick            Commissioner
Doug Meyer                 Commissioner
Gary Schmidt               Commissioner
Don Peters                    Commissioner


Roy Eckert                   City Manager
LuAnn Kramer             City Clerk
Regina Goff                 Acting City Attorney
Glenna Borho               County Commissioner
Dave Ward                   County Commissioner
Sherry Kruse                County Clerk
Bob Schmisseur           ounty Counselor 


The recessed meeting was called to order by Mayor Kumberg.  The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present. 



·        Warren Theatre:

County Commissioner Glenna Borho stated that she was addressing the Commission as a private citizen and to request $100,000 from Travel and Tourism dollars for the new theatre.  Commissioner Borho commented that the theatre would bring in dollars and things would fall into place.  Commissioner Borho explained that this was a $3.5 million project and she had $1.8 pledged.  Commissioner Hlavachick questioned if this was a 4-plex theatre.  Commissioner Borho stated that it was and it was 15,000 square feet and would have one hundred fifty seats per theatre.  Commissioner Meyer commented that he had heard that they were breaking ground next month.  Commissioner Borho stated that the Warren Theatre wanted a positive cash flow without debt and they were willing to sign a five year management contract. 

Commissioner Borho informed the Commissioners that Pratt Community Theatre, Inc. had not received their 501c3 yet.  Commissioner Peters asked how much she had lined up after they got that.  Commissioner Borho stated that she had $1.8 million committed donations and had over two hundred people to contact.  Mayor Kumberg stated that the City had to look at the pool issues, which was a large project and that would be in the near future.  Mayor Kumberg commented that he thought that we were going to use Travel and Tourism money to replace it.  Commissioner Borho stated that she had not been on the City Commission for a long time; however, she knew that the pool never made a penny, but it was something that you had to have.  Commissioner Meyer stated that he thought the City had already committed a transformer, water, sewer and $60,000.  Commissioner Borho commented that she thought that money was from Economic Development.  Commissioner Hlavachick asked if they had a time frame.  Commissioner Borho stated that they had hoped to break ground this fall; however, they were looking at next spring now since it had been nine months since they sent in for a 501c3 status.  Commissioner Hlavachick stated that the City would have another budget work session before then.  City Manager Eckert stated that we were working on the engineering out east today to send into the State, which KDOT would be doing the entryway and we would do Cooper Street. 

Commissioner Peters commented that there was around $368,000 in the Travel and Tourism fund.  Mayor Kumberg reminded everyone that that was solely supplied by bed tax and a majority of that had been depleted by the Main Street project.  Mayor Kumberg added that he was not sure what upcoming projects and grants were going to be partially funded through Travel and Tourism.  Commissioner Hlavachick questioned if $60,000 per hotel was a good ballpark figure.  Mayor Kumberg stated that the bed tax was 8%, but the State keeps 6% and we get 2%. 

Commissioner Schmidt questioned who would own the theatre.  Commissioner Borho stated that Pratt Community Theatre, Inc. would own it; however, the group would not do this if there was debt.  Commissioner Borho added that they were doing us a favor by letting us use their Warren things.  Mayor Kumberg questioned how we justify donating to a private organization or an increase in sales tax.  Commissioner Borho stated that bed tax was paid by people that were not from this area.  Finance Director Garten was asked to clarify what some of the Travel and Tourism funds had been earmarked for and they were the Lemon Park Improvements, pool, Municipal Building, Blythe and part of recreation.  Commissioner Peters questioned if there were any designated amounts yet.  Ms. Garten stated that, over two or three years, $100,000 could be paid out of that fund and bring in a lot of tourism.  Commissioner Meyer stated that we could carry over $300,000 if we brought in $460,000.  Ms. Garten stated that you could, but the $400,000 depended on the motels being full.  Commissioner Borho pointed out that there was a cash balance of $468,000 at the end of 2016 with revenue being at $469,000 and expenses being $516,000.  Ms. Garten stated that that could be for turf at the Sports Complex and for the soccer field.  Commissioner Borho stated that she was looking for dollars.

Commissioner Meyer commented that the theatre would be a piece of the puzzle to get other things here.  Mr. Eckert reminded the Commissioners that we had to justify supporting a private business and this was people’s tax money and they were going to want to know what we were doing with it.  Mr. Eckert stated that we had to be aware that this could snowball.  Mayor Kumberg questioned if Commissioner Borho had to have a decision.  Commissioner Borho commented that she was trying to get pledges signed and asking for additional monies.  Commissioner Borho added that the County was donating a minimum of $250,000 to try and bring something into the community.   

·        Spring Clean-up: 

Commissioner Borho questioned if the City was planning on a spring clean-up again this year.  Mayor Kumberg stated that it went well last year and Public Works Director Rambat and Landfill Supervisor Jason Winkel were also pleased.  Mayor Kumberg suggested that Mr. Rambat and Mr. Winkel work on agreeable dates.  Mayor Kumberg added that we were more than willing to do what we did last year.  Commissioner Borho stated that they took in 128 tons last year.  Mayor Kumberg commented that it was a small price to pay to get trash cleaned up and there may be less this year.  Commissioner Ward commented that doing one this year could give us an idea of how often we should do it.  After little discussion, the dates of May 9th to May 14th were suggested.  Commissioner Borho added that Mr. Winkel was pleased to have the City workers come and help that week. 

·        LEC: 

Commissioner Peters asked what the group was planning on doing at the Law Enforcement Center.  Mayor Kumberg commented that they had a lot of issues listed in the article.  Commissioner Borho stated that they had not done anything with the cells or the inmate area, but had added a couple of cells, a shower, a control center and worked on the kitchen area.  Mayor Kumberg stated that the misconception was that everything was new.  County Counselor Schmisseur stated that he was not sure if the LEC Committee was far enough that there could be conversation about it.  Commissioner Ward commented that it was always better to plan for something.  Commissioner Peters questioned how many the jail held.  Commissioner Borho stated that it was thirty-five.  Commissioner Meyer stated that the City had alleviated some of the crowding on the City side.  City Manager Eckert added that the City had moved some people out of the police facility to a different place and that had solved a huge problem.  Commissioner Meyer commented that they had thought outside the box. 

Commissioner Meyer asked if they had found any help.  County Clerk Kruse stated that they had two coming in this morning.  Commissioner Borho stated that they were down six positions between road officers and jail personnel.  Commissioner Ward added that he was not sure when they had had a full staff for some time. 

·        Wind farm: 

Commissioner Meyer asked what the County Commissioners knew about the next wind farm project.  Commissioner Ward stated that they had one coming up, but had not heard much about it.  Mr. Schmisseur stated that the next step was a power purchase agreement and he hoped that that would happen soon.  Commissioner Hlavachick commented that he was glad that it was not a dead issue.  Mr. Schmisseur stated that it was not a dead issue at all and they were currently leasing property.  

Mayor Kumberg asked if there were any issues with the sale of Westar.  Mr. Schmisseur stated that they were ready to roll; however, there were a few zoning hoops to get through.  Commissioner Peters questioned how many stayed in hotels during the east farm project.  Mayor Kumberg commented that he felt it was probably quite a few.  Commissioner Borho stated that it had a huge economic impact.  Commissioner Peters asked if the County would get the same kind of money on this next one.  Commissioner Borho stated that she hoped they would, but they had not gotten to that point yet. 

·        City happenings: 

City Manager Eckert stated that there were some exciting things happening in the City, such as the expanded hours in the utility billing department.  Commissioner Meyer added that Ms. Paula Downs from WSU had come and addressed the Commission and staff on Pratt’s quality of life and the soccer field and track were in the works to compliment Green Sports Complex and they were still looking at some improvements at Lemon Park.  Commissioner Hlavachick stated that one of their discussions had been new bathroom facilities.  Mr. Eckert commented that the new restroom at the B-29 Memorial had interesting engineering.   

Commissioner Borho stated that they had approved the final plat for the Park Hills Addition and questioned if that would ever be annexed into the City.  Mayor Kumberg stated that the City had no plans to do that and it was noncontiguous.  Mr. Schmisseur commented that it could be done by petition.  Mayor Kumberg explained that they had electrical services there now; however, it would be difficult to get sewer and water out there.  Mayor Kumberg added that we were happy not doing that. 

·        Next meeting: 

With no further items to discuss, May 1st was agreed upon for the next meeting. 


Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried unanimously.


Thursday, March 16, 2017

03/20/2017-City Commission Meeting Agenda

MARCH 20, 2017
1.      CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
2.      ROLL CALL
4.      MINUTES         March 06, 2017 Recessed City/County Jt. Meeting
                                      March 06, 2017 Regular Commission Meeting 
5.      BUSINESS:

5.1             Discussion on Little Free Libraries – Rochelle Westerhaus, Library Director

5.2             Discussion on Sidewalk Grant – DeWayne Bryan, PHF Executive Director (No Info)

5.3             Consideration and Approval Ordinance 1702 Amending Ordinance 2011 – Regina Goff, Acting City Attorney

6.      OPEN AGENDA (City Matters Only)(3 Minute Time Limit)
7.      REPORTS:
7.1             City Manager
7.2             Acting City Attorney
7.3             Department Superintendents
7.4             Mayor
7.5             City Commission



Monday, March 6, 2017

02/20/2017-Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes

FEBRUARY 20, 2017

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
Lucus Kumberg         Mayor
Doug Meyer              Commissioner
Bill Hlavachick         Commissioner
Gary Schmidt            Commissioner
Don Peters                 Commissioner

Roy Eckert               City Manager
LuAnn Kramer        City Clerk
Regina Goff            Acting City Attorney
Diana Garten           Finance Director
Gary Myers             Chief of Police
Brad Blankenship    Building Inspector
Jamie Huber            Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall          Recreation Director
The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Kumberg.  The Mayor instructed the City Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.
The Mayor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.
Commissioner Peters led the staff and audience in the invocation and Mayor Kumberg led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Meyer made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 02, 2017 special call Commission meeting.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Peters made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 06, 2017 regular Commission meeting.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.
Ms. Linda Lanterman, representative for the After Prom program, stated that she was the co-chair for Pratt High School’s After Prom event and this 5K was a fundraiser.  Ms. Lanterman commented that there would be students and adults helping with the registration and the route on April 1st.  Commissioner Hlavachick asked if they had done this before.  Ms. Lanterman stated that they had not and they hoped for good weather.  With no further discussion, Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to approve the After Prom fundraiser on April 1st.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Meyer.  Acting City Attorney Goff questioned if they would have help at the congested intersections.  Ms. Lanterman stated that they would have volunteers to do that.  Public Works Director Rambat stated that he had some orange vests if they were interested in borrowing them.  Ms. Lanterman stated that that might be a good idea.  The motion and second passed unanimously.
Police Chief Myers stated that he had requested bid proposals for a 2017 police patrol vehicle and both local dealers submitted a bid for their respective vehicles.  Chief Myers commented that Lanterman Motors quoted a 2017 Ford Explorer Utility Police Interceptor All-Wheel Drive for $30,769 and Doug Reh Chevrolet bid a 2017 Chevrolet Tahoe Special Service Vehicle 4-Wheel Drive 1500 for $37,700.  Chief Myers stated that he recommended the Explorer all-wheel drive due to more cargo room and it being used as a regular police patrol vehicle.  Chief Myers commented that the fuel economy varied a little from the SUV and the sedan.  Chief Myers added that they would be trading in a 2007 with 106,000 miles and this vehicle had been budgeted for.  Commissioner Peters questioned when this vehicle would be delivered.  Chief Myers stated that he was not sure, but it would probably be in July or August.  Commissioner Meyer made a motion to approve the purchase of the 2017 Ford Explorer from Lanterman Motors for $30,769.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.
Director of Electric Utilities Huber reminded the Commissioners that he had proposed a future project expanding the electric utilities a few months ago and, when he was asked if the engineering firm could see our mapping, it had not been updated.  Mr. Huber stated that this was the first step to getting the mapping updated.  Mr. Huber commented that Midland GIS Solutions and RMA Engineering, LLC had been spoken highly of by others in this area; therefore, he had met with them and explained what our needs were. 
Mr. Huber stated that both companies had sent back proposals.  Mr. Huber commented that Midland GIS Solutions submitted a bid of $44,860 and RMA Engineering, LLC bid $104,305.  Mr. Huber stated that the $44,860 gets Midland GIS Solutions out here to do the GPS within 4” and the higher bid from RMA Engineering included a picture of every power pole, which was not needed.  Mr. Huber added that Midland would train someone here to do updates and we would have access through our phones.  Commissioner Meyer asked if the trucks had laptops.  Mr. Huber stated that they were not needed since everyone had phones.
Mr. Huber commented that engineers would be able to look at this mapping and see how we could build the substation; therefore, he recommended that the Commission approve the bid from Midland GIS Solutions for the cost of $44,860.  Mr. Huber commented that they would be able to be here in the next six weeks, because they wanted to get done before the leaves come out on the trees.  Commissioner Meyers questioned if we had a similar system for water.  Public Works Director Rambat stated that we had our own Autocad and had been running it for years.  Mr. Rambat added that the electrical side was more intense and it made a lot of sense to do it web-based and he may want to piggy back off of it for sewer and water in the future. 
Commissioner Meyer stated that he had looked at their website and they had done all kinds of Cities.  Mr. Huber stated that he had checked with Ottawa earlier.  Commissioner Hlavachick asked about the $60,000 difference in the two bids.  Mr. Rambat stated that there would be a lot of extra labor to take all those photos.  Mr. Huber added that we have approximately 5,000 power poles.  Commissioner Peters clarified that this was a budgeted item last year.  Mr. Huber stated that they had saved $45,000 for this project.  With no more discussion, Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to accept the bid from Midland GIS Solutions for the GIS program in the amount of $44,860 plus sales tax and maintenance costs.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Schmidt and carried unanimously.
City Manager Eckert stated that he had taken a look at the purchasing policy with staff and it was time that it be updated.  Mr. Eckert pointed out that the outdated resolution stated that department heads could spend $100 without approval and it had been raised to $1,000 or less within budget limitations.  Mr. Eckert also commented that the competitive bids went up to $10,000 prior to going out to bid to Commissioners, which was pretty much the standard procedures.  Acting City Attorney Goff pointed out that D-4 required the City Attorney to approve all required documents before a project could be started.  Mr. Eckert also pointed out that it talks about a Certificate of Insurance and Performance Bond.
Commissioner Peters questioned the bid award and not basing it on price.  Mayor Kumberg stated that it would depend on the factors.  Mr. Eckert explained that it did not state the lowest bid, but the lowest responsible bid.  Commissioner Meyer asked about the non-discriminatory clause.  Mr. Rambat stated that that was included in the wording when we go out for bids.  Ms. Goff stated that this was standard language so she felt we were covered.
The following Resolution 022017 was then presented to the Commission for their approval:  A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING BIDDING POLICY GUIDELINES FOR THE CITY OF PRATT, KANSAS AND ESTABLISHING EXPENDITURE AUTHORITY FOR CITY MANAGER AND DEPARTMENT HEADS.  Commissioner Peters made a motion to approve Resolution 022017 updating the bidding policy guidelines.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.
Acting City Attorney Goff stated that she had a meeting with Hinkle Law Firm along with Mr. Huber and Energy Agent Kreutzer.  Ms. Goff commented that it was a productive meeting and the discussion was beneficial; however, it was not for public record yet.  Ms. Goff explained that Hinkle had submitted an engagement letter and they had a disclaimer that they were also representing Garden City and they could have to withdraw from us.  Ms. Goff stated that they intended to have further communication with Hinkle and it could be discussed in an executive session.  Commissioner Meyer questioned if she was comfortable with their ability.  Ms. Goff stated that she was impressed with their abilities and they had analyzed a large amount of information very well.
Commissioner Hlavachick asked if we had heard anymore from KMEA.  Mr. Huber stated that we had not.  Commissioner Schmidt questioned what we would lose in terms of what we spend if we had a conflict down the line.  Ms. Goff explained that all the City stands to lose were the legal fees.  Commissioner Schmidt stated that that could be substantial.  Ms. Goff stated that the fees could go up to $10,000 and that would then come to the Commission.  Mr. Eckert added that Garden City had signed a waiver; therefore, there was no conflict with them. 
Mr. Eckert stated that the 1995 Employee Policy Manual was not working anymore, but the basics had come from the League and were okay.  Mr. Eckert commented that he had used the League’s policy template and combined it with what we had in place.  Mr. Eckert explained that quite a bit had come over from the 1995 manual; however, the veteran’s preference was not in there along with other minor changes.  Ms. Goff stated that there were a few minor revisions that still needed to be made such as the forty hour week definition and a few other minor edits.  Ms. Goff stated that it would be on the next agenda for the Commission’s approval.  Mayor Kumberg asked if all employees would receive a copy.  Mr. Eckert stated that they would and the department heads would have their staff sign a form stating that they got their copy and that would be filed in their employee file. 
Commissioner Schmidt stated that the last page says that this would be reviewed every year and he questioned how we make sure that happens.  Mr. Eckert suggested that it be part of the budget process.  Commissioner Peters commented that A-4 on page six talked about overtime and he would like to see the budget reports.  Commissioner Hlavachick stated that the department heads take on that responsibility and he had no use to see that.  Finance Director Garten stated that there was not a lot of overtime on a normal basis, but there could be if there was a storm.  Commissioner Meyer stated that they justify it to Mr. Eckert; therefore, he did not want to micro-manage.  Public Works Director Rambat added that it was event driven.  Commissioner Meyer questioned if we should look at whether we had enough help if we had consistent overtime.  Mr. Eckert used the example of a police officer that was working an accident at the end of his shift which could not be predicted.  Mayor Kumberg stated that this item would be tabled until the next meeting.
• Blythe update:
Ms. Kristina Kaufman thanked the Commission for the funds Blythe Family Fitness received last June.  Ms. Kaufman stated that they started out running in January with teams from Colorado and Nebraska using the facility.  Ms. Kaufman commented that they had twenty-seven teams scheduled to show up to play ball, but the ice storm dropped that number to seventeen, which was the same number as last year. Ms. Kaufman explained that they had something every weekend since January and they would be hosting gymnastics on March 4th and 5th and there would be about three hundred fifty competitors.  Ms. Kaufman stated that she had made up bags that included a sheet about Pratt, coupons, information on our hotels and places to eat.
Ms. Kaufman informed the Commission that they were part of a live radio broadcast in Manhattan and she was told that there was no place like the Blythe in Manhattan.  Commissioner Peters questioned if she ever gets with the hotel owners to give these visitors a discount rate.  Ms. Kaufman stated that she does and all they have to do is mention the Blythe.  Mayor Kumberg thanked Ms. Kaufman for getting all these events to come to Pratt.  Ms. Kaufman commented that the MAYB tournament would also be here again and she was working with the high school to use their facility the second week in July.  Mayor Kumberg stated that the Blythe had been a good return on our investment. 
• Story walk:
County Extension Agent Jody Drake informed the Commission that she would like to do the story walk again this year down at Lemon Park.  Ms. Drake reminded the Commission that she puts book pages around Lemon Park and the kids read a story.  Ms. Drake added that they could go to the library after reading the story and take a test to get a prize.  Ms. Drake commented that this would start on March 13th and the story would be changed out about four times.  Ms. Drake stated that they had comments from all ages on how they had enjoyed this.  Commissioner Peters asked about signs on the sidewalks.  Ms. Drake stated that she puts them closer to the trees so the mowers would not have to worry about them.  After no more discussion, the Commission unanimously agreed to allow the story walk to be placed in Lemon Park.
City Manager:
• Running smoothly:
City Manager Eckert stated that he had been really busy, but things were running smoothly.
Acting City Attorney:
• Meetings:
Acting City Attorney Goff stated that she had been busy meeting with Hinkle Law Firm and County Attorney Tracey Beverlin.  Ms. Goff commented that she had visited with Ms. Beverlin to discuss their dual roles and both had some concerns of deficiencies that would be addressed at some point.  Ms. Goff explained that the deficiencies were minor; however, they could have a huge impact on the community.  Ms. Goff commented that, after prosecuting a case, they may suggest or recommend a lower sentence if the defendant would agree to do certain things, such as drug and alcohol treatment.  Ms. Goff stated that parenting classes were hard to come by and she explained that she had cases of domestic violence happening in front of children, but there are no facilities around and these people did not have the money to travel.  Mayor Kumberg asked if she had checked with DCCCA.  Ms. Goff stated that she had not; however, Ms. Beverlin had mentioned the Hope Center.  Mayor Kumberg commented that Ms. Tracey Green would be a good contact for DCCCA.
Public Works:
• Park and Street Departments:
Public Works Director Rambat stated that the street department was starting to crack seal the streets and the park department was continuing to clean up the hangers out of the trees from the ice storm.
• KDOT projects:
Mr. Rambat stated that he had a couple of projects in mind for KDOT’s 90/10 local projects program.  Mr. Rambat commented that he would have something for the Commission at the next meeting.  Mr. Rambat stated that these would be projects for the 2019 and 2020 calendar years. 
• Maple Street stop sign:
Commissioner Hlavachick asked if it was time to look at the stop signs changing to yield signs on Maple Street near the Sandy Creek Addition.  Mr. Rambat stated that the bridge there was prone to icing and the stop sign gave us more control where a yield sign could be blown through.  Mr. Rambat added that there were also driveways that people back out of and the stop sign gives them a little more time.  Mr. Rambat stated that he would look at it and see what other options there might be.
• Speed limit request:
Mayor Kumberg commented on the denial of the speed limit changes that the City had requested from KDOT.  Mr. Rambat stated that it was worth a try and KDOT had definitely done their homework.
Electric Department:
• Untied:
Director of Electric Utilities Huber reminded the Commission that we had untied from the grid last Wednesday for about eight hours and there were no problems. 
 CPR Training:
Mr. Huber stated that about ten guys from his department had traveled to McPherson to take CPR training.  Mr. Huber added that he had half of the guys get trained last year and this finished up his department. 
• Casey’s:
Mr. Huber informed the Commission that Casey’s was now hot.
• Lemon Park:
Mr. Huber stated that they had taken the lights off of the big diamond at Lemon Park.  Mr. Huber commented that they were a safety issue and the plans were to put in a different transformer.  Mr. Huber explained that he had visited with Recreation Director Pinkall and this was a future budgeted item.  Commissioner Meyer asked if this would affect summer ball.  Recreation Director Pinkall stated that they would not be able to play on it after 9:00 p.m., but Angood field was up and running.  Mr. Pinkall added that youth practices could occur on a smaller field.  Mr. Huber stated that they had planned on replacing this two or three years ago but had backed out when the talk of doing the renovation started.
 Tennis Courts:
Mr. Huber stated that they had taken down some lights at the tennis courts and they would be moving them and replacing the old poles with newer ones.
Police Department:
• Criminal activity:
Police Chief Myers stated that the criminal activity had slowed down some and it could be because some of them were in jail.  Chief Myers commented that he would have a crime report for the Commissioners the first Monday of the month.  Commissioner Peters stated that the article in the paper concerning the event at PCC was good for the community to see and to show that the police were taking action.
Finance Department:
• Audit:
Finance Director Garten stated that she planned on finishing up the yearend information, so she could get back on a monthly basis.  Ms. Garten also informed the Commission that the auditors would be here in April.
Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to recess until March 6th at 11:00 a.m. for the joint City/County meeting at City Hall.  Commissioner Meyer seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
