Thursday, August 31, 2017

09/05/\2017-City Commission Meeting Agenda



SEPTEMBER 05, 2017 



1.      CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
2.      ROLL CALL
4.      MINUTES         August 21, 2017 Regular Commission Meeting
5.      BUSINESS:
5.1             Update on Youth Core Ministries – Sheryl White, Development Coordinator for Youth Core Ministries 

5.2             Update on ‘Jack’s Run’ October 14, 2017 – Kristina Kaufman, Blythe Family Fitness 

5.3             Discussion with American Legion – Legion Members, Mayor, Commission and Staff 

5.4             Consideration and Approval of Bid for Auditing Services for the City of Pratt– Rick Eckert, City Manager; Diana Garten, Finance Director

5.5             Consideration and Approval of the Appt. of City Manager to the KMEA Board as the Alternate Member – Rick Eckert, City Manager; Regina Goff, City Attorney
6.      OPEN AGENDA (City Matters Only)(3 Minute Time Limit)
7.      REPORTS:
7.1             City Manager
7.2             City Attorney
7.3             Department Superintendents
7.4             Mayor
7.5             City Commission 
8.   RECESSMonday, September 18, 2017 @ 11:00 a.m. for City/County Meeting


Monday, August 21, 2017

08/07/2017-Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes

AUGUST 07, 2017

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
Lucus Kumberg                    Mayor
Doug Meyer                         Commissioner
Bill Hlavachick                    Commissioner
Gary Schmidt                       Commissioner
Don Peters                            Commissioner

Roy Eckert                            City Manager
LuAnn Kramer                     City Clerk
Regina Goff                         City Attorney
Diana Garten                        Finance Director
Jeff Ward                              Police Detective
Russell Rambat                    Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship                 Building Inspector
Jamie Huber                         Director of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall                       Recreation Director       


The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Kumberg.  The Mayor instructed the City Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present. 

The Mayor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded. 


Commissioner Meyer led the staff and audience in the invocation and Mayor Kumberg led the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 17, 2017 recessed City/County joint meeting, the July 17, 2017 regular meeting and the July 27, 2017 special call meeting.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Schmidt and carried unanimously.  



Attorney John Beverlin stated that the Oktoberfest group needed this required resolution to apply for the State permit to sell alcohol liquor.  Commissioner Meyer asked if they were selling more than cereal malt beverages.  Mr. Beverlin commented that it mimics the ordinance for regular beer.  Mr. Dakota Haltgrieve commented that they had twenty-eight local businesses sponsoring the event and had raised $9,800; therefore, the event was completely funded.  Mr. Holtgrieve stated that any money made on ticket and beer sales would be donated to the Pratt Rotary Club in memory of Dr. Bruce Kempton.  Mr. Holtgrieve informed the Commission that there would be life size games such as Jinga, chess and ladder jacks and live music.  Mr. Holtgrieve commented that you did not have to drink beer to come and that this was a fun clean event.  Commissioner Hlavachick questioned that it was from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.  Mr. Holtgrieve stated that that was correct.  Mr. Holtgrieve asked that there be a police presence since their liability waiver depended on security.  Mayor Kumberg asked that he get in contact with Chief Myers to set that up.  

The following Resolution 080717 was then presented to the Commission for their approval:  A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CONSUMPTION AND SALE OF ALCOHOL AT THE GREEN SPORTS COMPLEX, PRATT, KANSAS, FOR PRATT OKTOBERFEST ON SEPTEMBER 23, 2017 AS A SPECIAL EVENT PURSUANT TO K.S.A. 41-2645.  Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to approve Resolution 080717 authorizing the consumption and sale of alcohol at Green Sports Complex for the Pratt Oktoberfest on September 23, 2017.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried unanimously.


City Attorney Goff stated that this agreement with Pratt Family Dental included the adjoining lot across from the Green Sports Complex.  Ms. Goff explained that they needed the northern 100’ of that lot; however, to avoid the complication of a lot split, the idea was brought up that they purchase the entire lot and leave the easement for the City.  Ms. Goff stated that both organizations were in agreement; therefore,  the deed was attached and everything was in order.  Commissioner Meyer made a motion to approve the written agreement to transfer real estate to Pratt Family Dental in the amount of $7,300.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Schmidt and carried unanimously. 


City Attorney Goff stated that this was the deed that went along with the purchase agreement.  A motion by Commissioner Peters to approve the Quitclaim Deed for the property sold to Pratt Family Dental was seconded by Commissioner Schmidt and passed unanimously. 


Public Works Director Rambat stated that he had gone out for bids for the mill and overlay project that would involve Third Street from Rochester Street to Howard Street and north of the fountain around the corner to Stout Street and First Street.  Mr. Rambat commented that he had gotten a really good bid on that and he was thinking about putting an extension on it.  Mr. Rambat explained that he got two bids back and they were $58,097.04 from APAC-Kansas and $99,569.90 from Holland Paving.  Mr. Rambat commented that he felt that APAC was doing a project in Kingman and had their plant set up there; therefore, that was the reason their bid was so much lower.   

Mr. Rambat stated that we had never had a problem with APAC and he would recommend the low bid from them for $58,097.04.  Mr. Rambat commented that their bid was low enough that he might add from Third Street north going to the fountain.  With little more discussion, Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to approve the low bid from APAC-Kansas, Shears Division in the amount of $58,097.04 for the mill and overlay project on Third Street from Rochester Street to Howard Street and the fountain area.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peters and carried unanimously. 


City Attorney Goff stated that she had been informed that there were issues with leaking water main lines and she had been asked to draw up this resolution.  Ms. Goff stated that this resolution pertains to Ordinance 1705 and would give the City Manager authority to request voluntary conservation to decrease water usage until another resolution was passed to lift the warning.  Ms. Goff went on to explain that the resolution used what was in the ordinance declaring a water warning and this warning was the middle of the road. 

City Manager Eckert explained that there were major water issues this morning and they involved four 12” water mains.  Mr. Eckert stated that there was a very deep hole at Pine Street and Sixth Street and that pipe had several holes.  Mr. Eckert commented that the leak had happened in the night and the City was working off of six wells versus our normal two.  Mr. Eckert explained that the water was drawing down the wells and causing concern; however, the crews were working hard to seal those leaks.  Mr. Rambat added that leaks could be misleading, because this was not about the available water we had but about the stress on the distribution system.  Mr. Rambat stated that we did not necessarily have a water shortage; however, shortage of supply through the distribution system.  Mr. Rambat reported that the water superintendent had been noticing that we had been using a lot of water the last few weeks and multiple leaks could hide for a while.  Building Inspector Blankenship stated that Water Superintendent Clay had told him that the Champa Street tank had to be refilled one hundred times and it was a 750,000 gallon tank.  Mr. Blankenship commented that that was not normal.  Commissioner Schmidt questioned if this would put stress on the car wash businesses.  Ms. Goff stated that this was a voluntary measure, so that would be up to the business owners.  Mr. Eckert added that there were no fines at this point; however, we would address that if there were more problems.   

The following Resolution 080717A was then presented to the Commission for their approval:  A RESOLUTION DECLARING A WATER WARNING FOR THE CITY OF PRATT, KANSAS.  Commissioner Meyer made a motion to approve Resolution 080717A declaring a water warning.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously. 


No one in the audience wished to address the Commission. 


City Manager: 

·        Cooper Street: 

City Manager Eckert stated that he had been working on the Cooper Street situation and had met with two representatives today.  Mr. Eckert commented that the representative from KDOT and Mr. Withers would also be working with the County and there should be a very positive outcome shortly.  Mr. Eckert added that the issue was to get Cooper Street to open up to Highway 54.

·        KMEA: 

Mr. Eckert stated that we were waiting for a letter back on the KMEA situation and he was hoping that no news was good news. 

·        Budget:

Mr. Eckert stated that the budget process was just about there and he was pleased with the outcome. 

City Attorney:

·        Research & Negotiations:

City Attorney Goff stated that she had been busy doing research for different departments and working on negotiations with KMEA, which could be discussed in executive session if the Commission wanted to.  Ms. Goff commented that she was seeing fewer cases come before her in Municipal Court. 

Public Works: 

·        Chip Seal bid:

Public Works Director Rambat informed the Commission that he would be opening bids for the chip seal project tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. and would be on the next agenda. 

·        Sidewalk project: 

Mr. Rambat stated that Arensdorf Construction had started replacing sidewalks on the north side of town and should be moving to the southeast corner later this week. 

Building Inspections:

·        Donut Palace:

Building Inspector Blankenship stated that he had visited with Donut Palace and they would be opening August 14th.  Mr. Blankenship commented that these owners have one in Alva and this was the third one in Kansas. 

·        Projects:

Mr. Blankenship stated that he had been working with the architect and engineer for Pratt Family Dental and also with another architect and engineer on a different project.  Mr. Blankenship commented that projects were starting to open up with the tax revitalization program back in effect.   

Electric Department: 

·        Storm Outage: 

Director of Electric Utilities Huber stated that they had been called to go to Kiowa again after this last storm, but we did not have the key players to go; therefore, we had not sent anyone.  Mr. Huber commented that there were ten Cities that went to help them. 

Recreation Department:

·        Numbers from Sports Complex:

Recreation Director Pinkall stated that he had put together some numbers for Green Sports Complex that the Commission had requested.  Mr. Pinkall explained that there had be three hundred thirty-eight teams (338) teams play at the Complex with a total of eight hundred ten (810) games being played.  Mr. Pinkall commented that the gate money added up to over $41,000, concessions $46,348 and entry fees totaled $30,650.  Mr. Pinkall added that there was also a list of a majority of the teams that had come to play at Green Sports Complex.

Police Department:

·        Relationship with prosecutors:

Police Detective Ward commented that Chief Myers was on vacation, but would return back to work later in the week.  Detective Ward stated that things did appear to be down this month and that was fine with the police department.  Detective Ward added that he attributed that to the two new prosecutors and the department was enjoying a nice relationship with both of them. 

Finance Department:

·        Public Hearing:

Finance Director Garten stated that the public hearing for the 2018 budget would be at the meeting on August 21st, which was when the Commission would approve the budget.

·        Sales tax:

Ms. Garten commented that sales tax was down 3% from last year and she thought it might turn around once Casey’s shows up.  Ms. Garten added that the sales tax report was for sales through May.  Ms. Garten stated that the second quarter sales report was also in the packet.

·        Audit proposals:

Ms. Garten stated that she had sent out proposals for auditors and she was looking for those to be back in the next few weeks.

Mayor and Commission:

·        City Manager evaluation:

Mayor Kumberg stated that the Commissioners had the results of the City Manager’s evaluation and they would be discussing that in executive session at the next meeting and reporting the results to Mr. Eckert.

Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Schmidt and carried unanimously. 

LUCUS KUMBERG, Mayor                                   




Thursday, August 17, 2017

08/21/2017-City Commission Meeting Agenda


AUGUST 21, 2017



1.      CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
2.      ROLL CALL
4.      MINUTES         August 07, 2017 Regular Commission Meeting

5.      BUSINESS:
5.1             2018 Proposed City of Pratt Budget – Mayor and Commission
·        Open Public Hearing
·        Discussion
·        Close Public Hearing 

5.2             Consideration and Approval of the 2018 Proposed City of Pratt Budget – Mayor and Commission

5.3             Update on the Circles Program – Jeanette Siemens

5.4             Consideration and Approval of Youth Core Ministries Event on Sunday, September 17th – Tyler Bousman, Core Life Director
5.5             Consideration and Approval of Resolution 082117 Ending the Water Warning for the City of Pratt Declared by Resolution 080717A – Regina Goff, City Attorney; Russell Rambat, Public Works Director

5.6             Consideration and Approval of Bid for the 2017 Chip Seal Project – Russell Rambat, Public Works Director

6.      OPEN AGENDA (City Matters Only)(3 Minute Time Limit)
7.      REPORTS:
7.1             City Manager
7.2             City Attorney
7.3             Department Superintendents
7.4             Mayor
7.5             City Commission


1.      20 minute executive session for Non-Elected Personnel – Rick’s evaluation.
2.      20 minute executive session for Discussion on Acquisition of Real Estate – American Legion.
3.      20 minute executive session for Confidential Data Relating to Financial Affairs or Trade Secrets of Second Parties – KMEA
4.      20 minute executive session for Confidential Data Relating to Financial Affairs or Trade Secrets of Second Parties – Meeting in Springfield 

Monday, August 7, 2017

07/12/2017-Approved City Commission Special Call Meeting Minutes


JULY 27, 2017 

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in a Special Call session in the Commission Room located at City Hall.
Lucus Kumberg  Mayor
Doug Meyer  Commissioner
Bill Hlavachick  Commissioner
Gary Schmidt  Commissioner
Don Peters  Commissioner


Roy Eckert  City Manager
LuAnn Kramer  City Clerk
Regina Goff  City Attorney
Diana Garten  Finance Director
Gary Myers  Chief of Police
Russell Rambat  Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Jamie Huber  Director of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall  Recreation Director  
The Special Call meeting was called to order by Mayor Kumberg.  The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present. 
Finance Director Garten stated that she had made the changes requested from the last budget work session and had also listed the donations that Mayor Kumberg wanted to discuss.  Ms. Garten added that it was all self-explanatory.  Commissioner Schmidt asked about the added budget authority for a 3% cost of living raise for employees.  Ms. Garten explained that it had not been built in earlier, but was now on a request from the City Manager.  Ms. Garten added that there would be no raises at all without it in there.  Ms. Garten stated that she had broken down how much would come out of each fund for a total of $168,000.  Commissioner Meyer stated that he was okay with that; however, he would suggest that they look at the financials again in November or December.  Ms. Garten stated that she would make herself a note to review this then.  Ms. Garten added that it did not have to be 3%, but they wanted to build something in there. 
·        ED Director:
Commissioner Meyer asked about the economic director position.  Ms. Garten stated that that would come out of tourism and they had an amount that they had budgeted for that.  Ms. Garten commented that County Commissioner Borho had indicated that this probably would not happen until 2019 since the 2018 budgets were set.  Mayor Kumberg questioned if we could hire that position and not have it tied to ED.  Ms. Garten stated that we could do that.  Commissioner Meyer commented that he did not know if we wanted to wait until 2019.  Commissioner Hlavachick stated that this had been on the back burner for some time.  Mayor Kumberg stated that the biggest impact would be here.  Ms. Garten stated that we have some money, but no enough for a fulltime person with benefits.  Commissioner Peters commented that the City would earn the biggest benefit, but we could get a better package with a supplement from the County.  Commissioner Meyer asked who was in charge of them.  Ms. Garten stated that they would report to the ED Board, but they would need money to help with entertaining, etc.  Mayor Kumberg commented that we were in an advantageous position and primed for growth, but we did not have the right people in place.  Ms. Garten added that we were lacking in a work force and affordable housing along with no building for people to go into.  Commissioner Meyer stated that there was the Machinery Link building.  Mayor Kumberg stated that the work force at the hospital came from the four surrounding Counties.  Commissioner Meyer stated that we did not want the budget to hold us back and it might be an expense we had to absorb.   
·        3% increase:
Commissioner Hlavachick questioned if we could do a 2.5% increase for employees.  Ms. Garten stated that we could; however, we had done the 3% every year since she came and one year they did 6%.  Commissioner Schmidt commented that he thought that we were going to keep the wages flat and the increase in health insurance would be part of the raise.  Ms. Garten stated that it would not be built into the budget if it was not authorized.  Commissioner Peters suggested that the higher ups get 2% raises and the lower staff get the 3%.  Ms. Garten stated that there were no stipulations on how we do it.  Ms. Garten added that we had good people and want that option in there if possible.  Mayor Kumberg reminded the Commission that they and the City Manager did not get the increase.   
·        Mill Levy:
Mayor Kumberg questioned when the last time was that we raised the mill levy.  Ms. Garten stated that it had been flat for several years and actually decreased the last four or five years.  Commissioner Meyer asked how we justify raising the mill levy.  Mayor Kumberg stated that we were using our own money to artificially keep the mill levy flat.  Commissioner Peters asked what our peak cash reserve had been.  Ms. Garten stated that it was $20 million before several large projects.  Commissioner Peters requested a report that would show how that $20 million was spent.  Ms. Garten stated that she had that list.  Commissioner Meyer commented that this was on the advice of our auditors so that we could start building up our cash.  Mayor Kumberg stated that the money in reserves had been earmarked for projects so that we would not have to pay interest. 
·        Water at the airport:
Commissioner Meyer questioned how much it would cost to get water out to the airport.  Ms. Garten stated that it would be about a $1.2 million project with a 30% forgiveness.  City Attorney Goff stated that KDHE was going to get ahold of the Army Corp of Engineers to get them to the table to help cover the costs. 
·        Rate Study: 
Mayor Kumberg questioned if we had any idea on the anticipated revenue from the rate study.  Ms. Garten stated that they were still working on it; however, we did anticipate some increase in revenue. 
·        Donations: 
Mayor Kumberg asked if we had had any requests for the donations.  Ms. Garten stated that she had not, but City Manager Eckert had visited with Kristina Kaufman from Blythe Family Fitness.  Ms. Garten commented that she would like to have the same amount or more.  Ms. Garten added that the Humane Society was contractual and built into the budget.  Mayor Kumberg stated that, in lieu of what was happening, we were going to spend some of the tourism money on Lemon Park; therefore, we should probably put a cap on what we were giving.  Mayor Kumberg added that they do contribute to the community, but this was going to be a wait and see year.   
·        Police Department: 
Commissioner Meyer asked if any of the requests from Police Chief Myers were going to be allowed to happen.  Ms. Garten stated that a lot had been taken care of when Chief Myers had given his presentation to the Commission.  Ms. Garten commented that he had put in for two additional employees, but we did not want to ignore his requests.  Mayor Kumberg stated that he agreed 100% that they needed more staff and that they had done without things for a long time.  Ms. Garten stated that all he had down was in the budget. 
·        ED: 
Commissioner Hlavachick asked how much of the $60,000 a year gets used by ED.  Ms. Garten stated that it depends on what comes to town.  Commissioner Hlavachick questioned if they use some of it every year.  Ms. Garten commented that they did not; however, they had already committed $250,000 to the theatre and $60,000 to Dr. Hopkins along with paying for the new parking in front of Kennedy & Co. 
·        Lemon Park: 
Commissioner Meyer asked if we had money to spend on Lemon Park.  Ms. Garten stated that we had a $20,000 gift and there was a grant that had been filed for two bathrooms.   
·        Request form: 
Ms. Garten stated that she would add financial reports and updates to the request form that businesses receiving donations would be required to fill out.  Mayor Kumberg stated that he would like for those to come quarterly and also have the larger events do the economic impact study like Disc Golf does. 
·        Removal of property: 
Commissioner Meyer asked if we needed to increase the amount in the inspector’s budget to have structures removed from a property.  Ms. Garten stated that we had increased that to $50,000 a couple of years ago and the cost to do one was estimated at $10,000; therefore, the $50,000 would do five properties.  Commissioner Peters questioned if this money goes away if it was not spent.  Ms. Garten stated that it does.  Commissioner Schmidt asked if the reimbursement from the South Iuka properties would go back into the general fund.  Ms. Garten stated that it would and added that that property did not hurt us at all. 
·        Increase in donation: 
Commissioner Hlavachick stated that he would like to see the Hope Center, Circles and the Food Bank get an additional $100 a month.  Commissioner Meyer commented that he had visited with Ms. Siemens and Circles was happy with what they were getting.  Mayor Kumberg added that he felt that the Hope Center was happy as well.  Commissioner Hlavachick stated that the shelves at the Food Bank were pretty empty sometimes and the number of people had increased.  Commissioner Meyer stated that there were only two that came in last Friday, but you never knew what to expect. 
·        Motion to Publish:
Commissioner Meyer made a motion to approve the publication of the 2018 proposed budget as presented and to have the public hearing on August 21st at the regular Commission meeting.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peters and carried unanimously.
