OCTOBER 10, 2018
Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in a Special Call Session in the
Commission Room located at City Hall.
Doug Meyer Mayor
Gary Schmidt Commissioner
Don Peters Commissioner
Jason Leslie Commissioner
Gary Schmidt Commissioner
Don Peters Commissioner
Jason Leslie Commissioner
Roy Eckert City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Bruce Pinkall Recreation Director
Special Call meeting was called to order by Mayor Meyer. The Mayor instructed the City Clerk to note
that all Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Kumberg.
Mayor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.
Meyer stated that there had been some questions come up since the last meeting
and the Commission felt it was important to get some of them answered. Commissioner Schmidt stated that what he was most
interested in was not the concept of doing this project or not, but what
percentage of the forty acre plot the college wanted and where it was going to
be located. Commissioner Schmidt commented that we needed
to know what we would be able to do down the line with the remainder of the forty
acre lot. Commissioner Schmidt mentioned
that the suggestions out there were a new swimming pool, water park, go carts
and a shooting range. Commissioner
Schmidt stated that the preliminary drawings showed that they would be taking
the heart out of the forty acres, which would not leave the City much to work
with. Mr.
Kent Adams, PCC Vice-President of Finance and Operations, stated that
they would use about 20.25 acres that would be laid out between the parking lot
and field events.
Mike Calvert, PCC President, stated that they would be more than happy to have
conversations to relocate. Commissioner
Schmidt stated that he had visited with Recreation Director Pinkall about the potential
for this and there were no concrete plans yet; however, there were a lot of
ideas. Commissioner Schmidt commented
that forty acres was a lot of territory, but you did not want to take twenty acres
out of the center and end up with a parameter that could not used. Commissioner Schmidt stated that this needed
to be decided before the City made a decision.
Dr. Calvert stated that they would definitely look out for the best
interest of the City and that included it needing to be moved. Dr. Calvert commented that the existing track was
in a confined space and there were field events such as javelin and hammer
throw at the college level. Dr. Calvert
added that those would be grass areas that could be utilized when it was not
track season.
Pinkall stated that they had looked at going up toward the very north and going
east and west. Mr. Pinkall commented
that the preferred orientation was to go north and south and had angled one
that was in between; however, that got nixed pretty quickly. Mr. Pinkall added that they went forward with
the north and south option and the three hundred car parking lot was narrowed
down to two hundred. Mr. Pinkall
explained that, moving as far east as they could, there was the potential
possibility for ease of some things, such as covering the ditch and having a
more seamless connection to the Sports Complex.
Mr. Pinkall commented that he did not know if this was possible, but
they were things that City Manager Eckert had brought to the table. Mr. Pinkall stated that all the water comes from
Walmart and the design problems were the flood plain that goes east on Sixth
Street and drops off a lot and to the north.
Mr. Pinkall explained that the ditch comes east and goes under railroad
tracks and that area between the grass and trees holds water. Commissioner Peters stated that that takes up
twenty acres and the lower part was not anything. Mr. Pinkall stated that the current layout
handles the drainage very well at the Sports Complex.
Meyer questioned if the dirt work needed would be a part of the IRB. Dr. Calvert stated that $200,000 worth of
dirt work was in the IRB. Mayor Meyer
asked if the City was doing part of the road.
Mr. Pinkall stated that we maintain all of the street because it could
be a connecting piece if we expanded to the east. Commissioner Peters questioned if that cost would
be on the City. Mr. Pinkall commented
that he did not know, but we did not want to lose the right-of-way option. Mayor Meyer asked if we had to finish a road
all the way across. Dr. Calvert
commented that we would if that was the design concept. Mayor Meyer questioned if we could move some
dirt. Public Works Director Rambat
stated that it would depend on whether it was virgin soil or what had been sitting
Calvert stated that this was 2016 construction that needed to begin calendar
year 2018; however, they had asked for an extension. Commissioner Schmidt stated that he had been
on Fincham Street and 6th Street to see the intersection and he had
noticed that the mound of dirt at least halfway through the forty acres was 10’
to 12’ high. Commissioner Schmidt stated
that if it had never been compacted, there could be a problem. Commissioner Schmidt stated that another
thought that made more sense would be to interchange the parking lot, move
further north and still accommodate field events. Dr. Calvert commented that he had no problem
with that or the road going farther to the east. Mr. Eckert suggeseted that they put it up in
the northeast corner and put the parking lot in the middle. Building Inspector Blankenship asked if there
was going to be bathrooms. Dr. Calvert
pointed them out on the map. Mr.
Blankenship stated they would need a lift station in there. Dr. Calvert stated that he believed they
would. Mr. Eckert stated that there
would be more usable space if the parking lot was between and that would move the
Sport Complex closer. Mayor Meyer
commented that they would have to extend the road and there would be elevation
to it. Mr. Eckert stated that it could
be taken down. Mayor Meyer stated that
Mr. Rambat had commented that he would rather curb that and then past that
could be open gravel road.
Mayor Meyer questioned how the
Commissioners wanted to do this. Mayor
Meyer commented that they could issue the IRB’s and then get down to the nitty
gritty later. Commissioner Schmidt
asked if they would continue the box in there so the Sports Complex could be
built farther east. Commissioner Schmidt
added that it would be an additional expense, but it would leave a lot more
area to work with. Mayor Meyer stated
that it was unusable land if we did not do that. Commissioner Schmidt stated that it would
also improve pedestrian access.
Commissioner Schmidt questioned if they would match what we had now if
they did restrooms and concession stands.
Mr. Pinkall stated that he hoped that would be the theme.
Commissioner Leslie commented that
the anonymous letter was a lot about soccer and since there was no high school
soccer we did not want to do this for that purpose. Dr. Calvert stated that their intent had
never been to push soccer on any one. Dr.
Calvert added that they had not done a feasibility study because this would be
a multipurpose facility for a variety of events. Dr. Calvert commented that the high school
could introduce soccer at Zerger field if they wanted to. Dr. Calvert commented that soccer was common
whether we wanted it or not. Mayor Meyer
commented that the letter mentioned that there was no support from the college soccer
and track coaches; however, they were here at the last meeting. Dr. Calvert stated that a turf surface could
be host to an Oktoberfest event or a lot of other events. Commissioner Schmidt stated that he was not
trying to shove everything off to the college, but there could be plans for
that piece of property in the next five to ten years. Dr. Calvert stated that this was a 2016
drawing and they had never tried to push it one way or another and he
understood that the City wanted to be good stewards of the land. Commissioner Schmidt stated that we had a
responsibility as a City and plans could change, so we try to think ahead.
Mr. Pinkall commented that another
piece in the forefront was maintenance in the future. Mayor
Meyer commented that that would fall under the Interlocal Agreement and we had agreed
to work on that. Mayor Meyer added that
we needed more information on how we were going to structure the maintenance
and the reserve capital fund to replace the surface. Dr. Calvert stated that they would like to
move on the project sooner than later by a level of trust and know that things
could change. Dr. Calvert commented that
financially, the college would be engaged in the maintenance costs and the
replacement of the surfaces. Dr. Calvert
stated that they had never claimed that the economics would be the same as the
Sports Complex and they were probably looking at 10 to 20% of that; however,
there was the potential to grow and generate some revenue.
Dr. Calvert stated that they had $2,000,000
in donations, pledges and grants and reminded the City Commissioners that there
was no financial responsibility put on the City. Dr. Calvert commented that we could get this
built and get the Interlocal Agreement done.
Mayor Meyer stated that he agreed, but the Commission had a moral
obligation and there was concern moving forward that the college would raise the
mill levy. Dr. Calvert stated that that
had never been the college’s intent and the Board did not want to do that. Mayor Meyer stated that the lawyers from Gilmore
and Bell had stated that the Foundation was financially sound and the flow was
there to make the bond payments. Mayor
Meyer added that the IRB’s could be paid off in five to seven years, which
would save on interest. Commissioner
Leslie stated that the college had been transparent and open to everybody and
the public wanted to reflect the same thing.
Commissioner Leslie commented that we all needed to be on the same
Commissioner Leslie stated that
whoever wrote the anonymous letter could also be involved in the theatre
project. Commissioner Leslie commented
that we needed to know what was going on so that we knew the answers to any questions. Dr. Calvert stated that we needed to answer
them intelligently and he was fine if his phone number was given out. Mayor Meyer stated that it was not fair to
compare the Sports Complex or the theatre, because that was not a fair
comparison. Mayor Meyer again asked if the Commission wanted to wait or move
forward. Mayor Meyer added that there
were still a lot of questions, but they could give the approval and still
massage this process. Dr. Calvert stated
that that was what he understood since they would not be breaking ground until
Mayor Meyer questioned what it
would cost for sewer, water and electric.
Mr. Pinkall commented that some things were in the floodplain. Mr. Pinkall added that, once we had
artificial surface, they were weather resistant. Commissioner Schmidt asked if a soccer field
had the same slope as football. Mr.
Pinkall explained that artificial surface goes a lot flatter. Mr. Rambat stated that the City runs from mains
to the property lines, so in this case it was our property lines. Mr. Rambat added that they would set the
transformer at the facility. Mr.
Blankenship added that they would get it closer to the need to cut down the
cost. Commissioner Meyer asked if the
college would have night events. Dr. Calvert
stated that they play during the daytime, but it could go into the
evening. Dr. Calvert commented that City
recreation had all types of night time opportunities. Commissioner Schmidt asked if there was $250,000
for soccer lighting. Dr. Calvert stated
that they would be putting in original lighting. Mr. Pinkall added that it would all have to
be underground.
Commissioner Schmidt asked if the bond
people that we had talked with agreed that an invoice would go to the Trustees
and they would collect from the college. Mr. Adams stated that typically the bank had an
office in Kansas; therefore, the Trustee did not do much. Mr. Adams stated that whoever Ranson
Financial selected would be okay with them and they would pay the debt service
to them and then they were responsible for paying interest to the bond
holders. Commissioner Peters stated that
he was still bothered with the Interlocal Agreement. Commissioner Peters added that he did not want
the City to get stuck and he did not want the City to have to mow. Commissioner Peters commented that he did not
have a feel of how this works. Commissioner
Leslie stated that there had to be trust amongst each other. Mayor Meyer stated that the Interlocal Agreement
would take time and this was the spirit of coming together. Mayor Meyer stated
that USD 382 Superintendent Suzan Patton had stated at the tax entity meeting
that they had the lease payment check now, but they did not want to be involved
in the process.
With no more discussion, Commissioner
Peters made a motion to adjourn. The
motion was seconded by Commissioner Leslie and carried unanimously.