Thursday, March 28, 2019

04/01/2019-City Commission Meeting Agenda


APRIL 01, 2019 



1.      CALL TO ORDER (Remind the audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
2.      ROLL CALL
      4.1 Minutes:         March 18, 2019 Recessed City/County Meeting
                                     March 18, 2019 Regular Commission Meeting

5.1   Consideration and Approval for Legacy Bank to have an Outdoor Event April 26th – Legacy Bank Representative (No information) 

5.2   Consideration and Approval for Use of Jack Ewing Park for Annual Beaver Backer’s Duck Race – Scott Goodheart, PCC (No Information) 

5.3   Consideration and Approval for a 5K Run for Hope on April 27th – Desiree Miller & Jo Walker, SCK-SEC (No Information) 

5.4   Consideration and Approval of Appointments to the Pratt Library Board – Mayor Meyer

5.5   Consideration and Approval of Air Compressor Bid for Street Department – Russell Rambat, Public Works Director

6.   OPEN AGENDA (City Matters Only) (3 Minute Time Limit)

7.1      City Manager 
7.2      City Attorney
7.3      Department Superintendents
7.4      Mayor
7.5      City Commission


Monday, March 18, 2019

03/07/2019-Approved City Commission Recessed Meeting Minutes

MARCH 07, 2019
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in a Recessed Session in the meeting room located at BTI in Pratt, Kansas.
Doug Meyer                 Mayor
Gary Schmidt               Commissioner
Don Peters                    Commissioner
Zach Deeds                   Commissioner

Roy Eckert                   City Manager
Jamie Huber                 Director of Electric Utilities

The recessed meeting was called to order by Mayor Meyer.  Mayor Meyer stated that all Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Leslie.  



Mayor Meyer stated that the conference was put on by Inovateus so that they could showcase the City’s solar farm experience with other Cities and to tour our facility.  


With nothing to report, proper motion was made to recess until Monday, March 18, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. for the City/County joint meeting.


LUANN KRAMER, City Clerk  

03/04/2019-Approved City Commission Meeting MInutes


MARCH 04, 2019 

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular Session in the Commission Room located at City Hall.

Doug Meyer  Mayor
Gary Schmidt  Commissioner
Don Peters  Commissioner
Jason Leslie  Commissioner
Zach Deeds  Commissioner


Roy Eckert  City Manager
LuAnn Kramer  City Clerk
Regina Probst  City Attorney
Diana Garten  Finance Director
Russell Rambat  Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector
Jamie Huber  Dir. of Electric :Utilities


The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Meyer.  The Mayor instructed the City Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present. 

Mayor Meyer reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded. 


Commissioner Deeds led the staff and audience in the invocation and Mayor Meyer led the Pledge of Allegiance. 


·        February 19, 2019 Regular Commission Meeting
·        February 26, 2019 Special Call Commission Meeting 

Commissioner Schmidt made a motion to approve the consent agenda.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peters and carried unanimously.



Robert Smiley, owner of Smiley Concrete, addressed the Commission about purchasing some property owned by the City.  Mr. Smiley commented that the Commission had voted to sell property across from the Sports Complex at the last meeting and he was ready to make an offer.  Mr. Smiley stated that he was hoping to develop a new business park and he already had a couple of businesses that were interested.  Mr. Smiley explained that his plan was to create a development with family business styles that would become a permanent fixture.  Mr. Smiley commented that he was looking to create an incubator style with food and drinks in the area, which would add to what the City had already done.  Mr. Smiley stated that he believed in that area and felt it was growing due to the youth programs and adults helping youth.  Mr. Smiley stated that we had a town that served our own needs; however, we needed to add to what we had so that we could serve others outside the City.  Mr. Smiley commented that, with the growth on the east side of town, it was the place to be and it would also add more parking to the Green Sports Complex.

Mayor Meyer asked what his timeline was.  Mr. Smiley answered that the initial investment would be three hundred sixty five days and that would include the dirt work and a full scale of the development area.  Mr. Smiley commented that he would allow businesses in once the preliminary plan was accepted.  Mr. Smiley explained that he had two businesses that were risky, but they were his and he had two or three others that were interested.  Commissioner Leslie questioned how many he could get in that area.  Mr. Smiley stated that he thought he could get eight to ten, depending on their size.  Mr. Smiley added that he was hoping for something large scale for entertainment.  Mr. Smiley commented that people could benefit with the right types of businesses. 

Mayor Meyer questioned if he was going to submit his proposal confidentially or publicly.  City Attorney Probst reminded the Commission that the sale of City property had to be done in open session; however, Mr. Smiley could get with City Manager Eckert and then it would come to the Commission.  Mayor Meyer clarified that he did not want to publicly give his proposal.  Mr. Smiley stated that that was correct.  Commissioner Leslie asked if we knew the fair market value of that property.  Mr. Eckert stated that we did not, but he had talked to the League and there was nothing out there that determines how we sell City owned property.  Mr. Eckert clarified that we did not have to advertise the property and all we had to do was negotiate with the interested person.   

Commissioner Peters questioned if the property was zoned commercial.  Building Inspector Blankenship stated that it was not and would need to be rezoned.  Commissioner Leslie asked if the property would be appraised.  Mr. Eckert stated that we could do that.  Commissioner Leslie stated that we needed to be fair; however, we did not want to give it away.  Mayor Meyer commended Mr. Smiley for seeing the big picture and bringing new businesses in town, which increases the tax base.  Mr. Eckert stated that he would be glad to sit down with Mr. Smiley and two other Commissioners and discuss his proposal.  Commissioner Peters asked how many acres were actually there.  Public Works Director Rambat stated that there was probably around fifteen acres.  Commissioner Schmidt commented that it was an odd shape.  Mr. Rambat agreed and commented that the City would need to have some right-of-ways and easements.  Mr. Rambat added that we would have to replat it and, even if Mr. Smiley did not purchase the property, the right-of-ways and easements would be there to service the whole area.  Mr. Rambat commented that there were one foot easements on there, but they did not do the City any good.   

Mr. Blankenship stated that he had visited with Mr. Smiley about the easements and right-of-ways and he was fine with that.  Mr. Smiley commented that he understood the job they had and that it might be difficult to get new businesses to come in.  Mr. Smiley explained that, if not businesses, he would consider apartments.  Mr. Smiley stated that he had been in business here for twelve years and lived here for fifteen and he saw the opportunity of a business park.  Mr. Smiley stated that he looked forward to working with everyone in the City and he did not want to rush into anything.  Mr. Smiley added that he was willing to negotiate and take the steps to make it happen.  Mayor Meyer thanked Mr. Smiley for presenting his ideas to the Commission.


Chamber Director Kim DeClue informed the Commission that the 2019 Summerfest would be on July 13th and the street closures would be from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.  Ms. DeClue clarified that she was asking for the 11:00 p.m. closure for Fourth Street only, because they would be having a concert in Merchant Park that evening.  Ms. DeClue explained the street closures as West Second Street between Main Street and the alleyway, West Third Street between Main Street and the alleyway and West Fourth Street between Main Street and Jackson Street.  Ms. DeClue commented that they would have the Lions Club train and the National Guard Armory along with the Farmer’s Market, live entertainment and the laser show from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.  With no further discussion, Commissioner Leslie made a motion to approve the street closures for the 2019 Summerfest on July 13th as presented by Chamber Director DeClue.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peters and carried unanimously. 


City Attorney Probst stated that she had discussions with Ms. DeClue and Finance Director Garten concerning changes that needed to be made to Ordinance 0503 and they had been very productive meetings.  Ms. DeClue stated that the first change was in Section 2 where the guest tax rate had changed from seven to eight percent.  Ms. DeClue commented that that had changed years ago, but the ordinance had not been updated.  Ms. DeClue stated that the next change was in Section 7 and that had been changed to clarify what Travel and Tourism money was used for.  Ms. DeClue explained that bed tax money was how Travel and Tourism got money back into their fund, so they encouraged events that require overnight lodging.   

Ms. DeClue stated that the biggest change was the number of people on the committee.  Ms. DeClue commented that they had nine members now and approve three each year.  Ms. DeClue stated that no one had gone off the committee since she had come on and one member had been on the board for thirty years.  Ms. DeClue commented that he had great knowledge and was a valuable member, but adding one or two more members would make the committee function well.  Ms. Garten explained that Section 8 (b) states that a member would be dismissed if they miss three meetings; however, the committee could say they were a valuable member and keep them on.  Ms. DeClue commented that one member was the president of another committee from his work and it interfered with him being able to attend the Travel and Tourism meetings and they needed him there.   

With no more discussion, the following Ordinance 1903 was then presented to the Commission for their approval:  AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY OF A TRANSIENT GUEST TAX FOR TOURISM AND CONVENTION AND REPEALING SECTION 3.12.010 THROUGH 3.12.100 OF THE PRATT MUNI CIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF PRATT, KANSAS.  Commissioner Deeds made a motion to approve Ordinance 1903 concerning Travel and Tourism as presented.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Leslie and carried unanimously. 


City Attorney Probst explained that what was in this ordinance had already been approved; however, the ordinance was requested by the Title Insurance Company.  Ms. Probst stated that this ordinance approves the purchase of property from the Karellen Larrison Trust for the waterline project to the airport. 

With no more discussion, the following Ordinance 1904 was presented to the Commission for their approval:  AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY.  Commissioner Peters made a motion to approve Ordinance 1904 authorizing the purchase of property from the Karellen Larrison Trust for the waterline project at the airport.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Schmidt and carried unanimously. 


City Manager Eckert stated that this Board was a good thing to be a part of and he was willing to serve an additional term.  Director of Electric Utilities Huber explained that Mr. Eckert was a voting member and the seats were reappointed every three years.  Mr. Huber added that the City would be getting out of EMP2, but would continue as a member with KMEA.  Commissioner Schmidt made a motion to approve the City Manager as Director #1 on the KMEA Board of Directors.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peters and carried unanimously. 


No one wished to address the Commission.


City Manager:

·        Shooting range: 

City Manager Eckert stated that the shooting range was coming along and was very impressive.  Mr. Eckert commented that it was a tremendous asset to the City and he was impressed how fast they were getting it done. 

·        Fire truck: 

Mr. Eckert stated that the fire truck had gotten here despite the weather.  Mr. Eckert commented that the department was proud of the truck and we had gotten a good deal on it. 

·        Budget: 

Mr. Eckert stated that it was time to start getting ready for budget.

·        Opportunities: 

Mr. Eckert commented that things were looking good in Pratt and it was optimistic for businesses.  Mr. Eckert stated that there were some options to enhance opportunities that might require executive sessions later on. 

·        Police Department: 

Mr. Eckert stated that Police Chief Humble was out of town all week, but he had a good crew to keep things running.  Mr. Eckert commented that the police department was well established and full staffed. 

City Attorney: 

·        Threat through email: 

City Attorney Probst stated that an implied vague threat via email had come to the Commissioners and she had forwarded that to Chief Humble who gave it to Detective Ward.  Ms. Probst commented that this individual was from out of State and their jurisdiction had questioned him.  Mr. Probst explained that this person imposed no threat and there would be no further communication with our Commissioners or he would be charged with criminal threat.   

Public Works:

·        Playground equipment:

Public Works Director Rambat stated that the zip line playground equipment purchased by the Pilot Club had been installed in Sixth Street Park.  Mr. Rambat commented that there were more pieces coming and there would be some concrete work to do also.  Mr. Rambat stated that it should be about ready by the beginning of summer. 

·        Website:

Mr. Rambat stated that the new website should be ready to launch on April 8th as long as things stay on track. 

·        Street Department: 

Mr. Rambat commented that the street department did a good job with the storm and had stayed on top of it pretty well.  Mr. Rambat added that the wind was a problem closing things up soon after they got it open. 

·        Tornado Drill:

Mr. Rambat stated that the State tornado drill was tomorrow at 10:00 a.m.  Mr. Rambat added that they would put it off if there was any threatening weather at that time.

·        Aerial Photography:

Mr. Rambat stated that he was working with the County to do an updated aerial photograph.  Mr. Rambat commented that ours was about eleven years old and was something that we use a lot.

·        Kansas Gas Service: 

Mr. Rambat informed the Commission that Kansas Gas would be tearing up four blocks of alleys on South Ninnescah Street and South Oak Street between Fourth Street and Seventh Street.  Mr. Rambat stated that we had delivered memos to the residents so that they would know to put their polycarts at the front curb for this time frame.  Mr. Rambat commented that the cold wet weather would extend the project. 

·        Connecting Link Funds: 

Mr. Rambat stated that the new Governor helped KDOT by giving them some money for the connecting links which had been stalled for the last couple of years.  Mr. Rambat commented that he would be getting a probable cost for two concrete blocks between Mound Street and New Street.  Mr. Rambat added that he had submitted that two or three times. 

Building Inspections: 

·        7 Boutique Hotel: 

Commissioner Leslie asked what the status was of the 7 Boutique Hotel out west.  Building Inspector Blankenship stated that they had been closed back down for safety issues with their sprinklers.  Mr. Blankenship explained that Fire Chief Kramer had been contacted by the Fire Marshall’s office and we were going to let that play out, but they were going to get it done.  
·        Pearl Street:

Commissioner Peters congratulated Mr. Blankenship on his professionalism and compassion dealing with the owner of the property on Pearl Street.  Mr. Blankenship stated that he would be fair and take into consideration the weather conditions and build in days with the twenty days he was given to get things done.  Commissioner Leslie asked if he had made any progress.  Mr. Blankenship had no comment. 

·        Americare: 

Commissioner Peters asked if Mr. Blankenship had heard anything from Americare.  Mr. Blankenship stated that he had not had any word from them. 

Electric Department: 

·        New Truck: 

Director of Electric Utilities Huber stated that the line department had gotten their new bucket truck last week and were putting the stickers on it today.  Mr. Huber reminded the Commission that they had approved the bid for this over a year ago.  Finance Director Garten stated that we would make the first payment on that loan this time next year.  Mr. Huber added that the old truck had broken down and they were waiting on a part before passing it down to the cemetery department. 

·        Storm report: 

Mr. Huber stated that they had no outages due to the storms and he was pretty proud of that.   

·        Power Plant:

Mr. Huber stated that Power Plant Superintendent Bryan Evans was now fully staffed at the power plant and that had taken a long time to accomplish.  Mr. Huber explained that they had hired someone back that had been here before.  Mr. Huber added that the line department was still short, but they would wait and look more in May when the new kids would be graduating from college.  Commissioner Peters questioned if this was a two year course at the college.  Mr. Huber stated that some do it in one year and the rest on line because they want to get to work.  Mr. Huber commented that we could teach them on the job. 

·        Future projects: 

Mr. Huber stated that they had a couple of projects that had been on hold due to the weather; however, one was the heavy metal contractor out of Harper that would do a bore job Thursday.  Mr. Huber commented that the pole and lights were here for Lemon Park, but they were waiting on the cross arms. 

·        Solar Farm:

Commissioner Schmidt asked if the solar farm was being consistent.  Mr. Huber stated that it was sometimes; however, the clouds played havoc with it this time of year.  Commissioner Leslie questioned if they stayed covered with snow.  Mr. Huber explained that it melts pretty quickly and slides off.  Commissioner Peters asked what we were paying.  Mr. Huber stated that it varied from 2 ½ to 4 cents if we bought off the market, but it was not affecting us since we did not have that going.  Mr. Huber explained that it would affect us this summer and that GRDA was at 4 ½ cents.  Mayor Meyer commented that he had noticed that the energy cost adjustment had gone down.  Mr. Huber stated that it should be levelized the rest of the year.  Mr. Huber added that the energy cost adjustment and the actual cost was 13 cents.  Mr. Huber stated that we were in the same ballpark as everybody else.

Finance Department: 

·        Sales tax: 

Finance Director Garten stated that the sales tax report showed that we were up 9 ½ percent over last year.

·        FEMA: 

Ms. Garten stated that she was finalizing FEMA costs from the flood and that most of the work at the park was done. 

·        Budget: 

Ms. Garten stated that she would be getting the departments their budget information in mid to late April and they would be due in May or June.  Commissioner Peters asked if the Commission would be meeting with the department heads again.  Ms. Garten stated that they would be.

Mayor and Commission:

·        Storm Spotters training: 

Mayor Meyer commented that there would be a storm spotters training on the 21st of March.  

·        Solar Energy Conference: 

Mayor Meyer stated that the Solar Energy Conference was this Thursday at BTI and should be well attended.  Mayor Meyer added that the Commission would open the recessed meeting from tonight at the conference and recess when it was over until March 18th to meet with the County. 

·        Police Department Server: 

Commissioner Peters questioned if there was progress being made concerning the police department server and computers.  City Manager Eckert stated that it was in the works. 


Mayor Meyer made a motion to recess until Thursday, March 7th at 9:25 a.m. at BTI for the Solar Energy Conference.  Commissioner Deeds seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. 



LUANN KRAMER, City Clerk  

Thursday, March 14, 2019

03/18/2019-Commission Meeting Agenda


MARCH 18, 2019 



1.      CALL TO ORDER (Remind the audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
2.      ROLL CALL
      4.1 Minutes:           March 04, 2019 Regular Commission Meeting
                                    March 07, 2019 Recessed Commission Meeting
5.1   Discussion on Dangerous Animal Ordinance– Regina Probst, City Attorney; Mayor and Commission 

5.2   Consideration and Approval of Ordinance 1905 Regulating the Sale of Cereal Malt Beverage and Beer Containing Not More Than 6% Alcohol – Regina Probst, City Attorney

6.   OPEN AGENDA (City Matters Only) (3 Minute Time Limit)
7.1      City Manager 
7.2      City Attorney
7.3      Department Superintendents
7.4      Mayor
7.5      City Commission


03/18/2019-City/County Commission Meeting Agenda


MARCH 18, 2019 


COMMISSION ROOM – 11:00 a.m. 


2.     ROLL CALL


3.1 Discussion on Clean-up Week – Jason Winkel, Russell Rambat, Public Works Director 

3.2 Discussion Requested by County  

3.3 Discussion Requested by City Pertaining to LEC 

3.4 General Discussion


Monday, March 4, 2019

02/26/19-Approved City Special Call Commission Meeting Minutes


FEBRUARY 26, 2019

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Special Call Session in the Commission Room located at City Hall.


Doug Meyer  Mayor
Don Peters  Commissioner
Jason Leslie  Commissioner
Zach Deeds  Commissioner


Roy Eckert  City Manager
LuAnn Kramer  City Clerk
Diana Garten  Finance Director
Nate Humble  Police Chief                                                                                                     


The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Meyer.  The Mayor instructed the City Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Schmidt. 



Police Chief Humble stated that the server needing upgraded had come quicker than he had anticipated.  Chief Humble explained that a drive had failed this weekend along with the back-up.  Chief Humble commented that he was going to have to get a recovery team in to recover things pertinent for cases they were working on.  Chief Humble stated that he had visited with EMC Insurance and they gave him a verbal guarantee that they would cover a majority of the cost.  Chief Humble added that they had a G-drive for the immediate stuff they were doing now, so that was taken care of. 

Chief Humble informed the Commission that he had two quotes for the servers, licenses, etc.  Chief Humble stated that Huber and Associates out of Jefferson City, Missouri bid $34,266.48.  Chief Humble explained that that was for two servers and all the licensing, storage and Interpol services.  Chief Humble added that that would also include a three year warranty on the set-up, equipment and diagnostics.  Chief Humble commented that the Scope of Work included migrating everything with the servers to the new servers and domino server and we would also be up to date with the required licensing from the State and those costs of $8,100 and $4,100 were included in the $34,266. 

Chief Humble stated that Quality Tech, Inc. bid a different brand; however, it was apples to apples.  Chief Humble commented that their bid of $43,903.00 was just for the servers, equipment and some software.  Chief Humble explained that the $8,000 and the $4,000 to migrate things over would put their bid over $53,000.  Mayor Meyer confirmed that the bid from Huber and Associates was for two servers.  Chief Humble stated that it was.  Chief Humble stated that he had used Huber and Associates for a lot of stuff and they could handle things remotely and the department was getting good results.  Chief Humble commented that he had hired an administrative assistant and he was also an IT guy, which had helped out a lot with this situation.   

Chief Humble stated that his recommendation was for the Commission to accept the bid from Huber and Associates for the hardware, software and licensing in the amount of $34,266.48.  Mayor Meyer asked if Q-Tech would help them out at all.  Chief Humble stated that they call Q-Tech occasionally; however, he had not signed any contract with them.  Chief Humble commented that it would not be necessary to call them with Huber and Associates on board.  Chief Humble explained that Huber and Associates were very good about getting back to them in no more than an hour when they had issues and they were very helpful and user friendly.  Chief Humble commented that Huber and Associates had the main server, the back-up server as well as a back-up in Jefferson City.  Mayor Meyer questioned that they had all their police securities in place.  Chief Humble stated that they had all their certificates with the State of Kansas and law enforcement was one of their specialties.  Mayor Meyer asked if the body cam data was stored on these server or was it separate.  Chief Humble stated that it was separate and under Axon Enterprises.  Chief Humble added that they had their own cloud that we download our data to.  Commissioner Peters asked how soon this would all happen.  Chief Humble stated that it should be immediately since he would call them this afternoon to get things going.   

Commissioner Peters asked how we were going to pay for it.  Finance Director Garten stated that she would have to visit with Chief Humble sometime, but something would have to give; however, there was what had already been budgeted for, the special police fund and some other areas they could use funds from.  Ms. Garten commented that the $12,000 licensing fee had already been budgeted to pay Huber and Associates, so that would help.  Commissioner Deeds clarified that we had been paying licensing fees to Huber and Associates already.  Ms. Garten stated that we had programs through them, but not always through the server, but programs that we paid them for licensing.  Ms. Garten added that we could still get some insurance money for the recovery.  Mayor Meyer asked if Quality Tech had included recovery.  Chief Humble stated that they had not and they would have out sourced that.  Commissioner Deeds questioned if we would have to worry about data recovery with the cloud.  Chief Humble stated that Huber and Associates made a replication every time they closed out of something, but it would be possible.  Chief Humble commented that the G-drive would not be recovered in what they offer on their server, but it was being backed up. 

With no further discussion, Commissioner Leslie made a motion to approve the quote as presented from Huber and Associates not to exceed $34,266.48 plus any recovery fees.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peters and carried unanimously. 


Commissioner Leslie made a motion to adjourn and the motion was seconded by Commissioner Deeds.  The motion and second passed unanimously. 

Doug Meyer, Mayor


LuAnn Kramer, City Clerk