Monday, October 15, 2012

10/01/2012-Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes


OCTOBER 01, 2012

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.


Bill Hlavachick Mayor
Jeff Taylor Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
Karen Detwiler Commissioner
Lucus Kumberg Commissioner


Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Russell Rambat Public Works Director
Gary Myers Chief of Police
Brad Blankenship Building Inspector


The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Hlavachick. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.


Commissioner Taylor led the staff and audience in the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.


A motion was made by Commissioner Detwiler to approve the minutes of the September 17, 2012 regular Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and passed unanimously.



Mr. Alan Luttrell, EBH Engineering, informed the Commission that they had gone out for bids to clean out the sludge holding pond at the wastewater treatment plant that had been built in the mid 1980’s. Mr. Luttrell stated that they wanted to get the ponds cleaned out before the upcoming project begins.

Mr. Luttrell commented that there had been three bids returned and Nutri-ject Systems, Inc. out of Hudson, Iowa bid $48,064.64, Liquid Waste Management Inc. out of Longmont, Colorado bid $68,000 and TWS Inc. out of Lebo, Kansas bid $32,000. Mr. Luttrell stated that he had worked with TWS before and they did a good job. Mr. Luttrell added that they were less expensive because they were in Kansas and the others were from Iowa and Colorado. Mr. Luttrell stated that, once the bid was awarded, they would get the Notice to Award to the contractor so that he could get the insurance certificate.

Mr. Luttrell commented that the job should start later this fall or early next year since they were going to need the holding pond for the second phase of the project. Commissioner Taylor questioned if we would have to do this in the future. Mr. Luttrell stated that, during the construction project, we would be going in and taking out the corner so it could be pumped out and allow for easier access. Mr. Luttrell added that we do not have the equipment right now and this was a bigger job than we could handle. City Manager Dave Howard commented that the sludge had been in there for five or six years. Commissioner Kumberg questioned when the last time was that we had to do this. Public Works Director Russell Rambat stated that this was the first time for this basin.

Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to accept the bid from TWS Inc. out of Lebo, Kansas for $32,000 to clean out the pond at the wastewater treatment plant. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and carried unanimously. Mr. Luttrell stated that he would get TWS their Notice of Award so that they could get their insurance.

Street Scape:

Mr. Luttrell informed the Commission that he found out last week that KDOT was going to fund the street scape projects this year. Mr. Luttrell explained that they would be having a meeting on November 5th about the process. Mayor Hlavachick commented that he thought they had done away with that project. Mr. Luttrell explained that that was a different program through the Department of Commerce and this one was through KDOT. Commissioner Skaggs questioned what the percentage was. Mr. Luttrell stated that it was an 80/20 project. Commissioner Taylor commented that the downtown needs it. City Manager Howard stated that Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall had started talking to the downtown business people during the street project about doing this project. Commissioner Taylor stated that he was in favor of doing it if the businesses were. Mr. Howard stated that we would only do it if the businesses were willing.

Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there was a minimum or maximum that you had to have. Mr. Luttrell stated that there was not, but this was a competitive program. Mr. Howard added that you had to have a committee set up where the merchants were involved. Mr. Luttrell explained that the applications had to be in by December, which was a short time frame. Mr. Howard commented that this was a good deal if the merchants were okay with it. Mr. Pinkall commented that he had visited with a few downtown businesses earlier. Mr. Howard stated that Mr. Pinkall had the contacts from the street project that he would get in contact with. Mr. Pinkall stated that the businesses were pretty responsive and told their feelings.

Commissioner Kumberg questioned what the average cost would be for this type of project. Mr. Luttrell stated that it would probably be around $200,000 to $250,000 per block. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if minimum projects were more likely to be accepted. Mr. Luttrell commented that he could not answer that and he explained that Hutchinson had done their project in three phases. Commissioner Kumberg asked if we had to pay for it all up front or pieces at a time. Mr. Luttrell stated that it was done by reimbursements.

Commissioner Skaggs questioned if this was for store fronts or just City sidewalks. Mr. Luttrell explained that it was from the property line and sometimes curb and gutter, but usually it was between curb and front.


City Manager Howard commented that these were the same requests as last year and the year before. Mr. Howard explained that we close off part of Fourth Street and Jackson Street between Third and Fourth Streets. Mr. Pinkall added that they do it around the Municipal Building in case of bad weather. Commissioner Taylor questioned the request for electric hook-ups and bleachers. Mr. Howard stated that we would do all that and that we had someone on stand-by to work out any bugs.

Commissioner Taylor made a motion to allow street closures and staff to work with the Chamber on electrical hubs and bleachers for ‘Old Fashioned Christmas’ on November 17th. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Detwiler and carried unanimously.


Mr. Howard stated that this agreement had been discussed, but there was nowhere in the minutes that documented the Commission’s approval, so this was just a formality. Mr. Howard explained that the agreement with Arrowhead West had been sent to them to sign and then we signed it. Mr. Howard added that this was just so that we had it on public record that it was approved. Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to approve the agreement with Arrowhead West dated July 19th to purchase property in the Business Park. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Detwiler and carried unanimously. City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum commented that the deed was signed and they needed to exchange the deed for a check.


• Ordinance 1209 - Water Deposit from $30 to $50
• Ordinance 1210 - Electric Deposit from $100 to $250
• Ordinance 1211 – Late fee from 2% to 10%

City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that these were details left over from the budget work session. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that Ordinance 1209 increases the water deposit to $50, Ordinance1210 increases the electric deposit to $250 and Ordinance 1211 increases the late charge to 10%. Mayor Hlavachick commented that he was concerned with the magnitude of the increases. Mr. Howard explained that we had looked at the average bill that the City gets left with and hoped that this would be substantial enough that people would not stiff us with their last bill.

Commissioner Detwiler questioned if they get their deposit back after a year in good standing with the City. Clerk Kramer stated that that was correct. Commissioner Skaggs questioned how much we had turned into the State last year. Ms. Kramer stated that she did not know the amount for last year, but there was a total of $361,000 that the State was still trying to collect. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if 10% for the late charge was common and commented that $250 for an electric deposit was as much as some rent. Mayor Hlavachick stated that rent was more like $500.

Mr. Luca Matei, Country Club apartment manager, commented that many in his apartments had lost jobs and could not pay for food or rent. Mr. Matei stated that he does not think that 5% were because of negligence. Mr. Matei explained that some have fines to pay and cannot pay their rent, which he thought was a common problem. Mr. Matei added that we need to do anything possible to alleviate the pain. Mr. Howard questioned what Mr. Matei charged for a deposit. Mr. Matei stated that it was one month’s rent or $400 to $500, which covers damages. Commissioner Detwiler commented that contracts say that that was not to replace any month’s rent, but that happens. Mr. Howard stated that that was all we were doing. Commissioner Taylor commented that he sees the need to go up. Commissioner Skaggs stated that there were three parties involved here and questioned if we have the responsibility to check City coffers or help landlords. Commissioner Detwiler stated that we needed to protect the City, but this was doing it at the expense of the citizens. Commissioner Detwiler added that we need to try to find a line that gives the City protection and she suggested that they table this until the next meeting. Commissioner Taylor commented that, if the average bill was $200, then it seemed appropriate to raise it to protect ourselves.

Mr. Van Blaricum stated that there were three ordinances that the Commission needed to look at or table until the next meeting. Commissioner Detwiler repeated that they should look at all three next time. Mr. Van Blaricum shared that 90% of first appearances in Municipal Court request a court appointed attorney. Commissioner Skaggs commented that we do not want a refugee problem by going to high. Mr. Howard stated that there are people that come in and know that they are not going to pay their bill. Mr. Howard added that he would do what the Commission suggests, but we were going to get stuck. Commissioner Kumberg stated that there was a point and time when we had to pass this on.

After little more discussion, the following Ordinance 1209 was presented to the Commission for their approval: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 13.04.010 OF THE PRATT MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF PRATT, KANSAS, SERVICE CONNECTIONS—DEPOSIT AND FEES. Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve Ordinance 1209 on water deposits. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.

Mayor Hlavachick stated that Ordinances 1210 and 1211 were tabled until the next meeting.


New Manager at Country Estates:

Ms. Jeannie Frazier Pool introduced herself to the Commission as the new manager of the Country Club mobile home park. Ms. Pool stated that they had enjoyed Pratt and invited the Commission and staff to let them know if there were ever any problems. Ms. Frazier commented that they had been working on several improvements. Building Inspector Brad Blankenship commented that he had been working with the new owners and they had improved the streets within the park, installed new backflow preventers, trimmed trees and installed new electrical pedestals that were up to code. Commissioner Skaggs questioned how many tenants were in the park. Ms. Pool stated that there were ninety-one now, but there were a total of one hundred thirty-eight spaces.

Mr. Matei’s comments:

Mr. Luca Matei addressed the Commission concerning recycling. Mr. Matei stated that he had come before them a few months ago requesting recycling, but a month ago he had a computer that the recycling center would not take because of the glass. Mr. Matei commented that he was told to take it to the landfill and he felt that there should be a big container for glass.

The big issue that Mr. Matei wanted to talk about was the trial last Thursday and Friday where he was convicted. Mr. Matei stated that he had come before the Commission many times and also wrote to many about his being framed. Mr. Matei added that there were false accusations and the Attorney General denied investigating fraud. Mr. Matei continued stating that one in the jury did not know how so many were convicted in America. Mayor Hlavachick interrupted Mr. Matei informing him that this was for City matters only. Mr. Matei ignored the Mayor and continued by apologizing to the jury because they had no choice and they had been forced to make the decision. Mr. Matei stated that there was dysfunctional justice and that you do not get justice in America.

Community Thanksgiving Dinner:

Ms. Tiffany Allstock addressed the Commission about using the Municipal Building for the Thanksgiving
Dinner again this year. Ms. Allstock explained that the people that did it last year were not interested in doing it again so she had taken over managing the function. Ms. Allstock added that she had visited with Ms. Jenny Larrison and she was willing to help. Mr. Howard stated that Ms. Allstock needed a formal approval to use the building. Ms. Allstock added that they would need the building the day before Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day and they would do all the clean-up. Commissioner Detwiler made a motion to allow the use of the Municipal Building the day before Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.


City Manager:

Wither’s property:

City Manager Howard stated that he had visited with Mr. Dale Withers Friday evening and he was thinking about adding four more buildings to the east, but all the details had not been worked out. Mr. Howard explained that the City would look at extending utilities that would service their needs. Mr. Howard added that Public Works Director Rambat and Water Superintendent Kelvin Clay were putting together some numbers. Mr. Howard commented that the difference in this project was that Fincham Road ties into Highway 54, so there would be a change of access, which would require curb and gutter and would have to be modernized. Mr. Howard added that he was not sure if Mr. Withers would give the City the right of ways, but those things would be worked out.

Public Works:

Centennial Park restroom:

Public Works Director Rambat stated that the rafters had been installed and the perimeter had been painted on the restroom at Centennial Park. Mr. Rambat added that locates had been called in for the water.

South Main Park project:

Mr. Rambat showed the Commission a drawing of where improvements were going to be in the Loren Minnis Park on South Main. Mr. Rambat explained that they would suggest taking the east and west restrooms and making them into one, which would mean removing a wall and make them vandal proof. Mr. Rambat stated that they would remove most of the equipment and move everything closer to the restroom, install a wheelchair accessible sidewalk and a new sign. Mr. Rambat added that they would install a 10’ high chain link fence around the skate park since there was an age difference in the kids using the equipment and the skaters. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there was a need for the fence. Mr. Rambat answered that it would protect the kids in case a skate board goes flying.

Commissioner Detwiler questioned if we were taking out the merry-go-round. Mr. Rambat stated that the newer ones had built in brakes and they were planning on pulling up the swings and moving them over. Commissioner Kumberg questioned if there would be significant dirt work needed. Mr. Rambat explained that they would take less than 1” off the hill on Main Street. Mr. Rambat commented that they could do this in phases if they would like to see more equipment or they could do away with some of the sidewalk and let them walk on the grass.

Commissioner Skaggs questioned if he was concerned about the picnic tables and the restrooms. Mr. Rambat stated that there was a covered area there and they would anchor the tables down so they would not get moved around. Mayor Hlavachick questioned if we had enough money for the sidewalk. Commissioner Taylor suggested doing a shorter sidewalk if a big piece puts it over the budget. Commissioner Detwiler commented that they could do a walking path using bark or chat. Mr. Rambat stated that they could, but that could cause drainage problems. Mr. Rambat added that they would get some cost estimates and take it apart from there.


Scout Cabin:

Building Inspector Blankenship commented that he had gone out for bids for the HVAC system at the Scout Cabin; however, due to a clerical error, they were going to have to resubmit their bids. Mr. Blankenship stated that it would be back in the newspaper with different wording and he would have it for the next meeting.

New motel:

Mr. Blankenship stated that he had met with Mr. Dan Garber about the new motel and the survey was about done.

Landscape Ordinance:

Mr. Blankenship stated that he felt the City was missing the boat by not putting in a landscape ordinance. Mr. Blankenship commented that he would like to put together an ordinance that would go through Planning and Zoning and then to the Commission for their approval. Mr. Blankenship commented that it was ‘real hard’ when you come into Pratt. Commissioner Taylor questioned if it would be a percentage of the construction costs. Mr. Blankenship answered that there would be a formula in place, but there would be no cost to the City.


PCC Rodeo:

Recreation Director Pinkall reminded the Commission that the PCC rodeo was in a week and a half and would be here until the following Sunday. Mr. Pinkall stated that the big change would be using the south side for housing, but the number of contestants would be the same.

Promoting activities:

Mr. Pinkall informed the Commission that there was information on the ‘left’ side of the packet that shows that Blythe Fitness is working with them to promote their activities.

Main Street emails:

Mr. Pinkall commented that he would be getting hold of the Main Street businesses and he would put the Commissioner’s name on the emails if they wanted him to.

Public Works cont.:

Champa Street Tower:

Mr. Rambat informed the Commission that they were done with the Champa Street water tower and they would be draining the Business Park tower this week.

Power Plant:

Transformer installed:

Power Plant Superintendent Ernie Smith stated that the transformer from Solomon Electric had come back and was installed last Monday. Mr. Smith added that the steam turbines were ready to run.

Holcomb plant:

Mr. Smith commented that the Holcomb plant had some issues with a fan, so we were ready to go if they needed us.

Police Department:

Radar Signs:

Police Chief Gary Myers explained to the Commission the feasibility for using radar signs in various locations. Chief Myers commented that, rather than using the trailer type radar, the signs were about the same size as a speed limit sign. Chief Myers stated that the signs display speed and collects data. Chief Myers added that motor traffic was still monitored if the sign was in stealth mode.

Chief Myers commented that there were different options from battery packs, power or solar operating systems. Chief Myers explained that the signs could be removed and taken anywhere, because they would fit in the officer’s vehicle. Chief Myers stated that he would have to purchase mounting brackets that would be put on sign posts or utility poles. Chief Myers added that these were designed to be theft proof and they were pretty rugged.

Commissioner Skaggs questioned if drug money could be used to purchase the radar signs since this was not something that was in the budget. Chief Myers stated that he would check on that and that they would cost $2,500 per sign and the mounts were about $150 to $175. Mr. Howard commented that these could also be used to see the traffic patterns, as well as for speed control.

Homecoming parade:

Chief Myers informed the Commission that Homecoming was Friday and they would have a parade down Main Street. Chief Myers explained that they usually go up Fifth Street to Main Street and then to Second Street, but there was no need for a special permit.

Radar Signs cont.:

Commissioner Detwiler questioned if Chief Myers would go out for bids on the radar signs. Mr. Howard commented that we could get one or two. Commissioner Detwiler stated that we should get two if we had the money. Mr. Howard suggested that we get one to see how they work. Chief Myers stated that there were several vendors with radar signs and they were pretty competitive on cost. Commissioner Kumberg commented that it was extremely intriguing to get data. Chief Myers added that they were also bluetooth capable so you could drive by and get the data.


Sales Tax:

Finance Director Diana Garten stated that sales tax was up $130,000 over last year.



Commissioner Detwiler questioned where we were on the pool base. Mr. Rambat stated that Mr. Kyle McCawley had come down and taken photos and was supposed to be emailing him a report that would give us some direction. Mr. Rambat commented that Mr. McCawley was upbeat about the existing concrete and he was going to get with their engineer about revamping what was there and redo joint patterns where there had been movement. Mr. Rambat added that we should have at least three strong options when he gets back with him.

Splash Park:

Commissioner Detwiler questioned where we were on the splash park. Mr. Howard stated that he thought we should wait to see what comes out of the pool situation. Mr. Howard added that the pool was the concern because we do not know the cost, which could be from $210,000 to $250,000 if we look at fiberglass again.

Score Board:

Commissioner Detwiler asked about a score board that was on the ground in Lemon’s Park and had been vandalized. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if it was going to be used again or discarded. Mr. Pinkall stated that it belonged to the college and he would check on it.

Oil Boom Committee:

Commissioner Kumberg commented that he would like to have Mr. Paul Olsen come in and visit with the Commission about the Oil Boom Committee. Commissioner Kumberg stated that he was curious about what they were doing to work with these companies. Mr. Howard stated that there was an ED meeting tomorrow and he would have Ms. Scarbrough tell him to come in.


A motion by Commissioner Skaggs to adjourn was seconded by Commissioner Taylor. The motion and second passed unanimously.



10/15/12-City Commission Meeting Agenda


OCTOBER 15, 2012



1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)



4. MINUTES – October 01, 2012 Regular City Commission Meeting


5.1 Consideration and Approval of a Running Event Through Lemon’s Park – Haley Fitzsimmons

5.2 Consideration and Approval of Bid for Two 750 KVA Padmount Transformers – Jamie Huber, Line Distribution Superintendent

5.3 Update on WWTP Improvement Project – EBH, City Staff (handout at meeting)

5.4 Update and Discussion on Main Street Streetscape Project – Alan Luttrell, EBH

5.5 Discussion on Recreational Trail Program and Cost Share Funding – Bruce Pinkall, Recreation Director

5.6 Consideration and Approval of Bid for HVAC System for the Boy Scout Cabin – Brad Blankenship, City Inspector

5.7 Continued Discussion on Increase in Electric Deposits and Late Charges – LuAnn Kramer, City Clerk; Dave Howard, City Manager; Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney

6. OPEN AGENDA (City Matters Only) (3 Minute Time Limit)


7.1 City Manager
7.2 City Attorney
7.3 Department Directors and/or Superintendents
7.4 Mayor
7.5 City Commission


Monday, October 1, 2012

09/17/12-Approved City Commission Minutes


SEPTEMBER 17, 2012

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.


Bill Hlavachick Mayor
Jeff Taylor Commissioner
Gary Skaggs Commissioner
Karen Detwiler Commissioner


Dave Howard City Manager
LuAnn Kramer City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum City Attorney
Diana Garten Finance Director
Gary Myers Chief of Police
Russell Rambat Public Works Director


The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Hlavachick. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Kumberg.


Commissioner Taylor led the staff and audience in the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.


A motion was made by Commissioner Skaggs to approve the minutes of the September 04, 2012 regular Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and passed unanimously.



Mr. Perry Johnson approached the Commission concerning improvements to the Loren Minnis Park on South Main. Mr. Johnson stated that the restrooms had been locked several years ago due to vandalism, but he felt that things had improved since then. Mr. Johnson commented that the Second Baptist Church used to have picnics there, but had not been able to the last five years. Mr. Johnson stated that the interests in the improvements were in the signatures on the petition and this was the only park seen when passing through town on Highway 281.

Commissioner Taylor questioned if the bathrooms had been boarded up due to vandalism. Public Works Director Russell Rambat stated that was correct. Park Superintendent Mark Eckhoff commented that the water line had been broken off at floor level. City Manager Dave Howard stated that vandalism usually stops when there was this much interest shown. Mr. Howard explained to the Commission that the cost of the equipment that two of our parks had gotten in the last couple of years was about $30,000 to $35,000. Mayor Hlavachick questioned if there was electric and water services there. Mr. Rambat stated that there was. Mr. Howard stated that we have a fund that could put equipment in that park and that the old equipment that was there would be discussed later.

After little more discussion, Commissioner Detwiler made a motion to begin work on updating Loren Minnis Park, The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there should be a limit on how much could be spent. Mr. Rambat stated that cost depends on what age you want to target and the other two parks had equipment that was for the younger age group. Commissioner Skaggs commented that there would be less vandalism with a younger age group. Mayor Hlavachick commented that the skate park gets used all the time. Mr. Howard stated that they would get better cost estimates together and it could go from $40,000 to $50,000. Commissioner Detwiler amended her motion to include a cap of $50,000 on the improvements. Commissioner Skaggs seconded the amendment and it carried unanimously.


City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum stated that this agreement was for the sale of four acres at Prairie Parkway Business Park to Mr. Ron Prater, owner of Prater Oil & Gas, Inc. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that Mr. Prater was ready to move forward and was agreeable to $7,000 per acre or $28,000. Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve the agreement with Mr. Ron Prater. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Detwiler and carried unanimously.

Commissioner Skaggs questioned how many acres were left at the Industrial Park. Mr. Howard stated that there were twenty-eight and there were three companies that had talked about buying all of that, but no one had moved on it yet. Commissioner Skaggs asked if we control how it is plated if someone would buy it. Mr. Howard explained that they would work within the setbacks, but, if they develop their own project, we would not have streets and they could do what they wanted.


Mr. Van Blaricum stated that this ordinance was a minor change to all gas, water and electric hook-up inspections and having to be completed within thirty days. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that there had been a problem with the permit being issued, getting the inspection and then not making the connection for a year or longer. Mr. Van Blaricum added that you do not know if it is safe after that much time. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that the Building Board had met last week and they felt that thirty days was a reasonable time. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that the gas company will not hook up a gas service if there is a balance due on the owner’s account.

Mr. Van Blaricum stated that, once the thirty days was up, they would have to obtain an additional permit. Commissioner Skaggs commented that construction may run past that time. Mr. Van Blaricum clarified that this was not for new construction and they have a much larger window. Mr. Van Blaricum explained that this was for trailer parks where people come and go often. Commissioner Skaggs questioned how much the fee was for the inspection. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that it was around $10 to $15. Commissioner Taylor stated that that was not much money, but does increase safety. Commissioner Detwiler commented that they could hold off getting the permit if they were not going to get it done.

The following Ordinance 1208 was then presented to the Commission for their approval: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 15.04.060 OF THE PRATT MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF PRATT, KANSAS, INSPECTION OF CONSTRUCTION. Commissioner Taylor made a motion to approve Ordinance 1208 to improve construction time. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Detwiler and carried unanimously. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that it was nice to have a Building Board so that these were not just the City’s ideas and they had been brought before contractors that represent the contract community.


No one in the audience wished to address the Commission.


City Manager:

Train Safety:

City Manager Howard commented that he had gotten an email from the Director of Public Affairs Ben Jones and he invited the Commission to join the railroad in a safety train ride on Tuesday, September 25th from 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Mr. Howard added that this would give us perspective on what they see in road crossing, etc. and promotes safety.

City Attorney:

Property Closings:

City Attorney Van Blaricum informed the Commission that the contract for the purchase of the Green family property by the Sports Complex had been closed and the City owns that now. Mr. Van Blaricum added that the Arrowhead West purchase would be complete tomorrow.

Public Works:

Curb & Gutter project:

Public Works Director Rambat commented that the curb and gutter project was at Fourth Street and Jackson Street. Mr. Rambat added that the contractor was committed to work on finishing the other half of this project this month.

Water Tank Storage projects:

Mr. Rambat reminded the Commission that the water tank storage project starts a week from today on Champa Street. Mr. Rambat commented that they would go to the airport next and then the Business Park.

Sewer camera:

Mr. Rambat commented that there was a demonstration on a sewer camera today and it had worked well and he explained the process. Mr. Rambat stated that he would like to check with other Cities that had the camera and have them come back and do another demonstration to be fair to the company and the City. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if they would have to rod some of the sewers they were doing now if they had a camera system like that. Mr. Rambat stated that it would save on man hours by showing what area needs work done in a 350’ line. Mr. Howard added that they ran 300’ today and there was 15’ that needed attention.

Commissioner Taylor questioned if we had a camera before. Mr. Rambat stated that we had the first version and it was labor intensive. Mr. Rambat explained that one guy could run this one in and out, but the old one takes three guys to run it anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half and the video quality was poor. Mr. Howard stated that they did that area today in about fifteen to twenty minutes. Commissioner Skaggs questioned the cost of this camera. Mr. Rambat stated that it was anywhere from $50,000 to $70,000, but we would bid it out and do more homework. Mr. Rambat added that the low bid was not always the best and you had to take into consideration that this would be under or in water a lot of the time and we would want to see what the maintenance costs were. Mr. Rambat commented that you could pay less up front, but have a $5,000 to $10,000 maintenance cost yearly.

Power Plant:

Maintenance, etc.:

Power Plant Superintendent Ernie Smith commented that the power plant had been busy doing regular maintenance. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if they were producing out west. Mr. Smith stated that they started over the weekend and they had reserves available now, so they were not relying on us as much.


MS Bike Banquet:

Mayor Hlavachick commented that he had attended the MS Bike Banquet on Saturday evening and they had given Pratt a plaque for hosting the event plus had good things to say about us, the volunteers along with Mr. Pinkall and his people. Mr. Howard stated that they were planning on coming back next year. Mayor Hlavachick stated that their goal was to collect $125,000 and they expected to meet that.



Commissioner Skaggs questioned if we had any information on the survey we had mailed out. Mr. Howard stated that Ms. Faye Trent had called and we were only at 9.14% LMI and we had to be at 51%.

Covenant Housing:

Commissioner Skaggs questioned where we were at with the Covenant Housing issue. City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that we had recently joined with the Board of Tax Appeals and we were waiting for a court date.

KDWP Sewer line:

Commissioner Skaggs asked where the sewer line was for Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks. Mr. Howard stated that they had a time frame of when they had to be done and they were well within that. Commissioner Detwiler commented that it was a small line. Mr. Howard explained that they had used that same thing from the lake to Wildlife and Parks and it had worked well. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there would be two lift stations. Mr. Howard stated that there would only be one station.

Airport Authority:

Commissioner Taylor questioned if the Airport Authority was going to come back to the Commission. Mr. Howard stated that he had talked with Mr. Reid Bell and he was not sure they were going to pursue the issue.

Traffic counter:

Commissioner Detwiler questioned if the traffic counter on Sixth Street was the City’s. Mr. Rambat stated that it was probably KDOT’s since they consider it a collector street. Mr. Howard added that they were measuring traffic flow onto their streets and Sixth Street was not the only one. Commissioner Detwiler commented that she would like to know the results. Mr. Rambat stated that she could go on their website and download it. Mr. Howard commented that the data goes to Topeka and they release the information from there.

Construction Structures:

Commissioner Detwiler questioned if there was an ordinance on how long there could be a construction structure on a site. Mr. Howard stated that we had had one for the downtown project, but there was not anything in there about having a temporary headquarters.

Speed limit signs:

Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the City had a speed limit sign that tells you what your speed is. Mr. Rambat stated that we did not. Commissioner Skaggs commented that he was thinking about Lemon’s Park, but he thought they would be expensive. Commissioner Detwiler stated that there should be a 30 mph and no tolerance. Commissioner Skaggs questioned why it should have no tolerance. Commissioner Detwiler explained that Police Chief Myers had said that they do not issue tickets if they were doing less than 40 mph in a 30 mph zone. Chief Myers explained that it was a standing rule to give an allowance in case the speedometer was inaccurate and the driver was not aware of it.


Commissioner Taylor made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.

