Thursday, November 29, 2018

12/03/18-City Commission Meeting Agenda


DECEMBER 03, 2018 



1.      CALL TO ORDER (Remind the audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
2.      ROLL CALL
      4.1 Minutes:          November 19, 2018 City/County Jt. Commission Meeting
                                    November 19, 2018 Regular Commission Meeting

5.1 Consideration and Approval of Resolution 120318 Declaring Structure Unsafe and Dangerous – Order for Repair or Removal – Brad Blankenship, Building Inspector; Regina Probst, City Attorney

5.2 Public Hearing – Industrial Revenue Bonds for Track and Field Complex – Mayor and Commission
·               Open Public Hearing
·               Discussion
·               Close Public Hearing

5.3 Consideration and Approval of the Low Bid for the Purchase of Steel Poles for Lemon Park – Jamie Huber, Dir. of Electric Utilities 

5.4 Consideration and Approval of the 2019 Cereal Malt Beverages Applications – Nate Humble, Police Chief 

5.5 Consideration and Approval of the 2019 Pratt Area Humane Society Agreement – Regina Probst, City Attorney 

5.6 Consideration and Approval of Res. 120318A Regarding Linemen Salaries – Regina Probst, City Attorney; Jamie Huber, Dir. of Electric Utilities 

5.7 Consideration and Approval of Ord. 1813 Amending Compensation of Hourly Employees and Salaries of Elected and Appointed Officials – Regina Probst, City Attorney 

5.8 Consideration and Approval of Ord. 1814 Annexing Land to the City of Pratt – Regina Probst, City Attorney; Russell Rambat, Public Works Director

5.9 Consideration and Approval of Documents Pertaining to the Solar Farm – Regina Probst, City Attorney
·               Consent to Collateral Assignment-Interconnection Agreement
·               Financing Consent & Lease Amendment Agreement
·               Consent to Collateral Assignment - PPA 

6.   OPEN AGENDA (City Matters Only) (3 Minute Time Limit)
7.1      City Manager 
7.2      City Attorney
7.3      Department Superintendents
7.4      Mayor
7.5      City Commission



Monday, November 19, 2018

11/15/18-Approved Special Call Meeting Minutes


NOVEMBER 14, 2018 
The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in a Special Call meeting in the Commission Room located in City Hall. 
Doug Meyer  Mayor
Lucus Kumberg  Commissioner
Gary Schmidt  Commissioner
Don Peters  Commissioner
Jason Leslie  Commissioner
Roy Eckert  City Manager
LuAnn Kramer  City Clerk

The special call meeting was called to order by Mayor Meyer.  The Mayor instructed the City Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present. 



Mayor Meyer made a motion to enter into executive session for non-elected personnel to last one hour.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Schmidt and carried unanimously.

Mayor Meyer made a motion to return from executive session with nothing to report.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Peters and carried unanimously.


Mayor Myers made a motion to adjourn the special call meeting.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and carried unanimously. 



11/05/18-Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes


NOVEMBER 05, 2018

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular Session in the Commission Room located at City Hall. 


Doug Meyer  Mayor
Lucus Kumberg  Commissioner
Gary Schmidt  Commissioner
Jason Leslie  Commissioner


Roy Eckert  City Manager
LuAnn Kramer  City Clerk
Regina Probst  City Attorney
Diana Garten  Finance Director
Nate Humble  Police Chief
Russell Rambat  Public Works Director
Jamie Huber  Dir. of Electric :Utilities
Bruce Pinkall  Recreation Director


The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Meyer.  The Mayor instructed the City Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Peters.

The Mayor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded. 


Commissioner Schmidt led the staff and audience in the invocation and Mayor Meyer led the Pledge of Allegiance. 


·        October 15, 2018 Regular Commission Meeting 

Commissioner Schmidt made a motion to approve the consent agenda.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and carried unanimously. 



Kansas State Fire Marshall Doug Jorgensen thanked the Commission for allowing him to present this award to the department.  Fire Marshall Jorgensen commented that he felt that local fire departments go unnoticed until they are needed and that people did not realize the time and effort it takes whether they were a volunteer or a full time firefighter.  Fire Marshall Jorgensen stated that it was always important to put the public service entities in the public anytime that we could. 

Fire Marshall Jorgensen explained that this award was based on an event that happened on November 21, 1968 at the Yingling Chevrolet Company in Wichita.  Fire Marshall Jorgensen stated that Fire Chief Tom McCaughey, Chief Fire Inspector M.O. Wells and firefighters Dale Mishler and Jimmy Austin died when the roof collapsed and they became trapped under tons of burning debris.  Fire Marshall Jorgensen commented that Chief McCaughey’s department along with the Office of the State Fire Marshall and the Kansas State Association of Firefighters established this award in 1971.  Fire Marshall Jorgensen stated that this was the 47th year anniversary of this award; however, it was the 50th anniversary of the tragic fire. 

Fire Marshall Jorgensen stated that the Tom McCaughey Fire Service Award was presented to the Pratt City Fire Chief David Kramer at the Chief’s Conference a few weeks ago and was for bravery above the call of duty.  Fire Marshall Jorgensen then asked that Chief Kramer address the Commission concerning his nominations for this award.  Chief Kramer stated that he had not told the guys that they were being nominated for this award and he then read the letter that he had written to the Fire Marshall’s office nominating Lt. Chad Van Slyke, Firefighters Justin Sanko, Richard Rawson, Jerod Gilmore, Lee Van Slyke and Kenny Lee for this award due to their selfless act of heroism during the devastating fire on January 25, 2018 that claimed the lives of four children and their mother.  Chief Kramer commented that the word hero or heroic was resisted in public service when talking about fire, law enforcement or public safety.

Chief Kramer then read the names of the six members of the Pratt City Fire Department that were receiving the Tom McCaughey Fire Service Award as Fire Marshall Jorgensen presented them their award.  The firefighters and the department were received with applause by those attending the meeting.  Mayor Meyer thanked Fire Marshall Jorgensen and Chief Kramer and stated that these were ordinary guys doing extraordinary things.  Mayor Meyer commented that he appreciated the support they gave each other because this was truly a team effort.  Mayor Meyer added that they received this award today, but they get to live with the memory every day.  Commissioner Leslie stated that he had listened to the entire event that day and he was amazed at the amount of heroism and courage the firefighters demonstrated.  Commissioner Leslie thanked the department for that and for what they do. 


Fire Lt. Chad Van Slyke stated that he was asking for approval to invest $20,000 of FRA money per a request from the City Attorney and these were funds that paid for their insurance and that any extra funds could be invested in annuities.  City Attorney Probst stated that there were certain requirements according to KSA 40-1706 that had not been done before.  Ms. Probst explained that the purpose of this relief organization was to provide for the firefighters that were injured in the line of duty or for families of those that died in the line of duty.  Ms. Probst commented that the funds could be invested with certain limitations and they needed the Commission to approve that investment.  Commissioner Kumberg questioned if this was something that they do themselves or appoint by an ordinance.  Lt. Van Slyke stated that Waddell and Reed invested these funds for about two hundred fire departments and it had always worked out well with them taking care of everything.  With no more discussion, Commissioner Leslie made a motion to approve the FRA funds of $20,000 to be invested as presented.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Schmidt and carried unanimously. 


Chamber Director Kim DeClue took a moment to thank the fire department for helping with this event by roasting 800 pounds of peanuts.  Ms. DeClue stated that they were always willing to help out when she needed them.  Ms. DeClue commented that these requests for the Christmas in the Park event were the same as the last few years.  Ms. DeClue pointed out that the park would be shut down to through traffic at a request from the insurance company and they were hoping for about 3,000 in attendance with twenty vendors currently signed up.  Ms. DeClue stated that she would work with Recreation Director Pinkall and Public Works Director Rambat for the street closures.  Ms. DeClue explained that Santa Fe Street would be made a one-way street coming from Main Street and heading east and Pine Street would allow people to leave heading north.  Ms. DeClue stated that they would again allow parking just west of the shelters and there would be free horse and buggy rides in the park.  Ms. DeClue commented that she had worked with Director of Electrical Utilities Huber on the electrical hub and she would need to have porta potties, trash receptacles and picnic tables placed around the park.  Ms. DeClue added that she had also visited with Mr. Rambat about getting Santa’s House to the park.  Ms. DeClue stated that there was also a race after the lights had been turned on and she asked that the park remained closed until around 6:30 p.m.  Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to approve the requests for the Christmas in the Park event on November 17, 2018.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Leslie and carried unanimously.   


Building Inspector Blankenship stated that the procedure for putting new members on a committee had changed.  City Attorney Probst stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission would still make recommendations; however, there would be a consensus of the Commission to accept the recommendations and then the Mayor would appoint those positions.  Mr. Blankenship commented that there were two vacancies due to Mr. Fred Sullivan moving and Mr. Mike Farney resigning after one meeting.  Mr. Blankenship explained that Mr. Kyle Farmer would be the recommendation for the City seat and Mr. Bryan Barnard would be the recommendation for the County seat.  With no more discussion, City Clerk Kramer took the following roll call vote:  Commissioner Kumberg-yes; Commissioner Leslie-yes; Mayor Meyer-yes; Commissioner Schmidt-yes.  With the consensus being unanimous, Mayor Meyer stated that Mr. Kyle Farmer and Mr. Bryan Barnard would fill the two vacancies on the Planning and Zoning Commission. 


Director of Electric Utilities Huber stated that the problem with being short capable qualified employees was that it was not just a department problem, but a community problem.  Mr. Huber addressed the letter that was in the packet that he had written and pointed out several aspects that the Commission were probably not aware of.  Mr. Huber stated that linemen had specialized, specific training and they were all individually invested.  Mr. Huber commented that a lineman was required to have a Class A CDL, required to take random drug screenings, be versed in pole top and bucket rescue along with being on-call.  Mr. Huber stated that all of the linemen had gone through the Power Technology Program either through Pratt Community College or through the line program in Manhattan and they were required to have their own climbing gear and tools.  Mr. Huber explained that each employee was spending around $2,000 for their own gear and tools, which was on top of their tuition of around $6,000; however, if they lived in the dorm it could add about $4,500 to $6,500 per semester to their investment.  Mr. Huber read from his letter and it stated that the City also had on-going training programs, so we had an investment in each employee.   

Mr. Huber stated that a succession plan was discussed at the last staff meeting, but it was very hard to do when you cannot keep employees.  Mr. Huber added that he would be down two employees next week.  Mayor Meyer asked how long they had been with the City.  Mr. Huber stated that one of them had been here five years.  Mr. Huber commented that the City had a problem by not having linemen with experience.  Mr. Huber added that the City had aging infrastructure that continually needs upkeep and maintenance.  Mr. Huber stated that he did not want to go into the winter shorthanded, because it would take twice as long to do something.   

Mr. Huber stated that he was just asking for guidance.  Commissioner Leslie asked if the employee leaving would stay if he knew about a wage increase.  Mr. Huber stated that he did not know, but it did not touch what he was offered from another company.  Mayor Meyer questioned if we would have to call in other crews if we had a bad situation.  Mr. Huber commented that we were part of the mutual aid program, but you still had to pay them out of your budget if FEMA was not in the picture.  Mr. Huber explained that you could hire contractors, but that was expensive.  Mr. Huber stated that this increase was around $50,000 for the whole department and a contractor could cost up to $100,000.  Public Works Director Rambat stated that you lose a lot of local knowledge and double the time of repair if you go to contracting things out.  Mr. Huber commented that he had only had to hire contractors to do boring and he took pride in the fact that the City did their own work and were well rounded.   

Commissioner Leslie questioned why Mr. Huber had chosen $18.05 instead of $19.00 per hour.  Mr. Huber stated that he felt that would have been pushing it.  Mr. Huber commented that Russell paid their linemen $17.00 per hour with no schooling.  Commissioner Kumberg asked if we ever did exit interviews.  Mr. Rambat stated that we typically do for retirees.  City Manager Eckert commented that very few had left since he had been here, but they move to go to bigger Cities or better wages.  Mr. Eckert stated that he had heard very little negativity and the longevity of the City’s employees was phenomenal.  Commissioner Kumberg questioned what the percentage of turnover was.  Mr. Huber stated that he was not sure of the percentage; however, six people had left in the last year.  Mayor Meyer stated that he understood where Commissioner Kumberg was going with his question about percentage of turnovers and he just wondered why.  Mr. Huber commented that it was contagious and they just see the others going where the money was.  Commissioner Kumberg commented that he was curious if there was a company or companies that were targeting our employees or if the employees were just actively looking.  Mr. Huber stated that they were all going to different places and one of the guys was local but he chose to go to Liberal.  

Commissioner Leslie commented that this was way overdue, but it needed to be done right.  Mr. Huber stated that he had not realized we were that low until he started checking and it was actually embarrassing.  Mr. Huber commented that this was the beginning and then we could not let it slack again.  Mayor Meyer stated that he wanted to consider this tonight and discuss it further in executive session.  Mayor Meyer did agree that something had to be done.  Mr. Huber stated that this had happened about fifteen years ago and they decided to do a $2.00 per hour increase.  Finance Director Garten stated that it was hard to compare City to City since there were different systems.  Ms. Garten commented that KPERS was not that attractive anymore even though we have other benefits.  Mr. Eckert stated that the economy had gone up in the last two years and businesses were coming back, which causes a lot of people to go where the jobs were.  Commissioner Kumberg stated that millennials did not look at insurance and retirement the same way. 

Mayor Meyer stated that contract labor could make twice as much as a City employee and they would not have a clue as to what was going on within our system.  Mr. Huber stated that his biggest fear was service to the City and everything runs on electricity.  Mr. Huber added that we assume that there will be electricity.  Mayor Meyer commented that we did not want to put an unexperienced man in a guarded situation.  Mr. Huber stated that he had three men in the journeyman program at different stages and the others were already journeymen.  Mayor Meyer stated that they would table the approval and discuss it further in an executive session after reports.  Mayor Meyer added that the approval would be on the next meeting agenda. 


Mayor Meyer stated that the City Manager’s contract was in the packet and commented that the Commission had just recently finished his yearly evaluation.  Mayor Meyer asked the City Attorney if she had any comments.  Ms. Probst stated that she had not realized that this was going to be on the agenda until she got the packet; however, she did see a few things that she would have done differently.  Ms. Probst stated that she would have changed the date of 2016 to the current date and remove the paragraph about moving expenses.  Ms. Probst commented that Section 3 discussed the term of one year and that should begin with November 05, 2018.  Mayor Meyer asked Mr. Eckert if he was agreeable to those changes.  Mr. Eckert stated that he was, but he would like to have the clause stating by the end of August to stay there and the annual review to be done no later than August 3rd. 

Mayor Meyer stated that Mr. Eckert had not been given a raise last year and he had not had one this year.  Mayor Meyer added that Mr. Eckert had taken minimal vacation in the last two years also.  Mayor Meyer suggested approving the contract with minor modifications and to consider a raise for Mr. Eckert.  Commissioner Schmidt commented that it was at Mr. Eckert’s request that he not get a raise and he appreciated that.  Mayor Meyer stated that it was his opinion that they look at doing 6% to cover both years.  Commissioner Kumberg asked if that was within their budget authority. Ms. Garten stated that 3% was in the 2019 budget and it could handle it.   

With no more discussion, Commissioner Leslie made a motion to approve Mr. Eckert’s extended contract with minor adjustments and to approve a two year wage increase to total 6% effective next pay period.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Schmidt and carried unanimously. 


City Attorney Probst stated that the Kenyan solar people had sent out a renewed Certificate that acknowledges that certain permits, lease agreements, etc. were still in effect.  Ms. Probst commented that there were no breeches on either side and she explained that she had made one date change on the building permit from July 19th to July 25th.  Ms. Probst added that the conditional use permit and the electrical permit were correct.  Mr. Probst stated that she had also visited with Director of Electric Utilities Huber and he stated that Exhibit A was also correct.  Ms. Probst stated that this provides additional assurances and she recommended that the Commission approve the Certificate.  Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to approve the Certificate relating to the solar farm as presented.  Commissioner Leslie seconded the motion and the motion and second passed unanimously. 


No one in the audience wished to address the Commission.

Drug Dog:

Mayor Meyer stated that Officer McCarley and the drug dog were back from training and he had had the chance to visit with Interim Chief Ward and Officer McCarley earlier.  Mayor Meyer explained that Officer McCarley and Finrir, a Dutch Shephard, had been at training for six weeks.  Officer McCarley stated that their class was rather large and it was hard to get the repetitions in for that many dogs.  Officer McCarley commented that they worked from about 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 or 5:00 p.m. and there was a test every Friday.  Officer McCarley stated that he had to do a term paper and work a lot on obedience.  Officer McCarley explained that he knows his dope, which were meth, marijuana, cocaine and heroin.  Interim Chief Ward stated that Fin was one of the top producers and had done very well.  Commissioner Kumberg asked if he had a service vest.  Officer McCarley stated that he could have one, but they had not gotten one yet.  Mayor Meyer thanked Officer McCarley for taking the time away from his family. 


City Manager: 

·        Trip to Indiana:

City Manager Eckert stated that he had traveled to Indiana with Mayor Meyer to visit with Inovateus and be part of a nationwide video. 

·        Water Board Conference: 

Mr. Eckert stated that he would be attending a Water Board Conference in Manhattan with Public Works Director Rambat next week.  Mr. Eckert commented that water was serious and it was an issue as the population grows.  Mr. Eckert explained that it was concerning what Kansas was not getting. 

·        State Highway meeting: 

Mr. Eckert stated that Mr. Rambat and he had also attended the State Highway meeting in Hays concerning road issues.  Mr. Eckert commented that the head of KDOT was there and, after visiting with Mayor Meyer, they felt that they needed to set something straight with the bypass issue.  Mr. Eckert explained that it had been stated at another meeting that Pratt wanted the bypass to go ahead and this was done without our knowledge.  Mr. Eckert commented that there were a lot of good questions and we would be watching to see what the outcome would be.  Mr. Eckert stated that that input should come from a City official and not from somewhere else. 

Public Works: 

·        Pioneer Park:

Public Works Director Rambat stated that he had hired a contractor for a small drainage project in Pioneer Park.
·        Drainage issues: 

Mr. Rambat commented that there was another drainage issue and it involved the ditch by Mr. Don Detwiler’s house.  Mr. Rambat stated that the wall on the east side was cinder block and was disintegrating.  Mr. Rambat explained that he would have the contractor work with Mr. Detwiler and they would be leaving the existing rock with the rebar and pour a new 4” wall on top of it and add an inch in height. 

·        Lemon Park entrance: 

Mr. Rambat stated that the new sign was up at the Lemon Park entrance.  Mr. Rambat commented that they would get the masonry lined out and do it in a limestone that would match the shelters. 

·        Website:

Mr. Rambat stated that the website was moving along. 

Building Inspections: 

·        Planning & Zoning meeting: 

Building Inspector Blankenship stated that there was a Planning and Zoning meeting last Thursday for the preliminary of the Ashley Corner Subdivision.  Mr. Blankenship explained that that was where Home Lumber was going to go and another company had bought it.  Mr. Blankenship commented that this property was divided last time and it could not be revised again; therefore, they had to do another subdivision.  Mr. Blankenship stated that there would be two frontage lots and would be more appetizing for businesses coming in.  Mr. Blankenship commented that the Planning and Zoning Commission approved this and there would have to be a twenty day waiting period.  Mr. Blankenship stated that the public hearing would be December 6th. 

·        Comprehensive Plan: 

Mayor Meyer asked if they were still working on the Comprehensive Plan.  Mr. Blankenship stated that they were and they were looking into redoing it because a lot of the current plan had been fulfilled.  Mr. Blankenship commented that they needed a new vision and this had been budgeted for 2020.  Mayor Meyer questioned if this would include public input.  Mr. Blankenship stated that it would.  City Attorney Probst stated that the current plan was really outdated and public input was very valuable.  Ms. Probst commented that she had proposed to the Planning and Zoning Committee that they gut this one and start again.

·        Armory:

Mr. Blankenship reminded the Commission that the Armory had received approval about five years ago to put in a parking lot.  Mr. Blankenship stated that they had asked for the City to vacate the alley at the time and we did not agree to do that.  Mr. Blankenship added that the City had a big sewer system that had to be assessable. 

Electric Department:

·        Roof replaced:

Director of Electric Utilities Huber stated that the power plant roof was going to finally be replaced.  Mr. Huber added that Power Plant Supervisor Evans thinks that it should be done by Thursday. 

·        Christmas Lights: 

Mr. Huber commented that the line guys were working on the Christmas lights and they would be ready for the November 17th event.

·        Solar Farm: 

Mr. Huber informed the Commission that all the panels were on at the solar farm and that they plan on heating it up around December 4th.  Mr. Huber added that Integreen Services was out there pulling wire and moving right along.

·        Street lights: 

Mr. Huber stated that the North Main Street lights were off and they were on a system that was installed in the 1930’s and probably the last one in the State.  Mr. Huber explained that all the moisture had burnt the wires somewhere and there was probably more than one section burnt up.  Mr. Huber stated that this was a 2400 volt system and very dangerous; therefore it was shut off for now.  Mr. Huber commented that he was not sure how they would be moving forward.  Mr. Huber stated that he had $10,000 budgeted this year and next, but they were looking at having to bore into the street to each pole.  Mr. Huber added that some of the poles in that area were the original cast iron.  Mr. Huber stated that there were nineteen poles and five different styles of lights.  Mr. Huber commented that he would not recommend doing overhead due to the amount of trees.  Mayor Meyer questioned if we could replace them with ones that looked like those used in the Main Street project.  Mr. Huber stated that those were too tall.  Mayor Meyer commented that $20,000 would not go very far and Mr. Huber agreed. 

Recreation Department: 

·        Municipal Building:

Recreation Director Pinkall stated that they were hoping to get a time line about the historic status of the Municipal Building and they also were looking at other issues as to how to cool the gym, which could come before the historic decision.  Mr. Pinkall added that they were also looking at the cost of fixing or replacing the roof.  Mayor Meyer asked what the long term plan would be for the Municipal Building.  Mr. Pinkall stated that it was not going to be a quick process and they were not going to be able to fix everything. 

·        Leak at Dickerson Field: 

Mr. Pinkall thanked Public Works Director Rambat for this help this past weekend when they had a leak on Dickerson Field in Lemon Park.  Mr. Pinkall commented that someone had run over a valve box, but they had killed the juice and the leak was stopped. 

·        Interlocal Agreement: 

Mr. Pinkall stated that the college wanted to push the track and soccer field project forward, but he would push forward with an Interlocal Agreement if the Commission wanted him to do so.  Mr. Pinkall commented that we had to keep the City’s best interests recognized in the agreement.  The Commission were in agreement to let Mr. Pinkall get the agreement started.

Police Department: 

·        Officer McCarley:

Interim Police Chief Ward stated that Officer McCarley had started his shift work today.


·        Dispatcher:

Interim Chief Ward informed the Commission that he had hired a fourth dispatcher and they had twenty years of experience. 

·        Resignation: 

Interim Chief Ward stated that he had accepted the resignation of one of his officers and it was not due to any ill will.  Interim Chief Ward commented that he was a commercial pilot and wanted to get back to flying.  Interim Chief Ward added that he did have two certified guys that were wanting to come to work in Pratt so there should not be any down time.   

Finance Department: 

·        Auditors: 

Finance Director Garten stated that the auditors would be here Wednesday to do a preliminary review concerning our internal control processes.

Mayor and Commission:

·        Inovateus trip: 

Mayor Meyer stated that he had gone to visit the Inovateus offices with the City Manager and the challenge was getting there and back home.  Mayor Meyer commented that the day was from 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. and they worked on a promotional video and press release.  Mayor Meyer stated that he was confident that Inovateus was the way to go.  Mayor Meyer added that the meeting was offsite and on the Notre Dame campus.  Mayor Meyer stated that they had talked about the promotion and organizing a conference here in Pratt to draw in other municipalities and show them what we had done.  Mayor Meyer commented that they had suggested that we hold a contest and let school kids name the plant.  Mayor Meyer stated that they had restructured their company and had financial backing; therefore, the next project would be a turnkey operation with Inovateus.

·        Fire Department:

Mayor Meyer stated that he was very proud of the firefighters.  Mayor Meyer commented that the Fire Marshall had told him that the caliber of this department was impressive.   

·        Executive Session:

Mayor Meyer made a motion to enter into executive session for non-elected personnel to last thirty minutes.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Leslie and carried unanimously.

Mayor Meyer made a motion to return from executive session with nothing to report.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Schmidt and carried unanimously.


Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to recess until Monday, November 19th at 11:00 a.m. for the City/County joint meeting at City Hall.  Commissioner Leslie seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.



Thursday, November 15, 2018

11/19/18-City Commission Meeting Agenda


NOVEMBER 19, 2018



1.      CALL TO ORDER (Remind the audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)
2.      ROLL CALL
      4.1 Minutes:           November 05, 2018 Regular Commission Meeting
                                     November 14, 2018 Special Call Meeting

5.1 Presentation of 2018 Employee Service Awards – Mayor Meyer and Commission  
(15 Employees = 275 Years of Service!!!) 

5.2 Consideration and Approval of Resolution 111918 Authorizing the Sale of City of Pratt’s IRB’s for the Track and Field Facility – Regina Probst, City Attorney 

6.   OPEN AGENDA (City Matters Only) (3 Minute Time Limit)
7.1      City Manager 
7.2      City Attorney
7.3      Department Superintendents
7.4      Mayor
7.5      City Commission