Monday, April 15, 2013

04/01/2013-Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes

April 01, 2013

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular Session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.


Bill Hlavachick, Mayor
Jeff Taylor, Commissioner
Gary Skaggs, Commissioner
Karen Detwiler, Commissioner
Luke Kumberg, Commissioner


 Dave Howard, City Manager
LuAnn Kramer, City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney
Diana Garten, Finance Director
Russell Rambat, Public Works Director
Gary Myers, Chief of Police
Brad Blankenship, Building Inspector
Kelly Hemphill, Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall, Recreation Director


The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Hlavachick. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.


Commissioner Taylor led the staff and audience in the Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.


Commissioner Kumberg made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 18, 2013 regular Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.



Mr. Michael Nall requested the Commission’s approval for a disc golf tournament to be held in May Dennis Park on May 11th. Mr. Nall stated that this would be a fund raiser for the Sacred Heart Youth Group. Mr. Nall commented that this was one of the better courses in Kansas and should bring a large crowd. Commissioner Taylor questioned if the tournament would only be in May Dennis Park. Mr. Nall stated that it would and they hoped to host another one in September. Commissioner Taylor commented that this was a great thing for the community and questioned how long it would last. Mr. Nall stated that they would have registration at 9:00 a.m., start playing at 10:00 a.m. and should be done by 4:00 p.m.

Commissioner Detwiler made a motion to allow the Disc Golf Tournament on May 11th to start at 10:00 a.m. in May Dennis Park and to include the alternate date of May 18th in case of inclement weather. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg and carried unanimously.


City Manager Dave Howard stated that the Airport Authority Board terms of Mr. Keith Sexson and Mr. Bob Blasi were going to expire at the end of the month and the board recommends that they both be reappointed. Commissioner Taylor made a motion to approve the reappointments of Mr. Keith Sexson and Mr. Bob Blasi to another three year term on the Pratt Airport Authority Board. Commissioner Skaggs seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.


Building Inspector Brad Blankenship stated that Mr. Gary Schmidt should have been reappointed to the Building Board last year, but was missed and Mr. Brian Gordon and Mr. Dan Shumway’s appointments were expiring at the end of April. Mr. Blankenship informed the Commission that they were all willing to serve an additional term.

Mr. Blankenship requested that the Commission allow the appointments to be staggered; therefore, Mr. Schmidt’s term would include last year as his first year of his term. Mr. Blankenship added that Mr. Gordon and Mr. Shumway were both very helpful on the Board. A motion by Commissioner Skaggs to approve the reappointments of Mr. Gary Schmidt, Mr. Brian Gordon and Mr. Dan Shumway to the recommended three year terms on the Building Board was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg. The motion and second passed unanimously.


Police Chief Gary Myers explained to the Commission that the police department had seized a 1966 Cessna 310K airplane in December 2010 that had been trafficking cocaine. Chief Myers stated that the Police Department was awarded possession after the court proceedings in April 2011 and the DEA having no interest in keeping it. Chief Myers commented that the plane had cost about $5,500 in storage fees at the airport since the Police Department had been awarded possession. Chief Myers explained that the plane had flying status when it was seized, but had no current paperwork and was illegal. Chief Myers added that he had visited with Mr. Randy Huitt and he had suggested selling it for scrap since it would take thousands of dollars to bring it into compliance.

Chief Myers stated that Detective Jeff Ward had met with a prospective buyer that was interested in rebuilding the plane and having it flight worthy. Chief Myers added that this person was willing to pay $15,000 for the plane the way it sits now. Chief Myers stated that he was requesting the Commission allow the sale of the plane without the requirements of auction or sealed bids. Chief Myers stated that they would proceed with a meeting with the buyer if the request was granted. Chief Myers stated that Assistant County Attorney Gaten Wood was involved and they wanted to make sure that there was an understanding that there was no title. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if we had advertised the plane at all. Chief Myers stated that they had not, but Mr. Huitt had informed them that they would have to advertise it as salvage. Commissioner Taylor questioned what price it would bring if it was salvage. Commissioner Detwiler stated that it would be more than $15,000. Chief Myers stated that the plane was flying when it came in, but he was not sure about the mechanics and engine and the cabin was not in good shape. Chief Myers explained that smugglers transport cocaine in these types of aircraft so that they were not out much money if they were seized. Chief Myers commented that no one was going to look at the plane for free and he had asked Mr. Huitt to look into that about a year ago and he had not gotten back to him.

Commissioner Skaggs suggested that we goggle it and see what we could find out. Commissioner Detwiler stated that we should advertise it for sell as is, telling them what it is and we still had the right to reject any and all bids. Commissioner Kumberg commented that you have to know how to advertise it and should be careful. Mayor Hlavachick stated that the plane came to us free and we were in debt now $5,500 and was costing us every day. Finance Director Diana Garten informed the Commission that it cost $209 per month for storage. Commissioner Detwiler questioned why it was housed when City vehicles were not. Commissioner Taylor stated that the wind would tear the wings off. Chief Myers added that there was no space available at the airport for an unprotected plane. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the plane was all they got. Mr. Howard commented that they also got a lot of cocaine. Chief Myers stated that any money they would have gotten would have been put in the forfeiture fund.

Mr. Howard stated that he had suggested putting the sell on the agenda so that it could be talked out. Mr. Howard added that Detective Ward had stated that the plane would have been worth about $50,000 if it were certified and legal. Mr. Howard explained that you do not know what all could be going on with a drug plane. Chief Myers stated that the prospective buyer was from a well-to-do family out of Wichita and owns an aircraft school and this fits his bill perfect. Chief Myers added that he (the potential buyer) felt that this was a reasonable amount for this plane and understood that he would have to put thousands of dollars into it. Commissioner Detwiler pointed out the paragraph in Chief Myers’ letter concerning the buyer offering $15,000 as is and free of warranties on the condition that a mechanic he supplies determines that the motor is repairable. Commissioner Detwiler stated that we were not selling it as is with that condition on here. Commissioner Kumberg commented that he had friends who were commercial pilots in Salina and he thought that they would not transport the plane on a truck, but would get it flyable to get to where they need to go. Commissioner Detwiler stated that that was still not taking it as is.

Chief Myers stated that they were still in negotiations and he was only asking for permission to move forward with those negotiations and to have the Commission waive the ordinance bid requirements. City Attorney Ken Van Blaricum commented that we could advertise on Craig’s List or the Wichita Eagle, but then you have more City staff time involved in checking it out and getting it done. Mr. Van Blaricum added that we might get more out of the plane, but we would spend a lot more time researching it. Mayor Hlavachick stated that this was an encumbrance and we should take the money and run. Commissioner Detwiler stated that she agreed with that, but she would like to see it on the condition that a mechanic we supply determines the motor is repairable, because they could be moved on a truck or trailer if you take the wings off. Chief Myers stated that the plane was not legally registered and did not have the proper FAA paperwork and it was his understanding that the individual was going to truck it out. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if it had to be determined runnable if they were going to truck it out. Chief Myers stated that the engines were running when it was seized, but it had not been started since then because we do not have any insurance on it. Chief Myers added that insurance would have been an added expense and Mr. Huitt had removed the battery so no one could come in and attempt to start it. Commissioner Detwiler questioned if this individual was going to supply and pay for the mechanic or if the City was. Chief Myers stated that it was his understanding that the offer was with no warranties. Chief Myers stated that the individual wanting to purchase the plane had come to look at it and now he wants to bring out a mechanic to look at it before anything is finalized. Chief Myers added that any expense for inspection would be his responsibility.

Commissioner Taylor made a motion that we should sell the plane for $15,000, with the understanding that the individual foots the expense of the mechanic and to get it started. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kumberg. Commissioner Taylor explained that his thinking was that, if Mr. Huitt was not interested in it, there was probably a small audience of people that would want to do this. Commissioner Taylor added that we continue to pay for it every day. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that Chief Myers had made a good point earlier when he explained that the plane could have been forfeited by the DEA and the U.S. Attorney’s office and they could have kept the money, but it was more trouble and expense to them to keep it. After no more discussion, the motion and second to sell the 1966 Cessna 310K for $15,000 passed unanimously.


City Manager Howard reminded the Commission that he had informed them a couple of months ago about tearing down the building, capping the well and moving the water rights to the other well at the airport. Mr. Howard explained that that process had been approved; therefore, we could pump twenty-two acre feet on that well, which takes care of any problems of over-pumping.

Mr. Howard stated that the well still in use was high in nitrates, but it was a transient site since there were no residential properties using it. Mr. Howard commented that the conditions were that we had to plug the well and Water Superintendent Kelvin Clay was working on the cost of that. Mayor Hlavachick questioned if the well would be filled with concrete. Mr. Howard stated that it would be, but they would get someone to do that.

Mr. Howard commented that the only action needed from the Commission would be their permission to plug that water well so that it would not exist anymore. Mayor Hlavachick questioned the Commission and everyone was in agreement to plug the water well at the Airport.


Items stolen and destroyed:

Mr. Luca Matei, owner of Country Club Apartments, commented that he had been gone for twelve days and he came back to the laundry room being broken into and two washers being destroyed and this happened many times over the years. Mr. Matei stated that the point was that none of the stolen items were recovered even when he had given the police addresses of where the air conditioner and air compressor were. Mr. Matei stated that he had called the police today and he was told to raise the rent for better tenants, but people get on the edge because prices were high and he wanted to take care of them some way. Mr. Matei commented that he was also told to become a policeman if he wanted a copy of the police report.

Mr. Matei stated that the City controls the institutions and police work for everybody, so he proposed that they help them. Mr. Matei added that an $80 processing fee was outrageous and a way for the government to make money.


City Manager:

Turn lanes on Hwy. 54:

Mr. Howard stated that there had been a meeting with KDOT representatives concerning the turn lanes on 54 Highway. Mr. Howard explained that there would be a private engineer working for us at KDOT’s expense. Mr. Howard commented that there would be a public hearing or they would come before the Commission when they get a draft of what they want to do.

Public Works:

Miss Kansas activities:

Mr. Rambat stated that the City had met with the Miss Kansas Organizer and discussed what role the City would have during that week.

WWTP Project:

Mr. Rambat commented that the wastewater treatment plant project should get started next Monday, April 8th.

Pool Project:

Mr. Rambat explained that the contractors would be moving in and doing some sandblasting on the pool along with patching and painting.

Inspection Department:

Car Wash update:

Mr. Blankenship stated that he had met with the car wash owner and they should be open the first or second week of May, weather permitting pouring of concrete.

Arrowhead West:

Mr. Blankenship commented that Arrowhead West had poured concrete and they were waiting for the metal building to go up.

Trinity Evangelical Church:

Mr. Blankenship stated that Jorns Construction had set a pole for temporary electric at Trinity Evangelical Church and should start digging footings pretty quick.

Building evaluations:

Mr. Blankenship shared new building evaluations for the last three years with the Commission. Mr. Blankenship explained that these figures were for evaluations of what they cost and not the cost of the permits.

• 2011 $1,656,806
• 2012 $2,649,300
• March 2013 (1 month) $9,285,902
• 2013 $9,379,000

Mr. Blankenship stated that this year was quite a jump and those figures did not include the hospital project. Mayor Hlavachick questioned if we had heard anything about the apartment complex. Mr. Howard stated that he had talked to Mr. Mooney and it was a waiting game, but he had applied for the housing tax credit, so it was in the hands of the State.

Electric Departments:

Gas Leak:

Mr. Hemphill stated that there had been an accident that caused a gas leak last week at Stanion Wholesale Electric and the line gang had reacted quickly and as they should.

Hospital Transformers:

Mr. Hemphill informed the Commission that the transformers for the hospital had been ordered from Stanion Wholesale Electric.

• Question concerning leak:

Commissioner Skaggs questioned how the electric department was involved with a gas leak. Mr. Hemphill explained that the emergency preparedness people had asked that the power be shut off. Mr. Hemphill stated that they had to shut off the entire east side of Main Street and that prevented any sparking from the transformer that was in the alley behind the building, which was where the broken gas line was.

Recreation Department:

New addition:

Mr. Pinkall informed the Commission that his newest employee, Ms. Katherine McAllister, had given birth to a little boy on Saturday. Mr. Pinkall commented that it had been a long time since anyone had had a baby in his department.

Power Plant:

#7 intercoolers:

Mr. Smith stated that they had been working on #7 intercoolers and had one done and were working on the others before putting it back together.

Finance Department:

Sales Tax for March:

Ms. Garten informed the Commission that March sales tax shows the first quarter of 2013 up by $56,000. Commissioner Taylor questioned if that was just what the City received. Ms. Garten stated that that was correct. Commissioner Taylor stated that that would make sales in the millions of dollars.


KMU voting delegates:

Mayor Hlavachick stated that the 2013 Annual KMU meeting was May 10th in Wichita and they were asking for the City’s voting delegates. Mayor Hlavachick commented that he would be going and he would like the Commission’s support to be the voting delegate and Mr. Howard to be the alternate. Commissioner Skaggs made that motion. Commissioner Taylor seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Building by Woody’s:

Commissioner Skaggs asked Mr. Blankenship if he had found out anything about the building by Woody’s. Mr. Blankenship stated that he had not, but he looked through it. Mr. Blankenship commented that it had been that way for ten years according to people that he had talked to. Commissioner Skaggs commented that it was unsightly and unsafe and a good habitat for animals. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if we knew who the owner was. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he could find out.

Municipal Building Janitors:

Commissioner Skaggs commended the Municipal Building janitors for the outstanding job they did during the Rotary chili feed. Mr. Pinkall stated that he would pass that along and added that he had also gotten a nice letter from Ninnescah Rural Electric.

Growth in Pratt:

Commissioner Taylor commented that it was good to hear reports on the growth in Pratt and that things were going well. Commissioner Taylor added that the country was in hard economic times, but Pratt has growth and people can see what is going on.

Explosion by VFW:

Commissioner Detwiler questioned what the explosion was by the old VFW. Mr. Howard stated that he was not sure, but it happens occasionally. Commissioner Detwiler commented that there was a rumor that someone had blown off fingers. Chief Myers stated that the hospital had a requirement to report those types of accidents and he had not had any. Chief Myers commented that they were having individuals creating their own M-80’s and they had not been able to track them down yet. Chief Myers added that there were also soda bombs, which are explosive devices, and it was a serious offense if they get caught.

• Transformers in Lemon’s Park:

Commissioner Detwiler commented that there were two big transformers sitting between the ball diamonds in Lemon’s Park that looked like they were tipping. Mr. Pinkall stated that Line Distribution Superintendent Huber had looked at those recently. Mr. Hemphill explained that there were several options for those and they needed to see what the best option was. Mr. Hemphill added that they would take care of it.


Commissioner Taylor made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Skaggs seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.



Friday, April 12, 2013

04/15/13-City Commission Meeting Agenda


APRIL 15, 2013

1. CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.)



4. MINUTES – April 01, 2013 Regular Commission Meeting



7. PRESENTATION OF MAYOR’S PLAQUE – Dave Howard, City Manager


8.1 Nomination for Mayor
8.2 Nomination for Vice-Mayor
8.3 Designation of Official City Depositories – The Peoples Bank, First National Bank, First State Bank
8.4 Designation of Official City Newspaper – The Pratt Tribune


9.1 Consideration and Approval of Appointments to the Pratt Library Board – Rochelle Westerhaus, Board Secretary (Three year terms)

9.2 Consideration and Approval of Requests from Pratt High School for Tennis Events – Bruce Pinkall, Recreation Director

9.3 Consideration and Approval to Submit 2016 Geometric Improvement Application – Russell Rambat, Public Works Director

9.4 Consideration and Approval of Proposal to Restripe 200’ of the West Side of US-54 and K-61 Intersection – Russell Rambat, Public Works Director

9.5 Update on Sandy Creek Subdivision Development – Dave Howard, City Manager

9.6 Consideration and Approval for Appointment of Director #1 to the KMEA Board of Directors – Dave Howard, City Manager (Two year term)

10. OPEN AGENDA (City Matters Only) (3 Minute Time Limit)


11.1 City Manager
11.2 City Attorney
11.3 Department Heads
11.4 Mayor
11.5 City Commission


Monday, April 1, 2013

03/18/2013-Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes

March 18, 2013

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular Session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.


Bill Hlavachick, Mayor
Jeff Taylor, Commissioner
Gary Skaggs, Commissioner
Karen Detwiler, Commissioner
Luke Kumberg, Commissioner


LuAnn Kramer, City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney
Diana Garten, Finance Director
Russell Rambat, Public Works Director
Gary Myers, Chief of Police
Brad Blankenship, Building Inspector
Kelly Hemphill, Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall, Recreation Director


The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Hlavachick. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.


Commissioner Taylor led the staff and audience in the Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.


Commissioner Taylor made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 04, 2013 regular Commission meeting and the March 08, 2013 special call Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Detwiler and carried unanimously.



Ms. Angie Tatro, representative for John Hamm Auction, stated that Mr. Hamm would like to request permission to use the property between Maple Street and H2 Plains from about April 8th to April 20th for a consignment auction. Commissioner Skaggs questioned the City’s liability exposure if someone got injured on the property. Commissioner Skaggs also questioned if we would charge a rental fee. City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that the exposure was on Mr. Hamm, but there could be a little exposure on the City.

Commissioner Taylor clarified that this was a farm consignment auction. Ms. Tatro stated that that was correct. Commissioner Taylor questioned what would happen if the property was damaged when the equipment was being moved. Ms. Tatro stated that Mr. Hamm would level anything out if that occurred. Commissioner Taylor stated that we would want it to be the same as it was before the sale. Ms. Tatro stated that was also their intention. Commissioner Kumberg asked how much equipment was involved in the auction. Ms. Tatro stated that they would not know until they got started. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that Mr. Hamm would also need to comply with KDOT regulations.

Commissioner Skaggs commented that he was in favor of Mr. Hamm using the property since he does a lot for our community, but he voiced his concern that the City may set precedence if we let Mr. Hamm use the property for free. Commissioner Skaggs also questioned how we would say no to people that want it in the future. Commissioner Detwiler stated that there would be precedence to another consignment auction, but could restrict it in the future.

After little more discussion, Commissioner Detwiler made a motion to allow Hamm Auction to use the property between Maple Street, H2 Plains and Highway 61 for a consignment auction from approximately April 8th to April 20th. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs. Commissioner Taylor requested that the motion be amended to include that the property be returned to its original condition. Commissioner Detwiler amended the motion and Commissioner Skaggs seconded the amendment. The motion and second passed unanimously.


City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that the ordinance in front of the Commission would rezone Blocks 3 and 4 in the Sandy Creek Addition. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that Block 3 was zoned AL-1 Agricultural District and would be changed to C-S Highway Service District while Block 4 was zoned AL-1 Agricultural and would be rezoned R-1 Residential Dwelling. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that this would begin the development of the Sandy Creek Addition and it was unanimously recommended by the Planning Commission.

The following Ordinance 1305 was then presented to the Commission for their approval: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY IN SANDY CREEK ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PRATT, KANSAS UNDER THE AUTHORITY GRANTED IN THE ZONING AND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE. Commissioner Taylor made a motion to approve Ordinance 1305 that rezones Blocks 3 and 4 in the Sandy Creek Addition. Commissioner Kumberg seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.


Police Chief Myers explained to the Commission that he had gone out for bids for a new police vehicle in mid-February and had requested that it be a 2013 or 2014 police interceptor sports utility vehicle. Chief Myers reminded the Commission that there had been some reorganization in his department and the officers work twelve hour shifts and there were four teams with an ‘A’ and ‘B’ team night and day. Chief Myers added that there were four specially trained officers that had been trained to be crime scene investigators and one officer was assigned to each team. Chief Myers commented that those officers were required to carry needed equipment that left no room in the vehicles to transport an individual. Chief Myers also commented that officers were getting larger, the cars were cramped with the standard equipment and he had been asked to request a larger patrol vehicle. Chief Myers clarified that larger did not mean ‘fat’, just larger in stature.

Chief Myers stated that he had taken into consideration that we cannot count on a lot of snow, but it had created a problem a few weeks ago. Chief Myers commented that the department had two 4-wheel drive vehicles, but one had been out of town and the other was the animal control vehicle. Chief Myers stated that he had used his personal 4-wheel drive vehicle as well as Detective Jeff Ward and Officer Ed Gimpel, so the streets had been patrolled by privately owned vehicles. Chief Myers added that there had been no major problems, but they still had an obligation to do their duty and go on calls.

Chief Myers explained that the Explorer from Lanterman Motors had a front or all-wheel drive chassis and the Tahoe from Doug Reh Chevrolet had a full wheel chassis and could be either two-wheel or four-wheel drive. Chief Myers stated that the bid from Lanterman Motors was for a 2013 Ford Explorer costing $28,860 and Doug Reh Chevrolet bid a 2013 Chevy Tahoe at $28,985, which was a difference of only $125. Chief Myers pointed out that Doug Reh Chevrolet had a $9,000 discount adjustment on the $43,890 Tahoe and had offered a trade allowance of $4,300 for the 2006 Chevy Impala and Lanterman Motors had offered $2,000 for the 2006 Impala with no additional adjustments to the cost of the 2013 Explorer.

Chief Myers stated that he had also researched the fuel economy on the 2013 Tahoe 4X4 and it showed 21 mpg highway and 14 mpg city and the 2013 Explorer all-wheel drive got 22 mpg highway and 16 mpg city. Chief Myers commented that there was very little significance in savings. Chief Myers asked that the Commission consider the 2013 Chevy Tahoe despite the $125 difference, since we would be getting more for our trade-in and it would be of more service since it was built on a truck chassis. Mayor Hlavachick commented that $125 was not much and it would give the department a vehicle they could utilize. Commissioner Taylor made a motion to purchase the 2013 Chevy Tahoe special police package from Doug Reh Chevrolet for $28,985. Commissioner Skaggs seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.


No one in the audience wished to address the Commission.


Public Works:

Pool project:

Public Works Director Rambat stated that the pool project was underway and they should be pouring slabs tomorrow morning. Mr. Rambat explained that they would cover the slabs to prevent freezing and then they would be bringing in a sand blasting crew. Mr. Rambat commented that the contractor was upbeat about the condition of the pool. Commissioner Taylor questioned if those were the only panels that were being taken out. Mr. Rambat stated that that was correct and those were the ones that were cracked. Mr. Rambat added that those panels had been replaced in 1970. Mr. Rambat explained that the original ones had held up better and there was not much moisture under the concrete, which was encouraging. Commissioner Taylor asked if there was much erosion under the panels. Mr. Rambat stated that there was not and he felt that we had made the right choice in the repair method. Mr. Rambat added that we should get another nine or ten years with this repair.

Highway 54 repairs:

Mr. Rambat stated that there would be a couple of panels replaced on Highway 54 in front of Kentucky Fried Chicken tomorrow morning around 7:00 a.m. Mr. Rambat explained that they would close west bound traffic down to one lane until Wednesday, which would give it time to cure. Commissioner Skaggs questioned how thick the panels were. Mr. Rambat stated that they were around ten to eleven inches. Mr. Rambat explained that moisture had probably gotten under them. Commissioner Skaggs asked if they would be replaced when they do the whole intersection. Mr. Rambat commented that he was not sure, but we would have to do it when things were not under our control if we let it go. Mr. Rambat explained that there was less traffic due to spring break. Mr. Rambat commented that his guess was that they would find other panels that had shifted and moved and he explained that heavy spring rains could cause us to shut down traffic. Commissioner Skaggs stated that those panels had been replaced several times on both sides and questioned if KDOT had thought about beefing-up their specs. Mr. Rambat stated that KDOT had not said anything, but the radius of truck traffic causes the failure of the panels. Mr. Rambat explained that water was going to get underneath the panels no matter how thick they were.

Water leak:

Mr. Rambat stated that there was a water leak in the 200 block of North Main Street and staff would be installing a new service line from the east side to the west side tomorrow.

 Preconstruction Meeting:

Mr. Rambat stated that there was a Wastewater Treatment Plant project preconstruction meeting at 1:00 p.m. Wednesday. Mr. Rambat added that the project should be kicking off in the next few weeks.

Inspection Department:

• Best Western Plus update:

Building Inspector Blankenship commented that he had the new configurations for Best Western Plus and it had where they had moved the swimming pool. Mr. Blankenship stated that they had been sending in everything needed for the building permits and the job trailer had been hooked up. Mr. Blankenship added that the water line was in and Arensdorf Construction had built a vault for the meter, so they had the okay from Best Western and the owners to get it going.

New Addition to Church:

Mr. Blankenship stated that he had the plans for the new addition to the Trinity Evangelical Church. Mr. Blankenship explained that they would be adding on to the north side of Fellowship Hall.

Museum plans:

Mr. Blankenship stated that he had the museum plans and they had met about the parking lot.

Hospital project:

Mr. Blankenship stated that phase one of the hospital project was complete and the first floor of the newer building houses twenty-seven office employees.

KDHE approval:

Mr. Blankenship stated that KDHE had given Mr. Withers the okay to burn the five or six piles of debris in his development. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if Mr. Withers had asked to have that property be in the City. Mr. Blankenship stated that he had not asked that yet, so it was still in the County. Mr. Blankenship added that Mr. Withers was going to annex that fairly soon.

Electric Departments:

Diesel Engine:

Director of Electric Utilities Hemphill stated that the power plant had had to operate the diesel engine to support the Holcomb plant Friday night. Mr. Hemphill commented that all nine cities involved in EMP2 had been involved.

Hospital project:

Mr. Hemphill informed the Commission that they had sent out bids for the transformers for the hospital project. Mr. Hemphill stated that the engineers had finalized it today and they should have the rest of the specs this week and they could get moving. Mr. Hemphill commented that they would evaluate the bids on March 22nd and it would be City Manager Howard’s call on how to deal with them. Mr. Hemphill added that they would bring it to the Commission so that they were kept informed of what was decided.

Recreation Department:

Streetscape project update:

Recreation Director Pinkall stated that there had been a Streetscape Project meeting with KDOT concerning the grant process and the community had come out in support of the project. Mr. Pinkall commented that there were about thirty-five people at the meeting and they spoke up in different ways. Mr. Pinkall explained that KDOT seemed positive after the meeting was over and they had walked the Main Street project area. Mayor Hlavachick questioned when we would know anything. Mr. Pinkall stated that it would be June 1st, but he reminded the Commission that this was very competitive with twenty-one applications being considered.

Police Department:

Limited parking signs:

Police Chief Myers commented that he had been contacted by Ms. Tonya Harrison, owner of Ballons & More, which was located at 209 South Main Street. Chief Myers stated that Ms. Harrison had asked if there was a possibility of having a sign in front of her business for ’limited parking’. Chief Myers added that she had expressed that merchants were using the parking stalls and that that creates problems for some businesses. Chief Myers stated that the new operator of Blue Moon Coffee Shop had also asked about having two ‘reserved parking’ signs in front of that shop. Chief Myers explained that he had not had a chance to visit with the City Manager; therefore, he had told both businesses that he would get back to them.
Commissioner Kumberg questioned when the last ticket had been written for a violation of one of the existing signs. Chief Myers stated that there had not been any written. Chief Myers explained that some businesses had requested that the signs be removed since there was no need for limitations and there were people who complied with the signs and others ignored them. Chief Myers added that employers and employees should be encouraged not to park there. Commissioner Skaggs commented that the Chamber of Commerce used to encourage the businesses to stay out of those parking spots. Commissioner Taylor stated that there were two or three cars from SRS that park in front of Taylor Printing from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., but that was something that you had to put up with. Commissioner Taylor commented that everybody would want one if we start putting them up. Commissioner Detwiler suggested that there be signs saying that spaces were for downtown patrons and, if they were not shopping, they get a ticket. Commissioner Kumberg commented that he did not want to open a can of worms, but the parking meters could be a solution. Commissioner Skaggs stated that people used to get others to feed the meter to keep it going and there were comments about paying property taxes and not wanting to move.

Commissioner Skaggs commented that enforcement of time restrictions would require an officer be assigned to the downtown area so that they could mark tires and check back. Commissioner Skaggs added that the officers patrol up and down the streets now, so random patrol would make it hard to control. Commissioner Taylor stated that he sees the position that she is in, but it was a good thing that uptown was busy. Commissioner Skaggs stated that the solution was additional parking and there were parking lots behind the Tribune and the Baptist Church and maybe those could be open to employees during the day. Commissioner Skaggs added that the parking lot at the Fire Department helps a lot. Commissioner Taylor stated that there were twenty-five to thirty vehicles downtown all the time that were employees, so employers should specify to their employees not to park there.

Commissioner Kumberg commented that he would be concerned about the level of service they would get with specified parking and whether we would be doing a disservice if we could not guarantee it would be enforced. Public Works Director Rambat stated that this would be something to consider and incorporate if we were fortunate enough to get the Streetscape Project. Mayor Hlavachick stated that he had been hearing that we do not have enough handicap parking downtown. Mr. Rambat added that he was sure we did not have adequate handicap parking, but it was mentioned that there would be parking on the corners of a side street rather than directly on Main Street. Commissioner Detwiler commented that people in wheelchairs would rather be on the side street. Mr. Pinkall stated that the current design put them on corners and using a ramp. Commissioner Kumberg questioned if this had been brought up during discussions. Mr. Pinkall stated that it had and the possibility of putting handicap parking on each block was also discussed.

Mr. Rambat stated that lack of parking rears up during projects and they see the shuffle. Mr. Pinkall agreed and stated that they had faced that during the Main Street project. Commissioner Taylor commented that it helps to have the Chamber send out an email. Mayor Hlavachick commented that he was sensitive to Ms. Harrison’s issue. Commissioner Skaggs asked that Chief Myers explain this to her and he added that this was a double edge sword. Commissioner Skaggs added that this was retailers vs. service occupants.

City Commission:

Building north of Woody’s:

Commissioner Skaggs questioned if anything had been done about the building on the north edge of Woody’s. Commissioner Skaggs explained that it looked like they had run out of boards to cover the windows and questioned if we could ask that they cover it or tear it down. Commissioner Kumberg added that the roof had collapsed also. Commissioner Skaggs stated that it was not safe nor did it look nice. Mr. Blankenship stated that he would look at it.

Sandy Creek Addition:

Mayor Hlavachick questioned how far out it was that something would get started in the Sandy Creek Addition. Mr. Blankenship stated that they were waiting on EBH. Mayor Hlavachick questioned if they were developing the bid specs. Mr. Blankenship stated that they were busy with the Wastewater Treatment Facility project and others, but they were in the process. Mayor Hlavachick stated that there was a realtor that was ready to go. Commissioner Kumberg commented that we should not have to wait on EBH. Mr. Blankenship stated that he would visit with the City Manager.

Soccer Cage at Sixth Street Park:

Commissioner Detwiler stated that she had noticed a group of young people dragging a soccer cage over to the fence in Sixth Street Park and climbing over the fence when the ball was kicked over it. Commissioner Detwiler explained that the fence would not last long if that kept happening. Commissioner Detwiler added that she also saw the college move the nets and climbing over the fence when the ball went out. Mr. Pinkall stated that he had asked that the college move the soccer nets to the field at the college and that should be done shortly.

Concrete at Sports Complex:

Commissioner Detwiler questioned if there was new concrete at the Sports Complex. Mr. Pinkall stated that the high school had reshuffled the batting cages and bull pen pitching area. Mr. Pinkall added that we had helped with part of it.

Landscape Ordinance:

Commissioner Taylor questioned where we were with the Landscape Ordinance. Mr. Blankenship stated that the Building Board had had a meeting and two of the members liked it and two were against it. Mr. Blankenship added that it would be brought up in the Planning meeting on Thursday. Commissioner Taylor clarified that it would be before the Commission soon. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that it would be as soon as they got the Planning Commission’s input.

Sandy Creek Addition & Sidewalks:

Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there would be sidewalks required in the Sandy Creek Addition. Mr. Blankenship stated that he was not sure. Mr. Rambat commented that there could be a walking path along Maple Street. Commissioner Skaggs stated that that should be the minimum that we have.

Mr. Pinkall commended:

Commissioner Kumberg commended Mr. Pinkall on the job he was doing on promoting the KDOT Main Street Streetscape project and getting the public involved.


A motion by Commissioner Taylor to adjourn was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs. The motion and second passed unanimously.

