Tuesday, June 16, 2015

06/01/2015-Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes


JUNE 01, 2015

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.

Lucus Kumberg           Mayor
Bill Hlavachick            Commissioner
Jeff Taylor                    Commissioner
Gary Skaggs                 Commissioner
Doug Meyer                 Commissioner
Dave Howard                City Manager
LuAnn Kramer              City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum        City Attorney  
Diana Garten                 Finance Director
Gary Myers                   Chief of Police
Russell Rambat             Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship         City Inspector
Jamie Huber                  Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall                Recreation Director                                                           


The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Kumberg.  The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present. 

The Mayor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded. 


Commissioner Taylor led the staff and audience in the invocation and Mayor Kumberg led the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 18, 2015 regular Commission meeting.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried unanimously. 



Ms. Vicki Dreiling, auditor with Adams, Brown, Beran, & Ball, Chtd., presented the 2014 City of Pratt audit to the Commission.  Ms. Dreiling stated that it was the opinion of Adams, Brown, Beran, & Ball, Chtd. that the financial statement presents fairly in all material respects and the aggregate cash and unencumbered cash balance of the City of Pratt as of December 31, 2014, and the aggregate receipts and expenditures for the year then ended in accordance with the financial reporting provisions of the Kansas Municipal Audit and Accounting Guide.  Ms. Dreiling explained that a majority of municipalities use the Kansas Municipal Audit and Accounting Guide.

Ms. Dreiling pointed out that pages 4 and 5 were summary statements of receipts, expenditures and unencumbered cash for all funds.  Ms. Dreiling commented that the actual balance was $7,051,061 at the end of 2014.  Ms. Dreiling added that the cash balance had decreased by $10.4 million since 2010, but that was due to using existing funds for expenditures and that kept charges down and the tax levy stable.  Ms. Dreiling stated that the utility funds should start to see the reserve and cash balances increase with the rate increases that had taken place.  Ms. Dreiling commented that the next several pages of the audit were footnotes that provided additional information.  Ms. Dreiling explained that note 10 on page 11 explained that the City had entered into a public works contract that exceeded $100,000 with Hi-Plains Sand and had not gotten the proper bond in place, which was a violation of K.S. A. 60-1111.  Ms. Dreiling also pointed out that the contract did not comply with the mandatory nondiscrimination provision and that was a violation of K.S.A. 44-1030.  Ms. Dreiling suggested that the City have a generic statement that could be added to contracts over $100,000.  Ms. Dreiling added that this was a common area that was missed.  Ms. Dreiling reviewed the financial statements and pointed out that the City had $9,732,531 capital leases and KDHE loans.  Ms. Dreiling commented that page 17 showed the long term debt and interest for the next five years and how those debts would be retired.   

Ms. Dreiling pointed out that pages 18-21 dealt with the single audit that expended more than $300,000.  Ms. Dreiling stated that the first letter dealt with internal control over compliance and page 19 stated that there were no non-compliance issues.  Ms. Dreiling added that page 20 stated that the City had met all material aspects.  Ms. Dreiling commented that page 21 stated that there were no deficiencies and this was an unqualified opinion, which was good news for the City.  Ms. Dreiling stated that page 22 was a summary of expenditures and they had stayed within the budget.  Ms. Dreiling commented that the next several pages contained additional information per fund. 

Commissioner Hlavachick commented that the City was doing okay.  Ms. Dreiling stated that there was the decrease in cash, but the City was trying to get the utility funds back up and self-sufficient.  Commissioner Meyer questioned if they were concerned about the debt coverage ratio on the bonds.  Ms. Dreiling stated that it was noted in the report that spending in that fund would cause a lower debt coverage than allowed.  Ms. Dreiling added that it should show a different story next year.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned how much cash balance a City should have.  Ms. Dreiling stated that there were no rules, but you want it to be a healthy fund.  Commissioner Meyer asked what happens if we do not have money to transfer.  City Manager Howard commented that there were not any more large projects in the electrical funds.  Ms. Garten added that the wastewater capital improvement fund was servicing the debt and that was used to make that debt payment. 

Ms. Dreiling explained that the City had planned this in lieu of raising rates, but the projects had gotten done.  Ms. Garten stated that the rate increases were in place and they were done with the reorganization at the power plant, so there would be savings there.  Mr. Howard commented that there would be pay off of a major bond debt in the next few years as well.  Mayor Kumberg commented that we do not take spending money lightly and tried to be the best stewards possible.  Mayor Kumberg questioned how we compare with other Cities.  Ms. Dreiling stated that the cash reserves were low, but the City continues to improve infrastructure by planning and meeting current expenditures and that was not a huge debt compared to others.  

Ms. Dreiling referred to page two of the management letter and discussed the debt covenants that had not met the debt ratio and the request to put money back into those funds.  Ms. Dreiling added that there was also a recommendation that the wastewater and water funds not exceed the revenues in the future.  Ms. Dreiling also pointed out the Statute violation in the public works project not being properly bonded and the lack of the proper nondiscrimination provision.  Mayor Kumberg stated that it was good work by the department heads.  Ms. Dreiling commented that they take up a lot of the employee’s time and they appreciate that. 


Pratt Library Director Rochelle Westerhaus informed the Commission that the library’s budget was increasing under 1% in 2016.  Ms. Westerhaus stated that their materials budget was decreasing by 5.5%, the book budget was taking the biggest hit with a decrease of 9.14%, but the periodical budget was increasing by 6.7% to keep up with price increases.  Ms. Westerhaus commented that e-book circulation was 1,570 in 2014 and they were already at 882 for 2015.

Ms. Westerhaus stated that personnel expenses had increased in 2015 due to the addition of a full-time Tech/YA Librarian who provides more assistance to the community with technology services and activities for middle school students.  Ms. Westerhaus added that they were still not at the same employment levels that they were in 2011.  Ms. Westerhaus explained that there was a 2% raise increase for staff and they continued to work on fully funding the tech position, which should be in 2018.  Ms. Westerhaus stated that the IT Services budget decreased by 14.5% since they did not have to purchase Enterprise Licenses.  Ms. Westerhaus pointed out that the operations budget would increase by 3.67% due to the increase in the cost of building and property insurance and the supplies budget was increasing by 5% to keep up with rising costs.  Ms. Westerhaus added that there was an increase in programming for all ages and they were becoming more involved in the community events and would have a photo booth and mini book sale at the summer sidewalk sale.

After little more discussion, Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve the 4 mill request for the 2016 budget for the Pratt Library.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried unanimously 


Rotary President Dr. Bruce Kempton stated that Rotary was always looking for interesting things to do and wanted to be involved with the community.  Dr. Kempton commented that not much goes on in October and they thought Pratt needed an Oktoberfest.  Dr. Kempton explained that they were looking at climate control tents, beer gardens and games.  Dr. Kempton commented that he had visited with Chamber Director Kim DeClue and the Chamber was not interested in participating.   

Dr. Kempton stated that they had thought about using the Sports Complex where there was gated areas for security and good lighting.  City Manager Howard reminded the Commission that you could not serve or consume alcohol on City property.  Mayor Kumberg questioned if the Commission could grant an exemption.  City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that he would have to check on that.  Commissioner Taylor stated that there had been other requests to have alcohol at the Municipal Building and they were not approved.  Commissioner Skaggs stated that other communities had beer gardens.  Commissioner Taylor commented that Medicine Lodge had them at their peace treaty, but it was on private property.

Commissioner Skaggs commented that we had approved use of alcohol for the Art Museum.  Mr. Van Blaricum clarified that that was for a charitable organization and it was a fund raiser for them.  Dr. Kempton stated that they would look for another location if the Sports Complex does not work out.  Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he would do some checking and get back with the Commission.

Chamber President Steve Blankenship stated that he wanted to give the Commission an update on the job that Chamber Director DeClue was doing.  Mr. Blankenship commented that Ms. DeClue had come on about a year ago and they had made her full time several months ago.  Mr. Blankenship stated that they would like to request additional funding of $400 a month to make that happen.  Mr. Blankenship explained that Ms. DeClue was involved in many things such as the fishing tournament at the lake, working on the Miss Kansas pageant and may other things and did the job well.  Chamber Board member Jeremy Doggett stated that Ms. DeClue was a breath of fresh air for the Chamber and Travel and Tourism and she had taken on every task with a good attitude.  Mr. Doggett commented that Ms. DeClue was already putting in full time hours by working weekends and after hours.  Mr. Doggett added that the Chamber would be putting in additional funds as well.   

Commissioner Skaggs questioned how many Chamber members there were now.  Mr. Doggett stated that there were 260 business members.  Chamber Director DeClue added that that was down from previous numbers because the consignment stores did not renew.  Commissioner Skaggs asked if Travel and Tourism could take another hit.  City Manager Howard stated that we could look at it during budget, but we also need to be asking if the tax was going to recover after being down the last couple of reports.  Mr. Howard added that there were a lot of demands on that fund.  Commissioner Meyer questioned if this had always been a part time position.  Mr. Doggett stated that Ms. Scarbrough was full time.  Mr. Howard stated that we would get back to them after the Commission had their budget work session.  


Recreation Director Bruce Pinkall stated that the Parks and Recreation Board terms of Ms. Barb Prater and Ms. Angela Gillig were expiring.  Mr. Pinkall commented that both were willing to serve an additional term and had good attendance to the meetings.  Commissioner Taylor made a motion to re-appoint Ms. Barb Prater and Ms. Angela Gillig to another term on the Parks and Recreation Board.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.

·        Luca:

Mr. Luca Matei handed the Commission a petition and requested their help in him being unfairly abused by the police department, which was illegal and unconstitutional.  Mr. Matei stated that they were to work for the community and protect and defend and not abuse.  Mr. Matei asked that the Commission stop the action.

Mayor Kumberg questioned if there was any action the Commission needed to take.  City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that they accepted the petition and he would review it.  Mr. Van Blaricum added that this was similar to things that they had gotten in the past.

City Manager:

·        Home Lumber:

City Manager Howard stated that the Home Lumber project was moving forward and they had gotten the plans to Building Inspector Blankenship.

·        Fincham Project:

Mr. Howard stated that the Fincham Street project had been awarded, but we were waiting on the funding.

·        Maple Street bridge: 

Mr. Howard stated that the Maple Street bridge had been patched.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned if it was just surface deterioration.  Public Works Director Rambat stated that it was for now.  Commissioner Skaggs asked how deep the asphalt patch was.  Mr. Howard stated that some were three inches or so.  Mr. Rambat stated that it was 11” to 12” in all.  Mr. Howard explained that they wanted to take action now before it got horribly bad. 

Public Works:

·        Miss Kansas pageant:

Public Works Director Rambat stated that they were busy getting everything cleaned up for the Miss Kansas events and the parade on Friday evening.

·        Pool:

Mr. Rambat stated that the pool was doing okay even though it had had limited usage thanks to Mother Nature. 

·        Spraying for weeds and mosquitoes:

Mr. Rambat informed the Commission that Mr. Ed Gould had been busy spraying for weeds and he would be spraying for mosquitoes at midnight this Thursday and Friday, weather permitting.

·        Water line to Parrish:

Mr. Rambat stated that the waterline for the Parrish Lofts had been installed and the street had been put back.  Mr. Rambat added that the contractor would get the sidewalk back in place.

Building Inspection:

·        A lot going on: 

Building Inspector Blankenship stated that there was a lot going on in Pratt and that includes the brand new hotels and the hospital project.  Mr. Blankenship added that they had gotten the grading done on N. 281 Highway up by the airport.  Mr. Blankenship shared that there would be a business going in there and they had been digging today.
·        Successful Tournament:

Recreation Director Pinkall stated that two 1A tournaments had been successful despite the weather delays.  

·        Summer activities:

Mr. Pinkall commented that they had kicked off the summer activities today.

·        Streetscape update:

Mr. Pinkall stated that the light pole bases would be set-up around June 20th and they were currently bolting them together.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned why they were trenching back at the intersections.  Mr. Pinkall stated that that was part of the plan and the business owners had thought that we should put the handicap parking around the corner instead of in the middle of a block.  Mr. Pinkall added that it was the same distance to walk either direction.  Mr. Howard commented that the weather had slowed them down.  Mayor Kumberg stated that he had not heard any complaints so it must be going well.

Police Department:
·        Click it or Ticket campaign:

Police Chief Myers stated that they had been pretty busy with the Click It or Ticket campaign that had started on May 18th and ended May 31st.  Chief Myers commented that officers had volunteered a total of forty hours despite vacations, sick time and a lot of rain.  Chief Myers pointed out that there had been 93 seat belt violations and two of those drivers were found to have suspended licenses, three did not have a valid license, one vehicle did not have liability insurance and one resulted in a felony drug arrest.

Chief Myers explained that the officers also continued to be busy taking care of routine business responding to 257 calls for service that generated eighty reports.  Chief Myers added that twelve of those were felonies and over forty were misdemeanor crimes.  Chief Myers informed the Commission that there were 5 burglaries, 15 thefts, 2 aggravated batteries, 1 arson, 8 criminal damages, 5 drug investigations, 5 disturbances, 9 car accidents, 2 care and treatment and 3 juvenile runaway reports.  Chief Myers stated that those had resulted in eighteen adult arrests and one juvenile in custody.
Chief Myers informed the Commission that the campaign generated approximately $3,500 in traffic enforcement equipment for the City Police Department.  Chief Myers reminded the Commission that the equipment and overtime paid out were the result of a grant from KDOT and would not come out of the City budget.
Finance Department:

·        Budget Work Session:

Finance Director Garten stated that the budget work session had been changed to July 15th and 16th if needed.  Ms. Garten added that the session would start at 8:00 a.m.

Mayor and Commission:
·        Executive session:
Mayor Kumberg requested an executive session at the end of the meeting for non-elected personnel to last twenty minutes with nothing to report.


·        Legislative briefs:


Mayor Kumberg questioned what happens to our ordinance when a change was made at the State level.  Mr. Van Blaricum stated that the State law takes precedence.

·        Landscape Ordinance:

Commissioner Taylor asked where we were on getting a new Landscape Ordinance.  Mr. Blankenship stated that they had one, but the Planning and Zoning Commission had not had a quorum the last two meetings and the next one would be July 1st.  Commissioner Taylor commented that the basis of it was that they had to submit a plan.  Mr. Howard commented that it was about 95% done.  Mayor Kumberg questioned if it would be asking too much to have a completion target date in July.  Mr. Howard stated that there were a couple of issues that might be on their agenda, so August would be a safer bet.

·        Parking issues during park weddings:

Commissioner Skaggs stated that there were two fairly large weddings in the parks this weekend and, if we pursue the Himmelwright development, parking should be looked at.  Commissioner Taylor commented that we would not want to have a dog park where the one wedding had been held and we should find an area for that that would be separate from where the public was going to be.  Mr. Howard commented that he had visited with Mr. Himmelwright and they would be getting the committee together in the near future for budget reasons and to get more specific cost figures.

Executive Session:
Mayor Kumberg made a motion to enter into an executive session for non-elective personnel to last twenty minutes.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.  

Mayor Kumberg made a motion to return from executive session with nothing to report.  The motion was properly seconded and carried unanimously.

A motion and second to adjourn carried unanimously.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

06/15/15-City Commission Meeting Agenda


JUNE 15, 2015



1.      CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.
2.      ROLL CALL

4.      MINUTES   June 01, 2015  Regular Commission Meeting
5.      BUSINESS:

5.1          Consideration and Approval of Street Closures for Sidewalk Sale July 11th – Kim DeClue, Chamber Director

5.2          Consideration and Approval for the 2015 Hot and Cold Classic Disc Golf Tournament on July 11th at May Dennis Park – Jason Winkel

5.3          Consideration and Approval of 4 Mil for 2016 Budget for Pratt Airport Authority – Reid Bell, Airport Manager; Dave Howard, City Manager

5.4          Consideration and Approval of Horvath Lease Documents – Dave Howard, City Manager; Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney 

6.      OPEN AGENDA (City Matters Only)(3 Minute Time Limit)
7.      REPORTS:

7.1             City Manager
7.2             City Attorney
7.3             Department Superintendents
7.4             Mayor
7.5             City Commission
8.      ADJOURN

Monday, June 1, 2015

05/18/2015-Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes


MAY 18, 2015

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.

PRESENT:                 Lucus Kumberg             Mayor
                                   Bill Hlavachick             Commissioner
                                   Jeff Taylor                     Commissioner
                                   Gary Skaggs                  Commissioner
                                   Doug Meyer                  Commissioner    

ALSO PRESENT:     Dave Howard                City Manager
                                   LuAnn Kramer              City Clerk
                                   Ken Van Blaricum        City Attorney  
                                   Diana Garten                 Finance Director
                                   Gary Myers                   Chief of Police
                                   Russell Rambat             Public Works Director
                                   Brad Blankenship         City Inspector
                                   Jamie Huber                  Dir. of Electric Utilities
                                   Bruce Pinkall                Recreation Director                                                          


The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Kumberg.  The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.

The Mayor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.


Commissioner Taylor led the staff and audience in the invocation and Mayor Kumberg led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Meyer made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 04, 2015 regular Commission meeting.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.



Chamber Director Kim DeClue informed the Commission that the 5K run was being postponed due to a family emergency, but would be rescheduled.  Ms. DeClue stated that the race would be starting at the pool at 8:00 a.m. and they should not have to close any streets.  After a little more discussion on the route, City Manager Howard stated that he did not see any problems since they were just crossing streets.  Commissioner Taylor questioned Police Chief Myers to see if he saw any streets that could cause a hazardous situation.  Chief Myers stated that he did not see any.  Mayor Kumberg questioned if Ms. DeClue knew what the new date would be.  Ms. DeClue commented that she did not have it rescheduled yet and she would have to visit with her board.
Ms. DeClue stated that the 5K was to coincide with the Miss Kansas events the first weekend in June, but they were still having the parade on Friday this year at 5:30 p.m.  Ms. DeClue commented that there was also a ‘fishing for bucks’ contest going on at the lake and the money would be paid out in Chamber bucks.  Ms. DeClue added that there would be $2,000 paid out if all the fish were caught.  Ms. DeClue stated that first place would be a lifetime fishing license and $500.  Commissioner Taylor asked what happened if you did not have a button.  Ms. DeClue stated that she would probably make them pay her $10.  Ms. DeClue explained that the lifetime fishing license could be given to someone else if the winner already had one.  Commissioner Skaggs asked where the tagged fish were.  Ms. DeClue stated that Wildlife and Parks had been holding them for her and anyone with a license could do this.

Ms. DeClue stated that there were several other events happening this summer starting with the Fire Department’s Car Show this weekend.  Ms. DeClue commented that the B-29 open house would be on June 27th that would include a fly-in, the sidewalk sale was scheduled for July 11th, the Pratt County Fair was the end of July and the Southwest Truck Mud Run was in August.  

Mayor Kumberg asked if Ms. DeClue would want to come and give quarterly reports to the Commission.  Ms. DeClue stated that she would be glad to do that and that was partly why she had brought this information to the Commission.


Finance Director Garten stated that this resolution was for transfers that were approved during the 2014 budget process.  Ms. Garten explained that the transfers had been made and the auditors had pointed out that they had to be done by resolution per Kansas Statute.  Commissioner Taylor questioned if this was the excess funds.  Ms. Garten stated that it was.  City Manager Howard stated that this brought us into compliance.  

The following Resolution 051815 was then presented to the Commission for their approval:  A RESOLUTION APPROVING INTERFUND TRANSFERS FROM CAPITAL EQUIPMENT RESERVES AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT RESERVES FOR BUDGETED, COMMISSION APPROVED EXPENDITURES DURING CALENDAR YEAR 2014.  Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve Resolution 051815 concerning interfund transfers in 2014.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.


Public Works Director Rambat stated that this was the fourth time that the City had participated in this program and they needed the Commission’s approval of the agreement.  Mr. Rambat commented that this was federal money and every dollar that the State passes along was 90% to the City and 10% staying with them.  Mr. Rambat explained that we had been setting aside this money and had around $200,000 put back.  Mr. Rambat stated that there were a lot of obstacles to jump through concerning engineering and inspections, but this gave us a broader range on how we spend it.  Mr. Rambat added that the money was there in case we needed to work on arterial streets or special projects that come along.  

Mr. Rambat stated that the chip seal projects were bid out through us, but we turn it in and get reimbursed, which was less complicated and more money goes towards the project.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there were any negatives.  Mr. Rambat stated that there really was not and we had been banking that money for four year.  Mr. Howard commented that we could use this for other City projects, which was a plus.  Commissioner Taylor questioned if we could have used it for the drainage ditch failure on Highway 54.  Mr. Howard stated that it could have, but we could not have accessed it fast enough.  Mr. Rambat added that we had not gone out for bids either.  Mr. Rambat commented that you want to bid out projects because you get the best bang for your buck.  

Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to approve Agreement 78-15 between the City and Kansas Department of Transportation.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.


City Manager Howard stated that this was the general board for KMEA and Commissioner Hlavachick had been on it for a long time and Mr. Huber would be replacing Mr. Hemphill since he had retired.  Commissioner Taylor made a motion to approve the re-appointment of Commissioner Hlavachick and the appointment of Director of Electric Utilities Huber to the KMEA Board of Directors.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.


·        Insurance dividend:

Mr. Rich Sanders stated that last year’s dividends had been a record amount being just under $50,000.  Mr. Sanders commented that this year it was a little bit more and he presented the Commission with a check for $86,753.  Mr. Sanders explained that the City program in Kansas had done very well.  


City Manager:
·        Downtown project:

City Manager Howard stated that the downtown project had stalled for several reasons and one of them had been the weather.  Mr. Howard commented that the delay was also due to the electrical boxes not being here and the general contractor did not want to leave the sidewalk open.  Mr. Howard explained that they would be tearing up and pouring the concrete on Wednesday.  Commissioner Taylor questioned if they would be done blocking business entrances once they pour the concrete.  Recreation Director Pinkall stated that they move the cones in and out as they were working.  Commissioner Taylor clarified that there would be no more major blockage of traffic in and out of businesses once the concrete was poured.  Mr. Howard stated that it would be done on that side.  Commissioner Taylor questioned how long it took for the concrete to cure.  Mr. Pinkall stated that they thought around 24 hours.  

·        Maple Street bridge:
Mr. Howard informed the Commission that the bridge on Maple Street was failing on both sides.  Mr. Howard stated that the engineers were looking at it to get a course of action.  Mr. Howard commented that we do not know what caused this.  Commissioner Taylor asked if it was not the soil.  Mr. Howard stated that it was on the deck of the bridge.  Commissioner Meyer questioned who would be responsible for the repairs.  Mr. Howard explained that we had had a one year warranty, so this would be on us.  Mr. Howard stated that we could not let this go since it was deteriorating pretty quickly. 

Public Works: 

·        Parrish Loft project:

Public Works Director Rambat stated that Water Superintendent Clay had been talking back and forth with the Parrish contractor and they would be getting ready to move forward on the water main improvements this week.  Mr. Rambat explained that the activity would start with a small portion of the intersection needing to be closed off for a day or two while the waterline was being installed.  Mr. Rambat stated that Mr. Clay would be tearing out the sidewalk to set a new fire hydrant on the west side corner.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned where the waterline would enter the Parrish.  Mr. Rambat explained that it would be on the southeast corner and they would run the water main down their sidewalk and go to the alley and tie in the service and fire line for the Parrish. 


·        Parrish cont.:

Building Inspector Blankenship stated that Director of Electric Utilities Huber, Water Superintendent Clay and the job superintendent with the gas company had met and they would be doing a cut in the alley for the sewer line.  Mr. Blankenship explained that the gas company had a high pressured line there and they would be cutting out their chunk so that it would not sag.  Mr. Blankenship explained that the sewer line would be filled back in with flowable fill and then welders would come in and put that line back in.  

Mr. Blankenship stated that they would be shutting off Jackson Street again for the drywall since there was too much wind today.  Mr. Blankenship added that it was rescheduled for Wednesday, weather permitting.  Mayor Kumberg questioned if there had been any backlash from the street closure.  Mr. Blankenship stated that there had not been since we had gotten it open when school let out.

Electric Department:

·        Maintenance:

Director of Electric Utilities Huber stated that both departments were busy doing maintenance.  Mr. Huber commented that he had a couple of guys painting the traffic signals black on Jackson Street.  Mr. Huber stated that black dresses those up a little bit. 

Recreation Department:

·        Streetscape project:

Recreation Director Pinkall stated that we would be doing live promotions once a week during the streetscape project.  Mr. Pinkall commented that we would be doing a little more promoting during the construction.  Mr. Pinkall stated that we could not fix things that we do not know about, so he asked that the Commission refer people to him if they had concerns.  Mayor Taylor stated that there were very few people in Woody’s the first week, but it had picked up and people did not seem to be affected by the construction.  Mr. Pinkall stated that he had been in there last week and Mr. Jimmy Woody seemed comfortable with what was going on. 

Police Department: 

·        KDOT Grant:

Police Chief Myers stated that the police department had been awarded the KDOT grant again this year for click it or ticket it special enforcement.  Chief Myers commented that the program goes until the 31st of May and it would allow the department to have additional officers on the street for enforcement of seatbelts.  

Finance Department: 

·        2016 Budget work session:

Finance Director Garten commented that it was time to start working on the 2016 budget and the work sheets had gone out today.  Ms. Garten stated that she would like the Commission to look at the week of July 13th for the work session.  After little discussion, the Commission tentatively set the dates for the 14th and 15th of July. 

Mayor and Commission: 

·        Champa Street:

Commissioner Meyer questioned if Champa Street could be made one way since it was almost impossible to go through when cars were parked on both sides.  Commissioner Meyer stated that he had been approached with this question and was curious.  Commissioner Skaggs clarified that he was questioning if we could limit parking to one side.  Commissioner Meyer stated that that was correct.  Commissioner Skaggs suggested that City staff canvas the area and see what their preference was.  Commissioner Hlavachick commented that it had been like this forever.

·        Drainage ditch by Mead Lumber:

Commissioner Meyer questioned if anyone had had time to check the drainage ditch by Mead Lumber.  Mr. Howard stated that he would do that tomorrow.  Mr. Rambat commented that they had hauled some concrete rock in there a couple of months ago. 

·        Crosswalk on Country Club Rd.:

Commissioner Skaggs asked if we should ask Mr. Lamkin if the railroad would be willing to put in a crosswalk in Lemon Park like the one they did on Country Club Road.  Mr. Rambat stated that he had not sent the letter yet, but he would give it some time and then email them about Lemon Park.

·        Wayne Parsons: 

Commissioner Skaggs reminded everyone that the owner of Parsons Jewelry was going to be having a birthday and it would be nice to stop in and tell him happy birthday.  Commissioner Skaggs added that we were fortunate to have a good jewelry store in town.

·        Safe holiday:

Commissioner Taylor wished everyone a safe Memorial holiday.

Commissioner Taylor made a motion to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously. 

                                                                                                LUCUS KUMBERG, Mayor
