Monday, August 17, 2015

08/17/15-City Commission Meeting Agenda


AUGUST 17, 2015



1.      CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.

2.      ROLL CALL


4.      MINUTES          August 03, 2015  Regular Commission Meeting

5.      BUSINESS:

5.1          Public Hearing on the 2016 Proposed City of Pratt Budget:

a)      Open Public Hearing – Mayor and Commission
b)     Discussion on Proposed 2016 City Budget
c)      Close Public Hearing – Mayor and Commission

5.2          Consideration and Approval of 2016 City of Pratt Budget – Mayor and Commission

5.3          Consideration and Approval of Temporary Extension of Premise for the American Legion on August 29th – John Romane

5.4          Consideration and Approval of Bid for Avenue of Flags Project – Mark Eckhoff, Park Superintendent

5.5          Presentation to Acquaint Commission with Finances and Operation of Filley Art Museum and Request for Funds – Stan Reimer

5.6          Discussion on Sidewalk Project – DeWayne Bryan, PHF Executive Director; City Staff

5.7          Consideration and Approval of Bid for the Fincham Street Project - Don Hellar, EBH Engineering; Dave Howard, City Manager

5.8          Consideration and Approval for KDHE’s Third Amendment to the Loan Agreement Concerning the Wastewater Treatment Plant Project – Dave Howard, City Manager; Don Hellar, EBH Engineering

5.9          Consideration and Approval of Authority to Award Contract to Commitment of City Funds for US 281 Project – Russell Rambat, Public Works Director

5.10       Consideration and Approval of Bid for the 2015 Chip Seal Project – Russell Rambat, Public Works Director
6.      OPEN AGENDA (City Matters Only)(3 Minute Time Limit)
7.      REPORTS:

7.1             City Manager
7.2             City Attorney
7.3             Department Superintendents
7.4             Mayor
7.5             City Commission
8.      RECESS – Until September 08, 2015 for the City/County Joint Meeting at City Hall at 11:00 am

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

07/20/15-Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes


JULY 20, 2015 

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.

Lucus Kumberg            Mayor
Bill Hlavachick             Commissioner
Jeff Taylor                    Commissioner
Gary Skaggs                 Commissioner
Doug Meyer                 Commissioner      

 ALSO PRESENT:        
Dave Howard                City Manager
LuAnn Kramer             City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum        City Attorney  
Dana Garten                  Finance Director
Gary Myers                   Chief of Police
Russell Rambat             Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship         City Inspector
Jamie Huber                 Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall                Recreation Director                                                           


The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Kumberg.  The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.

The Mayor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.


Commissioner Taylor led the staff and audience in the invocation and Mayor Kumberg led the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 06, 2015 regular Commission meeting.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.



This item was tabled by Mayor Kumberg until later to see if anyone from the First Assembly of God Church arrived.


Ms. Jeanette Siemens thanked the Commission for taking time to hear about the Circles program.  Ms. Siemens stated that the Circles program was not a hand out but a hand up.  Ms. Siemens commented that they had seven graduates and that meant that they had made the commitment to show up on time or had made other arrangements, worked on relationships, finances and goal setting.  Ms. Siemens added that those were difficult for someone who was struggling.  Ms. Siemens explained that the Circle leaders meet every week for twelve to fourteen weeks at the Methodist Church where they have an evening meal.  Ms. Siemens commented that they could continue with the program after the twelve weeks and five of the seven had chosen to continue.  Ms. Siemens stated that those Circle leaders were matched with ten allies and they meet the first Monday of every month, which helps build a trust relationship.  Ms. Siemens commented that the allies talk to the leaders once to twice a week to see how they are doing or what they need support with.  Ms. Siemens added that that did not mean do it for them and the allies do not give them money.  
Ms. Siemens commented that the college was coming and talking about their tech programs and Ms. Suzan Patton would visit with them about job resources.  Ms. Siemens explained that they meet weekly so that they did not lose connection and the first Monday they meet with their allies, the second Monday was education and the fourth Monday was the big view meeting where the community could come and see about the challenges.  Ms. Siemens stated that Mayor Kumberg talked about the cliff effect and the discouragement that working people have because they can lose food subsidies or child care.  Ms. Siemens added that this continues on until they make 200% of the poverty level.  Ms. Siemens stated that some did really want to make a difference and she extended an invitation to the Commission to attend the meeting at the Methodist Church next Monday at 5:30 p.m. for the dinner and meeting.  

Ms. Siemens stated that they wanted to create an awareness and see what we might do.  Ms. Siemens commented that the founder of Circles, Mr. Greg Lewis, states that there are so many resources in this country for people in need, but each one had their job to do, which lessens the need for assistance programs.  Ms. Siemens explained that their next class was in September.  Commissioner Meyer questioned what 200% of poverty level was.  Ms. Siemens stated that it depends on the size of the family.  Mayor Kumberg stated that a single mother of two was $55,000.  Ms. Siemens commented that it was an eye opener.  

Commissioner Hlavachick stated that the volunteers who did the dinners were outstanding.  Ms. Siemens stated that every meal since March had been donated by organizations and the numbers get a little larger.  Ms. Siemens added that there was also a baby sitter available.  Ms. Siemens informed the Commission that the five Circle leaders received $25 Dillon’s gift cards and that shows them that something good could happen.  Mayor Kumberg commented that he had a different mindset of poverty and he had had a preconceived notion of what it was or looked like and it was not at all what he thought it was.  Mayor Kumberg stated that this was a hand up not a hand out and there was a lot of community effort for something that was a community wide problem. 


Mr. Doug Knight informed the Commission that he had been contracted to work on the south end of the Historical Museum and he was in need of a few parking stalls to put about 2,000 bricks on.  Mr. Knight stated that he would need two stalls on the south end and three or four on the north towards the alley on Second Street.  Mr. Knight added that they would be used for the mixer and it could be moved around in the evenings.  Commissioner Kumberg asked about the traffic in that area.  Mr. Knight stated that it was crazy and he wanted to have the least impact on the postal service as possible.  Commissioner Taylor commented that a lot of Peoples Bank employees park there.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned if he could use the sidewalk.  Mr. Knight stated that he did not like to block sidewalks.  After little more discussion, Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to grant permission to Mr. Knight to block off parking stalls for the Historical Museum project.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried unanimously. 


City Manager Howard explained that the City had given the hospital a small section of property a few years ago with the exception of the well.  Mr. Howard stated that they were going to be building in that area and it was going to get to close to the boundary.  Mr. Howard commented that County Counselor Schmisseur got the deed from years ago and included it all instead of having to have it surveyed.  Mr. Howard stated that there was the deed and an agreement that stated that the City had no future responsibility of that well.  Mr. Howard added that KDHE and Water Resources with okay with this.  Mr. Howard stated that the County had already signed the agreement.  Commissioner Taylor made a motion to approve the agreement and quit claim deed between the City of Pratt and the County.  Commissioner Hlavachick seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.  


Mr. Howard showed the proposed plat at the Prairie Parkway Business Park to the Commission on power point.  Mr. Howard stated that Prater Well Service was wanting to purchase more land and he pointed out where the tower was going to be located.  Mr. Howard commented that he needed a consensus from the Commission to pay EBH for the plat.  Mr. Howard explained that the plat still had to go to Zoning, then it would come back to the Commission.   


City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that he had been working on the Ordinance that was required if the Rotary Club wanted to continue efforts to have an Octoberfest at the Sports Complex and serve alcohol.  Mr. Van Blaricum commented that the permit would enable them to have a temporary permit to consume cereal malt beverages.  Mr. Van Blaricum stated that this would only apply to the Sports Complex and only for non-profit organizations.  Mr. Van Blaricum added that the City Commission could provide permission for the permit to be issued by the City Clerk.  Commissioner Taylor questioned if this was just for the Sports Complex.  Mr. Van Blaricum stated that it was.  Commissioner Taylor asked if there would be a beer garden where they could drink their alcohol.  Commissioner Skaggs commented that there could be a roped off area and they could not take anything out of that area.  Mayor Kumberg questioned whether the organization would be responsible for clean-up.  Mr. Howard stated that they would pay a deposit and have off duty officers as security.
Mr. Van Blaricum stated that having it be for charitable organizations or non-profits would give it stability.  Mr. Howard questioned if they had to sell the beer or give it away.  Mr. Van Blaricum stated that they would sell it as a charitable organization.  Commissioner Skaggs stated that this was a good starting point.  Commissioner Taylor suggested having a $1,000 refundable security deposit.  Mr. Van Blaricum stated that this was a rough draft and this gives the public time to think about it too.  After little more discussion, Commissioner Meyer stated that Rotary could be told that this was going to happen so they could go ahead and make plans.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there would be some stipulations for damages.  Mr. Van Blaricum stated that there would be limits on the permit and we should do them event by event.  Mr. Van Blaricum commented that he would take the ideas with him and bring back another draft for the next meeting. 


No one in the audience wished to address the Commission. 


City Manager:

·        County Planning & Zoning meeting:

City Manager Howard informed the Commission that there would be a County Planning and Zoning meeting on the 27th at 7:00 p.m. concerning the wind farm. 

City Attorney:

·        Appealing for compensation:

City Attorney Van Blaricum informed the Commission that Mr. Luca Matei was appealing to the courts to be compensated $192,000 for pain and suffering due to a court case of his that had been dismissed.  Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he did not think he would collect a nickel of it from the City, but he continues to cause everyone work.  Commissioner Taylor questioned if we could tell him that we could not talk to him during a Commission meeting since there was a court case pending with him.  Mr. Van Blaricum stated that we could.  Commissioner Taylor stated that he does not realize all the freedoms he has.
Public Works:

·        Mud flaps on Country Club Road: 

Public Works Director Rambat stated that the street department had worked on the mud flaps on Country Club Road so that it would drain better.   

·        Bind Weed:

Mr. Rambat stated that Park Superintendent Eckhoff began his assault on the bind weed in the parks.  Mr. Rambat commented that Mr. Ed Gould would be starting Tuesday on the areas with bind weed on City rights-of-way.   

·        Taper on West First Street: 

Mr. Rambat stated that he would be working with Bryant and Bryant Construction setting up a taper on West First Street.  Mr. Rambat explained that they would taper traffic down to one lane so that they could work around the corner radius with the sidewalk project.  Mr. Rambat added that they may get it back open by the end of the week.   

·        North Main project: 

Mr. Rambat stated that they would be doing the bids for the North Main Street project on Wednesday. 


·        Zoning board candidates: 

Building Inspector Blankenship stated that he should have candidates for the Planning and Zoning Board in the next meeting or two.  Mr. Blankenship added that they would go to the Planning Board and they would make recommendations to the Commission. 

Recreation Department:

·        1A State Softball Tournaments: 

Recreation Director Pinkall stated that KSHSAA had awarded them the two 1A State Softball Tournaments in May of 2016.

·        Streetscape project: 

Mr. Pinkall stated that the streetscape project should get the utility work done this week.  Mr. Pinkall added that they would not be tearing out the sidewalk on the first block until next week.  Mayor Kumberg asked if we had gotten the electrical poles.  Mr. Pinkall stated that we had not.  Mr. Pinkall commented that the benches and trash receptacles would be in place in the near future and the planter in front of Woody’s was finished.

Mayor and Commission: 

·        Absent on August 3rd: 

Commissioner Skaggs informed the Commission and staff that he would be out of town on August 3rd; therefore, would be absent from the meeting.

·        Executive Session:

Mayor Kumberg made a motion to enter into executive session for attorney/client privilege for ten minutes.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously. 

Mayor Kumberg made a motion to return from executive session with nothing to report.  The motion was properly seconded and passed unanimously. 


Upon proper motion and second, the meeting was adjourned.



07/16/15-Approved City Commission Budget Wok Session Minutes


JULY 16, 2015 

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Recessed session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.

Lucus Kumberg            Mayor
Bill Hlavachick            Commissioner
Jeff Taylor                    Commissioner             
Gary Skaggs                 Commissioner
Doug Meyer                 Commissioner
Dave Howard                City Manager
LuAnn Kramer             City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum        City Attorney  
Diana Garten                Finance Director                                          

The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Kumberg.  The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present. 

The Mayor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded. 


Commissioner Taylor led the staff and audience in the invocation and Mayor Kumberg led the Pledge of Allegiance.


·        Continued discussion on the Airport Authority: 

Mr. Reid Bell addressed the Commission in regards to their request for an additional mill in 2016.  Mr. Bell explained that it was going to be used for furtherance of the airport.  Commissioner Taylor questioned if they were able to levy themselves.  Mr. Bell stated that they were, but without the third mill, they would have a $7,000 deficit with the 3% increases.  Mr. Bell added that it would also protect them in case they lose one more tenant.  Commissioner Taylor questioned if they were going to lose Crescent Services.  Mr. Bell stated that they were on a month to month lease.  Mayor Kumberg questioned if the buildings were hard to lease.  Mr. Bell stated that they were not in good times.  Mr. Bell added that people wanted stuff during the last boom, but they did not have any room.  Mr. Bell commented that whoever moves in where Crescent was would not need the apron room, so that would make it more affordable.   

Commissioner Skaggs commented that the financial statements could change in the next few months.  Mr. Bell stated that there would be a $43,000 change without Crescent and he did not see getting many more tenants coming in.  Commissioner Meyer asked about a certain amount of money for cash reserves.  Mr. Bell explained that the terminal project was set back about ten years and they should have been in the final stages by now.  Mr. Bell stated that there was not any discretionary money for small airports.  Commissioner Taylor asked what our matching was.  Mr. Bell commented that it was $150,000 in entitlement money and that was banked for three years towards the project.  After little more discussion, Commissioner Taylor stated that he was more comfortable with the additional mill.  The Commission thanked Mr. Bell for coming in and clearing up their questions.  Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve the 1 mill increase to the Airport Authority.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously. 

·        Employee Benefits cont.: 

Commissioner Taylor commented that he thought that we had great personnel and the turnover was not that great.  Commissioner Taylor stated that people that come and go need to realize that this was a good place to work.  Commissioner Taylor added that pay was up and we were in a good area, but this was a questionable year and a 3% pay increase would cost the City $184,000.  Commissioner Skaggs asked if we had to do a blanket increase with the exception of the City Manager and Commissioners.  Commissioner Meyer questioned if the life insurance was a request by the staff.  Mr. Howard stated that it came up in a conversation with the Blue Cross rep and it would show employees that we were doing something even though it was not a salary increase.  Mr. Howard reminded the Commission that another vacation day or holiday were also options.  Mr. Howard commented that there was one year that we did not do a cost of living increase, but budgeted same money for merit raises.  Mr. Howard stated that 90% of the employees got merit increases.  Mr. Howard explained that there was the potential for a substantial raise if one of the line guys gets a journeyman certificate, but other departments did not have that advantage.   

Commissioner Meyer asked if we had any idea on what the annual turnover rate was.  Mr. Howard stated that the entry level employees was fairly high last year.  Commissioner Meyer questioned if there was a significant cost in turnover.  Mr. Howard stated that it would depend on the position they hold and what a replacement would want for their salary.  Mr. Howard stated that there were several upper level employees that had retired in the past year and we had people who had been trained to step up.  Commissioner Skaggs suggested doing a blanket increase below a certain salary level.  After little more conversation, Commissioner Meyer made a motion to give everyone across the board a 3% increase with the exception of the City Manager and Commissioners.  Commissioner Hlavachick seconded the motion.  After some discussion, Commissioner Meyer commented that he did not want to disappoint the employees.  Commissioner Taylor suggested that they approve the 3% increase to be in the budget and review it at the end of the year.  Ms. Garten stated that that would give them the budget authority to do the increase, but they did not have to.  Commissioner Meyer asked how much we were saving with some of the employees retiring.  Mr. Howard stated that it was around $200,000 in the electric departments.  Commissioner Meyer asked that the record show that because of good personal management and attrition planning, the Commission was able to give a 3% increase.  Mr. Howard suggested amending the original motion to include that the increase was contingent on the value of the economy and, if not well, it could be delayed three or six months.  Commissioner Meyer questioned if we had to amend the budget tonight.  Ms. Garten stated that we did not.  Commissioner Taylor commented that that discussion about the economy and the increase should be done in executive session for non-elected personnel.  Commissioner Meyer amended his motion to budget for the 3% cost of living increase for all staff across the board with the exception of the City Manager and Commissioners and Mayor contingent upon the reevaluation of the economic indicators prior to the first of the year.  Commissioner Hlavachick seconded the amended motion and it passed unanimously.

·        Lemon Park: 

Commissioner Taylor stated that the parking lot between the ball diamonds and the bathrooms should be looked at first for the Lemon Park project.  Commissioner Taylor commented that that would be about $500,000.  Mr. Howard stated that we could do one parking lot by doing a roter mill and rough it in to make it look nice.  Mr. Howard commented that we could scale back if that was too much.  Commissioner Taylor questioned if we would do the sewer work.  Mr. Howard stated that we would not since there would be pumps that needed to be installed so we would hire a plumber.  Commissioner Meyer questioned if it would be an unsightly thing in the park.  Mr. Howard stated that the one at the lake was not and ours would be something similar to that.  Commissioner Taylor commented that the other one had serviced the diamonds forever, but wondered if we should do one at the entrance by the playground.  Mayor Kumberg commented that we could look at a fence for the dog park if there was any money left.  Ms. Garten pointed out that the playground equipment could be purchased with the alcohol tax.  Mayor Kumberg questioned if there would be any grant money that we were eligible for.  Mr. Howard stated that there was money in the trail grant and he would talk to Ms. Linda Lanterman about it.  Commissioner Meyer asked if Mr. Himmelwright had a time line.  Commissioner Hlavachick stated that he knew that it would have to be phased in.  Commissioner Meyer questioned if the City owned the park.  Mr. Howard stated that we did.  Commissioner Meyer commented that the first parking lot, playground, bathrooms and eventually the dog park would not affect the park but tearing up roads and walking paths was going to upset people.  Mr. Howard stated that he would get with Mr. Himmelwright to get estimates and with Public Works Director Rambat about roughing in the parking lot. 

·        Simpson Trash dumpsters: 

Commissioner Meyer questioned using Simpson’s trash bins for the City wide pickup and what that would cost.  Mr. Howard stated that he would have to check with them, but it was about $1,500 for the wastewater, which was not a big expense.  Commissioner Meyer asked if that was per load or by weight.  Mr. Howard commented that it was by load.  Commissioner Taylor commented that we would need someone to monitor it so that somebody would not bring paint and stuff that they did not want at the landfill.  Mr. Howard stated that we could do a two day period and put it somewhere we could lock it up.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned if some of the work release people could sort through it.  Mr. Howard stated that he would ask Mr. Van Blaricum.  Mayor Kumberg suggested tying it into recycling.  Mr. Howard commented that we could talk about that at a City/County meeting.  Mayor Kumberg commented that we could ask Mr. Jason Winkel for any ideas.  Mr. Howard stated that it could be publicized if the County goes along with it and any limbs could be dumped at Sixth Street and taken to our landfill and burnt.  Commissioner Skaggs stated that people would pile things where they belong with good signage. 

·        Joint Meeting:

City Clerk Kramer will check with County Clerk Kruse to see if September 8th or October 5th would work for a joint meeting. 

·        Meeting Ordinance: 

Mr. Howard suggested that we have Mr. Van Blaricum look into changing our meeting ordinance so that we could go into our regular meeting immediately following a joint meeting.  Mr. Howard added that we would not put anything on the agenda that could have public input. 

·        Chamber request: 

Mayor Kumberg asked about the earlier request from the Chamber to help with funds to make Ms. DeClue full time.  Ms. Garten stated that they had dropped that request.  Mr. Howard stated that he had visited with Ms. DeClue and asked how that could be justified since we were Chamber members.   

·        Blythe: 

Commissioner Taylor commented that Mr. Loomis was looking at closer to $20,000 a year for their funds from Travel and Tourism and he questioned if the $400 that they had just found from the Chamber request could be added to what was discussed yesterday.  Mr. Howard stated that the County gave them a five year contract for $20,000 annually.  Commissioner Hlavachick questioned if that was done through Travel and Tourism funds.  Ms. Garten stated that it would take away from local projects.  Commissioner Taylor stated that it was $4,800 more a year.  After little more discussion, Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to increase the amount to $1,500 for the Blythe Family Fitness Center.  Commissioner Hlavachick seconded the motion.  Mayor Kumberg noted that this motion supersedes the previous motion with the same stipulation as earlier stated.  The motion and second passed unanimously. 

·        S C Telecom lease:

Mr. Howard stated that the lease agreement with S C Telecom had been presented at the last meeting, but the amounts being presented were not the most current agreement.  Mr. Howard presented the Commission with a copy of the correct agreement and stated that it was for $3,600 per year or $300 per month.  Mr. Howard explained that they would pay for the two previous years and he was satisfied with this agreement.  Commissioner Taylor made a motion to approve the contract between the City of Pratt and S C Telecom.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried unanimously.

·        Tour LEC: 

Commissioner Meyer stated that he had contacted Chief Myers to get a tour of the new LEC facilities.  Mr. Howard stated that he could get hold of Sheriff Chinn to see if they could get the full tour and Sheriff Chinn said that he would have someone meet them there for the tour. 

·        Collection agencies: 

City Clerk Kramer visited with the Commission concerning bad debts and that we were members of the State Set-off Program, but they had been very unsuccessful this year.  Ms. Kramer explained that this was the lowest collections we had received in several years.  Ms. Kramer commented that she had visited with Mr. Howard about looking into a collection agency and the Commission felt that that would be good to do.  Ms. Kramer stated that she would get a few names of agencies and go out for bids. 


A motion by Commissioner Meyer to adjourn was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously.



07/15/2015-Approved City Commission Budget Work Session Minutes


JULY 15, 2015

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Recessed session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.

Lucus Kumberg            Mayor
Bill Hlavachick            Commissioner
Jeff Taylor                    Commissioner             
Gary Skaggs                 Commissioner
Doug Meyer                 Commissioner
Dave Howard               City Manager
LuAnn Kramer             City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum       City Attorney  
Diana Garten                Finance Director                                                      


The recessed meeting was called to order by Vice-Mayor Hlavachick. The Vice-Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present with the exception of Mayor Kumberg. 

The Vice-Mayor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.


Commissioner Taylor led the staff and audience in the invocation and Vice-Mayor Hlavachick led the Pledge of Allegiance. 


(Finance Director Garten contacted Mayor Kumberg and he would be arriving in about 15 minutes.) 

·        Presentation By Porter Loomis: 

Mr. Porter Loomis stated that he wanted to give the Commission an overview of what was happening at Blythe Family Fitness Center. Mr. Loomis commented that the Blythe had been set up with lots of good intentions and very little funding, but there was no endowment of the foundation that bears their name. Mr. Loomis explained that the building would be paid for next year and it had taken a lot of fund raising through the community to achieve that.

Mr. Loomis commented that they would be starting the transition by setting up a rehab for people who cannot use the hospital physical therapy staff any longer. Mr. Loomis stated that the rules of insurance were that they could take you so far and then you were on your own. Mr. Loomis added that they were planning on working with Mr. Jason Gallagher and getting more physical education starting this time next year. Mr. Loomis read in the Wichita paper that 71% of people ages eighteen to twenty-four would not qualify for the military due to obesity.

Mr. Loomis stated that the Blythe was a blank slate and explained that the volleyball coaches were happy that it had been too expensive to drop the roof. Mr. Loomis stated that word of mouth was tremendous. Mr. Loomis added that Ms. Kristina Kaufman and Mr. Nick Barker do a great job managing coaches and putting up with a lot of ups and downs. Mr. Loomis commented that their goal was to build on the twelve weekend events so far this year and all ideas that could be brought to the community were welcome. Mr. Loomis stated that Recreation Director Pinkall and his department had been tremendous throughout the four year period. Commissioner Taylor commented that there was a disc golf tournament last weekend and wondered if they could set up a net and do a competition. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that he had seen a marble competition also. Commissioner Meyer commented that it would be interesting to see what the Blythe brings in. Commissioner Skaggs commented that lack of parking was a sign of success. (Mayor Kumberg arrived at 8:30 a.m.) Finance Director Garten questioned growing the volleyball tournaments to more than one day.  Mr. Loomis stated that they were looking at how to expand that.

Mr. Loomis commented that the reason for this presentation was that they had done a lot of the tournaments through Travel and Tourism and City Manager Howard had suggested that we do funding on an annual basis. Mr. Howard added that it did get cumbersome for Travel and Tourism, but there would be more discussion in the budget about the tourism dollars. Mr. Howard commented that other events and/or entities were starting to come to the Tourism for money, but they would talk about that later. Commissioner Skaggs stated that some of the money was for the street project and we needed that money to be there. Mr. Howard added that the Lemon Park proposal was also something that they would be revisiting. Mr. Howard commented that it made more sense for larger demands be done on a yearly basis and then be brought to the Commission for their approval. Mr. Howard explained that they were getting into dollars that would exceed his ability to approve if they were added together. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that it was a great facility and we needed to do what we could to support it.


Budget Goals/Highlights: 

Finance Director Garten stated that several of the goals and highlights of the 2016 budget involved balancing or exceeding revenues over expenditures in all funds, maintain the mill levy assessed in 2015, rebuild cash and reserve balances and reduce and reallocate expenses. Ms. Garten explained that the proposed 2016 budget was $23,555,235, which was down $300,000 from 2015. Ms. Garten added that we would collect $1.8 million or 46.538 mills with the projected tax levied at $2,004,188 less the revitalization of $193,801; however, this could change through the Commission's direction. Ms. Garten stated that the valuation was up about $800,000 at $43,065,131 and the net valuation was $38,454,987 or $38,455 per mill once you deducted the revitalization rebate of $4,610,144. 

Ms. Garten stated that one of the highlights that needed to be looked at was that there was a reduction of sales tax revenue for the last three months in a row and there was $150,000 less income in that. Ms. Garten commented that goals were to minimize the transfers into reserve accounts and reduce or eliminate the contingency amounts in the operation funds. Ms. Garten added that we would be taking a gamble doing that. Ms. Garten commented that the electric department staff had been reorganized and, with Mr. Howard and Director of Electric Utilities Huber taking on more responsibility, there should be a reduction there. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the water fund was able to transfer this year. Ms. Garten explained that the revenues came in lower than projected due to the weather and the Ethanol Plan had come on line. Ms. Garten commented that there was a couple of transfers from capital reserves to pay the wastewater debt service. Ms. Garten added that the water bond was almost paid off and there would need to be a resolution for those transfers.  Ms. Garten stated that they would also be discussing the allocation of additional Travel and Tourism funds to the Recreation fund.

Commissioner Taylor questioned if there was a quarterly report that would track Travel and Tourism funds. Ms. Garten stated that there was. Ms. Garten explained that the guest tax was flexible depending on the rates of the rooms at the hotels and we were down last quarter by $60,000 over last year. Ms. Garten informed the Commission that we had reduced advertising to offset the recreation expenses. Mr. Howard stated that he would be meeting with Recreation Director Pinkall and Chamber Director DeClue to discuss what the advertising plan would be. 

·        Labor and Benefits:


Ms. Garten stated that there was not a cost of limit increase for employees in this budget.  Mr. Howard added that a cost of living increase had been in the past budgets, but it was not this year. Mr. Howard stated that he was not proposing not doing a budget increase. Mr. Howard reminded the Commission that the increase had been done by merit increases a few years ago. Ms. Garten commented that inflation was at 1.6% so this was a good time if they were not going to do a raise. Ms. Garten added that a 3% increase would add $184,500 to the budget. Commissioner Meyer stated that 3% was generous.

Commissioner Skaggs questioned how the health insurance had come out. Ms. Garten stated that Mr. Howard and City Clerk Kramer had worked with the sales representative for Blue Cross Blue Shield and kept the increase at 3% instead of the 13% to 14% and that 3% was included in the budget. Mayor Kumberg questioned if there was an increase in KPERS. Ms. Garten stated that it went up 6% and that was a benefit for full time employees. Mayor Kumberg asked if we had any control over that. Ms. Garten stated that we do not, but KPERS was a fabulous benefit.  Mayor Kumberg commented that that was hard to justify to a young employee. Mr. Howard stated that the City would pick up the increase in health insurance and that could offset the lack of the 3% cost of living raise.  Commissioner Meyer questioned how long we would be able to pick up the increase in insurance costs.  Commissioner Taylor stated that he had been asked how long the City could keep covering insurance costs and Ms. Susan Page and Mr. Porter Loomis had commented that they may not be able to do it forever.  Commissioner Meyer stated that we needed to educate the employees, but he did not want to reduce their take home pay.  Commissioner Taylor commented that we should let them know that we were picking up the 3% increase in insurance.  Ms. Garten reminded the Commission that we delayed coverage for sixty days for new employees and that was approved during the budget work session last year and that was working out well. Ms. Garten added that, with the increase in insurance costs, we may look at going back to self-funding next year; however, there was a cost in doing that. 

Mayor Kumberg commented that he had visited with County Commissioner Glenna Borho, the college and the hospital about combining with the City and looking at pooling insurance. Mayor Kumberg stated that we may not be able to stay with Blue Cross Blue Shield, but it was a buyer's market and they seemed to be interested in the idea. Mr. Howard stated that we had visited with the sales rep about that and it depended on the claims history of the other groups. Mr. Howard added that the others could come out the winners if they had a lousy claims history and came on with a group like ours that had good history. Mr. Howard reminded the Commission that we had a safety training program through KMU and he encouraged the Commission to look at this real close before doing that. Mr. Howard added that this could be on the next agenda for the City/County meeting. Commissioner Meyer questioned if our consultant would help with that. Mr. Howard stated that he would and he had made the comment that he did not want us as a client next year but for the next ten years. Commissioner Taylor questioned how much we pay for insurance.  Ms. Garten stated that it was around $70,000/month. Commissioner Meyer questioned what percentage of employees had our health insurance. Ms. Garten stated that it was at about 2/3. Mr. Howard stated that age was also a factor.  Mayor Kumberg stated that we could always hire a broker with the emerging markets being non­traditional. Commissioner Taylor commented that we could look at raising the deductibles. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that you could price yourself right out of business and lose some of your best employees. Mr. Howard stated that insurance was always going to be an issue, but you had to adapt and keep going.

·        Contracted  Services:

Ms. Garten stated that there were entities that we give monthly contributions to and that amount had raised last year. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that he would like to see the Food Bank get $100 more a month next year.  Commissioner Meyer questioned how much we give to Blythe.  Ms. Garten stated that it was $9,000 to $12,000 per year, but they occasionally requested more. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that he would like to see the Hope Center get $750 a month because of their Circles program. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that they had had four people committed to an eighteen month poverty program and the new class starts in September. Mr. Howard explained that we were basically giving them money to help people pay their utilities, so they were essentially giving us our money back. Commissioner Taylor commented that more agencies should use Circles and not continue to give handouts, but teach them what they were doing wrong. 

·        Mill Levy Comparison:

Ms. Garten stated that she had put together a mill levy and tax assessment comparison of previous years for the Commission to review. Mr. Howard commented that most valuations had dropped substantially, but our County had gone up 6%.  Mr. Howard added that we were the only County where it went up. 

Mayor Kumberg questioned the tort and liability fund. Ms. Garten stated that she had not put anything additional in that fund, but there was a reserve in case of a major law suit that would not be covered by insurance.  Mr. Howard commented that you did not know when there was enough. Ms. Garten stated that she had been putting the EMC Insurance dividend check in that fund and she had thought about putting it back into the general fund.  Commissioner Meyer questioned if it could be used for the self-funding of the health insurance. Ms. Garten stated that it could be a reserve.  Mr. Howard explained that it used to be that groups of fewer than one hundred could not self-fund, but that had changed.  Mr. Howard stated that the rep had come up with using some of our reserves to keep the cost down this year.  Mr. Howard added that we could use the tort liability for self-funding since it falls into the insurance category.  Mayor Kumberg asked if we were going to start putting back the dividends into the general fund. Ms. Garten stated that it had been talked about, but we never knew how much we were going to get.   Mr. Van Blaricum stated that, if you ever need it, it could be in the millions.  Mr. Howard added that it was a gamble either way. Commissioner Taylor asked if it would be to pay attorney fees and settlements.  Ms. Garten stated that it would pay for anything that was involved in that case. Mayor Kumberg questioned if we could invest that money and use interest on that.  Ms. Garten explained that you were restricted in what and where you could invest.  Commissioner Meyer asked if you could not transfer that money.  Ms. Garten stated that you probably could by resolution. 

Review legal budget:

Ms. Garten pointed out the legal form summaries for the legal budget and explained what would need to be published.  Ms. Garten commented that all the bond debt would be paid off by 2018 and those funds would come back into the operating budget.  Ms. Garten stated that the cash was getting down to an amount that was a mild concern, but being out of bond debt in three years gives us the option of rebuilding cash or taking on more debt if we needed to.  Ms. Garten added that the wastewater treatment plant loan through KDHE was a $3 million loan with $656,000 forgiveness. 

·        Wastewater project:

Mr. Howard stated that that project had been somewhat of a disaster and the company that had provided the compressors were looking at replacing this system with a new system.  Mr. Howard explained that a new system would cost about $750,000; however, EBH would be paying for that. Mr. Howard commented that insurance would not pay the claim directly to EBH, but would run it through the City. Mr. Howard stated that Mr. Alan Luttrell was a man of his word and he was going to make this right. Mayor Kumberg questioned if this was the manufacture’s fault or the engineer’s. Mr. Howard stated that it was probably both. Commissioner Skaggs asked about the sludge that was being taken to the County. Mr. Howard stated that EBH had paid to get a mixing strip at the landfill for loads that were difficult to move around. 

·        Fire Truck Lease:

Ms. Garten pointed out the Statement of Conditional Lease Purchase on the fire truck and the fund page for funds with a tax levy. Ms. Garten commented that it was set up so that you could see the last two years. Commissioner Skaggs questioned the large amount in the sale of assets. Ms. Garten stated that was due to the fact that we did not know when the Sandy Creek lots would sell. Ms. Garten explained that the revenue comes out of the general fund and goes back to the capital improvement fund. 

·        Department  Expenditures:

Ms. Garten stated that the next several pages were the expenditures of each department and they did show the increase in insurance costs. Ms. Garten pointed out that public works had increased by $30,000 and that was to crush the concrete pile. Mr. Howard added that they rubberize it to use in other areas. Ms. Garten stated that the $30,000 budget would crush about half of what we had and Public Works Director Rambat planned to budget a similar amount next year to crush the remaining concrete.  Ms. Garten added that due to the cost, Mr. Rambat tries to spread it out over two years. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if we had the machinery to do that.  Mr. Howard stated that we have someone bring in a plant to bust it up.

·        Recreation Fund: 

Commissioner Meyer asked about the drop in the Recreation fund.  Ms. Garten explained that we had allocated more to Convention and Tourism. Commissioner Hlavachick asked if we had hired an animal control officer yet. Ms. Garten stated that they had hired Mr. Kris Dover for that position. Mayor Kumberg asked about the cemetery salaries.  Ms. Garten stated that they had part-time help and Mr. Butch Simpson had retired. Ms. Garten pointed out the debt services page and that it was 5.2 mills.  Ms. Garten added that this would go back into the general fund once the debts were paid.  Mr. Howard commented that it would help with the renovation of the Municipal Building.  Ms. Garten added that we would have that mill to do a bond issue for any big project as well. 
·        Library remodel: 

Mr. Howard stated that there was a letter from Attorney Bob Schmisseur concerning a remodel at the Public Library that would cost about $300,000.  Mr. Howard added that they were not requesting any funds to help with that.  Commissioner Taylor questioned if they would need any transformers or in kind things.  Mr. Howard stated that he did not think so, but we would know more when they came in with the plans. 

·        Noxious Weeds: 

Mr. Howard stated that we had sprayed for mosquitoes about three weeks ago. Commissioner Taylor commented that Lemon Park had been bad. Mr. Howard explained that we spray if there were events going on. Commissioner Skaggs stated that the bind week was bad. Mr. Howard stated that he had visited with Mr. Robert Torres about how bad Dollar General had gotten. Mr. Howard commented that we were having trouble getting them to mow that area. Mr. Howard added that this would be a good topic to discuss with the County at a joint meeting. Commissioner Skaggs stated that he thought Doskocil's still owned that strip by Dollar General.  Mr. Howard commented that he knew that the City did not own any of that property, but we were going to spray that area anyway. Mr. Howard added that we would be spraying all of the primary rights-of-way. Mr. Howard stated that we could not go to others about theirs if we were not taking care of ours. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if we were going for bind weed only or a total kill.  Mr. Howard commented that bind weed was tough to kill. Commissioner Taylor added that it could take up to two or three years in a row. 

·        Tort Liability: 

Commissioner Meyer questioned how the tort liability funds go from $852,000 to $422,000. Ms. Garten stated that that was a carry-over from the previous column.  Ms. Garten added that the middle was the estimate based off of 2015.  Ms. Garten explained that we have budget authority to spend $450,000, but the true cash balance was $852,000.  Ms. Garten stated that we had no intention of spending it. 

·        Fire Fighting Equipment:

Ms. Garten stated that there was one mill allocated for the fire truck payment of $37,189 and that did not leave much extra.  Commissioner Meyer questioned how we get them more money.  Commissioner Taylor stated that you had to raise the mill.  Ms. Garten commented that this was for equipment and we could budget more in the General Fund. 

·        Special Revenue Funds:

Ms. Garten stated that these funds come in for special purposes. Ms. Garten stated that this fund included the special highway fund that was used for highway improvements and sales tax revenue. Ms. Garten added that sales tax was projected to go down.  Ms. Garten stated that the cemetery fund included the lot sales and services, but their wages were paid out of the general fund. Ms. Garten stated that we would talk more about Convention and Tourism later. Commissioner Hlavachick questioned if revenue would be better when the Hampton comes on board.  Ms. Garten commented that that drives the room rates down for all the motels; therefore, sales tax could go down.

'Ms. Garten stated that the special police fund was where the motor vehicle fees were, along with any forfeiture funds. Commissioner Meyer questioned if the body cameras could be purchased out of that fund.  Ms. Garten stated that they could be.  Commissioner Hlavachick stated that he would like to see services for the police department include mental health issues. Commissioner Hlavachick added that we get some people that are arrested that we are not trained to handle and he had been in contact with someone associated with rehab in Larned that would do training on how to deal and identify mental issues. Commissioner Meyer questioned if some of that money could be used to assist in that. Mayor Kumberg commented that they had a grant for that. Commissioner Meyer stated that we needed a commitment from our police department. Commissioner Meyer added that some of the issues could be related to diabetes or heart and training would help us be more proactive to help these people. Mayor Kumberg commented that some things had already happened that were newsworthy.  Commissioner Meyer stated that our officers had to make split second decisions and they did not have time to get backgrounds.  Mr. Howard commented that he did not know if they were getting training on this, but they may be. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that this could be another topic for our joint meeting. Mr. Howard commented that one of the things that was going to be talked about was the issues with drugs and law enforcement issues. Mr. Howard added that he had been told that Pratt County was failing in the court system.

Ms. Garten commented that the health insurance payments from retired employees goes into the Employee Benefits fund.  Ms. Garten stated that the alcohol tax was split in thirds between the special parks fund, the general fund and special alcohol fund. Ms. Garten added that this had to go to a program for chemical dependency.

Ms. Garten stated that the water debt service would be paid off in 2016 and the revenue from the Ethanol Plant paid that debt.  Ms. Garten continued by pointing out that the electric utility bond would be paid off in 2018.  Mr. Howard commented that the next big project for electrical would be to develop the secondary tie.  Mr. Howard explained that Sunflower had bought the 115 line from Ninnescah and we had talked to them about our secondary line when they get their plans figured out. 

Ms. Garten stated that the rate increases were in the electric fund and 2016 would be the second year for that.  Ms. Garten commented that there were not many changes, but there was the reduction in salaries that was discussed earlier. Mr. Howard stated that they were all done with the major improvements at the power plant.  Mr. Howard commented that they had tried to get KMEA to purchase the firm energy that was being purchased by Jeffries, which would restructure the Jeffries contract.  Mr. Howard explained that the price of electricity was higher than market, but ·staying firm and .we wanted to get a cap on the fuel adjustment.  Mr. Howard stated that the savings would be substantial if we could make a deal.


Ms. Garten stated that sanitation was similar to what it had been.  Commissioner Taylor questioned the raised transfers. Ms. Garten explained that they were in need of another packer. Ms. Garten added that they did not have enough reserves for the last packer, so they were catching up. Commissioner Meyer questioned a City wide pick-up and budgeting something for the landfill fees. Commissioner Taylor commented that the County used to waive those fees. Mr. Howard stated that we could do it if it was controlled, but the earlier ones went from lasting a week to lasting months. After discussion on setting big dumpsters out and letting customers bring stuff to them, the Commission decided to wait to make any decision. 

Ms. Garten stated that there was not much difference in the wastewater fund and that it would be the third year of the rate increase. Ms. Garten pointed out that it was the second year for the water rate increase and there were still some cash issues in the water fund. Ms. Garten commented that there were meters that needed replaced and mains that needed work, but water usage had been down due to the weather. Ms. Garten explained that there was the loan that was being paid for by the Ethanol Plant and the other one that pays off in 2017.  Mayor Kumberg asked about the percentage of water loss.  Mr. Howard stated that we were working on a Conservation Plan, but we could account for about 90% of our water.  Mr. Howard commented that meters fail on the upper side and the water department had a replacement schedule in place. 

Ms. Garten pointed out the budget summary that would be published with the August 17th date for the public hearing.  Ms. Garten added that the mill was a tad bit lower than last year. 

·        Revitalization:

Commissioner Taylor commented that the rebate was at $4.6 million and someday some of those would be going off.  Ms. Garten stated that it regenerates itself, though it was down a little bit.

Capital Equipment Reserves:

Ms. Garten stated that most of this equipment would come before the Commission, but not all would be purchased just because it was in the budget.  Ms. Garten commented that a few requests were deferred due to cash, such as the water trailer that was being postponed until next year and repainting the water tower would be put off until sometime in the future. Commissioner Skaggs questioned the purchase of an arrow board. Mr. Howard stated that that was a lane closure board. Mr. Howard commented that vehicle purchases this year would not happen until later in the year and they would do the same next year. Mr. Howard stated that we did not have to buy vehicles if the economy keeps going down. 

·        Long term debt: 

Commissioner Hlavachick questioned if we were going to discuss the Lemon Park proposal later. Ms. Garten stated that we were. Commissioner Meyer stated that we should be looking better in three years. Ms. Garten agreed, but she added that was as long as we did not have any new bonds. Mr. Howard stated that they would do a bond for the secondary tie, but not until this one was paid off. Mr. Howard commented that we would be $8 million in debt at the end of this year, which also had the forgiveness of the wastewater project. 

Review Cash:

Ms. Garten stated that the cash balance charts show us at $72 million at the end of 2014 and $6 million in 2015. Commissioner Hlavachick asked what our cash balance should be. Ms. Garten stated that the auditors thought we were in a good position. Commissioner Meyer questioned if we had any trouble making payroll. Ms. Garten stated that we were not but, with less, you had to watch things more. Mr. 'Howard commented that there were no big projects once the downtown project was done, with the exception of the Municipal Building.

Discussion Topics:

·        Economy:

Ms. Garten stated that the sales tax report showed that we were down for the third month in a row. Mayor Kumberg questioned if the Hampton should have helped. Mr. Howard stated that they bought most of their materials out of town; whereas, the Best Western bought from Home Lumber.  Commissioner Meyer asked if the Parrish was sales tax exempt. Mr. Howard stated that they had not purchased local either, so the trend was down for three months. Mr. Howard questioned if we had peaked for the next five years or if this was just a little blip. Ms. Garten stated that the economy was not in bad shape, but in a downward trend. Mayor Kumberg questioned if the downturn in transient guest tax was from the decrease in oil and gas. Commissioner Taylor commented that if people were paying guest tax they were also paying sales tax, so he was not that worried about the sales tax. Ms. Garten stated that the housing market was a little weaker, but still fairly strong, which showed with the Sandy Creek lots selling pretty slowly. Mr. Howard added that there had been interest in them quite often. Commissioner Meyer stated that he was surprised that someone had not wanted to build out there. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that he had talked to Mr. Rich Sanders and he thought that the housing market was just fine. Ms. Garten stated that the population had not dropped off and the unemployment for Pratt County was at 4.3%.

·        Guest Tax: 

Ms. Garten stated that guest tax was down $68,000 from last year. Mayor Kumberg stated that he wanted to discuss the upcoming expenses for the Pilot Club train, which was the largest line item from last year. Ms. Garten reminded the Commission that that was for the rebuilding of the track. Mayor Kumberg commented that he had a problem with taking on all the problems. Mr. Howard explained that Mr. Duane DeWeese had been doing all their repairs, but when he got injured they started coming back to us. Commissioner Meyer questioned when we reach a point of no return and what would be politically correct. Ms. Garten commented that the thought process was that we purchased it and we should fix it. Mr. Howard stated that there should only be nickel and dime fixes unless the engine blows up. Mayor Kumberg questioned if this was something that we needed to have a difficult discussion with them about. Mayor Kumberg added that we should not put up any more money if the engine blows up. City Attorney Van Blaricum stated we should have a conversation with them.  Mayor Kumberg commented that he got that we offered this as a public entertainment option, but there was nobody else contributing to the upkeep and we get no revenue from it. 

Ms. Garten stated that Convention and Tourism had a revenue of $390,000 as an average over five years and $200,000 of that money goes to the Chamber. Ms. Garten pointed out that the budget showed $60,000 to $70,000 grants to people and events with $50,000 in advertising, $20,000 to recreation, $100,000 for local things and that made up the $400,000 in this fund. Ms. Garten stated that the streetscape was paid for, but there were other local projects such as Lemon Park, the pool and the Municipal Building. Ms. Garten commented that most of the money that had come in had been spoken for and there was more demand on that. Ms. Garten stated that the board makes recommendations to the City on whether some events should be funded, but there were repeat events that were gradually asking for more money each year. Ms. Garten stated that the Blythe, Art Museum and the college were needing to be discussed. Ms. Garten pointed out that contingency money was already at $50,000 in 2015.  Ms. Garten commented that she felt that the Tourism board would be relieved if they did not have to make the decisions for some events. Mr. Howard stated that Mr. Loomis had stated that they were coming in every meeting for the Blythe and it was cumbersome.  Mr. Howard added that the museum was fitting into this scenario also.  Mr. Howard suggested that we give them $1,000 a month and be done with it and not come in with other requests.  Mayor Kumberg questioned if we could have stipulations that we wanted to have an economic impact report at the end of the year. Mayor Kumberg stated that he had no problem doing that if it would take pressure off of the board. Ms. Garten stated that a stipulation could be that they had to do a minimum of so many events a year and we would give them 'x' amount of money. Commissioner Skaggs questioned accountability for other organizations. Ms. Garten suggested that invoices be requested if we fund a promotion. Mr. Howard commented that he would cap it at $10,000 a year and have them justify where it goes. Mayor Kumberg stated that they should have to be accountable, but we should also look at the benefit that it brings. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that it should be capped at $1,200 per month. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that the County did a $20,000 a year on a three year contract. 

Ms. Garten stated that there had already been requests for bed tax money from the Lemon Park renovation project and the streetscape. Ms. Garten reminded the Commission that pool repairs were also needed. Ms. Garten added that the Municipal Building and Recreation were something else that needed some of the guest tax monies. Ms. Garten stated that we needed to look at putting a cap on funding using the guest tax or figuring out where it needed to be allocated. Mayor Kumberg questioned how we felt about mini-grants. Ms. Garten stated that she was in favor of promoting it, but some think that money should be used for bigger things. Ms. Garten explained that groups had been coming to Travel and Tourism because it was easier. Commissioner Skaggs stated that we had donated to the gun show and wondered if we should be promoting that. Ms. Garten stated that Red Cross started that about three years ago. Ms. Garten commented that we should look at whether the event gets them to spend the night and if they eat here. Mr. Howard stated that the gun shows were a big draw and the vendors did stay all night the last four years. 

Mr. Howard suggested that anything ·over $20,000 should have to make an agreement. Mr. Howard stated that it would help Miss Kansas and the Blythe with their budget if they had a set amount. Mr. Howard added that the board does a good job with the smaller stuff. Commissioner Skaggs asked about the museum having a contractual agreement. Mr. Howard stated that they had asked for $5,000 earlier and there was another $5,000 request that had not been approved yet. Ms. Garten commented that there was a copy of the photo gallery's request for $6,500 on top of the previous $5,000 we had already given them, plus we were legacy members and that had cost $2,500.  Commissioner Taylor commented that he thought that Filley's left a larger sum of money.

Commissioner Skaggs asked if we were going to have a contractual agreement for anything over $10,000.  Mayor Kumberg stated that he thought there should be a stipulation that they come to give a report on the economics yearly. Mayor Kumberg added that we can justify this if we had to. Mr. Howard stated that the museum did not need the money, but it was a case of why not come to the City and get them to fund it. Mayor Kumberg commented that the museum was using the funds for advertising. Commissioner Taylor stated that their advertising was coming from out of town. Mayor Taylor stated that he did not want to do the one for the art museum. Mr. Howard stated that we could fund them per year. Commissioner Taylor stated that he thought that the $2,500 for the membership and another $2,500 was sufficient. Commissioner Taylor added that they were paying two full time salaries and they were not bringing that much to the community. Mr. Howard commented that he was .not saying to not fund the museum, but decide on an amount for the year and they could come in and request more if they wanted. Mayor Kumberg stated that he thought that $5,000 was a good amount. Commissioner Taylor asked if we were going to have Miss Kansas come to us. Mr. Howard stated that the bigger ones like Miss Kansas, Blythe, Filley Museum and the rodeo could be approved by the Commission and they should let us know what they were going to do for the year. Mr. Van Blaricum suggested that we ask Mr. Stan Reimer to come here to visit about that. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that they had the means fifteen years ago, but he did not think they had the means now. Mayor Kumberg commented that we had funded the advertising for the first exhibit and that fueled their sales. Ms. Garten stated that they had the budget to cover this, but they wanted assistance. Mayor Kumberg stated that showers, Rotary and other events used their facilities and were paying to be there. 

Mr. Howard explained that there were not these types of requests or repeated requests when tourism started, but things had changed and this needed to be revisited. Mr. Howard stated that the Blythe was at $10,000 and, if the last request was approved, the museum would be over $10,000. Mr. Howard added that he thought that the Commission should be aware of where Tourism money was going and who was getting it. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that he would agree to $7,500 for the museum. Commissioner Taylor stated that he would not agree to the $7,500. Mr. Howard commented that all five Commissioners needed to know what was happening and also that it would only get worse. Commissioner Meyer commented that what you could buy for $5,000 ten years ago cost you $10,000 now. Commissioner Meyer strongly encouraged the use of local businesses. Mayor Kumberg agreed that the first consideration should be local businesses.  Commissioner Taylor made a motion to approve $1,200 a month for Blythe Family Fitness Center and to review it twice a year. Commissioner Hlavachick made the second and it passed unanimously. 

Ms. Garten pointed out that Miss Kansas was given $7,500 yearly, but had received more this year because of the Texas Tenor concert.  Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to give the Miss Kansas organization $7,000 for the calendar year 2016. Commissioner Taylor seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to give the art museum $7,000 for the 2016 budget year. Commissioner Meyer questioned how he had come up with $7,000. Commissioner Skaggs seconded the motion. Commissioner Skaggs asked if that included the $2,500 legacy fee. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that that was annual for operating expenses. Commissioner Taylor stated $5,000 total. Commissioner Taylor added that he did not want them taking $7,000 and making $12,500 and then getting things done out of town. Commissioner Meyer stated that Miss Kansas gives us far more return on our investment than the Art Museum. Commissioner Taylor stated that that would be $9,500 with the legacy fee included. Mr. Van Blaricum stated that sports and Miss Kansas brings in a big return on our investment, but the arts class up Pratt. Mr. Howard commented that it does not draw people to the community. Commissioner Meyer questioned if withholding $2,000 or $3,000 would be a deal breaker for them. A roll call vote was taken on the motion on the floor to give the Art Museum $7,000 for the 2016 budget year. Commissioner Taylor-no; Commissioner Skaggs-yes; Mayor Kumberg-no; Commissioner Hlavachick-yes; Commissioner Meyer-no. Motion failed by a two to three vote.

Commissioner Taylor suggested that the Art Museum get $3,000 from Tourism and the $2,500 for the legacy membership fee. Mr. Howard commented that Tourism was about supporting them because they were supporting the town. Commissioner Meyer stated that he thought they were going to grow, but he was not sure about the tourism part. Commissioner Taylor stated that he was happy to support events where people stay the night. Mr. Van Blaricum commented that the arts were not a big part of tourism, so maybe there could be another line item that PCC Theater and the Filley Art Museum would fit into. Mr. Howard explained that Miss Kansas was tourism, but tourism should be refunding itself. Mr. Howard stated that he was not sure if the museum was doing that or not. Commissioner Taylor made a motion to give $3,000 a year to the Filley Art Museum through tourism not including the $2,500 legacy membership and to have annual updates of their economic impact. Commissioner Skaggs seconded the motion. The motion and second passed with four approved votes and one no vote by Commissioner Hlavachick.  Mr. Howard stated that the rodeo was worth the $10,000, but it would be brought to the Commission if they decide to do it again. Commissioner Taylor commented that the $3,000 to the Medicine Lodge Peace Treaty was helping someone outside the City, but they fill our motels. 

Mr. Howard stated that Mayor Kumberg and Commissioner Hlavachick were on the Lemon Park committee and their idea was to scale down and do the bathrooms as a #1 priority. Mr. Howard commented that the B-29 group had received an $86,000 grant and they were going to build a bathroom near the memorial. Mr. Howard stated that it was a 20% match and we could do that by waiving tap fees, etc. Mr. Howard explained that we could get an idea of what it might cost and if it would be classy enough for the park. Mr. Howard pointed out that the parking lot entry would not be there anymore and also pointed out the dog park area. Mayor Kumberg stated that the llama area was too big for the dog park and he also mentioned that there would be another bathroom by the diamonds'. Mayor Kumberg added that Mr. Blake Himmelwright had talked about some trees that needed to be taken out also. Commissioner Skaggs questioned any new shelter structures. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that it was in the discussion stages. Mr. Howard stated that the first phase was more realistic. Commissioner Meyer questioned if there was a high priority to change the road. Mr. Howard stated that Mr. Himmelwright was going to get cost estimates and then there would be a public meeting so that the people could have their say. Commissioner Meyer questioned how much moving the parking lots and the bathrooms would cost.  Mr. Howard stated that, without paving the roads and the bathroom, would be between $50,000 and $70,000.  Mr. Howard added that, we did not know the sewer costs, but there would have to be a lift station.  Mr. Howard stated that it could be a bond issue if we were forced to take it to a vote. Mayor Hlavachick commented that a million dollar bond would get it done right away and Mr. Himmelwright had stated that he could come up with $30,000 to $50,000.  Commissioner Meyer stated that he would wait to get the current bonds paid off if Mr. Himmelwright was going to use his own money.  Mr. Howard commented that we would wait to get the estimates. 

Commissioner Taylor commented that he would like to see $1 million coming from private donations for the $2.1 million pavilion.  Mayor Kumberg stated that he did not feel that was out of line. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that a million would get done what we wanted to get done. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if a $1 million bond would pass if we put it out there. Commissioner Hlavachick questioned why we would have to. Mr. Howard stated that Sixth Street could be a part of this, but not in the first phase. Commissioner Hlavachick questioned what it took to do a GEO bond.  Ms. Garten stated that it had to be published, but there was a new kind of bond issue that did not require a vote. Commissioner Taylor stated that we should get some of the funds around and not get the $1 million in our heads.   Mr. Howard commented that it would go to the vote of the people if we were going to do something big.  Mayor Kumberg commented that they were trying to get the biggest bang for the buck.  Commissioner Meyer asked what the life expectancy for a prefabbed bathroom would be.  Mr. Howard stated that he was not sure, but he would get some information.  Mr. Howard added that the B-29 group was going through a company out of Texas and we would need to know what size we wanted.  Mr. Howard stated that he would get with Mr. Himmelwright to let him know that he needs to get estimates. Mr. Howard added that we could work on this as a work session or put it on an agenda and then have a public meeting outside of a Commission meeting.

Ms. Garten stated that there were other issues to discuss such as the future plans for the pool, the Municipal Building renovation and the Green Sports Complex.   Commissioner Taylor suggested that we set back

$250,000 to $300,000 for the pool and the Municipal Building. Ms. Garten stated that we could dedicate payments for debt services. Mr. Howard commented that we would start working on the design for the Municipal Building in earnest this winter after we finish this year's projects. Mr. Howard stated that there was an architect in Wilson that had been recommended. Mr. Howard explained that we would leave the gym alone, put in air tight windows and work ·on the air conditioning. Mr. Howard commented that the City Clerk and Inspector would be downstairs and Public Works, Director of Electric Utilities, Finance Director would be upstairs and the Commission room would stay where it was. Mr. Howard stated that the Utility Billing area would be where Mr. Pinkall was now and it would be a secured area. Mr. Howard commented that he would like to start renovating by late 2016 or early 2017. Commissioner Skaggs asked if there were any thoughts for this building. Mr. Howard stated that the police department always thought about moving here, but he was not sure. Commissioner Skaggs suggested moving the recreation offices down here. Mr. Howard stated that the architect would tweak our design and we would get costs to figure out funding options. Mr. Howard commented that lodging tax should go to the pool and pool house. Ms. Garten stated that there were some funds in capital reserves for that. 

Commissioner Hlavachick asked about any plans for the Green Sports Complex. Ms. Garten stated that there was room for expansion since we had the land to the east. Mr. Howard stated that a track had been discussed or putting in some kind of slide so that families could have something to do during or in between games. Mr. Howard added that the Complex was only used a lot about two or two and a half months of the year. Ms. Garten commented that there were parking issues during big tournaments. Mr. Howard commented that we could make the northern part a temporary parking lot. Commissioner Skaggs stated that that would be a lot of dirt to move. Mr. Howard stated that it would not be perfect, but could be used for buses. Commissioner Hlavachick commented that there were some coaches that had said that the baseball infield needed work. Mr. Howard commented that Mr. Pinkall had been down there working yesterday and he had talked about wanting to put artificial turf down. Commissioner Hlavachick stated that grass does slow the ball down.

·        Airport Authority’s request for 4 mills:

Ms. Garten stated that there was some information from the Airport Authority that had been sent by Mr. Bell. Mayor Kumberg questioned that we could approve three mill and they levy one. Ms. Garten explained that the first one was theirs, we levy two and they were now asking for the third.  Commissioner Meyer stated that they were about $20,000 short in their financials.  Mayor Kumberg asked the dollar amount that they would be getting from 3 mill.  Ms. Garten stated that it was $38,000 per mill.  Commissioner Skaggs commented that we needed to think about whether or not they were that valuable to the community.  Commissioner Skaggs added that they had developed forty tenants slowly over the past years.   Mayor Kumberg stated that they had a million in the bank and they wanted to get 3% pay increases and bank the rest.   Commissioner Skaggs commented that it was a fund for unforeseen things.   Mayor Kumberg questioned what the justification was to levy an additional mill.  Mayor Kumberg stated that all he saw was the 3% increase.  Commissioner Meyer stated that he could not see why they needed it and questioned if they had ever asked for it before.   Ms. Garten stated that they had not since she had been here.   Mayor Kumberg stated that they could cut expenses or give the Commission justification.   Commissioner Meyer stated that they would have a $30,000 profit with the pay increase if we give them the additional mill.  Commissioner Skaggs commented that we would not want to deny them the mill increase if they had a project coming up, but they had not told us that.  Ms. Garten stated that the minutes reflected that Mr. Bell had talked about the downturn in the oilfield.  Commissioner Meyer asked what the downturn would be if we denied the increase.   Ms. Garten commented that there would be no pay increases.  Mayor Kumberg suggested tabling this until Mr. Bell could come and justify why they needed the extra mill.  Mr. Howard called Mr. Bell and he would be coming to the meeting at 8:30 a.m. in the morning.


Ms. Garten stated that the B-29 group had applied for a trails grant. Mr. Howard commented that they had gotten a grant to do a sidewalk from the memorial to the museum, but they were going to focus on a bathroom west of the memorial. Mr. Howard added that they thought they had to use the money by the 16th August, but that was not right. Mr. Howard commented that Mr. George Stevens was getting estimates on the bathroom and we would do $20,000 plus in-kind services such as waive water and sewer tap fees. Mr. Howard added that he would find out if the B-29 group had money for the project and then be reimbursed or if they plan for the city to finance with our money. 

·        Employee benefits:

Mr. Howard stated that he had asked the rep to look at $25,000 life insurance policies for every employee and also look at raising supervisor's life insurance anywhere from $50,000 to $100,000. Mr. Howard added that that would be at a cost of about $20,000 a year. Mr. Howard stated that we had picked up the 3% increase in insurance for supervisors. Mr. Howard commented that another option would be to add another paid holiday to our list such as Presidents Day or Veterans Day. Mr. Howard added that these were just ideas if the Commission would rather not do the 3% cost of living, which was not added to the budget. Commissioner Taylor commented that we had the traditional holidays already. Ms. Garten commented that it had been mentioned about Veterans Day since the County was closed. Mr. Howard added that this might also cushion not getting a raise. Commissioner Skaggs stated that the pay raise would not have to be 3%. Commissioner Meyer asked Mr. Howard what he would recommend. Mr. Howard stated that that was one of the decisions they had to make. Ms. Garten stated that it would cost about $20,000 for the life insurance and $184,000 for a 3% cost of living raise, plus we were already picking up the 3% health insurance increase of about $25,200. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if our salaries were competitive. Mr. Howard stated that we were now. Commissioner Meyer asked about what the lowest pay was for an employee starting with us. Ms. Garten stated that it could be from $11.74 to $12.04 per hour. Mr. Howard stated that we did not always hire at the lowest. Commissioner Taylor suggested they think about it and talk more tomorrow. 

·        Street projects: 

Ms. Garten reviewed the current and anticipated street projects. Ms. Garten informed the Commission that Fincham  Street  should  be  getting  started  in the near future  and our responsibility  for that  project  was $193,000. Ms. Garten commented that $137,400 was the matching funds we had for the 2015 KLINK project from Mound Street east to Jackson Street and the 2016 GEO project on North Main Street from Blaine Street north to the railroad tracks that could get started this year at a cost of a little over $338,000. Ms. Garten added that there was a 2016 KLINK project for Highway 281 from Santa Fe Road south to the City limits at a local matching cost of around $53,599 as well as a 2017 GEO project from Jackson Street to K-61 Highway on Highway 54 that was estimated to cost around $291,000. Ms. Garten stated that the 2018 GEO project was from Mound Street west to New Street with a local match of about $83,136.

Ms. Garten commented that the sidewalk project was ongoing and a general improvement project throughout the City. Commissioner Taylor commented that the curbs were gone by Lanterman Motors. Mr. Howard stated that we could do the curb and not the road. Mr. Howard added that the big sidewalk plan was to go to Wal-Mart. Commissioner Skaggs questioned if Lanterman's was parking on the right­ of-way.  Mr. Howard stated that some were on the State's right-of-way.

·        Comprehensive  Plan:
Ms. Garten stated that most of the projects in the 2002 updated Comprehensive Plan had been completed. Mayor Kumberg questioned if it was community directed or things that we need to work on and what the cost might be. Mr. Howard stated that EBH had done the last one and that was before he came. Mr. Howard commented that the Planning and Zoning Board had started to work on it. Mayor Kumberg commented that we had done our purpose for this plan. Mr. Howard stated that he would ask Mr. Luttrell to get an estimate to do it. Commissioner Taylor stated that it was good to have. Mr. Howard added that the public was not involved until it happens, but the issue was that there was a plan.

·        Other information:

Ms. Garten pointed out the information used to 'put together the budget and the letter from the Fire Chief concerning their future needs.  Ms. Garten also discussed the samples of resolutions for transfers to the operation accounts.
 Mr. Howard stated that sales tax tells how a business is doing and we are not doing as well as last year, but he was not concerned. Mr. Howard commented that Mr. Bill Young was a pretty good indicator of how things were going and we could be overly cautious. Mayor Kumberg asked if the Parrish Lofts paid sales tax. Mr. Howard stated that they did not. Commissioner Skaggs asked if there was going to be a planter there and no landscaping. Mr. Howard stated that there might be some in the parking lot. Commissioner Skaggs asked if the downtown park had stalled. Mr. Howard stated that they had put that off until the Parrish was done. Commissioner Skaggs questioned who would spearhead that project since the original group was gone. Mr. Howard stated that· Ms. Carol Stull .was still involved. Mr. Howard added that he would like to see them limit the use of the bricks and use pavers to make it look better. Commissioner Meyer asked if they were adding any trees. Mr. Howard commented that he had seen some in the old drawing. 

Commissioner Meyer commented that he saw where T & W Meats was coming to Pratt. Mr. Howard stated that they were. Commissioner Meyer asked if anything was happening with the old Alco building. Mr. Howard stated that he had not heard from him. 

Ms. Garten stated that the tax lid for government entities could not increase taxes unless by public vote and that takes effect in 2018. Ms. Garten added that that also effects being able to raise the mill levy only by public vote. 

The recessed budget work session recessed until 8:30 a.m. Thursday morning. The motion by Commissioner Meyer and second by Commissioner Skaggs passed unanimously.

