Thursday, January 28, 2016

02/01/16-City Commission Meeting Agenda


FEBRUARY 01, 2016



1.      CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.
2.      ROLL CALL
4.      MINUTES January 18, 2016 (Regular Commission meeting)
5.      BUSINESS:
5.1          Consideration and Approval of Options on the Purchase of a New Bucket Truck – Jamie Huber, Director of Electric Utilities
a)      Motion to Approve Waiving the City’s Policy of Acquiring Multiple Quotes
b)     Motion to Approve the Purchase of the Bucket Truck from Altec, Inc. for $245,343 plus applicable sales tax
c)      Motion to Accept the 5 year lease/purchase Agreement through the 1st National Bank for an Annual Payment of $58,274.38
5.2          Consideration and Approval of Pratt Area Humane Society Agreement for 2016 – Ken Van Blaricum, City Attorney
6.      OPEN AGENDA (City Matters Only)(3 Minute Time Limit)
7.      REPORTS:

7.1             City Manager
7.2             City Attorney
7.3             Department Superintendents
7.4             Mayor
7.5             City Commission
8.      ADJOURN

Monday, January 18, 2016

1/04/2016-Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes


JANUARY 04, 2016 

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.

Lucus Kumberg                        Mayor
Bill Hlavachick            Commissioner
Jeff Taylor                    Commissioner
Gary Skaggs                 Commissioner
Doug Meyer                 Commissioner
Dave Howard                City Manager
LuAnn Kramer             City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum       City Attorney  
Diana Garten                Finance Director
Gary Myers                   Chief of Police
Russell Rambat             Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship         Building Inspector       
Jamie Huber                 Dir. of Electric Utilities
Bruce Pinkall                Recreation Director

The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Kumberg.  The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present.

The Mayor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.


Commissioner Taylor led the staff and audience in the invocation and Mayor Kumberg led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 21, 2015 regular Commission meeting.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.  



Park Superintendent Eckhoff informed the Commission that the contractor for the Avenue of Flags project had made the last pour today.  Mr. Eckhoff stated that he would leave things covered for a few days and then clean up the area.  Mr. Eckhoff explained that City staff would spread the other dirt and work on the lighting and landscape, but that may not be until spring.  Mr. Eckhoff stated that he would be working on the sign this winter.  Commissioner Taylor questioned if the Statute of Liberty was still going to be at the Scout Cabin.  Mr. Eckhoff stated that it was, but it needed some work done on it.  Commissioner Skaggs asked if the trees would be staying.  Mr. Eckhoff explained that they were for now, but they would be taking them out and replacing with new ones later.  Mr. Eckhoff added that they would be doing individual lighting on the flags and he would like to look at using LED lighting.  Mayor Kumberg commented that it looked fantastic now and he could not wait for things to get put in place.  Mr. Eckhoff stated that they had some areas that needed a little more work and there was an incline in places, but they worked out drainage issues that now goes into a tree planter.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned how many flags there were.  Mr. Eckhoff stated that there were nine flags and one POW flag. 


City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that this was the same agreement as at the last meeting, but there had been questions about the company filing suit more often than we would want them to.  Mr. Van Blaricum commented that he had visited with the manager and was told that they never file suit unless talking to their customer first.  Mr. Van Blaricum added that he had added a note to the agreement that states that the collector would not initiate litigation without authorization from the City.  Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve the Collection Service Agreement with Midwest Service Bureau Inc. as presented.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hlavachick and carried unanimously. 


Recreation Director Pinkall informed the Commission that he had gone out for bids for a mower before the end of the year.  Mr. Pinkall stated that they had used their last mower for twelve seasons and it was time to get a new one.  Mr. Pinkall commented that it was hard to bid mowers due to deck sizes and different motors; however, he had put together what he was looking for.  Mr. Pinkall stated that he had decided to go with a 72” Super Z Hustler mower from Kincheloe’s.  Mr. Pinkall added that it was a little higher than Wichita Golf, but the price difference was not worth going somewhere other than local.  

Commissioner Skaggs questioned if he had any hustler mowers now.  Mr. Pinkall stated that he did not, but the parks department had one that was a little bigger and had four tires and pushes the deck in the front.  Mr. Pinkall added that his was a rear wheel drive and lighter but very well built.  Commissioner Meyer asked where this one would be used at.  Mr. Pinkall stated that it would be used mainly on the fields and they would keep the older ones for the exterior.  Mr. Pinkall explained that that would keep any stickers coming in from the exterior.  Commissioner Meyer made a motion to purchase the Hustler Super Z mower from Kincheloe’s for $12,045.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously. 


City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that this ordinance had a long history, but this was the final result that had been carefully vented through by the Planning and Zoning Commission.  Mr. Van Blaricum commented that this was for commercial purposes.  Mr. Van Blaricum pointed out that this was for new construction in any C-S or C-O zone and for any planned remodel that structurally modifies the existing structure by at least 51%.  Mr. Van Blaricum added that this would need to be approved by the Building Inspector.  Commissioner Meyer questioned what the consequences were if they did not comply.  Mr. Van Blaricum stated that it was a maximum fine of $500.  Building Inspector Blankenship stated that we would not issue them a building permit or a certificate of occupancy.  Mr. Blankenship explained that other commercial businesses were in the business district and 100% lot coverage, so there was no place to plant a tree; therefore, they specified C-S and C-O zones. 

The following Ordinance 1601 was then presented to the Commission for their approval:  AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING LANDSCAPING PLANS AND SETTING LANDSCAPING STANDARDS FOR COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES.  Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve Ordinance 1601 for commercial landscaping.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried unanimously.


City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that this ordinance was the same as commercial, but was for residential landscaping.  Mr. Van Blaricum commented that this was for new construction or for any structural modifications by at least 51%.  Mr. Van Blaricum added that this also had to be subject to the approval of the building inspector.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned if a separate issue would be a neighbor changing the lay of the land.  Mr. Van Blaricum stated that that was a different issue and had to do with State law.  Commissioner Skaggs asked about the $500 fine.  Mr. Van Blaricum commented that that did not need to be stated. 

The following Ordinance 1602 was then presented to the Commission for their approval:  AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING LANDSCAPING PLANS FOR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES.  Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to approve Ordinance 1602 for residential landscaping.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously. 


·        Luca Matei: 

Mr. Luca Matei commented that he made a petition to look at taking the sewer out of his electric bills when an apartment was empty.  Mr. Matei stated that it did not make sense when empty for a year or more.  Mr. Matei added that the situation was so bad with tenants and with his balance sheet. 

Mr. Matei then stated that it tops it off working through putting him in jail.    Mr. Matei informed the Commission that he had a hearing in December and was punished for using a recorder.  Mr. Matei commented that the police do what they want again.  Mr. Matei added that he had a recording system in court because the police could record everything.  Mr. Matei stated that what was said in court was not constitutional.  Mr. Matei stated that he was convicted in 2013 and there was supposed to be transparency and investigation and they work for the people.  Mr. Matei commented that the City uses people to break him down and that could not continue because the City would suffer.  Mr. Matei stated that the police were to protect citizens and not to raise income for the City.

·        Municipal Court vs District Court:
Mayor Kumberg commented that Municipal Court was a ‘different animal’ than District Court and questioned if they comply with recording laws.  City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that Municipal Court does comply with Federal and local laws and regulations.  Mr. Van Blaricum added that recording in Municipal Court was absolutely up to the discretion of the judge.  Mr. Van Blaricum explained that Mr. Matei had shown up at a hearing with a judge pro tem presiding and, when the judge discovered that Mr. Matei had recorded the proceedings on a handheld device, he had to surrender the recorder.  Mr. Van Blaricum stated that that was the proper procedure and, if he lost the case in Municipal Court, he would have the right of appeal in District Court and there would be a court recorder.  Mr. Van Blaricum added that a handheld recorder would be up to the District judge.

Building Inspections:

·        Property north of Woody’s:

Building Inspector Blankenship stated that he had visited with the owner of the property north of Woody’s and he wants to be a good neighbor and would be addressing the areas of concern.  Mr. Blankenship commented that he had been asked to leave the old truck by a local photographer who uses it for pictures.  Mr. Blankenship added that we could legally make him take it away, but he was on the fence either way.  Commissioner Taylor questioned if the truck was against City ordinances.  Mr. Blankenship stated that it was.  Commissioner Taylor stated that it needed to be moved then.  Commissioner Skaggs commented that the front of the building was the priority and the rest could come at his convenience this year.  Commissioner Taylor stated that it did not have a roof on it and stuff blows in it.  Commissioner Taylor added that the owner was a non-resident and it was not an eye sore to him.  Commissioner Skaggs stated that we did not want him to be belligerent and do nothing.  City Manager Howard stated that that was the only front in that shape downtown.  

Mayor and Commission:

·        Austin Street:

Mayor Kumberg requested an update on the Austin Street property.  Mr. Blankenship stated that they were cleaning it up and he had also given Mr. Van Blaricum the one on Maple Street.


Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried unanimously.



01/04/2016-Approved City/County Jt. Meeting Minutes


JANUARY 04, 2016 

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Recessed session in the Commission Room located in City Hall. 

Lucus Kumberg           Mayor
Bill Hlavachick            Commissioner
Jeff Taylor                   Commissioner 
Gary Skaggs                Commissioner
Doug Meyer                 Commissionet   
Dave Howard                City Manager
LuAnn Kramer              City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum        City Attorney  
Glenna Borho                County Commissioner
Dave Ward                    County Commissioner
Sherry Kruse                 County Clerk
Bob Schmisseur            County Counselor                                                
The recessed meeting was called to order by Mayor Kumberg.  The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present. 

The Mayor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.


Mayor Kumberg stated that the City had requested ideas and suggestions on how to efficiently hold a community wide clean-up at the last joint meeting and the County Commissioners had asked County Landfill Superintendent Jason Winkel to share his thoughts.  Mr. Winkel explained to the Commissioners that the first order should be a location for dropping off items.  Mr. Winkel stated that it should be a centralized drop off and there would need to be a container for solid waste, one for tires, and one for metals.  Mr. Winkel added that there would be no container for chemicals and they should not be accepted at the drop off location.  Mr. Winkel suggested having a recycle bin sitting at that location and another employee to see that things were getting separated correctly.   

Mr. Winkel stated that the Alco parking lot would be a pretty good place and it could be done Monday through Saturday.  Mr. Winkel also suggested keeping it open until 6:00 p.m. so that working people could get their stuff there.  Commissioner Taylor agreed that it should be available after 4:00 p.m. or we would get people setting stuff all over.  Commissioner Taylor commented that we would also need some type of fencing around the area.  City Manager Howard stated that it would be difficult for people to get stuff up into the big containers.  Mr. Winkel stated that they have an opening in the rear end.  Mr. Winkel stated that the County could have a certified HHW person on sight so that there was not any hazardous waste put in the containers. 

Mr. Winkel stated that they could do an open week at the landfill, as well, so people could bring their own stuff out there.  Mr. Winkel added that they could have the HHW person out there instead of having them at the container location.  Commissioner Meyer commented that churches and City groups could help with pick-ups for people who could not haul their stuff to the landfill.  Mr. Winkel stated that some of this would be ‘on your honor’ and that could be tough.  Commissioner Skaggs stated that he liked the idea of using the Also parking lot or possibly the fire department lot.  Mr. Howard stated that he had another idea, but he would discuss that with the Commission during an executive session.  Commissioner Taylor stated that we could do this once and see how it goes.   

Mr. Winkel asked if community service could help with something like this or even the boys home.  City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that he thought they could help.  Commissioner Borho asked if this could be associated with spring.  Mr. Howard stated that we used to do it in March.  Commissioner Taylor stated that doing it this way would take less City employees.  Mr. Howard stated that he had visited with Simpson’s and they could supply the bins at a cost and he would have to haul them to the landfill.  Commissioner Meyer questioned if people could call for a special pick-up.  Mr. Howard stated that we would not do that during the clean-up week, because we would have everybody calling.  Commissioner Borho suggested the dates of April 4th through the 9th.  Mr. Howard stated that he needed to sit down with Public Works Director Rambat and Mr. Winkel to figure out the logistics.
Commissioner Borho stated that they would need to keep track of what the tonnage of the clean-up was so that they did not pay back for something that was free at the end of the year.  Mr. Winkel stated that they would separate it off of the City’s solid waste.  Mayor Kumberg stated that we should do some advertisement for it.  Mr. Howard commented that we could put it on the City’s website.  Mayor Kumberg stated that he would talk to the Rotary and the Chamber.  Mr. Van Blaricum added that he would help with the college.  Mr. Howard asked if 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. would work okay.  Mr. Winkel stated that it could.  Mr. Howard commented that he would meet with Mr. Winkel before the end of January.  
·        City Waste Totals:
Mr. Winkel had a printout of the 2014 and 2015 waste totals for the City.  Mr. Winkel stated that the City was up twenty-five tons on solid waste, but that was not much.  Mr. Winkel also informed the Commission that compost was down twenty-eight tons and bio-solids did not start until June of 2014, so he could not compare 2015 to 2014.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned if that was coming from the sewer plant.  Mr. Winkel stated that it was, but it was a lot dryer now.  Mr. Winkel explained that the total tonnage for 2015 was up by five hundred thirty-six tons from 2014 and that converts into the bio-solids in 2015.  Mr. Winkel stated that the City would be getting a refund of $17,930.77, which was calculated using the $25,416 that the City pays monthly for landfill.
Mayor Kumberg asked if the card board recycling was working.  Mr. Winkel stated that it was, but he did not know those numbers.  Mr. Winkel commented that card board intake had risen and it was $40/ton and it was now $80/ton and plastics were $523/ton, but were down to $300/ton.
·        Coordination between the entities:
Mayor Kumberg stated that we needed to coordinate between the entities.  Commissioner Borho commented that we needed to get the Chamber involved.  Commissioner Borho suggested that people have a number to call if they need help with a pick-up.  Mr. Howard stated that we needed to get a list of the people or groups that will help with pick-ups and he would have Recreation Director Pinkall coordinate all that.  Mr. Howard added that we could get that lined up a week ahead of time.  Mr. Howard commented that we would get fence to cover it.
Mayor Kumberg informed the County Commission that the Humane Society had made a presentation at the last City meeting and it was time for their contract renewal.  Mayor Kumberg stated that they were asking for an increase in funds, but he was not sure what their relationship was with the County.  Commissioner Borho stated that the County gives them $1,000 a month.  Mayor Kumberg commented that many of the animals get picked up outside of the City.  Commissioner Borho questioned how they were getting picked up.  Mr. Howard stated that the City does not pick them up.  Commissioner Meyer commented that they were dumped animals.  Commissioner Borho stated that they would take a litter of puppies to the Humane Society if they get a call.
Commissioner Taylor stated that they were wanting more money for employees this time.  Commissioner Taylor commented that he was not anti-animal, but he was anti-City of Pratt paying for animals.  Commissioner Taylor stated that there was a picture in the paper the day after the meeting and it was with a pit bull.  Commissioner Taylor continued stating that they should have said that this dog cannot be adopted in the City of Pratt.  Commissioner Taylor stated that they keep dogs forever and would not get rid of them and some were unadoptable.  Commissioner Borho stated that they were a no kill shelter.  Commissioner Taylor commented that we were paying hotel rates to keep them there.  Mayor Kumberg stated that the City’s responsibility was over once the animal crosses their threshold.  
Mr. Howard stated that he thought it was 2009 when they asked for the last raise and they had also asked to change the contract so that they could accept pit bulls.  Commissioner Taylor stated that there were a lot of pit bulls in the City.  Commissioner Skaggs commented that we could see less now that the oilfield impact was down.  Commissioner Borho stated that drug users like pit bulls and that was not going away.  Commissioner Taylor stated that it was that breed’s instinct to be unsociable.  Commissioner Taylor added that he did not like taking taxpayer’s money and putting it out there to keep animals forever.  Mr. Howard stated that they need to show us their books.  Commissioner Ward questioned if we could put restrictions on them that they do not keep animals that are not adoptable.  Commissioner Borho stated that it was theirs once they cross the threshold, so it was not our place to say.  County Counselor Schmisseur stated that they would probably lose volunteers if it was a kill shelter.  Commissioner Ward added that they would lose donations too.   
Mr. Van Blaricum stated that it was fair to ask to see their profit and loss statement and then we would know to what extent the public was paying.  Mr. Howard stated that we would need to give them some time to produce that and the board would need to be involved.  Mr. Howard added that we could operate under the old contract until resolved.  Mayor Kumberg stated that we were contracting them for a service.  Commissioner Taylor commented that we could do that with a vet.  Mr. Howard agreed that we could, but added that we would not operate or contract the same way we do with them.  Mr. Howard commented that we could not duplicate what the Humane Society does.  Mr. Howard stated that we would not hold to that seven days if we were taking them to a vet.   
Mr. Howard later received information that the City had increased the donation from $1,200 to $2,500 in 2012.  Commissioner Skaggs commented that they were coming back three years later asking for $500 more.  Mr. Van Blaricum stated that he had visited with Ms. Pam Howell and she was more concerned with the feral cats and court animals, but money was not the main things.  Mayor Kumberg questioned how many animal cases they have in a year.  Mr. Van Blaricum stated that there may be one.  Mr. Howard commented that that was not very often.
·        Police Training: 
Mr. Schmisseur stated that he had the police training set up for April 14th and Sedgwick County had stated that they would not charge to do it.  Mr. Schmisseur commented that the surrounding towns would be invited.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned if we would provide a meal.  Mr. Schmisseur suggested that the City and County each pitch in $200 and that should cover that.  Mr. Schmisseur explained that they would also open the gun range, but they would have to supply their own ammo.  Mr. Schmisseur commented that we could think about an honorarium for those coming to do the training, such as a $50 restaurant gift certificate.  Commissioner Taylor questioned if they could take it.  Mr. Schmisseur stated that we could make the offer.  Commissioner Borho asked when we would get this information out to the other communities.  Mr. Schmisseur stated that he would get with Sheriff Chinn, but they should get it in the mail in early February.  Commissioner Borho questioned if the Wildlife officers could be invited also.  Commissioner Hlavachick stated that they could be and this was essential training.
·        Audit Services:
Mr. Schmisseur asked who the City used for auditors.  Mr. Howard stated that we used Adams, Brown, Beran and Ball and they were the best auditors to work with.  Mr. Howard commented that they cost in the mid to higher $20,000, but they were very thorough.  Commissioner Borho stated that Mr. Schmisseur had negotiated with their auditors for the 2015 year.  Mr. Schmisseur stated that he had talked to several accountants about why there was no interest in municipalities and they had talked about malpractice for accounting firms and they did not have the staff to dedicate to audits.  
Commissioner Meyer asked if there were any services that we both use that could be bundled for a cheaper price.  Commissioner Borho stated that they would have to do some research since the heads of the departments and the elected officials operate separately.  Mr. Schmisseur stated that there was a dramatic savings on State cars, but no local dealers were involved so it was a double edged sword.  Mr. Howard stated that insurance companies do not like doing that due to different working environments and that could be good for one entity but not the others.  Commissioner Taylor asked about natural gas.  Commissioner Borho stated that they did not use that in any large amount.  Mr. Howard stated that he was not sure he could do that with our contract.
Commissioner Borho commented that the utility bill at the Court House should go down with the purchase of their new windows.  Commissioner Borho stated that they could not hear vehicles go by anymore in the Commission Chambers.  Mr. Howard stated that it should be noticeable.  Mr. Van Blaricum commented that schools try to get together to purchase things, but he did not know if the City and County had anything in common.  
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the Parrish Lofts were all electric.  Mr. Howard stated that the company did pay the gas.  Commissioner Taylor asked if there was only one bill going to the Parrish.  City Clerk Kramer explained that each apartment had its own electric meter, but the water and trash go to the Parrish.  Mayor Kumberg commented that the manager had told him that they were about 75% occupied.  Commissioner Skaggs stated that he had read that the EMT’s were worried about getting a gurney in the elevator.  Commissioner Ward stated that they would have to use a fold up one, but if the person needed to lay down, they would have a problem.  Commissioner Ward added that Hillside Terrace had the same problem.  Mr. Van Blaricum questioned if that would not be an ADA problem.  Mr. Schmisseur stated that it was historic property and they had a different set of rules.
·        Hampton Inn / Fincham Street: 
Mayor Kumberg questioned when the Hampton Inn would be opening.  Mr. Howard stated that it was scheduled for the 29th.  Mr. Howard commented that all the other hotels had a lot of traffic, so it would take time for their business to pick up.  
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if Fincham Street was open.  Mr. Howard stated that it would not be next week, but they needed to pour curbs and fill in.  Commissioner Skaggs asked about the Wal-Mart entrance.  Mr. Howard stated that they would be redoing the drainage there.  Commissioner Taylor questioned if they would keep that first entrance.  Mr. Howard stated that they would, but KDOT would not give them that entrance today.  Commissioner Skaggs asked if they would be widening the Fincham Street.  Mr. Howard explained that the radius would be, but the street would not be widened.  Mr. Howard added that there would be temporary access west of Fincham Street.  Mr. Howard stated that there was not going to be that much change, but there would be a better base.
·        Wind farm:
Commissioner Meyer questioned the County Commissioners about how the wind farm was progressing.  Commissioner Borho stated that there was a planning board of appointed people and there would be a meeting at the 4-H building at 7:00 p.m. on January 18th, but she was not sure whether they would make a recommendation or not.  Commissioner Skaggs asked who the chairman of the Planning Commission was.  Commissioner Borho stated that it was Mr. Kent Moore.  Mr. Howard stated that he had heard a rumor that this one was going to Kingman.  Commissioner Borho stated that she did not think so.  Commissioner Skaggs asked if the County Commission could rule positive or go opposite.  Commissioner Borho stated that they could.  Mayor Kumberg stated that wind energy was increasing by leaps and bounds.  Mr. Schmisseur commented that there were ten or more counties with wind farms.  Mr. Howard commented that they were shutting down coal plants because they could not afford to go by the Federal regulations.
·        Next meeting:
With little discussion, the next meeting was scheduled for March 7th and they would be discussing the spring clean-up, LEC training update and the Humane Society.
·        Executive Sessions:
Mayor Kumberg made a motion to enter into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel for fifteen minutes.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
Mayor Kumberg made a motion to return from executive session with nothing to report.  The motion was property seconded and passed unanimously.
Mayor Kumberg made a motion to enter into executive session to discuss attorney/client privilege for fifteen minutes.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously.
Mayor Kumberg made a motion to return from executive session with nothing to report.  The motion was property seconded and passed unanimously.
Upon proper motion and second, the meeting was adjourned. 




Thursday, January 14, 2016

01/18/16-City Commission Meeting Agenda


JANUARY 18, 2016



1.      CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped. 
2.      ROLL CALL 

4.      MINUTES         January 04, 2016 (Recessed Jt. Commission meeting)
     January 04, 2016 (Regular Commission meeting)  
5.      BUSINESS:

5.1          Consideration and Approval of Pratt Disc Golf Tournament February 20th in Lemon Park, 6th Street Park and Graves Park - JasonWinkel
5.2          Update on Community Wide Clean-up – Dave Howard, City Manager; Russell Rambat, Public Works Director; Jason Winkel, County Landfill Supervisor
5.3          Consideration and Approval of the PAHS Color Me Fun Run Route on Saturday, May 21st – Pam Howell, PAHS Board of Directors
5.4          Presentation of PAHS Profit & Loss Statement – Pam Howell, PAHS Board of Directors
5.5          Consideration and Approval of the Re-appointment of Lori Jones and Tonya Mantey to the Cemetery Board (3 year terms) – Russell Rambat, Public Works Director 

6.      OPEN AGENDA (City Matters Only)(3 Minute Time Limit)
7.      REPORTS:

7.1             City Manager
7.2             City Attorney
      7.3             Department Superintendents
7.4             Mayor
7.5             City Commission
8.      ADJOURN