Monday, February 29, 2016

02/29/12016-Special Call Meeting Agenda





            A Special meeting of the Governing Body of the City of Pratt is hereby called to be held in the City Commission Room located at 619 South Main Street at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, February 29, 2016 the object and purpose of said meeting to be the following: 

            1.         Executive Session for Non-elected Personnel to Last One Hour.

____Jeff Taylor_______________________

 ____Doug Meyer______________________

____Bill Hlavachick____________________


            You are hereby notified that there will be a Special meeting of the Governing Body of the City of Pratt at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, February 29, 2016 in the City Commission Room located at 619 South Main Street, for the purpose of: 

            1.         Executive Session for Non-elected Personnel to Last One Hour 



__LuAnn Kramer_____________________
LuAnn Kramer, City Clerk 


            You are hereby directed to serve the above notice at once personally to each Commissioner or to leave it at his/her place of residence or business before 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 26, 2016.

Monday, February 15, 2016

02/01/2016-Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes


FEBRUARY 01, 2016 

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located at City Hall.
Lucus Kumberg            Mayor
Bill Hlavachick             Commissioner
Jeff Taylor                    Commissioner
Gary Skaggs                 Commissioner
Doug Meyer                 Commissioner

Dave Howard                City Manager
LuAnn Kramer             City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum        City Attorney
Diana Garten                Finance Director
Gary Myers                   Chief of Police
Russell Rambat             Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship         Building Inspector
Jamie Huber                 Dir. of Electric Utilities
The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Kumberg.  The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present. 
The Mayor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded.


Commissioner Taylor led the staff and audience in the invocation and Mayor Kumberg led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 18, 2016 regular Commission meeting.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.


a.      Motion to Approve Waiving the City’s Policy of Acquiring Multiple Quotes:

Director of Electric Utilities Huber reminded the Commission that there was an accident over the Thanksgiving holiday that did considerable damage to one of the bucket trucks.  Mr. Huber explained that we ended up having to hire a gentleman from Altec, Inc. to give us a quote to fix it.  Mr. Huber explained that EMC Insurance did not have anyone with experience with that type of vehicle.  Mr. Huber stated that Altec, Inc. told them that it would be costly to fix, which came out to be $66,534.18.  Mr. Huber commented that EMC came back to us with two options:  they would pay us $33,260 for the truck and keep it or they would pay us $28,740 and we could keep the truck.  Mr. Huber stated that he would recommend that we keep the truck and accept the $28,740 from EMC.  Mr. Huber added that the uses for the truck were limitless and the line guys would do the work 

Mr. Huber stated that they needed to look at replacing the truck and they had taken the specs from their current fleet.  Mr. Huber added that they had come up with a cost of $245,433.  Commissioner Taylor questioned if they had only gotten one bid.  Mr. Huber stated that that was correct, but most of our fleet was Altec.  Mr. Huber explained that there were other companies out there, but we wanted quality, warranty and service.  City Manager Howard commented that we did not officially bid it, but we just got one from Altec.  Mr. Huber added that he would like a motion from the Commission to waive the City’s policy requiring multiple quotes.  Commissioner Skaggs asked if we could remount the bomb from Altec, Inc.  Mr. Huber explained that this was a 2004 and we were looking at a heavier frame and that was not recommended by Altec.  Commissioner Skaggs asked how many miles the truck had on it.  Mr. Huber stated that there were not many miles, but hours were more important to look at.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned if the truck or the bed wear out first.  Mr. Huber stated that it was the truck and they recommend that you replace them every seven years.  

Commissioner Skaggs questioned how much had been budgeted for the truck.  Mr. Huber thought that it was around $125,000.  Mr. Howard added that it was not for this truck.  Mr. Huber explained that he was planning on going another four years.  Mr. Huber commented that they would be babying another one until we get this one, which would be about eight to ten months.  Commissioner Taylor questioned if they were not going to use the $125,000 on this truck.  Mr. Huber explained that they had gone out to all the banks to do a lease/purchase and that would give them time to build the fund so that they could purchase another new truck.  Commissioner Meyer questioned if they had looked at used trucks.  Mr. Huber stated that you do not know what the other companies had done to a truck and we take good care of ours.  Commissioner Meyer asked if other municipalities have theirs inspected every year.  Mr. Huber stated that individuals or contractors buy used ones and, when we get rid of one, it was usually worn out.  Mr. Howard stated that we had not had a major weather event that took out our power but, when or if that happens, you could regret having a used truck.  

Commissioner Skaggs questioned how much was building up in the reserves per year.  Mr. Huber commented that he thought it was $25,000 to $50,000 yearly.  Finance Director Garten reminded the Commission that the auditors wanted us to rebuild cash and this would build up over the next five years.  Commissioner Skaggs asked where the $58,000 yearly payment would come from.  Ms. Garten stated that it would come from the revenues off of the electric fund.  Commissioner Skaggs commented that they would have less money to purchase equipment.  Mayor Kumberg asked if all their purchases were new.  Mr. Huber stated that they had purchased a used dump truck, but all others were new.  Commissioner Meyer asked when the last new purchase was.  Mr. Huber stated that it was in 2007.  

After little more discussion, Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to waive the City’s policy on multiple bids.  Commissioner Skaggs added that he did not like to see us getting away from multiple bidding, but he understood staying with the same brand in this instance. Commissioner Meyer asked how long it takes to request bids.  Mr. Howard stated that we had done this before.  Commissioner Skaggs stated that we normally do not deal with a manufacturer.  Mr. Howard stated that this was not a product that was on a line.  Mr. Huber added that you could not go to a dealer and pick out a truck like this.  Commissioner Skaggs stated that there was no choice of other vendors for this brand; therefore, he repeated his motion to waive the City’s policy to multiple bids for the Altec, Inc. purchase.  Commissioner Taylor seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. 

b.     Motion to Approve the Purchase of the Bucket Truck from Altec, Inc. for $245,345 plus Applicable Sales Tax: 

Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to approve the purchase of the bucket truck from Altec Inc. for $245,345 plus applicable sales tax.  Commissioner Skaggs seconded the motion.  Commissioner Meyer stated that he realized that the staff needs to be safe, but he was not convinced that it had to be a new truck.  Commissioner Meyer commented that he had gotten online and $100,000 could buy a 2014 or 2015.  Mr. Howard stated that the trucks had been traded in for a reason and, when they were done, local tree trimmers or another department could use them but they were not safe for working with electricity.  Commissioner Skaggs stated that Commissioner Meyer had a good point; however, electricity involved dangerous situations.  Mr. Huber commented that this was not just a truck, but a tool.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned if there were out of the County communities that would help us in an emergency.  Mr. Howard stated that we were involved in the mutual aid program.  Commissioner Meyer asked how often they would use the truck.  Mr. Huber stated that they would use it every day.  With no more discussion, the motion and second passed with four approved votes and one no vote from Commissioner Meyer. 

c.      Motion to Accept the 5 year Lease/Purchase Agreement Through the First National Bank for an Annual Payment of $58,274.38: 

Commissioner Skaggs commented that the bids from the banks were close.  Commissioner Meyer questioned if the $4.00 difference really mattered.  Ms. Garten stated that it did not matter and added that we do business with all three banks.  Ms. Garten explained that First National Bank had the lease/purchase for the fire truck and there was no cost to us to draw up the papers.  Commissioner Meyer asked how the lease/purchase worked with the bank.  Ms. Garten stated that they hold the title until it was paid off.  Commissioner Meyer made a motion to accept the five year lease/purchase agreement through the First National Bank for an annual payment under the bank’s terms.  Commissioner Hlavachick seconded the motion.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned if we could split the lease/purchase amongst the three banks.  Ms. Garten stated that it would be hard for three banks to hold the title.  The motion and second passed unanimously.


City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that Ms. Pam Howell had been present at the last meeting to discuss Pratt Area Humane Society matters.  Mr. Van Blaricum commented that we had decided to make a couple of changes to the agreement and pointed out that the City would pay the Humane Society $3,000 per month and continue to credit them a $6,000 utility allowance.  Mr. Van Blaricum stated that #10m under terms, stated that the Humane Society could collect the fees required by the Municipal Code and #11 stated that they were to give a statement to the Chief of Police showing the number of animals received the previous month.  Mr. Van Blaricum explained that #12 was new and stated that they would provide monthly financial information to the City Clerk by the 15th of the month, #13 was concerning feral cats and #14 was added so that the Humane Society would not charge the City for any animals housed in connection with Municipal Court litigations.

Mr. Van Blaricum stated that the agreement terminates at the end of the year.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned what the amount of the fees collected were for a year.  Mr. Howard stated that it was not substantial.  Mayor Kumberg questioned if we write them a check each month.  Ms. Garten stated that we did.  Mayor Kumberg suggested that we not give them that check until the City Clerk received the financial information each month.  Mr. Van Blaricum added that the contract starts as of February 1st.  Commissioner Meyer made a motion to approve the Pratt Area Humane Society agreement for 2016 as presented by the City Attorney.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.


·        Luca:

Mr. Luca Matei stated that he had a neighbor that he was having issues with and it involved his dog’s feces.  Mr. Matei commented that the neighbor had pushed feces up to his front door and Officer McAbee had told him that it was between the neighbors.  Commissioner Skaggs asked if he had witnessed the neighbor doing this.  Mr. Matei stated that he had not; however, he was the only one with a dog.  Police Chief Myers questioned if Mr. Matei restricted owners from having pets.  Mr. Matei stated that he did not.

Mr. Matei then addressed the Commission concerning a tenant that tried to punch him through his door on December 12, 2015 and the police charged him with battery.  Mr. Matei stated that he was convicted of battery and given six months probation and a fine.  Mr. Matei commented that this was under the discretion of Mr. Van Blaricum and he was stating this for the record.  Commissioner Taylor interrupted Mr. Matei stating that we were not Municipal Court and the Commission could not do anything about action already taken in a court of law.  Commissioner Taylor asked that Mr. Matei sit down.


City Attorney:

·        Mr. Matei’s incident:

City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that he wanted to enlighten the Commission on Mr. Matei’s matter.  Mr. Van Blaricum explained that Mr. Matei had slammed the door and caught the person’s hand in the door causing injury.  Mr. Van Blaricum commented that charges were filed and there was a trial with a judge from out of town upon the request from Mr. Matei.  Mr. Van Blaricum added that Mr. Matei did not think that Judge Eisenhauer was fair.  Mr. Van Blaricum stated that this took half a day and Mr. Matei was convicted.  Mayor Kumberg questioned how much it costs to bring in a different judge.  Mr. Van Blaricum stated that it was not cheap, but she had done a good job.  Mayor Kumberg commented that he requested there be another judge and it had not had the outcome he wanted.  Mr. Van Blaricum stated that we could not let him bully us.

Public Works:

·        Temporary Entrance to Wal-Mart: 

Public Works Director Rambat stated that the street department had finished the temporary entrance to Wal-Mart last week and it was coned off, but ready to go into operation when Smoky Hill starts on South Fincham Street.  Mr. Rambat commented that he had visited with Smoky Hill and they should be moving in sometime this week, weather permitting.  Mayor Kumberg questioned if they expected issues with larger trucks.  Mr. Rambat stated that there would be a sign in the center of the entrance that they would have to run over to get in and two to the west as you come into the project.  Mr. Rambat added that he had visited with KDOT concerning borrowing their text board.  Mr. Howard stated that he would be visiting with Police Chief Myers about truck traffic.  Mr. Howard added that this should be a thirty to thirty-five day project and the goal was to get in and get done.  Mr. Rambat stated that there would be visual and physical barriers to deter the trucks from coming in.  Mr. Rambat stated that Mr. Scott Mullens with KDOT was going to get on Facebook where there was a network for truckers and advise them of the project. 

Inspection Department:

·             South Main Street building:

Commissioner Skaggs commented that his favorite building by Woody’s did not have a cover on the front of the building.  Building Inspector Blankenship stated that his forty-five days were up Sunday, so he would be getting with Mr. Van Blaricum.

Electric Department:

·        Hospital generator:

Director of Electric Utilities Huber informed the Commission that he had received a call from Decker Electric letting him know that they had cut over to our service.  Mr. Huber stated that we were also able to go in and get the transformer out.

Finance Department:

·        Sales Tax:

Finance Director Garten stated that January sales tax continues to show a decline and it was down about $24,000 from last January.

Mayor and Commission:
·        Good to be in Pratt:

Commissioner Skaggs commented that you do not realize how good it was to be in Pratt until you leave.  Commissioner Skaggs stated that we were fortunate to have our little oasis with hotels and restaurants.

Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.



Friday, February 12, 2016

02/15/16-City Commission Meeting Agenda


FEBRUARY 15, 2016 



1.      CALL TO ORDER (Remind audience that meeting is being recorded and/or taped.
2.      ROLL CALL
4.      MINUTES February 01, 2016 (Regular Commission meeting)  
5.      BUSINESS:
5.1          Reading of the Proclamation Proclaiming February 2016 as Girl Scout Cookie Month – Lucus Kumberg, Mayor
5.2          Consideration and Approval of Low Bid for a New Police Vehicle – Gary Myers, Police Chief
6.      OPEN AGENDA (City Matters Only)(3 Minute Time Limit)
7.      REPORTS:

7.1             City Manager
7.2             City Attorney
7.3             Department Superintendents
7.4             Mayor
7.5             City Commission
8.      RECESS – Until March 7, 2016 for the City/County meeting at 11 a.m. at City Hall

Monday, February 1, 2016

01/18/2016-Approved City Commission Meeting Minutes


JANUARY 18, 2016

The Governing Body of the City of Pratt met in Regular session in the Commission Room located in City Hall.
Lucus Kumberg           Mayor
Bill Hlavachick            Commissioner
Jeff Taylor                    Commissioner
Gary Skaggs                 Commissioner
Doug Meyer                 Commissioner
Dave Howard                City Manager
LuAnn Kramer             City Clerk
Ken Van Blaricum        City Attorney  
Diana Garten                Finance Director
Gary Myers                   Chief of Police
Russell Rambat             Public Works Director
Brad Blankenship         Building Inspector       
Bruce Pinkall                Recreation Director

The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Kumberg.  The Mayor instructed the Clerk to note that all Commissioners were present. 

The Mayor reminded the audience that this meeting may be taped and/or recorded. 


Commissioner Taylor led the staff and audience in the invocation and Mayor Kumberg led the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Commissioner Meyer made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 04, 2016 recessed Joint City/County Commission meeting and the January 04, 2016 regular Commission meeting.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.   



Mr. Jason Winkel stated that the Pratt Disc Golf Club would be having one of their tournaments on February 20th and would like to use Lemon Park, Sixth Street Park and Graves Park for three days.  Mr. Winkel explained that they would be setting up the day before the tournament and cleaning up the day after.  Mr. Winkel requested trash receptacles be placed in the park, which would help with any trash issues.  Mr. Winkel stated that they would be putting up “Caution” signs so that walkers would know that there would be discs being thrown.  Mr. Winkel explained that they would like to expand the food donations to the entire community and attempt to double their monetary donations.  Mr. Winkel commented that they would like to put a flyer in the City bills and that would help get everybody involved for a good cause. 

Commissioner Skaggs questioned why they give their proceeds to Pass It Forward and not the Food Bank.  Mr. Winkel stated that they had donated to them in the past years and did not want to take that away from someone they had been working with.  Commissioner Skaggs asked if they had that kind of staff.  Mr. Winkel commented that they usually just give them a call and they come and pick it up.  Commissioner Skaggs stated that the Food Bank had rules and the facility to control it.  Commissioner Taylor commented that Pass It Forward does not turn anyone down and it was for the needy, so they did not ask and did not care.  Commissioner Taylor added that they probably handle the food the same way.  Commissioner Hlavachick stated that he did not know that they did that much with food.
Commissioner Skaggs questioned if Mr. Winkel was a member of the Kansas Disc Golf Association.  Mr. Winkel stated that he was, but he was not a member of the national group.  Mr. Winkel explained that people love Lemon Park and they had forty-three people in the tournament last year.  Commissioner Skaggs asked if they set up eighteen holes in each park.  Mr. Winkel stated that they did and they move the baskets from May Dennis to Lemon Park.  Mayor Kumberg questioned if they had baskets in Lemon’s.  Mr. Winkel stated that they had the permanent pin placements.  Commissioner Meyer questioned how bad the weather had to be to call if off.  Mr. Winkel stated that they do not call it off.  Mr. Winkel added that these were die hard players and doing it for a good cause. 

Mr. Winkel requested that the Commission consider approving the use of May Dennis Park for the Hot and Cold tournament on May 21st as well.  After little more discussion, Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve the Pratt Disc Golf Club to use Lemon Park, Sixth Street Park and Graves Park for their disc golf tournament on February 20th and May Dennis Park on May 21st.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried unanimously. 

·        List of improvements to May Dennis: 

Mr. Winkel stated that he had a wish list for May Dennis and one was the maintenance on the parking lot.  Mr. Winkel commented that it was muddy constantly and the water flows off of Simpson Street ending up in the parking lot.  Public Works Director Rambat stated that they knew about that and he had visited with Street Superintendent Sinclair about cutting the drainage where it all comes together to the east.  Mr. Rambat stated that they would look at doing that when there were some millings available.  Mr. Rambat added that the temperature was not warm enough now, but they could go in with a load of gravel or rock.  City Manager Howard commented that we could do that this year and build the base and do the millings later.   

Mayor Kumberg questioned if we could use some of the old trash receptacles from the Main Street project down at May Dennis.  Mr. Howard stated that we could.  Mr. Rambat commented that some of those were in bad shape, but they could haul some of them back in and look at them.  Mr. Winkel stated that that would help since they were continually picking up trash. 

Mr. Winkel asked where the City was on getting some benches on the disc golf course.  Mayor Kumberg questioned what else we use May Dennis for.  Recreation Director Pinkall stated that they had moved soccer to the Sports Complex and they do not schedule any practices there either.  Mr. Pinkall commented that there were people that hit golf balls and play catch with their dogs.  Mayor Kumberg asked about changing the name to May Dennis Golf Park.  Mr. Pinkall stated that the park was memorialized for Mr. Carl Carlson, who played soccer with the school kids.  Mr. Pinkall added that it would be fine to change the name if they memorialize Mr. Carlson somehow.  Mayor Kumberg stated that we could work on that since the park was not used for much except frisbee golf.   

Mr. Winkel stated that he was working on the layout of the park by adding tee pads and pin placements.  Mayor Kumberg commented that we would take this list and do things that were crucial for the May tournament and then talk about it at budget.  Mayor Kumberg added that that would be the best time to come up with a plan.  Mr. Winkel stated that that would be great and they did not need to get it done tomorrow.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned who owned the baskets.  Mr. Winkel stated that he thought that the City did.  Commissioner Skaggs asked about padlocks.  Mr. Winkel explained that there was an ear at the bottom of the baskets and you put a padlock on it so that it could not be stolen.  Mr. Winkel commented that the padlocks had been on since the baskets were put in and it was hard to get them locked and unlocked when they use them at Lemon Park.  Commissioner Skaggs stated that that was a good investment.   

Mr. Winkel asked if he could have access to the bathrooms and the storage unit to store tournament stuff like tables, chairs and signage.  Mr. Winkel commented that he had heard that the storage unit was easy to get into, but he would build barbed doors on the inside, which he had done at the landfill and there had not been any more problems.  Mr. Pinkall stated that he did not store anything in there for the recreation department.  Mr. Howard stated that they would look at that tomorrow and see what was in there.  Commissioner Taylor asked if the restrooms worked at May Dennis.  Mr. Pinkall stated that there was one unisex bathroom available.  Mr. Winkel stated that he would not have to call Park Superintendent Eckhoff if he had access to a key.  Mayor Kumberg stated that they could hold a key at City Hall.  Commissioner Skaggs stated that he felt that City staff could address the list of items and most could be done in-house and should not be that expensive. 

Mr. Winkel stated that they had gotten money from the Chamber to make T-signs and he had made twenty-two of the signs.  Mr. Winkel commented that he would be moving them further away from the pad and down slightly so that people would not be hitting them.  Mr. Howard clarified that they had received money from Tourism.  Mr. Winkel explained that he would like to put the layout map on the kiosk on hole one and that was also paid for.  Mr. Winkel stated that they had enough funds to also buy new T-pads and the volunteers would be pouring them and be done by the May 21st tournament.  Mr. Winkel informed the Commission that they would be doing a monthly clean-up at the park also.  Mayor Kumberg thanked Mr. Winkel and the club for their hard work and bringing people to Pratt.  Mr. Winkel commented that they had scheduled the Hot and Cold Tournament a little early so that they might be able to have a third tournament. 


City Manager Howard stated that he had met with Public Works Director Rambat, Recreation Director Pinkall and Mr. Winkel last week to talk about the clean-up.  Mr. Howard commented that they had focused on the hazardous waste and thought that we should do it first.  Mr. Winkel stated that the biggest concern would be the unknown and how expensive that could be to get rid of it.  Mr. Winkel added that the cost of the clean-up day was also a concern.  Mr. Winkel commented that the Recycling Center was not profitable and asked that the City help pay for the large amount that would be brought in.  Mr. Winkel stated that oil base paint was $12 per gallon and could get expensive.  Mr. Winkel added that, if we did not do this, it could be going in the lake or down the drain, so we needed to do something.  Mayor Kumberg questioned if KDHE would help with disposal costs.  Mr. Winkel stated that he would have to research that.  

Mr. Winkel proposed that the Recycling Center be shut down for that day and we only take household waste and stay away from the unknowns.  Mr. Howard stated that we would have some employees there to help.  Mr. Winkel commented that they had three employees trained for HHW and could help identify what the customers bring in and help get it out of their vehicle.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned if we were going to do just one day for HHW.  Mr. Winkel stated that they were.  Commissioner Meyer stated that he did some research and there were about twenty communities that have City wide clean-ups and they do not take hazardous wastes.  Mr. Howard stated that we were going to limit it to household waste.  Public Works Director Rambat suggested that it should have to have a label on it and be in the original container.  Commissioner Skaggs questioned if they would take dried up oil based paint.  Mr. Winkel stated that they take wet latex paint.  

Mr. Howard stated that we would advertise a month before hand and add what you can bring for disposal.  Commissioner Taylor questioned if this was the way we wanted to go.  Mr. Howard stated that the main concern was the hazardous waste.  Commissioner Taylor commented that we did not want to put any undue pressure on anyone.  Mr. Howard explained that people could bring stuff to the bins or, if they can get it in a pick-up, go ahead and take it to the landfill.  Mr. Howard added that we could not open every box, so we could still end up with hazardous material at the landfill.  Commissioner Hlavachick asked if they take whatever comes to them.  Mr. Winkel stated that it was hard to turn it away.  Mr. Howard stated that this was where the unknown cost comes in.  Mayor Kumberg commented that we should be able to eliminate most of the unknown with the correct advertising and letting people know that it has to be in the original container and labeled.  Commissioner Meyer asked if there had been any discussion on how to coordinate volunteers.  Mr. Howard stated that Recreation Director Pinkall would be getting that set-up with different civic clubs and churches.  Mr. Howard added that it would be coordinated before that day.  Mayor Kumberg questioned if Mr. Winkel could imagine an estimated cost.  Mr. Winkel stated that 2,000 pounds was the maximum they could get rid of at a time and the cost could be from $7,000 to $12,000 roughly.  Mr. Winkel added that he would have Clean Harbor come down. 

Mr. Howard commented that they had talked about regulating it to Pratt County.  Mr. Winkel stated that the people in the City could show their City bill for proof that they live in the City.  Mr. Howard stated that this would be a topic that they talk about again at the City/County joint meeting in March. 


Ms. Pam Howell, PAHS Board member, stated that they would like to have permission to use Lemon Park on May 21st to hold the 4th Annual Color Run race.  Ms. Howell stated that the route would be the same as past years and there had not been any problems.  Ms. Howell added that they start at 10:00 a.m. and finish around 1:00 p.m.  Ms. Howell commented that this was a good fund raiser for the Humane Society.  Commissioner Taylor asked if this was going to conflict with the Disc Golf Tournament the same day.  Ms. Howell stated that she had visited with Mr. Winkel and they had talked about joint advertising.  Commissioner Meyer questioned if they needed any barricades.  Ms. Howell stated that they did not, but they would be notifying the police department and have caution signs out to watch for runners.  Commissioner Taylor made a motion to approve the PAHS Color Me Fun Run route on May 21st at Lemon Park.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried unanimously. 


Ms. Howell stated that she had received an email stating that the Commission wanted to see the financials for the Humane Society.  Ms. Howell commented that Ms. Roxana Prater does their books and there were some corrections that made it look like they had made more than they did.  Commissioner Skaggs stated that $4,000 in adoption fees was good.  Commissioner Skaggs commented that the SNAP program should help keep animals out of the shelter.  Commissioner Meyer commented that $46,000 in donations was a pretty big figure and asked if this was from individuals.  Ms. Howell stated that it was two sizeable donations.  Commissioner Skaggs asked if they normally get that much in a year’s time.  Ms. Howell stated that it was not normal. 

Commissioner Skaggs stated that it looked like they were doing a good job and the Commission was trying to be accountable for our money and to make sure that the Humane Society was accountable as well.  Ms. Howell stated that they really did not make that much and the $18,000 donation was not typical and they got two.  Ms. Howell explained that they would use that money to finish the building, put up a fence and make capital improvements.  Mayor Kumberg questioned if the City would be guaranteed that any additional funds would not go to renovations.  Ms. Howell stated that they could absolutely be assured that it would go for payroll.  Ms. Howell commented that people give donations to the Humane Society to do capital improvements, as well as doing fund raisers, because they do not expect the City to pay for that.   

City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that Ms. Howell had indicated that any increase in funds would be applied to payroll.  Ms. Howell stated that that was correct and they needed to have a competitive payroll.  Ms. Howell added that they had one employee that gets health benefits and the others get minimum wage.  Mayor Kumberg commented that the last raise was in 2012 and he did not have a problem with an adjustment to the contract.  Mayor Kumberg added that he would like to have the stipulation added that it would be used for operational purposes.  Commissioner Taylor stated that there had been a picture of a pit bull in the paper the day after they had come in to ask for more money and he wished that the article had stated that pit bulls were not allowed in the City.  Commissioner Taylor wanted assurance that they were not being put back into the City.  Ms. Howell stated that they knew that and that it applies to any bully breed.  Ms. Howell stated that they did not discriminate any breed, but they would not adopt into a jurisdiction with an ordinance to prevent a breed being there.   

Commissioner Skaggs asked if she was the only vet that works with the Humane Society.  Ms. Howell stated that she was not and she probably worked less than the others.  City Manager Howard stated that the City did not have any problems with them taking dogs out there and they worked well with us.  Commissioner Skaggs commented that their income was precarious with gifts, grants and donations that may not always come.  Ms. Howell stated that they wanted to prevent a payroll shortfall.  Commissioner Skaggs made a motion to approve the request for $500 additional funds monthly for the Pratt Area Humane Society.  Commissioner Hlavachick seconded the motion and it passed with four approved votes and one no vote by Commissioner Taylor.   

Ms. Howell questioned if we had discussed the funds for holding an animal for a criminal case.  City Attorney Van Blaricum commented that he had some thoughts about that and he felt that there should not be any charges for those animals considering the amount of money that the City was giving the Humane Society monthly.  Ms. Howell stated that that was fine.  Mayor Kumberg commented that they had maybe one a year.  Ms. Howell asked about presenting monthly financials.  Mayor Kumberg stated that we would not require that, but would like it if it was asked for.  Commissioner Skaggs asked that the Commission have it before the budget in July.  Mayor Kumberg suggested aligning the contract renewal with the budget.  Ms. Howell stated that she could do that. 


Public Works Director Rambat stated that Ms. Lori Jones and Ms. Tonya Mantey had been on the board for a few years and were interested in any projects they had.  Mr. Rambat commented that they do not meet over the winter, but they both participate well.  Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to re-appoint Ms. Lori Jones and Ms. Tonya Mantey to the cemetery board.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously. 


No one in the audience wished to address the Commission on City matters.


City Manager: 

·        Lunch with Secretary of Transportation: 

City Manager Howard stated that he was able to have lunch with Secretary of Transportation Mike King and they were joined by Mayor Kumberg and County Commissioner Borho.  Mr. Howard commented that it was a good discussion. 

·        South Fincham Street project: 

Mr. Howard stated that there was a meeting Thursday with Smoky Hill on the South Fincham Street project and they would be setting a timeline.  Mr. Howard explained that they had worked out things with Wal-Mart.  Commissioner Meyer asked about how long the project would last.  Mr. Howard stated that they would talk about that at the meeting. 

City Attorney: 

·        Property on Maple Street: 

City Attorney Van Blaricum stated that he had been working on a resolution to clean-up the property on Maple Street; however, he had visited with someone who knew the person living there and they were going to see about getting it cleaned up.  Mr. Van Blaricum commented that it was progressing and we had saved some time and trouble with patience and conversation. 

·        DeVault property: 

Mr. Van Blaricum stated that the contract for the Dace DeVault property had been signed by all but one owner and that should be done tomorrow.  Mr. Van Blaricum added that the City would own the property after everyone had signed it. 

Public Works: 

·        South Main project: 

Public Works Director Rambat stated that he had met with EBH Engineering on the mill and overlay project on South Main Street.  Mr. Rambat commented that they would get that finished out and sent to KDOT for their review. 

·        Street and Water Department updates: 

Mr. Rambat stated that the street department had been working on street sealing and the water department had been working on water leaks.  Mayor Kumberg questioned if we had had any weirdness due to the earthquakes.  Mr. Rambat stated that we had not had anything yet, but some of the water mains were old and it could happen. 

Recreation Department: 

·        Downtown update: 

Recreation Director Pinkall stated that there had been some activity on Main Street and they would be tying up things in the next couple of days.  Mr. Pinkall explained that they would or will be replacing concrete and a couple of panels.  Mr. Pinkall informed the Commission that they would also be fixing the planters that had damage while working on the irrigation system.  Mr. Pinkall stated that the project would be suspended until spring after these things were done. 

Police Department: 

·        Activity report: 

Police Chief Myers stated that he had addressed the problem with the activity reports being hit and miss.  Chief Myers explained that they had a new staff member, but the problem was taken care of.   

·        Bike Ordinance: 

Commissioner Meyer asked if the bike ordinance had been helpful.  Chief Myers stated that they would have to wait until it warms up to see if it would help or not. 

Mayor and Commission: 

·        LEC Committee meeting: 

Mayor Kumberg stated that he had attended the LEC Committee meeting and there had been a couple of things come up about the agreement.  Mayor Kumberg explained that there were some things taken out of the City’s responsibility.  City Attorney Van Blaricum added that this was an educational process and there had been some questions that no one knew the answers to.

Commissioner Hlavachick made a motion to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skaggs and carried unanimously.
